Monday, April 26, 2010

This needs a video.

It's Roger Taylor's 50th birthday!

Don't forget to help  Chris, even if you just say a prayer for him.  If you're going to go that route, though, can you pray someone sends some money, too?  And maybe a really hot looking private nurse named Theo?  ;-)

(11AM and 6PM, again)


kristin said...

Morning ladies - guess everyone disappeared after the new post!

T@iy@ said...

Morning Kristin! Morning everyone else! :)

Up early because i had to pee... which I have to walk through the kitchen to get to. Then I went back to bed and could think of nothing but food. So 6:30 it was!

T@iy@ said...

AP- good suggestion about the wall. I will have to try that. I should think it would work just fine. We'll have to get some white and try that, too. I think my main problem with the brown is that literally every room in the house except the kitchen and bathroom were painted that color when we moved in. Living room, dining room, laundry room, spare room, stairway, landing, and both upstairs bedrooms. Plus it is a flat paint instead of satin and it brings out every single blemish in the walls.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Ladies. B up and down all night. Poor little guy. No school for him today.

T@iy@ said...

Morning Sandy! Is he sick?

Anonymous said...

Yes, again. He had a 100.4 fever yesterday evening. He tossed and turned and yelled most of the night. He got up at midnight and I gave him some Tylenol and Zyrtec. He's still on antibiotics for a double ear infection. Go figure.

Margo said...

Sorry to hear that B is sick Sandy :(

I like your new blue spaces Taiya! Your house looks very cozy from the inside and the outside :)

I hope that everyone is done leaking.

twirldawg said...

Poor guy, hope he feels better soon.

Morning ladies.

Anonymous said...

I think he's fine this morning. He asked for chocolate cake for breakfast.

T@iy@ said...

Aww! Poor guy! Sorry he's sick. I hope he feels better soon. :(

T@iy@ said...

Thanks Margaret! I was pretty happy with it!

Anonymous said...

WE all know that chocolate cake makes everything better! LOL

Erin said...

Sandy sorry he was not feeling good. Maybe you both can catch a nap later. Is your meeting for C this week?

AP- Roger was my favorite! And this girls on film video? We had to (illegally) rig the cable remote (it was not cordless yet. it was the one with the dial!) with tin foil to get the playboy channel. That was the only channel that the video was on b/c it was too risque.

Anonymous said...

EL, Weds would be the day. Trying to stay positive.

T@iy@ said...

Chocolate cake definitely makes everything better. :)

kristin said...

Sandy - sorry to hear about B - hope the chocolate cake works :)

Morning all!

Just got done decorating for ho-worker's b-day!

LM was grumpy this morning.

tumbleweedgirl said...


glad to hear B wants chocolate cake (:

have him eat aslice for me. hopefully he will crash and you can get a little rest today.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he will crash at some point. He was so restless last night. Poor guy.

C's toe is better. The swelling has gone down alot and she got her shoe on yesterday.

Margo said...

Roger Taylor, eh, John Taylor - be still my foolish teenage heart. I remember my friend Bernadette and I riding our bikes on the back road at the beach singing "her name is Rio and she dances on the sand".

twirldawg said...

Chocolate does indeed cure many an aliment.

Richard wanted to wear his bicycle helmet to school today. I convinced him that his trusty red hat would do the trick. Kids are so funny sometimes.

Robin in Montana said...

Good morning!

Jill - I think R and his helmet are the cutest thing!

Haven't read anything else -off to catch up.

Margo said...

My daughter's had a bohemian look lately - lots of necklaces and an indian purse she found at Cecelia's house. I looked at her yesterday at Chuck-e-Cheese getting her tokens out of the purse she wears girl scout style across her chest. My mother would never have let us kids leave the house looking like that. However, I know that Hannah feels pretty in her garb and as long as she feels pretty it's a o k with it.

Margo said...

RiM - love the fashion show on your blog! Is that your yard - if so I'm coming to vacation at your house!!!

T@iy@ said...

Morning RiM!

Margaret- if it makes her happy and you don't think it is too out there, then more power to her for having her own self-expression. :) I think it's great! Btw- how do you manage to live through chuck e cheese? My eye starts twitching when I pull into the parking lot.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i like that attitude. i think confidence is more important than having everyone look at you and think you're an awesome parent because your kid looks 'perfect'.

cecilia sounds like she is a lot of fun

Muliebrity said...

Sandy, How long has he been on antibiotics? Maybe he needs a stronger med?

Margo said...

Chuck-e is the worst! I don't care for crowds or noise..

TWG - Cecelia was my friend who died recently :) She had a special place in her heart for Hannah and vice versa.

Deb said...

Good morning everyone!

Just catching up, I hope you all are having a good day so far.

We had our first big thunderstorms of the season last night - doozies!

Robin in Montana said...

Okay, I think I'm caught up.

Going to pass on the frog's legs. I, too, can't stand the smell of ground beef cooking. Love chicken tacos, love fish tacos (white fish in tempura batter) even more.

