Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy National Peach Blossom Day!


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Lindsay said...

Would it be too warm off the coast of Brazil for an orca?

Lindsay said...

There is nothing cooler than seeing a whale in the wild. I've had orcas come by our boat in the San Juans before, and a grey whale by our boat just in the Puget Sound by our house. It's amazing. And we loved watching the Grey whales migrate north in the summer from the Oregon Coast. I am in awe of whales.

kristin said...

it might be but I am not sure what temp they had her in at seaworld. I know that with Cupid, we kept it at a certain temp in his pool but when he got ready to go to California we kept making the pool colder until we got it to the same temp he would be at in their pool.

So maybe she could aclimate - just less blubber or something.

Yes, I think either way it would be inhumane and if it doesn't make it, survival of the fittest.

I have only seen dolphins in the wild. I would love to see them in the wild. They are such intelligent creatures. I would love to be on a boat in the middle of nowhere doing research. I learned all about the "babysitting" methods they use and other interesting things, who would have known.

Cetaceans are cool animals. I took cetacean behavior which was taught by a very well known Marine Biologist. I want his book - Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals!

kristin said...

I just saw they have a book about Cupid.

I might have to buy it.

Lindsay said...

It's amazing, because we have laws now that you can't come within 100 ft. of them and it's like 250 if they are with a calf. But they will literally swim up to your boat and play. It's crazy. They are sooo beautiful. I worry about their habitat here, though. They are finding a lot of mercury and PCB's in the fish that are part of their diet, and in recent years some members of the pods don't make it back. The biologists here do an awesome job of cataloging and keeping track of the members of the pods. I have always wanted to be a marine biologist, but I never had the smarts to take all the science classes!

Lindsay said...

I think my boys would love to read that book. I might have to buy it, too.

Lindsay said...

I sure said a lot for not having much to say :) I'm off to do laundry and finish my chipotle black bean burger for lunch. Which is really yummy, btw. I'll keep checking in and lurking!

kristin said...

That is what my degree is in - marine biology - and the classes were a struggle. I would love to do research - but at this time I can't go back for my upper level degree, maybe one of these days.

Oh, and if you are really interested in dolphin society - read "To touch a wild dolphin" - it is very interesting and disturbing.

kristin said...

Lindsay - If I ever get my DVD/VCR recorder up - I am going to burn the Nat Geo special that was done on Cupid and send you a copy.

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm not a fan of animals in general BUT I'm a firm believer that they should be respected and their environment should not be disrupted. So much for that, I guess.

It's sad the way man is trying to tame nature. Sure, SeaWorld is insanely cool; I was like a little girl there, completely fascinated. However, it is everything but normal for these animals to be put in such closed environments.

Angie said...

Cool view, Corinne!

Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh Kristin - I would totally love that.

As a weird side note - the only other marine biologist I have known in person is my OB/GYN. Don't know how you change your major (after you only have 1 quarter left to graduate) from Marine Biology to Gynecology. It always made me feel weird.

kristin said...

okay, this is going to be so un-PC (politically correct) but maybe b/c its all things slimy!

I loved it, I loved the field work - although I hated invertebrate zoology - b/c we had to know all the names (latin) and families, etc and then each characteristics of each.

I also took Biospeology which was awesome - our teacher - Dr. Iliffe - discovered more than 250 new marine animals, mostly crustaceans and mostly cave dwelling.

It was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

SW- Right?! It was awesome there.

Lindsay- That is...unexpected. Here, there is only one major you can take while a pre-med and it's called medicine. But I think that in the US you can study any of the life sciences as a Bachelor degree, then take the MCAT and if you pass, you can go to med school.

Angie said...

I would like to stone Dick Cheney. Is that wrong? (j/k!)

Anonymous said...

I was not too fond of analytical chem when I was a pre-med but the class I really, really hated was electricity and electro-magnetism. Yuck. I still don't know how I passed this class.

Anonymous said...

SW- I don't think it'd be wrong to stone Dick Cheney; as long as you stone Sarah Palin too. :P

My Sparkling Life said...

I am so regretting my frozen yogurt decision....

Angie said...

Deal, Corinne!

Angie said...

HiT, dang, now I want some ice cream.

Angie said...

Maybe I should delete that post. Cheney might still have enough power to get me in Gitmo.

Anonymous said...

SW- Move to Belgium; you'll be safe. No Dick Cheney here (and no Sarah Palin. Thank God!). :P

My Sparkling Life said...

I hate to say this but I will. JM has lead a completely COMPLETELY sheltered life. I see poverty like that daily in the 4th largest city in the US. Families taking home babies to homeless shelters, a mother with 4 children under 4 with no heat or running water, mothers who have no way to feed or clothe their children. She didn't have to go to Kenya to see suffering or heartache.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I have a craving so intense for a Haagen Daas Belgian Chocolate milkshake, it might kill me.

Anonymous said...

I'm dying of laughter here:,,20348622,00.html


kristin said...

now I'm going to have to eat my last cadbury egg - dammit!

Anonymous said...

HiT- Exactly!

Bd- Now I want that too!

