Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's Saturday - amuse your kids while you nap.

After you nap, please visit Chris and see if you can find it in your heart to help him out.  It you can't donate, pray.  Or offer up some ideas on ways to get him some much needed assistance.  Anything, is help and they appreciate it all.  Caring For Chris


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Anonymous said...

AP, once again I humbly thank you for your continued support of my brother.

I am sincerely amazed every time I see a new post that lovingly mentions Chris.

I do not know WHAT is going on with Chris' site. It has been giving that error message for 8 hours!

Anyway I want to share this with you all. This happened about 1am tonight while we were watching crappy reality TV. Little miracles everywhere!
I hope that worked, since I can't add anything to the site!

Oh, and I am laughing so hard because he goes "will the Daisies disown me if I were to theoretically fart on video? Wait, you didn't get THAT did you??!"

Anonymous said...

Good morning, daisy ladies (and Chris too)! Haven't visited in awhile and wanted to say "hello"! So nice to come here and read what you've all been up too...I always walk away with a smile.

Will try and stop by again a bit later. Off to the shower and an early start on what will be a busy day here. I hope to heck to get a nap in there some place.

Muliebrity said...

Up and ready for the yard sales! My first yard sales of the year and it's 44 degrees out! Burr!

kristin said...

Morning Jae! How are you doing? Good to see you.

Morning Mulie!

kristin said...

Yeah for Chris's big toe! :)

T@iy@ said...

Good morning, All!

I just caught up and have no comments except that we have Meijer here, also. No Publix. Well, we have Wal-Mart, too, but I can't go there. My BP skyrockets and I start doing other people's jobs. And I don't work there.

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

It's a beautiful day, I'm happy and I've got nothing interesting to say.

Carry on. :D

T@iy@ said...

How's the sky situation by you, Corinne? Clearing up?

Anonymous said...

Hi Taiya!

The sky is clear today but there are still volcano ashes in the troposphere and they are considering keeping the air space closed for 4 or 5 more days.
I don't mind since I didn't plan on taking a flight anytime soon but there are many Belgian people stuck abroad and Spring Break ends tomorrow.

How are you?

T@iy@ said...

Off to do some stuff for the day. hope everyone has a great day!

T@iy@ said...

Oops. posted at the same time. I am doing good! :) DD is feeling better which makes me feel better, always!

Anonymous said...

Have a good day, Taiya! Glad to hear your DD is feeling better :)

Anonymous said...

Good Monring Ladies!

T@iy@ said...

I take back the doing stuff comment. I am just going to sleep I think. I feel very 3rd trimester pregnant today. Pretty much for the first time since I've been in the 3rd trimester. I think the nesting has done wore off.

PJ said...

Hi Sandy, Corinne, Kristin, Taiya and Jae (if you're still here).

PJ said...

Elisabeth - woot for big left toes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy & CK!

PJ said...

What's on your to do list for today?

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo on the big toe Chris!

Anonymous said...

CK- N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Just enjoying the last few days of Spring Break! I'm done with the Access database project, so I've got nothing left to do. It feels great!
I went running this morning, that's about all I did ;-)

What on *your to-do list?

Erin said...

good morning everyone, and Yay for Chris!
Corinne- the footage from the ash is crazy. We have a local tv guy who is stuck in Europe and can't get home. Although as I type that, I can think of *much worse things ;) He said tehy are using conference and empty rooms in hotels to let people 'camp' there.
Taiya- do you think WalMart has an actual *policy to hire people that drive customers batty? I think they might!
Kristin- how is your throat? did you get my snail mail?

Erin said...

Corinne- did you read Pat Conroy's newest "south of broad"? Really good.
I am jealous of doing nothing!

Margo said...

Hi daisies.

I promised to make earth day charms to sell next Saturday at Hannah's school to benefit our homeless students but I just discovered I don't have any new tiles - panic!

Anonymous said...

My husband is cleaning out the garage and I'm going to hide because I don't want to help! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi EL (glad to see you back!) & Margaret!

EL- The consequences from the ash cloud are crazy, indeed. I have a friend stuck in Qatar and another in New York. They most likely won't be back until Monday night, at the earliest. It's such a mess!
I know people who are in the South of France (Cannes) and since their plane was canceled, considered taking the train. Problem is, the SNCF (French train company) is on strike! Ha!

It's funny you mention 'South of broad' because I just started reading it! :-)

Has your son decided on which university he's going to attend?

Anonymous said...

Sandy - Just pretend you have important work to do on your computer and hang out with us for a while longer ;-)

Margo said...

Yea for Chris' toe. I have the utmost respect for stroke patients and what they and their families go through. It's a tough fight.

T@iy@ said...

Erin- Yep. That is exactly what I believe. They drive me *insane!

PJ said...

