Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's Sunday morning - time for church!

Hurry!  Put on your polyester dresses, half-slips and suntan pantyhose, chew some peppermint gum and then let's all hold hands and sing "Amazing Grace" together.


Karen said...

Is this inspired by Bella's backyard neighbors AP?

Lisa said...

Lord, no...I bet *they know they words!

Hey, when 3pm rolls around, let's not forget to check for a new automatic post. Thank you in advance, SW. ;-)

Lisa said...

They = The.
I'm tired. Typos will abound if I stay up...

Nilia said...

OMG when he crossed his arms in discomfort it made me laughed out loud, LOL! OMG that was just so *bad, why didn't anyone stop him?

Movie was cute, set in New Orleans I think the music was all jazzy and the firefly grew up "in the bayou". The music was catchy, I enjoyed it.

Kristin: Try they have a lot of themed items, I've purchased from there a few times but they really gouge on shipping to Canada so not recently.

Nilia said...

And I meant to add goodnight to that post, so, goodnight.

PJ said...

Thanks for the etsy links. Unfortunately, I'd have to seriously incapacitate The Husband before he'd let the dog wear most of that. It's so cute!

Xolo - I learned something new this morning. Cool, Kay.

FT, I'm with you on the guy SHOUTING how insecure he was via his body language.

PJ said...

The quote behind the guy "do this in remembrance of me" is ironic. Do you think he single-handedley crucified Jesus with that rendition?

kristin said...

Morning ladies!

AP - I looked on and must be doing the search wrong because i couldn't find anything - I'll have to look again.

How is everyone?

kristin said...

and Carlos - the guy who owns the owl box posted "owlet pipping and peeping" 8 minutes ago!

Just sayin!

kristin said...

Carlos did a close up on the eggs when Molly stood up - definitely a hole in one of the eggs. :)

Owlet soon!

kristin said...

and carlos just confirmed "live" that there is a hole and it is peeping - the first owl will be named Max.

Margo said...

I shared the owl box and vulva pendants with my husband this morning - his reactions, that's cool and who would wear that roast beef around their neck...

kristin said...

awesome margaret :)

Margo said...

I want to see the chick but I can't handle the rat shredding - BBL

Angie said...

Morning ladies! AP, the Amazing Grace video? So uncomfortable. I had to turn it off. But really, how can *anybody not know the first verse of Amazing Grace?

Re the raw scallops, you've got a good point. Especially since we are in North Alabama and they were sitting in the grocery store case for who knows how long. I definitely didn't get food poisoning, though, so I just need to let go of the memory of choking those things down.

Owlet coming today! So exciting!

kristin said...

Margaret - she is done with the rat..for now!

Oh, Karen - meant to say that I loved that Ang didn't notice for 15 minutes, sorry she was freaked but definitely a great story to tell later :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Hey all:

Does anyone have the Ritz cracker chicken recipe? I wanted to make it for dinner.

I'll be back to catch up in a bit; I'm herding sick husband and child through Nurse BD's Triage.

kristin said...

Oh no BD - hope everyone gets well soon.

LM just asked me to put on his super cape - now he is running through the house.

He also told me it is not book time :( and I'm getting to the good part of my stupid book.

Angie said...

Morning BD! I don't have the recipe. Did you try googling for it? Sorry about your sicklings.

kristin said...

bd - let me see if I can find it

If I do, I'll e-mail it to you.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Thanks, SW! I found it on

Husband woke up in the middle of the night with fever chills and vomiting. I think A. just wants to be in bed all day, but because he really IS sick, I'm being cautious.

How is everyone? I feel like I haven't been here in a year. Does Shortround have a name yet?

kristin said...

Glad you found it BD - I didn't see it in the recipes i was looking at.

Angie said...

Shortround didn't have a name as of yesterday, BD.

Anonymous said...

Morning Ladies!

Pizza party went well. Had some really good laughs.

C is having a great time in FL. They will be visiting Don's aunt and uncle and a few assorted cousins today.