Angie said...

Crikey! Quit talking about chocolate already!! You're killing me! I got no chocolate anywheres!

kristin said...

awwww....Steve Irwin! Such a shame!

Angie said...

Mark Burnett has my heart for bringing my beloved Survivor to the world -- and it's on tonight! -- but I will sooo turn on him if he gets in bed with that lipstick wearing pit bull bitch.

Anonymous said...

Wow. In another random fact du jour, Jamie Oliver and his wife are expecting their fourth child. Their third daughter is 11 months old.
I wonder what they'll name this one. I'm not sure they can top Petal Blossom Rainbow. LOL :P

Robin in Montana said...

I think you're safe from Gitmo, but I would definitely think long and hard about it before you accepted any hunting invitations from him.

Robin in Montana said...

Maybe this has been discussed, but WTF are RV and JM wearing around their necks in those photos? Dr. Seuss scarves?

Anonymous said...

Hi RiM!

Angie said...

Hey Robin! Dang it, now you're making me want to break my JM/RV sobriety. I. Will. Be. Strong.

Anonymous said...

Robin- I have no idea about the scarves, whatsoever. Maybe, they are gift from the people there?

Muliebrity said...

Jamie Oliver strikes me as kind of a horny guy. Maybe it's because his regular face makes me think he's making a "sex face"?

Robin in Montana said...

SW - I'll describe them. She's got on a hot pink shirt and her "scarf" is pink and white. RV has on some ill-fitting white shirt thing and his "scarf" is green and orange. They kind of look like those Christmas chains you make as a kid with pieces of paper, only these are strips of fabric cut like by with pinking sheers or something and kind of tied/woven together to make a scarf. RV is choosing to wear his in the ever popular, over one shoulder like a soldier's cording thing. @@

Oh. Wait. I see one other douche canoe has one on, so maybe it's a Compassion thing.

Whatever. I look at those people who live there, in those conditions, with fat Americans in their nice (albeit ugly and ill-fitting in this instance) clothing and their big cameras and jewelry and shit, parading through their homes and taking pictures and oohing and aaahing at the wonder of it all, squeezing out tears, whether they're genuine or fake, and wonder if it doesn't just piss them right the hell off?

Robin in Montana said...

Mulie - I like Jamie Oliver's recipes, sort of, but I do not want to think of him making a sex face, ever.

Robin in Montana said...

Okay, heading out to turn in the app for the hopefully new house. Not feeling too positive. Nothing about this day or the day before has led me to feel positive. Blech.

Muliebrity said...

I think it's because Jamie Oliver has a slack mouth. Just looks strangely sexual. Like John Mayer's stage/sex face.

kristin said...

New house? Curious...didn't know you were looking at a new house - details!

Well good luck and {{{HUGS}}}

kristin said...

Did anyone know it was National Grammar Day today?

I know, totally random.

My Sparkling Life said...

I's did not no it wuz gramer day.

Robin in Montana said...

Ew. Do not speak to me of John Mayer and sex in the same sentence. Corinne will back me up on this one. ::nod::

Oh, sorry, I thought I mentioned the new house maybe. I saw one in the paper last night, read it to Kelly and he said we should call. This house is okay, has its issues, but the biggest one is it being for sale and never knowing what the hell is going to happen. The house is strictly a rental, it's about 10 years old (old enough that someone thought plaid wallpaper with a big border of plates and coffee pots would be a good idea, but otherwise has brand new paint, carpet, etc.) and a little bit bigger. Also has a yard, and a GARAGE (which we don't have here, so we could park inside plus get rid of the storage we rent.) It's kind of out on the prairie up near the border, so not in the trees like this one. Which is good in one way -- killer views of the Canadian Rockies, and elk wandering by, and really close to the reservoir and some little swimming lakes, but also means wind and beat-down sun.

Anyway. Who knows. We had to fill out a credit app and all that today. Not worrying about the credit, but thinking in this town, who knows who and who will decide if "shacking up" is not going to work for them. Anyway. I hope we get it. Not just being for sale would be such a load off, and the garage and yard would be wonderful.

Robin in Montana said...

Grammar ain't that important.

Muliebrity said...

RiM, I like that John Mayer is kind of naughty! (That's about the only think I like about him though!)

Anonymous said...

Kristin, Here's an interesting article on the whale at Sea World. They thought about releasing him back to Iceland in 1991, but decided he wouldn't likely make it. He's been in captivity a long time and is very valuable to Sea World for mating purposes.

Muliebrity said...

Yeah! Let's mate a killer, killer whale!

kristin said...

Hey Christy! Will have to read that. I know they used him for breeding -not sure why I was calling him a she, other than following Corinne's lead. lol

and RiM - I had to read that twice before I figured it out :)

kristin said...

RiM - that house sounds awesome! That would be awesome if you did get it!

I wish my garage was bigger. It was a model and so it only had a 1 car garage. I too am renting but not sure what I will be doing so I stay. I need just a bit bigger but oh well. It's affordable and cute.

kristin said...