My husband went over to my dad's house to help him clean out his garage. I take my couch potato time on Saturday mornings with the dog. And cooking shows on public television.

Anonymous said...

I have no intentions of entering the garage unless I absolutely have too. I'm going to be a couch potato all day!

Robin in Montana said...

Good morning, everyone! I have nothing to say, really. Beautiful day and I want to go outside and soak it up. Instead of, you know, cleaning the toilets and dusting like I need to do.

PJ said...

Pretty nice here, too. I will get off the couch later and get some fresh air. I forget how good it makes me feel.

Anonymous said...

We had two days in the 80's and got spoiled. It's going to be in the low 60's today. It's sunny but pretty windy outside.

Anonymous said...

Hi RiM!

Sandy - If your husband asks you to help, just tell him that you've done some thinking and that you've come to the conclusion that gender roles are important and ought to be respected. Since garage cleaning is a man's job, you just prefer he does it alone ;-D

CK- What cooking show are you watching now?

Margo said...

Waving to Corinne through the ash.

Do the daisies know it's Sandy's birthday

Our garage is Dan's man cave - his personal eden just west of our kitchen.

PJ said...

Happy birthday, Sandy!

PJ said...

Primal Grill w/Steve Rachlen

PJ said...

Margaret - my husband is the same! He will spend hours organizing, then re-organizing.

And then do it again a week later.

PJ said...

Caramalized Pineapple Rings (on the grill), with vanilla bean ice cream, fresh mint, warm rum.

Anonymous said...

Thanks CK!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY,Sandy!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Corinne!

Anonymous said...

CK - That sounds delish!

Is your husband from my father's family? Lol. My dad thinks organizing, cleaning, etc. is the best thing in the world. Seriously. That's his hobby. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

Happy birthday, Sandy! I hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Late last year a friend of ours gave us an assortment of wood. Thursday night, the hubs built me two more boxes for my veggie garden. Now he wants to make a new workbench area in the garage. I know that I will be called at some point to assist in this production (hubs is no Bob Vila).

Erin said...

Sandy- I agree with Corinne. It is a 'guy' job.
And Corinne, I think you will really like the book. Let me know when you are done.
RiM- ha. You know how I deal with cleaning the bathroom. I decided to rip it out and start over. At least for the next few weeks it will be acceptable that it looks like hell.

Erin said...

And Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

EL, I have been known to do that myself! LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks Robin!

Robin in Montana said...

EL - There is carpet in these bathrooms. Who does that? So it's a constant worry in my pea brain that it doesn't get nasty and coated with hairspray or whatever.

Sandy - I am so stinking jealous of your garden stuff!

PJ said...

Corinne - I'm glad you liked Vienna Teng (you to Robin). I'm gonna pull out her earlier CD's and take a listen again.

She's a smart songwriter, and skilled pianist. She used to be a software programmer.

PJ said...

Robin - I've never understood carpet in a bathroom.

Anonymous said...

EL- I'll let you know! I've liked every Pat Conroy novel I've read so far (Beach music, The prince of tides and the Great Santini) so I think I'll enjoy this one :)

Anonymous said...

CK- Maybe you'll be a song writer someday, then?
All kidding aside, I think she has a wonderful voice and the lyrics from her songs are great!

As I said, the song 'My medea' is the one that impressed me most because she managed to re-write an entire Greek tragedy in just one song. It takes someone with a wonderful talent to do that!

twirldawg said...

Two weeks ago I said I'd try to visit more often, I'm a liar.

Happy Birthday Sandy!

RiM I don't get carpet in bathrooms either. Who does that, esp. with boys around.

Robin in Montana said...

Jill - Glad to see you! :)

In our bathroom the carpet is in front of the shower, in front of the sinks, all of it. There is a square of vinyl where the toilet is, at least. In the girls' bathroom the vinyl starts right after the sink, so the toilet and tub/shower have vinyl, so at least that helps. But I swear, there is a haze of hairspray for a half hour after Cami leave in the morning, and you *know that's just settling into the carpet!

Anonymous said...

Robin- I am so excited about the two new veggie boxes. I'm going to be a canning fool this summer. I don't have my official list yet but so far we will be growing corn, tomatoes, hot peppers, brussel sprouts, beans, cucumbers and pickles.

twirldawg said...

RiM hairspray in the carpet is better than urine :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jill!

Robin in Montana said...

::scowls at Sandy:::

True, hairspray is better than urine! I'll not argue. It's almost white carpet, too. It's a rental. Who *does that?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill!

RiM- Carpet in bathrooms? Yikes!

twirldawg said...

Hey Corrine :)

PJ said...

Hi Jill! Glad you're here.

PJ said...

For those who are interested in the canine/human connection.

Robin in Montana said...