B was talking to C on the phone. He said I miss you and dad and I'm going to cry. Poor little guy!

Nilia said...

Good morning!

No name for Shortround yet. They have another week I guess, he was 3 weeks on Friday and they have 30 days to name him.


Ritz Cracker Crumb Chicken Recipe

This is the juiciest, best chicken we've ever had. It was originally my mother-in-law's recipe. I never make bone-in chicken, but I wouldn't change a thing about this perfect recipe! Your family will love it!

6 skinless split chicken breasts, bone in
1/2 cup butter
13 1/2 ounces Ritz crackers, 3 packages (each pkg has 37 crackers)

Preheat oven to 350°.
Rinse chicken and pat dry.
Place Ritz crackers in the blender and blend until finer than breadcrumbs.
Melt butter completely (I microwave it).
Dip chicken in melted butter.
Coat chicken in Ritz crumbs and place on baking sheet.
Bake for 45 minutes.

Just checking in to say good morning, on my way out to fabric shopping and then the outlaws. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Muliebrity said...

Back. Finally. Sweet, sweet internets.

What did I miss?

Does Shortround have a name yet?

Has AP turned straight?

Nilia said...

BD: just to be clear, I c&p'd that recipe exactly as I had it saved. It wasn't from my MIL, I can't remember who submitted it originally.

Muliebrity said...

So funny, FT! I guess we were posting at the same time! Again, what's so difficult about a name?

kristin said...

Mulie! Welcome back - how was it?

Morning FT - have fun with the outlaws.

Sandy :(

Lisa said...

Hi, all! BD, sorry to hear you have sickies in the house. Hopefully it won't become a repeat of a couple of months ago. How's the new baby doing?

Kristin, here you go. Tons of toys, costumes and decorations. Some of the toys and costumes could be used to decorate with, too. They've got some great actual decorations, though. There's a hanging shelf thing that is adorable, as is a coat rack/growth chart. There is also a little pair of firefighter boots that could be good for holding Legos and such. Think outside the box on some of the items.

Nilia said...


Nope, no name yet.

Okay out for real.

kristin said...

Thanks AP - will have to look at it and decide - since I still have turtle stuff up.

Muliebrity said...

Well, Kristen, the Aunt we were staying with is turning into a little old annoying lady who thinks that if there are more than 3 cars at a stop light, the traffic is terrible. It was a loooong 5 days!

Lisa said...

MULIE! I missed you. :-)
And no, I still all sunshine and rainbows.

Lisa said...

A-hem. I'm.
Fucking typos.

Muliebrity said...

Good to know some things haven't changed, AP.

kristin said...

Looking through the firetruck stuff - wth is a lamp $98.00 - YIKES!

Muliebrity said...

Off to get some food for the monsters! Have a great day, ya'll!

Lisa said...

Kristin, check here,too.

Angie said...

Mulie's back! We've missed you!

Margo said...

C is awake today - smiling, I was holding her hand and she started rubbing my thumb with her thumb. Her nurse almost fell over when I said I love you and she clearly mouthed I love you too! This is CRAZY but crazy good. I would love for her to go out knowing she's surrounded by love.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone!

That video was definitely not from my neighbors...they do more of a Eddie Murphy-as-James Brown theme with their church: "Gonna get HOT! Gonna sweee-at for Jeee-sus! Halle-luuuuujah!", along with a rocking band and screaming fans.

Molly is eating a huge rodent right now.

Angie said...

Bella, I wish Molly would get the hell up so I can see the eggs again! I also wish there were two of me so one of me could watch Molly all day and the other could write the patent application I'm working on.

kristin said...

That is sweet Margaret! :)

Thanks AP - I think i am going to get a few things :)

and LM keeps referring to his "brudder" - not sure how to respond.

Margo said...

She's eating again - is she bulimic?

Lisa said...

Margaret, I'm so happy you had that time today with C. She definitely knows she's loved and so do you. :-)

KaytieJ said...

