Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, part 3.

Go on, keep talking.


twirldawg said...

Back from the store, ended up wandering around longer than I had meant to.

bookjunkie said...

Y'all help me remember about Sunset Daze on Wed. Is that the same day as Happy Town? I can't remember b/c I DVR'ed that last week.

Oh, I love to wander around the grocery store, Jill. If we're ever around a Publix, it's all over b/c the closest one is 90 miles away. I don't stop there unless I have plenty of time and a good bit of $. Love that place.

tumbleweedgirl said...

i'm not even going to try to catch up more....

hope sunday is as nice for others as it has been for us!

off to make butter chicken

twirldawg said...

I wandered around Home Depot and walked out with three new plants (cantaloupe, squash, and mint), then went to Michael's hoping for some inspiration for Mother's Day, and then grocery shopping.

I like shopping of all kinds, so doing it alone is a luxury for me!

T@iy@ said...

My hubs just made a roast and potatoes on the grill. Sooo yummy! Margaret- you rock!

bookjunkie said...

Glad you mentioned new plants. I was going to head to Wal-Mart for tomato plants and maybe a few more earlier but was just too hot. Really should run up there now.

Nilia said...

“I can't believe FT 'called' the white and black kitty before me, damn her. She's *always trying to swipe my stuff ::whines::”

EL: I am starting to have a sci-fi feeling that we may be the same person in parallel dimensions. Either that or I'm Swiper.

I was out with the boys and missed the 5 p.m. cutoff. Damn you, EL, damn you to hell!! Sorry to disappoint, Kaytie, I totally intended to snipe EL. Is it really over? Going over to check.

Anonymous said...

We just wanted to say thanks again to Margaret for doing this amazing auction.......AND huge thanks to everyone who donated time and talents. Chris got such a charge out of watching people bid.........he knows we're using this money to pay for his May medications, and every time he saw a bid increase he would say "so & so is paying lisinopril" or "so & so is making sure I get my.......coumadin" or the funniest, "so & so (ok, it's kaytie) is paying for be sure she gets a THANK YOU NOTE"
it sounds obnoxious but it was totally cute.

It is just such a show of kindness from everyone, and we are so thankful.

Nilia said...

Well I "won" 2 bracelets, Margaret I've emailed you!

Nilia said...

::still sulking about the French magnets::

T@iy@ said...

I won the little sweater, now someone I know better have a boy!

KaytieJ said...

Elisabeth and Chris - I am THRILLED I had the chance to pay for Vicoden. I mean that personally and professionally. With the out of control spasticity that you are going through now, Chris, my heart would burst thinking of you in so much pain without it. And please, no Thank You Notes. The only notes I wanted, SW outbid my ass :-D

Erin said...

"Damn you, EL, damn you to hell!!"
::tapping toes waiting for an apology::

As soon as you say sorry we can go egg Kaytie's house together, kay?

tumbleweedgirl said...


is the auction over? who do i need to send what?

Nilia said...

EL: you are a girl after my own heart. I'll pick you up in 10. BYOE (bring your own eggs).

Nilia said...

I think it's pretty sneaky of Kaytie to put on this here public blog that she wanted to see me snipe EL. And then who sniped us both?

If that isn't vile, then I just don't know what is.

Nilia said...

EL: And I *am sorry.

::sorry I didn't get home earlier to snipe you both::

Erin said...

Rhy's I am reading a book you would like. It is called 'the witch doctors wife' by Tamar Meyers.

The author was born and raised in the Congo, and now lives in North Carolina

KaytieJ said...

EL and FT: Bring it on. My chickens have been having been laying waaaaayyyy too many eggs (g)

And darn it, FT, you were supposed to be there - LOL!

KaytieJ said...

And apparently I have had too many "having been" Sigh. I only apologize for typos if FT or CK are on. Hmmph!

Erin said...

::grabs eggs:: I will be waiting.

KaytieJ said...

Hang on...I gotta show 3 three teen boys how to really power clutch on an ATV. Rattling my nerves hearing them grind my gears!
:::strapping on helmet:::
I'll be ba-aaack (eg)

bookjunkie said...

Ohhh, EL, that book sounds good. Adding to my Amazon wish list.

