Friday, March 26, 2010

And so it continues...

Be good.  Wear clean underwear.


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Jennifer-Lynn said...

What if you don't normally wear underwear?

::looks around::

Margo said...

Sandy has a underwear recycling system - check her blog...

Day 1 without Lindsay - sadness. I just looked on twitter and that nasty old FTW is still picking at our GB, hmpf!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

What happened to Lindsay?

I guess I need to catch up.

Who is GB?

kristin said...

I don't even want to know BD :)

Margo said...

Lindsay is taking a little break from bloggery - GB is Gothic Butterfly

Jennifer-Lynn said...


Now that I am old, I do wear underwear most of the time. I am just protecting the interests of other people.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I think I'm going to check out the past few days' posts so that I know what the hell is going on.

Lisa said...


Margaret, is Lindsay okay?

BD, I just don't want to do wear sweats exclusively,though. Right?

kristin said...

AP - she did a blog post about it - I think she is running for a school post or something.

Why are you so busy today?

How are you?

Margo said...

Yikes, she wrote about it on her blog.

BD - GB got into it with some woman on twitter over JM initially. No big deal but then the woman posted GB's full name and her tweets are a bit threatening.

Margo said...

No undies with sweats is ok - no so with white leggings. I saw that once in Target, I almost called for a clean-up on aisle 5!

kristin said...

Just had 8 million tabs open :( CRAZY!

So kinda funny - went home at lunch to load up my rocker to let my sis borrow and was cleaning up the back yard for yard man. I brought in a carrying case that had some of LM's trucks in it - set it down in the kitchen - then I moved it once so I could get to the bird food - and noticed there were some snail shells - didn't think anything of it - went and put the rocker in the truck along with some boxes of baby stuff - came back to let the dog in (once again for the yard guys) and noticed that the snail shells - had turned into snails - and were headed in all directions in my kitchen. I then had to collect all little snails up and threw them outside - it was actually kinda amusing and LM would have loved it. I actually thought originally they were just the outside shell - live and learn.

I know - totally random!

Shannon said...

Margaret I agree no undies with ANY leggings is not ok....and for the record neither are depends to ever be worn with any kind of leggings especially when you are over 250lbs!!!

Shannon said...

Oh and excited because here in a little bit my hubby is taking me to McGrath's WOOOOHOOOO

Lisa said...

Commando in white leggings? Um. Yeah. not so much.

Kristin, we had haircuts and then I dropped him with friends while I did some shopping for crap I need to do some home repairs. Bank, put air in my tires, just general stuff. :-)

How is your head?

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I spend most of my day in pajamas.

Lisa said...

"and for the record neither are depends to ever be worn with any kind of leggings especially when you are over 250lbs!!!"


Even if your shirt is really long?

kristin said...

better - i took 3 ibuprofen soon after I said my head hurt along with a few more cups of coffee.

Thanks for asking!

Busy day for you!

How does the hair look?

Did he shave his eyebrows and if so, how strange is that?

Lisa said...

BD, I'm the shy sort. I wear underwear with my pajamas, too.

Lisa said...

He hasn't yet. I just don't want to think about it. Hair's okay...both just redos of what we had. A longish shag for mine and his is...hmmm...a reverse mullet. :-D

Shannon said...

Well this woman that used to come into the store I worked at probably was pushing 325 and wore shirts that did NOT cover even her belly and you could see her crooked depends as she walked around leaning over her shopping cart.

Lisa said...

Lol, Shannon, I swear I didn't really do that.

And frankly, I think you should be grateful she was wearing Depends.

Anonymous said...

"BD, I'm the shy sort. I wear underwear with my pajamas, too."

Ditto. No way I'm going commando, even with pajamas.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

My goodness! What a bunch of shy ones we have today!

Jennifer-Lynn said...


Could he accomplish the same look with Pan-Cake makeup? That way, if he doesn't like it, he has eyebrows, and if he does, he can shave them after he's seen it.

kristin said...

I'm gonna have to go with the majority and say I do the underwear thing to, unless I just got out of the shower and put my sweats on.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Underwear should always be worn with white. I agree. And short skirts.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

See, I can't get behind the no underwear with the sweats. I need a barrier between me and fleece.

Incidentally, I hate the word "panties."

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Actually, I am going to revisit my statement and say that leggings always call for underwear. I however have not worn leggings since 1991.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, who in their right mind would go commando with white? I mean, who?

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Is this your new cause, Corinne? We might need to come up with an acronym. :)

kristin said...

Corinne's Commando Crusade

C to the 3rd power :)

Anonymous said...

I don't find leggings to be flattering, unless you're 1.80m and weigh 50kg. And, that's not exactly my height and weight ;)

kristin said...

or the CCLC

Anonymous said...

