Friday, May 28, 2010

Striving to be white trash...

This is a contribution from one of our somewhat less-trashy Daisies but really, that considered, it still works.  This is her outdoor cat toy.  :-D  Want to guess who owns it (and them)?

PS:  It's payday.  C'mon, can you cut back just once more on something and help Chris out?   After June, he'll be in far better shape financially.  Think about it...please?


Muliebrity said...

I suspect SW, but just because she is a borderline crazy cat lady.

KaytieJ said...

OK. Hubby & I shook our wallets at the Full Moon.

I will back door the discussion earlier with this:

Organ donors have functioning body parts, but one of the criteria for Brain Dead is the "apnea test"

The best explanation I have overheard to a spiritual family is that "the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul"

It is not murdering a person with the guidelines in place to pronounce them brain dead and procure organs.

Deb said...

Gotta be one of our crazy cat ladies here :D

good morning!

twirldawg said...

Morning ladies.

Muliebrity said...


Margo said...

The black and white cat looks like it's about to lick itself, there is a garden tool left under the door and also a balloon in the lower left corner. Casual cats, children in the house and a garden tool makes me think it's Erin or Deb.

I call BS on last night's abortion debate - if you're against abortion then don't have one :)

I missed the full moon wallet shaking. Get ready for your money!

twirldawg said...

Just skimmed the convo from last night.

Ain't touching that with a 10 foot poll.
I have strong political opinions, but like to talk about them about as much as I like to talk about my sex life or my spiritual life.

twirldawg said...

Margaret it can't be Deb, I don't think she likes cats.

Erin said...

That cat looks obscene.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!

I say it's either Erin or SW.

I would *never have guessed that yesterday's picture was Kay's! :)

Re: abortion.

I believe that life begins at conception and, personally, I wouldn't have an abortion. That said, I am pro-choice for so many reason. The first one being that if abortion was considered a crime, they would still be performed but in clandestineness, with every risk it comprises.
(Note : I do think that when the mother's life is in jeopardy and/or the baby suffers from a malformation such as anencephaly, lisencephaly, etc. abortion is a very understandable choice. I don't know what I'd do under such circumstances and I hope I'll never have to figure it out.)
Abortion should never be used as a way to "repare" a mistake such as having forgotten to use birth control.

The whole embryo/fetus debate is BS to me. For one, if you look at countries who have passed a law allowing abortion, they all have different "limits" for it. I think, for example, that it's 10 wks in France, 12 in Belgium, 14 in the Netherlands. To me, that's proof that scientists don't *know when a life is a life. The "12 weeks" argument is flawed to me because that would mean that 11 wks, 6 days embryo is still not a life. It's just, there is no way to draw a clear-cut line between what's life and what's not if you start playing with the embryo/fetus argument.
To sum up, yes, to me life begins as soon as conception.

Anonymous said...


I scored liberal on one test (which is not a surprise) with a personal issues score at 80% and a economical issues score at 20%.

The other test gave me these results:

You Are 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Muliebrity said...

I generally agree with you on abortion, Corrine. I would not have it outlawed and I would not have the death penalty outlawed either. I do not like either, but I do not base the way I vote on either issue.

Anonymous said...

Mulie - I would never base my vote on those issues, either.
I'm more concerned with the economy, the education system , etc.
These are issues that would sway my vote.

Muliebrity said...

For me, they are just my personal opinions of the subjects. I really feel no judgement on the subject as a whole. Some people feel like they need to have an abortion. If asked, I would encourage them not to, but I would otherwise offer my emotional support (not financial or physical support). But, as always, I reserve the right to change my mind.

Lisa said...


I just got up a bit ago and feel all dead-headed today. Perhaps Kaytie needs to perform an apnea test on me. *yawns some more*

Volcano in Guatemala, major earthquake in the Pacific. I'm telling y'all, 2012 is going to be it.

I kept forgetting to mention yesterday how cool it is that Erin and Deb plus kids got to meet up! I think that's our first Daisy meeting, isn't it?

