Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What's for dinner?


Amy said...

oooh! Yeah! This is the one thing that has gone my way today! Sorry to have been awol, but the real world has been keeping me very busy :(

twirldawg said...

My facebook and e-mail are exploding with teacher friends wanting to know who got laid-off.

This has to be the worst year in teaching I've had. Floods, snow days, furlough days, a student getting killed, and now lay-offs.

tumbleweedgirl said...


one other thought for the clinic folks, or whoever might need info: we used to put a ribbon on lia's leg or arm when she got the shot. i'd knot a bead on it, to help track how often she'd had the shots. maybe you could do something similar for chris?

Angie said...

Thank goodness it's almost over, Jill. I'm sorry it's been so rough.

Angie said...

CK, I totally forgot about the Good Wife! OMG, that is awesome too! I'm going to stay up soooo late to watch everything! Woohooo! I hope my excitement from tonight will carry me through what is sure to be a grumpy morning tomorrow!

PJ said...

Hi SW - how many billable hours did you get in today (hehe)?

Margo said...

Joe Biden's son had a stroke today.

Angie said...

Um, a LOT a lot! Thanks for asking CK. coughbitchcough

Margo said...

We are facing major cuts at our school Jill. Our county is so top heavy in admin it's nonsense!

Angie said...

Margaret, the son who is in the military?

. said...

SW: So jealous that someone comes over to watch TV with you and brings you Thai food! Can't wait for Lost tonight, but I'm still so..., well, Lost.

Elisabeth: That's SO scary about the meds! Yikes! I can't believe they asked HIM! Geesh. It's a damn miracle more people don't die, there are way too many incompetent medical people out there.

. said...

Jill, lots of hugs. What a rough year. I'm sorry.

Margo said...

No, Beau.

PJ said...

Margaret - was it a serious stroke or a mild one?

Margo said...

SW - I'm wrong - he was in the military. They are saying mild stroke.

PJ said...

Must get some work done. Trying to beat SW's record for billable hours today.

I think I have a shot at it.

Regina Phalange said...

Hi daisies!

You know, my sister had a stroke and never even knew it! She recently had an mri done and they were all like, "Oh. You had a stroke." And she was like, "Ya-whaaa?!?!"

True story.

Hope all is well in daisyville!

Amy said...

Completely random...a friend and I were talking about boards and list serves and what not via im earlier...do you remember when AOL *was the internet? And just how much it has exploded and expanded over the last 15 or so years? Amazing. And how many people are on it and all the shit they talk about...all.day.and.night.long. It is just astounding, and so difficult to *control.

Amy said...

Oh, RP, all is vile in daisyland...we are vile, evil bitches, doncha know?

Muliebrity said...

Debbie Downer alert:

I feel like crap; crampy, huge, annoyed to the max. That is all.

Amy said...

Ooooh! Is there a baby coming? Or did someone do you like Betty White did Tina Fey the other night, census lady?

PS I hope you feel better soon.

Lisa said...

Mulie, I'm sorry. Can we help?

Amy, I do remember those days! And yes, it's nearly an occupation for people now, just sitting here and...uh...nevermind.

I'm sooo excited for Lost.

Jill, all that has to make you feel even better about getting out of it, doesn't it?

Muliebrity said...

I am suddenly cheered by The Burger Queen's Socialism post. Good, good stuff.

Muliebrity said...

And I just ate 4 Brown Cows. I sure hope there were only 12 in that box, because there is only 1 left and I just bought them on Sunday. And, they have only been eaten by me.

Shannon said...

Hey vile ones

Mulie sounds like a baby is in your near future....SURPRISE!!!!

RP that is kinda freaky to find out that someone had a stroke after the fact.YIKES

Can I say how happy I am that AOL is no longer the internet. Fuck them....they fucked my mom over so bad with how they were charging her for my internet back in the day. I didnt have a CC and they required on so I would pay her and they would charge her account. Well then she switched it to her checking but they kept charging both.

Amy said...

shh, Shannon...I know *someone here still has AO Hell.

Anonymous said...

Hi ladies :) How was your day?

Shannon said...

OOOPS you are right Amy....Sorry dont mean to offend those with AOHELL....but then again my mother still has dial up LOL

Shannon said...

Bella I did homework...I know shocking right? Watched Quarantine....not a good movie to watch when you are trying to concentrate on homework. Took a nap....got the hubby only because my daughter woke me up 10 minutes before I needed to go LOL

And I ate way too many of the delish cookies the stepish daughter made me last night.

Anonymous said...