Bd - Yup. That's my new cause ;)

Kristin - Lol @ Corinne's commando crusade :P

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Cover All Crotches, All White Wearers (CACAWW)

Like the braying sound of a crow warning you to shield your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Bd- That is *awesome!

kristin said...

or c cubed - for some reason all I could think of was squared and could not remember what raised to the third power was...nice!

I really am smarter than the average bear!

LMAO BD - so much wittier than me.

KaytieJ said...

What is a reverse mullet? Trying to visualize.

Commando in Leggings? Trying NOT to visualize.

kristin said...

Heya Kaytie!

KaytieJ said...

What happened to Lindsay and is she OK?

Kay - That so sucks. Come talk to us when able.

KaytieJ said...

Kristin - love your posts re: LM - he is so funny! Glad your head is feeling a bit better! Mine is a bit creaked after that Margarita last night - what a light weight!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kay- And DO NOT visualize leggings worn without underwear! You'll want to remove your eyes :D

KaytieJ said...

RiM - "That woman" is doing everything she can to screw with you and Kelly. She is going to make everyone around her miserable. I am so sorry.

KaytieJ said...

Had to bleach my glasses on even on the thought of commando leggings! The only positive I could think of was one less thing to cut through if in a trauma. How sick is that? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Kay- Proves that you are a *very dedicated nurse ;)

KaytieJ said...

Hehehhe :-D Corrine - I am so envious of your being able to travel to Scotland. I have not been there but have heard that it is beautiful. You said you were not so thrilled with Dublin? No worries if you do not want to expand on that, or if I missed a post on it. Just love to hear about other countries and cultures.

KaytieJ said...

Oh...for goodness sake. Can I remove that post to you Corrine? Dublin/Scotland, what a dork. I think it was Edinburgh you were speaking of. :::dashing for more coffee to get my synapses going:::

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, my post of the "many ways to wear your undies." ::blushes:: I can't believe I posted that. It is quite funny though.

Anonymous said...

Kay- Dublin is a nice city but I did not experience the 'wow' factor I had when I traveled to Madrid, Barcelone or Prague (my personal top 3 of European cities to visit).

Though the buildings were nice, you could see time had taken its toll on them and they desperately need maintenance. The Irish people are *very nice but so laidback it made me want to hit my head against a wall. I like a city that can have a "zen" atmosphere but also a "stressed out" side, kwim? I like efficiency, schedules and such. I'm weird.

My cousin and ex-BF who are both there on Erasmus (student exchange program for people doing their master's degree in Europe) *love* Dublin.

And, remember that I am amongst the people who don't really like Paris so I might be in the minority ;)

Anonymous said...

Kay- Sure you can remove it ;)

Life full of bRATS said...

Do we have two kays! I'm getting uber confused, oh and with all my issues. I can still go commando as much as I please.

I keep my 'situation' under control in that department, the grizzly look just never appealed to me.. Todays been hard, I have a fever, and my body is just tired of being awake, and vomitting.

Thanks everyone for thinking about me. COmmando leggings ONLY work if you have no butt, (or a nice one) and... you keep everything 'cleaned up', where you keep your man remote.

kristin said...

OMG - I have never heard "man remote" NICE!

Kay - I think Kay is KaytieJ.

Sorry you aren't feeling well - :( fever, :( vomiting - sucks!

kristin said...

Just found out how much I'm getting back from taxes - :)

I originally did it through turbo tax - and I got a number - then my sis told me about a guy she used - so I gave him my stuff - he is getting me back twice as much as what Turbo Tax was - he is a bit more expensive then the $30.00 you pay for turbo tax but the difference - really wasn't a difficult decision.


I'm gonna buy me a dyson :) and then put money in savings for - either summer in Michigan or for Florida or whatever else might come up.

KaytieJ said...

Hey Kay - The other "Kay" here or rather KaytieJ. Sorry for confusion. Do they have you on any of the antiemetics? I am sorry you are so miserable - know you probably get sick of hearing that, too.

And LOL! to "Man Remote" Haven't heard that one!

kristin said...

alright ladies - I'm out - see ya later!

KaytieJ said...

Corrine - I see what you mean now re: cities you have visited. I would very much like to visit Prague. Paris, I will skip. Normandy and the countryside of Southern France I would like to see, though. I envy you being able to travel to so many places!

KaytieJ said...

Kristin - WooHoo on your taxes! Enjoy your evening!

Lisa said...

CACAWW. *snortles*

Hi Kay and Kaytie, I've always wanted to go to Dublin, Scotland, too. Mostly, though, I want to go to Lisbon, Spain.

Kristin, that is great about your taxes!

Life full of bRATS said...

Kaytie they do, but it doesn't totally prevent vomitting. And sometimes it's not really.. vomitting as much as reflux? I swallow and a few second later am spitting whatever I've just eaten/drank back up.

