Hey FT! Holding and caring for a newborn is the best isn't it? They grow so fast and they are just so "new" and smell good, feel so soft, I could eat them up too! All my grands are getting so big, no more infants any more - but I love this age too! Tay is getting a sense of humor, he does things to actually make us laugh at him, and when he gets the laugh he will do it again and again... to cute! He's also saying "phone" and "mote" for the remote - sometimes he will mix the two up and say "hello" into the remote with it up to his ear - and then when we laugh he will just do it over and over and look at us til we crack up at him.... So cute!
You posted it! Now I feel like a real daisey :-D When I read that news blurb I about lost my coffee. Sure we want sex to be safe, but 12-14 year olds? ARRRGGGGHHHH! Giggling wildly at Karen's point #2, though!
Karen, that was so sweet of Angela to take y'all out! She sounds so sweet. :-) As for the jobs, take this one if it's offered. A bird in the hand and all that but then keep looking. In this day and time, don't feel bad for leaving it for something better. There's always going to be someone else waiting to step into it.
FT, anytime you want to share an updated picture of Shortround, send it on!
The kiddie condom thing? I have very mixed feelings. I hate the thought of kids that age having sex, yet they are. We have to accept that much, awful as it is. And since they are, I suppose it's better they have appropriate condoms than an inappropriate baby or STD (MST in Belgium *grins*). I wish a lack of condoms would mean a lack of having sex but it just doesn't work that way.
AP: My post re: Jake and your night/day are under the other header.
FT: Shortround is adorable from the picture and your description. Hold one so young and of your family is so special. Glad you were able to get time with him!
KaytieJ, you said: "Trying to stay awake to get my son from the school van. He did not make National's in Debate, but he is OK with that and in good spirits. His next tournament is in a week and he still has a shot in Speech."
Awww, I'm glad he's okay about it and will be rooting for him in speech but still, he must be disappointed. Good for him for going as far as he did, though!
Lol, Kaytie, I accidentally found some in Jake's room one day a few months ago. I wanted to be freaked out. I felt like I should be freaked out. I waited to be freaked out. But all I could manage was that he's 18, there's really nothing shocking about it at that age, he's had a serious girlfriend for nearly a year now and thank God he's got the sense to be careful. In the end, it didn't bother me at all. But at 14? I'd have gotten myself arrested, probably.
FT, it looks like parents of pre-teens can opt their kids out of it, if they want. From what I've read in the past, sex ed for the really little ones pretty much consists of teaching them about "private places" and that they should tell if anyone touches them there, etc. I'm okay with that, even at that age.
Yea at 14 - I'd freak out! At 16 I still think I'd freak but if I found a condom in my son's room and he was 16 or older I guess I'd be glad he had condoms - but would still want to talk to him. The unprotected sex is bad - because of the std's or baby - but the emotional scars that they can get from having sex way too young, getting emotionally hurt and having issues for the rest of their lives, or at least until they are older and married, would have me just as freaked out! They "think" they are ready for sex at that age, but they aren't equipped to deal with all the emotions ... they just have the right body parts and urges and stuff!
Karen, I know. I was 18 when I had sex for the first time and I really thought I was just all grown up, knew what I was doing, etc. While I have no bad memories...lol, no real memories of it, actually...I was far from mature and ready for the responsibilities that come along with being sexually active. I think, depending on the circumstances, they'll be okay emotionally at that age if it occurs in a relationship, even if that relationship breaks up. I do think, as un-PC as it is, that boys are better off emotionally with it than girls are.
I hear you AP, our schools do this now as part of health class (I don't think at 4, I think in Grade 1 age 6). Having said that, and as a teacher who teaches health to primaries (1, 2, 3) I am not comfortable except when we talk about good touch bad touch. My son had sex ed (not as in what a penis is, but as in where does a penis go to make a baby) last year in grade 4, I had like 1 day notice from a random remark he made and I ran out and bought a book. Nobody asked me anything, and certainly did not ask if I wanted to opt out. I really and truly think it is my job as a parent to address the topic. It was a little uncomfortable bringing up the subject, but it ended up being fine. He knows he can come to me or his dad (chicken, he wouldn't even stay in the room) with questions. My brother, who he adores, is also someone we have told him he can trust with "boy" questions. I wouldn't have opted out since I don't want him to stand out from the other boys, but I did privately object.
That would be a shock, even at 18, but you are right. At that age, if they are active sexually, much better to have them handy. And I know you and Jake communicate well together.
Health and Phys Ed are taught together (combined mark on the report card), as such I only really "get" 20 minutes per week to teach Health when it's not interrupted by something else. This includes all activities many of which are hands-on or cut/paste whatever. Sometimes, I just can't cover everything since I teach healthy eating/nutrition, 5 senses, germs, oral health, good drugs/bad drugs (grade 3), school and home safety, bullying, and the body (gr 1 only). And by the body I mean the brain, lungs, heart, stomach and so on. So teaching 6 year olds about privates (except again, good touch bad touch) which would require (in my opinion and by my conscience) a letter home which would create more headaches than it's worth, might just not get covered due to circumstances. I help by volunteering to teach "girl" stuff to older grades taught by males, menstruation and such, I just think primaries are way too young.
"I wouldn't have opted out since I don't want him to stand out from the other boys, but I did privately object."
You're a good mom for many reasons and this is one of them. :-) Here, you can opt your kid out at any age.In our school system, it's been taught early since I was a kid and I'm 47 now. It was called something like "Personal Health Day" and lord, I hated taking those slips home for my mom to sign, but gamely sign them she did and thankfully never wanted to discuss it with me later. I actually liked them...I learned about my period when I was 9 or so, including what to expect, reassurances it was normal and that if it happened at school we could head to the school clinic for help, along with a little pack of Kotex and a belt (remember those?) and a booklet on how to tell our moms when it happened. I kept it hidden because I really didn't want my mom to try to talk about it with me. From about 12 on, we got the whole biological talk...how it all happens. It was good. I learned everything from school, it was accurate (unlike my mother's insistence that you aren't supposed to wash your hair when you have your period (the hell?) and such. I'll be honest, I was happy to let the school system teach Jake all of the basics. They kept it very clinical and also stressed that families have personal beliefs concerning these matters and to pay attention to the values your parents teach, in addition.
OT: Is this the fall-off-the rib recipe for the crockpot? This is from the old recipes thread. But I don't know the person who submitted this and I thought it had been submitted by someone I knew. I have ribs, and I have a crockpot, so:
Easiest Tastiest Barbecue Country Style Ribs (for Crockpot)
I threw this together one morning before going out for the day. Super easy because only THREE ingredients are needed! Not only did the house smell heavenly when we came home, but dinner was ready and it was awesome!
4-5 lbs country-style pork ribs 1 (18 ounce) bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce (I use brown sugar flavor) 1 onion, chopped salt and pepper, to taste
Place all ingredients in crock pot.
Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours (Mine took about 6 hours).
Meat starts to fall off the bones-- be careful of the small ones in the juices!
AP: sorry, I got my period post-belt! But I do remember feeling bewildered at the constant references to "now without a belt" or something to that effect. It wasn't until I read Judy Blume books that I even understood the reference, LOL!
I learned some good period "rules" from my mom too: never iron during a period (electrical currents would apparently congeal the blood) and never make blood sausages during a period because apparently I should not touch blood during a period. Hey it got me out of ironing and participating in the icky cultural task of making those icky blood sausages, so I didn't complain.
FT: Luckily our school did send a notice a week ahead. I would have been furious if they had not. Our talk ahead of time went much better than I thought it would. Guess his grandma had filled him in before I did @@. She is commonsense, though, so I did not get TOO upset. Main thing is that kids need to know they have someone to talk to in the family about their questions regarding sex.
Kay: exactly. I was very glad we put everything on the table. I wouldn't have brought it up in Grade 4 but if it was going to be brought up I want him to get the right information from me, not from some goofy boys in his class or from assumptions. Misinformation is worse I think.
Sincerely, here's the talk I dread the most: the one about nigh-time "incidents".
I imagine myself just dying inside. My husband will be no help as usual. Maybe I'll buy another book, LOL!!!
Oh yes. I still shudder at the night time incident talk. I balked. Thank goodness DH did that one while I stared at the ceiling. Much to my amazement my son was pretty cool with it all.
Kaytie, we don't talk about personal stuff, though...not personal stuff about sex, anyway. He probably knows I found the condoms because of what I was in his room for. Neither of us will ever mention it because there's no point. At 14 or 15, I'd have probably raised hell. 16? With a steady girlfriend? I'd have probably suffered silently and prayed a lot. ;-) 18? Good on him for being careful of both himself and his girlfriend.
FT, things are definitely different here. I will say, there was also a drug day when I was a kid that they don't teach anymore due to parent objection and I wish they would. We used to have a captain in the sheriff's department come to school once a year to teach us of the dangers of drugs and it was graphic as hell. A permission slip was needed and let me tell you, it impacted kids. He had us actually look at real pot, LSD, speed, mushrooms, heroin, etc. We could touch it all if we wanted, so we knew exactly what it was and how to recognize it all. Then we all got shown a very graphic film of what drugs can do to you, including real dead people in puddles of vomit in a bathroom floor, dead people in alleys with tourniquets still on their arms, etc. There were people talking about it all began with pot and showing open sores and how it can kill you. Harsh stuff. But it made an impact and I firmly believe young ones need to be shown this kind of stuff now, too. I first saw it in 3rd grade and it never left me...I can honestly say those images kept me from doing some very stupid things 19 or so years later.
That whole belt thing was beyond me. Never could get it right. I was too embarrassed at being such a klutz, I jerry rigged the darn things. Thank goodness tampons came out. Except that I stuck one in my sock, and while running around at break, it flew out. Instant mortification.
AP: I do a good drugs bad drugs unit with my Grade 3s as part of health. We talk about caffeine, nicotine, Prescription and over the counter drugs, and illegal drugs. I don't show pictures (don't have any) and I sure don't show them the real stuff, LOL! Having said that, as a parent, I would not object to a trained professional like a police officer teaching it. 3rd grade, I dunno, I'm thinking maybe 5th grade just because it sounds so graphic the way you describe it. I do remember something like that but in highschool. WAY too late, I think.
