Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Smoke rings.


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Anonymous said...

As for husband, he just looks at me like what do you want me to do.

Not sure if insurance will cover, they don't cover Autism stuff anyway. But if it turns out that we are suspecting brain damage due to the delivery, I don't know how that would pan out.

Treatment options would be the same for C but the autism label would be removed and I can't think of the term but it would be like other medical issue or something.

Robin in Montana said...

AP - I don't know this for sure, just wondering. If they don't let a suspected shoplifter actually leave the store before stopping them, they couldn't prosecute for shoplifting, could they? (Not saying you were a shoplifter, LFoB!). It's not illegal to carry something around in your pocket in the store so long as you pay for it, right? I don't know, just thinking.

kristin said...

RiM - did you do brackets - I did. SO is big on them. I did them last year just because and kicked his A$$ - so we did it again this year.

I thought it was funny that I beat him last year. I don't follow college ball at all.

Sandy - I would follow AP's advice.

AP - sorry about Miss Arse's eye - I hope it gets better and they are able to fix them both.

Shannon - glad that the dr. is listening to you but sorry about the no hysterectomy.

Lisa said...

Margaret, I'm so sorry about your FIL. :-(

BD, what's A. got? Any idea? Hope she feels better quickly.

And yes, I saw the Walmart story. What a disgusting thhing. I will say, anyone could pick up a phone at a Walmart and make an announcement, could have been a customer. I hope they can figure it out by the videos and I hope the person's name gets published.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Sandy, I'm so sorry about this whole thing with the school. Where do you live?

RiM: Mr. BD is a KU guy. If Kansas takes it the whole way, as Mr. BD (and Obama, apparently) predict, I could ask for an elephant with a diamond encrusted saddle, and I'm pretty sure I'd get it. So I'm rooting for KU, I guess.

Actually, two of my dad's players are going to be duking it out; one plays for KU, the other for Syracuse. So either one would make me happy, because my dad would be so psyched. But I think Mr. BD would be less devastated by a KU loss than he would by a Syracuse win. :)

Shannon said...

RiM when I worked for Target our asset protection lead used to laugh because I would threaten to shoplift all the time. He would tell me I could shoplift what ever I wanted so long as I didnt leave the store with it....that would be on me or in me LOL

Anonymous said...

AP, are they giving Miss Arse steriods for her eye. Cause if they are my mom was a royal pain in the arse on them. LOL She said she couldn't even stand herself.

Margo said...

Poor Miss Arse :(

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - God knows I'm not big on suing willy-nilly, but if your daughters issues are a result of a doctor's actions, I'd be all over a malpractice suit, and maybe at least then you'd have the funding to be able to get the treatments that would help her best. I am just so sorry.

SHannon - I am glad you're getting a doctor to listen to you.

Kristin - I didn't do any brackets, but I think there's a pool at Kelly's work that he's doing. Neither of us follow college ball all year, but we both love watching the tournament. I see President Obama picked Kansas to win the whole thing.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

AP: I think it's just a cold or a minor flu. She says her mouth hurts, and I figured out that it was her throat because I don't think she's ever referenced it before. It's a tiny bit red, but no streaks/strips of white. I think she just needs to take it easy. Between preschool and playdates, she's around a lot of kids; she was bound to come down with something.

Anonymous said...

BD, I'm in Illinois. Our state is broke. They are closing schools left and right. One area here is losing 3200 teachers due to no funding.

suz said...

Morning Daisies!
Just popping my head in to wish everyone a good day. Work is busy and I am in the shop today.
Sandy, sorry you and C are getting treated like crap. That is wrong on so many levels. They are supposed to fight for kids, not against them.
Kristin Sorry you have stupid people today. :P
Shannon, glad the appt. went well.
SW, hope your birthday dinner was good.
hi RiM, Linds, Corinne and all who I have missed..Margaret :)

Ok, back to it bbl..

Lisa said...

"It's not illegal to carry something around in your pocket in the store so long as you pay for it, right? I don't know, just thinking."

Nope, I don't think that's illegal at all. I also know Walmart's corporate policy is to not pursue into the parking lot or to retrain anyone in any manner. A local doorgreeter here was just fired for following a man who refused to show him a receipt for an item out into the parking lot. The guy beat the hell out of the door greeter (old guy) and was arrested but then the door greeter was fired for violating company policy. It's been on our local news because people were pissed.

Anonymous said...

AP, I heard about that. They were playing the video of the poor guy getting the crap beat out of him.

Lisa said...

"AP, are they giving Miss Arse steriods for her eye. Cause if they are my mom was a royal pain in the arse on them. LOL She said she couldn't even stand herself."

Yes, at least I'm assuming it is since it starts with "predniso..." Thanks for the warning!

Robin in Montana said...

BD - See if you can get two of those elephants. :nod:

Shannon -- lol. I do think that's why they stopped LFoB out in the parking lot. One time when I worked in court, I was kind of friends with the oss prevention guy at Mervyn's and I was in there shopping and I kept hearing a knock on the wall. :::looking around, don't see anything::: and all of a sudden a mirror opened and there he was, grabbed me by my arm and yarded me in there, to watch this employee they suspected of stealing from the cash register. Very cool, but oogy to think someone was watching me wander around touching clothes, lol.