Hi Corinne!

CK - I don't have time to check that out, but I saved it in my faves.

Erin said...

Carpet in the bathroom is bad. White carpet is even worse. I would put a throw rug *over the carpeted place. You could at least wash that.

Robin in Montana said...

I do have rugs in front of the sinks, and one in front of my shower, and then we hang that one up every morning after we're done with the shower.

PJ said...

You can look up when it's airing in your area.

Anonymous said...

CK- I'll read that. Although I'm not an animal lover, I am truly fascinated by the way dogs, etc. can help humans in many situations. That's very intriguing.

Erin said...

Corinne- no decision on any University yet. We visited one this week and he really liked it. He needs to decide. Soon!

Lisa said...

Sandy, happy birthday!! I'm so sorry I didn't know so I could make a post for you but if you've got anything at all you'd like for tomorrow's post, send it on and I'll put it up!

Jae, Jill, hi! :-))

Mulie, let us know if you make any fabulous finds at the garage sales.

Taiya, just rest and play with us today.

Hope everyone else is doing well. What's for dinner? It's hot here today so I'm doing a key lime chicken and just a great big salad, I think. Easy stuff.

Anonymous said...

Thanks AP!

T@iy@ said...

All I have to say is: SHIT. DD found my bright red nail polish somewhere. Now her legs are maroon because I got the polish off, but it left her skin colored because of the color. Also the linoleum is now light pink where the polish is. I am never painting my toes again. It's not worth it.

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, I'm still trying to get the video to load but in the meantime, since your blog isn't working, feel free to please tell Chris' story again here and post the email you use for PayPal donations. It's really okay. :-)

Lisa said...

Crap, Taiya. I wonder what would work on the linoleum stains? Maybe some rubbing alcohol or hair spray?

T@iy@ said...

At this point I don't care about the linoleum. It's ugly shit that whoever installed wrong. We are going to get high from the remover fumes in here. Going to go open some windows. Be right back.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Taiya! Maybe you could try using nail polish remover or pure acetone for the floor?

PJ said...

The science piece of it is very interesting.

Dog Science

What makes the dog-human bond so powerful? In a word, reciprocity.

Japanese researchers Nagasawa, Kikusui, Onaka, and Ohta found that dogs and humans have a give-and-take relationship so powerful that it's controlled by the very same hormone—oxytocin—that binds mothers and infants, reduces anxiety and depression, and builds trust and intimacy.1

Scientists speculate that oxytocin played a role in the domestication of dogs, leading us to share many of the same social signals we use with our own children. We're actually biologically programmed to love each other!

T@iy@ said...

Windows open, blankets and sweatshirts dispensed. Corinne- I used remover on it, but it left a light pink spot where I guess it soaked in? No idea why, but it won't come up. Oh well.

Elisabeth- please put the link for the paypal again? Thanks!

Lisa said...

CK, my biology failed. :-P

Muliebrity said...

Back from sale-ing! Lots of stuff for the baby and yes, I am one of those people who buys a breast pump at a yard sale.

Erin said...

AP- that might not be a bad thing. If everyone was programmed like that we would be over run with dogs!

Robin in Montana said...

Mulie! I missed earlier that you said you went out garage-saling. I love that like a crack addiction. lol.

PJ said...

We'd have to check out the feline/human science and research.

Robin in Montana said...

CK - I think with AP it's more of a badger/human science. ::nod::

Anonymous said...

Hi Mulie!

"CK, my biology failed. :-P"

Ditto, AP ;-D

Alright, I'm logging off for today! Since the weather is super nice, a friend of mine thought it'd be nice to have a bbq. Yay! I love bbq's

Have a good day all!

PJ said...

Have a great time, Corinne.

AP - it may be the root vegetable/human connection that works for you.

T@iy@ said...

Ooooh! Yard sales! My fav. :) My Mom and I literally go every Friday during season. Can't miss those deals!

Angie said...

Happy Saturday everybody! I haven't caught up on comments yet, but skimmed through and see that Jill checked in today. Hi Jill! We love you even though you are a liar. :-)

I'm tickled pink today. Yesterday I bought new shrubs for my front of the house plant project (FOTHPP). This morning I went back to Home Depot bright and early and got a bunch of flowers, some potting soil. Then went to a nursery to get some shasta daisies. And found a beautiful lilac bush there. I've always wanted a lilac bush! So here's the complete list of what I bought:

3 azaleas
4 japanese hollies
1 lilac
3 lovely purple salvia plants
7 shasta daisy plants
yellow snapdragons
bunch of white and pink petunias
2 red gerbera daisies

My yard guy picked up two hot pink crepe myrtles, and he and his crew are here right now putting everything in the ground. I put the petunias in two long rectangular planters to sit on the "risers" by my front steps. I got amazingly dirty doing that. When I came in, my cats were sniffing me all over. I think they've never smelled dirt on me. I'm not really a gardener and don't have a green thumb at all. Who knows how long I can keep this stuff alive, but I'll give it a go!