The other thing I forgot was that I watched the ending of AI and did anyone else thing poor old Joe Cocker looked and sounded like Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford?

Muliebrity said...

You are welcome here in MO when your house gets sucked up my a giant wave, AP. I guess you could always camp out on your property in KY though.

Muliebrity said...

I am sure we will be getting earth quakes here though.

Muliebrity said...

Off to supervise the planting of $300 work of plants and trees!

Angie said...

Morning all! I missed an abortion debate?! Son of a bitch! I love abortion debates! Will catch up and weigh in later but first, LOVE THOSE KITTIES! Especially the black and white one on his back! They're not mine. Mine are indoors, and I've got REAL white trash baggage, nothing staged like an old screen door. I think it's Deb, who doesn't have a white trash bone in her body.

And Happy Friday everyone!

Lisa said...

Mulie, the property in Kentucky is probably still underwater, at least partially. I'm screwed there, too. I may show up in your backyard with a pup tent.

Take pictures! I need to steal ideas!

Anonymous said...

AP - I read somewhere that the 2012 date was taken off a Mayan calendar and they actually got it wrong when they adapted it to our calendar system. The date is off by about 200 years, I think. And, well, we'll all be dead by then. Unless I master the ancient art of alchemy and manage to make a philosopher's stone. LOL ;-D

Hmm, if that pic is not SW's, I say it's Erin's. I don't think Deb has cats.

Muliebrity said...

I have a finished basement, AP and while my house is all electric, I have plans to take over my neighbors house with the wood burning stove. They are too old to last long once end-times hits, so I am calling dibs on their house. Or at least stealing their stove and will install it in the basement.

Muliebrity said...

All the trees and plants are for our garden, berry patch, and soon-to-be orchard.

Shannon said...

Ok getting ready to head out in like 15 for the daughter's appointment but had to catch up and check in.

AP: Shannon, what have we disagreed on? I've forgotten.

I think we have disagreed some on the health care debate...nothing serious as I think we can see where each is coming from but usually we are pretty spot on with our ideas.

As for the abortion debate. I also do not believe that life begins until a baby/fetus/embryo is capable of sustaining its own life outside of the mother. Now I dont know that someone should be having a later term abortion either but honestly who am I to say anything about that?

twirldawg said...

Maybe the end of the world already happened.
Once we all start meeting up with each other we will have memories of a time before where we met.
Krista will show up and we will discover that she is actually the smoke monster.

Robin in Montana said...


I think Jill is on to something .... ::nods::

My kids were talking about the end of the world in 2012 this morning and Katie couldn't get what that *meant.

Margo said...

So who threw Krista down the shoot to the light?

PJ said...


twirldawg said...

Jacob. . .dur.

twirldawg said...

I just found the best invitation for SW and AP's wedding:

Life full of bRATS said...

OMG.. Lol. I love it jill!

Angie said...

Jill, LOL re the smoke monster and the invite. That invite is hilarious!

Margo said...

This wedding is getting a little sketchy - I may have to distance myself as I don't want my reputation tarnished.

So Erin - what's your cat's name. Sir Licksalot?

Margo said...

<----- thought hay and straw was the same thing.

Deb said...

Jill / Corinne - Ah, you know me better than I thought! I am *not a cat person. Remember, I'm the one who chases cats *out of my garden!

Just wanted to check in real quick and say hi. I have so much I should be doing right now, but I am so unmotivated and so tired from being up all last night with the storms.

I hope everyone is doing well today!

Deb said...

and looking back at the cats in the post photo, certainly borderline kitty porn if you ask me!

Life full of bRATS said...

I always wonder what happened to krista...

Margo said...

AP - what's your next photo contest? I think we should do family photos from when we were little or prom pics.

Today is the first day in a long time I've not been sleepy which sucks because I'm going for a sleep study tonight and was hoping I'd be able to pass out!

Lisa said...

