Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's Sunday and time for our weekly church post.

I know I've said I won't make these posts personal but this one sort of is - this is my favorite preacher.  I'm not even a Christian, but I do have a favorite preacher and I think that after the conversations of Saturday night and the events on MWOP, this might be good for everyone to listen to and think about.  Trust me, it shouldn't even offend the Atheists and Agnostics amongst us.  He's a Christian but doesn't mind if you aren't.   If you like what you hear, I hope you'll Google this man and learn more about him and his history.  And think. Above all, *think about what what he preaches.  If it's not for you, that's fine.  Thanks for trying it. :-)

So, put your pantyhose on with your best dress (Chris, your call here!), pop some peppermint gum and let's go to church this fine Sunday morning.


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Lisa said...

Elisabeth and Chris, when you have a working link going again, please post it here.

Goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

AP, I will. Thank you so much. I should have at least enough to link shortly, and finish it tomorrow. I took a 2 hr nap and I feel SO MUCH BETTER.

Anonymous said...

AP, it's after 6am but Chris is FINALLY in bed and he FINALLY has a (new) web site!

The "coffee" theme just did not look good so he chose this simple blue theme from the available ones. I think it looks great with his hat/scarf photo.

I tried to embed video but it didn't work. It does seem to play when you go to the you tube site, tho! So without further ado.......

Now that I finally got all this crap sorted out, we still have to upload the video he made especially for the Daisies, too=) (I'll add that to the you tube acct tomorrow, it's on my phone which is charging right now)

I had a *very hard time with the little welcome part of CB. They restrict your characters to where it's barely more than a twitter message. I really struggled with the "right" stuff to put there. If you all have ideas on how I can make the site better, please let me know.

Now that he is snoring like an emu on meth, it's time for ME to try and get some more sleep, too. AP, thank you SO SO MUCH for the Craingbridge idea. They have the blog, photo album, everything I wanted......and now that I got it started, it will be so much easier to maintain than the old site.

Really Frugal said...

Okay, I have reread, and I have pondered. Now I must ask.

Exactly *how does an emu on meth snore, and more to the point, exactly *how would one know?

Just asking.

T@iy@ said...

Morning. :)

Going to check out the CB site, but I really would like to know the answer also, RF. I was glad you asked, because as I read it I was thinking that I would need to.

kristin said...

Morning ladies!

RF - good point. and where did the Emu get the meth?

...i'm still catching up from yesterday.

twirldawg said...

Emu on meth? I'll have to remember that one.

Really Frugal said...

Whew - I was afraid everyone else would know and I would once again show my advanced age.

kristin said...

Mulie - love the GayP...I so started typing "you were great last night" and figured that would be taken the wrong way!

...still catching up.

kristin said...

lol @ Karen - my sisters think I should be a guy :)

Elisabeth - I am glad your family is accepting, that makes everything so much easier.

Margo said...

AP - excellent sermon. You are a nice *thing for posting for us!

Bookie - I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, xo

Elisabeth - I hear so much passion in you for Chris' recovery!

Ditto on loving AP's place. I have a hard time keeping up with these ladies but it is really warm and friendly in her

Margo said...

Here's what I picked out for myself from Cecelia's house :)

twirldawg said...

"Ditto on loving AP's place. I have a hard time keeping up with these ladies but it is really warm and friendly in her "

Hilarious typo considering last night's discussion.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

I caught up, had things to say but I can't seem to remember what! I thought I wasn't tired but apparently, I am ;-D

Really Frugal said...

Margaret, that bowl is amazing! What size is it?

Jill, I read and didn't catch that. Now I keep rereading and it keeps getting funnier!

Erin said...

Morning! How are YOU Corinne? Me? Believe it or not, I am walking on air! (ha ha. Gotcha back!)

Elisabeth- On the few caringbridge places I have seen, in the welcome area is a quick blurb, followed by "see My Story" for the rest of the story. I will try to post some of my friend cb sites sometime today so you can get an idea of different things they do. I need more caffeine first!

Margaret- that was an awesome typo!

Angie said...

ROFL Jill! Morning everybody!

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin! I'm great :)

And, noooo...I just managed to get that song out of my mind! ;-D

I meant to ask you yesterday, what is your son going to study?

Angie said...

Corinne, I think you are an old soul. How do you even know the "Believe it or not" song? Greatest American Hero was way way way before your time!

Erin said...

Margaret- that bowl is so beautiful and unique. I have never seen anything like it.

Elisabeth- the cb site looks great. I can tell how hard you worked on it! One thing (and it may just be me) can you change the font on the journal to a larger size? It is kind of hard to read (but I do have bad eyes). PLEASE don't take that the wrong way, I don't mean it as a criticism in the least.

Angie said...

Margaret, that is a beautiful remembrance of Cecilia. Really beautiful. I'm glad you got it.

Anonymous said...

Margaret- It is beautiful. I'm sure Cecelia would be happy you picked that! :)

SW- I watched a few episodes of the Greatest American hero on DVD. And, that song makes me happy :-D
I do think I'm an old soul ;-D One of my favorite tv-series is M*A*S*H*! Ha!

Really Frugal said...

Looking for Facebook help: while I love spying on people's lives via facebook, I do not care what they planted or harvested on their cyber farms. I remember hearing that there is a way to get rid of those messages, but I don't know how. Anyone? Kristin? :)

Erin said...

Corinne- he is not sure what he wants to study yet, but knows he wants it to relate to sports. They have a lot of different programs that would do that from education, to sports medicine, to training etc.

Erin said...

RF- I think you can hit the hide button to the right. There may be an option to hide "all similar". Idk for sure though.

Anonymous said...

Morning Ladies!

I watched Food, Inc. last night. I'm feeling really sick to my stomach now! Thinking I need more veggie boxes and need to go in with Bella and raise chickens!