I have this other book that's not exactly the same subject(s) but reminds me a little of that one. The Birth House, by Ami McKay. I was on a messageboard where the author posted and heard about it there. Really good book.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Congrats, Shannon, on winning the bowl! As soon as we found out how to proceed, I'll need your address. ;)

twirldawg said...

I think my Amazon wishlist (where is put all the books I mean to read) has more books on it than I could ever read.

Nilia said...

One of my stops earlier today was to the bookstore,and I picked up these 3 (I guess older) books:

Change of Heart, Jodi Picoult
Careless in Red, Elizabeth George
Duma Key, Stephen King

I also had Three Cups of Tea in my hand and was worried it might be a little sad, I flip to the centre and see the couple with their baby, both adults holding rifles as their Christmas Card picture, and it's so funny but before I caught up here I emailed Corinne to ask her if she'd read that book.

Is it too sad? Sad books (and movies) linger with me, especially when they involve children.

twirldawg said...

FT I'm the same way.
This is why I will never read another Nick Sparks book unless I'm in one of those moods.

The newest Sookie Stackhouse book comes out Tuesday. I'm very excited.

T@iy@ said...

Oh, Jill! I didn't know that about Sookie! I hope my Mom buys it so i can swipe it when she is done reading it. :)

Nilia said...

Jill: I was looking at some other random book, the storyline (mystery) intrigued me but on the bookjacket the summary says the character's little boy dies in a tragic accident at I guess the beginning of the book so I put it back down. I didn't used to be this wussy.

Margo said...

I sent out all the e-mails - I don't have e-mails for Bella and SW. Please pay Elisabeth via paypal at Bella - your total is $8 and SW yours is $50.

I'm catching up on back survivors - I hate Russell!

PJ said...

FT - avoid Jodi Piccoult if you have a hard time with sad books about children.

Shannon said...

Hey Margaret, Elisabeth, BD....Margaret and BD you have mail...Elisabeth you/Chris well ya know.

Well I am just hitting for a second before running again....fighting a damn headache. Havent had one of these for a while.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Margaret, hi, just saw your post. I'll be sending it out in just a minute :)

Nilia said...

CK: aw crap, that's why I didn't read (or see) My Sister's Keeper. I'm just reading the jacket again now and see "... and the rage of a mother who has lost her child". I didn't see that at Chapters, shoot, I read about an empty future but then the jacket went on to mention her daughter so I figured that wasn't it. Clearly she had 2 children. Poop. Well I bought it for summer reading, maybe if I read it on a sunny sunny beach it'll be okay? Probably not. This may be a book I just don't finish, that's happened too. Have you read this one, CK?

::makes mental note to avoid Picoult no matter how tempted she is and no matter how much she hears that Picoult is an awesome writer::

Anonymous said...

Paypal sent!

Nilia said...

OT: I just got a notice via email that someone is following me on BlogFrog. I haven't posted there in MONTHS. I don't have a community. This person would have to be trolling very old comments. What is up with that? It's not under the FrenchTeacher handle either, it's under an older one. Weird.

PJ said...

I haven't read it yet. It's on my list at the library, but I have lots of people in line ahead of me.

Nilia said...

Oh and the title for my email is that "xxx is now my BFF (Blog Frog Friend)".

PJ said...

That happened to me - just somebody looking for readers for their blog.

I get such a kick out of how those mommy bloggers use each other.

Nilia said...

Yup, it's a mommy blogger. I had no idea that they could follow people. I don't have a blog or community or anything.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

PayPal for diaper wreath sent!

KaytieJ said...

FT - With the stalking that has been going re: Taiya and Fruitstand, I would not be surprised of mal intent.

Also, Greg Mortenson is one of my true life, living now heros. I was VERY resistant to reading his books "Two Cups of Tea" and "Stones for Schools". Once I did, my eyes have been opened to so many things. It is well worth reading. The only issue I have with Greg, is that it is BS sleeping on nightshift in an ER. But ours is one of the busiest on the west coast and so I "own it" that I am prejudiced. :::shrug:::

Anonymous said...

FT... you can block those people on BF or even delete your account altogether.

I don't know who is giving out personal information, but posting houses, addresses or places of employment online is going too far.

KaytieJ said...

Rhys - I am the highest bidder I believe for your photos. Do I go to your links and pick out an 8x4 and I can leave you my shipping address there?