I'm going to take pictures of all when it's done. My yard guy doesn't like the edging I picked out to go around the beds. He doesn't think it's high enough. I didn't like the edging he wanted me to use. So in the spirit of compromise, I'm going to lug myself back to Home Depot and/or Lowe's and see what else is available. But not today.

Anyway, hope everyone else is having a good day. Off to catch up!

Muliebrity said...

I went with my parents and I'm sure my dad said "fuck" no less than 17 times. I don't know why he bothers to leave the house, since everything annoys him so much.

T@iy@ said...

Definitely post pics, SW! I love flowers and landscaping!

Muliebrity said...

SW, I want a yard guy!

PJ said...

Sounds very nice, SW. Congrats on your foray into gardening.

Lisa said...

"CK - I think with AP it's more of a badger/human science. ::nod::"

You know, that was mean. Just mean.

Lisa said...

Oh, SW, it all sounds so pretty! I LOVE crepe myrtles, especially those hot pink ones. I can't wait to see the pictures. And did you know you can get high on your salvia? :-D

Robin in Montana said...

That sounds *beautiful, SW, and add me to the list of people who want to see pics!

Angie said...

And AP's right again!

T@iy@ said...

Yep. I read that as 'saliva' at first because I had a munchkin crawling on me. Glad I reread it.

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya - I read it that way as well, and I got worried.

Lisa said...

SW, if you add an angel trumpet tree to your yard, you'd have a veritable drug den. :-D

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say happy birthday to Sandy, and a heart OH NOOOOO!! to Taiya! Re nail polish.......WHAT a bummer!

I am off to hit my head against the wall in frustration after spending hours fiddling with this website trying to figure out what it won't work. AP, yesterday you said the message was "traffic too high".......and 2 others told me the same message came up. But today in the CP, it says I have used less than 2% of allowable traffic.

Seriously, I am about to cry. I am going to try and stop worrying about it for a bit and take a nap.

Chris said thank you to all the props on his mad big toe skillz. He says he knows you all will try to convert him now that he has dreamy eyes AND one functional left toe, but your quest shall be in vain.

I am SO frustrated! Did anyone ever read the "ramona" books?? And recall the "bad word" incident? If so, then you will get this:




PJ said...

Elisabeth - we have many Ramona fans here! I, for one, get it!

Erin said...

SW- that sounds awesome. I need a lawn guy too.

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, I love Ramona and I'm sorry you had to say bad words. :-)

Hey, I'm nosy...we know lots about Chris now but not a lot about you. I know you're married. Any kids? Pets? Hobbies? I'd like to know about you, too. :-)

Anonymous said...

AP, I am married to a totally fab man for 8 years=) He has been a Godsend helping with Chris. He does all of the literal "heavy lifting"! No kids but as soon as my hubby is done with grad school, we will be going at it like rabbits in hopes of progeny-producing! We have 2 dogs and 2 cats, all of whom I miss SOOOO MUCH when I am staying with Chris, but I get to see them during the couple days a week I go home so that's good.

Hobbies......well for the last few months it seems like all I have done is participate in Chris' care and treatment. (No complaints!) But even before I wasn't that exciting.......I am a total major bookworm. And a news JUNKIE! Thank God for RSS feeds. I have everything from CS Monitor to TMZ!

I sooo love that people here are Ramona Friendly. I can't tell you how much of my childhood was spent in the company of Ramona and Beezus=)

Angie said...

I'm not gonna lie, it's awesome having a yard guy. He's been cutting my grass for years and I've never asked him to do any landscaping before. But he's doing a fantastic job. He measured exactly how far from the house and from each other each bush should be placed. I would have just eyeballed it. Right now he's on my porch blowing off dirt from the mess I made with the petunias. I think I want to marry him. Or would, if I weren't already committed to AP.

Angie said...

Thanks, blogger.

Lisa said...

"Well, it's happened. I join a highly esteemed and amused club today. :-D"

Yay! We've got another gay one!!

Angie said...

Catching up on comments:

Thanks for the beef ideas, EL and Amy! Amy, I thought of beef carpaccio, and mentioned it to one of the other SC members and he reminded me that we’d already had that at someone else’s house. :-( Nice thought on the meatball, EL. I need a good recipe. I tried IB’s Hawaiian meatball recipe for my Superbowl party and they were a little tough. I think I overcooked them.

RF, your MIL and her gentleman friend getting happy meals to give the toys to your kids is just the cutest thing!

EL, South of Broad is my next book club book. I haven’t got it yet but will soon. I’m reading The Strain, which is apparently a post-apocalyptic vampire tale. Nice.