Kay: I have not tried that recipe but if I don't hear a better one, that's the one I'll use tomorrow too!
FT, on the rib recipe, I don't know who posted that one but I do a similar one with potatoes at the bottom of the crockpot and I use bonesless ribs. It's perfect every time!
And your mom's warnings were far better than my mom's warnings! (I'll post the picture on the next post...thanks!)
Regarding night-time incidents? We ignored it. I knew he was at "that age" and when sheets came out balled up, I didn't say a word. I knew that had been covered in his school talks and he knew I wasn't one to say "Hey! Why are your sheets all wadded up?" So, bless his heart, he'd just wad them up tight and put them with the regular laundry.
AP: It is called the DARE program here. I do think they discontinued it. Glad my son went throught it. Also, some of us Trauma nurses go to schools and do helmet and seat belt safety. VERY graphic film of what heads look like when they are not wearing a helmet and bodies when they are not in a seat belt. This program does have an opt out as well. I have only taught a few, but the looks on those kid's faces when done, they get it. We live in a very small town, and many of the kids know me since I have been involved with their computer classes, etc. If they are not wearing a helmet, they know they are getting a call home from me to their parents. Taken care of way too many bashed in heads to turn the other way.
Ft: "Having said that, as a parent, I would not object to a trained professional like a police officer teaching it. 3rd grade, I dunno, I'm thinking maybe 5th grade just because it sounds so graphic the way you describe it."
I swear, it was the impact at such a young age that really carried with most of us. I suppose now some bleeding hearts might like to call it scarring us but it worked. I'm still in touch with many I knew before Kindergarten and while many of us experimented some and some still smoke pot, the majority of us have remained remarkably drug-free. And we all remember these days. I'll take being a bit scarred over what we saw to fighting an addiction any day.
Of course in my sock...those were the days before backpacks and god forbid I be caught dead with a PURSE :-D Oh man, that whole virgin thing because of tampons...from what I hear from my colleagues that is STILL going on. I just roll my eyes.
Kaytie, DARE is a joke here. I think possibly nationally. Jake went though it, as did his friends. In the end, it can't overcome peer pressure and being cool in kids who need that. Helmets are required by law here, technically, and no one uses them but for the tiny ones just learning to ride, cops on bicycles and those who race ride on highways. Otherwise, it's not happening and even cops look the other way.
"Of course in my sock...those were the days before backpacks and god forbid I be caught dead with a PURSE :-D Oh man, that whole virgin thing because of tampons...from what I hear from my colleagues that is STILL going on. I just roll my eyes."
Ahh, see, I was a purse girl from day one. I love my purses. If you weren't, then I guess your sock was your best best. Lol, I'm now reminded of someone I know having her nuvaring, or whatever it is called, fall out the frozen food aisle of a grocery store and roll under a freezer case. :-D
I admit, I'm shocked that still goes on about tampons and virginity. Do they not realize the hymen, even intact, isn't without an opening?
I'm drifting a little... it's almost 4 a.m. and it's my turn to sleep in on Sunday but I have to finish these report cards tomorrow (due Monday, sob!). I may fall asleep right on this laptop so I'll say my goodnights now!
"Yep. And it is not "if" I crash, it is "when" Makes me so very sad and angry."
We're going to have to fight on this one. ;-) As a kid, none of my friends were ever seriously injured in a way a helmet would have prevented. There were split chins that needed stitches and I broke an arm once on a bike, hauling a big case of Barbies to a friend's house and my bike tipped over. There were many skinned knees and elbows. Among Jake's friends and within this huge community we live it, it's never happened beyond what stitches and some rest from a concussion can fix. Even that is rare. I know you see the worst of it all, though, given your job.
I still hate purses. Mine is a little leather backpack. Dorky, but at least it is not fanny pack-LOL! You are also a shoe girl :-D As to NO to tampons-Cultural, or I guess, familial beliefs run strong, I guess. And these are educated, intelligent-in-anatomy people! I've learned to shut my mouth on that one.
Morning everybody! I enjoyed reading the sex ed/tampon/virgin discussion from last night. I'm with AP on the bike helments. I "get" that everybody wears them these days, but damn, I rode a million miles on my bike and so did everybody I know and no one was ever seriously hurt. Anecdotal evidence that doesn't mean a damn thing statistically, but enough to make me non-judgmental about not wearing bike helmets.
I missed belted Kotex by just s few years, thankfully.
Hope everyone has a good Sunday. I'm at work and in serious need of playing catch up.
Regarding JM and her "detractors," I think it's funny how often she seems to be addressing "us." Most "famous" people don't spend so much time addressing their detractors, you know?
And I still haven't read her, but I'm wanting to, pretty bad. I don't mind missing the self-congratulatory posts, but love reading her "I think it's so funny when people hate me" posts.
Loved your sex ed talk, ladies! I learned everything I needed to know from smut books I checked out form the library. As for tampons, my mother demonstrated how to put one in to my sister and I. I would have rather had the "tampons = whore" talk.
Oh my God, Mulie! A demonstration from your mother? I would have been scarred for life! I found out about tampons by reading the box in the bathroom. Thank goodness I had an older sister!
Interesting talk last night. I do think 12-14 year-olds shouldn't have sex but since some are, it's kind of a good thing someone came up with the 'kiddie condom' idea.
Here, sex is legal from the age of 15 on (it's 18 in the US, right?). We have a teen pregnancy rate that is much, much lower than it is in the US, though.
SW- Don't bother reading JM. It's not worth it. It's over 1400 words of 'poor me, wah wah wah, poor me, I won't answer my detractors, why is everyone against me? The End.'
I did finally read her post and was kind of surprised she wrote that from Africa. I got the feeling she was getting pressure from family and friends to answer back. I guess while she is in Africa, they are at home reading every hateful word and getting upset.
I think "not answering" is the same as "answering", just with no good explanations.
Hi Corinne! Before adhesive pads were invented, there were pads, but no adhesive. So the pads were held in place against the body with a belt that had hook things that extended between your legs in the front and bag, and attached to the pad.
So the first pads that had adhesive were called "beltless," and for years pads had "beltless" on the box until people forgot there ever were belts.
Re: JM's 'naysayer' post. Her family might be reading all the hateful comments but, honestly, if she were my daughter I'd have forced her into a wake-up call much earlier. Mck is blatantly lying on several accounts. She showed piss-poor judgement, owes the IRS a lot of money (I think 50K) and lost TWO homes to foreclosure (for which Minnesotans are paying). This would be enough to make me ashamed of my own kid.
So I find this post of hers where she is not answering "us" by making a big huge post out of it freaking hilarious.
People on BF have wondered about the timing of this post but honestly is it any different then any of the other posts she has made while in Kenya? It is still all about her, just less pictures.
Morning all! I have to chuckle because Ben Franklin was a craft store here. And Mulie, your mom's demonstration? I have no words.
As for JM, I'm amazed at the self-absorbent attitude of that post, even from her. No normal person goes to Africa and, being all touched and broken or not, gives a rat's ass about naysayers from there. You're too busy and interested in other things, new experiences. It takes a singularly wrapped-up in-oneself person to worry about strangers who may not like things you do in that situation.
Mulie - The IRS has apparently placed a tax lien in the 50K on the MckKinneys.
AP- I'm thinking about the answer. I have some ideas as to why it is so. Once I'm able to formulate it properly, I'll post it (my brain is acting weird today ;) )
"Corinne, any thoughts on why this is?" I know what I would guess. I would guess that Belgium doesn't have the religious right constantly preventing wider dissemination of birth control.
SW to add to that I bet that there is also a LOT more education about such things instead of the sex is wrong so abstain at all costs. A lot of times in this country while sex is everywhere you look it is still perceived as a taboo. I think that by having it as such a taboo and 'forbidden' thing it makes kids more curious while at the same time more naive and ignorant to it.
"No normal person goes to Africa and, being all touched and broken or not, gives a rat's ass about naysayers from there. You're too busy and interested in other things, new experiences."
AP, CBS's Sunday Morning show today did a neat profile of Sean Penn's efforts to help people in Haiti. He has spent a tremendous amount of time and money organizing and carrying out relief efforts there. He flies in doctors, medical supplies and equipment, food, and other necessities and goes there to help out, and sometimes takes his 16 and 18 year old kids with him. Even though there are cameras following him some of the time for this interview, it doesn't come across as a celebrity photo op charity sighting.
The interviewer asked him if his critics, who have always been plentiful, criticizing his actions there bother him. He kind of hemmed and hawed a bit, then said basically said "I see people dying. I don't have time to worry about the critics."
That's what JM should say, or tweet, and then she should STFU. The fact that she can't bring herself to do that reinforces that with her, it's always all about her.
"We have a teen pregnancy rate that is much, much lower than it is in the US, though."
My thought on this is there is much more emphasis on home and family in Europe than here in the US. At some point, here in the US we lost that family unit. You knew where you kids were and who they were with. With two income families the norm and the norm of latchkey kids, there are kids out there unsupervised and given way too much freedom. Just my two cents.
"I know what I would guess. I would guess that Belgium doesn't have the religious right constantly preventing wider dissemination of birth control."
SW, you really think so? I'd be more inclined to think there's just a greater emphasis on overall morals and doing things properly and responsibly. I suspect, too, that they're raised with higher cultural expectations, as well. I'm curious as to Corinne's take on it.
As for Sean Penn, his reaction is exactly what I'd expect from a normal person, yes.
I have a hard time accepting the comparison of European stats to US stats because the US as a whole has many more people and regions then individual European countries. I know that the comparison is necessary, but most of those countries are the size of our states.
"My thought on this is there is much more emphasis on home and family in Europe than here in the US. At some point, here in the US we lost that family unit."
Sandy, that's a good point. I can see how that could definitely make a difference.
I have a difficult time understanding why she would (not) answer her detractors and offer an entire blog post to it. If you don't care, then don't care and tell your family and friends not to buy into the negativity and butt out.
