Wednesday, April 7, 2010


It's Wednesday. Early and late, both.  I got nothing.

Carry on.


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Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Lindsay- glad to see you back and (((hugs)))

AP & RiM- I love perusing this website :

You can get a detailed description of a perfume you like (with top, middle and base notes). It's pretty cool.

Kristin - Re: online shopping
I love, love, loooove Anthropologie ( I also like Shopruche ( and freepeople ( I don't know if it's your style, though.

Otherwise, JCrew, Banana Republic, Old navy & Gap have online stores (though I've never used their sites because they don't ship internationally).

Anonymous said...

Taiya - Re: names

Ayla is adorable but it's really close to R's name :s

Brenna has been steadily declining in popularity since it spiked in 1995 (it was #235 that year and was #419 in 2008) which means it's on its way to being dated. I'd avoid it.

I do like Kaia but only spelled that way ;)

Here are a few suggestions of uncommon names that are cute (imo, of course) :

- Ione (prn: ie-O-nee)
- Xanthe (prn: zan-thee or ksan-thee)
- Freya (prn : FRAY-ah)
- Calla
- Delia (prn: DEEL-ee-a)
- Carys
- Nora/Norah
- Linden
- Emlyn
- Taryn (prn: TAHR-in)
- Teagan (prn : TAY-gan or TEE-gan)
- Tessa
- Talya (also spelled Tahlia and Talia - it has one of the best meanings, imo, 'dew from God' but it's kind of hard to say with Leigh as a mn)
- Aria (prn: AHR-ia)
- Mattea
- Tova
- Mara
- Anya
- Cora ( I <3 this name)
- Liora
- Aurea

I know the suggestions are all over the place but I tried to do a mix of unusual names, names I thought sounded good with R. and names I personally love.

And, I did *not spend the last hour perusing the name books I have at home and naming websites. Nope, not me :D

PJ said...

Corinne - I just sent you a novel.

PJ said...

I love Anthropologie. I lose 15 lbs, The Husband gets a job, and maybe I'll shop there again one day.

PJ said...

Did you know my IRL name is a diminutive of Nora?

Anonymous said...

CK - I knew that re : Nora :)

I'm reading your novel - it's really interesting.

How are you? You're up super early!

PJ said...

Having a bit of asthma symptoms the last week - woke up a bit wheezy. Used my inhaler, and decided to stay up so I don't keep The Husband awake.

I have a suggestion for a singer/songwriter: Vienna Teng

Say Uncle
Lullabye for a Stormy Night
City Hall

PJ said...

I know - I could make a button - to pay for a personal trainer, our mortgage, and new wardrobe from Anthropologie!

Anonymous said...

CK- The button would be a good idea but first, you'd have to start a blog where you would write dramatic long-winded posts. Get Brent Riggs, Mck and the 4littlemen lady to help you :P

Sorry for the asthma :(

I'm going to 'youtube' Vienna Teng ;)

PJ said...

Check out the lyrics too -

Anonymous said...

I'm anxiously waiting for AP's blog post that is supposed to scare us. Maybe she will sing the praises of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck? ::shudder:: :-D

BTW, I'm not anti-socialism per se. Ideologically, I think the doctrine has some good points. However, I hate what it has become. In Belgium, there are generations of people who have lived off unemployment, social security, etc. their entire life.
I hate that because it was NOT the primary goal of socialism. Left-wing politicians are a poor excuse of leaders; they have put Belgium in a financially dire situation because of piss-poor decisions they made. Plus, they are highly hypocritical and seem to apply a 'do as I say, not as I do' policy.
They undermine elitism, when I personally think elitism should be praised because it can help improve a society. Of course, some of my friends tell me I say that because I've always been one of the best students in my class. Maybe that's true, I don't know.
I'm all about helping people in need but I despise a system that encourages people to stay 'in need'. Help should remain just that, help and not a way of life.

I also think it is easy for our left-wing leaders to promote the ideology they do because one of the main 'side-effect' is that it has given birth to a generation of uneducated, gullible people who will not question the policies that are implemented. And thus will not force them out of their leadership.

I know I live a privileged life and I've always had the chance to attend the best schools and get the best healthcare.
Still, we had (actually still have but for how long?) the best social security system but it is slowly but steadily heading towards bankruptcy because of years of bad decisions.

This amkes me beyond mad and is one of the reason I hate European left-wing politics with a passion.

Anonymous said...

CK - I love Vienna Teng! Thanks :) (and the lyrics are great!)

PJ said...

Left wing is Belgium is equivalent to right-wing in US, correct? Conservative?

Anonymous said...

CK- Left-wing in Belgium doesn't really have an equivalent in the US. The conservative parties are Catholic (the Dutch-speaking one is very popular in Flanders)

Democrats in the US are considered *very right-wing for Europe and would barely stand a chance at winning an election. Republicans would probably get 0.00000001% of the votes ;) WAY too conservative.

Our right-wing parties would be considered left-wing in the US.

PJ said...