Happy Birthday Sandy!!!

Corinne, have you read Conroy’s A Prayer for Owen Meany? It’s really good.

I’m taking it easy the rest of the day. Will start the laundry, read, then I’m making twice baked potatoes to take to a cook-out tonight.

Anonymous said...

Just for clarification in case anyone thought to start planning for a virtual baby husband is on a break from grad school because of Chris' needs and care, and realistically will probably not start up again until 2010. Boo. My mom always says between our planning and Chris' only desire to parent beings of a feline nature, she should just give up on grandkids and become a shopping cart lady.

Ok now I'm seriously going for that nap. Everyone have a great afternoon.......thanks for making me feel cared about/noticed AP!

Robin in Montana said...

Fuck you, AP. ::beams::

Robin in Montana said...

Elisabeth - as a promoter of worship, I say that you ought to just go ahead and go at it like rabbits, with protection, even now. That way, you're in practice and all. ::nods::

Lisa said...

It's nice to finally "meet" you properly, Elisabeth! You'll love us here...most of us are news junkie, I think - everything from world events to reality show news. We've discussed Ramona before and you definitely found a pocket of Ramona fans!

SW, I love having a lawn service, too. I never dreamed it would be so affordable and he doesn't charge much at all (extra) for planting and stuff if I don't want to do it. I'm so excited for you and your pretty yard.

Anonymous said...

2012. Not 2019. Sorry. Typo! See, I do need that nap.

Anonymous said...

Dammit and GUTS x10!!! 2012. NOT. 2010. OR 2019!

Erin said...

Elisabeth- what kind of books do you like? ::asks the fellow bookworm::
RiM- the not wanting to clean the toilet club?!? ;) Kidding.

Anonymous said...

Robin, that is a great idea. With us doing the ships passing in the night thing taking care of my brother, I'm pretty sure he'll need a map and I'll need a diagram.

Lisa said...

"Corinne, have you read Conroy’s A Prayer for Owen Meany? It’s really good."

This is one of my favorite book but I don't think Conroy wrote it...I'm too lazy to go look, though. In any event, SW is right...excellent book!

"Fuck you, AP. ::beams::"

See? We flipped her. *nods*

Okay, 'fess up...what club did you join?
Holy shit. Are you pregnant? Because that would just top the whole living in sin thing right on off!

Lisa said...

"Dammit and GUTS x10!!! 2012. NOT. 2010. OR 2019!"

LOL! Go to bed, Elisabeth.

Robin in Montana said...

I got banned from SIP. :::hangs head in shame:::

Robin in Montana said...

And if I were pregnant that would take some 'splainin 'round these parts. :nod:

Angie said...

Uh oh, Robin. Sorry to hear that.

You're right, AP, it wasn't Conroy. It was Irving. My bad.

Angie said...

Oh, and I'm definitely not a Ramona fan. I'm a Beezus fan. Ramona was a little brat and needed a good spanking.

Lisa said...

I'm speechless. I kind of figured you'd be one of the last to go, Robin, seriously. What did you do and why was I not kept informed of any evil doings on your part?

Lisa said...

"You're right, AP, it wasn't Conroy. It was Irving. My bad."

Thanks for not being lazy like me and looking that up, SW. I think I loved Ramona because I was a Beezus growing up and secretly wanted to be a Ramona.

Angie said...

It didn't take much effort, AP. I looked up to my bookshelf and saw who wrote "A Widow for One Year," (Irving), because he wrote both. AWFOY was good too.

Lisa said...

Yes, A Widow For One Year was good, too!

Robin in Montana said...

AP - It's okay. My fault. I broke one of the "rules". Hey, there are a lot of them, and they're arbitrary and not always consistent, it could happen to anyone! :-D Better women than I have gone down in the face of the madness!

Anonymous said...

Hi again. Count me among the Ramona fans. Loved those books as a kid!

Love Pat Conroy's books too. I'd be reading South of Broad except I've been on the waiting list for it at the library FOREVER. I think I'm currently at the #5 spot. And agree about Owen Meany (John Irving) - excellent book, IMO.

Elisabeth, nice to read more about you. I agree with RiM - you and hubby should practice as much as possible while you wait. :-)

Robin, I'm sorry and sad about the SIPs thing. OTOH, I'll still see you here, otherwise I would miss your funny self way too much.

Angie said...

Robin, was it just you banned, or were there other "victims"? Cause if there were others, tell 'em that we still want them here.

Lisa said...

Sorry about parroting SW up there...I'm still kind of stunned with Robin's news. I really would have bet money she'd have been one of the last to be banned, with R2 being the only one safer. Go figure.

Robin in Montana said...