Jill, that wedding invitation is hilarious - I love it! But I'm not getting the smoke monster reference. Did I miss something again?

Margaret, I'd not thought about the next one...heck, I'm good with when we were little but I've not got a prom photo to share! I'm still game on that one, though, if that's what everyone wants!

Really Frugal said...

Hi, all. I am super busy doing all the things I should have done all spring. Son is bringing his family tomorrow - yay for baby cuddles.

Glad I missed the abortion debate. I completely disagree with myself on the issue, so I am in no position to discuss.

Jill, I think we are all in for a real treat. Now that you are away from school your wit is more alive than ever.

I will not be around much for a few. Just had to pop in to share a white trash update. Husband is power washing the outside of the house and the wooden steps and deck. He is wearing old ski bibs, a rubbery rain jacket, boots, and a welding mask. Safety first!

And duct tape is not tacky. We once gave my son a roll for Christmas that was about 12" diameter. He needed it for car repairs.

Lisa said...

"I completely disagree with myself on the issue,"

LOL! I respect that about you, RF.

Take a picture of your husband and why won't you be around? Shame over what he's wearing?

KaytieJ said...

Jill - that is the best invite ever!

Margaret - ruh roh. Take an instruction manual to read. You'll be out like a light.

Robin in Montana said...

RF - I love the visual. Welding mask! lol!

And I contradict myself with my thoughts on abortion, too, so I typically don't engage in that debate.

I only have a prom pic as a freshman when I went with a boy named Robin and we stood about four feet apart for pictures. Looks more like a booking picture than a prom picture. lol.

KaytieJ said...

RF - Have a great time with son and grandbabies! I learned something today - LOL! My hubby could be white trash, too since he wears about the same gear for power washing the vinyl fences. Happy Day!

Really Frugal said...

AP, I won't be around much because after the power washing comes the cleanup. You have to be there. And then I will have a baby to cuddle and a 4 yo to fish with. Sorry, but Daisies don't compare to that. I will try to get a picture.

I have a prom picture from senior year - I look like a princess and the guy is a complete dork. The day after prom his parents drove us and his little brother to a baseball game. On the way home in the backseat of his mom's car he grabbed my hand and shoved it in his crotch. He promptly creamed his drawers and couldn't even walk me to the door. Most embarrassing moment.

twirldawg said...

I would happily share a picture of my Sr. Prom. I was SKINNY and HOT!

twirldawg said...

OMG RF I am laughing so hard!

Margo said...


Let's do pics of when we were kids.

Robin in Montana said...


I recently friended a guy who I grew up with in school. (We were the "big" class with 12 kids, and we were all together from K through 12th, so they're more like brothers and sisters than 'real people.') Anyway. In second grade, he sat beside me, and I remember very distinctly that he had on bib overalls, and he pulled the crotch opening thing of it open and was exposed and saidsomething like "look at this," or something, and I was all, "What IS that?" lol.

Deb said...

OMG RF - between the date story and your husband's power washing gear, I am laughing so hard! Enjoy your weekend with the kids!

okay ladies, I'm out for good. I'll check in later tonight!

Angie said...

Holy moly, RF! How could he ever look at you again?

Angie said...

Do you not have a brother, Robin? I learned all about that thing taking baths with my brother and sister when we were little. I can imagine it would be horrifying, if one had no such introduction.

Robin in Montana said...

Speaking of RF's story ... anyone watch the season premier of the Bachelorette? (Did I already say this? I swear I have Alzheimer's.)
Anyway, the guy who 'fessed up to why his nickname was Shooter? WHY would you *EVER do that? On the first episode? On national t.v.? WHY??

Robin in Montana said...

I did have a little brother. It was like I *knew, but the setting threw me off, or somethign. lol. I had the same reaction to Kelly. I kid, I kid.

Margo said...

Seeing a penis out of context can mystify the mind.

Angie said...

LOL Robin re Kelly.

I have the Bachelorette tivoed, and will probably watch it this weekend. But oy, sounds like an idiot.