Margo said...

FT - I read Duma Key - vewy scawy. My father was in a Stephen King movie for all of 2 seconds - most of his part fell to the cutting room floor but he still gets residuals :)

tumbleweedgirl said...


you will have to pick it out and just email me. the site uses paypal, so it would make you pay.

Margo said...

Kay - pick out what you want. I'll be getting all the addresses from Elisabeth and will provide the mailing addresses to the people who donated things.

KaytieJ said...

Thank you Rhys! It will take me a bit to pick one out, they are all so beautiful. Thank you for contributing your art to the auction!

PJ said...

FT - I just got an e-mail that somebody is following me today (from BF).

They must be on a roll over there.

Anonymous said...

It's redonkulous, Ms. Duck.

Margo said...

Who is going to break it to AP that SW might not be an attorney. AP might reconsider her marriage plans...

Anonymous said...

Well, we *are all fat, middle aged men on beanbags eating Cheetos, Margaret. A lawyer among us? Definitely a stretch! ;)

Anonymous said...

I just sent this in an email to AP but it STILL has me laughing so I am sharing here too........I'm sure it was funnier seeing the *truly confused look on his face tho....

He knew I was really praying for the auction proceeds to cover meds for May (and they WILL!! With money left for his new foot brace!) do when I told him thanks to the vile vile bid sniping y'all engaged in the meds would indeed be covered.....he was looking thru the site, making a note of who bid on what so he can say thank you. He got to the note card one and looked up with his brows actually *furrowed in question and said $50 for note cards? There's naked men pics under the flowers, right??

I just love my pervy little (big) bro.

Margo said...

Tru dat.

Muliebrity said...

I thought this was interesting.

Margo said...

Did you tell Chris it's pics of AP under the pedals?

Anonymous said...

::chris peeks into the notcard, and drops it in horror when he realizes it is a photo of a midget, wearing a snowsuit at the beach, ambulating with a walker.::

Anonymous said...

*notecard, not notcard.

Margo said...

I'm a conservative that can't believe abortion is still an issue.

I'm also amazed at what Komen has done - one woman's love for her sister. I wish someone would do the same for females and heart disease. It's the no 1 killer but people still think of it as an old man's disease.

Anonymous said...

Bella, he says he knows that walker mention was a dig at his gimpy ass.

He tried transitioning to a 4 footed cane dice. Maybe soon tho.

Anonymous said...

Margaret, I was more intrigued by the article's mention of abortion increasing breast cancer. Seems that all the sites that profess this are pro-life. The WHO says there is no link between the two.


Erin said...

Oooh Bella- who's that kitty? I love him.

BJ- thanks, I put that on my book list. I am really liking the witch doctor's wife.

Erin said...

Margaret, I saw that about SW. Sheesh. *Everyone knows lawyers don't buy cat litter. Duh.

Anonymous said...

EL, that's my old cat who went crazy, and I had to put him down. He bit a few people :(

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I'm a dyed in the wool liberal, and I'm going to decline to comment. :)

Erin said...

That is sad bella. I am sorry.

Margo said...

Sorry, I meant I can't believe there are people trying to outlaw abortion. To be honest I think I'm probably just left of center in my views.

Muliebrity said...

I am also a pro-lifer who also can not believe abortion is still an issue. It's not an issue I vote on. I do wonder why an organization, like Komen, would give money to Planned Parenthood.

Anonymous said...

It's ok, it was sad, but it worse to worry that he was going to really hurt someone.

Margo said...

I never thought much about abortion until a few years ago when my GYN told me I was prego. With my heart having another baby would kill me so I set up for a termination. In the meantime my GYN figured out he had made a mistake in my test results and I wasn't really prego...

Margo said...

I love siamese cats - I got one when I was 2 and she was with us until I was about 20. Precious thing - a dog bit her on the head and we had to have her put to sleep.

Erin said...

We had friends who's cat went after people. They thought it was clever. I cat sat for them once, and it left a 3 inch gash in my leg. I was scared shitless of him. I worked at a vet for years, and *that was the only animal I was ever truly afraid of.

Angie said...

Okay, I have a confession to make. ::deep breath:: I'm not really a lawyer. I just said that hoping to win AP's hand. And I'm so ashamed of myself, truly.