I too am sad that so many people grow up in an environment that teaches them to just take. That's a huge issue - but I wonder - how can they be expected to know or do anything different, if the "culture" they grow up in doesn't teach them anything else?

But it's not enough to just kick them out on the street without their basic needs met.

How do you think we instill a sense of self-worth and self-determination in people who don't get taught that when they're in their formative years?

PJ said...

The whole JM sheeple thing - and so many others - who just believe what they hear and don't question - well they chap my hide. I think it's why I have such a problem with JM. She's leading those furry friends of her down a path of blind ignorance.

Whether it's from a silly, stupid, arrogant mommy blogger or a middle aged, red headed blowhard on the Fox network - either way, it seems some people just want to be told what to think, and there are those who will feed them mind garbage.

kristin said...

Morning ladies - just catching up. I was up around 5:00 cleaning up the backyard - supposed to rain so I had to close the sandbox, take the mulch and sand to the garage and move the metal trucks inside. It is already warm - 70 - yuck!

Taiya and Mulie - heartburn SUCKS! I hated it and had it all.the.time! i was in tears a lot of the time at night. LM came out with a full head of hair.

PJ said...

Hi Kristin,
Lots of heartburn for me with my first - and lots of dark hair.

kristin said...

Morning CK!

PJ said...

Isn't it enough that Michelle Bachman and Jennifer McKinney live in Minnesota? Today we have to have Sarah Palin visit also?

kristin said...

Lucky you CK!

kristin said...

alright, I guess I should start getting ready.

Have a good one!

PJ said...

Have a good day too, Kristin. Give LM a hug from his Daisy aunts.

Anonymous said...

CK- I have no idea how we could force people to overcome this sense of entitlement and have them realize that it's much more satisfying to *work for what you have.
I guess it's one of the main issues in today's society.

Hi Kristin!

kristin said...

morning corinne!

alright -I'm out!

Margo said...

"I have no idea how we could force people to overcome this sense of entitlement and have them realize that it's much more satisfying to *work for what you have". Amen!

kristin said...

Morning Margaret.

kristin said...

and I said good morning Margaret but I don't see it....:(

I think it's doing a Shannon.

kristin said...

and Nevermind - stupid blogger!

Margo said...

I'm doing a Shannon too - thus, my multiple posts. There's a ghost in the machine!

T@iy@ said...

Morning. Wow. I fell asleep with my laptop on and in my lap last night. My hubs woke up at 3 and asked if I was done with the computer since I was snoring. I think it was the lists and lists and lists and lists (etc.) of baby names I was looking through!

Last name starts with C. ends with O. Not like i am delusional about my privacy. I am pretty sure that anyone could find me by my first name. There are really just not that many of me.

I agree about Ayla. Also Kaiya is very close to my name. Kaia isn't bad, though, because that would help with the close proximity to my name. I have to go back up and check the list you made, Corinne. I caught up on the other post, but just skimmed this one. Gonna eat my eggs first and text the first round of names to my husband.

Mulie- my hubs was sleeping so he doesn't have an opinion on any of the names, yet.

Anonymous said...

Morning Ladies! Raining again this morning. There's a chance of snow tomorrow. Back to crappy springtime in Chicago.

Robin in Montana said...

Morning, everyone.

Taiya - I fell asleep watching American Idol last night and stayed on the couch until midnight. No worship for me. Went to the gym at 5-freaking-o-clock. I am not even *sort of happy today. lol.

Taiya & Mulie - I think Robin would be a good name for your babies. Just sayin'. :-D

Katie's middle name is Leigh-Anne. I still like how it sounds, but dang, it's loooonnngg.

Corinne - thanks for that link for the fragrance place. ::scowls::

Bella - I will take your farting boxer.

kristin said...

hey RiM! Sorry you aren't happy!

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin - I am okay, just whiny. Whine, whine, whine.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Okay, now I'm double posting.

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - I'm sorry! :( I will come to your pity party and bring vodka.

Just listened to a fight between my girls about whether or not Katie "looks like a hobo." Heard myself yelling, "No one is a hobo! GET READY!!" Wondered where I went wrong in this life. lol.

Anonymous said...

Hi RiM, Taiya, Sandy & Margaret!

I read Mck's latest update on chicken = socialism.

I shouldn't have.

T@iy@ said...

Morning RiM, Corinne, Sandy!

Robin is a good name, except it is also one of my close friend's names. :) I have been friends with her since kindergarten. Trying to stay away from names that people I know have. If I was doing that I would probably go with Alma, because I love that name, but also one of my best friends. :)

Margo said...

No farting boxers - I have a husband for that mess :)

On baby naming - I think that's one of the hardest things to do. My husband came up with our daughter's first name and we decided on May as her middle name because we were married in May. At the time she was born Anna Nicole Smith's reality show was big - we teased our friends that we were going to name her Hannah Nicole (and our last name rhymes with Smith).

Lindsay said...