Robin in Montana said...

Hmmm. I wouldn't think that policy applied to their actual loss prevention people, though; right? How else would they do it?

kristin said...

Yeah, and then I get back from lunch to this e-mail -

Next time we are short handed, let me know you’re leaving.

I told one guy that I was leaving and he was in the hall. Last I checked - you weren't my momma and I don't need to tell you anything.

That baffled me b/c I always let everyone know I'm out - and I'll be back - and no one offers me the same courtesy. So today as I was leaving, I passed one of the guys and said, going to the bank - be back in a few and walked out.

Seriously - get the corn cob out of your ass please and thank you!

suz said...

AP, I missed it Miss Arse eye infection? I had a weird bout with strep in my eye. Gross I know. My eye was scratchy and there was a little white spot on my iris. Meds cleared right up. Could not wear contacts for a week.
Sandy, I can not believe the lack of support you get from everyone who surrounds you. Hugs to you.
Margaret, sorry about your fil.

kristin said...

BD - sorry about the sickie - hopefully it is nothing to serious.

kristin said...

I think next time I take a shit - I will e-mail him :)

Anonymous said...

Kristin, LMAO!

kristin said...

and then he goes to lunch and doesn't mention a thing.


Anywho - people are pissing me off today :) I think it is b/c it is a beautiful day outside and I really don't want to be here - and answer the phones :(

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Kristin, LMAO.

In a more disturbing note...I worked in a pediatrician's office during my college vacations. One woman brought in her 5 year old daughter with a weird hive-like rash around her eye, thinking it was an allergic reaction.

Um, no. It was herpes. Genital herpes. On the 5 year old's face.


Anonymous said...


Jennifer-Lynn said...

Sandy, I saw a lot of awful stuff at that office, even other cases of sexual abuse, but that's the one that stays with me.

Shannon said...

That is horrific BD

Robin in Montana said...

BD - that is horrible. I've typed a lot of sex abuse cases, and most of them do not stick in my mind, but the ones with little, little kids just kill me.

Lindsay said...

BD - that - is the saddest thing.

AP - sorry about Miss Arse. One eye is better than not, though.

M - I am so so sorry. Is your hubby heading down to be with him?

Kristin - I double dog dare you to tell him when you are going to the bathroom and let him know if it's #1 or #2 :)

And RiM - GO ZAGS! Forget the stupid Huskies who are playing today. Yack.

Lindsay said...

Oh, and Shannon - I hope the flonase works. Sorry no hysterectomy though :(

Robin in Montana said...

Linds - the Zags are favored to win their first round game, something like 70% to 30%, I think.

And the first score is in, with Notre Dame out ...

kristin said...

I think I picked ND - damn! I don't have my brackets with me. :(

Jennifer-Lynn said...

My freshman year of college UMass was in the championship game, and lost. You want to talk pandemonium? It was INSANE.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Both of my kids are napping at the same time.

I think this is unprecedented.

Lindsay said...

That's the best thing about college hoops is that it's anybody's to win. I just love a good underdog story.

Margo said...

L - I think he should go but he HATES hospitals. I'll call tonight and find out what is going on. His father thinks I'm a physician so he tells me more than he does the rest of them.

Margo said...

Shannon - sorry no hyster and ice packs on your vagine. I've loved every minute of not having a uterus!

Anonymous said...

Margaret, saying a prayer.

Lindsay said...

M - keep us posted. At least your FIL will tell you the honest truth.

Ice packs on the vagine. Ha!

Last night my parents were showing us pictures from their Olympic trip and there was a picture of the the bobsled team from Kazhikstan (or however you spell it) and I thought of Borat! Btw, the view point they had from where they snuck up in to the treeline was pretty awesome - those cheap-o's.

kristin said...

YIKES - just saw on FB from JM:

I'm writing a post about sex.

Way to get those clicks - seriously?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear God no!

kristin said...

I wonder if she is going to mention her husband's small penis size?

Anonymous said...

Sandra Bullock moves out of family home according to my Yahoo page.

Lindsay said...

What is this world coming to? Has she no shame? Those poor children. In 10 years they get to look back at their "online baby book" and see this crap. Lucky little ones.

Anonymous said...

Kristin - Please tell me you're kidding!

Anonymous said...

I am in no way sticking up for JM, but I do feel bad about all the hate sites. When the kids are older and they Google their makes me sad for them.

Lindsay said...

K - it's going to be an instructional video on how to get the big O with a little p.

Anonymous said...

Sandy- I read that too. I'm sad for her, she seemed so happy a few days before.

Men are idiots.

(And so are the people at C's school)

Anonymous said...

OMG, Lindsay. Please no. Where's the bleach!!!!

kristin said...

LMFAO Lindsay! I was thinking the same thing - although wasn't thinking video - just instructional!

Lindsay said...

Sorry, my mind went to a bad place. A very bad place.