"I have a hard time accepting the comparison of European stats to US stats because the US as a whole has many more people and regions then individual European countries."
Mulie, I don't think it's that different at all for comparative purposes. And as long as it's a per capita stat, wouldn't it be fair comparison?
AP - I get that, but it just has me wondering what the stats are from state-to-state. The life styles are so different in Europe anyway. Again, I understand how the stats work, just seems like a whole different ball game.
Okay, I didn't break my Mck sobriety exactly, but I bent it a bit by reading MWOP for the first time in over a week. And I highly recommend it! Now if I could quit with the surfing and do some freaking work already! Ugh!
SW I have to say that I really do enjoy MWOP. I think that whoever it is that is running that blog does a pretty damn good job with their posts and such.
Okay, the fall-off-the-bone ribes are in the crockpot now. Second time to use this particular crockpot after the epic fail of crockpot #1. Will let you know in 4.5 hours how it turned out, it seems simple enough.
Doing report cards again today. Have done all the Music, Drama, Dance, Visual Art, Phys Ed and Health for my 4 primary classes. Today focusing on 3 strands each (reading writing oral) for each of my 2 French classes. I am not even getting dressed today and may wear my glasses all day.
::defiant, as if it makes a difference::
AP: that second email came back, not sure what happened. Blackberry battery was low so that may have been it. Will try again later.
AP- I believe that the foremost reason the teen pregnancy rate is much lower in European countries -with the important exception of the U.K.- than it is in the US is, like SW said, the religious factor.
Western Europe is vastly secularized and when it comes to sex ed. there will be no talk of 'purity' and such. We are taught about contraception from a young age on (I was in grade 5, if I recall correctly).
No one will ever tell any kid during a sex ed class that 'sex is bad' or 'sex outside of wedlock is evil'.
If you tell a pre-teen or young teen that, all they will want to do is transgress that rule of 'no sex before you're married'. Of course, having never gotten any info on contraception, they will not protect themselves against pregnancy/STD's.
I read an interesting article a while ago that clearly stated that schools within the US (the aforementioned article was from Newsweek, I think) that had abstinence only sex-ed programs had the highest pregnancy rates.
I would like to say that the conception of family is stronger in Europe but, alas,a disintegration of the traditional family that has been noticed lately.
There might be additional reasons but that's the first thing that comes to mind. I'll try to see if I can get more info on the topic.
Yes Corinne, still nameless. They have 30 days but I just do not see the holdup. People are asking me and I'm just referring them back to my brother, I think it's just ridiculous now. This baby was not a surprise, they had 9 months, then 8 days overdue, then 10 more days of life to decide. I don't know what the holdup is. They were down to 2 names (he liked one,she liked one) and now I think they've added more names. This could take a while, I'd better make some popcorn!
Me too, I'm working on an important part of the report cards right now and can't afford to make a mistake, I really I really should go for a bit, I'll check in much later.
Kristin, sorry LM is sick. How is SO doing now, is he better?
Corinne, I think what you're saying about pregnancy rates and the difference makes perfect sense. I can't see it ever being handled that way here, though.
LM seems to be doing better. He took another cat nap and woke up in a much better mood. He spent some time cuddled on my lap (which never happens) and I got 2 cups of pedialyte and some milk down him and some crackers. I added some acetaminophen to his milk. Right now he is sitting with SO reading a book.
He keeps complaining about his knee and back hurting, I think he is achey.
SO is better - he is thinking it was something he ate.
AP-I can just SEE your mom smirking. I love it! She has her pipeline to God, Jake gets his laptop, and you do not have to share yours. Win-win for everyone. Thank you for sharing that story :-D
AP - That is awesome! At least he a good grandson since he's apparently a shitty son to his father! Maybe that's God's way of telling him that he's on the right track in way of family.
What kind of crack head parents does this friends have? What prompted Jake to call the cops?
AP - Hooray on the laptop "find"!! The whole story is crazy fishy. If it was stolen, why would anybody think it's in the woods? But hey, all's well that ends well! And ya gotta love the Mrs. Arse angle.
But dammit, I made the same mistake Mulie did and scrolled down on your blog and saw that nasty freaking cow tongue! Freaked. Me. Out. I wish I were moderator of your blog, AP, because I would ban that hideous thing!!
I've actually done a few hours work today. Shocker! Now I'm really looking forward to watching the Academy Awards tonight. Who's with me?
I will be watching and probably doing a play-by-play on FB as I did for the grammys and golden globes. I think most everyone I am friends with in FB, hid my updates.
and I would be looking in a pawn shop for the laptop, not the woods. What would be the point of stealing a laptop in the dead of night, just to dump it in the woods. Them's some shady peoples.
"I think most everyone I am friends with in FB, hid my updates."
LOL! Yeah, I think that happened to me when my college football team's arch nemesis was in contention for the National Championship and I was casting voodoo hexes every half hour for a few weeks. Didn't work, sadly. :-(
Will you mirror your play-by-play here, Mulie? I'd love to live blog it with you!
AP, I'm still bothered by that damn tongue. I swear I'm going to have nightmares.
"What kind of crack head parents does this friends have? What prompted Jake to call the cops?"
He called the cops after no one answered the door 5 minutes after he told them we were headed over. That was a bad sign, we figured. I left it up to him though, since this kid is his friend and he chose to make the call. The dad looked rough and the house was in a white-trashy area but the rest of the family actually looked pretty decent so who knows? I'm just really shocked he got it back.
CK, we're famous!! Thank you! Now that we're famous, we'll probably get some naysayers. Who wants to start working on the defensive "We don't respond to naysayers" post?
SW - Let's blog the Oscars here! I generally watch a few minutes behind (pause when the monsters are being too noisy to hear anything). I don't think I've actually seen any of the movies this year, have you?
"I'm just chatting with some internet friends at a blog called Daisy."
Awwww, that's cool, CK. Thanks! :-) How are you doing today?
SW, sorry about the tongue but really, it was good. When we're married, I'll just not tell you what things are when I cook them. You'll be fine.
The reason I suspect the dad is because they circled their own block 4 times as Jake stood with the cop in their front yard, finally stopping on the 5th time. I saw a car passing by repeatedly, as did the cop...he was watching it closely. When it turned out to be the dad driving, I think the cop got bad feeling and put some pressure on them to "find" it. The story is that a few kids remained in the house a it after Jake left and it must have been one of them and they stashed it in the woods to get later. Yeah, sure.
Mulie, I saw "Up in the Air," "Avatar," and "The Hurt Locker." That may be all. I'd love to blog here! How far behind do you plan to watch? Hell, I forgot where you live/what time zone?
AP, I admire Jake for being willing to make that call. He's clearly got a lot of self confidence.
That is very shady AP! Glad that Jake was able to make that call. Sucks for the kid whose dad did this - well if he knew his dad did it, what a schmuck!
AP said: "When we're married, I'll just not tell you what things are when I cook them. You'll be fine."
See now I'm going to be all paranoid about everything you cook. I will demand to see the wrappers, etc. Why don't you save me some trouble and just swear off cow tongue?
SW, I'm central time zone. Where you at time wise? When does it start? 7 pm CST? Hopefully I'll watch on time, I'll have to slip the guys some melatonin in their milk tonight. I'll probably start getting a little behind around 8 or 9, but usually catch up fast forwarding through commercials.
Okay, now I'm too excited about the Oscars to work anymore. I'm heading home to get the strawberry cake I'm making for my secretary's birthday in the oven.
Birthday days at work are unbearable. When someone in my department has a birthday, someone makes or brings a cake and we all file into the conference room and eat cake and have incredibly awkward conversation for about 10 minutes, or less if I can't stand it for that long. I usually skip the cake ordeal, but I can't tomorrow since it's my secretary and my cake. Ugh.
The two movies I saw this year were Blindsides and Avatar. Loved both of them. If I can unglue the remote from DH's hand tonight (big eye roll) I'll join y'all.
"AP - you should watch right now, they are showing "secrets" and showing a lot of women in bras! lol!"
Um...how do I say this? Women in girlie underwear just aren't my thing. ;-)
SW, for you, I'll swear off cow tongue, I promise.
When the kid gave Jake the laptop back, he hugged Jake and apologized. I think he knows someone in his home was behind it and I felt sorry for him. As for the cops, it helps that we're pretty crime-free around here so they *can take small things seriously. We've encountered this particular deputy before (calls for help, not crimes we committed!), though, so he sort of knew us and that helped too, I'm sure.
CK, we're famous!! Thank you! Now that we're famous, we'll probably get some naysayers. Who wants to start working on the defensive "We don't respond to naysayers" post?
LOL! Scheduling your vaccination appt and Congo tickets now :-D
AP: That deputy did right. He took one look at that shady ass behavior and knew it was somewhere in the vicinity (almost typed vaccinity...have vaccine or no vaccine debate on mind). Kudos to Jake for sticking up for himself and not being intimidated!
AP - it really wasn't girly underwear. They were showing the types of undergarments to wear if you wore a plunging neck line and underwear that you wear that doesn't move - it was all neutral tones and blacks.
Little man still has a fever but is in such a better mood. I have spent much of my day in my bed with him b/c he "wants me", right now he is in his playroom.
I think it might be the flu. My sis and BIL are both home with sore throats and aches (but we haven't been around them). Earlier this week I was fighting with the sore throat.
I think he is achey and he doesn't really have an appetite but I did get meds down twice and he has had pedialyte and crackers.
AP, That's one deputy with some common sense. I'm glad Jake got the computer back! Does he want to press charges, or just be grateful it's been recovered?
Wow, he did a good job handling it, for a young man.
Kristen, Are you taking him in to get tested for strep or anything tomorrow? I thought my 4 y/o had strep or something a few weeks ago, but it was just a nasty virus.
Kay: our very own naysayers, oh do you think we really might?
::giddy at the possibility::
I won't be watching the Oscars, not my thing although I do like to see the clothes they wear at these occasions. I am *almost finished 1 of my 2 French classes, and then just 1 more to go.
I'm just popping in and out here so I stay current.