Bella - One farting boxer is enough :)

Robin - My kids tell each other they look like hobos, too. I swear I had never used the word hobo in my life! It must be the "new" word ;)

Baby name - I have no idea. I had a hard time with naming Chloe, but if I were to choose again, I really like the name Gianna or Giulia or even Greer. I wish I had named her any of those names instead.

Thanks everyone for being so nice. Sorry I brought everyone down, and I'm sorry if I made people uncomfortable.

kristin said...

Lindsay - you didn't - and don't worry about it.

I always loved the name Mykayla but I hear it a lot now. I was looking through e-mails when I didn't know what I was having but the only name I had chosen was Mykayla. It was the boys name that was giving me trouble - and then I didn't even pick from what I had on the list :)

Margo said...

JM is an idiot - I stand behind my opinion, judgement, what-eva-you-wanna-call-it. Ahem!

Lindsay said...

My BFF's daughter is Makaylyn. At first I thought it was kind of different, but now I loooove it.

Margo said...

Linds - you are dear to me, if you are down I for one want to know - that's what friends are for!

Lindsay said...

I like Mykayla. Grant has a little girl in his class named Mikila which I kind of like, too.

Lindsay said...

M - lol. And I guess I did get upgraded to cowboy status, didn't I :)

Okay, off to shower and work. I'll see you guys later :)

Lindsay said...

Sheesh. I hate blogger. I totally miss comments all the freaking time! Margaret - I was laughing at the JM comment, not you being nice to me!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hmph. Blogger ate my comment.

Kristin - Mykayla is sweet, though I much prefer the spelling Michaela.

My favorite names at the moment are:
Cora, Annabel, Georgia, Nora and Phoebe
Jude (because of "Hey Jude" which is my favorite song), Magnus, Nolan, Callum and Elias.

Anonymous said...

WTF? Blogger is a PITA!

Shannon said...


I am sorry I am so angry this morning. Why did I let the impulse to read Part Two of a horrible post lead me to JM to read it?

Then I see that still even after THE Shaun Groves performs his little miracle thing I still cant post.

She keeps going on about this chicken that she hadnt even bought yet.....the store was well within its rights and was in no way obligated to give her all of the damn chicken.

A kind and courteous person would have said please let her have that so she can get her dinner too.....instead she has to be a selfish pig and bitch about how the deli person cheated HER and shorted HER.....FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY!!

Mrsgimmeahandoutbecauseideservethemall got her panties in a serious wad over this chicken. Little miss I am sure loves the socialism when she realizes she doesnt have to pay the MILLIONS that Stellan cost tax payers.

Shannon said...

That Mykayla is almost like my daughters...hers is Mikala...

Another name that is really nice that you dont hear a lot of is Neva but I am of course biased.

And I am sadly very glad to see others suffer through what blogger did to me and Kay the other day.

T@iy@ said...

Testing. Testing. !.2.3.

T@iy@ said...


T@iy@ said...

Umm... Blogger? Would you like to work sometime this century for me? K. Thanks.

T@iy@ said...

Oh. Dang. Now 3 of my comments work. Hey, it's a start!

Hi again, now that blogger is cooperating somewhat.

Muliebrity said...

You want to have more kids and you are having this much trouble with your 2nd baby name, Taiya? lol

T@iy@ said...

I know, right, Mulie? Sigh. It will have to just be a raffle next time. I will just have everyone put a name on a ticket and pull one out of a hat.

T@iy@ said...

This is a list of suggestions for baby girl names.

Seriously? I want unique, not my-mommy-was-binge-drinking-when-she-chose-my-name names.

Robin in Montana said...

I like Kai. ::she says in a timid voice::

(Although, as a disclaimer, Kai is the name of the Barbie Matlock that is Kelly's divorce attorney. I still like the name, even though she needs to be beaten about the head and shoulders severely)

Robin in Montana said...

And my friend has a daughter the same age as Cami named Zoe. I love that name.

Anonymous said...

Taiya- I came *this close to having a heart attack. I thought this was your list! LOL

I do like Xanthe but that's it.

Muliebrity said...

those are some crazy-ass names!

T@iy@ said...

Okay, so all of the names on that list aren't heinous, but seriously... a lot of them are totally crazy.

Aquaranthine? Eeq? As in "EEK! A spider!"?

T@iy@ said...

I think that most names end in "A". Someone pointed out my propensity for picking names that end in "A" but i think that is just because there are a lot of them.

Anonymous said...

Taiya- Here are a few other suggestions:

- Ivy
- Gemma
- Vivian
- Annika
- Aven
- Maren
- Esme
- Seren

Robin in Montana said...

I like all those except for Vivian. My ex-SIL, better known as The Princess is named Vivian.

Robin in Montana said...

Want me to tell you about the Princess? Like how when we went camping she couldn't be bothered to use the restroom facilities (okay, an outhouse, heh) at the campground, so did her business in plastic bags, and threw those bags into the garbage can in our 'kitchen' area of the camp?

T@iy@ said...

