Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Have you ever searched "MckMama" on

I hadn't.
Found this.
Was amused.
Am sharing.  :-)

And remember - go here and if you can help, please do! 
Caring For Chris


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Karen said...

Ugggh she is fugly! and I'm sure in a few years she will feel better about leaving out a few litter boxes and some food dishes....

Chris has the most amazing blue eyes!! I can't wait to see his video!!

I'm out til morning, just wanted to be the first poster ... cause I'm weird like that!!!


Anonymous said...

Every time I see Chris' name and link it makes my heart skip a beat for a moment because I am THAT touched.

Karen, Chris is loving all of this ego-padding talk of how dreamy he/his eyes are.

My mom knows Chris has been really missing his gay activism activities and she said, I have the BEST idea....we should, all together as a family take him to a gay bar!!!

I told him about it when I called him to say goodnight. He said "Greeeeat. Just what I always wanted, The Clampetts Go To Oilcan Harry's".

kristin said...

morning ladies - off to get ready.

Anonymous said...

Morning Kristin!

T@iy@ said...

Morning everyone. What's up?

I deleted a couple of my posts from yesterday about my friend. Just made me uncomfortable leaving it up.

AP- I have no understanding of divorce law. I just really hope that she doesn't get screwed, no fault or not. She deserves to just get this done and over and move on.

Anonymous said...

Morning Taiya!

Anonymous said...

AP- the video is just ewww!

T@iy@ said...

Morning Sandy! Did you get some e-mail from someone last night? :D

Anonymous said...

Yes I did! ::jumping up and down like a giddy schoolgirl::

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

Taiya - I'm sorry for what your friend is going through. I was able to read when I got caught up this morning and that is just very upsetting. Is it bad if I say I hope her husband gets screwed in the divorce?

Oh, and I'm sorry for the Justin Bieber video. It's awful, isn't it?

Sandy - I'm glad that the first IEP meeting went well. Let's hope that the other one will too.

Lindsay - I hope your son is fine :)

Elisabeth & Chris - I love the term 'queerple' -It's awesome :P

Lisa said...

'Morning, everyone!

Elisabeth, so was that a yes or no on Chris' part about taking him out to the bar?

Taiya, she shouldn't get screwed but she probably ought to expect an equal division of everything and not getting any more than he does in the divorce. If she does better than that - wonderful! But it'll be best if this is what she actually expects so she's not too upset. I do hope she'll be okay.

This video of is odd, isn't it? Big women shouldn't have a cutesy-coy schoolgirl affect.

Anonymous said...

AP- The video is...weird. And, I agree with you about the "cutesy-coy effect". She looks like an immature teenage girl.

Angie said...

Hi all! Christy, it was great to see you back here last night – I was wondering where you’ve been.

AP, what did you think about Lost last night? I liked it a lot – I’m a huge Hurley fan – and the previews for next week were chilling! I can’t wait!

CK, the judges liked Crystal (of course), Tim Urban (who Simon said went from “zero to hero” in two weeks – I was so happy for the kid; he’s been through the ringer), Big Mike, Lee Dewize, and Blonde haired guy. Three of the four judges liked Katie (all but Simon). I liked her for about the first time.

Glee was awesome! I love that show! There are so many funny jokes flying so fast through parts of it, and the acting is just terrific. The scene where jock guy is singing and comes back into the music room and everyone is singing with him, and they show the little gay guy and he is almost hyperventilating? I had to rewind it twice to watch it, it was so funny. That guy cracks me up.

OMG, AP, still with the ~P~ love? Because if he comes here, I’m leaving.

Or at least pouting for a looonnngg time.

Or at least an hour. Hmph.

Lisa said...

SW, I LOVED Lost! Finally, it's back to the good, mind-bendy stuff I was missing. I'm a Hurley fan too, and as glad to see this episode about him. This whole deal with Desmond is getting awfully interesting, isn't it?

I hope ~P~ comes here. You'll survive. ;-) Serious question, though - as you think back now, knowing all we do, don't you think he was right about an awful lot of things?

Anonymous said...

~P~ reminds me of It's Pat from SNL and was right about a lot of things.

I missed Lost last night. I'll have to watch it on On-Demand. :(

Lindsay said...

Good morning!

Son woke up thank the good Lord, so I think he is head injury free. At least *that kind of head injury. He is the same one who is "going out" with a girl, so some other parts of his head need some inspection. Jeesh. He was using my cell to text her last night, so I was going through them. Oh, Lordy. She kept saying how excited she was to have a boyfriend. Somebody. Help. Me.

Anonymous said...

Hi SW!

"Glee" is great! I'm not a fan of Lost, though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay!

Glad to hear your son is fine :)

Angie said...

No, I don't think he was right about an awful lot of things. He acted like he was a wise yoda and we were a bunch of stupid silly women. We all had doubts about Krista then -- we just didn't share them on the board because we knew she was struggling. He said horrible things to people and you're willing to brush that aside because you have a soft spot for misogynists (sp)? Well I don't and I don't want him here.