Kristin: my kids always hated that Pedialyte stuff and I could not make them drink it or even take the freezie version! I tasted it, it's some icky stuff.
Kristin, Not SW here, but I watched Parenthood. I liked it, and felt very sad about the family facing their son's Aspergers.
Two scenes esp - when the Adam's mom said to Peter Krause "don't make me go through this alone". And when Peter Krause said to his dad "my son is sick and I need your help with this".
An example of really healthy vulnerability and honesty.
I cried when I watched it. It was one of my "emotional" days - I was watching it when my cousin texted me about my grandfather - and a few other things popped in my head.
Yes, those two scenes were quite emotional!
Way to go FT!
As for pedialyte, he likes it. I treat it kinda like juice, since it is so damn hot in Texas and we do a lot of things outdoors, i would give it to him once a day (at least) and sometimes more on swim days at mom's or at the park. I give him the fruit flavored flavor.
"Now that we're celebrities, let's do a group trip to somewhere where there are "people who are less fortunate than us".
We can either ignore their plight, or patronize them, or simply blog about us, we, ourselves"
CK-DisneyWorld! We shall seek out the most miserable parents and terrified children amidst all that joy and vibrant color. We shall extol the virtues of turning a "frown upside down", we shall sing the praises of joining the "It's a Small World" cabal. And when we retire at night to our condo in Miami, we shall Tweet away of our angst and self disgust while we dance away in a congo line.
That's a good step, Kristin. Maybe he can help out more on an ongoing basis? I just feel so bad that you have to do it all yourself, when it could be really positive for everyone to have him more involved.
Kristin, I've been meaning to tell you that I have not watched Parenthood yet. I plan to.
Okay, Pre Oscar show thoughts about dresses
Love Vera Farmiga's red dress. She's a lovely woman.
Anna Kendrick, her co-star and co-nominee from "Up in the Air," looks lovely too.
Mariah Carey needs one or two less accessories. Her earrings are way too big. Her dress is pretty though, and she seems less drunk than at the last award show I saw her in.
Not digging Maggie Gyllenhall's print blue strapless. Her boobs look a little low. Love Maggie though. "Secretary" anyone?
Kristin-I actually watched TV last night. Saw Parenthood. Those two scenes were the exact ones that made me tear up. My son has ADD and it was a HUGE struggle. Won't go into all that-AP knows. The actress hit it so dead on in the pleading, loneliness, scariness of her DH being in denial. I am very glad they had him get it right then and there, otherwise it would have just been another show.
I am worried that my son will fall into that category. His father had some issues and I believe that ADD/ADHD was one - I just can't get him to give me any medical history.
Yes, CK it would be lovely to get more help but he doesn't seem to think he needs to do more.
Kristin-My son is 14 now. If you are concerned get him tested. Does AP have your e-mail? If so, ask her to e-mail it to me. I will be glad to talk at length with you regarding it in e-mail.
Sandra bullock is lovely. Very shiny! I'm a tiny bit in love with her husband. And her. Did you hear that she went in person last night and accepted her Razzie award for worst actress in the comedy All About Steve? Brilliant marketing, in my opinion.
Kristin, My husband is my kids stepdad. He lived the single life until we met when he was 28. He struggled to understand that he needed to be involved in a big way if we were going to be a family. He'd been so used to just worrying about himself.
When guys have their own kids, I think they take a much bigger step - they're there from the beginning, and have a deeper connection. Plus the actual genetic connection.
My husband didn't know how to create that connection - would any of us? It's a hard thing to do. I was a stepmom with my first husband's kids. And I didn't get this all then. I didn't understand the unconditional love parents have for their kids. I was pretty young.
But I still was a second mom to them. Cause they needed me to step up to the plate. Even though I maybe didn't feel as close to them. I did the taking care, in spite of that deep connection not being there.
Hey everyone! Look at me on early today! we spent the day at my mom's getting stuff ready to be packed to take to her new apartment tomorrow - Patti has a job interview, then we're moving the kitchen and bathroom stuff to her new apartment and helping her get that all put away.
Watching the red carpet and then plan to watch the awards - a friend of mine that I graduated high school with is in the orchestra of 2 really big numbers - He's keyboard player and his name is Wally - I think it would be so cool to see him on TV even if only for 2 minutes... Small town boy makes it big!
AP I'm so glad that you got Jake's laptop back!!
Kristin sorry to hear LM is not feeling well again.. you need a break from all that!!
Lazy afternoon for all of us, but this??? I go into the TV room to see if the Oscars are on. DH and son are watching a chick flick and have tears in their eyes. They refuse to change the channel. I am so disgusted.
I'm not sure if i am or not - we might have paused it while we were eating, or getting our dinner... I made pork chops and pierogies and applesauce (well I opened a jar of applesauce, wasn't much "making" to it) and corn. It was yummy - we were starving, first meal of the day at 6 pm probably not good for you!
Everyone is welcome! The only real rules here are no spamming shit and no posting personal addresses, phone numbers or other similar info. I don't need that kind of stress. That's it, although it could change if someone gets creative or something. If you don't like what is said here, you can: 1) Say so; 2) Hold it in and stew on it; 3. Address it privately to the person who said it; 4) Snark about it to your friends; 5) Leave. Don't bother me with it, I don't care and I won't get involved. I might, however, talk about you behind your back or post your email/message to me on here. *grins*
Them's the rules...all of them.
Have fun!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 466 Newer› Newest»From last post:
Hey FT! Holding and caring for a newborn is the best isn't it? They grow so fast and they are just so "new" and smell good, feel so soft, I could eat them up too! All my grands are getting so big, no more infants any more - but I love this age too! Tay is getting a sense of humor, he does things to actually make us laugh at him, and when he gets the laugh he will do it again and again... to cute! He's also saying "phone" and "mote" for the remote - sometimes he will mix the two up and say "hello" into the remote with it up to his ear - and then when we laugh he will just do it over and over and look at us til we crack up at him.... So cute!
2 thoughts on the Kiddie Condom
#1. 12-14 year old boys are having sex? Holy shit! with 12-14 year old girls I assume? More holy shit!!
#2 Someone should send RV some of those kiddie condoms!!!!
You posted it! Now I feel like a real daisey :-D
When I read that news blurb I about lost my coffee. Sure we want sex to be safe, but 12-14 year olds? ARRRGGGGHHHH!
Giggling wildly at Karen's point #2, though!
Karen, that was so sweet of Angela to take y'all out! She sounds so sweet. :-) As for the jobs, take this one if it's offered. A bird in the hand and all that but then keep looking. In this day and time, don't feel bad for leaving it for something better. There's always going to be someone else waiting to step into it.
FT, anytime you want to share an updated picture of Shortround, send it on!
The kiddie condom thing? I have very mixed feelings. I hate the thought of kids that age having sex, yet they are. We have to accept that much, awful as it is. And since they are, I suppose it's better they have appropriate condoms than an inappropriate baby or STD (MST in Belgium *grins*). I wish a lack of condoms would mean a lack of having sex but it just doesn't work that way.
Well, yeah, I posted it. A lot of us here are moms and we need to know this shit so we can stay all freaked out about it. :-D
AP: My post re: Jake and your night/day are under the other header.
FT: Shortround is adorable from the picture and your description. Hold one so young and of your family is so special. Glad you were able to get time with him!
Freaked is right. Contemplating searching my 14 yr old son's pockets when he gets off the school van tonight (evil grin).
KaytieJ, you said: "Trying to stay awake to get my son from the school van. He did not make National's in Debate, but he is OK with that and in good spirits. His next tournament is in a week and he still has a shot in Speech."
Awww, I'm glad he's okay about it and will be rooting for him in speech but still, he must be disappointed. Good for him for going as far as he did, though!
I don't even know where to go with this. I was stopped dead in my tracks with sex ed for 4 year olds. Did I even read that right?
Lol, Kaytie, I accidentally found some in Jake's room one day a few months ago. I wanted to be freaked out. I felt like I should be freaked out. I waited to be freaked out. But all I could manage was that he's 18, there's really nothing shocking about it at that age, he's had a serious girlfriend for nearly a year now and thank God he's got the sense to be careful. In the end, it didn't bother me at all. But at 14? I'd have gotten myself arrested, probably.
FT, it looks like parents of pre-teens can opt their kids out of it, if they want. From what I've read in the past, sex ed for the really little ones pretty much consists of teaching them about "private places" and that they should tell if anyone touches them there, etc. I'm okay with that, even at that age.
Yea at 14 - I'd freak out! At 16 I still think I'd freak but if I found a condom in my son's room and he was 16 or older I guess I'd be glad he had condoms - but would still want to talk to him. The unprotected sex is bad - because of the std's or baby - but the emotional scars that they can get from having sex way too young, getting emotionally hurt and having issues for the rest of their lives, or at least until they are older and married, would have me just as freaked out! They "think" they are ready for sex at that age, but they aren't equipped to deal with all the emotions ... they just have the right body parts and urges and stuff!
Karen, I know. I was 18 when I had sex for the first time and I really thought I was just all grown up, knew what I was doing, etc. While I have no bad memories...lol, no real memories of it, actually...I was far from mature and ready for the responsibilities that come along with being sexually active. I think, depending on the circumstances, they'll be okay emotionally at that age if it occurs in a relationship, even if that relationship breaks up. I do think, as un-PC as it is, that boys are better off emotionally with it than girls are.
I hear you AP, our schools do this now as part of health class (I don't think at 4, I think in Grade 1 age 6). Having said that, and as a teacher who teaches health to primaries (1, 2, 3) I am not comfortable except when we talk about good touch bad touch. My son had sex ed (not as in what a penis is, but as in where does a penis go to make a baby) last year in grade 4, I had like 1 day notice from a random remark he made and I ran out and bought a book. Nobody asked me anything, and certainly did not ask if I wanted to opt out. I really and truly think it is my job as a parent to address the topic. It was a little uncomfortable bringing up the subject, but it ended up being fine. He knows he can come to me or his dad (chicken, he wouldn't even stay in the room) with questions. My brother, who he adores, is also someone we have told him he can trust with "boy" questions. I wouldn't have opted out since I don't want him to stand out from the other boys, but I did privately object.
