Sunday, May 9, 2010

6PM, 05/09/10

Keep on keepin' on.


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Margo said...

I forgot about the new post - I had a great day :)

::wondering if CK's dog can figure out my IP address::

KaytieJ said...

Margaret: Not unless you are a Rat or Badger, which I highly doubt :-D
Also, your Mother's Day Poster is so sweet. I scrolled down and read the rest. Your post of Who Am I was very touching. Happy Mother's Day.

Mulie - I have had a wonderful day - thank you and it sounds that you are having one, too. I have been taking pics of my flowers outside and inside. Wanted to let you know, my tall, thin, beautiful white with a hint of violet orchid is about ready to burst open. Made me think of you. ((()))

Margo said...

Thanks Kaytie. I hope you are feeling better and had a great Mother's Day!

I'm not ready for the weekend to be over :(

KaytieJ said...

I'm not either Margaret :( So gorgeous out and keep dragging things out of the house for donation, and flowers back in - starting to look like a plant sale in here - and in between checking Daisy - LOL!

Angie said...

I'm watching Hillary Clinton on 60 minutes. I think she's doing a terrific job as SOS. She's been to over 50 countries in the last 16 months. Holy jetlag!

Anonymous said...

I'm watching House Hunters, and scoffing at the Chicago couple that are buying a house in Wrigleyville for 450k with no parking or yard. They should move to the sticks like I did! I can't *imagine not having my yard. We just spent the afternoon planting, weeding, and prettifying the front and back...and if I want to go to the city, I can take the train and be there in under 60 minutes!

Anonymous said...

I would *love to have dinner with Hilary Clinton, SW. I actually think she is a warm, personable person, and the media has made her to be a stone cold bitch.

Angie said...

$450 K is a lot. How big is the house?

Angie said...

Bella, the media likes to do that with strong smart powerful women. And I've definitely love to be at the HRC dinner party!

Angie said...

In about 2005-06, way before the election started, I ordered a "Hillary 2008" bumper sticker and put it on my car. Boy, did that generate a lot of discussion. And a little road rage.

Anonymous said...

SW, the house was 1400 sq ft. I can't imagine paying that, and then on top of it city taxes! Ugh!

I was torn between Barack and Hilary. I still have my Obama '08 sticker on my car. I can *imagine the flak you got with a HRC sticker on yours, where you live!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! They bought the worst house of the three!

Angie said...

Well, I covered Hillary over with Obama in 2008, and that caused even *more road rage! I've had cars speed by me on the interstate and then get in front of me and slam on their brakes. Obama's still on there, but I'm thinking about covering him over with the black democratic gubernatorial candidate, Artur Davis. That won't make my car more popular with most people.

Oh, and I voted for Hillary in the primary. I had started to like O more, but I felt loyal to her and I wanted to vote for a woman for president.

Anonymous said...

If she would have ran against anyone but Obama, she would have had my vote. I worked for his campaign office in Baltimore, and did canvassing and all that jazz, it was a lot of fun. I also saw him speak in Delaware, and even though many think that he's a slick politician, I really felt like he meant what he said, so I ran with it.

Liberal political stickers around here don't make people bat an eye. I'd probably get some road rage if I slapped a Palin '12 one on, though!

Anonymous said...

Totally OT: Has anyone had Korean BBQ before? It looks like a meat fest. Is it any good? I'm thinking of treating Jay to a dinner out soon.

Erin said...

Evening. I spent the day gardening and eating. My husband made eggs benedict for breakfast, scallop salad for lunch, and lobster and shrimp linguini with cramy tomato sauce for dinner. Yum. I *did probably work all those calories off, but there is no doubt I will be unable to move tomorrow! It is nice to be spoiled once in a while.

Angie said...

Wow, Erin! Your husband is quite a chef! That sounds delish.

Erin said...

It was! And I thought of you SW, because a BUG flew into my ear, and my hands were all mulchy and I couldn't get it. I had to have him do it. I figure it was my payback for the roaches in the ear story that gave you the heart attack!

Angie said...

Hahaha! Karma's a bitch, Erin!

Anonymous said...

Erin, your food today sounds delicious! I'm going out for some pho in just a few.

Ozzy made a poop in the kitchen for my mother's day gift this afternoon...what a big boy, he made it all by himself! UGH! He needs to stop eating trash.

Shannon said...

Oh it has been a nice day today....gonna have me some delectable cookies soon YUM!!! Momma needs a sweet fix and they will be pretty healthy too :)

Here's to hopin everyone else had a better day then EL...bugs in ears are no good at all :)

Shannon said...

Ya know Bella if you guys would just make him some more bread he could vomit instead of poop for you.

Erin said...

Ozzy just felt bad that up until then he had forgotten to get you anything!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Shannon, that he could. What the peabrain does not know is that I buy him Castor and Pollux food which is better than what I eat, yet he can't stop eating Kleenex and QTips!

Erin said...

Shannon- the bug was the only bad part. Well, that and the fact that there is no way in hell I can go to be at 6pm like I wanted to!

Shannon said...

I would really hate the bug part...the rest of it sounds fab

Shannon said...

damn blogger quit eating my posts

PJ said...

CKanine reporting for duty.


KaytieJ said...