KaytieJ said...

Kay - Yes, I do understand about the reflux. Gets so hard on your throat and so annoying when you already hurt and are exhausted. You have a marvelous family from what you have said, but damn, wish I could be there, not in a nurse capacity in anyway, but quiet presence, ear to listen or bawdy laughter, whichever the mood.

KaytieJ said...

AP - Lisbon...sigh. Someday. My in laws went there and loved it. Since I am a tiny bit Portuguese and Spanish, would love to visit those countries.

Oh, BTW...add another SAGITARIUS to your *club :-D

KaytieJ said...

WooHOOOO - Spring Break has officially started here!
Son has friend over and I already like this friend...he took his shoes off without being prompted when coming into the house. In this mud country that is a stickler of mine.

Angie said...

Evening all! Trying to catch up on comments. Underwear with pajamas? No way! When I was a kid, my favorite aunt told me and my cousins that you shouldn't wear underwear to bed, because your "privates" need to "breathe" at night. And while I hate the term "privates" really really bad, I think she's right.

Angie said...

I left work early and went to see The Ghost Writer this afternoon. It's Roman Polanski's latest film and I liked it a lot.

Anonymous said...

SW, okay but if you're a worrier like me, what if there is a fire at night? Now you're outside with no "wears" on.

Angie said...

Sandy, there are very few ways in which I live dangerously. I guess this is one of them! But thanks for the warning. I'll try and bring a bed sheet out with me when I evacuate.

KaytieJ said...

SW - Pierce Brosnan and Kim Cattrell (sp) are in that. I like both those actors. Thanks for the heads up.

T@iy@ said...

Evening Daisies!

Angie said...

I was shocked to see Kim Cattrell (sp) in it! After seeing he rin SATC for so many years, I couldn't get used to her in another role and with a British accent. She did well though.

Hi Taiya, how's it going?

I'm trying to read my book club book tonight. We meet Sunday morning and of course I'm just starting the book. It's The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls.

Nilia said...

I'm with some of the girls here, I never go commando. I don't believe I've ever felt the need to tell anybody that.

Kay: I'm sorry today is rough...

Nilia said...

Lisbon: beautiful city but I think like with most countries, to get a flavour of the place you want to offroad, you know? Lisbon certainly has culture, but it is another big, loud, busy, chaotic city in the end. I've been to the Portugal/Spain border and ventured in but not very far,so don't know Barcelona at all but I can imagine that it would be beautiful! And hell no to Paris.

Thank God it's Friday. What a week. Those kids are going to drive me to drink, I swear.

kristin said...

I've been trying to do my family tree but sadly, I don't have a lot of details.

LM has been good for the most part.

I got him "hamburger and fench fies" for dinner - got myself a Dr. Pepper and ate leftovers - quite proud of myself for that one.

Hello all that just came in.

Getting ready to get LM down to bed.

Oh, we played airplane and he wanted to be the airplane - we went with "him brudder to a zoo" - and he keeps telling me he wants to "go to a zoo amorrow" - can't amorrow ;) b/c we have swim lessons and baby shower.

T@iy@ said...

Good! I am exhausted, though! My friend brought her daughters over. :) My house looks like a tornado touched down just within these walls. Her older daughter is one month older than Ryla, and her younger is 7 months. Busy exhausting day!

Nilia said...

Hey Taiya, how are you?

T@iy@ said...
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T@iy@ said...

Well, I apparently killed it, and i have to go to bed anyway. *Before I pass out.

Night Daisies!

KaytieJ said...

Taiya - Good news on the 'rents returning home. You have quite enough to take care of without that as well!

kristin said...

night Taiya!

Glad the parents are home!

KaytieJ said...

Night Taiya - you did not kill it...I am just slower than molasses to post! Sweet dreams!

KaytieJ said...

I wonder why so many of us have an aversion to going to Paris?

Anonymous said...

MIL went to Paris and got mugged. Why do I find that extrememly funny?

KaytieJ said...

From what you have said regarding your MIL's nastiness to you, I will laugh along with you.

Nilia said...

My parents lived in Paris in the mid 60s and even then it had a reputation. My brother honeymooned in Europe a few years ago and he said Paris was fine, it was just the damned *Parisians.

I myself have no ambition to go to Paris. It's ridiculously expensive, and does not come with a glowing recommendation from anyone I know IRL.

kristin said...

Yeah, Paris doesn't appeal to me but the Amazon does. Some place that I can explore and get lost in :)

Anonymous said...

Doesn't appeal to me either. I think I would rather go back to Grand Cayman. I could live there. Well maybe not in hurricane season.

Anonymous said...