That would be a shock, even at 18, but you are right. At that age, if they are active sexually, much better to have them handy. And I know you and Jake communicate well together.
Health and Phys Ed are taught together (combined mark on the report card), as such I only really "get" 20 minutes per week to teach Health when it's not interrupted by something else. This includes all activities many of which are hands-on or cut/paste whatever. Sometimes, I just can't cover everything since I teach healthy eating/nutrition, 5 senses, germs, oral health, good drugs/bad drugs (grade 3), school and home safety, bullying, and the body (gr 1 only). And by the body I mean the brain, lungs, heart, stomach and so on. So teaching 6 year olds about privates (except again, good touch bad touch) which would require (in my opinion and by my conscience) a letter home which would create more headaches than it's worth, might just not get covered due to circumstances. I help by volunteering to teach "girl" stuff to older grades taught by males, menstruation and such, I just think primaries are way too young.
"I wouldn't have opted out since I don't want him to stand out from the other boys, but I did privately object."
You're a good mom for many reasons and this is one of them. :-) Here, you can opt your kid out at any age.In our school system, it's been taught early since I was a kid and I'm 47 now. It was called something like "Personal Health Day" and lord, I hated taking those slips home for my mom to sign, but gamely sign them she did and thankfully never wanted to discuss it with me later. I actually liked them...I learned about my period when I was 9 or so, including what to expect, reassurances it was normal and that if it happened at school we could head to the school clinic for help, along with a little pack of Kotex and a belt (remember those?) and a booklet on how to tell our moms when it happened. I kept it hidden because I really didn't want my mom to try to talk about it with me. From about 12 on, we got the whole biological talk...how it all happens. It was good. I learned everything from school, it was accurate (unlike my mother's insistence that you aren't supposed to wash your hair when you have your period (the hell?) and such. I'll be honest, I was happy to let the school system teach Jake all of the basics. They kept it very clinical and also stressed that families have personal beliefs concerning these matters and to pay attention to the values your parents teach, in addition.
OT: Is this the fall-off-the rib recipe for the crockpot? This is from the old recipes thread. But I don't know the person who submitted this and I thought it had been submitted by someone I knew. I have ribs, and I have a crockpot, so:
Easiest Tastiest Barbecue Country Style Ribs (for Crockpot)
I threw this together one morning before going out for the day. Super easy because only THREE ingredients are needed! Not only did the house smell heavenly when we came home, but dinner was ready and it was awesome!
4-5 lbs country-style pork ribs
1 (18 ounce) bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce (I use brown sugar flavor)
1 onion, chopped
salt and pepper, to taste
Place all ingredients in crock pot.
Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours (Mine took about 6 hours).
Meat starts to fall off the bones-- be careful of the small ones in the juices!
AP: sorry, I got my period post-belt! But I do remember feeling bewildered at the constant references to "now without a belt" or something to that effect. It wasn't until I read Judy Blume books that I even understood the reference, LOL!
I learned some good period "rules" from my mom too: never iron during a period (electrical currents would apparently congeal the blood) and never make blood sausages during a period because apparently I should not touch blood during a period. Hey it got me out of ironing and participating in the icky cultural task of making those icky blood sausages, so I didn't complain.
Oh and AP I emailed you a new picture.
FT: Luckily our school did send a notice a week ahead. I would have been furious if they had not. Our talk ahead of time went much better than I thought it would. Guess his grandma had filled him in before I did @@. She is commonsense, though, so I did not get TOO upset. Main thing is that kids need to know they have someone to talk to in the family about their questions regarding sex.
Kay: exactly. I was very glad we put everything on the table. I wouldn't have brought it up in Grade 4 but if it was going to be brought up I want him to get the right information from me, not from some goofy boys in his class or from assumptions. Misinformation is worse I think.
Sincerely, here's the talk I dread the most: the one about nigh-time "incidents".
I imagine myself just dying inside. My husband will be no help as usual. Maybe I'll buy another book, LOL!!!
Oh yes. I still shudder at the night time incident talk. I balked. Thank goodness DH did that one while I stared at the ceiling. Much to my amazement my son was pretty cool with it all.
Thanks for the rib recipe FT! I had not thought of trying ribs in the crockpot. Sunday supper solved :-D
Kaytie, we don't talk about personal stuff, though...not personal stuff about sex, anyway. He probably knows I found the condoms because of what I was in his room for. Neither of us will ever mention it because there's no point. At 14 or 15, I'd have probably raised hell. 16? With a steady girlfriend? I'd have probably suffered silently and prayed a lot. ;-) 18? Good on him for being careful of both himself and his girlfriend.
FT, things are definitely different here. I will say, there was also a drug day when I was a kid that they don't teach anymore due to parent objection and I wish they would. We used to have a captain in the sheriff's department come to school once a year to teach us of the dangers of drugs and it was graphic as hell. A permission slip was needed and let me tell you, it impacted kids. He had us actually look at real pot, LSD, speed, mushrooms, heroin, etc. We could touch it all if we wanted, so we knew exactly what it was and how to recognize it all. Then we all got shown a very graphic film of what drugs can do to you, including real dead people in puddles of vomit in a bathroom floor, dead people in alleys with tourniquets still on their arms, etc. There were people talking about it all began with pot and showing open sores and how it can kill you. Harsh stuff. But it made an impact and I firmly believe young ones need to be shown this kind of stuff now, too. I first saw it in 3rd grade and it never left me...I can honestly say those images kept me from doing some very stupid things 19 or so years later.
10 or so years...damn typo.
That whole belt thing was beyond me. Never could get it right. I was too embarrassed at being such a klutz, I jerry rigged the darn things. Thank goodness tampons came out. Except that I stuck one in my sock, and while running around at break, it flew out. Instant mortification.
AP: I do a good drugs bad drugs unit with my Grade 3s as part of health. We talk about caffeine, nicotine, Prescription and over the counter drugs, and illegal drugs. I don't show pictures (don't have any) and I sure don't show them the real stuff, LOL! Having said that, as a parent, I would not object to a trained professional like a police officer teaching it. 3rd grade, I dunno, I'm thinking maybe 5th grade just because it sounds so graphic the way you describe it. I do remember something like that but in highschool. WAY too late, I think.
Kay: I have not tried that recipe but if I don't hear a better one, that's the one I'll use tomorrow too!
FT, on the rib recipe, I don't know who posted that one but I do a similar one with potatoes at the bottom of the crockpot and I use bonesless ribs. It's perfect every time!
And your mom's warnings were far better than my mom's warnings! (I'll post the picture on the next post...thanks!)
Regarding night-time incidents? We ignored it. I knew he was at "that age" and when sheets came out balled up, I didn't say a word. I knew that had been covered in his school talks and he knew I wasn't one to say "Hey! Why are your sheets all wadded up?" So, bless his heart, he'd just wad them up tight and put them with the regular laundry.
KaytieJ, you carried tampons in your socks?? ROFL!
My mom wouldn't let me use them. They caused girls to not be virgins anymore, dontcha know?
AP: It is called the DARE program here. I do think they discontinued it. Glad my son went throught it. Also, some of us Trauma nurses go to schools and do helmet and seat belt safety. VERY graphic film of what heads look like when they are not wearing a helmet and bodies when they are not in a seat belt. This program does have an opt out as well. I have only taught a few, but the looks on those kid's faces when done, they get it. We live in a very small town, and many of the kids know me since I have been involved with their computer classes, etc. If they are not wearing a helmet, they know they are getting a call home from me to their parents. Taken care of way too many bashed in heads to turn the other way.
AP: Okay, potatoes, got it. I have some frozen corn too I will steam separately, it's starting to sound good!
Ah yes, I had forgotten the tampons-cure-virginity talk.
Ft: "Having said that, as a parent, I would not object to a trained professional like a police officer teaching it. 3rd grade, I dunno, I'm thinking maybe 5th grade just because it sounds so graphic the way you describe it."
I swear, it was the impact at such a young age that really carried with most of us. I suppose now some bleeding hearts might like to call it scarring us but it worked. I'm still in touch with many I knew before Kindergarten and while many of us experimented some and some still smoke pot, the majority of us have remained remarkably drug-free. And we all remember these days. I'll take being a bit scarred over what we saw to fighting an addiction any day.
Of course in my sock...those were the days before backpacks and god forbid I be caught dead with a PURSE :-D Oh man, that whole virgin thing because of tampons...from what I hear from my colleagues that is STILL going on. I just roll my eyes.
You're right, AP. I was just thinking in the case of my oldest he is very sensitive already to sad things. Still, the opposite possibility is worse.
Oh...I got so caught up in sex talk, forgot to mention...checked son's pockets and NO condoms :-D Not a guarantee, but damn it made me feel better!
Kaytie, DARE is a joke here. I think possibly nationally. Jake went though it, as did his friends. In the end, it can't overcome peer pressure and being cool in kids who need that. Helmets are required by law here, technically, and no one uses them but for the tiny ones just learning to ride, cops on bicycles and those who race ride on highways. Otherwise, it's not happening and even cops look the other way.
Yep. And it is not "if" I crash, it is "when" Makes me so very sad and angry.
"Of course in my sock...those were the days before backpacks and god forbid I be caught dead with a PURSE :-D Oh man, that whole virgin thing because of tampons...from what I hear from my colleagues that is STILL going on. I just roll my eyes."
Ahh, see, I was a purse girl from day one. I love my purses. If you weren't, then I guess your sock was your best best. Lol, I'm now reminded of someone I know having her nuvaring, or whatever it is called, fall out the frozen food aisle of a grocery store and roll under a freezer case. :-D
I admit, I'm shocked that still goes on about tampons and virginity. Do they not realize the hymen, even intact, isn't without an opening?
I'm drifting a little... it's almost 4 a.m. and it's my turn to sleep in on Sunday but I have to finish these report cards tomorrow (due Monday, sob!). I may fall asleep right on this laptop so I'll say my goodnights now!
"Yep. And it is not "if" I crash, it is "when" Makes me so very sad and angry."