Angie said...

Sandy, I'm convinced that if I would force myself to watch Food, Inc. it could change my life for the better. And yet I can't seem to do it. How was your birthday dinner?

twirldawg said...

SW if you hover over the right side of the post you will have the option to hide, you can choose to hide a particular person or all posts relating to FV and other games.

I'm one of those people who plays too many games on FB. It's a nice distraction from real life.

Really Frugal said...

Erin, Thanks! I hit hide, then it let me choose "Hide Farmville" Ahhhh. Peace from my old high school friend who apparently does nothing but farm.

Anonymous said...

SW, it will make you eat better. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Total eyeopener!

Dinner was really nice.

Really Frugal said...

"Thinking I need more veggie boxes and need to go in with Bella and raise chickens!"

I just got rid of all that farmville stuff and though it transferred over here!

Robin in Montana said...

Morning all!

Good lord, Chris is a handsome devil! :)

Jill- I cackled out loud at the typo you caught.

Margaret - I love that bowl!

Angie said...

Ha RF!

Anonymous said...

Sorry RF! LOL

Margo said...

Typo yowser!

The bowl is 5 inch diameter - it's SO beautiful. There were two plates with it - about 6 inch diameter that I gave to my sister.

Her obit was in the Post this week - short but said that she first worked for the OSS which was the CIA before it was the CIA and then at the State Dept as a admin and personal assistant to ambassadors and other onvoys. Her two BFF's from OSS talked on the phone with her right up until she couldn't talk anymore. I've been keeping up with the one. I know C would like that :)

Angie said...

Margaret, that's cool about her OSS friends, and that you keep up with one of them. You are a good friend.

Lisa said...


Margaret, that may have been the best typo ever made. And the bowl, is so pretty but I was nosy and found a picture of C., too. What a sweet can tell just from the picture. :-)

I have seen Food, Inc. and while it didn't change my entire set of eating habits, it definitely changed some for the better. It's worth watching.

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, that video is so darn cute and the new site looks wonderful. But, I'm with Erin in that it was very hard for me to read. Other than that, it's great and will hopefully work out well for y'all. :-)

kristin said...

morning AP!

You know, as far as my shoes are concerned -I really don't think mine will fit Bella - I think I remembered her having larger feet than myself. Not sure what size shoe you are though AP.

I really wished i was up to join in the convo last night.

When I played football - it was...umm...99% lesbian - it was interesting - I had been around gay people before but not quite in that capacity - and let me tell you - most of the football players were butch - the kind where you really thought about checking under the belt to know for sure. Our team was the least lesbian team - I think we had 3 or 4 girls that weren't. I was deemed the "breeder" on the team. I miss playing football. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone :)

I did not sleep well last night because of that damn movie The Road. I found myself looking at nuclear fallout patterns for Illinois this morning, and I'm in the "vaporized" zone. I guess I don't have to worry about learning how to use a gun, then, since I'll be reduced to a fine powder.

On that happy note, it's time for me to get an oil change, so I'm off to Walmart in a bit.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin! I'm a size 11/12. I shop at the Sasquatch Shoe Store.

kristin said...

Yeah, I don't think my size 7 would fit.

Oh, and I got new cleats yesterday too - I'm a happy camper :)

I get boys b/c they are cheaper and have better support.

Angie said...

Bella, I need to get that movie! I read the book and liked it a lot. I have always loved post-apocalyptic stories. I like thinking about how I would react in those types of situations. Pretty sure I wouldn't be a hero though.

Anonymous said...

Bella- I loooooved 'The road'! Both the movie and the book!

Kristin - I like the shoes you bought. Ballerina shoes are the best, imo :-)

Angie said...

I wear a 10 extra wide. Zappo's is my friend.

KaytieJ said...

I'm luvin' y'all all over again for the HUGE smile you all gave me this morning on so many topics AND I have a head full of thoughts to ponder on in my sleep!

Molly-huge smile aside, it brought tears, knowing a glimpse of what you have gone through with your husband and what you have been through to move your life forward. There is such strength in you there. ((((()))))

AP - I changed my mind. Thinking on it, I just cannot call you Bitch Pie. In the long time I have known you, we may disagree but never, ever once have you belittled me in my ignorance.

Chris and Elisabeth - The new website looks great! I was wondering about if people calling into Reliant would run into HIPPA stuff. That really worried me. I am SO glad you clarified who to talk to so people can make donations.

I have so much more to say, but I ran my feet off (wish it were my behind!) responding to calls in the ER and the hospital.

Off to bed to do it again!


Anonymous said...

I wear size 5 and super narrow!

SW- I saw your question re: a prayer for Owen Meany. I read it and loved it!

kristin said...

LM is trying to put his fireman hat on the dog. The dog is playing along but not liking the hat.

oops, that didn't last long - LM just got hurt...and "shame on you puppy" - nothing major - puppy has sharp claws and dog rolled over on her back and accidentally got scratched.

Anonymous said...

I like to think about what I would do if it was post-apocalypse. I like to think I would give it my best, but I probably would succumb to depression and walk out into the dark woods like the Man's wife.

I need to pick up the book.

kristin said...

night Kaytie!

Anonymous said...

Sleep tight, Kaytie!

Bella- Definitely read the book. It is great!

kristin said...

and bookie - I am sorry about your hubby. It hits close to home - I was in a pretty gruesome accident in '93 - and my mom got a phone call saying get here STAT b/c her vitals are dropping. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

BTW, re :shoes I meant to type 6 and not 5! My feet are small but not THAT small! Ha!

Angie said...

Re post-apocalypse, I was really really disappointed in Will Smith's movie I Am Legend. I thought I would love it, and it started out great. I loved the scenes of him living all alone in NYC. But then the plague turns out to be those really fast zombie creatures from 28 Days Later (which I loved), and I thought the movie fell apart. And then the dog thing happened and I started hating everyone connected with the movie. I hate hate when bad things happen to pets in movies. Hate it.