Eww. RiM. That is better than using an outhouse? Crapping in a bag? Seriously? I'd pull up a tree and use a leaf before trying the bag approach.

T@iy@ said...

I actually like Vivian, but I don't have any negative associations with it.

T@iy@ said...

Okay, think I am giving up the name search for a bit. All of the names are starting to run together and look the same.

So, yesterday we got hail. It was 60* out and we got large marble sized hail. I thought that was pretty crazy until my hubs just texted me and said that one of his customers south of here had $30,000 in damage due to golf ball size hail and wind. My parents live about 10 minutes north of us and my mom was surprised that we had 15 minutes of non-stop hail and that it was so big because theirs was pea size at the biggest and lasted about 2 minutes.

Margo said...

Eww - crappy princess was she.

Lindsay said...

Chiming in - I love Annika. My friend has a daughter named that and we call her Anni (ah-nee) for short. It is stinking cute. And I love Esme, but maybe that's because I just finished the Twilight saga.

Lindsay said...

RiM - lest I forget to tell you, the princess and the poop story was gross. Ugh. Outhouse any day of the week thankyouverymuch!

M - I love how the googly eyes on your avatar are looking upwards. It makes me laugh.

Margo said...

I've only been camping once in my life, it rained the entire time and I saw a snake - oh the misery!

T@iy@ said...

Going to go nap now. Exhausted and my eyes are burning from staring at baby names for hours last night and this morning.

Later, Daisies!

kristin said...

I love camping - in college (not to long ago - graduated in '06) - I took caving and diving - we did a lot of camping - over Thanksgiving we went to Mexico - let me tell you - not a pleasant experience :) - and no, I did NOT drink the water.

kristin said...

have a good nap Taiya!

Lindsay said...

Have a nice nap Taiya!

Margaret knows how I usually love to camp. Until last time. When the sewer valve was broken on our new trailer and the poopy water was sprayed all over hubs at the dump station. *That was classic and gross all at the same time :) I'm kind of evil, aren't I?

Mexico scares the crud out of me now. I think I'll avoid it at all cost.

Robin in Montana said...

I love camping, too.

I have more Princess stories, but now that she's gone from my life they don't seem as important any more. lol.

Lindsay said...

I'm kind of excited. We go to central Washington to camp for Memorial Day weekend. It will be hot, and we can swim and it will be a much needed vacay. With our kids, camping is the only vacation we really get to take. Airfare for 6 is a *little pricey!

That's a good thing, Robin. It means you've moved on and are happy and now have perspective :)

Robin in Montana said...

We will have Kelly's girls for a full week in the summer, and the plan is to just go to the lake (which is like 2 miles from here) and pull the trailer out along the shore and stay for several days. The kids can swim, and we can sit and soak up sun. Same for us - with 4 kids between us and all that's been going on, a vacation to somewhere like Disneyland or whatever is out. We will probably leave that Thursday or Friday and spend a couple nights in Idaho, go to Silverwood, etc., but that will be it.

Lindsay said...

We're going to Silverwood in the beginning of July :) We're camping at Deer Park, then going over to Silverwood for the day. I've never been, but it's on the list for this year.

Robin in Montana said...

It's pretty fun, Lindsay. We always have big plans for splitting the day between the rides and the water park,but the water park part almost always sucks us in for most of the day. My kids have a reading program here where if they read for 10 hours during the month of March they get a free pass to Silverwood for the day. And then adult tickets at Costco are cheaper than buying them at the gate.

Lindsay said...

Good to know. We don't get the free passes for the kids, but I will have to buy the tickets at Costco. I'm pretty sure we'll spend most of the time at the water park because Chloe is kind of little for the rides. And I don't do rides. I really don't even like most of Disneyland's rides. I'm kind of weird like that.

Robin in Montana said...

My kids love the wave pools the most. I'm not sure how much tickets cost in WA and ID, but with the sales tax it's more than MT. I want to say adults tickets at Costco are in the $25-range.

Lindsay said...

That's still a good deal, I would think, even with tax. I hope that's all it is. It's going to cost us an arm and a leg with gas to get over there and then the camping for a week. Oh well, it's probably our major trip.

I just got a spam email and it started out like this, "As an expectant mother . . ."

Aaaack! And then Saturday I had a guy ask me when I was due. Lordy, I must need spanx so I can put this rumor down!

Robin in Montana said...

Totally OT.

Right before Travis and I split, we bought a brand new washer and dryer. Front load. Blue. Beautiful. More bells and whistles than the space shuttle. Biggest, hugest piles of shit known toman. They are Crosley brand, which is made by Whirlpool (I think Whirlpool) except turns out these models were made for Whirlpool/Crosley by Daewoo. I know.