EL - Ugh! To bug in your ear! Glad you got it out! I was body deep in the lilacs, and had bumble bees buzzing all around me, but none in my ear, thank goodness!

Shannon said...

I have a damn fly that is trapped in my box window that is having fun avoiding me like mad and buzzing like a mo fo.

Oh the joys of spring.

PJ said...

Human mama had a very sweet Mothers Day. Human papa is cleaning up while mama checks in with her daisies.

I can smell you all - don't think I can't. You cannot hide from me.

KaytieJ said...

Bella - OY! What a gift! Is he into toilet paper rolls, too? Our xolo was for a bit and it was a PITA, literally, to have the TP way up high!

Shannon said...

LOL CK is sniffing out the Daisies.

PJ said...

sniff, sniff, sniff...

mmmmmm, you all smell very good. Fragrant and gentle, yet powerful.

PJ said...

I do that on occasion for my mama. Just to see if she really does love me as much as she says she does.

PJ said...

Interesting article on that human phenomenon of Mommy Blogging.

Dogs, we don't blog.

Amy said...

Chocolate, I smell chocolate...I'm getting prunes and denture cream...

name that movie

PJ said...

::raises paw as high as he can for a dachshund::

I know I know. I love this movie cause there are dogs in it. And squirrels (or was it balls?)

PJ said...

...let me see....

I say it often to my mama.....

Cause I'm pretty short. But I'm short and long.

PJ said...

A study in irony, isn't it. Short and long....

Amy said...

Both, CKanine! You are correct! :) I love that movie. I hope your person has been good to herself today, and enjoyed her time with family...

PJ said...

A paradox (or is that a pair of Dachs)?

Amy said...

Short and long...hmmm. I think we might be going into vile territory with this kind of talk. Do you need a doggy time out?

Amy said...

pair of Dachs...nice!

PJ said...

Miss Amy,
Mama wants to know how your day was. Her's was lovely.

Muliebrity said...

Margaret, Did you see my question about the dragonfly pendant?

PJ said...

Mulie - mama is so VERY glad that blogger caught the culprit. If I'd been given the opportunity, I'd have been right on their scent.

Amy said...

Let your Mama know that aside from still feeling under the weather, it was a very nice day, although busy. The short ones were wiped out and are sleeping soundly now.

PJ said...

Must run.. mama just got out the cheetos.

PJ said...

Give those short ones a big fat wet doggie kiss from me.

PJ said...

You can have one too, Amy. Dog saliva contains lysozyme, an enzyme that lyses and destroys harmful bacteria. This means the enzyme attaches to the bacterial cell wall – particularly gram-positive bacteria – and weakens it, leading to rupture.

Amy said...

Good to know! We do not have a doggie here, so I was unaware of the health benefits of this pet. I'm out for the night, too. Stay vile all, and I hope everyone's day has been filled with gardening, good food, family, and love (with a dash of vileness thrown in).

kristin said...

Hey ladies -

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy mother's day! I hope everyone was spoiled or did something special for themselves.

I spent the day at my mom's with the family. It was great! Mom was creative and got me a card from LM that had a little boy and a monkey in a crib and in the inside it said, Happy mother's day from me and my brother - and brother was scratched out to read me and my brudder! Good times!

I don't know what has been going on - spent all day yesterday at the beach and had such a great time and today was spent with family!

I hope everyone is doing well!

and Happy Mom's day to all the mom's - to 2 legged or 4 legged - or 8 legged :) or no legged!

KaytieJ said...

KRISTIN! Happy Mother's Day to you! So glad to see you! That is so cute about your card-it's a keepsake for sure! ((()))

KaytieJ said...

Oh! I am laughing out loud at myself - one of the gifts my son gave me was a $10.00 iTunes card and I bought one of my favorite movies with it for 9.99. Only thing is, it will take 22 hours to download, before that time, I am sure it will be a FAIL. Serves me right for being greedy and grabbing a movie and not a song! LOL!

Lisa said...

Hey, all! Been a busy-only-not-day here. Company, a movie, a slight nap-ish kind of thing,good kind of day.

Kristin, it's awfully good to see you and what a cute card!

Mulie, I'm sorry you're still feeling sort of puny.

I'm pleased to see how terribly polite CKanine is. Do you beat him about the ears, CK?

Karen, just let it load. You should be able to watch it Wednesday.

Nilia said...

I hope everyone had a very lovely Mother's Day! I certainly did, got to sleep in, my boys accompanied me for several hours while I shopped (hey, it's MY day), took me to a new place for lunch, then we visited the 2 grandmas. Low-key, low-stress and wonderful.

Thoughts today to those missing their mothers or their children.

Muliebrity said...

AP, Is your mom interested in audio books aka books on tape? I have a whole mess of them here and would gladly send if some if she is interested.

KaytieJ said...

AP: PHHHTTTh....It is me Kaytie, still trying to load this damn favorite movie :-D And Wednesday it may be.

Hey All! I finally found my way to the BK Q site...Hilarious!!! Loved that you had your huband posting to it as well, but oh my! Shocking! Be sure to send out your give away ;-D

Lisa said...

Crap...Kaytie, sorry. I'm tired. :-/

Mulie, thank you *so much but I don't think she'd use them. She's a stubborn thing.