Really Frugal said...

Post-apocalypse? I thought that already started with the passage of the health care bill;-P

Anonymous said...

SW, I Am Legend was based on a book by the same name. I really enjoyed the book.

Angie said...

That's what Sarah Palin said, RF. But I don't take much stock in which she says. ;-)

kristin said...

just told LM he was handsome and he said "uh uh" and then said, "i stinkin' cute" - lovely!

Alright, out to run errands. BBL

Margo said...

I would not do well post-apocalypse - I don't like camping or warm drinks!

Margo said...

On 9/11 I was on the backside of the Pentagon in traffic and the thick black smoke was coming across the road. I thought it might be the beginning of the end of the world. It was terrifying.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i've been in and out, mostly out this weekend. i did see ap said something to me the other day about mwop. not even worried, ap, seriously (:

is it polite to interrupt and ask for more information about what has been said regarding, well, things that were said about me?

feel free to email, i'm not wanting to make trouble. or, just ignore this. that's fine too.

either way, i wanted to say 'hi!'

hopefully i will be around a little bit today.

elisabeth, that CB Page is awesome. i like it. when you do a post, you can choose text size. you could also edit that post and change the text size for people to read easier. *or* they can zoom their page from the browser and enlarge the print themselves.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Morning all.

I read The Road while pregnant and on bedrest, when the baby's life (well, really mine, sort of ) was at risk.

Bad idea. Bad, bad idea. The depression from the scare and the pregnancy hormones were primed for it, and it was...just a bad, bad idea.

tumbleweedgirl said...

bd, sw, et all

i *adored* The Road. the movie out? theater, or only dvd?

i like post-apocalyptic things. i like the exploration of how society, people, rules, mores would change and adapt. i think SM Stirling did a good job with the Dies the Fire series although i've not read the final 3 books.

Jennifer-Lynn said...


It was good. It was just a bad time for me to read it. I should have read it before I had kids, but, well, it came out after I had kids. So what can you do?

How are you today, Rhys?

Angie said...

Rhys! Hi! I was just reading Lia's CaringBridge page a few minutes ago. It sounds like she's still just precious, unsurprisingly!

Truth_Be_Told said...

Hi ladies, I saw a link for here on MWOP and decided to check you out. Things are just to "trolly" for me, I cannot deal with online drama. I am excited to see so many names I recognize!

Jennifer-Lynn said...


Are you here? If so, did you save the strawberry rhubarb cobbler recipe I posted for you? We went strawberry picking the other day and I mentioned it to a friend, who asked for the recipe. I can type it out for her, but figured if you kept the recipe it would save me the time.

tumbleweedgirl said...

hey bd,

missed you. i'm good. there is sun. it is 65. there is no wind. we will head to the desert tonight, and look for obsidian, bones, and maybe a steam vent, or a kipuka.


lia is always awesome (: thanks for keeping up with her. i'm so glad we have a better PT. we see him again this week. maybe he will have some more ideas, avenues we should pursue.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Welcome, TBT!

Angie said...

Hi BD! I can imagine that was a bad idea. Yikes. The book was soooo depressing. But good. Rhys, I think it is out on DVD.

BD, I need you to weigh in regarding a third beef appetizer for my supper club next weekend. I'm doing a "trio" of beef for my appetizer course in the progressive supper we're having. My first two are Giada's beef pops (fillet mignon chunks threaded with fresh pineapple and grilled and served with a parsley sauce), and beef sliders on whole wheat rolls. I'm thinking something spicy. Ideas? EL thought of meatballs, but I don't have a great meatball recipe.

tumbleweedgirl said...


why not do kofta meatballs? they are spicy and divine. or in keeping with the more americana theme, something from mexico: albondigas.

albondigas are also easier, and you could serve a mango salsa with them. or just simple queso dip. or something

Angie said...

BD, just posted it on the recipe thread here. Yum!

Angie said...

Rhys, do you have a recipe for kofta meatballs and/or albondigas?

tumbleweedgirl said...


i do. let me feed the starving boy and then i will return. i will post them on the recipe thingie.

Lisa said...

Hi, TBT, welcome in and Rhys, I'm glad to see you! Also, you can ask anything you like - no worries about politeness around here, obviously.

Kristin, I can't wear the cute shoes, either. I'm a 9. Well, my shoe size is. The rest of me isn't. :-D

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Thanks, SW.

You could do beef fondue/hot pot, which could be fun and interactive. I have a fondue cookbook which has tons of meat recipes; give me a little bit to dig it out (by which I mea an hour or so, not days). Rhys' suggestions sound yummy, too, although I usually think of albondigas as pork. But beef would be delicious.

I'm a beef whore, though. I like my cow with the bell still around its neck.

Angie said...

TBT, hello and welcome!

Rhys, regarding your question about what was said about what was said about you -- what was said was said yesterday, so you only have to look back to yesterday's post to see what was said about what was said about you. (tongue twisters intentional :-))

I can assure you that no one said anything negative about you, and you are very welcome here. I hope that you will hang out here more often.

T@iy@ said...

Goodness, I must be Big Foot because mine are 10.5-11 depending on shoes. And definitely not fitting in the cute shoes.

I have no idea what other comments I was going to make.

Oh, I haven't seen The Road. Is it about nuclear power plants and the fallout if something happens?

Angie said...

BD, beef fondue would be delicious, but I need to be able to have the three beef appetizers on one plate. I'm sort of "pinging" (in a friendly way) the kind of pretentious supper club member who served a "trio of bacon" last time, and I want to mimic his presentation.

Angie said...