No comment on GM or Tina, since I somehow missed all that drama when it was going down.

Margaret - I totally agree about letting kids dress as they wish, as long as it's not ... well,like the fashion show that occurred in front of my house. lol. And yes, that's the view to the west, but the view to the east and north is even better, the end of Whitefish range of the Rockies and the beginning of the Canadian Rockies. I tried to take some pics this morning, but the sun is screwing me up right now.

Robin in Montana said...

Deb - I love thunder and lightning storms!

EL - Sorry aboutyour leaking. YOu, too, AP!

Any word from SW?

T@iy@ said...

Ooh.. I love thunderstorms! We just had a day full of gray and drizzle yesterday.

Trying to decide if I am going to do something or if I should just sit here all day being a bad mommy and letting DD watch movies all day. I got the roast put in for dinner, and the kitchen clean, so I did something, right? Now i am just bored and not sure what to do. Want it to be something that doesn't involve much energy exertion. Maybe I will crash my Mom's house so her and DD can play and I can nap. :)

Angie said...

Hi everybody! I haven't read any comments so don't know what is going on, but I missed you yesterday! Game night Saturday night was a blast. I laughed so hard I thought I pulled something. We played Pictionary, Taboo and Balderdash.

Then last night was the Supper Club progressive supper. I ended up making mini-reubens as my third beef dish, and those were everybody's favorite thing. I really do love the reuben recipe. It's one I got years ago from Dinner and a Movie on TBS -- it's the Paul Reuben Sandwich.

My first effort at deep frying in about 20 years was successful, and the empanadas were good! I was very pleased with the recipe.

The last time I deep fried something was in the late 80's. My friend Karmen had made fried wontons and I watched her, then tried to make them for a friend. Only I made them too far in advance and the wrappers got too wet and when the wontons hit the grease, they puffed up like blowfish. So when they were done they were crispy little balloons with a pork mixture floating around inside.

Now, shall I try and catch up on comments or do some work? Hmmmm.

Muliebrity said...

I was wondering about SW as well. Come out, woman!

T@iy@ said...

Glad everything went well for the dinner, SW! Did Mr. Bacon enjoy the display?

Muliebrity said...

"it's the Paul Reuben Sandwich"

Complete with their own special sauce?

tumbleweedgirl said...


i've got foot-in-mouth this morning. i'm so sorry.

Robin in Montana said...

SW- You need to post a link to that recipe.

Taiya - Just looked at Eeq's space and I love that color! And then I saw your cake and cupcakes -- damn, woman, you're good!

Robin in Montana said...

Rhys - not speaking for Margaret, but I didn't take your comment as being off at all. :)

T@iy@ said...

Thanks, RiM. :)

Erin said...

SW- supper club sounds great. Well, without the PR special sauce please ;) Good one, Mulie.

Taiya- I keep putting dumb easy stuff on my to do list just so I can cross it off!

Really Frugal said...

Good morning. The sun is finally shining here which is welcome, since we leaked, too:O(

I am not big on frog legs, but AP, love me some beef tongue, thin sliced with horseradish.

I've been busy knitting a baby sweater for Chris. well, not *for CHris, but you know.

My daughter had a meeting that went late last Tuesday with a 33 year old gym-member good-eatting father of two. He didn't show up for their follow-up the next morning. He had a mini stroke after leaving her. He is back at work already, on BP meds. He talked nonsense and felt weak briefly, so his wife took him to the ER. By the time they got there he felt okay, so they almost just went home, thinking he was just stressed from work. I have shared Chris's video with DD, and she will be sharing at work.

SW, glad the frying went well with no fire department visits.

Deb said...

SW - glad to see you! I was wondering how you faired with all of the nasty weather. Glad you are okay!

Can we have the mini-reuben recipe, pretty please?

Really Frugal said...

Erin, that's my dirty little to-do list secret, too.

Shannon said...

Morning ladies....just catching up this morning...will probably be an in and out day for me as I have to do a lot of math since I slacked.

Rhys I dont think your comment to Margaret was weird or anything....I actually totally agreed with you. Kids have so little control over anything in their lives sometimes it is good to let them be less then perfect in other peoples eyes so long as they are cool as a cucumber in their own eyes...Individual sense of style, so long as not whorish, is good.

Robin in Montana said...

EL - I saw your comment on my blog about the shirt. :) She loves every last thing. Katie stole the one shirt that has like a gumball machine (I think - can't remember) and it sustained a fall complete with three rolls off the four-wheeler yesterday. Shirt and kid, both intact.

Muliebrity said...

Taiya, After 2 boys, blue is banned for my girl!

tumbleweedgirl said...

i know, i just accidentally called her daughter 'Cecilia' instead of 'hannah'

and i needed to know that to-do list secret a *long* time ago. i only put big things on there and don't count the little things. it's no wonder i feel so unaccomplished most days.

Angie said...

Mulie, good one!

Really Frugal said...