All right, I'm out ladies. Can't keep my eyes open any longer.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping in for a moment, ladies. I've missed chatting with all of you a lot.

I'm so damn tired tonight. Don't mean to be a "downer" but I just got back from the funeral home for a wake. My sister-in-law's sister died unexpectedly earlier this week. 54 years old. Suspected pulmonary embolism but not yet confirmed.

I grew up with all of these "girls." Spent many a teen-aged summer day barning tobacco with them, talking about BOYS, listening to the radio - AM - anybody remember when AM was all we had? damn sad. And it's the third anniversary of my brother's death too. I'm exhausted and so very sad. People I love need to stop dying, dammit.

Off to bed. Will check in again soon. Am thinking of heading to the beach for a couple of days next week. I need a break from real life - and death.

Have been reading along, but not posting much. I'm sorry. I owe you! Thanks to all for not minding if I lurk sometimes. You ladies make me smile every day.

Nilia said...

Goodnight, Sandy! I'm out soon too. Long week.

kristin said...



Haven't read what you posted but just wanted to say hi....going to read now :)

kristin said...

Jae - goodness girl! I am so very sorry.

Take care - and a trip to the beach sounds like an awesome idea- especially if fruity drinks with umbrellas are offered and are brought to you by good looking cabana boys/girls :)


kristin said...

alright ladies, I'm following Taiya & Jae's lead and going to bed.

Night all!

Shannon - I hope you have had a fantabulous birthday.

and I just have to say, I haven't turned on Molly since I have been home :) and it crashed my internet at work and I never watched her after that!

Lisa said...

Jae, it's so very good to see you but I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a dear friend is losing family, even if you aren't related. Then remembering your brother, too? You have had a sad time of it. :-( You lurk anytime you like - it's just always so nice to see you when you feel like joining in.

I got past Molly, too. Totally forgot about her today, even.

I'd still like to see Paris, just so I can see it. Given my druthers, though, I'll pass on Europe as a first choice and take Asia.

I feel icky. I have some weird shit that goes on with my glands and I've got a huge one swollen to the size of a small plum under one ear...painful as hell. I know it's small beans compared to what so many are suffering with but it still makes me cranky. I've been laying in my recliner with it iced up tonight, trying to figure out TLC's obsession with midgets.

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Re: Paris.

You know, the city itself is beautiful but I have to agree with FT's brother, the Parisisans ruin everything. Even French people from other regions think they are highly unpleasant. The city is also very expensive.

If any of you are to go to Paris someday, I'd recommend going to the Sacred Heart Basilica of Montmartre. The basilica is beautiful and if you stand on the outside, you get a beautiful view on Paris.

The 'Louvre museum' is highly overrated, imo. I much prefer the "Quai Branly" or the "Orangerie". The problem is that you have to wait in line *forever before getting in the museums.

As I said, Paris is an expensive city. Eating there will often cost you an arm and most of the "famous" restaurants are overrated. I caught food poisoning after eating in one of the high-end, famous Parisian restaurants.

Paris is probably not a favorite of mine because I think I have the 'Parisian malediction' (term coined by myself ;) ). I have been there 5 times and *every.time. I got sick. The first time, it was food poisoning and I ended up at the hospital because I was dangerously dehydrated (fun, huh? ***TMI ALERT TO FOLLOW*** I threw on the Place Vendôme, Elysian fields, in front of "Fauchon" - famous Parisian caterer - and passed out while waiting to visit the Eiffel tower. Definitely the best travel experience so far. LOL), I got bronchitis two times, food poisoning another time and the flu the last time I went.

I should probably avoid going there ever again! :P

I have a busy day ahead of me but I'll try to check in later!

Have a good day all!

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

Good morning :) How's it going? I have missed you all.

Amy said...


My youngest sister comes home from Europe today...she went to Geneva, Paris, Normandy, and Mont St. Michel. I hope she brings some chocolate with her...

kristin said...

Morning ladies - still trying to catch up!

AP - sorry about the swollen gland!

Corinne - that really sucks about getting sick in Paris - and that puking everywhere - not pleasant.

I have a very active, imaginative little boy this morning.

He's already talking about his "brudder" who he says his name is Matrin who lives/works on a farm and his tow truck which is at the hospital.

now he is finding anything and everything and placing it on my chest. I have a t-shirt of mine, a t-shirt of his, a conch shell, an airplane, the remote, my bra, then end thingy from a door stop, a sock and he keeps bringing more - like a hangar, a pillow, his stuffed dolphin and I tell him no. The whole time he is singing - do, do, do do do - should be a fun day!

All I want is to finish 1 cup of coffee.

kristin said...

Morning Taiya, Amy and Corinne.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TxMissie said...

Morning :)
my kids are on break again.I think its going to be a long ass week

T@iy@ said...