Good Morning Daisies! I started the day putting coffee beans in my cup (rolling eyes) and so, not sure if I could sing "Amazing Grace" well. That video, though? Painful.

Anonymous said...

Margaret, awww!

Mulie, yay, you're back.

KaytieJ said...

Sandy - Glad your Pizza Party was a hit!

Mulie - Welcome back! Checking my "traffic jam" meter. Umm...about a 5.

Margaret - So good you were there when C woke. She knows she's loved. That is a very special time.

BD - Sorry to hear they are sick. Hope they get better soon!

Karen said...

Morning Daisy's! I just put tay down for a nap - little guy got up at 8:30 this morning! Now I'm listening to the owl baby tweet! and checking in - but I gotta get busy cleaning my house!

Patti just left to go help Megan spackle and sand and paint her bathroom - they just had someone come in yesterday and remove some freaking mold! So now the whole bathroom needs re-spackled and primed and painted!

Whats up with everyone here?

Karen said...

BD sorry about your hub and A being sick - hope its a short-lived sickness and that they don't share!! I was wondering about the baby too - how is she? doing? and the mom too? Did she get released from the hospital yet? (the mom - I'm sure the baby will be there for a while yet!)

Angie said...

Molly the Barn Owl,
Thanks for entertaining me.
Hope I don't get fired.

Karen said...

LOL SW did you just see that close up when she stood up? I need to go clean, really I do! I just wanna see this little baby come out first... I'm getting nothing accomplished!

Angie said...

I saw it Karen! I wasn't sure if the egg on the right had a hole or if it was debris. I'm getting nothing accomplished too. Ugh!

Karen said...

I just read that it can take up to 20 hours to completely hatch - I do not have 20 hours to sit here and watch this egg.... Why doesn't she just finish the job and get her baby out of there? LOL

Angie said...

Yeah, I don't have 20 hours either. Need to work for the next 6 hours, then go home and get the house ready for the housekeeper. But I can't tear myself away!

Karen said...

I know SW and all she is doing is sleeping - I have to go do something productive while Tay is sleeping or I will regret it! I'm gonna leave her open on the laptop with the sound on and glance at it while I'm cleaning... yea - thats a good idea, and I promise i won't sit back down to watch til I get some more done!!!

Karen said...

I'll be back later to check in - going to get something accomplished - Have a good Sunday everyone!!

PJ said...

OMG - the owlet peeping is the sweetest thing!

Shannon said...

I just want to let you all know how much I hate you.

This morning I started watching Molly and I cant believe that I am hooked.

PJ said...

Hi Shannon - it's the new, hot addiction.

Funny convo there - the eggs are all bastards. Unwed mother and all.

Lisa said...

I don't want to discuss Molly.
*hides tabs on screen so no one can see*

Shannon said...


The live chat stuff just seriously cracks me up. They all freak out over stuff...well not all but someone mentioned she would eat a dead baby and some were just freaked LOL

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Just checking.

Baby O. is swell, mom is pumping to get the colostrum she needs, and they are taking it day by day. She's 2.5 lbs. exactly, and usually babies have to be 5 lbs. to leave the hospital, so it's going to be a long haul. I am not allowed in the NICU, but I am probably going to see J. (the mom) tomorrow. :)

Thanks for asking!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Oh, and A. is fine now, and wants her friends to come over and play. :)

PJ said...

That's good news that A isn't sick. One at a time.

PJ said...

Didn't she eat her first egg because it wasn't viable?

(Talking about Molly, not BD's friend).

Shannon said...

I am glad to hear the the baby and your friend are doing ok. Hoping that baby just gets bigger and stronger everyday so she can come home in a hurry :)

Angie said...

Shannon said: "I just want to let you all know how much I hate you."

By "you," you mean Kristin, right Shannon? I think she's the one who did this to us!

kristin said...

BD glad to hear that the baby and mom are doing well, and that yours is not sick too :)

The people on the owl chat crack me up too. That boob person is annoying and I'm very tempted to start correcting their spelling, I did it once with no, when it should have been know.

kristin said...