Her kids are going to be the losers all the way around. And that's just sad. They didn't ask to have them for parents.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I can think of no one's sex life, barring my parents, about which I would like to know less.

Lindsay said...

If she's not careful, she's going to have to put up and explicit content warning. Seriously.

Lindsay said...

BD - LMAO. I second that.

Anonymous said...

Bd- I third that.

Margo said...


I'm disappointed in Jesse James.

Margo said...

I think I shall turn my disappointment into tomorrow's blog post - an open letter to Jesse James...

Anonymous said...

What a dirty dog he is. Here she is standing up for him with the daughter custody thing. That can't look good for him right now.

Robin in Montana said...

Margaret - LOL. I think you should. ::nod::

I do feel bad for Sandra Bullock, especially in light of how emotional she just got about him in her Academy awards speech.

Robin in Montana said...

Well. I just sent an email to AP that was most *definitely not meant for her. My face is red...

kristin said...

Oh no RiM - who was it for?

Now I'm curious as to what it said?

I guess it can't be as bad as sending an e-mail/text (can't remember which one) to the ex.

Anonymous said...

RiM- Email was meant for Kelly? ;)

Robin in Montana said...

It was to Kelly. It wasn't a picture or anything, lol. But she will torment me about it now.

Anonymous said...


Jennifer-Lynn said...

Oooh, RiM.

Yeah. You'll never live that down. :)

Anonymous said...

Alright ladies, I'm off for today.

I'm leaving for Dublin tomorrow morning (as in 6 a.m. :P) and coming back Sunday evening so I most likely won't be on until at least Sunday night.

Have a nice weekend all!

Robin in Montana said...

I knew the second I hit send it went to her - went back and checked, and *dammit! lol.

Jennifer-Lynn said...


Have fun!

Angie said...

Corinne, have a GREAT trip!

OMG, someone on MWOP said that JM's sex post is up! Oh noes! I still haven't technically lost my Mcksobriety yet (as I've defined it). Someone please read it and tell me it's lame and not worth it. Or, if you'd prefer, tell me to STFU already and read the damn blog. :-)

kristin said...

That's funny RiM!

Bye Corinne - have fun!

Lindsay said...

Have fun Corinne! I could not be any more jealous of you than I am right now!

Robin - that *is funny. But then, it didn't happen to me :p

M - You should, totally. Cuz this other girl I know did it and now she's raking in piles of dough from her blog.

kristin said...

SW - so not worth it! Really!

Lindsay said...

SW - You could send me in. I haven't achieved sobriety yet. But I just had lunch and don't want to leave a mess of vomit on my keyboard. So maybe after my lunch settles :)

Margo said...

SW - don't do it - it's bible verses on sex... not worth losing your 30 day pin for.

Lindsay said...

K - let me guess. It wasn't really about sex at all. That was just her marketing strategy.

kristin said...

she quotes the Bible - ")all quotes in this post are from the NIV version of the Bible, in the book of Song of Solomon)"

with a few blurbs - but nothing telling - and then asks her sheeple what they think - saying its okay to talk about it and enjoy it, etc.

kristin said...

Fersher just made a funny -

"And so this is what Christian porn reads like. Thank you, MckMama, for enlightening me. "

Lindsay said...

Talk about and enjoy sex or talk about and enjoy her blog post :p Either way, phew, how did I live without her telling me it was okay?

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer-Lynn said...

You mean me and Mr. BD can move past holding hands? Thanks, JM!

Margo said...

She should have posted a picture of fabio so the mcklemmings could have a visual as they salivate onto their keyboards, hearts bursting with the joy, sharing their sexual conquests with their leader.

Angie said...

Bible verses about sex? Thanks Margaret, that's not at all appealing.

Speaking of sobriety, my sister has a friend who's been "sober" in overeater's anonymous for 30 years. Apparently in OA you get to define "sobriety" however works for you. Obviously it's different from AA, because you HAVE to eat. But you don't have to OVEReat. So my sister's friend defined his sobriety as not ever eating a "whole" thing. So he could eat 9/10 of a pie, and still maintain his sobriety. So long as he didn't eat the whole thing.

And he's got 30 years of chips out of his definition. I think that's pretty funny.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

"And Lo, when PC renders me breathless, we are both joined in hosanna and hallelujah. And also, Target gift cards from you, dear ones."

Robin in Montana said...

Unfortunately King Solomon never penned any verses about small penises, because that would have come in handy in that little blog post.

Jennifer-Lynn said...


The Bible does have its racy bits, but really, it's not like JM invented the whole "Solomon" means Christians can enjoy sex idea.

Margo said...

I cry libel on Lindsay and Robin - RV doesn't have a small penis he just thinks he does.

kristin said...

Can I vent for a minute - my cousin is an alcoholic - she is younger than me and recently married. They have struggled with her addiction. I know my aunt and uncle are very supportive but her sister has issues.

I just saw her hubbies status yesterday - and he mentioned something about St. Patty's day and drinking beer.

I am so mad at him for that - I would think he would be more supportive and refrain from drinking around her or mention it. This is the second time I have seen his status mentioning alcohol.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

RE: tiny peen...