Jae - thank you. I appreciated your comments re: the situation on SIP. :-) I'd miss you, too!

I think I was the lone victim.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Elisabeth and SW!

Robin in Montana said...

Oh, R2 is safe. It'll take a surgical procedure to pull her head out of Wendy's ass. :-D

Anonymous said...

Oh, and happy birthday, Sandy. I'm sorry I didn't say so before. I've been a bit discombobulated today, for various reasons. I hope it's turning out to be a good day for you.

I've cleaned up the kitchen (mostly), got the second load of laundry in,*thought about dinner and taken a nap. Had a terrible, awful dream. I hate that.

Angie said...

Lordy I love Kathy Griffin!

Robin in Montana said...

I will say, that Wendy gave me a direct order in an email and said if I violated it I would be 'asked to leave'. I chose not to be censored and instead of being 'asked to leave' I was just blocked. That kind of stings a little. Okay, not really. :-D

Anonymous said...

"Oh, R2 is safe. It'll take a surgical procedure to pull her head out of Wendy's ass."


Erin said...

Jae and SW- you will like South of Broad. All his stuff is good, but this is truer to his earlier work.

SW- I was thinking the meatball b/c it seemed that with the cheeseburger (american) and the pineapple (polynesian) you could go for a double bonus of having all beef and international. Maybe asian? Pepper steak, beef with brocolli, etc. Great. Now I am really hungry.

Lisa said...

Jae, are you okay? Can we help?

Robin, a "direct order"? For real? An order to do *what?

I just don't know what to say about a poolside pap smear with vajazzling or whatever it's called...

Anonymous said...

Anybody know how to make a good beef pot pie? I'm going to attempt to make that for dinner tomorrow. I've made terrific chicken pot pies but never beef. We shall see if I can do it. I've looked up some recipes online but if anyone has one...?

Hi Erin, I'm really looking forward to South of Broad. Maybe I'll have it by next weekend - or the next. All of your dishes sound delicious and you're making me hungry.

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry now too! I love pepper steak and beef with brocolli.

My peoples are taking me out to dinner tonight.

Angie said...

It's a "smear campaign" to raise awareness of cervical cancer. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, AP. I'm okay, really. It's just been a long, hard few weeks. I've had several unexpected deaths close to home (one family, two friends) that have hit hard. And the anniversary of my son's death was last week. I'm emotionally wrung out. But I'll be fine -- life does go on. My beach break a couple of weeks ago really helped a lot.

PJ said...

R2 and Wendy's ass - ha. And ouch.

RiM - what was your final post? Tell us the dirty details.

Don't forget, there are many rules that nobody knows about too.

PJ said...

Jae - red wine improves anything with beef. So add some to the gravy!

Anonymous said...

Shoot - clothes are ready to come out of the dryer. I'll be back though.

Angie said...

And "leave" = "be booted from," obviously

Angie said...

Jae, so sorry things are tough right now.

Lisa said...

Jae, I'm so sorry. That's an awful lot of heartache to have on your shoulders. You must be worn out.

Also, I have no good pot pie recipes but if you find one you like, could you post it?

Angie said...

Okay, just found a good recipe for beef empanadas. That could be fun.

Lisa said...

"AP, why did you think Robin would be among the last to leave SIP? (cause she's kinda mouthy sometimes, no?)"

Sure she is, it's why I love her so. :-)

I figured that no matter how much Wendy hated her, the concern over she and I being so close would make the whole "keep your friends close and enemies closer" thing kick in in Wendy's head. You know, because *anything can be posted on Daisy by anyone and it won't be taken down. And because it's *Robin and I'm being all honest here, I'd even give her the keys to Daisy and let her say whatever she wanted as a post, if she asked. I'd do that for quite a few here actually, not just Robin, but I'd have figured they'd have assumed it to be the case with her and wanted to keep her close. So, yeah, I'm rather surprised.

Robin in Montana said...

SW - Mouthy? Me? Why, I oughta ...

Okay. I promised a couple people that I do care about at SIP that I wasn't going to engage in a bunch of nasty drama (although I did break that already a bit) so I'll just post the barebones story. It's worth telling.

On MWoP the other day AP said something to Rhys that was an opinion. Rhys responded, very gracefully, AP responded, they went on. No big deal. Wendy, who has been waiting her chance, gnashing her teeth and wringing her hands since Lisa "stole" her blog back when the equivalent of blog ethnic cleansing first started to go down at SIP, saw this as her chance at a pitiful attempt of getting even and called her "that bitch AP." So. Not liking that, I questioned her on it. She justified (as usual) her actions saying it was in private, amongst friends, so therefore, okay. It was "socially graceful" to do that, whereas AP questioning Rhys to her face and responding back and forth, *wasn't.