Angie said...

Hi Corinne! Glee makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay, the kids are starting that here too. Lord help me because mine can procreate!

Angie said...

"Well I don't and I don't want him here." Lord, I sound like a big-ass baby! Not taking it back, just pointing out the obvious!

Anonymous said...

SW, I don't really want him/her here either. But I agree with AP that he/she had good points on things. I don't think Krista was real. I really, really don't.

Angie said...

Hi Sandy, I do think Krista was real. She talked on the phone to several people. People called her at the Motel 6, as I recall. I believe Tara's version of events. Maybe I'm naieve, but I think Krista was real, and was really messed up. I hope she's better now.

Margo said...

Taiya - so sorry to hear about your friend :(

If any of you daisies get People magazine there is an article in there about a friend of mine who is working in Haiti helping victims of the earthquake. She's there for a 3 month mission - super cute girl named Jen Watters. I just love her and her heart to help others.

Margo said...

Texting girl friend and boyfriend - oy vey!

Anonymous said...

SW, I think I meant to say "honest". I think there was a person who had some serious mental issues. Why would you bite the hand that feeds you is the part that I have a problem with.

Lindsay said...

M - I will have to steal People from my sister. Well, at least borrow it :)

Lindsay said...

I wanted to watch deadliest catch last night, but went to bed right after 9. Did anyone see it?

Margo said...

L - I'll e-mail you a scanned copy.

Lindsay said...

Thanks! That way I don't have to resort to theft :) My sister always gives them to me when she's done reading them, but she takes so stinking long to read them, I usually get them 3 months after they were published!

Lindsay said...

Sandy - Ha! I'm getting an email :) Neener, neener!

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness! What an amazing girl. Giving up everything to relocate and help those poor people. That's amazing.

Angie said...

Sandy, agree completely.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay, Ha! I got an email last night :P

Lisa said...

""Well I don't and I don't want him here." Lord, I sound like a big-ass baby! Not taking it back, just pointing out the obvious!"

You're so darn cute. ;-)
You know, while I remember having some pretty rough trolls on OHIH, I just don't remember ~P~ as being particularly nasty. Mostly I just remember him saying things we really didn't want to hear. Well, didn't want to accept. Maybe I'm blocking things out, though.

Robin in Montana said...

Morning! I got nothin'. Well, I got an ass chewing from a client bright and early this morning, so I have to work like a fiend,but that's all I've got. lol.

Lindsay said...

I think P started out like a big jerk, but it seems he/she got a little more reasonable as time goes on. I don't think he/she and I will ever be besties, though.

Anonymous said...

Morning RiM, I have nothing today too!

There was a home invasion this morning by 5 armed men. The police caught one but the other 4 are on the loose. There are tons of helicopters here. The news just reported that they have officially locked down my kids school. The other district was already on lock down. It's so nice out here today too. We're supposed to reach 80 today. Now I don't want to open anything up!

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy -- Holy cow! That's scary!

Anonymous said...

SW - Glee makes me verrrry happy! Not as happy as 'The Big Bang Theory' but still happier than 99.9999% of the shows on TV.

Confession: I didn't really read the trolls' comments on OHiH. I must have read them a few times but I knew they were just there to stir shit so I pressed the 'Ignore Button'. :P

I do think Krista was real but, imo, she was also mentally ill. Her behavior reminded me that of a bipolar person.

Lindsay said...

Yikes Sandy. Keep the doors locked. That's an order.

RiM - sorry you got chewed out :(

And I just realized that I forgot to say hi back to Corinne. I'm spazzy today.

Anonymous said...

Sandy - Oh my! That's frightening.

T@iy@ said...

Sandy! Stay inside and keep everything closed up! That's very frightening!

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The only other thing that has happened here was the Lane Bryant killings. Some nut job put 5 women in a store room with the intent of robbing the store and them. He shot them all execution style and fled. One woman survived and they have never found the SOB. I live 5 minutes from there.

Shannon said...

Good morning my lovelies. I figured I would hang out for a bit before hitting the books hard like yesterday. So many things going on I feel out of the loop LOL but then again it is always that way in a sense :)

My thoughts on ~P~. I actually got to like him/her after a while. Yes there was pot stirring but like AP said I think a lot of it was due to things being pointed out that we really didnt want to hear. There were trolls who were actually pretty ugly and said some pretty harsh things....some I know were actually OHIH members and not just random strangers who came in to start stuff.

I do think that Krista was real as far as being a person. I dont know that things were the way she said they were. And I still have my suspicions about her connections with another member of OHIH. There were just some things that really didnt make sense after I sat back and thought about it.

So there is Shannon's two cents :)

Taiya I really hope that things go smoothly for your friend. Divorce is a scary thing but anymore it is very rare for any screwing to happen in the courts. A lot of the time there is more of a split down the middle.

Shannon said...

Sandy I hope that they catch those scary.

I did see Deadliest Catch last night but ended up trying to fall asleep the last 15 minutes of the show...dammit!!!

Robin in Montana said...