As my husband would say, maybe IM is a grower, not a shower.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin in Montana said...

"As long as there are small penises, there will be big SUV's..."

Lindsay said...

M - I will retract my statement as I *clearly have no proof of the size of his member. I swear to that on a stack of a trillion bibles.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Christian Porn!! Woo Hoo!!

Margo said...

Buy some plastic beach balls and sharpies - they can color them and then use them in the pool.

Lindsay said...

I wish I had some advice Taiya. All those seem like great ideas. That's kind of a hard age to entertain away from home!

Okay, must get off my duff and get a few things done and hopefully go for a walk on this gloriously sunny day.

kristin said...

Taiya - I recently went to a party and we did sock puppets - there was a kit she bought - but it involved parent help.

She also had a princess party and had princess crowns that the girls can do - and since LM was the only boy besides her son - she had pirate hats - she found them at Hobby Lobby or Michael's.

I also found some foam letters with animals mixed in and bought some foam rectangles - LM likes sticking those every where.

How about sidewalk chalk?

KaytieJ said...

Sandy - Damn, damn, damn. Hopefully the new principal will be an advocate for children, rather than a gate keeper for special ed funds. That is just so wrong.

Shannon - Hope the flonase helps!

Margaret - Sorry to hear about your FIL.

Lindsay - LMAO off at Big O little p. Yet another blitz of marketing strategy for the McKTwits.

AP - I hope so much the prednisone works and Mrs. Arse can get both eyes done.

RiM - Love Montana - but gotta go with my 'ZAGA boys!

Robin in Montana said...

Big beads strung on to big string to make necklaces? I don't know, it's tough when you're not at home and can't make a mess.

KaytieJ said...

RiM - I was out brushing mares and worming the others, but just read your post. Do you have a place you can rent a trailer? Better yet, friends with a trailer?

AND, I came back in the house because I found a stray dog (short haired golden retriever or lab) hanging out in our barn. He is now laying passed out beside me-well on the floor, me on the couch. He is old, starved and limping (arthritis) and so sweet. I called the pound and they have no reports of a dog missing that fit him. Left name and number. Took the dog in car around neighbors and they don't know him. Going to the State Park after he rests up (my three dogs love him and wore him out) to see if some campers there lost a dog. Poor baby.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T@iy@ said...

Thanks for the suggestions! Off to drop Ryla at grandma's for some playtime. :)

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - I love the Zags, too, and unfortunately for Montana, I don't think it's really going to come to me having to make a decision between the two. I fully expect to see MT getting trounced on tonight. :(

Angie said...

"As my husband would say, maybe IM is a grower, not a shower."

That saying was created to make guys with small penises feel better. If it ain't a showin', it ain't a growin' enough to make up the difference.

Angie said...

Kay, poor doggie. I'm so glad he found you!

KaytieJ said...

RiM - Oh good one! AP is going to cherish that e-mail moment :-D

kristin said...

awww - Kaytie - that is awesome.

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie - awww about the dog. I am wanting a big dog so bad, and I think once we move we will get one. We really liked that husky at the shelter that I talked about last week, but after we walked him again and kind of got his story we just kind of figured he was going to be trouble -he apparently doesn't stay home, or in a yard, unless he's chained, and I really, really hate that.

And when we got back from that walk there had just been a tiny little chocolate lab female dropped off, and we were very, very tempted by that. We did finally decide no, just too hard right now with trying to move, etc., and according to the girl Kelly works with (who volunteers at the shelter on the weekends) that puppy was gone within a half hour. There is also a rottweiler/australian shepherd (I know!) puppy there, and the whole litter was there at one time and according to Linda (the woman from work) they have been the *nicest puppies, totally mellow, figuring out the potty training thing, etc. So maybe ... I don't know. We shall see.

And I do have friends with a trailer, but I just want one here. We'll be about five miles from a really great riding spot on the reservoir, which has miles of sand (good for wearing out the piss & vinegar of a long winter, I'm hoping) and I'd like to be able to just grap the horses and go without dealing with anyone. I'd prefer a gooseneck trailer, but for the vehicles and situation we have now, a bumper pull would work better.

KaytieJ said...

That saying was created to make guys with small penises feel better. If it ain't a showin', it ain't a growin' enough to make up the difference.

Howling! (Ooops, woke up the stray dog) Oh....y'all are too fun!

KaytieJ said...

I know what you mean about having your own trailer so you can load and go. The sand is a great ride! You are so lucky to have it close.

If this dog were a young one, I would scoop him off to the pound/shelter right away. This one I am holding back on because he looks and acts abandoned. All his ribs and hip bones are sticking out. So he has been "lost" for some time. He is so old and crippled up some on the hips. My heart aches at the thought of him being in the pound. They have my name and number and are going to call me if someone calls or comes in for him and I will hi tail it down there to reunite them. If no calls or hits from the inquiries, he has a home here.

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie - good for you for taking him if you can't find him a home. This is a no-kill shelter which makes me feel better.

There is this dog there, God love him, I would never in a million years take him, but I so hope he finds a good home. He's blue heeler and pit bull. Probably one of the worst imaginable combinatinos out there, lol, but he is *SO stinking happy and just wanting attention so bad it breaks my heart.