So. In light of the fact that I happen to have an email that Wendy sent someone where she outright bashed Rhys, basically called her a leech, and advised the person she was writing to not to send a gift to Rhys, I sat and got more and more irritated. When it got "caught" that some people here were talking about Rhys behind her back, Wendy was the loudest and most indignant about that, and "demanded" an explanation and apology on her blog for all that. Two people ended up getting banned at that time for that. So. I figure, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, no? Wendy wants public apologies and explanations, she owes one, too.

Apparently no. She called Rhys and "explained" and "apologized", saying who knows what. Knowing Wendy, I doubt she took any responsibility, but chose to blame it on others, or "duress" (a word she used with me) so the apology is moot, anyway. Whatever. Flat out *refused to address it on the blog, admit to it, nothing. Decided she'd talk about hamburger with gravy or something instead.

Sent *me an email saying in essence to shut my trap. Women talk is what she tells me. A markedly different stance than the one she took when she was chastising other folks for talking about Rhys. Her "mistake" was "no greater" than others. She declined to comment on why she demanded apologies and explanations from others in the forum in which the problem was raised, but did not feel she herself ought to do the same.

She ended the email saying that she "didn't need" (ha) and others (meaning R2) were tired of the drama, so I was not to say anything else about it, period, on the blog. If I did, I would be "asked to leave."

I thought about that and thought I'll be damned if I'm going to just let her dismiss me, so I just commented on the blog that I had been told not to say anything more, but I couldn't help but wonder why the expectations are different. Said I was not leaving of my own will and that I would miss my friends.

And wah-lah! Banned.

It's okay. I don't want drama, but figured my Wendy story probably has a very similar theme even if the exact details aren't the same, as many others.

Robin in Montana said...

Oh. And Rhys? Has been the absolute *picture of grace throughout this. Just to clarify that.

And I wasn't asked to leave, or I would have said hell no. :-D

Angie said...

Well, I'm not as devious as you are AP. I would have thought the opposite: that Wendy would be threatened by Robin *because you and she are close, given her how-can-I-put-this-nicely extreme paranoia. I would think she would be *more inclined to boot her because of that. So I'm surprised she lasted this long, frankly.

PJ said...

SW - I agree with you - I would think Wendy's fear based behavior would have overruled any intellectually motivated behavior.

Robin in Montana said...

Oh, I think mind games are her spesh-ee-ality.

Angie said...

Still reading Robin's post, but have to LOL "blog ethnic cleansing." I put myself in the South Alabama White Trash minority category!

PJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PJ said...

Wendy needs to stay out of things between others. She makes things worse. (waving!)

Robin, that e-mail is priceless. Does Wendy know you have it? Did you post it on SIP?

Lisa said...

"Wendy, who has been waiting her chance, gnashing her teeth and wringing her hands since Lisa "stole" her blog back when the equivalent of blog ethnic cleansing first started to go down at SIP, saw this as her chance at a pitiful attempt of getting even and called her "that bitch AP."

Now wait a fucking minute. I stole NO ONE'S blog, as evidenced by the fact SIP still exists. I mean, *really now. There's no similarity to SIP at all here, either. Totally different feel, look, rules, even a lot of different people. I also contacted no one on SIP to let them know about this knew I was thinking of doing it so we didn't all lose each other but anyone else on SIP at the time found it either through a link on my own blog or word of mouth. I did that specifically to avoid this kind of ignorant accusation. The only people I contacted directly about it were those not on SIP, old OHIH and all, who might not find us now. And on top of all that, it was made very clear that people there were welcome to post here, too...both places, no problem. Time has proven that to be true. So, how in the hell did I steal *anything?

And *I'm a bitch? Oh, please. Someone needs another hit off her bong or something.

I swear, now I'm all pissy and it's being tempered only by the beauty of your "ethnic cleansing" comment.

Margo said...

Has anyone had a serious conversation with Wendy about how truly ill she is? I'm not making fun, from everything I've heard her issues have issues. Her poor kid :(

Angie said...

Well, I'm not going to pretend to be sad that you won't be at SIP anymore, Robin. If you'll spend your extra time with us!

Robin in Montana said...

'stole her blog' is my impression of how she feels about it, not how I feel. I believe I referenced it as the Great Blog Competition of 2010 on SIP. :-D

PJ said...

Margaret - she only seems to listen to those who nod and say to her "you're fine".

Angie said...

"I also contacted no one on SIP to let them know about this knew I was thinking of doing it so we didn't all lose each other but anyone else on SIP at the time found it either through a link on my own blog or word of mouth."

Okay, confession time. I *might have told a *couple of SIPsters about Daisy, AP. Maybe. But I definitely didn't encourage anyone to *leave SIP, just to visit Daisy.

PJ said...

For Noah's sake, I wish she could start to honor Olivia's memory but putting herself back together.