Angie said...

Well said, Margaret. Well said.

Robin in Montana said...

SW - tell me if her and her giggling and baby talk doesn't just make you want to stab something.

Robin in Montana said...

Margaret - it's true.

Really Frugal said...

SW, We only ran into each other a few times after that, and never ever spoke to each other again. About a month ago he found me on Facebook through another classmate and friend requested! Uh, no.

RiM's Bachelorette story reminded me - We have a guy running for Michigan governor who proudly states he cut his staff way down in his current position and still gets things done. Mike Cox. Campaign manager should be fired, imo.

"Cox does more with less."

Shannon said...

Oh it is sadness this morning. Before we left to go to Mikala's consult her bearded dragon was not doing well at all. Hoped that he was just cold but when we got home he was gone. very very sad today. And two days ago one of the dogs was all weird and I had to take him to the vet. This week has really really sucked ass so far.

Lisa said...

Sorry about the bearded dragon, Shannon. How's the dog doing?

RF, I'm dying here over the backseat story. At least you know he found you attractive. That or he *really liked baseball.

KaytieJ said...

RF - You are cracking me up this morning!

Shannon - I am so sorry. ((((())))) How is your dog doing now?

Muliebrity said...

RF - That is awesome!

Shannon said...

You would never think anything was ever wrong with the dog.

We do believe we may have found out what was wrong with him. We think he may have been stoned out of his gourd. Apparently this very same daughter had some "special" brownies. She was gone the night everything happened but when she went to her room the saran wrap that was harboring such brownies was on the floor and very very empty.

Muliebrity said...

Shannon, How long had you had the lizard for? How is the puppy doing? And what did the doc say?

Shannon said...

The lizard is only like a year old or so. He was in the middle of a shed too and was just his normal snoopy self yesterday.

Mikala should have her surgery this summer for her BR. He said it is medically needed at this point as she will only have more and more problems as she gets older. They just have to wait for the insurance to get back to them so we should know in about 2 weeks.

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - Hope the surgery goes well. Not sure what BR worries if you do not want to say.
Glad your puppy recovered.

Robin in Montana said...

Shannon -- sorry about the lizard!:(

Shannon said...

Kaytie the BR is a breast reduction...poor girl has near monster boobs.

Lisa said...

Shannon, check your mail!

twirldawg said...

Just read that Gary Colemen died.

Robin in Montana said...

Jill -- oh, he did? I had heard this morning he was in critical condition. Huh.

Robin in Montana said...

I just read that Crystal Bowersox and her boyfriend did indeed break up right before the finale. Told you she'd get rid of that goofball.

Robin in Montana said...

Or pardon me, *he broke up with her. Uh-huh.

Margo said...

What cho talkin bout Willis died?

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - Oh! Well, again, I sure hope it goes well and she gets relief from it!

Jill - Wow...that is sad.

Robin in Montana said...

Margaret -- that was Kelly's reaction as well! lol.

<---irreverent, if nothing else.

Shannon said...

AP Checked, received, replied, THANK YOU!!!!

KaytieJ said...

SW - Take some Advil for your "You've got Mail" headache :-D

Shannon and AP: Whatever it is...yay!

Angie said...

LOL Kaytie! And AP, LOL for the baseball comment!

::giving Margaret disapproving look for irreverent Gary Coleman comment, but chuckling a little:

Angie said...

So AP, did you hear about your boyfriend Glenn Beck making fun of Obama's 11 year old daughter? Classy, he is.

Really Frugal said...

Was Gary Coleman's death due to his kidney issue?

Shannon, sorry about the lizard. Watch that dog. Gateway drugs and all.

The power washing got better. He got out on the vinyl dock, where I guess the danger of flying debris is somewhat less, so he removed the jacket. Now he is powerwashing with the black bibs over a bright blue tank top. I thought I was at a Village People concert. I looked for the camera to get pictures, but it wasn't where it's supposed to be so when he stopped to refuel, I asked him. He asked why, and I said cuz I want it. He said "You want a picture of me for your crazy internet friends, don't you?" I tried to lie but just started laughing so he never told me where the camera is.