KaytieJ said...

I wish ours was a no kill shelter :-( That is what I am afraid of for him.

Yikes - to the blue heeler/pit bull. So sad. I am sure that when the right dog comes around for you, you will know it. If you were closer and I can't find this dog a home, I'd bet you would love this one. So far he is very sweet, but very timid and shaking. He calmed down a lot though after I made a fuss all over the other dogs and he let me pet him and get him in the car.

Robin in Montana said...

Mmm. Kelly really wants a puppy, me not so much. And yes, the right dog will come along. A week or so ago we walked a mutt sort of dog named Sadie -- from coloring I'd say she was maybe some Doberman, australian sheperd, who knows what, and she was *so sweet. But at the pound, she barks incessantly and I can't deal with that.

In an aside, because I know Kristin likes to know these things, on the menu for tonight is ribs, mac and cheese and some kind of veggie. Healthy. Not.

kristin said...

:) Thanks RiM!

I am now watching an owl in a box - thanks to Jeanette! I went to her site - pretty damn cool. I'm gonna have to show LM.

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin - can you link me?

kristin said...

Nilia said...

Sandy: Just got in from the sugarbush (maple syrup) and while I was standing in those ridiculous lines (ponies, wagons, bathrooms, lunch) I was catching up here, and I am *so angry at how Sandy and her daughter are being treated. I was getting all worked up in line because I still haven't figured out how to post on BlackBerry (I've clicked everything clickable but nothing).

Okay, Sandy... nice how the principal ends the conversation when she has to provide a direct answer to your question. Okay, never mind the school, they are not worried about you clearly. What you need is to contact the closest chapter of the Autism society of xxxx whatever region or district you live in or however they divide that up. If not autism, span out. The Society for the Advocacy of whatever. What you need, my friend, is an advocate. So right now what you have to work with is autism (never mind it might not be that, that's what you have NOW, right?). Okay so call every business with the word autism or spectrum in it in your immediate county or whatever or call the National Society for... there MUST be one. Go to the Headquarters of whatever even if they're in another state, make a call, please. Do you know any other parents with children with similar diagnoses? Ask them what groups they "belong" to or which groups advocate for them. Ask your pediatrician. Ask your mayor, your statesman, call a law society and ask them. This just CANNOT end here. Make demands. It sounds like you are making some noise and nobody is worried about you. MAKE them worry about you. Everybody wants to keep their job. Nobody likes negative publicity (well, maybe JM but I digress). Identify their Achilles heel and attack. Things change so much depending on where you are, I wish I could help you more, find a local teacher who is not "involved" and scope her out. Use your friends and associates, your husband's associates. Make good detailed notes. These will be their worst nightmare. Start now while it's fresh and go backwards. If dates are vague, note what month and year it was in. Note who was in the conversations, and roughly what was said.

Call the papers (small and local is your best bet), call the guy who goes on the local news with the outrageous way pets or seniors are treated or whatever, get him to listen to you. Nobody likes people who kick underdogs.

I am *so angry and rambly, I hope I have made sense, I would be happy to talk with you further on this. I am *so sorry for what you are being put through. These people should not be anywhere NEAR children. Not animals even.

Kaytie, I {heart} you for keeping that dog. I really really do. Is it a girl? Maybe "Daisy"?

Angie said...

<<--joining the I-heart-Kay-for-keeping-the-dog fan club; hoping to be elected Vice President

<<--starting the I-heart-FT-for-her-passion-re-Sandy's-fucked-up-school fan club; hoping to be elected Secretary

<<--starting the I-want-to-burn-Sandy's-daughter's-school-to-the-ground-if-they-don't-shape-up club; hoping to be President

Angie said...

By the way, I love love FT's advice about calling autism societies and calling the media. A lot. That could work.

kristin said...

FT - I like that you are so passionate and I hope that C gets into a good school.

I want a club dedicated to me that SW can join :( lol

Nilia said...

Stepped away to make dinner and realized my post sounded very loud-mouthish. My apologies. I've had that post in my head for hours now and I'm really worked about it.

Robin in Montana said...

It didn't sound loud-mouthish at all, FT. It's nice to have a friend like that in your corner, IMO.

Nilia said...

SW: you could *totally be my secretary. But please don't bring *your secretary. :0)

Angie said...

I loved it FT. So much. Really.

kristin said...

No FT - you are passionate about it and bring great ideas to the table.

Going to research tonight on study guides for Special Ed - and put aside $60.00 for the test. :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Loving what you said, FT.

It's 2:23 and I've cracked a beer over here. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

Robin in Montana said...

Okay, I"m out for the night. I am getting ready to crack a beer here myself, and don't mind being wrong myself.

kristin said...

bye RiM!

nothing wrong with a beer at 2:23 - wish I had one!

Nilia said...

::wishing she could drink a beer without passing out cold::

Nilia said...

"Man Wins Lottery One Day After Divorce"

Angie said...