Lisa said...

Posts are slow tonight so I hope no one minds, but I'm going to head to bed and will put up a new one at noon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Daisies!! Chris has a small here it is:

AP and KayJ, God if only they were men, and single, and I wasn't crippled because crippled lovin' bites. I *love them, the end. Oh and SW. And Margaret. And Mules. God I am the worst gay ever, all I can
think about right now is all the women I adore. Y'all don't tell.

Secondly.........BELLA I would like to thank you for providing fodder for jokes for the next 29 infinities via the phrase "meat fest".

That concludes his "PSA" and also tells me that I probably need to explain to him what the "PS" means.

I really hope everyone had a great mothers day, and if you look at my Twitter feed (if you want to feel totally douchetastic in 10 seconds flat, simply use the term "my twitter feed") which is you can see 2 of the 3 charms that were mine and Chris' gifts to mom & I have already mentioned today, Margaret did an amazing job AND she got them to us in plenty of time even tho I didn't even ask her about them until the week OF mothers day!

I went to see my doctor Friday about this hellish schedule I've been keeping. He knew that Chris' night time difficulties were now MY difficulties, as he gets up multiple times in the night because his posturing is SO bad and uncontrollable and laying down is the hardest position for him physically yet the only one he can sleep in.

Anyway the doc said his best idea was to prescribe me a sleep aid, which I will only take on the 2-3 nights out of 7 that I am not with Chris. And really use those couple nights to rest up my body, so I have the stamina to NOT rest on the 4-5 nights that I do spend at Chris'.

So my hubs is with Chris tonight..........I figure, why not try this? So about 90mims ago (12:30am) I took the prescription the doc gave me, a 10mg ambian.

And right now I'm literally elbow deep in a box of lucky charms, watching the duggar's.

Not sure about this "plan". But finding snacking is immensely enjoyable at this moment. IMMENSELY!

Wait, a commercial is on for the "slap chop". Did the ambian make me stoned or did they actually do a "remix" of this linguini-martini-bikini assclown??? Please say I'm just "Suburban Stoned"......

Erin said...

Uh oh. Someone's been TWOA (Typing While On Ambien!)

I am so furious I could scream.
We had 'Donuts with Dad' on friday, a flower sale, and a teacher appreciation week lunch to set up. I had to get up early. I forgot to reset my alarm, and cheated myself out of an hour and a half of sleep. Grrr.

Margo said...

Good morning pot heads.

Mulie - the dragonfly is from a stained glass kit. I'll e-mail you a larger picture of it.

I hope everyone has a good day!

PJ said...

Good morning all.

Got to sleep with my mama and papa last night. Snuggle snuggle....

Mama is at work all day and then moving my human sister out of her dorm tonight. She asked me to let you know she'll be checking in later.

Carry on....

bow wow...

twirldawg said...

Good morning.

Trudy said...

Good Morning. Hope everyone has a great day!

KaytieJ said...

Good Morning Daisies!
Elisabeth - 10 mg? Yowza! Haven't tried it, but the stories I hear, take the med and go to bed. ((()))

EL - Ugh! To missing out on the sleep!

I fell asleep last night and forgot to log out of Daisy. So I have already used up my 3 hours according to the Cyber Police :-D

Erin said...

Kaytie- I never log out... My name is Erin and I am an internets addict.

Trudy- Thank you again for the bracelet and key chain!

Jill- do you have finals this week?

twirldawg said...

Erin finals for seniors start Thursday.

Angie said...

Morning all! Hope everyone has a happy Monday, or at least survives it.

Kristin, it was great to see you checking in last night! We miss you so much. I’m glad you had a good Mother’s Day.

Kaytie, I’m up to speed on Kagan now, and LOVE her! Terrific choice! A+++ AND, she’s only 50, which, despite what some small minded orchids think, is incredibly young!

What movie did you download Kaytie, and did it go through yet?

KaytieJ said...

Final Count Down! WooHoo Jill!
Trudy - How are you doing today?

I am waiting for post office to open to get my mail and so excited to see the Daisy Auction bracelets!

tumbleweedgirl said...


have you picked a picture yet? i want to make sure i don't miss it!

KaytieJ said...

SW - I will take your lead and advise on rooting for Kagan! Thank you for the research! I'll do my own, too, but trust your say on this.

I am downloading :::blush::: Phantom of the Opera. Gerard Butler did a fabulous job as did Patrick (Raoul) and so did Emma. And I adore Minnie Driver in it. The gal that did the Ballet Madame was marvelous as well. Can't tell I am a bit obsessed with the movie can ya? :-D

KaytieJ said...

Rhys - Can I e-mail you on your website? I have an idea I would like to share with you. I'll do it in a bit after I get son off to school.

tumbleweedgirl said...


click on my profile and use thatemail, it will work better (:

KaytieJ said...

Rhys :::whispering so SW doesn't hear::: I sent the e-mail.

OT - It's so cute. My son has a crush on a neighbor girl that rides the bus. All of a sudden he can't wait to go so early to catch the bus :-D My gas bill likes it, too, but I kinda miss driving him to school.

tumbleweedgirl said...


*shouting* i GOT the email!


Robin in Montana said...