We're going to have to fight on this one. ;-) As a kid, none of my friends were ever seriously injured in a way a helmet would have prevented. There were split chins that needed stitches and I broke an arm once on a bike, hauling a big case of Barbies to a friend's house and my bike tipped over. There were many skinned knees and elbows. Among Jake's friends and within this huge community we live it, it's never happened beyond what stitches and some rest from a concussion can fix. Even that is rare. I know you see the worst of it all, though, given your job.
Goodnight, FT and Kaytie, too. It's nearly 4am here, as well. Seep well. :-) And good morning to anyone finding this later.
I still hate purses. Mine is a little leather backpack. Dorky, but at least it is not fanny pack-LOL!
You are also a shoe girl :-D
As to NO to tampons-Cultural, or I guess, familial beliefs run strong, I guess. And these are educated, intelligent-in-anatomy people! I've learned to shut my mouth on that one.
Morning ladies!
AP - that sucks about Jake's laptop! Ugggghhhhh! and the drunk ex relative - what an ass!
FT - glad you got some time with shortround!
Alright, going to catch up from this post.
Karen - friends are always good to have, glad you guys had a good time!
Kaytie - sorry your son didn't make it but glad he is upbeat about it! Hope he does well next week.
Good Morning Ladies.
Morning everybody! I enjoyed reading the sex ed/tampon/virgin discussion from last night. I'm with AP on the bike helments. I "get" that everybody wears them these days, but damn, I rode a million miles on my bike and so did everybody I know and no one was ever seriously hurt. Anecdotal evidence that doesn't mean a damn thing statistically, but enough to make me non-judgmental about not wearing bike helmets.
I missed belted Kotex by just s few years, thankfully.
Hope everyone has a good Sunday. I'm at work and in serious need of playing catch up.
Regarding JM and her "detractors," I think it's funny how often she seems to be addressing "us." Most "famous" people don't spend so much time addressing their detractors, you know?
And I still haven't read her, but I'm wanting to, pretty bad. I don't mind missing the self-congratulatory posts, but love reading her "I think it's so funny when people hate me" posts.
Loved your sex ed talk, ladies! I learned everything I needed to know from smut books I checked out form the library. As for tampons, my mother demonstrated how to put one in to my sister and I. I would have rather had the "tampons = whore" talk.
Oh my God, Mulie! A demonstration from your mother? I would have been scarred for life! I found out about tampons by reading the box in the bathroom. Thank goodness I had an older sister!
Hi all!
Interesting talk last night. I do think 12-14 year-olds shouldn't have sex but since some are, it's kind of a good thing someone came up with the 'kiddie condom' idea.
Here, sex is legal from the age of 15 on (it's 18 in the US, right?). We have a teen pregnancy rate that is much, much lower than it is in the US, though.
I have no idea what belted Kotex even are.
Mulie- I would've been mortified.
SW- Don't bother reading JM. It's not worth it. It's over 1400 words of 'poor me, wah wah wah, poor me, I won't answer my detractors, why is everyone against me? The End.'
Also, can anyone believe that she wrote that long, verbose post while on a trip that supposedly rocked her to the core? Really?
Way to be self-absorbed, Mck.
I did finally read her post and was kind of surprised she wrote that from Africa. I got the feeling she was getting pressure from family and friends to answer back. I guess while she is in Africa, they are at home reading every hateful word and getting upset.
I think "not answering" is the same as "answering", just with no good explanations.
Corinne, The legal age for sex varies from each state,
Hi Corinne! Before adhesive pads were invented, there were pads, but no adhesive. So the pads were held in place against the body with a belt that had hook things that extended between your legs in the front and bag, and attached to the pad.
So the first pads that had adhesive were called "beltless," and for years pads had "beltless" on the box until people forgot there ever were belts.
Just a little maxi pad history for ya.
bag = back. That could be a confusing typo.
Mulie- Thanks for the info.
Re: JM's 'naysayer' post. Her family might be reading all the hateful comments but, honestly, if she were my daughter I'd have forced her into a wake-up call much earlier.
Mck is blatantly lying on several accounts. She showed piss-poor judgement, owes the IRS a lot of money (I think 50K) and lost TWO homes to foreclosure (for which Minnesotans are paying). This would be enough to make me ashamed of my own kid.
SW- Well, thank you for the maxi-pad history :P
My mother actually hunted down some belts and pads for my sister and I at a store called Ben Franklin.
Mornin ladies....
So I find this post of hers where she is not answering "us" by making a big huge post out of it freaking hilarious.
People on BF have wondered about the timing of this post but honestly is it any different then any of the other posts she has made while in Kenya? It is still all about her, just less pictures.
So are they actually tax liens that she owes? If they are already filed, that means they are a few years old, right?
Mulie, we had a Ben Franklin in the town I grew up in. I haven't heard of that store in years!
I think that there are still a few around, SW.
Morning all! I have to chuckle because Ben Franklin was a craft store here. And Mulie, your mom's demonstration? I have no words.
As for JM, I'm amazed at the self-absorbent attitude of that post, even from her. No normal person goes to Africa and, being all touched and broken or not, gives a rat's ass about naysayers from there. You're too busy and interested in other things, new experiences. It takes a singularly wrapped-up in-oneself person to worry about strangers who may not like things you do in that situation.
"We have a teen pregnancy rate that is much, much lower than it is in the US, though."
Corinne, any thoughts on why this is?
Mulie - The IRS has apparently placed a tax lien in the 50K on the MckKinneys.
AP- I'm thinking about the answer. I have some ideas as to why it is so. Once I'm able to formulate it properly, I'll post it (my brain is acting weird today ;) )
"Corinne, any thoughts on why this is?" I know what I would guess. I would guess that Belgium doesn't have the religious right constantly preventing wider dissemination of birth control.
SW to add to that I bet that there is also a LOT more education about such things instead of the sex is wrong so abstain at all costs. A lot of times in this country while sex is everywhere you look it is still perceived as a taboo. I think that by having it as such a taboo and 'forbidden' thing it makes kids more curious while at the same time more naive and ignorant to it.
"No normal person goes to Africa and, being all touched and broken or not, gives a rat's ass about naysayers from there. You're too busy and interested in other things, new experiences."
AP, CBS's Sunday Morning show today did a neat profile of Sean Penn's efforts to help people in Haiti. He has spent a tremendous amount of time and money organizing and carrying out relief efforts there. He flies in doctors, medical supplies and equipment, food, and other necessities and goes there to help out, and sometimes takes his 16 and 18 year old kids with him. Even though there are cameras following him some of the time for this interview, it doesn't come across as a celebrity photo op charity sighting.
The interviewer asked him if his critics, who have always been plentiful, criticizing his actions there bother him. He kind of hemmed and hawed a bit, then said basically said "I see people dying. I don't have time to worry about the critics."
That's what JM should say, or tweet, and then she should STFU. The fact that she can't bring herself to do that reinforces that with her, it's always all about her.
Good point Shannon. Plus there's the fact that Europeans rock. Corinne being our case in point.
Hey all.
"We have a teen pregnancy rate that is much, much lower than it is in the US, though."
My thought on this is there is much more emphasis on home and family in Europe than here in the US. At some point, here in the US we lost that family unit. You knew where you kids were and who they were with. With two income families the norm and the norm of latchkey kids, there are kids out there unsupervised and given way too much freedom. Just my two cents.
"I know what I would guess. I would guess that Belgium doesn't have the religious right constantly preventing wider dissemination of birth control."
SW, you really think so? I'd be more inclined to think there's just a greater emphasis on overall morals and doing things properly and responsibly. I suspect, too, that they're raised with higher cultural expectations, as well. I'm curious as to Corinne's take on it.
As for Sean Penn, his reaction is exactly what I'd expect from a normal person, yes.
I have a hard time accepting the comparison of European stats to US stats because the US as a whole has many more people and regions then individual European countries. I know that the comparison is necessary, but most of those countries are the size of our states.
"My thought on this is there is much more emphasis on home and family in Europe than here in the US. At some point, here in the US we lost that family unit."
Sandy, that's a good point. I can see how that could definitely make a difference.
I have a difficult time understanding why she would (not) answer her detractors and offer an entire blog post to it. If you don't care, then don't care and tell your family and friends not to buy into the negativity and butt out.
"I have a hard time accepting the comparison of European stats to US stats because the US as a whole has many more people and regions then individual European countries."
Mulie, I don't think it's that different at all for comparative purposes. And as long as it's a per capita stat, wouldn't it be fair comparison?
AP - I get that, but it just has me wondering what the stats are from state-to-state. The life styles are so different in Europe anyway. Again, I understand how the stats work, just seems like a whole different ball game.
Okay, I didn't break my Mck sobriety exactly, but I bent it a bit by reading MWOP for the first time in over a week. And I highly recommend it! Now if I could quit with the surfing and do some freaking work already! Ugh!
SW I have to say that I really do enjoy MWOP. I think that whoever it is that is running that blog does a pretty damn good job with their posts and such.
Wouldn't it be cool if MWOP was a regular here? Maybe it's Mulie!?! :-D
LOL it would be freaking Awesome.
Hmmmm. Maybe we can entice MWOP to come say hi here. If she's not already here, that is.
You guys caught me! MckLover by day, MckExposer by night!
Haha! Hardly! How long has that site been up?
Gonna take the boys to get some 59 cent hamburgers from the local burger joint. Peace out ya'll!
I don't know, Mulie's protesting a lot! It's only been up for a month or two, Mulie.
Are ya'll familiar with the Fail Blog? I thought this one was appropriate, given the state of the economy: http://failblog.org/2010/03/07/lease-fail/
And no, I'm still not working.
Geek Daisy here-what is MWOP?
Okay, the fall-off-the-bone ribes are in the crockpot now. Second time to use this particular crockpot after the epic fail of crockpot #1. Will let you know in 4.5 hours how it turned out, it seems simple enough.
Doing report cards again today. Have done all the Music, Drama, Dance, Visual Art, Phys Ed and Health for my 4 primary classes. Today focusing on 3 strands each (reading writing oral) for each of my 2 French classes. I am not even getting dressed today and may wear my glasses all day.