I didn't see Deadliest Catch, and only caught about half of American Idol. Have Biggest Loser recorded.

Never got to 'know' ~P~ so have no opinion.

Taiya - I agree with Shannon, unless your friend's husband is willing to roll over (and it doesn't sound like he is) in a settlement agreement that allows her to get more than half, it will most likely be split right down the middle, which, unfortunately, means the new truck and the debt associated with. Doesn't matter if he screwed the girlfriend on the kitchen table with the kids watching. :(

And I don't agree with once a cheater always a cheater in every instance. Not excusing him, just sayin'.

Margo said...

Taiya - she's lucky to have a good friend like you :)

Shannon said...

RiM I too am not one who believes in once a cheater always a cheater....some men are just pieces of crap who cant keep their little man tucked where he belongs. My ex husband proved this to me actually. Though he cheated on me a lot he has never cheated on his wife now.

Anonymous said...

I, too, don't agree with 'once a cheater, always a cheater' BUT some men, you just know that cheating is 'in' them and they won't ever change, kwim?

OT - CK - I know you're not on now but I really wanted to thank you for recommending Vienna Teng re: music.
I really like her music. I find her song 'My Medea' fascinating. I'm amazed by the way she was able to capture the essence of Euripides' play in that song, from Medea's betrayal by Jason to the murder of her children by him. It takes someone with a great talent to do that.

KaytieJ said...

Morning Ms. Daisies and Honorary Mr. Daisy (Chris) :-D

Taiya - Your posts were deleted by the time I got home. And so I am going by comments - I am so darn sorry this has happened to your friend. I (we Daisies) can tell you are upset and that you care for her very much. ((())) She is blessed to have such a dear friend as you.

Margo said...

I dated a guy long distance who turned out to be married. The anger was easier to deal with than the hurt I felt when the anger wore off. I really feel for your friend. A betrayal of trust is a horrible, horrible thing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaytie!

KaytieJ said...

:::covering my ears to the AI talk::: I hope I get the remote tonight so I can catch the results!
SW - you were out of town when AP posted the screen shot of AI info, it was all about Ellen :-D After the night I went through I can use some Ellen spirit and humour!

Robin in Montana said...

Corinne - I followed your link to Vienna Teng from your FB page, and I really like her, too! So thanks, CK!

Try Low Anthem, This Goddamn House. Indie. I love his voice, and the music is so haunting to me.

And yes,some men (and women) are just cheaters. I worked with several cops that it was just a thing they did -- no real emotion to it, not really getting anything out of it other than a power trip to know they *could get a woman, and a notch on their locker for the other guys to compete with. I do think sometimes there are factors that lead people to cheat, but like Lisa said, no matter how good the relationship, starting a new one before ending an old one is not a great idea.

KaytieJ said...

Morning Corinne! Or I should say evening? Your time difference puts it that way and my work clock is saying night :-D

T@iy@ said...

Thanks Daisies.

RiM- I just found out from a mutual friend that he has apparently cheated before, but his wife doesn't know that. He has been seen around the place where he works (where unfortunately a lot of people we know work) and no one said anything. Which is awesome.

Hey, as long as she doesn't actually get screwed over any worse than this, I guess it will be fine. I am glad we live in a no fault state, just for the fact that it can't be worse for her than it is right now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret!

RiM- I like that song :)

I don't know how it is in the US but here, it is known that doctors are not famous for their faithfulness. Seriously. I think it must be similar to what you describe with the cops with whom you worked. The feeling of 'power' drive them, I guess.

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya -- that's lovely about him cheating before. I know in this state, it's a no fault state, and a 50/50 split, but Kelly is ending up giving her a little more than 50/50, for one, to avoid trial and more cost, and second, because she has a heart condition that they are saying they will go after spousal support for (which is not typically allowed) if he doesn't just agree. She makes way more than she is claiming, but she is claiming that due to her 'heart condition' (which is an arythmia (probably spelled wrong,not looking it up) that she has had since she was a kid and is very well controlled with meds) prevents her from making more money. It's probably something he could win if he chose to fight it in trial, but for what extra she's getting, it's not financially a good decision to fight her. He's ending up paying a *lotmore in child support than he ought to due to her not claiming her actual income, but in the long run, again, he feels like it woudl cost more to fight, send a message to his kids that they aren't 'worth it,' and that he'd rather pay that extra amount,knowing it *does benefit his kids and that it's fairly temporary. Divorce sucks.

Anonymous said...

Kaytie - It's 6 p.m. here ;)

Robin in Montana said...

Corinne - I like that song, too. I just heard about that group from a friend on FB. I used to have a link to a blog where a woman reviewed Indie groups and I found a ton of stuff on there I liked. I need to find that again.

T@iy@ said...

I am going to whine a minute, too.

My bank called me last week and a scheduled payment that I had went out for $4 instead of $400. They assured me that they were going to send a check *that day with a certified letter explaining that it was *their mistake. Well, yesterday we got a copy of the letter and it stated that our scheduled payment was $4000 and they should expect that. Then I called to make sure that was a typo Ias i have no where near $4000 in my account) and I find out that they just sent a letter. They never sent a check. Well, i had a grace period that will run up by the time they get a payment from me now. I am so pissed. Do. Your. Damn. Job.