Taiya, some sort of nuclear apocalypse. May have been bombs, I don't remember if the book addresses that. It starts after the disaster and follows a man and his son who are trying to survive.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I wear a size 10 shoe. My sister wears a 12.

SW, I had the fondue cookbook with my other cookbooks (I thought it was elsewhere). Here are the recipes under "Beef." Let me know if one appeals (or several appeal).

Beef and Horseradish Fondue
Beef in Red Wine Fondue
Cajun Beef Fondue
Chile Meatball Fondue
Fondue Bourguignonne
Sweet and Sour Beef Fondue
Turkish Kabobs Fondue

Lisa said...

SW, if you have a source of good beef, what about tartare or carpaccio (sp?)?

Jennifer-Lynn said...


I can give you the two meatball like fondues, and you can make ahead and serve.

Really Frugal said...

tartare. Yes. Can we come?

Angie said...

I can't do carpaccio because pretentious supper club member made it last time we met. His beef was way too thickly sliced, IMHO. (she said snarkily). Can't do tartare because one of our members is not cool with rawness. But keep the suggestions coming! I like the spicy meatball ideas a lot.

T@iy@ said...

Thanks SW. Just wasn't sure if it was one of those 'nuclear power plants BAD' movies. My Dad works at one and they have extreme security/safety measures.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i already read that. i was wanting more information on it. hearing that people think/thought i was a scammer, that i'm faking being poor, etc is disturbing. what is more creepy is someone claims to know how much my husband makes. i'm interested to know how *that* was found out.

i have nothing to hide, i would just like to see these. then again, maybe i don't. it sounds like more than one person has been told a story or two about me. i just hate i've never been given the chance to refute them. then again, given who they appear to be from and the fact that they're still talking to me should say a lot.

i will point out that there's a reason lia has medicaid and we now have food stamps. can't scam the gov't ya know. (:

i guess, after thinking about it, i don't need to put anyone in an awkward position. i wish someone had told me, but perhaps this was going on while lia was in the hospital. i was not in the best of minds to deal with it then.

now? i'm not hurt. i will view it like the people at mwop who like to make up stuff to see if i will blink. 'water off a duck's back', i hear my dad telling me.

so. here i am anyway. hit me!

Really Frugal said...

BD, the bell still around the neck - I must share this with my son who is my only partner in mooing meat amid a sea of vegetarians and well-doners.

tumbleweedgirl said...

o, and i wear a 10.5 and try to never wear shoes. it solves a lot of problems!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I am now thinking fondue is in our future this week. This book has a killer recipe for brie and lobster fondue. I've made it a bunch of times, along with a stilton/beer version. I may be ready to venture into hot pot territory.

That sounded dirty. :)

tumbleweedgirl said...

the holocaust happened in The Road because of rival gangs that had some sort of strong ideology. there were the bombs as well as virological warfare, from what i gathered.

it killed everything.

Angie said...

Taiya, the book is not political in any way that I can recall, and I don't recall it as anti nuclear power.

I have a friend from college who worked for a nuclear power plant. Her job was "decommissioning" (sp?), which meant she worked on the planning for when the plant, or a reactor, would be shut down, thirty years in the future. Apparently nuclear reactors have a fixed life span? Anyway, I thought it was interesting the long-term planning they do.

Angie said...

Rhys, this is a good attitude, and I need to adopt it more: "i will view it like the people at mwop who like to make up stuff to see if i will blink. 'water off a duck's back', i hear my dad telling me." I take things too personally.

Really Frugal said...

BD, SW, other cooks, my daughter is getting her MBA in May. Instead of going out after graduation she has requested salad bar like we did when she was a kid, and I thought chocolate fondue for dessert. I would like to make it special, but can't think of too many unique ideas. There will probably be only about a dozen of us, so I can get a little more elaborate than if it was a crowd. Any great salad/dessert ideas?

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Turkish Kabob Fondue (serves 4-6):

1 lb. ground beef
1.5 tsp. ground coriander
1.5 tsp. ground cumin
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed.
1 tbsp. grated lemon zest
2 tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro
Salt and pepper
1 pint oil for frying

Mix ingredients (except for oil) and form into small balls the size of a cherry tomato. Heat oil to 375 degrees and cook 2-5 minutes per meatball. Garnish with cilantro and scallions.

Lisa said...

"so. here i am anyway. hit me!"

*throws a bag of lentils at Rhys' head*
Oh, wait, that's not what you meant, is it?

tumbleweedgirl said...


don't get me wrong. this i am a little bit hot about. my integrity matters to me. strangers from mwop, not so much. someone(s) that i have trusted? should i kick myself or them? myself, probably, for trusting. saying bad things when i don't have the facts doesn't help a stitch. so........... i'm taking my dad's advice.

tumbleweedgirl said...


oooo, lentils. (: i went to winco last night. paid .40/lb for black beans, chickpeas. then i got rice for .20/lb.

i felt awesome. (: forgot the lentils though!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Well, I still have the fondue cookbook out. There's:

Luscious Velvety Chocolate Fondue
Nutty Milk Chocolate Fondue
White Chocolate and Toffee Swirl Fondue

Angie said...

Rhys, is the beef and horseradish fondue already cooked beef and you dip it in horseradish? Because that sounds very good.

Lisa said...

RF, if you do a chocolate fondue, make some with chili in it. Mmmmm. And congrats to your daughter!

Angie said...

<<-- is leery of hot pots

Lisa said...

For what it's worth, Rhys, I don't think you're a scammer. And you got some good deals!

Angie said...

Oooo, BD, that meatball recipe looks good!

tumbleweedgirl said...


it was not me with the horseradish recipe. it sounds awesome. i just got done reading about how to grow horseradish. i LOVE hot, spicy, clean out your sinuses stuff.

Really Frugal said...