::defiant, as if it makes a difference::
AP: that second email came back, not sure what happened. Blackberry battery was low so that may have been it. Will try again later.
MWOP: Mckmama Without Pity
Thank you FT. Those ribs will be scrumptious. Good luck with all those report cards.
AP- I believe that the foremost reason the teen pregnancy rate is much lower in European countries -with the important exception of the U.K.- than it is in the US is, like SW said, the religious factor.
Western Europe is vastly secularized and when it comes to sex ed. there will be no talk of 'purity' and such. We are taught about contraception from a young age on (I was in grade 5, if I recall correctly).
No one will ever tell any kid during a sex ed class that 'sex is bad' or 'sex outside of wedlock is evil'.
If you tell a pre-teen or young teen that, all they will want to do is transgress that rule of 'no sex before you're married'. Of course, having never gotten any info on contraception, they will not protect themselves against pregnancy/STD's.
I read an interesting article a while ago that clearly stated that schools within the US (the aforementioned article was from Newsweek, I think) that had abstinence only sex-ed programs had the highest pregnancy rates.
I would like to say that the conception of family is stronger in Europe but, alas,a disintegration of the traditional family that has been noticed lately.
There might be additional reasons but that's the first thing that comes to mind. I'll try to see if I can get more info on the topic.
' Plus there's the fact that Europeans rock. Corinne being our case in point.'
Aww, SW. Thanks :)
Hi Kay, Shannon and FT!
I was just on the Fail site and saw an awesome one showcasing a t-shirt:
If God didn't want us to eat pigs, he wouldn't have made them out of bacon.
Mmmmmmm...... bacon......
Hi Corinne! The planets must be perfectly aligned today, we're both on at the same time!
FT- Yup. Must be the planets alignement ;-)
MWoP is great! That's definitely the best anti-Mck blog so far.
FT- How is Shortround doing? Still nameless?
Yes Corinne, still nameless. They have 30 days but I just do not see the holdup. People are asking me and I'm just referring them back to my brother, I think it's just ridiculous now. This baby was not a surprise, they had 9 months, then 8 days overdue, then 10 more days of life to decide. I don't know what the holdup is. They were down to 2 names (he liked one,she liked one) and now I think they've added more names. This could take a while, I'd better make some popcorn!
FT- Here's to hoping they name him asap!
I'm logging off for today so, see you tomorrow!
Me too, I'm working on an important part of the report cards right now and can't afford to make a mistake, I really I really should go for a bit, I'll check in much later.
See ya Corinne & FT!
I have a sick one - which means clingy, achey, crying, whining, no med taking little one.
He woke up fine but in the past hour he has started getting whiney - I just got him to sleep - he was asleep earlier but only for about 15 minutes.
I have a laptop-theft update on my blog if anyone is bored. :-)
Kristin, sorry LM is sick. How is SO doing now, is he better?
Corinne, I think what you're saying about pregnancy rates and the difference makes perfect sense. I can't see it ever being handled that way here, though.
AP- In the woods? Wow...that family sounds um nice. Glad he got it back. Your mom is really sweet.
Kristin, Sorry LM is feeling sick.
AP, thankfully it was found. I'm glad he got it back.
AP - glad Jake got his laptop back.
LM seems to be doing better. He took another cat nap and woke up in a much better mood. He spent some time cuddled on my lap (which never happens) and I got 2 cups of pedialyte and some milk down him and some crackers. I added some acetaminophen to his milk. Right now he is sitting with SO reading a book.
He keeps complaining about his knee and back hurting, I think he is achey.
SO is better - he is thinking it was something he ate.
Kristing-Glad LM is feeling a bit better.
AP-I can just SEE your mom smirking. I love it! She has her pipeline to God, Jake gets his laptop, and you do not have to share yours. Win-win for everyone. Thank you for sharing that story :-D
AP - That is awesome! At least he a good grandson since he's apparently a shitty son to his father! Maybe that's God's way of telling him that he's on the right track in way of family.
What kind of crack head parents does this friends have? What prompted Jake to call the cops?
and I just threw up in my mouth looking at that knarly cow tongue! WTF?!?!
AP - Hooray on the laptop "find"!! The whole story is crazy fishy. If it was stolen, why would anybody think it's in the woods? But hey, all's well that ends well! And ya gotta love the Mrs. Arse angle.
But dammit, I made the same mistake Mulie did and scrolled down on your blog and saw that nasty freaking cow tongue! Freaked. Me. Out. I wish I were moderator of your blog, AP, because I would ban that hideous thing!!
I've actually done a few hours work today. Shocker! Now I'm really looking forward to watching the Academy Awards tonight. Who's with me?
I will be watching and probably doing a play-by-play on FB as I did for the grammys and golden globes. I think most everyone I am friends with in FB, hid my updates.
and I would be looking in a pawn shop for the laptop, not the woods. What would be the point of stealing a laptop in the dead of night, just to dump it in the woods. Them's some shady peoples.
"I think most everyone I am friends with in FB, hid my updates."
LOL! Yeah, I think that happened to me when my college football team's arch nemesis was in contention for the National Championship and I was casting voodoo hexes every half hour for a few weeks. Didn't work, sadly. :-(
Will you mirror your play-by-play here, Mulie? I'd love to live blog it with you!
AP, I'm still bothered by that damn tongue. I swear I'm going to have nightmares.
Hi Daisy ladies. This place got a mention in the skit I was in this morning
"I'm just chatting with some internet friends at a blog called Daisy."
::said by me, portraying the couch potato attached to her technology::
SW - not sure if I am going to watch it or not, I may be flipping back and forth. I am watching Countdown to the Red Carpet right now.
Right now I am exhausted!
CK - awesome!
"What kind of crack head parents does this friends have? What prompted Jake to call the cops?"
He called the cops after no one answered the door 5 minutes after he told them we were headed over. That was a bad sign, we figured. I left it up to him though, since this kid is his friend and he chose to make the call. The dad looked rough and the house was in a white-trashy area but the rest of the family actually looked pretty decent so who knows? I'm just really shocked he got it back.
Sorry about the cow tongue...but not really. ;-)
I actually think I would have been less repelled by cow penis! That was just nasty!
CK, we're famous!! Thank you! Now that we're famous, we'll probably get some naysayers. Who wants to start working on the defensive "We don't respond to naysayers" post?
"I actually think I would have been less repelled by cow penis!"
Ha! Mulie wasn't here when I made the same argument the day you cooked that damn thing, AP!
CK, did the skit go well? Get a lot of fellowshipping in?
SW - Let's blog the Oscars here! I generally watch a few minutes behind (pause when the monsters are being too noisy to hear anything). I don't think I've actually seen any of the movies this year, have you?
"I'm just chatting with some internet friends at a blog called Daisy."
Awwww, that's cool, CK. Thanks! :-)
How are you doing today?
SW, sorry about the tongue but really, it was good. When we're married, I'll just not tell you what things are when I cook them. You'll be fine.
The reason I suspect the dad is because they circled their own block 4 times as Jake stood with the cop in their front yard, finally stopping on the 5th time. I saw a car passing by repeatedly, as did the cop...he was watching it closely. When it turned out to be the dad driving, I think the cop got bad feeling and put some pressure on them to "find" it. The story is that a few kids remained in the house a it after Jake left and it must have been one of them and they stashed it in the woods to get later. Yeah, sure.
I'll watch the Oscars with y'all...at least for awhile. I like to see the clothing.
Mulie, I saw "Up in the Air," "Avatar," and "The Hurt Locker." That may be all. I'd love to blog here! How far behind do you plan to watch? Hell, I forgot where you live/what time zone?
AP, I admire Jake for being willing to make that call. He's clearly got a lot of self confidence.
AP - you should watch right now, they are showing "secrets" and showing a lot of women in bras! lol!
Good lesson for Jake though. Just glad it turned out alright! No wonder that kid is a homebody, the rest of the world sucks!
That is very shady AP! Glad that Jake was able to make that call. Sucks for the kid whose dad did this - well if he knew his dad did it, what a schmuck!
AP said: "When we're married, I'll just not tell you what things are when I cook them. You'll be fine."
See now I'm going to be all paranoid about everything you cook. I will demand to see the wrappers, etc. Why don't you save me some trouble and just swear off cow tongue?
I'm also impressed that the cops took the theft of a laptop so seriously. I doubt that would happen where I live.
SW, I'm central time zone. Where you at time wise? When does it start? 7 pm CST? Hopefully I'll watch on time, I'll have to slip the guys some melatonin in their milk tonight. I'll probably start getting a little behind around 8 or 9, but usually catch up fast forwarding through commercials.
Okay, now I'm too excited about the Oscars to work anymore. I'm heading home to get the strawberry cake I'm making for my secretary's birthday in the oven.
Birthday days at work are unbearable. When someone in my department has a birthday, someone makes or brings a cake and we all file into the conference room and eat cake and have incredibly awkward conversation for about 10 minutes, or less if I can't stand it for that long. I usually skip the cake ordeal, but I can't tomorrow since it's my secretary and my cake. Ugh.
Mulie, I'm in central too. Cool!
The two movies I saw this year were Blindsides and Avatar. Loved both of them. If I can unglue the remote from DH's hand tonight (big eye roll) I'll join y'all.
Maybe I'll put some melatonin in his mild (evil grin).
"AP - you should watch right now, they are showing "secrets" and showing a lot of women in bras! lol!"
Um...how do I say this? Women in girlie underwear just aren't my thing. ;-)
SW, for you, I'll swear off cow tongue, I promise.
When the kid gave Jake the laptop back, he hugged Jake and apologized. I think he knows someone in his home was behind it and I felt sorry for him. As for the cops, it helps that we're pretty crime-free around here so they *can take small things seriously. We've encountered this particular deputy before (calls for help, not crimes we committed!), though, so he sort of knew us and that helped too, I'm sure.
Serves me right for jumping in ;-/ mild=milk
CK, we're famous!! Thank you! Now that we're famous, we'll probably get some naysayers. Who wants to start working on the defensive "We don't respond to naysayers" post?