Anyway, within 6 months the washer was leaking puddles of water from underneath. Was not draining or something because the wash water (and consequently the clothes) *stunk. Under warranty, so the guy came out and replaced one of the pumps. The dryer started 'thumping.' Guy comes out, says it's some kind of rods or some damn thing. Replaces them. Still thumps. Washer starts leaking again. Leaks a giant puddle of bleach water from whites out on to a pile of Kelly's sweatshirts and jeans waiting to get washed and ruins all. Repair guy says the pump is out again, and the drum needs replaced in the dryer. Because he has still not been paid from the company for the first work he did, he will not do anything about it. I go to the place I bought it and tell my story. That was in, say, August.

The girlat the appliance place here has been in contact with me and she is on the phone hassling with them. Yesterday she calls, says she has good news. I am getting a brand new washer and dryer, with a brand new warranty, and they (at the appliance place here) are paying for the extended warranty for one year. So. Considering the dryer got the crap scratched out of it moving, and considering that it takes me two cycles of drying to get anything dry, and the floor in front of my washer is exceedingly clean given the constant leaking, I am a happy camper!

Robin in Montana said...

LOL. Kelly has this girl on his FB friends list for Mafia Wars. She's kind of been flirty, commenting on his pics, commenting on his status updates that weren't to do with Mafia Wars, etc. Today she comments and calls me the 'lil lady' so he deleted her. *I get an email that says "fuck you." llol.

kristin said...

WOW RiM! Nice and classy!

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin - I know, right? lol. I kind of wish he hadn't taken her off now, so I could mess with her. lol.

Lindsay said...

Some people are just plain weird!

Yay on the new w/d. If they still stink, and they might, put a scoop of oxi clean in every load. Mine aren't broken, and they don't have any mildew, but I had major stink issues. Now I use oxi clean and I actually use regular detergent (not HE) and I have no more stinkage.

Robin in Montana said...

Ithink it might have been becasue he deleted her comment where she references me as the 'lil lady' and then I commented and said, "Signed, the 'lil lady.' Then she commented back saying no offense and he had deleted both of her comments, then unfriended her. People on the internet are weird. lol.

kristin said...

That they are RiM - that they are!

Robin in Montana said...

I love OxiClean, too. The guy who came to put our dish in for the satellite schlepped some Amway detergent off on Kelly, so I've tried it a couple of times. I hate to admit it, but it's really nice. Not worth $12 for 32 loads, but still nice.

Margo said...

Yea on the washer and dryer! Boo on the FB chick - who does that?

Margo said...

She writes no offense and then f-u :)

kristin said...

Oh SW - where are you? Hope you are okay!

RiM - I'm tempted to write on your wall :)

Robin in Montana said...

Well. I guess I did interfere with her and her True Love with Kelly. lol.

He's kind of just been leaving her on because she 'helps' with his mafia thing(giant eyeroll here) but she has posted some stuff on his pics and in his status that are just nuts, which he's deleted. I told him he doesn't have to get rid of her,but that she's obviously formed some kind of thing for him. He just emailed and forwarded her email to him to me. She also told him to fuck off,that she had been 'respectful' to him and his 'old lady' (lol) and that he is just a 'typical male.' lol. Fortunately she lives far away, or else I'd be expecting boiling bunnies. lol.

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin - don't. lol.

kristin said...

WOW - psycho! that is funny shit RiM!

Angie said...

Hi all! I missed posting last night (Lost night) and this morning (busy morning), and am working on catching up on comments. Hope everyone is having a good day.

AP, I did see Lost, but due to a brain fart, missed the first 20 minutes. (Don’t have my new DVR set to record it every week, and thought I set it to record last night, but didn’t and figured out when it was too late to see the first twenty minutes. But I love Desmond and loved seeing Charlie again and the “Not Penny’s Boat” episode was one of my all time favorites so that link was super cool and I love where it’s going now. I’m happy.

AP said: “I wanted to "be there" if some nut slipped through security and offed Erin Andrews in the middle of a dip.

I'd be going to hell if there was one, wouldn't I?” Yes, you’d definitely be going to hell, AP, and I’d be right there with ya. I watch DTWS anyway, but watching just in case of a live TV stalker shooting is definitely the kind of twisted thing I would do.

AP said: (And no, I’m not obsessed with AP. Really.) “I'll pass, Bella. I've already got two old cats who are farting "Mariner's Catch" on my desk. But that's for the offer.” Are they on your desk next to your Ruger? Is that safe? ::worrying for AP’s cats and shaking fist at 2nd Amendment::

AP said (Okay, I’m obsessed with AP. I’ll own it): “CK, Beck puts out as much truth as the others. Moreso than many.” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That’s ridiculous! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need Xanax!

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie said...

CK said...
Isn't it enough that Michelle Bachman and Jennifer McKinney live in Minnesota? Today we have to have Sarah Palin visit also?

CK, you have my condolences. (And people from Alabama don't get to pity those from other states often...)

Robin in Montana said...

::fans SW and gives her a Xanax with a double shot of Patron to calm her down:::

I forgot about the whole Erin Andrews/DWTS story, but I'd be lying if I said the possibility of some sort of horrific shenanigans didn't intrigue me just a bit.

Who got booted of Biggest Loser?

kristin said...