How old are your kids, dk?

kristin said...

hey DK!

Alright - if I can get my LM out the door, I'm out!

See ya in a bit.

TxMissie said...

the ones at home are 17,6(7 in may) and the little one will be 2 april 15th
Thing is they had winter break feb12 till the 22nd.

T@iy@ said...

Ahh... well, good luck with that. :D

TxMissie said...

I am stoking up and ducktape and booze haha

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Ladies.

Kristin, when C was little Lilo and Stitch "lived" in our house. Stitch caused troubled so he had to live in the crawl space! When I dropped C off at preschool, we had to "drop" Lilo off at the bus stop.

I need more coffee myself.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie said...

Happy Saturday everybody! It's a beautiful day here. Cool right now but will get up in the 70's. I've got a fairly busy (for me anyway) day planned. Ran errands/grocery shopping this morning, going to work in a few hours, then to dinner at a friend's house tonight. And I've got to read 144 pages left in my book club book before 10:00 AM tomorrow. That shouldn't be difficult. The book is a quick read.

Question: I need to take a gift to the hostess of the dinner tonight, and I bought an awesome and healthy-looking spearamint plant at the grocery store. Thinking of keeping it for myself, then I thought it might be a nice hostess gift, instead of the usual wine. What do you ladies think? Would you like to get a fresh mint plant, or would you rather have wine, if you were the hostess?

Anonymous said...

SW, I personally love plants. Just my opinion.

Lisa said...

Hey, all.

SW, I'd love it if someone brought me the plant, just for something different.

Margaret, how is C doing?

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday so far. We're a bit quiet so I think we'll skip the 3PM post today and just stay here. Hope that's alright.

Lisa said...

By the way, hi Amy and dkmissie - it's good to see you both again. :-)

kristin said...

I'm back - took LM to Denny's - he is so damn personable - it is so funny! He says hi to everyone. Today I was changing him after swim lessons and a guy was standing next to a changing room (kinda like a shower stall) and he had a shirt with a puma on it and LM was trying to figure out what it was - I said cheetah - LM said no! I said it was a Puma - LM said now - so I said it was a jaguar and he was happy with that - then he shouts "hey guy!" and the guy ignored him and so LM said "hey guy!" even louder and I had to turn around and tell the guy that LM was talking to him. Then LM asks "whats that on you shirt?" and the guy said a Puma - and LM looks at me and says "it's a Puma!" Love it!

Oh, and he told me he has a girl brudder...his imagination!

kristin said...

Oh, and I told LM to say excuse me when he wants to get someone's attention.

kristin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kristin said...

My apologies - I'm on the wrong blog :(


Anonymous said...

Kristin...glad you clarified that...I was lost.

How did the swim lessons go? It sounds like LM is a charmer.

Hi to everyone else...hope y'all have a great weekend!

kristin said...

Laura - Swim lessons went well. He just has no patience and cannot sit still and he tries real hard which makes it very amusing.

He is a charmer - with a very vivid imagination!

Did you do anything with your guys in the way of swim lessons?

I need to start getting ready for the baby shower.

I really just want to take a nap - SO's phone went off at 3:00 and since he was asleep he couldn't figure the damn thing out so he kept dropping it, while it was going off. then LM was up at 5:45 - tried to get him back in his room and he wanted mommy's room - so I thought if I went to his room, he would follow - nope - he slept in mine and I slept in his - mine is much more comfy.

Margo said...

Hello daisies.

C is still here AP - she's really something else.

I would love a mint plant as a hostess gift - nice in tea - iced or hot.

Kristin - H had an imaginary friend that showed up when she went to daycare - I think she needed a little buddy with her. Once she got comfortable in daycare the friend went away.

kristin said...

anyone have a good quote for me to put on a card for my sister -

about son's or new parenthood or pregnancy?

kristin said...

Let me know which one I should use - I like the "fat" one b/c she is not liking being pregnant AT.ALL.

There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one." ~Jill Churchill

Being a mother means that your heart
is no longer yours;
it wanders wherever your children do. ~ unknown

A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart til the day you die. Mary Mason

Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever. Nikki Dalton

Anonymous said...

Kristin - I like this one:

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."-
Elizabeth Stone

kristin said...

I saw that too corinne but it wasn't actually a decision...ya know?

Anonymous said...

Kristin - Then, I vote for : "Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours;
it wanders wherever your children do. ~ unknown"

Lisa said...

Kristin, I like this one best:
Being a mother means that your heart
is no longer yours;
it wanders wherever your children do. ~ unknown

LM sounds like he's full of himself today. I love how you talk abut him, how much you love him. :-)

Margaret, is C alert at all anymore? She's a tough one, isn't she?

Shannon, how was your birthday dinner?

kristin said...

alright ladies - I have a child who won't listen - need to stop by the store and head to the shower.

see ya later!