Then when i called she said "Oh, I guess we had a hard time reading the decimal point in the letter, didn't we?" There wasn't a decimal point. So I pointed that out and I mentioned the fact that a late payment will be on my credit and I will now have a late fee, and she said "Well, if you *want we can help with that and talk to the company." Oh, no, I don't want. I am happy paying a late fee for your mistake. I really wanted to just say Bite Me and hang up the phone since I am already in a pissy mood. Ugh. I hate banks.

Anonymous said...

RiM - Kelly's ex sounds like a swell woman. LOL. Well, karma is a bitch so it'll come back to bite her someday.

Robin in Montana said...

Totally OT - the pictures in PW's last post with her kids riding? I love them (the pics,not her kids) and I can't believe how much her kids have grown since I started reading that blog. But what I love the most about those pics is that damn Bassett Hound following along behind the horses. So cute.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin in Montana said...

What? The woman he cheated with is texting your friend???? What does she have to say? I'd be calling the cops for harassment if she's hassling her at all.

Shannon said...

Oh no Taiya......Hopefully your friend is able to keep her cool because if she were anything like me the divorce would be quick and easy because my ass would be sitting in prison for killin a bitch!!!!

Anonymous said...

Taiya- I'm sorry about the bank. It sucks.

Your friend's soon-to-be ex-h's new gf needs to get a life and STFU. Texting your friend? Is she that mean or crazy?

T@iy@ said...

I have no idea! I am so mad! She is at work and has been waiting for her 'husband' to text her about switching things out of her name and setting up separate stuff and he is being ridiculous and won't respond, but I have no idea what this young girl would have to say! My friend really did nothing vengeful, nothing spiteful, she didn't hurt him, she didn't key his truck, she didn't call the girl or text the girl or anything. She really has started nothing. She is not a drama person, and she was really just trying to deal. How dare she? How dare she make this that much harder for my friend? It's crap. It's just total crap.

Anonymous said...

Oh Taiya that sucks!

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya - it will settle down in a bit, although it's going to be up and down for a long time. But this uproar of right now will settle down. Emotions are running high right now for all of them. If you can get her to just kind of do *nothing right this second, it will be better all the way around. Do they have kids?

Anonymous said...

Well, ladies, I'm going out tonight so I need to get ready.
Have a good day, all!

Taiya - (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Taiya, I agree with RiM. She should though save the text messages as hurtful as it may be. More ammo for her that the bitch is harassing her.

T@iy@ said...

They don't have kids, and while she is upset she is not going to do anything. She really is being very above board about it and will be. She isn't the type of person to add drama to a situation.

Robin in Montana said...

Yes, definitely,definitely save the texts, though, and make it known that she is. Probably not ever going to go anywhere, but it doesn't ever hurt to document.

Robin in Montana said...

G'night, Corinne! What are you having for dinner?

T@iy@ said...

Well, i have to go do something. Thanks Daisies.

Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

RiM- French cuisine but I don't know 'what' exactly, yet.
OK, now I'm really off.

Anonymous said...

Taiya, I don't have the greatest marriage in the world. I have saved every piece of information that I can get to prove myself clear and him a dirty dog should anything be needed.

Robin in Montana said...

Anyone still here?

Kelly and I are having company over for dinner (I use the term 'dinner' very loosely) a bonfire and some beer/drinks on Saturday. Just two couples, no kids.

Hamburgers and chicken, macaroni salad (I'm thinking of making this recipe for BLT mMac salad) some chips, all the trimmings, whatever. I think I might make some grilled jalapeno poppers ala Ree with jalapenos stuffed with cream/cheddar cheese, a piece of pineapple, wrapped with bacon, brushed with bbq sauce and grilled, too. Might try a test run of those tonight and see how they do.

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - does he cheat on you? Is your state no fault?

Anonymous said...

RiM, He left me and the kids a year ago Feb for a week with his girlfriend. His mom made him come back. I didn't want him to come back but he did after a week gone. It is to my benefit to stay as long as I can. It's really complicated. I'm not sure if I'm in a no-fault. I don't think I am.

Margo said...

Hi and bye Corinne :)

Anonymous said...

A divorce here can be classified as no fault but if these occurr then it's every man/woman for
1. Impotency;
2. Adultery;
3. Willful desertion or abandonment for at least one (1) year;
4. Habitual drunkenness for at least one year;
5. Gross habits caused by excessive use of addictive drugs for two (2) years;
6. Attempting the life of another;
7. Extreme and repeated physical or mental cruelty;
8. Conviction of a felony; or
9. Infecting the other spouse with a sexually transmitted disease;

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - I just checked, very quickly, and I believe all states are now no-fault, so cheating behavior doesn't affect financial distribution. Still, documenting things is of beneift possibly when it comes to custody issues, although again, as long as the behavior isn't happening in front of the kids, it may not matter, either. I could be wrong on *all of that, but that's what my experience with my work leads me to believe.