LMAO - here is a comment on MWoP:

Just read through 4 blogger's posts/pictures about their day in Kenya. 3 of them were about the women, children and what the charity has done for the community and how to help...but then read the last one and it was all about one gals feelings and how much SHE needs to change...guess who was the PITY PARTY HOG today...SURPRISE.... Jennifer! Good Grief.

I hope she does truly change. Honestly, she could do great things if she was truly a good person. She's very charasmatic and seems to have a knack for getting people to listen and follow. Kinda like the rats and the Pied Piper....

Angie said...

Robin, you are so sweet to describe the douche canoe scarves for me. I think you are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I know there are poor here in America, but does it really compare to the slums of third world countries? I am so sheltered that I just don't really notice the poor here. I guess it's bad, but I've never seen that kind of poor. I've seen plenty of poor that still have the means to have lots of luxuries though.

suz said...

SW, OMG, this is the first chance I had to be here today and what do I see? Douche canoe! LMAO, you just made my day.
Super busy at work, would rather go home and crash.

kristin said...

I hear ya Suz (on the crashing part)

suz said...

Hi Kristin, I am just beat today. Have a bad headache. I think it is allergies but they are pissing me off!

Life full of bRATS said...

Ok so here is what happened. I play a video game, and am sort of new at it but do ok. I love it, it's a group activity. I was told today that some of the activities that the other people in my video game group, I will not be invited to "We already have our 10 people" was what I was told.. :( My feeling are hurt.. here's an analogy

Say you join a knitting club, you learn to knit, you learn you love knitting. Once you're good enough you get to go to knitting tournaments and knit a giant pair of pants for mckmama's fat ass. So you train hard, and talk to your knitting friends everyday. You become better and better at knitting and are suddenly a very high 'level' knitter.. You watch the tournaments, you do practice tournaments and such and fall just head over heels for thsi great group of friends you knit with. And then the big tournament is put on the calendar and you are under the impression you get to go. You get to be part of this group you love so much, this is FUN. And then the colead knitter tells you through IM that you "are not part of the ten" that they are going to take to the big tournament. You can listen and watch them, but you will get none of the rewards nor can you actually participate... and you're crushed. Because you put so much of your time and effort thinking you where going to be included.. instead to find out you are not good enough to them, or for them.. or you just don't get to do it.. :( I just want them to give me a shot to knit with them, they're my friends. I want to play with them, not watch them run off to play and listen to how they're doing

:( My heart hurtin' right now. Because I feel like I was.. let down, by someone who has been my friend for years.

Life full of bRATS said...

I give you all permission to laugh at me, I play world of warcraft.. So, you can laugh. :p But I do it with really good friends.. or so I had thought

PJ said...

I think I sort of caught up. I'm sorry, LFoB, that you are feeling sad. It sounds like you were really looking forward to being a part of that. I'd be disappointed too.

kristin said...

Disappointment sucks LFoB! I am so very sorry! :(

suz said...

LFoB, Bummer girl. I think you are right to have your feelings hurt. That is why we do those things, like knit, or video games or group stuff. To feel a part of something and have camaraderie. So to get blown off, yeah, it would hurt my feelings too. I am sorry.

Angie said...

Suz, sorry about your headache. I have no idea where "douche canoe" originated. I think I missed the thread that brought that gem. I was just copying Robin. Is "douche canoe" a Daisy word, or a "real" word?

kristin said...

suz, sorry, I must've given you my headache. I woke up with a doozy but it is better now.

*see ya in a bit!

Angie said...

LFOB, that is not laugh-worthy. I would feel exactly the same way you do, super disappointed and hurt. I'm sorry that happened. People suck.

Angie said...

Who do you think should be douche lord, JM or RV?

suz said...

SW, the douche lord should be JM because little dick can't do anything without her approval. Oh by the way, I missed why he is RV..What is RV and am I going to be sorry I asked?lol.

Angie said...

RV = Root Vegetable, or Root Veggie. The term originated at SIP, after RV missed his flight when he was trying to get to Boston where Stellan and JM were hospitalized the last time. One of the (hilarious) Bellas, and I can't remember which, made the comment, "Root Vegetables shouldn't travel alone." And it stuck.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

LFoB, I'm so sorry your feelings are hurt.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Bella said that, not me.

suz said...

OK, that is funny! I remember thinking what an idiot he was for missing that flight. He has proved me right.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Have I mentioned that I'm in a foul mood today? Because I am.

suz said...

BD, Sorry you are having a bad day, that sucks.

Angie said...

Thanks, BD. I need a haiku to help me remember that, as it is a FAQ.

Bella named RV.
BD fears the tapeworm and
used to ooze a lot.

Angie said...

BD, why the foul mood?

suz said...

I am headed out early, bbl. BD,hope your day improves.
SW, love the Haiku!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Honestly, it's probably just PMS mixed with tiredness, but I'm so unused to PMS at this point that it took me a few hours to figure it out. During which I cried because we had Granny Smith, and not Pink Lady, apples.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I love the haiku, SW!

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post ***

kristin said...

love the haiku SW!

BD - sorry about the bad mood :(

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