I'm really a cop. A very butch lesbian cop. And it's been said that I look hot in my uniform. But that's beside the point. The point is that I'm not a lawyer and I'm sure AP won't want me now that she knows I'm just a very butch lesbian cop.

KaytieJ said...

Margaret - you made a wise and difficult choice, even though it turned out you were not pregnant.

Pro Choice and cannot believe that forced pregnancy, no matter what the consequences and outcome, is still an issue.

Erin said...

SW- shameful. The only thing worse would be if you were a prison warden.

Angie said...

<<--pro choice and pro planned parenthood

Anonymous said...

"I love siamese cats - I got one when I was 2 and she was with us until I was about 20. Precious thing - a dog bit her on the head and we had to have her put to sleep."

Margaret, you just channeled my great grandmother. She immigrated here from Ireland, and she loved to tell stories that had horrible endings.

"See the house in this photo? Twas a lovely family that lived there, real bonnie folks. I went to many parties in their home when I was a child....."


"Just the loveliest people you would ever meet."

"Twas such a tragedy, twas." (Nonnie side-eyeing me expectantly)

(Me as a small child) "What happened, Nonnie?"

(My Nonnie's eyes lighting up like a kid in a candy store)

"Ach, the entire family got smashed into bits by a milk truck! Bits and pieces all over the road!"

And you wonder why I am such a vile creep...I'm blaming my childhood! :D

KaytieJ said...

SW - Thank goodness for your confession. I was sweating it. I so want to see a Happy Ever After for you both. And now that you mention it, I do believe I saw you on that Cops episode where you tazzed the ruffian!

Anonymous said...

SW, I'm sorry, but I think you sealed the deal on AP's love for you with that confession.

KaytieJ said...

Bella! I am laughing with you so hard. I am mostly of Scandinavian stock, but my bit of Irish Grandma would do that and scare the living bejeesus out of me!

Margo said...

I'm a story telling fool!

I'm watching the Patriot - I wish men still wore powdered wigs.

Anonymous said...

Kaytie, it's so funny! She told me some wild shit.

KaytieJ said...

Bella - I can imagine. I am still throwing salt across my front door step!

Jennifer-Lynn said...


PP provides many other services besides abortion referrals, including HIV and STD testing, birth control prescriptions, Pap smears, breast exams; they offer those services on a sliding scale for those who might not otherwise be able to obtain that kind of care. For that reason, it makes sense that Komen would donate. Abortion referrals are just one of their services, albeit possibly the most controversial.

KaytieJ said...

Margaret - I laugh so hard at the Great Dane scene!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Margaret, clearly you need to move to England and meet a barrister. :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I don't think I'm going to be long for you ladies; I'm beat.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Which is fine, since I'm all along, apparently. :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Along = alone.

Ah, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight, BD :)

I'm out too. Take care everyone :)

Margo said...

Me too - night, night ladies :)

Muliebrity said...

SW, This is very important, do you consistently wear a sports bra and/or ace bandage?

Nilia said...

Christy: I don't have anything to block on FB. I can't even remember my password. I guess I could dig it up somehow but I don't care enough.

Posting stuff, yeah. That just makes it easier to figure out by who know it right? No biggie.

Angie said...

Jeez, Mulie, that's kinda personal. Wouldn't want information like that splashed all over the internets. ;-)

CPTwife said...

To answer AP's earlier question: I'm doing alright, thanks! I'm determined to get to bed at decent hour so I'm shutting down the laptop in a minute. I just wanted to say a quick hello and I'll be back to chat more tomorrow. You all try to behave yourselves in the meantime.

KaytieJ said...

SW - How did you like Julie and Julia?

KaytieJ said...

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow CPT - Sleep well!

Angie said...

Hi CPTWife! It's good to see you here again!

Kaytie, I liked it. It made me want to cook more.

Oh, and AP, if you're still speaking to me after my Big Lie, the soup turned out great! I used a whole can of coconut milk because, what would I have done with the rest of the can anyway, right?

I'm out too. I've got to finish getting the house ready for the housekeeper to come tomorrow. And I have an early shift in the morning.

Night all!

Nilia said...

CPTWife, I forgot to say hello to you when I posted earlier!

Nilia said...

Dozens of Children's Meds Recalled:

Check your medicine cabinets, moms!