"SW: you could *totally be my secretary. But please don't bring *your secretary. :0)"

LOL excellent point! She did something else annoying/stupid today. Hard to explain without being long/boring, but she freaking needs to go.

T@iy@ said...

FT- Bet it kind of redefined luck for that guy.

And Rock On for the post to Sandy!

KaytieJ said...

FT!!!!!!! My heart is still pounding after reading your marvelous, and I mean MARVELOUS post to Sandy. Sandy, go for it. It could work. And many hugs to you Sandy.

SW - I'll be VP of the I-want-to-make-sure-that-Principal-never-has-another-job-near-kids-club.

KaytieJ said...

BD & RiM :::glaring at my pepsi because I really want a beer but I can't because I gotta drive:::

Nilia said...

Kaytie: LOL, I think the parents council has already filled all the posts on that club!

Nilia said...

Kaytie: I am so outraged. Wishing I lived closer or understood the school / political system there better. I have learned there are so many differences.

KaytieJ said...

FT - As they should! Heck, I will be the one bringing them donuts and coffee then!

KaytieJ said...

FT: I wish you did, too. It is Sandy's story so did not want to step on it. I had a horrible time with the school and getting Christopher in a program due to his ADD. The teachers out and out called me a liar and that he only was lazy - because he is very smart and does well on tests. I had two ADD experts diagnose him, brought those in, and the plan they gave me was for him to hold a red rubber ball to keep his hands occupied so he could concentrate better. The Speech Therapist was his advocate, though, and she is the one that really got the teachers turned around to at least stop calling him lazy and recognize that he has ADD. Thank goodness for her.

Nilia said...

We had a kid at my school (graduated last year) whose father was a Spec Ed teacher in high school. This kid was the most complicated thing I'd ever seen. He had Tourettes, set fires (never in school), picked at his skin to make himself bleed and then smeared it on walls, hallucinated. I was his French teacher for all of his Grade 6 year, a few weeks into Grade 7 I had to put in a work refusal because I was seriously afraid of him (he once overturned every desk and chair in the classroom and I had to evacuate the kids, close the door and hold it shut, never showing him my back). So that got him exempted from French for the remainder of elementary.

Let me just tell you that by the time his father was done with the principal and the school, this kid has his own laptop (on which he played war games all day), his own office (!) which was the empty VP office (our numbers dropped and we lost qualification for a VP), he got passing grades but didn't do anything because nobody could make him. He was on various meds for his psychoses, and got his own mini school bus (small white, not big yellow) for him and his brother who went home with him because he was threatening the other kids and the bus driver and they were all afraid of him. Oh but before he got his own bus, the then-principal (before this one) she would ride the bus after school to make sure he didn't attack anyone.

This my friends,is the other end of the spectrum. And suggests the services you can get when you have the right people behind you. I'm still not exactly sure how the father got all this done with the principal since nobody would share that with me obviously, but the dad would be in there like once a week minimum, to update the kids' needs and get special services all the time.

Nilia said...

Kaytie: that's what Sandy needs, a local advocate. So glad you found one too.

kristin said...

alright ladies - I'm out - it's 5:00 here!

I'll see ya guys later!

KaytieJ said...

FT: :::shudder::: What a nightmare!

KaytieJ said...

Gotta go here as well. Son getting off bus and we're off to find the stray's owner. I decided to call the stray (a boy) "Shortround" in honor of our glorious FT!

Lindsay said...

Yay FT! I really heart you.

Kaytie - I'm sorry about your situation, too.

Okay, must go get kidlets from school. Where hopefully nobody got a "think time slip" today. Grady got one yesterday because apparently you are *not allowed to kick a freaking ball on the playground. And he kicked a ball. What is this world coming to? At their school you can't run on the pavement and you can't kick a ball. Yup.

Lisa said...

Between Robin's email and JM's blog post, I need a nap. :-D

Nilia said...

Shortround the Dog, yay!

I'm out soon too, these nuts want to go bowling after walking in the sugarbush all day. Oh well, at least it's mostly sitting. Who was it that suggested cosmic bowling the other day? Gee... thanks.

Nilia said...

AP: do you need a cigarette, too?

Anonymous said...

FT--Can I marry you? When I was typing the school update, all I could think was FT is going to be PISSED! lol

I gotta get dinner going, I have a teacher story to share later! (Do I sound like a professional blogger? Sorry no details on my sex life or my husband's willy!) LOL

Nilia said...

Sandy: yes, I will marry you. But I think (technically) we have to let AP and SW marry first since they announced their engagement first. Oh and maybe Bella and BD. But we'll be next, promise.

I'm leaving soon but will be back later tonight. Do you have APs email? She has mine and has my permission to give my email address to you if you wish. I don't want to post it here cuz, well the stalkers, you know....

And I think you've been reading MckMama too long (click! click! click!).

Nilia said...

Okay, really really last post until later tonight.

The Autism Society’s strength is in its vibrant grassroots community of chapters and its network of national partners and collaborators. These groups are vital in our efforts of increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy.

Anonymous said...

FT- The AP has my email addy too.

Anonymous said...

Making Bella's Linguini again! Yum

Life full of bRATS said...