TWG, my trust in anything online has gone down of late. But don't kick yourself. Others do enough of that. "saying bad things when i don't have the facts doesn't help a stitch" kind of sums up a lot of what goes wrong in relationships, IRL and online. Listen to Dad.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i thought the $2 bags were nice, but expensive still. they are cheaper than cans, but this was even better.

thanks for the vote of confidence, (:

T@iy@ said...

SW- the whole nuclear power plant process is amazing. And yes, they have fixed life span. It is simply insane the planning and processing that goes into. When they have 'outages' they are planned specifically far far in advance to stop any possible problems that could ever come up. They are so safe that if we do have an apocalypse I want to move into one. :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...


No, it's in the marinade, although you could serve horseradish sauce on the side for dipping.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i wrote my dad this morning and told him i was finally able to take that advice. i used to cry when kids were mean to me in school. i could not figure out how to be tough. it has more to do with inner confidence and knowing yourself, though.

that's how i will explain it to zaya and lia. i hope i never have to, though.

tumbleweedgirl said...


it's so nice to read someone else's measured and educated views on power plants.

from one nuclear brat. (:

Angie said...

Okay, I just ordered an oil/candy thermometer from so I can try my hand at frying meatballs. I don't fry anything, ever, and the whole process scares me. Odd for a southerner.

Angie said...

Okay, I need to get away from the food talk and do some work. Now that I'm starving!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

SW, do you want the beef/horseradish recipe?

THanks for posting the cobbler recipe, btw.

Angie said...

Yes, BD, I would love to have it. Thanks!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I'll post it on the recipe thread in just a little bit.

Lisa said...

SW, just be very careful and you'll be fine with frying. Keep am opened bag of flour nearby until your confidence builds...should you have a grease fire, flour puts it out pretty well. I've never had one and don't know of anyone who has, but if I'm going to be frying at super-high temps, I always have a bag close by.

bookjunkie said...

Am I late for church?

Oh, and y'all are just gonna have to call me BJ and we'll all get over it eventually. ;) I'm too lazy to change it, especially seeing that I post at MWOP, too and don't feel like logging out and back in, etc. Just consider it a reminder when you see my initials to keep the special BJ lover in your life (whoever that may be) happy when you can- at least with "the promise" of a BJ anyway. Ha! =)

KaytieJ- hope you're resting by now. It's nurses like you who do so much good for the world- truly, a wonderful gift!

Kristin and Margaret, and everyone- thanks! Kristin, I had a good friend tell me something that's helped me more than anything else probably. She said that when you go through something tragic, grieving any kind of loss, whether it be a death or illness, divorce, loss of job, whatever. It's not necessarily something you get over... you can't go around it and bypass it. You have to go through it. So, you may never get over the tragedy; you just have to do whatever you can to get through it. She always reminds me and says "through, not over" when I'm having a crappy day.

And, LM is handsome and stinkin' cute! I looked at your blog last night. Makes me miss those days with my little girl who's not so little anymore. Wish I had a blog from when she was that age and said such funny stuff.

And that's as far as I got. Going to catch back up on comments now.

Shannon said...

Rhys I am glad to see you. I dont think that you are a scammer, nor have I ever thought that. Sure there were a few times like AP said where I would wonder if perhaps you were jealous of people like JM but to be honest I dont think that it is in the normal sense. I have always see you as very open and I have always appreciated that in you. I see you a lot like myself in a lot of ways...a simple life is not so bad because it is a lot less complicated :)

Shannon said...

I am glad to see you here too did I say that?

So I dont know how much I will be around because as it is I have to make a run to the store and then it is time to start rearranging things to get the new dresser in here WOOOHOOOO.....I ended up only paying $50 for it. It is 7 drawers and in EXCELLENT shape....very pleased with it I must say :)

Shannon said...

And with MWOP I have just been lurking because there is so much drama over there and honestly I dont want to deal with a certain probably someone there :)

bookjunkie said...

Oh, AP, I googled Carlton Pearson before I went to bed last night. I found this set of videos from a Nightline debate he was in on Satan, hell and is it real, etc. Watched part of it but saved the rest for later. It was so intriguing to me to hear the different viewpoints. I was raised Southern Baptist, God bless my mama and daddy, LOL. Anyway, I spent too much of my adult life trying to figure out what it is exactly that I believe even though I spent half my childhood in church and had no clue. Still trying to figure that out but still pissed that all that time spent in church didn't teach me more, too. ;) So, his story is so interesting to me. I can't wait to listen to the rest of that show.

Really Frugal said...

Umm, AP, I know someone who had a grease fire. And might I say putting the burning pan in the sink with the dripping faucet under the gingham curtains is a very bad idea. But the firefighters were very nice.

Really Frugal said...

BJ, my heart goes out to you, and your words about grieving resonate with me. My mom was a young widow with a baby, and me on the way. She didn't go through her grief until many years later, and while she never got over the loss, the grieving, when it finally happened, brought her back to life in many ways.

Shannon said...

Also when cooking with grease dont be like my daughter and walk away. She toasted quite a bit of our kitchen due to this....bad idea and she will NEVER live it down.

T@iy@ said...

Definitely stick with the flower. A local country western bar burned to the ground here because they were using a turkey deep fryer in the bar kitchen and there was a fire and they tried to douse it with water and *wine. All around bad ideas!

T@iy@ said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Did I seriously just spell 'flour', 'flower'? UGH.

T@iy@ said...

And I apparently killed it with lack of spelling ability while pregnant. :D

T@iy@ said...

TWG- I get on my soap box anytime I hear people bashing nuclear power plants and saying how unstable they are, etc. The general public would be amazed at what they do to keep it safe and secure.

Really Frugal said...

Yes, Taiya. In case of grease fire, smother with daisies and have a glass of wine.

Lisa said...