Good morning, too all the daisies, the gay guy, and the Kanine! :)

I got nothin' here.

KaytieJ said...

10 more hours for Phantom...
1 more hour before Post Office opens...
Off to do chores.

Robin in Montana said...

My only thought on Kagan for now is, why, for the love of PETE, can't they ever find a picture for these kind of announcements that doesn't look like it might better serve the "don't do meth or you'll look like this" campaigns? That pic on the AOL welcome page of her makes her look to have the IQ of a slug. I know, I know. Shallow. I own it. :-)

Margo said...

Kaytie - I love Andrew Lloyd Webber! My first show was Evita with Patti Lupone - magic!

Lisa said...

Lol, email talk...feels like home now. ;-)

Good morning, all! Quiet, quiet around these parts. I'm off to the fabric store today to look for curtain material. Now that I've got a reliable a/c, I want curtains back up in my bedroom and office...I'd taken them down a few years ago and just had the blinds so as not to restrict air flow. Now I can put some back up and get this place dark inside again, but I want new ones!

Jill, I'm so excited for you in your big countdown!

Elisabeth, how are you feeling this morning? This should be interesting...

KaytieJ said...

Screw chores :-D
Our dear quiet Rhys shouted. I am laughing out loud at that and Robin's Good Morning! Y'all are too funny!

Robin - You survived the "Glitter Explosion" :-D
You missed my HORSE ALERT post, though.

KaytieJ said...

Margaret :::swoon::: Evita!!! You saw it, ooohhh! I am so jealous!

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie -- I did! Tell me, tell me!

Glitter Explosion 2010 was only the REHEARSAL for the GREAT GLITTER EXPLOSION 2010, in the form of the recital this weekend. Too bad they're with their dad all weekend. ::cackle::

tumbleweedgirl said...

o, and that shoot? at the end, they asked me to do special shots of the youngest daughter. she just got point shoes. so i got some peaceful pics of her by the water...

i'm loving it

KaytieJ said...

Robin - That picture is AWFUL. she looks like a frog on meth. I own it.

Rhys - Got your e-mail and replied ::snicker::

Shannon said...

Morning ladies how are you all doing this fine day?

We ended up watching The Orphan last night and didnt go to bed until after midnight...not a big deal but we get up at 6:30 and tonight we are supposed to go to a concert and probably wont get home till like midnight again.....grrrrrrr I really wish I didnt have to go but we already promised we would so we are stuck...just means Shannon is gonna be sleepy.

KaytieJ said...

I am so glad your shoot went well Rhys! You have such talent.

"GREAT GLITTER EXPLOSION 2010, in the form of the recital this weekend. Too bad they're with their dad all weekend. ::cackle::"
Cackling right along with you :-D

AP - What type of material and pattern are you thinking of? Being nosy, but I always like hearing your projects.

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - Schedule a nap time or triple Americano.

Robin in Montana said...

I am nosy about your fabric, too. And thinking that's somethign I could do, since I never seem to find curtains I like and we are sorely in need of some on the front windows.

Kaytie - what's the HORSE ANNOUNCEMENT??

Lisa said...

Kaytie, I have no idea about fabrics bedroom is a soft but not pale lime-y green and cream. Same colors in my bathroom but with shades of blue and turquoise thrown in so I think I want something tropical-y but darkish. Maybe a sheer, dark print? My office is deep gray and the rug is just a bound piece of carpet in grays and golds so I'm going to try to find a dark print with gray, black (the furniture is black) and then some paler golds and other colors to perk it up. I just want long panels, very simple. There, more than you wanted to know. ;-)

Who looks like a frog on meth?

Shannon said...

LOL No kidding.....must get coffee IV :)

So I was just looking at our local news online....Featured story was of a man walking across the state to get the speed limit increased....breaking news just above crash has highway closed.. HMMMMM what do you think? LOL

Shannon said...

Hey AP my stepish daughter may very well have found new soap place for you this weekend. She is going to see if they have a card or website that I can send you..

They are totally organic and their stuff smells so damn good.

This kid has eczema and she is thrilled that she used on of their soaps and for the first time ever she doesnt have dry and "scaly" legs.

Margo said...

Shannon - let me know about that soap. DH has eczema and I'm always looking for something new for him. The prescription cream he has used for a few years has really thinned his skin :(

Shannon said...

Definitely Margaret. The kind she got that made her legs so nice and smooth was an Oatmeal/Chamomile. It actually has oatmeal in you can see the oats in it....and it worked as a natural but gentle exfoliate.

Robin in Montana said...

LOL. Found this blog by following a link on the Bloggess. (Who is laughing her ass off because Woman's Day featured her "recipe" for frozen waffles on a popsicle stick as a waffle-cicle as an acceptable meal for "busy moms.) LOL. Anyway. Found this blog: Here's a couple lines from the most recent entry:

"Have you ever thrown up so violently, your tampon shot out of your body like some kind of Nerf dart gun?

In hindsight. I should not have eaten the pasta salad.

It tasted weird.

Like a bandaid that fell off of some sweaty fat guy at the gym.

That should have been a red flag."

LOL. The blog is:

Lisa said...

Shannon, yes, please on the soap site info! I tried a new shower gel last night - that Caress one Kim Kardashian pitched. Oh, it smells soooo good but dried me out like no one's business and I've been itching ever since.