Anonymous said...

Afternoon! We did alot of yard work today. I'm going to be paying for it later. We live on a 1/4 acre lot. I need to get rid of orange tiger lillies. They are planted along the entire perimeter of my backyard. We are also redoing around our pool. It looked like poop last year so we are trying to get that cleaned up.

T@iy@ said...

Afternoon Daisies. I am so exhausted! I am definitely in the 7th month. I have energy like mad, nesting like mad, then all of a sudden -BAM- I am about to pass out where I am standing. I was walking around the grocery store and just about fell asleep. :) Bet that would have been cute. Standing at my cart, drooling and looking, but not seeing, the crackers on the shelf for an hour.

T@iy@ said...

Good luck getting rid of the tiger lilies, Sandy. Those things are like a plague. Those and yucca plants. Grr.

We have a one acre lot and my hubs is out working today... alone. Muah ha ha! The things being pregnant get you... like free passes on the brush clean up.

Margo said...

Oh lordy - remember the nasty neighbor I told you about. I got a certified letter today saying "I'm planning to take you to court over the tree that fell in my yard" - ugh. The tree fell, one of her renters started cutting it up and told us she was filing an insurance claim... We assumed, she was going to clean up her side, we would clean up ours. I can't stand dealing with rif-raf!

Margo said...

AP - she's not alert anymore. I can't imagine it will be much longer but then I've been saying that for 2 weeks :)

Nilia said...

I hope your friend finds peace soon, Margaret.

When the tree fell over in your neighbour's yard,did it damage anything?

Margo said...

It smooshed the fence a bit but it's our fence and can be easily fixed. I really think she's just trying to make a little $ off of it and I'm not about to be party to insurance fraud.

Nilia said...

Sorry to take so long, cleaned my fridge.

So what damages is she claiming? I think you're right, it's probably a frivolous lawsuit. What morons.

Margo said...

She didn't say what she's claiming, just that she's planning on taking us to court. She's a nasty person, one of her boarders told me that when one of the other ones died she kept collecting the ss checks for a few months. Her yard is an eye sore - old junk, a toilet, junk car... ugh

kristin said...

Margaret - Sorry about the neighbor - can you retaliate and say "I'm taking you to court for the number of renters you have on property."?

Just got back from the shower - LM was pretty good - MiMi wasn't disappointed :) and he talked about his "brudder at a farm" a lot.

going to catch up!

Taiya - take a nap while the hubby does yardwork.

Sandy - sorry, can't help ya.

Margo said...

There are only 3 renters living there right now -you can have 5 not related by blood or marriage in our county. She's horrid - has shouted at me in front of my daughter. I have a good reputation in our community - she's a supreme loser.

kristin said...

can you take her to court for her yard being an eyesore? Nuisance to society - I can't think of what I want to say, I again have a headache. I don't think I've had enough caffeine.

Nilia said...

Margaret: ugh, I grew up around neighbours with neighbours like that.

Kristin: you seem to get headaches a lot. I did too and it turned out my blood pressure was out of control. I take medication for it now, made a big difference.

Nilia said...

Margaret: sorry, I meant that I grew up with neighbours like that.

Nilia said...

I'm making PWs Shrimp Pasta in a Foil Package.

Smells good...

Margo said...

I'd like judge judy to have a shot at my neighbor - bad behavior!

I came up with a word for the haters on twitter, a twitter/twatwaffle is a twiffer :)

Jeanette said...

Hi girls.

AP, I needed some cheering up so I'm stalking your blog. You make me laugh and I heart you for it.

P.S. I liked okra until about 5 minutes ago.

kristin said...

hey jeanette!


Nilia said...

Anybody see Mona Lisa Smile? Just finished watching it, what a great movie.

Margo said...

I loved that movie - the wife of a guy at the company where I used to work spent time with Julia Roberts coaching her on what it was like at Wellesly (sp?) during that era.

Nilia said...

Julia Roberts seems like she'd be nice IRL. I wonder if she is?

Margo said...

sorry, that was my point - apparently she is, laughs a lot, happy, down to earth :)

Nilia said...

She has such a pretty smile and a nice laugh, and they seem very natural.

Countdown videos are on (background noise while I do some work). Lady Gaga's video is very peculiar. I do like her music though.

Nilia said...

Quiet night, where is everyone?

Not that I don't like chatting with you, Margaret!! :0)

Anonymous said...

Hi FT and Margaret.

kristin said...

Hey FT, Margaret and Sandy - I'm here - just laying down - watching this weeks Y&R and reading - trying to make this headache go away. LM is asleep in my bed - not sure if it's going to be an all night thing or not.

I wanted to nap but I wasn't able to fall asleep.