Hi, Shannon!

RF, I'm sure that fire happened to someone else and you just heard about it, right?

BJ, I was raised Southern Baptist, too, and was never okay with it, even as a child (lol, would scream and clutch onto things to not be taken inside - it was bad. I do not consider myself to even be a Christian now; however, I do have respect for the Bible, Jesus and many of the teachings. When I found Bishop Pearson, listening to him and his Gospel of Inclusion undid a lot of the ugliness I felt about parts of Christianity. I'm glad you're liking what you hear, whether you agree with it or not. :-)

bookjunkie said...

Thanks, RF. I think when you have kids, sometimes you just put yourself on the back burner for them and eventually, you do have to grieve. So thankful for my daughter through all of this, though.

While the soapbox is out, let me say 2 things....

1. If you have it available, take advantage of life insurance. I know it's something as a young wife/parent, I just never thought much about. We were under a group plan in October, husband got laid off, got a new job in January and died in February before benefits kicked in, so no life insurance... nothing. So thankful for social security benefits for daughter but it's not much and not forever either. So, I know it's not always feasible to have life insurance due finances, etc. but if at all possible, some plans are not that expensive, so take advantage of it.

2. Consider writing an advance directive for your medical care should anything life-threatening ever happen and/or signing up to be an organ donor if you want to do that. Thank God, we'd talked about situations like this and I pretty much knew what he would have wanted and was able to make decisions and not regret them. (I do, of course, think about what "if this" or "if that" from time to time, but know deep down the best decisions were made.)

Ok, sorry, y'all. Those are just things that you never want to think or talk about but sometimes you need to.

Really Frugal said...

AP, yeah, umm, someone else. I hardly knew her, but she was very young. And, ummmmmmm

Really Frugal said...

BJ, Yes, thank goodness for social security and veteran's insurance. That's all mom had; and no family to help. But she made it, and it made her strong. I can remember times when she worked three jobs just to keep things going.

bookjunkie said...

Wanted to say hi and welcome to TBT. Hoping the trolls over there with head on out soon.

Good to see you here, too, TWG. =)

That's awful, AP, but I'm still chuckling thinking about it. Not funny for a child to be scared like that though. Gonna try to watch the rest of that tonight.

Good deal on the dresser, Shannon. Mine's like your old one, half the drawers don't work worth a damn. Too much trouble to even deal with them so I end up stacking stuff on top of the dresser or in the closet or somewhere.

Ok, I will attempt to pry my butt outta this chair now and get something accomplished today. Got a shelf I need to go get some spray paint for.

T@iy@ said...

Well, off to get more stuff done. Working on making baby food, goodies to freeze for Matt to have after I have Eeq, and packing the hospital bag. Only 5 weeks left!

Margo said...

You are so organized Taiya - I didn't pack a bag until I went into labor :)

Anonymous said...

bookjunkie - I'm so sorry about your husband. That is such a horrible tragedy :*(

Deb- If you read here, happy birthday!

OT- Does anyone know why sitemeter shows my IP as hidden? I swear I'm not trying to 'hide my ass' ;-D

PJ said...

You sure are trying to hide your ass, Corinne. Especially with those dainty little feet of yours.

Hi all!

PJ said...

You all make this such a nice place - I've just had 20 minutes of smiles and tears and guffaws catching up. Glad we have each other.

Anonymous said...

Lol, CK!

My sister is watching 'Jersey shore'. Lord help me.

PJ said...

Corinne - do you have a peanut allergy?

Just curious........

PJ said...

Corinne has dainty feet, an ample bosom, and a hidden ass.

Anonymous said...

CK - I don't have a peanut allergy. Why?

LOL@ your description of me ;-D

PJ said...

I too have pink eye. WTF?

Doc said most of the time it will clear up on it's own. But the schools require meds for 24 hours before students go back to school.

I imagine this applies to teachers, too.

Told him my decision on using the drops on not depends on whether or not I want a day off tomorrow or not. He graciously said, "yes, but I won't make a note of that comment in your file".

For which I thanked him.

And got the prescription filled - damn midwestern work ethic.

PJ said...

Just YOU stop asking.

PJ said...

Elisabeth - I put Chris down for prayer at my church this a.m.

These ladies know that I hate calling it church cause it's not really that - more a bunch of people with good questions. A very real place...

Anonymous said...

CK - Sorry for the pink eye. And you should totally take a day off!

On another, happy note:

Tomorrow morning's class got canceled because the prof is stuck in a faraway land! Yay! I praise the god of the Icelandic volcano!

Anonymous said...

OT & random - I just found out there's a Belgian movie called 'de helaasheid der dingen' (= the crappiness of things). I wonder what it's about. Hmmm...

PJ said...

Praise the Volcano God!

PJ said...

Must go do FAFSA to see how much dear daughter will get for financial aid next year.

Also need to create another Mister Potato Head storyboard.

Anonymous said...

I'm very tired (staying up until 4 am will do that to you! Ha!) so I should probably hit the hay.

Have a great Sunday afternoon/evening CK! (and everyone else who's on!)

Anonymous said...

Hello, all!

Sorry about the pink eye, CK but yeah - you really should take tomorrow off. Actually, it can be damned uncomfortable to say the least. How's your daughter? Are the injections helping? I think you said she was having (or has had) them?

Why is Corinne hiding her ass? know...not? But yay for tomorrow morning's class being canceled.

bookjunkie, you give good advice up above. I am sorry about your husband's death. I know you've heard that probably more than you want, but I am.

rhys, hi. I'm glad you're here too. Hope you guys have fun in the desert this evening.

Hey to everyone else...I'm liking the Rev. Pearson too, AP.

My beef pot pies came out pretty darn good. I'll try and write the recipe down before I forget how I did it and post on the recipe site. It probably won't be today though. I just woke up from a nap and have a few more little things to do for work tomorrow...sigh.