Now he wants food. I better comply before he powerwashes me.

Robin in Montana said...

Gateway drugs. I snorted ginger tea out my nose.

Robin in Montana said...

Crazy internet friends! Well! I *nevah!

Shannon said...

Thanks for the serious laugh there RF.....I know next thing I will find him hiding in the back yard trying to shoot up....however with out thumbs he may have to recruit help.

Angie said...

LOL RF! You're funny today! I hate we don't get a hubby pic.

You know, the title of today's post (Striving to be white trash...) got me thinking. The title of my white trashiness should be "Effortlessly being white trashy."

Did we get confirmation that today's picture was Erin's? Looking at it makes me want to go home and pet kitties.

Shannon said...


RF I was reading about your husband in his smexy power washing attire and hoping you got a picture and found that he had already taken that into consideration.

He is such a BAD WORD!!!

Margo said...

I didn't mean anything by the Gary Coleman quote - that's what he was best known for.

Really Frugal said...

Margaret, I would like to think of him for that time in his life. His later years were so very sad.

Shannon, he is many bad words, but lots of good ones too. And a never ending source of belly laughs for me and the kids. After three days of our Florida vacation my DIL asked son, "So your mom puts up with this all the time?" He is so incredibly quirky and goofy.

Erin said...

Hi everyone. Those are my kitties. AJ is in front, and Slash is the b&w one. He is *not licking...he just likes to be weird. He thinks he is a porn star. Kitty porn.

Lisa said...

"So AP, did you hear about your boyfriend Glenn Beck making fun of Obama's 11 year old daughter? Classy, he is."

He is not my boyfriend. :-P And no, I didn't hear about it, but that's shitty if he did. What did he say?

Angie said...

Gary Coleman would probably be happy that his legacy lives on, Margaret. :-)

LOL to Kitty porn, Erin. I want to pet your kitties!

AP, he was making fun of Malia's (sp?) asking her Dad if he'd "plugged the hole" (oil leak) yet, and he even questioned her intelligence.

Erin said...

SW- you would love Slash. He is a goof. He's always *wet. He loves to lay in the tub and let the faucet drip on his head. I can't weed the garden if he is around cuz he rolls all in it and smushes stuff!

twirldawg said...

So about 5 min after I made a post on FB about how dumb some people can be (a passive aggressive post about my sil who, ironically, was the first to comment) I managed to light my oven mitt on fire.

KaytieJ said...

Jill --- Oh my!---- trying very hard not to laugh. Hope you are not typing one handed now, though.

KaytieJ said...

Erin - those are some handsome Kitties!

Really Frugal said...

Jill, that sounds like one of my tricks! I hope you weren't wearing the mitt!

"I want to pet your kitties" - why does that sound nasty to me?

Lisa said...

Oh, Jill...are you okay? Can I laugh?

SW, that's just shitty as hell if he said all that and it wasn't taken out of context or enlarged upon (something both sides do - not defending Beck). No excuse for that at all.

I think I heard Gary Coleman had an injury that caused a brain hemorrhage. His wife, the one he had s much trouble with, made the decision to pull the plug on him. That bothers me, if so.

Really Frugal said...

Hmmm, the estranged wife gets to pull the plug? Something wrong with that plan.

Erin said...

That is what I read also, AP. But I think there are many tests he would have to fail for rmoval of life support to be an option. Idk, though. Maybe Kaytie knows.

Angie said...

To be clear, AP, Glenn Beck did not put any sexual meaning to what she said, as we daisies *might have done if someone said "plug the hole Daddy." But he was quite mean regardless.

Life full of bRATS said...

My days gotten really yucky, I'm tired of vomitting so much >.<

twirldawg said...

So sorry Kay :(

I'm glad you all thought my little incident was so funny. . .because it was. No dummies were injured in the making of this dinner.