Morning guys, AP I've been sick since december 16th 2008, diagnosed with meningitis january 19th 2009. I'm glad it's not just me who's been followed in a walmart, we plan to pursue this because it's very much wrong.

Sorry family members that are sick, sick kids, sick mothers are horribe.. I'm tieed, just dealing with life ((hugs))

thanks for sharing your walmart story, it seriously helped me feel less stalked.. I wonder if cottage cheese, toilet paper theft is rampant in our society?

Margo said...

I'm watching peter pan with my daughter - what a scary movie!

Lindsay said...

Not one of my kids was in trouble at school today. Go me!

Anonymous said...

KaytieJ: They started calling my girl "lazy" in kindergarten. 1st grade it was lazy with ADHD. 2nd grade lazy with ADHD. 3rd grade autism, adhd (and the teacher asked her once "Did Mommy give you your medicine this morning").

Anonymous said...

YAY Lindsay!!!

Lindsay said...

Why on earth is it sunny and beautiful all day and now we are heading to football practice and it's getting all yucky? Bum deal.

Lindsay said...

M - I never really liked Peter Pan. Even the animated version scared me! I'm a wuss.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I sent an email to the Spec. Ed. teacher stating that Caitlyn is constantly forgetting homework assignments, etc. I asked if we could have someone check to see that everything is being sent home. C comes home and she doesn't have her social studies folder. I make a note of it in her assignment book. I again send an email stating COULD SOMEONE PLEASE make sure that Caitlyn is bringing everything home that she needs to.

Once a month I work Market Day afterschool. Who's there but the stinking teacher. She walks over to me with her head hanging, not once looked me in the face. She said I understand you have questions about homework procedures. I said um, no we need to have someone check to make sure she is bringing home all of her assignments. That's what I requested yesterday and it obviously wasn't done. She said oh, I thought it was about procedure. Again no. We need to m.a.k.e. sure that Caitlyn is bringing home all of her assignments. She has missing homework assignments daily.

The f'ing bitch has kept Caitlyn in at recess and has done so every day this week to make up work.

Not once during this 5 minute conversation would she look me in the eye. I wanted to bitch slap her but there were kids there and I didn't want to be known as the crazy person who punched the shit out of Mrs. B and got arrested at Market Day.

Margo said...

Damn sandy, my heart aches for your and Miss C.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear God in Heaven! My son is running down the street with the toliet bowl plunger!

Lindsay said...

Sandy - that is just plain rotten. But the plunger? That is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I won the White Trash Award this week! LOL

kristin said...

sad that no one wants to marry me :(

...still catching up!

went to dinner at a really piss poor Mexican restaurant but had a Margarita (large) so I am kinda tipsy since I drank it kinda fast - b/c I wasn't going to just leave it.

kristin said...

Yeah Lindsay for no children in trouble.

kristin said...

LM won't let me go walk the dog with him and Kerby - I'm stuck with you guys. lol!

kristin said...

Sandy - give me her address and I will bitch slap her...:) You are in Chicago right? I'll send my cousin.

kristin said...

and I'm talking to myself - where the hell is everyone? :(

I'll shut up now until someone else posts.

Lisa said...

I here, Kristin...been cleaning litter boxes. Woooo, me. I want a margarita now, though.

Lindsay said...

K - I'll marry you. And you can never leave a margarita behind. It's the law.

kristin said...

Yeah, LM kept wanting mine - I finally had to get him his own - I let him have two drinks and decided I did not want CPS called on me.

Are you watching Nancy? So sad.

kristin said...

I finished Lindsay - but can we marry if we are hip sisters?

Lindsay said...

Okay, must go to football practice and stand in the freaking 40 degree weather. Okay it might be 45. Wish I was even eating crappy mexican food with a margarita instead.

kristin said...

I would have traded you Lindsay - I can do football in cold :)

Lindsay said...

Our offspring might be doomed to have bad hips ;/ Hmmm.

What's on Nancy? Did you hear about that lady up here who disappeared and now they might have found the son's body?

Lindsay said...

It'll be okay. Some of our parents have these nifty propane heaters. I really hope they bring them tonight. Yeah, I said nifty.

kristin said...

yeah, that is what they are talking about. Sad!

kristin said...

true Lindsay, very true!

Lindsay said...

It's so sad and incredibly weird. I don't know why she kept stopping in places and saying she was lost. The guy at the gas station pulled up a map. And where she was lost at was not anywhere near where she was going. And someone said she tripped on her way to her car. I wonder if she was drunk or if she had some weird brain trauma going on. It just breaks my heart.

Okay, now I really must go!

kristin said...

bye lindsay!

Lisa said...

"Yeah, LM kept wanting mine - I finally had to get him his own - I let him have two drinks and decided I did not want CPS called on me."

Well he should sleep well tonight. :-D

They've confirmed on Nancy that it *is the little boy's body. They say she had a drinking problem and has recently fallen off the wagon...on one of her stops, she bought a jug of wine. They found the jug sealed and half empty near their van. So very sad.

kristin said...