Erin said...

Yay for no classes for Corinne.
Boo for CK's pink eye.

PJ said...

Night Corinne - sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

CK - keeping my fingers crossed re:financial aid

Erin said...

SW and Jill- If we add another sister wife I think we ought to *seriously consider Taiya. She is the real super Mom! :)

PJ said...

Jae & Erin - HI!

Jae, her trigger point injections are helping a lot. Thanks for asking.

T@iy@ said...

Organized? Not a word normally attached to my name. :) I kinda like it. :D

Erin said...

Jae- glad you got a nap today!

Anonymous said...

Blogger's being an ass. Back soon!

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all! Just finished weeding the last veggie box! It's kind of cool outside today but great for doing work like that.

Elisabeth and Chris- I love the new CB site!

I just signed up for Netflix last night. So far I'm loving it.

tumbleweedgirl said...

hi shannon, hi jae,


bookjunkie (love your name)

i'm so sorry to read about your husband. grieving is hard. you're right about how things happen that we don't even think about.

i have not posted recipes. i'm going to work out. we're packing and stuff for a visit to a park tonight. not enough gas to explore the desert by the crystal caves. we're going to do that next weekend. it will be fun.

tonight, fishing, biking, playing.

tumbleweedgirl said...

and hi to everyone else i missed saying it to so far

Shannon said...

OMG So we got the old dresser out and the new dresser in but now I have a shit ton of stuff to keep me busy this week rearranging AGAIN and clearing stuff out but I am so doing that when nobody is here. But I now have my stuff in drawers instead of shelves and Josh was even able to clear up our movie shelf. LOL he hangs his clothes and just has crap he likes to keep and squirrel away.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i hope you post a pic of that dresser. it sounds awesome. people call things 'antique' when they are old and ugly in the thrift store. then they want 100 for it.

T@iy@ said...

Sandy- What is in your veggie boxes? Well, besides the obvious "veggies" answer. :)

I love me some Netflix, too.

Shannon- good luck with that! We have been cleaning out the dressers and rearranging so Eeq will have one. Lots of work!

Shannon said...

I will get some pics up on my blog or something once I have everything in its place. It is such a nice dresser. All the drawers open smoothly and it is actually made entirely from real wood. I have seen dressers in such horrible shape at thrift shops that cost more than what I paid for this one.

I actually got it at a church benefit sale. They had some beautiful furniture and such that I would have loved to buy if I had room for such things.

And for the record I absolutely LOVE thrift store shopping and yard/garage sales. Sometimes that is where you have to go for certain things. Heck a couple years ago I went to a thrift stores and spent 160 for an almost new washing machine that works like a dream.....See it is that kind of stuff that I connect with you so well Rhys :)

tumbleweedgirl said...

oooooo shannon

when a deal is good, it's smoking! real wood and drawers that slide, i dream of such things (:

mom swears if we move east near her, we will get her hand-me-down furniture. (= that's a deal in itself!

tumbleweedgirl said...

o, and our washer is used. i love it. we finally got a used one that gets the clothes clean.

Shannon said...

Nice.....isnt it awesome getting stuff knowing it is used and then tadda it works like a dream? My friend Tania and I are both about the thrifting and yard sales :) Hell that is where we get half our clothes as well just because you can find such good stuff for an awesome price.

Shannon said...

How is Zaya doing? I remember for a while there you and he were having some struggles with his frustration of not learning as fast as he wanted. Is he getting better about the whole patience thing? :)

Lisa said...

5 o'clock, glass of wine in hand...

Shannon, the big question is, what color is your old dresser?

Jake's off playing music, still unshaven. It disturbs me a bit to look at him I've winged a lime chicken and vegetable curry for my own dinner out of leftovers. We shall see how that turns out.

I'm trying to straighten this pigpen up some...I swear, I'm going to start collecting cat fur wads I find and begin spinning them into sweaters. It wouldn't take but 3 or 4 days to have enough for the first one.

And this? Is my day. Hope everyone else is having a more exciting one!

Lisa said...

"It disturbs me a bit to look at him I've winged a lime chicken and vegetable curry for my own dinner out of leftovers."

Insert that missing period as you read it, please and thanks.

Really Frugal said...

People do that with the cat hair, AP, and they make very expensive things.

twirldawg said...

Oh I've considered spinning Harley's hair into yarn to knit myself a sweater. . .but a spinning wheel is just so darned expensive.

tumbleweedgirl said...


zaya is awesome. somehow we muddled through. mostly because i quit doing traditional stuff. i don't know why i felt we had to do that. he just kept bringing me books. 'what's this word?' over and over.

one day he said 'cat, hat, do' etc. i think he has around 20-30 words he knows. some were at first related only to certain books. now he is translating them to just being words.

it's fun. he's cool. K reg is on the 30th. i hope he does well. i'm selfish, i want this to be easy. i want something to go well with no problems, no surprises. i've had enough for a while.

Anonymous said...

I thought you winged a lime and a chicken at Jake because his facial hair disturbed you.

Then, I read it again.

tumbleweedgirl said...


do you live out east? they do re-enacting of civil and revolutionary war stuff. they have people who spin with a spindle. spindles are easy to make. then you just twirl to yarn. that part is way easier said than done. i tried. it would spin nicely, and then suddenly it'd all unravel!

twirldawg said...

rhys I'm not far from a lot of battle grounds.
I have the materials to make a drop spindle and know where to get fleece. One day I will spin, dye, and knit something. For now I just take someone elses wool and knit stuff :)

Lisa said...

"I thought you winged a lime and a chicken at Jake because his facial hair disturbed you.

Then, I read it again."