Life full of bRATS said...

I've officially decided that if I'm going to puke 5 times an hour for most of my day, I should eat soft foods before hand. Though at this point there's not really food involved, just bile and water.

KaytieJ said...

Having not read anything regarding his death except it being a fall and then brain hemorrhage, I am guessing it was pretty bad, if they pulled his life support so fast. Must have been declared brain dead, or hopeless or arrested...lots of things could be in play there. I doubt very much they let her just walk in and determine withdrawl of life support.

KaytieJ said...

Kay -
No red jello for you either. Causes hysteria in family members and health care professionals.
(I was trying to make you grin).
I am sorry you are throwing up so much. Is it the meds or the headache?

Life full of bRATS said...

Ah thanks kaytie, it did make me smile. I'm not sure what is the cause but zofran is failing miserably. I have a headache, I'm not on amphotericin right now, nor have I been today but just the pill mix can make me nauseous. Luckily I know for a fact that all my pills stayed down. At least i'm 87 percent sure.

Muliebrity said...

Going to turn my Census books. I hate that I have been slacking so much these past few weeks on it. I am generally an over achiever on this kind of thing.

Angie said...

Are you done with censusing then, Mulie?

Kay, five times an hour is just awful. I wish there was something that would help that.

I just finished furminating my long-haired cat. It's messy, and there's hair everywhere, but she loved it, so much.

tumbleweedgirl said...


spend a week hanging with my momma, and i miss awesome talk!

also helped with a serious wreck on the way home from the airport today. still thinking that one through.

how's everyone? are there any babies yet?

Erin said...

Hi Rhys, did you guys have a great visit?

Kay- that sucks. Would liquid zofran be absorbed more quickly? :(

Angie said...

Hi Rhys! No daisy babies yet, sadly. (And being incredibly pregnant hasn't cured Mulie of being a smart ass, one whit, in case ou're wondering.)

Was it great to have your Mom visit?

Muliebrity said...

(And being incredibly pregnant hasn't cured Mulie of being a smart ass, one whit, in case ou're wondering.)

What did I say now?

I am done with the Census. I may go back the next campaign in July. I like to keep my options open.

Erin said...

Mulie- how many times do you visit until you give up? Do people really get in trouble for not filling it out?

Just so you know, i filled mine out and mailed it back the day I got it.
<--- good census girl

Muliebrity said...

We make 3 contacts and if we can't get someone, we look for a proxy. If people refuse then I tell them I am just going to ask their neighbors or call their landlord for the information. They usually help me out then.

Really Frugal said...

I never got the census form and no one has visited. Feeling like I don't count.

Jeanette said...

Hi girls.

RE: Gary Coleman and the wife pulling the plug. I don't know anything about his case, but I do know they let my mother's husband make the decision to pull hers, and he was a person of interest at the time. Doesn't make much sense, huh?

I was also a good census girl. It was my first one ever and I felt kinda cool doing it. I'm easily entertained, what can I say?

Jeanette said...

Did I break it?

Sorry AP.

Muliebrity said...

They are coming, RF!

Did her husband end up being cleared of wrong doing, Janette?

Anonymous said...

Hello my lovely loveleez.

I see we're all still debating intelligently, still white trash, and still gargantumongously pregnant. Collectively, we're a whole season of Judge Judy.

THANK YOU times infinity plus 5 to the 3 sweet daisies who sent donations today. Chris was out of some medication this morning and *would have run out of more this weekend.......but thanks to you precious ladies and your sacrifices on my brother's behalf......we were able to pick up everything from walgreens and medsavers that was filled,

It had been a super rough few days. Chris has started to have sone type of separation anxiety from me and doesn't want anyone but me to care for him. I had to sit down and explain to him that my current schedule of 5/7 days pet week already has me stretched to the limit emotionally and physically. I guess this is the down side to re establishing our BFF relationship that we had before I got married and he started working so hard. It was brutal to have him ask, but I thought we had so much fun cutting up and raising hell..??