And definitely I'm not judging you for staying at all - every family and relationship is complicated and you have to do what you have to do for your sake and your kids.

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - -oh, that's very interesting.

Margo said...

So say you're married to someone who is impotent you can come out with a better settlement?

Anonymous said...

I guess a droopy ween will win you the case!

Robin in Montana said...

Margaret - I was reading through that list and thinking, *wow, that sure leaves a *lot of room for long, drawn-out haggling in a court. Impotency and its cause and who determines what's impotent and what's not could be argued for lots of reasons, you know? Same with a felony conviction - I'd think that *what the conviction was for should have some bearing. I'd be curious to know more about that.

Robin in Montana said...

Droopy ween. lol.

Robin in Montana said...

I want to do transcription for your state! I did a divorce case where she was a Russian 'mail order' bride (although had a degree to be a doctor and owned property in Russia) and he was an attorney. They apparently had a very interesting sex life, and during some of it,she was required to crawl to him on her knees and ask for sex, and also to refer to his (assumably non-droopy ween) as The King. No shit. It's scarred me for life. lol.

Anonymous said...

RiM, I know you're not judging :) It really is complicated and I would benefit greatly if I make the best of what I have now and wait it out. If something should change that then so be it.

Margo said...

googling impotence and divorce now :)

Margo said...

"Start Your Virginia Divorce Today - Learn More with 5 Great Options!" Impotence is not important in VA. Buggery is :)

Anonymous said...

Margaret, check IL.

Anonymous said...

Now Googling Buggery.

Anonymous said...

Wished I didn't Google Buggery!

Robin in Montana said...

Interesting. I did see what you quoted above, but it then contradicts itself later, saying that property will be distributed equitably, not necessarily equally, without regard to marital misconduct. Just reading all of it really fast, but wondering then what the stuff like impotence or adultry or whatever has any impact on then. The wording here in MT says 'equitably' too, and has a set of factors that play into it. Kelly's 401(k) and pension are being equally split, but only for the amount he actually accrued since they were married and up until the date of separation, for instance. She doesn't just get half of what's there.

Margo said...

I think you're right RiM - the fault or no fault is the filing status. The equitable division has more to do with when the assets were made.

Lisa said...

Damn, Taiya, your friend is in a bad situation. Can she just block those texts? Or better yet, send one very polite, one-sentence request to ceases all contact? If the girlfriend persists, that would be harrassment.

Sandy, I just hate this for you, too. :-(

Hey Kaytie, Robin, Corinne and anyone else I missed!

Lisa said...

You know, that's just wrong that impotency, a medical condition not always curable, is lumped into a bag with drug abuse, attempted murder and abandonment.

kristin said...

Just thought I'd say hey.

I got nothing as far as marriage!

I am freakin' starving - eating now but it's not doing much.

Anonymous said...

AP, really I'm good with it. I've lasted this far and really should have bugged out 11 years ago. We've been married for 12. It sucks though having to remember to change the password on my laptop every month as well as credit cards etc. I have passwords and alerts on everything that is in my name only. I have to balance the checkbook everyday to make sure no funds are being used towards his addictions. It's so routine now though for me I just do. I know one day I will be able to relax and let my guard down in my own home.

Margo said...

RiM - I bet you hear all kinds of madness at work.

Anonymous said...

I skimmed through some of the impotency stuff. I think it is more geared if you were seeking an anullment which *I think is more religion based.

Margo said...

Sandy :(

Anonymous said...

Oh the stories I could tell! It's really sad because he does have a good life here but chooses differently. I hold up my end of the deal and try to make a good life for me and the kids. If he chooses to involve himself that's great.

Lindsay said...


Hey K!

Margo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Margo said...

Sorry, deleted a rant on my mother I should have kept private.

Lindsay said...

Well, whatever is bugging you Margaret, I'm sorry. It's a weird relationship grown women have their mothers sometimes :)

Lindsay said...

My igoogle how to of the day is: "How to extract lanolin from sheep's wool". Sorry, I thought it was funny. After this whole debacle, I'll never look at sheep and wool the same way again.

Robin in Montana said...

Lindsay -- lol. Sheep are greasy little buggers. (sorry for using the word 'bugger' in the same sentence as sheep.)

kristin said...

I'm in a foul mood today.

Margaret - I am sorry about your mom.

I want to punch someone - I don't understand why people can't be helpful.

Kaytie - I never said anything from the other night but you have my respect - congrats on saving a life.

and whoever had a friend in Haiti - that is awesome and so what I would love to do.

Right now I want to crawl in a hole and just cry but I can't...must work.

Lisa said...

Margaret, one good thing is that once you're free of him, you'll truly appreciate every ounce of that freedom.

Hey, Kristin!

Lunch here? Ramen noodles and a strawberry Fruit Chillers tube. Go me.

kristin said...

my random fact today:

Lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers. Not even genitals have as much sensitivity as lips

kristin said...