So I might be back on later or I may just fall asleep on the couch.

Nilia said...

Hi Sandy!

Nilia said...

Missed you sneaking in, Hi Kristin!

Jeanette said...

Kristin, you watch Y&R??? Omg, I haven't got to see any episodes from this week but I read the day ahead summary from my phone late at night at the hospital and I am sooooo glad the baby thing is finally out! I could smack Chloe for turning down Chance's proposal and I hope with everything in me that Nick and Sharon get back together for good this time! Now if only this shit with Jana and Lauren would end... and I'm also sick of the Patty/Emily carp.

Anonymous said...

Husband has a 100.3 fever. He is convinced he is dying. Have mercy!

Anonymous said...

I told him to take 2 ibuprofen and in a couple of hours he could take a Tylenol. He asked if I could line the bottles IN ORDER on the counter. WTH? Just take the crap.

kristin said...

Yeah - I thought we had this discussion before - when I had my car accident in 93 - my g'ma would come over and "babysit" and watch her soaps - this is one that I *kinda enjoyed.

Then I kinda stopped watching it - then I had LM and g'ma would come to help out - and would watch her soaps while at my place and I started watching again. I have Direct TV so i have soapnet - and it comes on at 6:00 and then Saturday the whole week is on so if I miss 6:00 - which I usually do b/c of dinner - I try to catch up on Saturday.

Yes, I am glad that the whole baby thing is out - I like Sharon a lot more.

I haven't seen Chloe turn down the proposal - I saw where he asked - but something must of come up - she is stupid. I'm on thursday night :)

I think I am going to eat some edamame.

Hi FT!

kristin said...

Oh Sandy - did you tell him to call the waaaaaaa-mbulance?


I have a major headache - but luckily a sleeping 3 year old - so I'm good :)

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kristin said...

Jeanette - Oh - and what's her face is freakin' crazy! I hope they figure her out quick b/c it is kinda disturbing.

Nilia said...

Kristin, ha, ha, waaaa-mbulance, I use that at school all the time!

I haven't watched Y & R in the longest time! Nicholas and Sharon were cute together, I was sorry to see them split. Everything else referenced (well I know who Lauren is) is a mystery to me.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Hiya...lazy, quiet day here. Did a lot of deep Spring cleaning, which I really do enjoy.

Jeanette, I'm glad you found something to laugh over on my blog but it saddens me that it might have been my okra. ;-) You okay, can we help?

Margaret, look at the bright side - that court hearing ought to be fascinating!

Anonymous said...

"Hack, we have a thermometer?" Oh this is going to be a long, long night. LOL

Strawberries, I love them Strawberry shortcake even better.

kristin said...

AP - glad you got some deep cleaning done - I really need to do that - really. Want to come visit?

I am excited though - I finally got recycling at my house - so the bags and bags of plastic in my garage can now be gone.

I used to recycle at HEB but they took away their recycle bins - I do paper/cardboard at the local schools but haven't taken the time to take aluminum or plastic to a recycling place about 20 minutes from here.

kristin said...

Yeah - tell him to try to be sick while dealing with the kiddos - men!

I don't know where I read this -maybe it was the sarcasm society - if men and women alternated in childbirth - there would be no family with more than 3 kids.

Life full of bRATS said...

Hey guys

kristin said...

hey LFoB!

T@iy@ said...

Kristin- you keep trying to farm out that housework. :) You'd think you had a 3 year old boy to chase around or something. ha

And more than 3 kids? They'd never make it past the first. Puh-lease.

T@iy@ said...

Hey LFoB!

kristin said...

Exactly Taiya - sorry - don't think I worded that right - mom would give birth - dad would give birth - then mom - and it would stop.

Yeah, I do Taiya - b/c it needs to be done and after working all day - the last thing I want to do is be on my hands and knees scrubbing behind the toilet.

I have come home at lunch to clean. I need to start doing that more.

My head still hurts - at the temples. I really need a massage.

T@iy@ said...

I'm totally getting sick from all of that sugar and cool whip so late at night, but sooooo worth it.

T@iy@ said...

I was *completely kidding, Kristin. I understand! I can't keep up on our house with a 2 year old and no job. Although I have been nesting so I have been doing pretty good lately. :)

kristin said...

I know Taiya - maybe I should ask my sister to come over :)

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Um, I hate to change the subject but I was just checking mail and did anyone else get an email from Wendy, soliciting donations for a cancer thing? Is it just me, or did anyone else find that to be tacky and ballsy as hell, considering how so many here were treated? Don't treat people like crap then hit them up for donations to benefit your kid. Jeeez.

KaytieJ said...

Ballsey as hell AP - from what many of you have said about being treated there.

KaytieJ said...

Late night reading :-D

Anonymous said...

I got one today too.

Nilia said...