:( and it is Jeanette's fault - she had the link on the blog - so it is all her fault - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Shannon said...

And SW if this is Kristin's doing then yes that would be the case LOL

Angie said...

Kristin and all, if you go to the chat that is not social chat, it's much better. It's heavily moderated and there aren't assholes.

Lisa said...

Damn Jeanette to hell, then.
At least this isn't as bad as I was with a kitten cam I once found.

PJ said...

That's good news about your friend and her baby. Sorry about my tacky tease earlier.

Lisa said...

The hell? It says I'm banned from the non-social chat.

DB, good to hear A. is feeling well! How long to they expect Baby O. to be in the hospital?

Shannon said...

Jeanette you are a horrible person just so you know :)

Angie said...

AP, I had that problem. I had to create an account and log in, then chat was available.

kristin said...

They said chat was down just a minute ago on the social one.

Angie said...

I'm in it right now, Kristin.

Lisa said...

Ah, I see. Well, I'm not bothered enough by the social one to go to the trouble. Thanks, though, SW.

Shannon said...

I thought about getting into the chat on there but jebus there is too much rampant stupid going on LOL

Anonymous said...

I love how people are saying, "owl chat only, please".

Who can just talk about owls all day?

Anonymous said...

What is everyone having for dinner tonight? I need inspiration.

Margo said...

I went to the peeps store and missed THE peep!

Shannon said...

lol no kidding

oooo look the owl is sleeping. ooooo look the owl is standing up. oooo look she ate a rat. ooo look she moved the eggs.

That took 2 seconds

Anonymous said...

that owl box must smell nasty. there is a rat tail next to the pipe on the left, and blood and what not smeared on the wall to the right. yummy!

Margo said...

The guy yesterday was saying her pellets are fur with bits of bone in them - eh - nature kind of gross.

Lisa said...

There are bugs in there, too...ugh.

For dinner? I picked up a clearanced rotisserie chicken yesterday so something with that. Maybe pot pie or chicken tacos.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

A. just stood on the table and poured my coffee slowly all over it, then reached her hand in and flicked the last remaining drops around. When I yelled at her, she said "M. did it." So now she lies, too.

Someone is NOT having friends over today.

KaytieJ said...

BD - Oh boy! You have your hands full with Mr. BD being sick and A today. Kids do the weirdest things and then look all innocent. They do age us!

KaytieJ said...

Dinner? Hmmm...I think I am going to try FT's Ritz chicken. Sounds buttery delicious!

Anonymous said...

I have decided to make chili-lime chicken breasts for dinner. Undecided on the side.

Jennifer-Lynn said...


I really don't know what I'm going to do about A. She just doesn't listen. I take things away, I give time out, I've even spanked (which I hate, but do believe in as a last resort, with warning). She doesn't care. And the tantrums she throws are epic, I mean 30-45 minutes.

I'm wiped and I am out of answers.

KaytieJ said...

Random: I'm tempted to put up a webcam of my chickens. Watching them now in my front yard pulling up worms. Wonder if they eat rats?

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I am making German potato salad for the first time, as a side for the Ritz cracker chicken.

Anonymous said...

I think I am going to do a salad. Damn you, Weight Watchers!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Bella, I was following my Weight Watchers plan today, until A. got all Exorcist-ed out. Now, fuck it. I just ate some apple pie and I want nachos. :)

Anonymous said...

I've been doing the online program for just a few days, and I am hungry as hell. I want food that I never, ever eat.

Yesterday I was lamenting the fact that I couldn't have a deep-fried candy bar...wth?

Off to the store!

Shannon said...

I can see the owlet

Shannon said...

I am such a nerd LOL

Angie said...

*****New Automatic Post is up!****

KaytieJ said...

BD - That is so exhausting and frustrating!!! And it sounds like you are doing everything you can. The only other thing I can think is to have her checked out regarding the disconnect of listening and consequences. From my experience with my son, it may be something more than willfully not listening and ignoring consequences. Either way, many hugs.

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