. said...

Hi All!

How is everyone tonight? Checking in from the crappy desktop!

There's a major cat fight happening in the street in front of my house. Damn strays!

Muliebrity said...

Night, SW. You are an American hero.

. said...

I deleted my BF account because random people kept following me, it was creeping me out.

Lisa said...

"::chris peeks into the notcard, and drops it in horror when he realizes it is a photo of a midget, wearing a snowsuit at the beach, ambulating with a walker.::"

The best part is, I still look the same. Just taller. :-D

"The point is that I'm not a lawyer and I'm sure AP won't want me now that she knows I'm just a very butch lesbian cop."

I think I just had a heart attack.

Lisa said...

SW, I used a whole can, too. We weren't supposed to? I'm glad you liked it. :-)

Erin said...

Tara- the strays drive me batty. We always get a ton dropped off by us. Then they fight with my cats, and *I get to pay the vet bill. I have one with a big infected bite as we speak. Off to the vet tomorrow.

We had a birthday party to attend today, and I had a meeting tonight. In those 4 total hours, somehow my house needs 6 hours of clean up. ::sigh::

KaytieJ said...

FT - My SIL just sent me that. Thank you for posting it here!

Heather said...

Bella, I'm sorry about your kitty. =( Maybe you or someone else here can help me with some advice if you don't mind. You said he went crazy. How old was he, and what was he doing? Did he have any health problems or just like dementia?

My cat that I've had my entire adult life is going crazy too. He has hyperthyroidism and we've decided to not pursue aggressive treatments-he isn't in any pain that we can see and his appetite is always good. But he's developed some serious litter box problems. I won't go into all of the details, but know that we've tried lots of different arrangements and it hasn't helped. These are problems that we can't live with forever. For the time being we've had to crate him for the nights with a litterbox.

He's withered like an old man-he's 16 1/2. If I thought he was suffering I'd put have him put down. He doesn't seem to be. And he is so alert. He's been my best buddy forever. =(

Heather said...

And...I really enjoyed the "Crafts for Chris", I hope y'all are going to do it again. Maybe I could make something too. I have crafty ADD. LOL!

I had to go out today and was so upset that I wasn't here around 5pm to win some other things. But I did win the magnet set and a bracelet. I have a thing about magnets LOL!

PJ said...

Since is time to come clean (brave move, SW) I have a confession to make.

I just look like a duck. Truth is I am a feminine heterosexual undercover detective.

I apologize to all of you for not being transparent about this. I'm not going to sleep well tonight knowing I've lied for all this time.

Robin said...


I just sent you an email--I'm excited to make a wreath for that itty bitty baby girl. Thanks for bidding on it! :)

Muliebrity said...

While we are confessing things, I have one too. I didn't really use yogurt tampons for my yeast infection. I fed them to the kids and told them they were Popsicles. Hold me.

Nilia said...

And I...

...actually teach *Spanish.


Nilia said...

Mulie: ewwwww! Too far!!

Nilia said...

Or should I say, demasiado lejos!

PJ said...

Must pick out my disguise for tomorrow. BBL.

PJ said...

This is a better photo of me. So you can all see how feminine I am.

Muliebrity said...

FT, I knew your French accent was fake!

Nilia said...

I was just trying to sound refined and well-bred.

I *am vile though, I promise!

Erin said...

TB- nice. You are an infectious disease also

Happy teacher appreciation week Jill & FT/ST (cuz in 15 minutes it will be.)

Erin said...

...and any other teachers I forgot since my brain is a melted puddle on the floor.

PJ said...

Sometimes I work undercover as a teacher, EL.

PJ said...

But don't tell anyone.

Erin said...

Well, then Tricksie- have a good week of being appreciated!

Lisa said...

Since we're confessing, I suppose it's time to let go of this burden I've been carrying...

I really *am recruiting.

PJ said...

EL - thanks - I won't know my next undercover assignment until I answer my shoe phone tomorrow morning.

Lisa said...

Like Maxwell Smart?

PJ said...

Is there a signing bonus? Do we get educational benefits? What happened to the "don't ask don't tell" philosophy?

Erin said...

MP- phew. For a minute I was afraid you were going to tell us you were all empty inside.

Then you would be 'Pie Hole"

PJ said...