RiM - the mean girl that no one likes :)

Angie said...

Corrine, I love your girl names! You need to be a baby naming consultant!

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin -- oh, good. Didn't she already go home once? Or just her husband?

Lindsay said...

Kristin - Yay, she did? She drove me to drugs. She needed to go home again. Phew!

Angie said...

Thanks for the Xanax and Patron, Robin. I'm calm enough now I can get back to work. Ya'll have fun.

Robin in Montana said...

Here's the recommendation I got for my first ever dutch oven cooking venture. Sounds amazing!

kristin said...

I know I should write things down when we talk about them but I don't and it seems my memory is failing me.

I need help with bra's - what do you girls like?

My good bra :) has busted and the under wire is now digging into my boob - I hate bra shopping but really need to get some new ones.


Margo said...

This all makes perfect sense now - JM starts writing policital posts before going to see Sarah Palin. JM is always reinventing herself - perhaps her next move is politics. I think JM and Palin should start a white gated community way, way, out on the frozen tundra.

Angie said...

I've seen that recipe before, Robin. It looks delicious!

I hate underwire bras. Wires poking at you all the time. Ugh.

Angie said...

Agreed, Margaret. Way way way way way out there.

Margo said...

Kristin - I used to wear expensive bras. Then I found a bra by maidenform called rendevous. Love them! They are cheap and keep my big jigglers in check.

kristin said...

Big Jigglers - LOVE it!

Shannon said...

I have to bust in here and share the happy news!!!! Hubs talked to his old boss yesterday who has been promising to hire him back for over a year now. Well we went to see him today......


I dont know how much he is going to be doing but I am so freaking happy right now you have no idea.

Now he will be able to pay his child support again and the state will get off his back. He has hated that he hasnt had work to be able to pay on that, it tears him up.

I wont have to worry quite so much about what is going to happen when my unemployment runs out this month.

Oh this just made my whole day. And the awesome thing too is that if I can do the community service where I want to for my tickets....I will be about 3 blocks away so I wont have to go out of my way to pick him up.

kristin said...

Yeah Shannon! AWESOME!

KaytieJ said...

::::sitting in a cloud of fumes::::

After all the scent talks, and a major pout attitude because I have to go in to work for a two hour mandatory meeting, I decided to girlify myself.

I don't think it worked. Even my dogs are eyeballing me funny. Sigh.

T@iy@ said...

Up from the nap.

RiM- recipe looks awesome. All of this camping talk makes me want to go camping *so bad! I love camping. We've already talked about doing it this summer somewhere. No destination, but close by, what with the newborn and all.

Shannon- woot for hubby!

KaytieJ said...

Shannon!!! Twirling! That is wonderful news! That news pulled me out of my pissy attitude better than all that buffing...not to mention the twirling scattered the fumes :-D
Good luck with the community work and hope his job goes well! Hugs!

Shannon said...

I am a little stoked.....after freaking 2 years things are finally falling back into place.

Kaytie I feel for you.....not only a meeting but girlified as well? EWWWWWWWW

Shannon said...

The funny thing now is that my hubs who has gotten so used to sleeping in till like 11 or later will now have to be up and be at work at 7 hehehehe. I will have to take him back and forth but I dont have a problem with that because I am almost always up before 8 in the morning anyway and have to waste hours before I can get started on school stuff and whatnot.

Josh does NOT drive. We do NOT let Josh drive LOL

KaytieJ said...

RiM - Oooh! That dutch oven chicken recipe sounds delicious!

Kristin - Office drama (when not directed at you) is a hoot!

Taiya - So glad I read on, after that list of names you posted! Eek for a name? Reminded me of Squeeky Fromme :::shudder:::

Angie said...

Yay Shannon! Super news!

KaytieJ said...

So happy for you Shannon - things are getting back on track and you're working it to get it there. Proud of you!

T@iy@ said...

Yeah, I may be crazy picky and like unique names, but I am not naming my baby girl "Eeq".

Shannon said...

Tayia I am sorry but Eeq is just to damn hilarious.....I think you should at least keep it as an option for a nickname...then she will be happy that she didnt get that for her name.

T@iy@ said...

Yeah, when she is a teenager if she doesn't fall in line I can use the ol' "Do you want me to go back and change your name to Eeq, young lady? Because I will do it!"

PJ said...

I accept your pity on behalf of all Minnesotans regarding the stoopid brunette trifecta in our state today.

And thank you for the reality check on Glenn Beck. For a minute after AP's comment about his "facts" being accurate, I thought I was in an alternate universe.

T@iy@ said...

Why is Sarah Palin in Minnesota? I thought she was an author and tv personality now?

KaytieJ said...

And Tea Party Hostess

T@iy@ said...

Oh... didn't know they were having a tea party. Got it.

Robin in Montana said...

::ducking::: I kind oflike Sarah Palin. I know AP may renounce our friendship from here on out ...

Angie said...