I had rice and browned meat with soy sauce with a side of corn.

Lisa said...

Your lunch sounds good, Kristin. And I would never have guessed that about lips. Want us to find you someone to punch?

Angie said...

"Sheep are greasy little buggers. (sorry for using the word 'bugger' in the same sentence as sheep.)"

You are SO not sorry, Robin.

Margo said...

L - my mom is worried I won't get what I want from C's house. What I want is to forget about it and not think about people (myself included) going through her things. I need therapy :)

Lindsay said...

M - it's okay. We all need therapy, no? But, I promise as sick as it makes you, make sure you do take what would mean something to you. It seems awful to do now, but you will be so thankful you did later.

RiM - I agree with SW. No you aren't sorry :p

Lindsay said...

I want Kristin's lunch. No offense AP. Not that yours didn't sound tasty. . .

Karen said...

I had frozen pizza! it was actually good too. have a roast and potatoes and carrots in the crock pot for dinner, angela is staying and we are doing 2 episodes of Lost tonight - I can't wait to watch the Hurley episode! Angela considered naming her baby Hurley cause she watched all the seasons of Lost up to the point that they had been released, while she was on bedrest with Tay - and didn't have a name for him! (not really but we joked about it alot and referred to him as Hurley fairly often!!)

Robin in Montana said...

Okay, I'm not sorry. I was kind of proud of it, I'll just admit.

Kristin's lunch sounds good. I am having sunflower seeds. Had leftover fish tacos for breakfast. Tilapia piccata and artichokes will be dinner.

Anonymous said...

I had a frozen mini pizza. I think I would have rather had the Ramen noodles ;-)

Robin in Montana said...

Sorry you're feeling down, Kristin!

Margaret - I am sorry for what you're dealing with, too.

Karen - Have fun tonight!

Lindsay said...

Lunch is still up in the air. Perhaps teriyaki from the place across the parking lot. I haven't given in recently, so I can treat myself! For dinner, BBQ ribs at my house with homemade potato salad at the request of my charming birthday boy. Grady turns 9 today :) Thank God he doesn't have a girlfriend! Apple pie ala mode for dessert (but with strawberry ice cream per request as well).

Robin in Montana said...

Lindsay - Yum about your dinner! I love ribs. And happy birthday to the still single Grady!

Karen said...

We do Lost night ever 2 weeks, so we have 2 episodes to watch, and makes it more fun to do dinner and two episodes, but its so hard not to watch before our Lost night! Angela hadn't heard of it before, but when she was on bedrest for 10 weeks, she watched every season - twice!

Lindsay happy birthday to your son! Ribs and Apple Pie ala mode sounds awesome!! Can you make me all that on MY birthday too?? I'll have vanilla ice cream though - vanilla bean is actually my favorite!!

Margo said...

I had soup and salad - blah.

Happy Birthday Grady!

kristin said...

Happy Birthday Grady!

Lisa said...

Happy birthday to Grady! And ewww to the apple pie with strawberry ice cream.

Margaret, I agree - go get what you want from C's house. Seriously, she'd have wanted you to do that, no? Don't disappoint her now. :-)

T@iy@ said...

AP- I haven't been able to get a hold of her because she is at work, but I am going to talk to her about it. I am thinking that she might want to stop communicating with him/her until she talks to the lawyer. Ugh.

Sandy- sorry to hear about your marriage!

kristin said...

Taiya - I am so sorry about your friend!

I would have your friend file a harrasment suit - or have a male friend call and say he is with a PD division investigating claims of harrasment - and see if she stops. Just a thought.

Alright - seriously...I need to work.

Robin in Montana said...

I. am. freezing. My fingers won't work.

Lindsay said...

"still single Grady" ::snort:: probably not for long with my luck!

Karen - I meant to tell you that I am so sorry about Angel. I had a stillborn nephew and it was one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever experienced, but the most heartbreaking to watch my sister go through it. We celebrate his birthday every year. I think it means a lot to my sister that we don't forget about him.

Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes for Grady!

Robin in Montana said...

I see JM said the RV is "selling some of their things" while she is out cavorting in CA. What's that all about?

Robin in Montana said...

Well, Lindsay, I have a 9yo daughter who is also still single. Maybe they could hook up and text about ... stuff. lol.

Margo said...

I agree with you Taiya. At this point if he did text her something about their financial obligations she wouldn't know if it's him or the frip.

I agree with you all on Cecelia's stuff - you put it in a nonstressful way :)

Lindsay said...

RiM - LOL. Daisy Dating Service for Tweens :P

Lindsay said...

Taiya - I agree she should stop communications. My girlfriend said the best thing ever was retaining a lawyer. She tried to do it without, but wasn't getting anywhere. Now when crap like that happens, she just replies with, "Talk to my lawyer."

Robin in Montana said...

Definitely agree on the lawyer. Even if they end up getting back together, even if they do proceed with divorce and all is amicable. Definitely a lawyer.


Lindsay - maybe we can get a reality show or something.