Lisa said...

"Have you ever thrown up so violently, your tampon shot out of your body like some kind of Nerf dart gun?"

Oh, my stars...! And her site will now be slammed with hits, one of them mine. :-D

Deb said...

LOL Robin! That is funny, and also:
"GREAT GLITTER EXPLOSION 2010, in the form of the recital this weekend. Too bad they're with their dad all weekend. ::cackle::"

That is priceless and perfect timing on your part!

Hello ladies - almost good afternoon, but whatever.

I hope you all enjoyed your day yesterday. I can say I am one of the luckiest mom's around, seriously and I don't take that for granted either!

twirldawg said...

Thanks Robin, now I know what I'll be reading when I get ome.

Robin in Montana said...

Jill-- read the Bloggess, too,ifyou don't already. Funny, funny!

Deb - tell me what your husband cooked yesterday!

We had a very low-key day. Kelly made breakfast pizza (which I silently poo-pooed, but vocally June-Cleaver-cheered while waiting for it to be an epic fail) and the kids *inhaled it. It was really, really good. Then all kids out of hte house by 10 or so and we did not much exciting -- went to his folks' house with flowers and card, came home and made a stab at getting the boxes that are still taking up a huge portion of the garage into order, and then kids home at 3, nice lazy afternoon.

Margo said...

<------- hates glitter

twirldawg said...

<--------- loves glitter.

tumbleweedgirl said...

i am NO good with glitter either.

Robin in Montana said...

<---not such a fan of glitter myself. Although it's possible I've put glitter gel on my horse's feet before. :-D

twirldawg said...

My childhood was one big cloud of glitter, sequins, aquanet, and blue eyeshadow.

Margo said...

I did not know that Barbara Walters is 80 - she's having surgery to replace a bad heart valve.

Lisa said...

Hey, Deb! And what a sweet thing to say. :-)

Robin in Montana said...

Jill - if I ever need to find a good home for Cami, I'm sending her to your house. She would die of happiness.

She spends all afternoon in the bathroom yesterday "praticing" doing her hair and makeup for the recital. She comes out looking like an pen blew up on her eyes and asks Kelly, "How does my makeup look? Not like my mom did it; right?" ::smack::

Margo said...

I prefer glitter gel over the loose stuff. I'm all about compromise.

tumbleweedgirl said...

i do confess i considered some glittery nail polish for my toes yesterday. i did not purchase. $7 for nail polish was ridiculous to me. especially b/c i'm not good at putting it on.

Deb said...

RiM - Ready? Chilean Sea Bass, roasted peppers, shitake mushrooms wrapped in pastry, standing in pesto sauce with polenta and white asparagus with some bur blanc sauce.

He totally out did himself and I'm going to put it on my blog shortly because I *had to take a photo of it (thinking of you, of course).

Shannon said...

LOL TWG you just said something with the nail polish that is soooooo something I would be saying as well. But I know that I would have that nail polish well past its usable date :)

I am one of those people that loves makeup but never wears it.

Robin in Montana said...

::drooling::: Waiting for pictures!

KaytieJ said...

ERIN! MARGARET! Thank you so much!!!
Erin - love your bracelets - the Daisy one is adorable. Margaret - the French magnets are on the Fridge :-D

Deb said...

Rhys - You deserve that glittery nail polish!

Robin in Montana said...

LOL. Still, at this blog. In an entry referring to her birthday and thinking her husband forgot. She has to go to the DMV to get her license renewed:

We went to the DMV (ahem, still holding strong at 125lbs, thankyouverymuch *TOE TOUCH*), we got lunch at a local Mexican cantina, and by my third grande margarita I was all, duuude, you didn’t even remember to get me a birthday present you’re the worst wife everrrrr. And Andy was like, it’s only 11am Lindsay Lohan, rehook your bra so we can leave, you’ll get it soon enough.

Touche, Andy.

So, we got home and he hands me a gift bag.

The kind of gift bag you put wine in.

And I was like, are you trying to have sex with me, because that could have already happened two margaritas and a cantina parking lot dry heave ago. And he was all, just open it.

So, I did, and it wasn’t wine.

It’s sparkly and pretty and won’t leave me regretting bad sexual choices the next morning when I can’t sit on my butt for two days.

KaytieJ said...

Deb - Kudos for hubby - that meal sounds a knockout!

AP - Not TMI - I loved reading about it. Throw some pics up when you get it done. You are so good with colors.

Robin - let me search the posts :-D

Anonymous said...

Hello all. I just woke up. Holy cow, it's after 11!

My bed looks like I had a one night stand with the lucky charms leprechaun. I guess I tipped the box over.......

Not sure what I think of the ambian. I feel like I just want to go BACK to sleep. I think the next night I'm home I am only going to
take a 1/2 of one instead of a whole one.

Happy Monday everyone=)

Robin in Montana said...

and this:

The doctor who did my tattoo removal was a family friend. And, by family friend, I mean, he did three of the four of my Great Uncle Frank’s face lifts.

My Great Uncle Frank’s face looks like Heidi Montag, but behind his ears, where they keep hiding his oldness, looks like a retired porn star’s vagina.

Robin in Montana said...