Ha, CK! I've been sitting here trying to work for the last two hours but stewing because I would rather be doing research to put together a list of Glenn Beck atrocities. He's so freaking outrageous! And yeah maybe we're supposed to just laugh about it because that's his schtick, but there are nutjobs who believe the crap he spews and might act in dangerous ways.

(not suggesting that everyone who believes *some of the crap he spews are nutjobs, because apparently at least a couple of arguably misguided Daisies do) (Hi Mulie and AP! ::waving::)

KaytieJ said...

Corrine - Thank you!

Angie said...

Robin, honey, what do you like about her? (she said even-temperedly, attempting to hide her shock and disbelief)

KaytieJ said...

I mean Corinne :-D

Angie said...

Taiya, I love Shannon's idea for Eeq to be your baby's nickname, at least on Daisy. You know, for security reasons. :-)

PJ said...

You're talking about my dad, there - careful.

When my kids, husband and I were visiting dad, we were snickering about dad's Glenn Beck book on the TV stand. Son "accidentally" knocked it behind the stand. Snickers turned into guffaws.

Dad looked at us, puzzled.

We hoped he wouldn't find it. Unfortunately he did.

Angie said...

Ha again, CK!

Robin in Montana said...

SW -- It's her glasses. ::nod::

LOL. I don't have time to go into it right now. The Dish guy is coming to get me the DVR receiver I was supposed to get to begin with and we all know how important DVR is. :nod:

kristin said...

Name her Daisy Taiya :) There ya go!

KaytieJ said...

RiM - At first I liked Palin. I liked it that she was an outdoor, Alaskan, hunting, stick to her beliefs and put it out there woman politician. Is that where you are coming from?

Angie said...

Oooo, Taiya, Daisy is such a cute name! I vote with Krista! (This is a democratic process, right?

Angie said...

DVR is pretty important, Robin. Nice dodge.

KaytieJ said...

Dang...ousted by Dish DVR.
I think I will go take another shower and rinse off these fumes and go to my meeting in sweats.
Passive Rebellion :-D

Muliebrity said...

Don't think I didn't see that, SW! Back off my baby's daddy!

Shannon said...


Ohhhhh SW major oppsie daisy there young lady.

Angie said...

Go Kaytie! ::giving rebel yell, quietly::

KaytieJ said...

I'll third the Daisy name Taiya :-D

Angie said...

Sorry Kristin! Yikes! Robin and AP and Mulie have me all rattled this afternoon!

kristin said...

Shannon - I didn't even notice that - I had to go back to see what the heck you were talking about.

SW :(

Angie said...

And Shannon, I'm middle-aged, most def.

KaytieJ said...

::: positively BEAMING :::
I got a rebel yell from SW and witnessed SW doing an Ooopsie Daisy :-D
This day is getting better and better!

T@iy@ said...

Umm.... Daisy makes me think of Daisy Duke makes me think of Jessica Simpson.

I am down with Eeq, though, for her Daisy nickname. I need to stop calling my other DD by her name, too. It is just habit! It's how I refer to her! i never remember until way after I have posted that I shouldn't put her name. Sigh. I don't have enough brain power to keep up with my own life.

Shannon said...


I couldnt let that pass sorry :)

But on the good news side of things....we are all doing our part to make Kay feel better about meetings and being a girl :)

Yeah SW you may be middle aged but so am I so we can be young ladies since we are still kids at heart.

Angie said...

By the way, I ditto the others who like your DD's name, Taiya. And I don't know if anyone mentioned that Ayla is the heroine of Clan of the Cave Bear. A friend of mine named her daughter that because the character was apparently a badass. I didn't read the book, but saw the (fairly lame) Darryl Hannah movie.

Angie said...

At heart I'm an old lady, Shannon. A crochety old lady. :-)

T@iy@ said...

Toss me in with AP & Mulie, although, Mulie, I am all sorts of gagging about the baby-daddy comment. To each their own. To. each. their. own.

I don't dislike Palin but I essentially know nothing about her, so I don't have an opinion, in particular.

T@iy@ said...

I knew that about Ayla. I worked at a movie store and the manager was always telling us to watch Clan of the Cave Bear, and it was kind of like... yeah. lame. Book was better, but still not life-altering for me. Just a book.

KaytieJ said...

:::looking around all paranoid:::
I missed the baby daddy comment.

kristin said...

Hey ladies - my sister is having a "party" - well not really but I guess she is kinda hosting a party - and for those of you who love purses - these are really cool! Even I liked some of the stuff - and you should know - I don't do purses. I ordered a wristlet thingy and some other stuff.

Anywho - check it out - free shipping if over $50.00 - if you are interested - let me know.

The regular catalog makes it so much easier to look at.

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie -- Yes, about Palin. I ... like I said I don't have time to go into the whole mess. There are things she does and stands for that make my hair stand on end,but there are other things she does and believes in that I totally understand and embrace. (::;begs for forgiveness and understanding from AP and SW!)

Angie said...

Kaytie, scroll up! It's too creepy to repeat.