LOL! Scheduling your vaccination appt and Congo tickets now :-D
SW - What flavor lawyer are you? That's what you do, right?
AP: That deputy did right. He took one look at that shady ass behavior and knew it was somewhere in the vicinity (almost typed vaccinity...have vaccine or no vaccine debate on mind). Kudos to Jake for sticking up for himself and not being intimidated!
SW-I'm with you on the birthday at work stuff. :::shudder:::
AP - it really wasn't girly underwear. They were showing the types of undergarments to wear if you wore a plunging neck line and underwear that you wear that doesn't move - it was all neutral tones and blacks.
Little man still has a fever but is in such a better mood. I have spent much of my day in my bed with him b/c he "wants me", right now he is in his playroom.
Kristen, What do you think is bothering him?
Hi again - I dozed off with the dog for a bit. Awoke to his telepathically delivered message "uh, mom, it's past my dinner time", as he stared at me.
Yes, we are famous. At least in South Minneapolis.
Watch for me on the red carpet tonight. With my full body spanx.
I think it might be the flu. My sis and BIL are both home with sore throats and aches (but we haven't been around them). Earlier this week I was fighting with the sore throat.
I think he is achey and he doesn't really have an appetite but I did get meds down twice and he has had pedialyte and crackers.
That's one deputy with some common sense. I'm glad Jake got the computer back! Does he want to press charges, or just be grateful it's been recovered?
Wow, he did a good job handling it, for a young man.
SW - did you ever watch Parenthood? If so, what did you think?
Kristen, Are you taking him in to get tested for strep or anything tomorrow? I thought my 4 y/o had strep or something a few weeks ago, but it was just a nasty virus.
Now that we're celebrities, let's do a group trip to somewhere where there are "people who are less fortunate than us".
We can either ignore their plight, or patronize them, or simply blog about us, we, ourselves.
Kay: our very own naysayers, oh do you think we really might?
::giddy at the possibility::
I won't be watching the Oscars, not my thing although I do like to see the clothes they wear at these occasions. I am *almost finished 1 of my 2 French classes, and then just 1 more to go.
I'm just popping in and out here so I stay current.
Kristin: my kids always hated that Pedialyte stuff and I could not make them drink it or even take the freezie version! I tasted it, it's some icky stuff.
Oh, and I should say - I have not seen any of the movies.
CK: agreed, but first we have to get sponsors to fund our little jaunt.
Not SW here, but I watched Parenthood. I liked it, and felt very sad about the family facing their son's Aspergers.
Two scenes esp - when the Adam's mom said to Peter Krause "don't make me go through this alone". And when Peter Krause said to his dad "my son is sick and I need your help with this".
An example of really healthy vulnerability and honesty.
That was a lot of words ending in "y" in a row.
I cried when I watched it. It was one of my "emotional" days - I was watching it when my cousin texted me about my grandfather - and a few other things popped in my head.
Yes, those two scenes were quite emotional!
Way to go FT!
As for pedialyte, he likes it. I treat it kinda like juice, since it is so damn hot in Texas and we do a lot of things outdoors, i would give it to him once a day (at least) and sometimes more on swim days at mom's or at the park. I give him the fruit flavored flavor.
lol CK!
Should I be annoyed that SO is passed out on my couch after he got out of bed around 11:00?
I should say, during the summer I would give it to him about once a day - now I give it to him maybe once a week but today he did get it twice.
"Now that we're celebrities, let's do a group trip to somewhere where there are "people who are less fortunate than us".
We can either ignore their plight, or patronize them, or simply blog about us, we, ourselves"
CK-DisneyWorld! We shall seek out the most miserable parents and terrified children amidst all that joy and vibrant color. We shall extol the virtues of turning a "frown upside down", we shall sing the praises of joining the "It's a Small World" cabal. And when we retire at night to our condo in Miami, we shall Tweet away of our angst and self disgust while we dance away in a congo line.
"SW, for you, I'll swear off cow tongue, I promise."
Awwww, that's the sweetest and creepiest thing anybody's ever promised me!
Yes, Kristin - you should be more than annoyed! (You know how some of us feel about that topic)
But what really matters is how you feel -
He did go pick up lunch and read a story to LM before passing out - oh and put some soapy water in the sink and threw some dishes in there.
Sorry, just feeling grumpy today!
Kate - that's the perfect idea!
JM should try it - she could take her fake, fantasy life to a total make-believe place, and blog about it like it's real.
but would she leave her kids at home - b/c that would be the icing on the cake!
That's a good step, Kristin. Maybe he can help out more on an ongoing basis? I just feel so bad that you have to do it all yourself, when it could be really positive for everyone to have him more involved.
Kristin, I've been meaning to tell you that I have not watched Parenthood yet. I plan to.
Okay, Pre Oscar show thoughts about dresses
Love Vera Farmiga's red dress. She's a lovely woman.
Anna Kendrick, her co-star and co-nominee from "Up in the Air," looks lovely too.
Mariah Carey needs one or two less accessories. Her earrings are way too big. Her dress is pretty though, and she seems less drunk than at the last award show I saw her in.
Not digging Maggie Gyllenhall's print blue strapless. Her boobs look a little low. Love Maggie though. "Secretary" anyone?
I don't know who Elizabeth Banks is or why she gets to present tonight, but her dress is pretty.
SW - Secretary - yes. So Odd.
Kristin-I actually watched TV last night. Saw Parenthood. Those two scenes were the exact ones that made me tear up. My son has ADD and it was a HUGE struggle. Won't go into all that-AP knows. The actress hit it so dead on in the pleading, loneliness, scariness of her DH being in denial. I am very glad they had him get it right then and there, otherwise it would have just been another show.
Mulie, am I going to ruin it by liveblogging the E pre-show? 'Cause if not, I want to say I don't love Zoe Saldana's (sp?) dress.
Why does Nicole Ritchie get to come to the oscars? And, she looks like crap.
How old is your son Kaytie?
I am worried that my son will fall into that category. His father had some issues and I believe that ADD/ADHD was one - I just can't get him to give me any medical history.
Yes, CK it would be lovely to get more help but he doesn't seem to think he needs to do more.
Kaytie - I hear you - tough stuff but it was an important portrayal, especially when you've been there.
SW - yes, I thought she did too.
I'm iffy on Sigourney Weaver's dress. She looks pretty, but I don't think the belt goes with the rest of the dress.
Kristin-My son is 14 now. If you are concerned get him tested. Does AP have your e-mail? If so, ask her to e-mail it to me. I will be glad to talk at length with you regarding it in e-mail.
Sandra bullock is lovely. Very shiny! I'm a tiny bit in love with her husband. And her. Did you hear that she went in person last night and accepted her Razzie award for worst actress in the comedy All About Steve? Brilliant marketing, in my opinion.
Kaytie - AP does, but it is klgseaaggie75 (at) gmail (dot) com - it's on my profile too! :)
Thanks! Little man is only 3.
I'm thinking of changing ped's right now, so maybe after I find someone I am more comfortable with.
My husband is my kids stepdad. He lived the single life until we met when he was 28. He struggled to understand that he needed to be involved in a big way if we were going to be a family. He'd been so used to just worrying about himself.
When guys have their own kids, I think they take a much bigger step - they're there from the beginning, and have a deeper connection. Plus the actual genetic connection.
My husband didn't know how to create that connection - would any of us? It's a hard thing to do. I was a stepmom with my first husband's kids. And I didn't get this all then. I didn't understand the unconditional love parents have for their kids. I was pretty young.
But I still was a second mom to them. Cause they needed me to step up to the plate. Even though I maybe didn't feel as close to them. I did the taking care, in spite of that deep connection not being there.
I guess I'm saying I might understand where SO is. Having been there myself. Seeing my husband be in that place.
But, that's when the being an adult needs to kick in. You need to just do it. Cause it's the adults job to make it work. The kids need that.
"You" being the "step" person.
ION Television is having a Shark marathon.
I loved James Woods and Robert Downy Jr in True Believer.
Movie recommendation!!
CK-Very well said.
Kirsten-thank you for e-mail. I will e-mail you so you know mine :-D
Hey everyone! Look at me on early today! we spent the day at my mom's getting stuff ready to be packed to take to her new apartment tomorrow - Patti has a job interview, then we're moving the kitchen and bathroom stuff to her new apartment and helping her get that all put away.
Watching the red carpet and then plan to watch the awards - a friend of mine that I graduated high school with is in the orchestra of 2 really big numbers - He's keyboard player and his name is Wally - I think it would be so cool to see him on TV even if only for 2 minutes... Small town boy makes it big!
AP I'm so glad that you got Jake's laptop back!!
Kristin sorry to hear LM is not feeling well again.. you need a break from all that!!
I also have seen Inglorious Basterds. I highly recommend it. It's on DVD. As is Hurt Locker.
Hey Karen, it's good to see you before dark!
Lazy afternoon for all of us, but this??? I go into the TV room to see if the Oscars are on. DH and son are watching a chick flick and have tears in their eyes. They refuse to change the channel. I am so disgusted.
LOL SW good to see you too - and I'm agreeing with your opinion on all the red carpet stuff so far! Good taste!
I hate to see people chewing gum on the red carpet!
Ha, Kay! What are they watching?
Uggh me too!
Miley Cyrus is certainly grown up looking!
Kay - something on Lifetime?
Or Beaches?
I missed Miley. I'm not quite in real time watching though.
Oh, there's Miley. I like the look from the neck up. But hate the bodice of her dress. Looks like underwear, in a bad way.
Miley's Mom? A tiny bit trashy-looking. Bless her heart.
I'm not sure if i am or not - we might have paused it while we were eating, or getting our dinner... I made pork chops and pierogies and applesauce (well I opened a jar of applesauce, wasn't much "making" to it) and corn. It was yummy - we were starving, first meal of the day at 6 pm probably not good for you!
LOL yes a tiny bit trashy looking I agree - she looked like the daughter and Miley the mom!
Sarah Jessica Parker - Hmmm. Not sure what I think about the dress. She always looks glam though.
yea she ages very well too!
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