That was my fear, yes. And gosh, I'm glad I'm not the only one with feline fur spinning projects in mind. I just can't keep it under control. I have people eating here (or just getting food) pretty often and they all know the deal is that they'll be fed with pleasure but I don't want to hear about it if a piece of cat hair shows up in your gravy. It is out of my control.

Anonymous said...

AHHHH blogger just ate my post. GUTS

I agree the type is too small! I keep trying to change it to 12 instead of 10, but when I hut save it stays the same. I will try it again later.

I am so exhausted from not sleeping last night, I am going to try for an actual decent nap this time. Later on I have some fun pictures from earlier and a video for the Daisies from Chris. I think I might get a blogger page just for the "fun stuff" so it doesn't crowd the CB site.

I hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, if you want to put that video on youtube and email me the link, I'll post it! anemonepie at yahoo dot com. If not, it's really okay...just offering. :-)

Lisa said...

Is Jose Cruz still affiliated with the Astros in any way? Weird bit of trivia, but I was in his hotel room once. With him in it, I mean. It's one of my biggest claims to fame and I don't even like baseball.

kristin said...

in his hotel do tell!

Jose Cruz played for the Astros and was a first base coach - I knew that part but googled it and just saw that they dropped him last year. Sad :(

Lisa said...

Lol, it's not a very interesting story, Kristin. I have a cousin who is a massive Astros fan and back when he played, she worshipped him almost as much as she did the Astros in general. She'd follow them around to games and such, still does. Now, she was no groupie but it would have appeared so, I guess. Anyway, after meeting them time and time again, she and Jose sort of became friends. Not phone-chatty friends but when he spotted her at a game, he'd wave and holler out "SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSAN!!" It was cute. I think he was married then, by the way. Anyway, she convinced me to go with her to a spring training game once and he spotted her. Afterwards, we were talking to them and he mentioned he was going to go with a few friends to dinner, did we want to go? Susan peed some and I was stuck. We went back to his hotel room while he showered and waited for his friends to pick us up. That all said, the man was a total and complete gentleman, as were his friends. Nothing was out of line at all, they were very nice, very polite and I think maybe he just genuinely liked Susan's enthusiasm and wanted to do something special for her. They all talked baseball while I was bored to death. Years later, when he was the whatever coach, she took Jake to a game and he spotted her. Jake's got the winning baseball, signed by all the he cares. ;-)

Anonymous said...

i hope you ladies appreciate the traffic you get. MWOP is now moderated. Daisies much better site.

kristin said...

WOW! That is awesome! He seems like a good guy and I'm sad he is no longer with the Astros. A few years ago...or maybe a couple, there was a story about his son. I haven't followed up on it but his truck was found burned and he was missing. I think he was going through a divorce or something. Last I heard, they haven't found him.

I would love to be a groupie or just go to more games although we don't have a very good team and only a few "loyal" players. I miss Biggio, Caminiti, Bagwell, etc.

I like your cousin :) If she is ever in Houston and wants to go to a game, tell her to give me a call. :)

Anonymous said...

AP, I am uploading the video to you tube now! It's 114 mb......he got on a bit of a roll=) are the only one he singled out on video. Last night when I was reading him all the comments and we were laughing so hard, he said "if I were a lesba-tarian, me and AP would ride off into the sunset in matching flannel shirts on a pony named Versace".

What can I say, he had just taken a pain pill. The good stuff, obviously.

Lisa said...

"I would love to be a groupie"

Damn,! Seriously?

And that's sad about his son and sad he's not with the Astros now. He was really a very, very nice man, a real gentleman, at least to us. Susan is damn good looking so it's not like he took pity on her ugliness, either. I honestly was shocked that he didn't hit on her but nope, just a nice guy.

Lisa said...

" are the only one he singled out on video. Last night when I was reading him all the comments and we were laughing so hard, he said "if I were a lesba-tarian, me and AP would ride off into the sunset in matching flannel shirts on a pony named Versace"."

Tell him we still can. I'm okay with no sex and don't mind if he has a boyfriend or 3, as long as he gimps home to me. But I'm going to wear a pretty shirt and I don't ride ponies - I'm a Dodge girl so we need a Hemi for this adventure. Everyone, hit that Payal button!

kristin said...

Elisabeth - I like your brother more and more! LMFAO!

and sadly...yes AP...well maybe not in that sense but in the sense your cousin is/was. I love a man in uniform :)

Lisa said...

"and sadly...yes AP...well maybe not in that sense but in the sense your cousin is/was. I love a man in uniform :)"

Well, thinking of our cop discussion last night, I get that.

Angie said...

Um, AP, does that mean I should cancel the labia ice sculptures that I ordered for our wedding reception?

kristin said...

LMFAO @ SW - labia ice sculptures..thanks for the visual.

kristin said...

laundry room/cat room vacuumed and cloroxed, load of laundry in the dryer, new load in washer and 'bout to start folding. I HATE laundry!

LM & SO went to get chinese - yummy!

and I seriously need to put some bandaids on my feet. uggghhhh....

Anonymous said...

AP....... Chris says
no hetero sex + boyfriends + hemi = him impersonating Meg Ryan in "that scene" from WHMS.

When those new dodge hemis came out a few years ago, he loved the big silver "hemi" lettering on the side. He said he wanted to change it from "HEMI" to "HOMO" just to see if anyone would notice.

Really Frugal said...

Seriously, google cat hair yarn.

Starting at $12 an ounce, and you can even get glitter yarn!

Really Frugal said...

I think blogger ate my comment:
Seriously, google cat hair yarn.
Starting at $12 an ounce and you can even get it with sparkles.

Anonymous said...

AP, I sent you the video link!! Let me know if you don't get it ok? I can't believe for all his bluster, he is kinda nervous about his "debut". It's cute! He really wants to reach people re checking their blood pressure and living a lower stress & better diet life.

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