And I will try to stop. She is just cracking me up.

KaytieJ said...

Elisabeth - You're alive! Nodding to taking 1/2 dose. Never know what those tricky leprechauns are going to do :-D

KaytieJ said...

Robin - dang those are funny. I feel like an eejit reposting my banal HORSE ALERT after that!
Here goes:

"Robin - Horse Alert: I rode my very chubby wooly mammoth dirt bag bombproof black Tennessee Walker, past dh on the tractor. She did not even flinch. Just plodded on. When I rode her past the stallion and he was screaming and all over the place, it was so funny, she stretched out, picked up into high step, huffed at him and pranced. What a showoff. Animals are so funny.

Off to shower and get all this hair and dirt off me.

May 8, 2010 6:14 PM"

I know, yawn.

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie-that is cute. :-)

The neighbors pasture 4 horses for the summer and they just got here yesterday. My Katie is in heaven, and I predict an increase in my grocery bill for carrots and apples. She *hates (and so do I) not having our horses right here. I am hoping to get a first ride in here pretty soon.

Margo said...

<----- had never riden a horse but thinks it must be quite something to have a large animal love and trust you. My aunt in CA has taken up rescuing horses - she's on her third.

Margo said...

had is has - too much time spent on the internets.

Margo said...

Yea, Kaytie - I'm glad you like them :)

Deb said...

RiM - Okay, my blog has been updated with the dinner photo!

and, I'll have to check out that blog, sounds like my kind of humor!

Kaytie - he's a keeper, for sure, thanks!

Hi Margaret!

I am exclamation point super nuts today, sorry.

Erin said...

Kaytie- so glad you liked them. AND mine and FT's magnets too. ;)

Our school just had a dedication ceremony for a new addition. My 10 year old was there, and I made the *grave mistake of asking her a question in front of her friends. She snipped my head off. In *front of the Superintendent of Schools, 3 delegates, and the county executive. ::singing:: Guess who is in big, big, *big trouble when she gets hoooome??

twirldawg said...

Ooooooooooooooo Erin, someone is in trouble.

Deb said...

We had our school addition dedication while we were in FL, so I missed it. Same group was at our school too, EL. Probably a good thing I wasn't there because I wanted to asked them when they were going to start the new, new addition since we've already outgrown *this one already!!!

Erin said...

Jill, she has no idea how much!

Deb- that looks yummy! I took pictures of my food yesterday too. I am glad someone else did b/c I felt kind of corny doing it. Well, I only too a picture of lunch. Breakfast and dinner I was to hungry to photograph it.

Erin said...

We have not had playgrounds all year. Since this ceremony was today, they hauled ass working overtime this weekend to get them in. That is a good thing! How many rooms did you get, Deb?

PJ said...

Erin - you committed a cardinal sin, speaking to your daughter in front of her friends. And at school, even? What WERE you thinking?

PJ said...

Off to be vile in the real world.

Deb said...

Erin - they finally put our playground back together last week too! We got seven classrooms allegedly for approx 230 students.

Our school is at 709 students now, the new capacity is 720! We also got a science classroom, a computer lab (without computers, mind you. we have to buy them ourselves!) and we are getting an extra AP next year, so their office will be located in the new wing.

Deb said...

I'm just happy my daughter is still at the age where she *likes to see me there!

Oh, Oh! ...and to top off Mother's Day, this is juuuuuust perfect. My friend calls Sunday morning to tell me she found lice in her daughter's hair and I should check Lauren. Perfect. So last night after our wonderful dinner (thanks EL!) I get them out of the tub and start brushing out Lauren's hair, and I see white thingy's so I try to remain calm and scream to Mark GO TO THE STORE AND GET LICE KILLER! So Lauren starts crying. I try to calm her down and figure out what these things are really supposed to look like.

We do the treatment, I comb thru her hair for and hour and a half with that little comb thing picking out any white, then I see she has a dry skin patch on the back of her scalp. Great.

So I walk into school w/her this morning to the nurse's office to have her checked. Of course the nurse finds *nothing, which is great. She thinks it may have been the dry skin, but wants her to check in each morning this week just for a looksee.

Mom of the Year here!

Robin in Montana said...

Deb - whew! I am as askeered of lice as I am of .. well,something scary. That freaks me right the hell out!

EL - You spoke to your 10yo in front of friends? ::sadly takes back your Mother of the Year crown:::

::Waves to the dastardly AlpaCKa::

tumbleweedgirl said...


what kind of serious trouble will there be? i would have probably not lived to see my dad walk in the door! (:

sorry, i bet that was frustrating.


your dinner sounds awesome.

Deb said...

RiM - I was throwing everything I could find into the washer and washing it on sanitary hot mode! They totally freak me out. We've managed to avoid them in school so far, I feared my time was up!

TWG - thanks - maybe I can start renting the husband out.

Erin said...

Rhys- I am thinking that she will have to write me a letter of apology, as well as my 2 friends who were right there. One is the PTA president, and the other will be next year. Both friends have boys, and are delighting in the fact that they won't have to deal with pre-teen girls! The embarassment of that should be punishment enough. She is usually very happy for me to be there. I do not know *what crawled up her ass today.

KaytieJ said...