I explained it was just the physical harshness of sleeping on a 15 yr old couch for so many days and missing my dogs......and my husband, who is Chris' 2nd choice is always there on the 2 days I'm not there. I told him I love him dearly
and will forever be grateful for just the CHANCE to care for him given his initial prognosis of certain death......but that I can't sacrifice my marriage for him. He grudgingly agreed to have mom stay some nights and a couple of friends stay the odd night.

Please pray that I can stick to my guns about these decisions and that we can skate through the month of June financially. July, our exodus from these crushing financial pressures.......*cannot come quickly enough.

Thank you again to a certain preggo and a certain eloquent equestrienne and a *certain owner of a redneck cat toy.......for easing that burden a bit today. I thank God every day for leading me through the valley to the River Vile!!

Erin said...

Hi Elisabeth. Has the posturing gotten any better on the increased meds? And btw, that cat toy isn't redneck. It's *white trash! ;) Although AP said it was 'striving'. Damn it, I will have to try harder! :)

Jeanette said...

Mulie, it's a real long story and I won't bore everyone with it. So to make it short, everyone knows he did it, but they couldn't get enough on him to PROVE he did it. His family is notorious in that county and they already had his brother in jail for killing his girlfriend THE SAME DAY, so my mom's case pretty much got swept under the rug.

Anonymous said...

I plead sinus infection for all my typos. Geez!

I've never had such a bad sinus infection in my life. Antibiotics, a steroid dose-pack........I'm gonna be nice and moody the next few days!!

Really Frugal said...

Shit, Jeanette, it can't get much uglier than that. I am so sorry your family had to deal with that.

Elisabeth, glad your snotty sinuses are getting some relief. I hope Chris lets you wean yourself away a bit. You need a life to go back to when he doesn't need you so much any more.

Anonymous said...

EL......we just got the increased rx today (thanks to SOMEONE ::cough::lusty lutz-y::cough::) but I will let you know how it goes. The posturing had truly become nightmarish.......I had to put gloves on him like a little kid the other night because he was scratching himself in the eye......the arm movements were just fierce and so random=( Hopefully this will do the trick tho......much larger dose plus his old brand which he liked much better. Hope for a positive update soon.

KaytieJ said...

Elisabeth - If Chris gives you trouble for being home nights with your hubby, threaten him with me riding on down to Texas on my black and white horse and playing the role of Nurse Ratched (evil grin).

Angie said...

I'm watching The Road tonight. Fast forwarding through scenes I can't stand to watch. I've read the book, so don't know why I wanted to put myself through watching it. Except that I love Viggo Mortensen.

Jeanette said...

Thanks RF, it was rough. It's been 3 years this September. I think part of why it was so easily left behind is because she lived in NC, and I'm in Ohio, so I couldn't really like go sit there every day and make sure something was being done. I would call and write letter, but eventually all the detectives just started ignoring me. There wasn't much I could do.

We are talking about a wrongful death suit, but as of right now, talking is as far as we have gone with it.

Muliebrity said...

Jeanette, That is some heavy stuff, sister.

Elisabeth, So how many nights are you going down to with Chris? You gotta do what you gotta do.

Nilia said...

Jeanette, oh my goodness that is terrible! I hope you get to see him get some type of consequence, that's awful that it was just dropped.

I shook my wallet at the moon last night too, we'll see!

Loving the obscene cat, and wouldn't have guessed EL, LOL!

Lisa said...

Jeanette, I'm so, so sorry about your mom and what happened. It's hard enough to lose a parent but under those circumstances>? I have no words. {{{Jeanette}}}

Speaking of moms, hi, Rhys! Has your mom gone? We need some pictures of her and the kids!

SW, I found the Beck thing and listened to it. How utterly disgusting and I don't give a damn that he apologized later. There was no excuse in the world for a grown man doing what he did and in the manner he did it. I've have to find myself a new conservative pundit to listen to for their side of things because he? Ain't it.