That is so sad AP - I heard about her drinking problem and the jug o' wine but not that they found it washed up with 1/2 gone. :(

AP - sadly, I don't think it will phase him, maybe if he had 1/2 the glass but 2 drinks - not so much.

Lisa said...

Oooooooh, when you said drinks you meant sips!

Lisa said...

Anything new going on at MWoP today? I'm wondering if it's worth checking out tonight or not.

kristin said...

you said the "s" word -for shame for shame!

Margo said...

mwop is boring today - too much speculation about nothing

PJ said...

I just posted on MWoP an alternative version of Song of Solomon that I found on-line.

Margo said...

I saw that - when I first got on and saw lyrics I thought it was you know who.

kristin said...

I'm now addicted to this owl thing - reminds me of the time I actually rescued an owl.

Has anyone held an owl? I am amazed at how light they are. It's like holding air.

kristin said...

Taiya - I just got this in my inbox -

they also break it down by age group - so you might find something better suited.

Hope it helps.

KaytieJ said...

Well...Shortround he may be :-D
No claims with the Ranger Station at the State Park, still no calls from pound or neighbors. No signs at our only cornerstore/gas mart, nor at our only coffee stop hut.
Only thing BAD with him is rotten doggie farts, but I think that is because of his near starvation. And I can't get clear of that smell because he is stuck to my side everywhere I go. Oh, and he looks blind in one eye. Oh, and he has a basset hound "once only" woof when the UPS truck pulled up. And he did not even try to tree our Ninja Squirrels. Did not even attack the chickens when I fed them, just stood there glued to my side. It did not even phase him encountering one of our dog-loving-barn-cats (I mean this cat goes up and rubs all over our dogs). Nor did he go circling the horses and grabbing their tails when I gave them oats. Nor did he fight and squabble for his place in line when I do my outdoor chores. This is an absolute pattern with my 3 dogs. Dog 1 in front, Dog 2 in back, Young Dog 3 circling. Stray here stayed right by my side and the other dogs LET him. How lame is that? I will not, repeat NOT fall in love with this dog....for at least 7 days...or 4...or...Crap. I am such a wuss.

Anonymous said...

Oh the poor thing. I'm glad he found you.

Angie said...

OMG, Kay, *I'm in love with that damn dog! He's so yours for life, hon. It just seems meant to be, you know?

KaytieJ said...

Kristin-Isn't it amazing? They are so light. What kind of owl did you rescue? Were you able to save it?
We had a great horned owl down in our woods a couple years ago that my DH found. He scooped it up and brought it up on the tractor. It looked like it had a broken wing. When I held out the towel to take it from DH, I was so surprised at how light it was!

Angie said...

So I'm a bit annoyed because no Survivor tonight. WTF is up with this basketball shit? Oh, I know, some of you like that, but I h-a-t-e basketball.

I'm also annoyed because I left work early and have been waiting for the last three hours for my nephew to deliver an antique file cabinet that belonged to my grandfather and that my Mom refinished for me for my birthday. He drove it up from my Mom's house in South Alabama (four hours away), and then ran into a bunch of traffic and I waited and waited and waited for him to get here. He brought a friend with and they had to get back so just dropped it off and left. But while he was here I noticed a new-looking tattoo on his calf and asked him about it. He said it was a pentacle.

I said, "Like a Satan-worshipping thing?" I was just joking him, because I know the difference between a pentagram and a pentacle. Pentacles are associated with witchcraft, and pentagrams are associated with satan-worship, or so my limited research for halloween parties has taught me. Anyway, he said, "No Aunt Angie, you mean a pentagram." I said, "I know, Billy. Does that mean you are a witch?" He said, "Well, basically."

So my nephew is basically a witch. Nice.

kristin said...

I think it was just a barn owl - it was when I was in college and my dog kept barking - I ended up going to see what it was all about and it was this owl. I put the dog up and rescued the bird - I called up my Cell teacher because she was also the ornithology (sp) teacher - and called the local rehabber.

I went to this ladies house and she had owls all over and as i walked in, a bird flew over and landed on her screen door. It was awesome.

KaytieJ said...

:::frantically googling pentagrams and pentacles:::
That would be a shocker. Did he say what kind of witch he is? Totally clueless on this subject regarding boy witches.
On something I know a wee bit more about, having your mom refinish a family antique for you is really nice!

KaytieJ said...

SW - it sure looks that way since this stray is at least a week or two starved. And thank you, very much. I'd give you a cyber hug, but AP made me pinkie swear I would NOT give out cyber hugs.

Angie said...

Kay, my nephew is something of a lost cause, so I didn't bother asking. He's 22, jobless, with few prospects and no desire at all to be a productive citizen. He just wants to be taken care of, and I bribed him with $200 to entice him to bring the cabinet, because I didn't want my (elderly) parents to have to. If he is a witch, then that's a step up from being just a loser redneck. My Mom wouldn't think so though, so I definitely won't tell her. :-)

Angie said...

Poor doggie has all of our hearts, Kay. You need to take a picture for us of our newest Shortround and get AP to post it!

I'm off to bed to watch Project Runway, my only show that survived this basketball madness! Hope everybody has a good night!

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