Deb - Oh my! Not laughing AT you but WITH you. We had a friend visiting from CALI one Christmas and found out their son had lice. I spent ALL of Christmas Eve washing everything around and preventative delousing of my son. I laugh now, but I was so ticked then.

Your food blog looks delicious!

Erin - Oh boy to you, too! I see someone getting to do vile chores tonight!

tumbleweedgirl said...


yes, that's a great punishment. it should be form-letter style, too. with the proper addressing and salutations.

ouch. a good one, though. i know on base, i would have had to apologize to my dad's CO if i had ever done something like that.

Robin in Montana said...

The letter-writing made me think of this. GOing through the garage I found a box that I had saved all the "letters" my girls have written to me since they could write,everything from "I love you, you are the best Mom 'eny' kid could have" to "sorry I was so bad today. I hope you still love me." (Awww :() and my kids were reading back through them. CAmi wrote me a letter this morning (typed) that said she had been reading the letters and she noticed 3 things. One, that they both have *terrible handwriting(hence the typing. But not true). Two, they loved to write letters. And three, that the letters were obviously written with a "butt load of love." Made me frickin' cry at the table at breakfast. :*)

Erin said...

Rhys- did Rock or anyone in his family ever have malaria? My cousin is a missionary inn Malawi and was just diagnosed. She is in Johannesburg now. Was wondering if it is pretty common.

Erin said...

RiM- so sweet!

KaytieJ said...

Just a quiet note here: I FINALLY MADE A BLOG!!!

It is plain. Nothing like the gorgeous ones y'all have, it shows our PORT O POTTY.

KaytieJ said...

Awwwww! Robin - that is so sweet!

Robin in Montana said...

*Dammit, Kaytie! You tease with pictures of port-o-potties, yet your blogs says it's private. :::shakes fist clutching Schlitz at you:::

Deb said...

Kaytie - I'm laughing too, kind of, but just call me Mrs. Paranoid now! I'll be picking thru her hair like a monkey all week! Poor thing, and she topped it off with "this is the worst day ever" and I just had to laugh and cry at the same time for her and tell her, No, this was an awesome day thanks you guys!

Can't see your blog! and thanks for the compliment to my dinner, Mark will appreciate the comments!

RiM - that is soooo sweet! I save all of the notes I get too!

Okay ladies, I have to go pick up my girls and check on the progress of the giant tree removal.


KaytieJ said...

I am such a geek. I unblocked it.

KaytieJ said...

Bye Deb - Hope tree removal goes the way it should!

tumbleweedgirl said...


it is sometimes called African flu. his parents got it. i actually know quite a few who have spent time in various spots in africa to have contracted malaria. was he taking anti-malarials?

Erin said...

I am not sure Rhys. She has been there for a few years, so I can only assume so. She has had 3 treatments so far, and goes in for another today. I guess they treat until your bloodwork comes back clean?

tumbleweedgirl said...

i feel obligated to discard more than the 95 i've discarded from this shoot. there were 292 total pix.

it is fun, though, working on them (:

my goal is to get them done today. of the shoots i've done recently, 2 were from this family. they each had new babies. then one of them had a SIL who wanted pix. technically this family brought in 3 shoots besides this one. i want to make them super happy

Shannon said...

Rhys that is cool.....obviously they are happy with your work or they wouldnt be sending you so much business.

tumbleweedgirl said...


those letters sound so sweet! i'm glad.


super glad there's no lice. keep checking, though. it's not much fun to delouse a household. i would keep your husband under lock and key. if you rented him, someone might not give him back!

i had a superb mother's day, best ever. Rock let me sleep in every day this wkd - from friday morning until sunday morning. he made me breakfast in bed. zaya brought me a card he made. they gave me a silver frog ear cuff, and a new book (:

plus a day on the town.

tumbleweedgirl said...


right. *breathes*

i need to relax.

Shannon said...

Yes you do :) You take really amazing pictures and it is evident that they know that you do too. They will be pleased with what you offer them.

Lisa said...

Checking to see if we're still okay without a new post. I forgot. :-X

Shannon said...

Should be ok without a new one seems like everyone is busy today.

Lisa said...

Yep, I think I'll just let it run until midnight unless some drama occurs and hopefully it will not! Kaytie, I love the bench and glad you found your port-o-potty picture again! Told y'all she really has one. :-)

Robin, love the very sweet. And I can't wait to hear what happens in EL's house tonight!

Shannon said...

Oh yes I agree AP....there is gonna be some drama at EL's tonight :) Sorry EL :)

Angie said...

Oh, Robin . . . I have a bone to pick with you for picking on the current Supreme Court nominee because of her appearance. She's been nominated for one of the most important jobs on the planet, because of her intelligence and experience. It's not a beauty contest. There is no glitter involved. So what if she looks like a toad? Hmph.

KaytieJ said...

Drama? What possible drama could there be :::smiling sweetly:::

Did you get your fabric?

Robin in Montana said...

SW- It's not about how *she looks. I just feel like they always find the worst possible picture to use, you know? Seriously. Really? She *always looks like that, mouth all agape? :-D She can't help how she looks, and you're right, it's *not a beauty contest, but why not put up a picture where she looks like a dignified and intelligent toad, not one that just got busted on "To Catch a Predator"? lol
Okay, I am done.