"a certain eloquent equestrienne"

Well, that rules Robin out. :-D Elisabeth, it is so obvious how much you love Chris you stick to your guns. It's unhealthy for you to give up as much of your life as you have and, in time, you'll resent it...and Chris. It's far better to make some changes now so that y'all can maintain your newly-discovered closeness. And I'm so glad some Daisies could help y'all out today! Thank you guys. :-)

Lisa said...

Kay, I'm sorry you're all pukey. That's got to be hell on your teeth, too. but gosh, it's got to make you so sore and tired. :-(

Muliebrity said...

Going to bed and I hope I summon enough strength to avoid killing my husband tomorrow. He deserves to see his daughter before he dies.

Lisa said...

Mulie, if it gets no better, Jeannette knows someone you can call so you don't have to do it yourself.

And that? Was my inappropriate comment of the day.

Life full of bRATS said...

Elisabeth- You're such a good sister, and I know chris appreciates it. Even if sometimes he might not want you to leave, I promise he will understand..

Ap- Today's been pretty damn hard. I'm still awake, still puking and I don't even want to think about my teeth. I'm considering veneers as I type :p But i have to live that long first. I'm so exhausted today, but one step forward, one day at a time. I CAN do this.. I just gotta keep going.

Jeanette said...

LMAO!! I was about to comment and thank everyone for the kind words and then I saw AP's "inappropriate comment" and about died!

AP, someone said the other day that you are so wrong, you're right! I think you should have that engraved on your headstone my friend, nothing will ever sum you up better!

Seriously though, thanks everyone. I've been dealing with things a lot better in recent months. The hardest part is that I have 2 babies here that will never get to meet her. I actually named Ella after her, her middle name was Ellen.

And, the asshole wouldn't give me any of her stuff when I was down there when it first happened. Later he said I could come back and go through it, but 1. I haven't been able to make the trip financially speaking, and 2. I'm kinda scared to go.

I do have a few things that I stole from there when I broke into the house before she was actually gone. I wanted to get a blanket that she had made to cover her up with so I went to get it, and grabbed a few other things while I was at it. Now I'm so glad I did. And I took every single picture of Brookelyn out of that house, and I'm doubly glad of that.

Anyway, I hope I didn't bring anyone down. Yes, it sucks, but in a way, and please understand that I mean this with a daughter's love, she is better off. She had RSD, what Robin has, and suffered all the time. And her husband made her completely miserable on a daily basis. I get much comfort from knowing that nothing will ever hurt her again.

Lisa said...

Kay, you can and *will do it. I honestly have no doubt about that but just hate like hell that you have to fight so hard to get there. Let's see...baking soda neutralizes acid so maybe rinse with a premixed soda and water solution when you've been sick? Veneers are expensive.

Life full of bRATS said...

I'm.. not one to say this often but. We could afford veneers if I want them. We're well off, or I'd of been dead. Because keeping me alive is costing thousands of dollars month... I don't flaunt it, because it just is. I'm not sure what to do about my teeth anymore, I hate dentists though so maybe go the denture route.

Jeanette said...

Kay, have you tried just regular over the counter Emetrol(sp?) for your nausea? As I mentioned, my mom had RSD and the morphine made her throw up a lot. That stuff was the only thing that would help with it.

Lisa said...

Jeanette, I had a feeling you'd not be mad at me for saying that. Sometimes, we've just got to find a laugh in it all to stay sane-ish. ;-) I never thought I'd be cheering someone one for having broken into a house but I'm awfully glad you did. Good job on that! And it was Robin's mom who had RSD but you're right, nothing will ever hurt your mom again and that? Is a blessing to hold onto. By the way, I rock the typos so thanks for not pointing out the extra N in your name. I know better, really.

Lisa said...

Kay, there are worse things than dentures. Heh, like you don't already know that. And gosh, I'm so very glad you can at least relax about the financial aspect of it all.

Lisa said...

Hold off on post coming up in 5 minutes or so.

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post up ***

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