Lisa said...

How come no one ever told me we were having a competition? Jeeeez, Louise.

Angie said...

Duct tape's on aisle 3!

Angie said...

AP said: "How come no one ever told me we were having a competition? Jeeeez, Louise." Ha! Okay, now that you know, AP, whatcha gonna do to win this thing?!

Anonymous said...

::Passing out duct tape by the case::

Lisa said...

"For Noah's sake, I wish she could start to honor Olivia's memory but putting herself back together."

CK, all irritation aside, truer words were never spoken and I could not agree more.

"Okay, confession time. I *might have told a *couple of SIPsters about Daisy, AP. Maybe. But I definitely didn't encourage anyone to *leave SIP, just to visit Daisy."

SW, that's fine, it's not my business who you talk to and what you say to them. You can tell anyone you want anything and I'll never care. Everyone here is an adult and can so as they please. I just wanted to make it clear that *I didn't do that.

PJ said...

Here is one of my favorite Wendyisms:
"As far as people speaking their minds? By all means. I only get bothered by it when words are thrown around recklessly, without regard for the feelings of those that read. I think anyone can say anything as long as it's presented in a way that allows others to maintain their dignity and is done with respect."

Yeah, right. We've all seen how that works.

When somebody has little self dignity, even the most tactfully, polite, respectful statement of disagreement would fail this rule.

Lisa said...

"AP said: "How come no one ever told me we were having a competition? Jeeeez, Louise." Ha! Okay, now that you know, AP, whatcha gonna do to win this thing?!"

Not a damn thing. I don't even know what it is we're supposed to win. Custody of R2?

Angie said...


PJ said...

Anybody remember the infamous vote? Where Wendy said she'd abide by our wishes.

Then she didn't like how we voted, and unilaterally ruled otherwise.

twirldawg said...

Hell, even I want some duct tape. Hot pink please.

Lisa said...

*tosses Jill Jake's roll of hot pink duct tape *

Anonymous said...

::passing Jill the hot pink Daisy duct tape::

Lisa said...

CK, I remember that. I don't recall what it was over, but I know I was aggravated. Or maybe I just heard about it from someone else...that's possible.

PJ said...

I have some great news I keep forgetting to share - The Husband has a THIRD interview with a company on May 4....

twirldawg said...

That's awesome CK

Margo said...

CK - woo hoo - I hope he gets it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to The Husband.

PJ said...

Thanks all -
Margaret - who is the artist of your new avatar?

Lisa said...

I'll have my fingers crossed for Mr. CK - that's great news!

PJ said...

Sandy - are you enjoying the anniversary of your birth today?

Margo said...

CK - my daughter

Karen said...

Hi Daisy's!! MIssed you - am catching up too!!

PJ said...

Hi Kristin and Karen - my couch potato time is officially over (a deal I made with my therapist). I'll be back later.

Margo said...

Kristin - I hope you feel better soon! A headache and a little one is a horrible combo.

Anonymous said...

CK, I am enjoying myself. I've spent all of my time on the computer. LOL My peoples are taking me out for an early dinner.

Karen said...

Been a while since I posted but have been trying to stay caught up - Patti went to the Walgreens first care site by us.. she has bronchitis, sinus infection and 2 ear infections! ooops I guess OTC stuff wasn't helping for a reason! She is NOT a good sick person... I keep telling her that... LOL then Tay was sick, and got pink eye, so he went to the Dr. - then Megan called this morning while I was picking Tay up from Angela's cause she overslept and HE has pink eye, so I had to run and pick her up and take HIM to the Dr. too...

I'm tired!! Happy Birthday Sandy!!

Whats new? still reading!

Margo said...

Bless you Karen, that's a whole of sickness around you. Good thing Patti went to the clinic!

kristin said...

SW - send your yard men my way...I put a few of my leftover flowers in some pots last night.

Yeah for garage sales - I need to start going to a few, since my son is an early bird :)

...still catching up.

Oh, and I read saliva too.

Margo said...

That's a whole lotta misery Karen :(

Anonymous said...

Thanks Karen!

kristin said...

Karen - sorry about Patti - sounds like she has a reason to bitch and moan though.

Sorry about everyone being sick though - sounds like you need a "safe" room :)

....still catching up.

bookjunkie said...

Just woke up (night shift) and got a few things to do but wanted to say hey!

Happy Birthday, Sandy! Enjoy your dinner out.

Love the video AND toe action, Chris! =)

Y'all have a good weekend!! My weekend starts tonight after work. Woohoo.

Lisa said...

Hi Karen and Kristin. Kristin, sorry you feel poorly. Karen, man, you've had a lot of sickness going around! Hey, how did the Walgreen's clinic go. Was it reasonably priced?

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