T@iy@ said...

KaytieJ- Mulie has a thing for Glenn Beck. She refers to him as her baby daddy sometimes. :D

Angie said...

What do you like, Robin, shooting wolves from planes? 'Cause I hear that can be fun. Hmph.

And by the way, AP owes US apologies for her health care beliefs. You don't need to apologize to her. (I accept your apology.)

Why, oh why can't everyone be as correct in their political beliefs as CK and I are? Things that make you go Hmmm. ;-)

Shannon said...

I just have to say that I am so disgusted and I am so very sad to say that I may never be able to look at some of you the same way again.

Angie said...

Shannon's kidding, for those of you who haven't known her as long as some of us!!

T@iy@ said...

Good thing you don't technically have to see us, then, Shannon.


Shannon said...

Oh yeah ooops

Thanks for the disclaimer there SW :)

T@iy@ said...

I am being a special brand of lazy today, can I just tell you? It is dark and rainy and makes me have no energy. The kitchen is clean because the mice are skeezing me out and the first thing I do every time I go in there is to douse the counter in disinfectant and clean it. The rest of the house? I really need to get up off of my lazy butt and clean. My hubs has been great about helping the last 2 weeks, and I have been slacking! Don't want to discourage his cleaning!

Angie said...

Shannon, I was afraid that some of our relative newcomers would get panicked. Kaytie's already paranoid today.

Robin in Montana said...

Well. I live in MT, and grew up on a cattle ranch, and know you shouldn't believe all the hoopla 'they' try to sell you, so I believe in shooting wolves from planes, trains, and automobiles. :-D

Shannon. You still have to like me because no matter what we share a dislike of the OJD. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

Some day when everyone is bored to distraction and wants to hear a bunch of drivel, I"ll tell you about my coyote-hunting escapade out my bathroom window. Don't worry,the coyote is still alive, so far as I know. :-D

Shannon said...

HAHAHA damn you Robin that isnt fair!!! :)

T@iy@ said...

<<<---- wants to know what OJD is.

Robin in Montana said...

Oregon Judicial Department. ;-)

T@iy@ said...

Have I mentioned that I am nosy? Just in the interest of full disclosure.

kristin said...

is it sad that I am looking up clam spitting!

T@iy@ said...

Ahh.. Oregon. So beautiful. Is that where you are Shannon? (I should probably keep notes about all of you, because I am sure by now I know this)

I know nothing about the OJD, though.

T@iy@ said...

Umm... not stalker-type notes. Just notes so that I don't have to ask you the same questions over and over again. Err... you know what I mean, right? Not a stalker. Promise.

Margo said...

Shannon - WOO HOO!!! My hubs went back last week after a year off. He was staying up all night watching who knows and now has to get up at 4. Re-entry is not kind on the male species - just warning you. Winks.

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya -- You are cracking me up. Trust me, you have *nothing on nosy on me. lol.

Shannon is in Oregon. I used to live there for many years, and do transcription for the court system there still. Now I live in MT, where the court system is based on how many cows your daddy owns. lol.

Robin in Montana said...

And Oregon has a good justice system, overall. I guess. As good as they get. They have a thing called Measure 11 that Shannon and I have discussed and agree on its well-meant, yet still a failure, idea. You can google it if you want, but basically a specific set of crimes that have a pre-set, no exceptions regarding the situation, sentencing guideline.

T@iy@ said...

I loved Oregon, but I don't think I could live there. I would have to live on the line to another state because I would get really irritated about someone else pumping my gas all of the time.

Love Montana, too. :) My hubs and I were talking about moving to Bozeman after we were there on our honeymoon.

KaytieJ said...

Mulie - Glenn Beck Baby-Daddy. I get it now.

Shannon - thank goodness SW clarified that. I was sweating thru my newly applied Axe onto my favorite KISS T-shirt that I am wearing to this "get my ass handed to me at least twice meeting" Oh, and we aren't supposed to wear jeans to meetings. Mine are faded black, with frayed hems :-D

Robin in Montana said...

I love Bozeman, too. You would probably like Kalispell (way smaller) and Missoula (comparable to Bozeman, also a college town) too.

kristin said...

okay - has anyone ever seen a geoduck clam - very phallic looking:

T@iy@ said...

Hmm... very interesting. What part of it is a failure part? I just googled it but haven't read much, yet.

T@iy@ said...

I liked Bozeman way more than Missoula, actually. We were in both. Don't think we made it to Kalispell.

KaytieJ said...

Kristin - we used to geoduck dig. They are gross looking.

T@iy@ said...

Is blogger eating my posts again?

Kristin- did I miss something with the clams?

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin-- Yes. I've dug them up on the Oregon coast and have a bunch of them canned in my pantry right now. They are ... nasty. lol. But they taste good. Kind of like ... oh. Never mind. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

did that post? Or did blogger eat it?

Margo said...

I like that show dirty jobs - they went geoduck clamming.

T@iy@ said...

Sigh. Blogger.

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