I read about your cookie love earlier Shannon. I haven't had a cookie in forever. I worked my tail off as usual, and now am waiting for dinner to be done.

Shannon said...

I should see about sending you some of these...or maybe freezing some of the dough and mailing them. You would love them and they are good for a lady who works her ass off....nearly a well balanced meal in every one.

Shannon said...

I would send you the recipe but then that doesnt help with finding the time to make them

Margo said...

This organization is collecting pet hair to help clean up the gulf http://matteroftrust.org/ - I don't know anything about it but a friend of mine who owns a pet store sent it to me.

Lisa said...

"I haven't had a cookie in forever."

That's not true. You had 8 apple cinnamon ones not long ago at all and then shit for three days. I remember these things.

Shannon said...

HAHAHAHAHA So true AP.....Is it bad that I had fun telling IRL friends about that one? Good thing there is no way for them to find out who one of friends online is.

Amy said...

Do *NOT* talk about the fibre wafers on the internets!!! THAT is verboten!

Anonymous said...

AP, I don't consider laxatives cookies. FTR.

Shannon said...

Mulie.....are you still on? How are you feeling? Are you having a baby?

PJ said...

Tuesday nights are my highlight for TV. AI, Glee, then Parenthood and Good Wife. (Will take one of those for later).

Have fun!

PJ said...

take = tape

damn blogger....

Shannon said...

Ok since Mulie doesnt answer me I will start the rumor that she is in labor and in 2 days we will find a birth announcement waiting for us :)

twirldawg said...

Shannon you are chomping at the bit for someone to have a baby aren't you ;)

Shannon said...

LOL I do love me some babies what can I say....I am too old to have more babies but that doesnt mean I cant live vicariously through other people's babies :)

Muliebrity said...

No baby. I had to work on the Census. I really needed to get out of the house. *Everyone was getting on my nerves. I was even getting on my own nerves.

Shannon said...

Dammit Mulie! First Tayia has to dash my baby hopes and now you do....I DONT WANT TO WAIT FOR BABIES!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Mulie, sorry you are irritated. Or were irritated. Feeling better?

Erin said...

Just when I think I catch up...there is something *else to do, and I have to catch up all over again. ::sigh::

Angie said...

Okay, tonight's TV was good, but not the best. American Idol had my favorite moment all season. Lost was odd. Not bad and important for story development, but odd. Glee was good but not great. Haven't watched The Good Wife yet.

PJ said...

What moment was that, SW? Lee and Crystal?

PJ said...

The one thing that bothers me about Glee, is that the "geeky and awkward" Glee kids are pretty damn cool.

Muliebrity said...

Was watching Lost. And, I do feel a bit better. Came home to hubby mopping the floor!

Angie said...

YES CK! Wasn't it divine? I've watched it at least 3 times. I've been waiting for a goosebump moment all season, and man, I got it! They could record that and have a hit.

PJ said...

SW - Have you seen the movie it's from - "Once". Love it. I like the original version better, but they did a great job with it.

PJ said...

Mulie, a man mopping the floor would do it for me. Right to bed with that one!

Angie said...

I have seen the movie. And I showed my bf a performance of the original song. The original was a lot slower. Lovely, but I actually prefer the what Lee and Crystal did with it.

Muliebrity said...

"Mulie, a man mopping the floor would do it for me. Right to bed with that one!"

Except it made him all gross and sweaty. I have a low tolerance for nastiness right now.

PJ said...

Mulie, if I was as PG as you were, even a floor mopping man might not interest me.

Angie said...

***NEW Post***

And it's a doozy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone........thanks for all of the advice and good wishes. Chris is fine......the closest he came to bodily harm was when hevwas in the bathroom and screamed "OHMYGOD!!!!!" at the top of his lungs........because he thought it would be reeeally *funny to see how fast I could come running. Where upon he used his good arm to point in the bowl and say LOOK at the SIZE of THAT!!

Little bastard.

Anyway, the coag clinic told us what to watch out for and and look for (the main thing being blood in stools or urine, which is why it was SO MEAN of him to do that to me) and aside from a slightly altered dosing schedule for the next few days, it seems ok.

I DID hand deliver a letter which stated that ALL medical information has to be verified through me, my husband, or my mom.

And I suggested a policy change for ALL patients.......that perhaps when a patient has had a massive and near fatal brain I jury, double check the information they give you when it will be used to determine a possibly fatal action.

Anyway.....thank you all so much for helping us thru this day! In off to spit in the bowl of ice cream Chris just requested.....and after he starts eating I'm gonna point in the bowl and yell OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT .......and see how hard *he laughs.

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