Lindsay said...

It seems they'll give anyone a show these days. Our kids are cute. Why not us?

Robin in Montana said...

I am just saying. We could be all about how to set rules for pre-teen dates and stuff. What not to ask your mom to cook for the first date, whether you should share your collection of necklaces from the quarter machine at the pizza place, who should replace broken crayons, whether farting is funny or not, that sort of thing. Very helpful,I should think.

Lindsay said...

Oh my word! That is too funny. The quarter necklaces! Ha!

If I didn't feel insanely like I was breaking Grant's trust, I would post a transcript of the texting conversation on my blog. Here's a snippet (and I didn't change any spellings or anything):

girl: oh dose your parents know

grant: yea (insert blushing smilie face)

girl: i am just scared to tell my mom your parents aloud utogo out with people

grant: ya my dads all about it

WTH???? He's never "gone out" with anyone. And Travis is *not "all about it". And neither am I.

Robin in Montana said...

LOL! He's a cool one, that Grant. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

I'm sorry, Ishould know this. How old is he? I laugh at some of Cami's friends on FB from her class who are "in a relationship" with so-and-so. Uh-huh.

Lindsay said...

Umm. He's 10. It's going to be a long set of teenage years for me. Very, very long. How old is Cami?

Margo said...

"ya my dads all about it" - I love it!

Lisa said...

"I see JM said the RV is "selling some of their things" while she is out cavorting in CA. What's that all about?"

You don't suppose she's taking this Mother Teresa thing seriously and selling off their worldly possessions, do you?

Nah. I bet she's making him sell his porn collection.

Robin in Montana said...

Cami is 11, she'll be 12 in June. She "likes" someone,and they danced at the 6th grade dance (!) which was held during school hours (which I find weird - she told me about it, but nothing ever came home about it) and he gave her a hat (one of those knit skateboarding hats with a bill, you know?) but she doesn't ask to call him or anything.

kristin said...


Robin in Montana said...

AP -- LOL. I wonder how much a porn collection is really worth? I don't think they're selling off all their worldly possessions, no,but I am curious.

Lindsay said...

Someone should scour craigslist in MN and see if there is a sizeable collection for sale :p

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin -- ummmmm, what?

Lisa said...

Lindsay, I am cracking *up over Grant's cute and yet, how scary!

kristin said...

just ummmmmm......

Lisa said...

Kristin, whatcha ummming about?

kristin said...

just sent you an e-mail AP.

Anonymous said...

Hey there...

Hi SW. Thanks for missing me. I've not had too much computer time lately. I'm glad you had a good visit with your folks. Did you get to read any funny letters this time?

Hi Lisa. Are you posting boldly? :)

Lindsay...that 10 year old "relationship" is scary. I remember the first time I was "going with" someone I was 13.

Hi Kristin!

Lisa said...

Mystery solved...Kristin is ummming because she didn't know I changed my name on purpose and was trying to alert me that I was fucking up. :-D

Lisa said...

Posting boldly...why yes, I am. :-D

Nah, I'm the only Lisa here now and one of the few who doesn't use their name, so I fixed it.

Margo said...

Imagine the *DNA on a porn collection

Anonymous said...

I like it! You were posting boldly long before the name change.

Lindsay said...

Christy - I know, right? At least I know he won't really be going anywhere with her!

It does reinforce my decision not to get him a cell phone! I just don't know where to draw the line with giving him privacy and needing to know exactly what he's telling these little girls!

Anonymous said...

ewww Margaret...thanks for that visual!

Lisa said...

Christy, are you implying something there?

Lindsay said...

M - I was trying *sooo hard not to think of that. I don't think I'd ever buy anyone's used porn collection thankyouverymuch!

I may not be able to remember to use Lisa. You may always be AP to me . . .

Anonymous said...

Nope, just that you have always been an upfront kind of person. You tell it like it is, which is bold to me.

kristin said...

and SWisa doesn't have the same ring as SWAP :)

Margo said...

I like AP :(

Muliebrity said...


Margo said...

Hi Mulie :)

Angie said...

Noooooo, AP! I like AP as your moniker! I'm definitely not going to be "Angie" here. Peer pressure be damned! ::stomping feet::

Christy said: "I'm glad you had a good visit with your folks. Did you get to read any funny letters this time?" Ha, Christy, no, I didn't. And I finally forgave my father for being rude to me at Christmas. Not that he apologized, but he was super sweet and I decided to let my resentment go.

Muliebrity said...

what did your dad do at Christmas, "Angie"?

Anonymous said...

That's good to hear SW!

I hope Corinne had a good night!

Robin in Montana said...

I'm glad about your decision with your dad, SW!

Angie said...

It's kind of a long story for me to tell right now, Mulie. In short, he was snappish in a way he hasn't been before, and it was completely uncalled for. But he's 80 years old now, and having a bunch of people in the house is apparently stressful for him. And he fell getting out of the tub the day before we all came home for Christmas and apparently it was a very traumatic experience (i.e., he was on the floor for a while before Mom heard him calling her). I didn't know the extent of the trauma until last weekend. He was physically fine, just bruised.