Individualsense of style is great, I agree, but I wish I could convince my middle GD that not every shade of pink goes perfectly with red. That combo just sets my teeth on edge.

Anonymous said...

Mulie, B is on a ten day course of antibiotics for his double ear infection. I'm sure we're dealing with cold/allergy thing now. He has a problem keeping his coat on. Hubs weights 300 pounds and is always warm and will take his coat off if he is doing stuff outside. B likes to be like his dad.

T@iy@ said...

Love the pellet gun this woman is sporting.

Shannon said...

Oh LOL after the third time reading the comment I finally caught that.....boy or boy nothing like my amazingly quick powers of observation this morning :)

Deb said...

AP - sorry to see that you had leaks too.

RiM / Taiya - I like thunderstorms too (now that I'm older). I do not like them to hit right at bedtime though, the kids freak and can't get to sleep. We got them to sleep between storms, and they were so tired from running around all day that luckily they slept through the second big storm.

T@iy@ said...

Mulie- I don't blame you! :) Since it is our landing, though, and not an actual bedroom I am good with blue. Not to mention as wonderful as Matt is he doesn't want pink or purple in the main rooms in our house. We compromise. :) That was actually going to be a shade of green, or a lavender/blue that was more blue, but we hadn't bought the paint.

Is what really happened was Matt said "We should paint the landing white today and get it ready to go get a color." So we started painting it, but then I didn't want to leave it a mess and have to go through all of the work again, so i went and started using the mistint can of paint. :) Then I liked it so we stuck with it. Just you wait until I do some stuff with fabric and flowers and it won't look like a boy color at all! :) I will take photos when I get it all done and you can see what I am picturing in my mind.

Robin in Montana said...

Deb - my kids don't love them, but they aren't really scared. I've always loved them, and remember one of the worst times I ever got in trouble as a very small kid was going out of the house and crawling up in my dad's big cabbed-in tractor to watch a storm. It was attached to a ... I don't know what it's called, but a big machine with a metal blade to scrape/level/scoop up dirt, and the blade was on the ground. My mom freaked with a capital F. lol.

Kelly's oldest is *terrified of wind, of all things. I mean she loses her stuff, can't handle it. The wind kicked up pretty good htis weekend while we were waiting for the parade to start, and it was kind of spitting wind, the trees were really whipping, etc., and she just was so, so scared, clinging to Kelly and crying and just begging for him to take her home so she could get in the basement. I asked him why she's so scared and he says he doesn't know, other than that she used to watch those storm-tracker type shows and has somehow connected that to herself personally. I felt really bad for her because she definitely wasn't just playing the drama.

Margo said...

TWG - no worries at all :)

RF - will you e-mail me the description of your sweater for Chris - shimargar at aol?

Sandy - will you e-mail me the picture of your tote?

DISQUS cured me of mwop - the comments will never load for me. I'm ready for my 30 day pin (in 30 days that is).

Shannon said...

Taiya I love the color that you used in the is beautiful. Doesnt make me think of a boy and like you said you have other little things you want to do to girl it will be so nice.

Shannon said...

LOL Disqus is why I dont read MWOP anymore. Every time I reload it always starts at the beginning of the post and I have to go through to find the newer ones....too much trouble for shit I really dont care about anymore.

Anonymous said...

Margaret, I will as soon as I figure out which one. I wanted to make a Daisy tote.

Muliebrity said...

Ooo, ooo. Hanson is on w/ Kathy Lee and Hoda! I still like them!

Really Frugal said...

Margaret, I hope to finish it tonight and will try to get a picture. Either way I will email by tomorrow.

Margo said...

"too much trouble for shit I really dont care about anymore" is right :nods:

Margo said...

Where is that vile creature Corinne today?

Melissa said...

Morning everyone. New post is up.

Robin in Montana said...

I missed where Corinne is listed as vile? I saw the references, but didn't know where. She is vile for that whole FB thing she does, though. :nod:

Erin said...

Margaret- did my email(s) get to you ok? I only sent them a bit ago.
Rhys- as RF and I have learned, it is a very good to do list thing! I put on there stuff like 'make bed'. On days I am really unmotivated I will add 'shower' too!! It balances out all the big stuff.

Erin said...

Speaking of vile Corinne, I keep singing "rockin around the Christmas tree". Now anytime I get *any song stuck in my head it is *her fault. Even if she had nothing to do with it. I am generous like that.

Robin in Montana said...

Here's your sappy moment of the day. Just read this on a blog, and it's such a good thing to remember.

We have no problem picking out our favorite team...or our favorite player...and cheering them on in their game. In many cases..we cheer for people we don't even know. We are not always quite as enthusiastic about offering our encouragement to those we are 'doing life' with. We need others to come alongside of us...and they need to hear us cheering for them. So throw your support behind the team of your choice ...but don't forget to cheer for those who need a little encouragement in the game of life.

Angie said...

*****New post**** (I think a couple of people missed Melissa's notification)

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