MaCKswell Smart to you, MP.

PJ said...

Erin - RUN!

Nilia said...

Thanks EL! I *am a teacher, I promise.

MP: I *knew it!!

Erin said...

TB- I can't...I am laughing too hard.

PJ said...

We'll remember you fondly, EL, once AP is through with you. No banning wand this time - it's going to be a IED.

Lisa said...

"Is there a signing bonus? Do we get educational benefits? What happened to the "don't ask don't tell" philosophy?"

The "don't ask, don't tell" policy was nothing but a test to see who was brave enough to be in the Army. If you refuse to tell anyway, you had to join the Marines. If you were strong and brave and owned your pride, the Army kept you. <--little known military secret

No bonuses or benefits but we have really great parades and mess hall food rocks.

Erin, in no one's life will I ever be Pie Hole. *flips my AK-47 around like Jill does a baton*

Lisa said...

*pulls a bazooka out of her pocket*

<--has big, military pockets

Robin said...

Busy day in my yard...I took pictures today, if anyone wants to see them:

And this takes me off the list of someone else posting pics of my house--I did it FIRST. :)

PJ said...

Good point, Robin.

Erin said...

That is why I am so glad you are not empty inside.

PJ said...

Robin - beautiful. I hope my next assignment takes me to your area so I can see it in person.

Karen said...

"The point is that I'm not a lawyer and I'm sure AP won't want me now that she knows I'm just a very butch lesbian cop

What? ::perks ears::

Whats up - any Daisy's still awake?

Nilia said...

Way to be proactive Robin, LOL!

Those flowers are pretty! Too soon to garden here.

Erin said...

MP- Now *that is one way to shoot yourself in the foot. Get yourself a holster or something! You wouldn't want to blow *yourself up.

Cuz then you'd be 'Pie in the Sky'

PJ said...

Karen - you're taken.

I'm up but must sleep soon.

Robin, you have daisies in your yard!

Lisa said...

This is not really R2's rosebush, just so everyone knows. It's me, on a surveillance mission.

Although I must say the rest of her house and yard is as pretty as it looks in her pictures.

Robin said...


GREAT disguise!

Lisa said...

"Cuz then you'd be 'Pie in the Sky'"

Lol, good one. Although let's be real, I already sort of am. :-D

Karen said...

Robin I have "yard jealousy"!!

Bye the way Robin - How are you feeling and when do you get your results?

Robin said...

I like this one, FWIW:

Daisies!! :)

Robin said...

Karen--I get official results mid-week, but preliminary results were all REALLY GOOD!!

Thanks so much for asking. <3

Robin said...

And I felt good enough to garden today. I feel good.

Thank you!

Erin said...

Robin- it all looks great. I am jealous of your wisteria.

Goodnight all!

Karen said...

Robin - the very next picture in that album, after the daisy's - is that something called witches broom or something like that? looks similar to something I had and loved in NY... but I forget whats its called, but it was witches something.... or something broom....

very horticulturally experienced, can you tell I worked in a landscape firm for 10 years? ha!!

Robin said...

I'm not 100% certain, but I *think* that's Phlox.

But I dunno. I think it is. But sometimes my husband plants stuff, and I see it and ask, "WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?"

And he just shrugs.

But I think that's Phlox, also called Thrift.

Karen said...

Ijust answered my own question - my plant was a scotch broom

What is that in your photos though Robin?

Karen said...

Short to the ground Robin, and grows like crazy and spreads year to year? I used to have that too - Purple Phlox... Very pretty stuff!

Karen said...

Good news Robin and glad you aren't in pain!

It is so muggy here... yuch! I wish it would just rain and get it over with.

Oh, and I think I might be getting pink eye now.... been to long to catch it from the grands so not sure.... Robin - how is your eye problem doing???

Karen said...

Night Erin - Hello and goodbye!

Robin said...

Yup, that's it! We have white, pink, purple, and blue. I think you can see patches of it in my photos. It's close to the end of its bloom though. That's its one drawback--beautiful plant, but with a short bloom season. I try to plant stuff that blooms from Spring through the first frost. Much of what I have does, but not everything.

Robin said...

Karen--my eyes seem better now. It was hell for a full week, and I'm not sure still what it was all about, but I'm just glad it's pretty much gone now!!