KaytieJ said...

:::waving at SW::: I said her picture looks like a Frog on Meth. The picture selection person on AOL should be demoted.

Muliebrity said...

Oh, so that's who looks like a toad?!

Robin in Montana said...

Yes, Kaytie gets it. Did you ever see a picture of Sandra Day O'Connor looking like that? I think not. There has to be a better picture of Kagan out there that could have been used.

Erin said...

Ha. very little drama. She wrote the letters, of course grumbling that she did *not speak disrespectfully to me. When I offered to call the other adults so she could ask *them how she spoke, she politely declined and slunk away.

The picture *is awful. It is like when the guy won the powerball. They picked out the most hillbilly shot they could find.

tumbleweedgirl said...


you showed you were willing to be more gutsy than she. glad she gave in and slunk off.

i took a break from the shoot. i have a weather-induced headache. the wind and dust have sprung from nowhere. but the clouds are deliciously cumulus.

Margo said...

TWG - how is your little one? The dust must be hard on her lungs.

Lisa said...

Kaytie. I never made it to the store. We watched 2012 instead and then I've been feeding my internet addiction. Ah, well, there's always tomorrow!

And yes, drama...we occasionally have a little around here. Only on days that end in y, though. :-D

tumbleweedgirl said...


she is as snuggly as ever. the dust is all outside. i've got the windows shut. i do think it's hard on her, that's why i didn't go outside with her. zaya and i snuck outside and got the smack of dust as the wind suddenly kicked up.

i'm debating lia's goodness. she sounds rumbly with congestion, and that's 'good', but i don't like her cough. i'm giving her one more day and then we're probably back to the dr's. i'm supposed to go see my family thursday, but i won't hesitate to cancel if she's getting worse.

KaytieJ said...

SW - I think some conservative right wing picture selector on AOL picked that picture out just because it is SO awful. Did you see it? Really made me mad. They put up a shot of her with her mouth hanging wide open and her eyes bulging out. Here is an extremely intelligent woman and they purposefully were trying to make her look like a complete dork. I notice the one they have up now is much more dignified, as it should be.

KaytieJ said...

And SW - You are absolutely right about it being not a beauty contest and it being about one of the most important jobs.

Muliebrity said...

"It is like when the guy won the powerball. They picked out the most hillbilly shot they could find."

Speaking of. I drove past the gas station where Billy-Bob purchased his winning ticket this morning. It was way to cold and wet to go in a buy a ticket. I think he actually works/worked there.

Muliebrity said...

and she has the shoulders of a linebacker...

KaytieJ said...

AP - What did you think of 2012?

Erin - Good for you not backing down. Passing you a Schlitz.

Rhys - Hope Lia doesn't get more congested.

KaytieJ said...

Hello Orchid! How was census taking today?

Lisa said...

"and she has the shoulders of a linebacker..."

And I know I'm not the only one with gaydar going off.

Kaytie, 2012 was amusing...a fun watch. I'm the first to admit that I don't dismiss the 2012 deal anyway. I think it's incredibly possible it will happen so this made the movie extra fun for me. God, I loved the arks.

Margo said...

TWG - I hope she continues to get better :)

Erin said...

I don't even *have gaydar and it is going off.

KaytieJ said...

I have not seen it, but I am guessing the end will be by man made events rather than natural.

Lisa said...

She'll never get confirmed if that gets out, not that I really care either way.

Muliebrity said...

I don't think I'm going to take a day off Census taking today. It's 47 degrees and monsooning.

Robin in Montana said...

I don't have any gaydar either. I suck at gaydar.

Okay. I am going to try to attempt to work.

Anonymous said...

Mulie...are the people you are interacting with just people that forgot to turn their forms in? Or are they people who don't trust the government?

I bet you meet interesting people!

KaytieJ said...

And I know I'm not the only one with gaydar going off.

I hadn't even thought of that. I suppose if it is the case, there will be an uproar. For me, I could care less.

Muliebrity said...

Isn't the Hispanic chick gay too? (I am too lazy to look up the spelling of her name, but I do know it). She had no S/O at her conformation meetings, just her parents and brother, I think.

Muliebrity said...

"Mulie...are the people you are interacting with just people that forgot to turn their forms in? Or are they people who don't trust the government?"

Both. There are a lot of immigrant families, so they probably didn't know what they had to do.

LookingForAManWhoWantstheCrazee said...

Can I join in?

Robin in Montana said...

Deb, I know you would want to know this. I have leprosy again. I know, I know. Prescription.

Lisa said...

I don't know if she is or not, Mulie, but she looks it. Gee, Lisa, stereotype much? Anyway, as long as no one confirms it and there's no partner, it might be okay. Don't ask, don't tell.

Lisa said...

Crazee, your name is too long, but sure and welcome! I'm nosy, how'd you find us?

Lisa said...

Blah. Why is it every time I ask Jake what he wants for dinner, he says "sandwiches"?

Anonymous said...

AP...does he ever cook for you?

LookingForAManWhoWantstheCrazee said...

Anemone Pie, thanx for the welcome. I just found this place from some other blogs. Anyways I think that pictur on the Gramma without pity place is of Noah. That is pretty sickning she would do that if you ask me

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