AP: I did too. My first reaction was anger. I considered at first that she forgot to remove my name from her address list but after thinking about it I don't believe that for a second. She doesn't do anything accidentally.

I know she's reading here. I sincerely hope her son raises a tonne of money for cancer research, cancer has touched my family and friends too. By the way, I raise money for various agencies through the kids in my school (all fundraising campaigns), and in fact I did the Canadian Cancer Society daffodil campaign fundraiser just this past week at my school. But I will not sponsor Wendy's son directly. I think that's pretty confident for her to even consider that I would.

Anonymous said...

What gets me is I had nothing to do with her. No invite, no nothing...she has my email from some list that was being made at OHIH. I may have conversed with her once or twice there and that's all. Talk ballsy.

kristin said...

I was wondering that too Sandy - things that make you go hmmmmm??? b/c I don't remember you being active at SIP.

I did not get an e-mail - I'm still on the loser list - or the not good enough for her list. Such is life.

I too hope that N raises a lot of money for cancer research. I have feelings on the reasons why but I will use the duct tape at this time.

Lisa said...

Well, good, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who was pretty astounded by the nerve of this email. And for Sandy to get it must mean she's basically harvested the emails of everyone she's ever encountered. Lovely.

Lisa said...

Kristin, no duct tape allowed...I'm curious. I mean, I hope he does too, for his sake. So he can feel good about doing it and pleasing her, you know? Is that what you mean?

Anonymous said...

Kristin, I never got an invite.

Nilia said...

Kristin: I find that strange...

kristin said...

No - I figure it is her trying to do this for O - which is why she is *trying every all her contacts.

kristin said...

Okay - i wrote something and then changed what I said - and now it makes no sense!

*trying all her contacts.

kristin said...

Just applied for a math position :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you Kristin.

AP, I got the email and my first thought was the same as you...she's ballsy. Good luck to N.,but geesh!

Nilia said...

Kristin: I agree. What happened to Wendy and her daughter, I wouldn't wish on anybody. But that doesn't give her a green pass to behave the way she did with some people. (I know you weren't suggesting it was, I want to explain that while I do have sympathy, I can't ignore how she made me feel).

Oooh, and a math position, really? I hope you get it!

Anonymous said...

All right ladies, I'm out. I'm sore and tired from the yard work today. G'night.

Lisa said...

Kaytie, I'm not ignoring you and your link! We have a little gossip to take care of first. :-D I'll email you in a sec with some background so you understand it all, but it's coming from the AP email.

Kristin, that would be very cool! I didn't know you were a math person.

kristin said...

I truly don't wish what she struggled with on anyone either and I am sorry for what she struggles with each and every day.

I wish N luck.

but yes, she did some things that still make me shake my head. That and the fact I still have not gotten an explanation on why I was banned but whatever.

What makes me shake my head really, is ...well a lot of things - but one - how close she was to Tee - the fact that she got Tee a bed - that Tee's mom had her phone number in the case anything happened to her,etc - and then to turn her back as quickly as she did when Tee spoke her mind.

and that I *thought I was a friend to her, I went out of my way to do *nice things for her - sent her flowers, did a nice(IMO) scrapbook for her for Christmas, tried to give her suggestions for N and even talked to her on the phone. and then bam - I'm gone - no questions asked.

and I really didn't want validation or anything on the whole scrapbook thing but a little more than a 5 word e-mail - and then some random question about FB...ya know? still baffles me.

kristin said...

Night Sandy!

Take ibuprofen or something before you go to bed!

kristin said...

I'm not big on math but I can do it and if I can get my foot in the door, maybe I can transfer to what I really want later.

My certification is generalist 4-8, which means I can teach anything within those grade levels.

I also sent follow up e-mails on 2 science positions I applied for.

Nilia said...

Kristin: in Ontario, full-day kindergarten is going to be phased in over the next few years, to 2015 I think. The gov't says it'll mean 1300 new kindergarten teachers across the province. Right now there's a hiring freeze. There have been layoffs in some boards. Education is such a fickle field, but I really hope you get your foot in, despite my complaining here is it a career I'm glad I got into.

Lisa said...

Kristin, I know that was wrong about the gift you sent her. You put a lot of time and effort into that and it deserved far more praise than it got.

I hadn't realized that about her certification - that's great and hopefully one of them will pan out!

Oh, I talked to Tee this afternoon, y'all. She's okay-ish. Still struggling with kidney stones and is worn out from this particular battle but hanging in there.

kristin said...

I've worked in the education department at Moody Gardens in Galveston and loved the school age children - doing the ocean thing - I loved. I also did education booths for TMMSN ( and loved that too.

I love kids and learning - so I think it would be a good fit. There are other things I know I would be good at - and I may pursue those also, just dunno.

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