I hope you aren't getting pink eye! :(

Karen said...

I have a space beside my door at this apartment that is about 6' x 10' at the most - and I want to plant stuff this year... We face South and get lots of sun - I want color - no clue what to plant though!

Karen said...

Its itchy and watery and I have chunks of floaty white stuff in it all day I have to keep getting out ( I know - TMI) and they are burning right now! The pollen count is crazy here, so wondering if its just allergies... Glad you are better! Did you do medicine? Or just wait it out?

Robin said...

EL--I *so* wish I could send you a wisteria plant. See the smaller one down below the trellis and the bird bath? Unless I can get someone to take it, it will be killed soon. And we are seriously chopping back the huge part, too. As beautiful as it is, wisteria will take over if you don't keep it in check.

Robin said...

Karen--I just waited it out, and our pollen counts were INSANE here the last couple of weeks--between 1900 and 3000. This week they dropped to 95. So, I think my problem was just pollen.

What height plant do you want to grow in your planting area?

Karen said...

Well there is a window in part of it - so I don't want to block the view out the window - its in the dining room - but there is a central a/c unit on the other side of that and I would like to block that with something taller, and then just some colorful things, I love bleeding hearts and might get one of those... but probably nothing over a foot tall or so - at least for most of the area.

Nilia said...

Which one of you Daisies found a discount code for me for Oriental Trading? Any good ones lately?

Robin said...

If you trust me with your address, you could email me and I could send you some gold cosmos seeds. They grow prolifically and are around a foot tall. They love sun, and require NO care.

Here is a pic:

I have TONS of gold cosmos seeds. In my front planting area? They are just starting to grow, but by mid-summer, they will color that whole space.

Robin said...

Off to sleep. I'm tired!

And work won't wait for me in the morning, tired or not.


Anonymous said...

I am totally zapped (back at Chris' apartment after the whirlwind 24 hours at home) so I am just dropping in quickly. I sent Margaret the info regarding the payments I received from all of you lovely ladies. If anyone has questions about how to pay, email me or send payment via paypal using that email address.

Even tho it was only 2 bracelets, *someone being interested enough to pay *any money for them made me think I might be able to set up a little site selling my bracelets and earrings. So thank you for that confidence!! Erin's family is way more talented, but it's something I can aspire to.......and in the mean time I can maybe make coffee money or something for Chris!

Lots of Daisies are Cat I wanted to share with y'all a lovely book which a Daisy Friend's friend sent to Chris. It got here yesterday while we were at my house, and was waiting when we got back to the apartment today. I truthfully told Chris I did not know what was in the package and he was so excited he ripped into it with his teeth and one good hand. (usually I open the mail since it's hard to do one handed) Inside was a FABULOUS book entitled "They Had Me At Meow". It's by an apparently fab lady named Rosie Sorenson who used to be a doctor but now has her priorities in order and rescues kitty cats=)
We have LOVED looking at it......the photos are gorgeous and the cats from her cat sanctuary are so adorable. She sent Chris this book with a sweet inscription and it was such a nice surprise for him.

I am not sure how widely available this book is but you should try and get is just great!!

Thank you ONE MORE TIME to all of the wonderful people who made and donated items, bid on items, promoted the site, or cheered everyone on here. Yet another selfless action which has shown my brother how loved and valued he is......and while the proceeds will truly help as they will be buying his medications for May......the continued realization that he is WORTH IT......well that is just priceless beyond measure.

Karen said...

Elisabeth, I'm so glad that the auction went well (Margaret you are so sweet to have done that auction!!) and I hope that Chris is doing well tonight! I enjoy hearing his little comments and can't wait til he can come on and chat live, some of the conversations that happen here, he will be a great addition!!

Robin - I would trust you 100% with my address... but I don't think I want to do seeds. My thumbs are definately anything but green! and I want to go to a garden center and get stuff that is already grown, preferably quart size if I can afford it... So that they have the best chance possible! But thank you for the offer, and I'm going to look for some already started gold cosmos cause they look like they would fit well here!! So thank you very much Robin!!

Karen said...

Going to bed busy day tomorrow - we have Tay again! and my niece is in the hospital again... See you tomorrow!

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post ***

Oopsie Daisy said...

Oh, and Chris? Is totally worth it. :-)

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