Angie said...

As if I didn't already want an Ipad really bad!!

Lisa said...

Y'all don't take change well, do you? ;-)

SW, I'm so glad your dad was sweet enough to make you feel okay letting that go.

As for iPads, they confuse me. They're too big for my purse but too small to comfortably use as an only computer. How do people typically use them? In what situations, I mean?

Lisa said... ate my whole damn post.

Lisa said...

Oh, wait, there it is. Jeeeez.

Angie said...

Well, did you see the video I posted the link to? You play with your cat with the Ipad, AP! But seriously, I would cuddle up on the couch with it while watching TV and surf the net and ready Daisy posts. Much less bulky than a laptop. You can use it for an electronic reader (like the Kindle). You can watch movies on it. Really it’s just a bigger hand-held. It would fit in my purse. Sticking up, but it would fit.

Lisa said...

No, I didn't watch it until a bit ago...that was awfully cute, I admit. I still don't want one but you'll let mine play with yours if you get one, won't you?

Angie said...

You know, when that kitty was scraping its paw along the IPad all I could think was that the kitty may be scratching that $800 screen. So I probably wouldn't let either of our kitties near it.

Lisa said...

Well, then I'll just get another laser pointer, SW. :-D

Margo said...

Lisa - is that you in your avatar?

Muliebrity said...

Oh, Lord! Logan, my 4 year old, got shots today and he is being a jack ass now.

Lindsay said...

So the green thing that was moving around in that iPad video reminds me of intestines. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Not that I would throw an ipad back if I won one or something, but I didn't really get the allure of sleeping on the sidewalk in front of the apple store for days.......
I am sure they are fun, but when I saw it my first thought was rah rah, it's like an iPhone except too big for my pocket or purse, and I can't actually talk on it. Or take pictures!

Then again, I thought people who were going all bat shit over the iPhones were materialistic twits. Fast forward 3 qualified for a killer deal on an unlimited text and data plan from AT&T after having service with them for ages.....and she had $200 in phone rebates. So she got Chris and me each the older $99 ones for Christmas......and it is definitely my most used gift ever. And I don't think it's an exaggeration to say for Chris, it helps preserve his sanity.

He's too weak to hold the phone up and talk a lot, so he uses the speaker all the time......and he sends literally a hundred texts a day keeping in touch with all the people he used to see all the time before the stroke. It's hard for him to type one handed, so he uses a free app called Dragon Dictation which allows him to speak his text messages.

Check it out gals, I used this "one click installation" software.......and only 6 hours later, I have a blog on Chris' site!

He was lobbying hard to call it My Big Fat Greek Homo, but I went with My Brother's Keeper instead.

Lots going on with this group today......Kristin, my h-town homegirl....I hope your day gets better and that if you DO still need to punch someone, you have a very very selfless and brave friend around!

To the lady whose husband is apparently a total f'ing moron.....I know she's not reading here but I will definitely be praying for her. I really cannot imagine going through that.

And to (I swear I will make it a priority to learn names) the poor gal whose son was in pampers like 8 hours ago and now he's "going out" with a worldly older
woman? I think you are doing a great job with walking the line between giving him space and letting him talk to this girl, and watching him to make sure his inexperience doesn't bite him in the keester.

Seriously........10 year olds "going out". Insane. When I was 10 I probably thought "penis" was a French word for broccoli or something. Now kids "these days" get more from watching spongebob than I did from a biology class. Whoever thought that cocaine soaked decade known as the 80s would ever be thought of as a more innocent time?!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with Blogger lately!

Lindsay: Happy Birthday to the Single Man! LOL

No iPad for me.

Lindsay said...

Thanks Elisabeth :)

Sandy - I was starting to get worried about the home invaders. Thank the good Lord you are okay! (I'm kind of being serious, you know). I'll be sure to pass along the wishes. Maybe C wants to be in our reality show :p

Anonymous said...

They caught 2 of the jerks. Apparently the house was targeted. The owner of the house also owns a convenience store. These jerks beat the bloody hell out of this guy. I believe 3 are still at large but will probably be caught because the others that are in custody will probably start singing if they haven't already.

Muliebrity said...

Elisabeth, You are one funny gal!

Muliebrity said...

and not blogger is not showing my posts again! I swear, it's only when I'm trying to reply to Elisabeth!

Can you get a BlogFrog, AP/Lisa? How much does one of them costed anyways?

Muliebrity said...

and now blogger is cooperating again! I'm going to start on a poop tirade again if this keeps up!

Margo said...

Hi girls - even if I wanted an iPad I would not buy a first generation.

Anonymous said...

Mulie......why THANK you!! I love funny people so of course I love being called funny!

My favorite thing about this blog aside from the obvious good heartedness and compassion of the people here, is the fact that everyone is SO funny!! There's just something about a group you know you can go to and confess that you just spent 40 minutes in the john "looking for the string". Yeah , they might laugh at you.......but only AFTER they laugh WITH you!

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