Sunday, April 11, 2010

Caring For Chris

Okay, so we don't typically get late-afternoon posts, I know, but if you don't read MckMama Without Pity, there's a situation going on there that needs our help.  Long story short, a woman named Elisabeth was desperately trying to get some help for her brother, Chris.  This is his site:  Caring For Chris  She was desperate enough she even turned to Jennifer McKinney, hoping to get some attention drawn to his site like she and Shaun Groves did for Unexpected Bliss.  I mean, after all, the UB woman only wanted to get "caught up" and Chris has very definite and real medical needs in order to simply become fully-functioning again.  She was, in a word, ignored.  And hurt.  So, the cause has been taken up on MWOP and I'm thinking we need to see what we can do here, too.  I know people are wary of donating after Krista, but Elisabeth has been totally forthcoming with much personal info and I believe this is on the level.  If not, live and learn but we have to take chances on people, right?   Again, here's his site and on it you'll find how to donate via PayPal or, if you prefer and are wart, there's information on how to donate directly to different places to help him pay his bills there, such as the rehab center he uses.  Caring For Chris   So, can you help?  Even $5?  Even in a few days, if not now?

Also, he's cute, he's single and he's in Texas.
Once he's better, I think we should fix him up with a certain Texas Daisy around here...that'll take caring for him to a whooooole new level,  now won't it?    :-D


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Muliebrity said...

Christian Bale is totally mine! On the other hand, you know he is a method actor, so I bet he would be interested in "researching" a gay role with Chris, but that would be the ONLY reason why he would not choose me.

Anonymous said...

AP, your son sounds like a splendidly interesting kid.

Chris says pierced ears + moxie enough to wear heels = me-owwwww

Lisa said...

"He meant to choose "the amazing race" instead!"

Hey, we watched this in real time. While eating And many of us are from OHIH, not part of the UB thing. I'm not sure which you are referring to. Either way, I suspect Chris has just gained a real fan club. :-)

KaytieJ said...

Shit AP - here I have been knowing you what? 12 years and you forbid me to call you Lisa here! Chris, Cheerios and 60 Minutes or not, I am stamping my 6.5 foot! Hmmmmmph!

Anonymous said...

KayteJ, it's just a little web site, not a blog (yet) but I think I am going to make it into one. I think he would love to go back and read all the encouraging comments, especially on his "down" days.

He wants to know if you have seen people continue "posturing" even months after a stroke. He has random attacks of it throughout the day and he just hates it. It seriously looks like he is being electrocuted=(
He is on baclafen 80mg per day for it but it only seems to help about 18 out of 24 hours. He really struggles with it, physically it hurts him and emotionally it makes him self conscious.

Muliebrity said...

checking to see if I can post

Anonymous said...

KaytieJ, did my post disappear? Chris asked me to ask YOU if you know much about posturing? He struggles with it a lot (physically, pain....mentally, self conscious about it) and he the 80 mg of baclafen he is taken (20mg 4 times a day) still leaves him with several bad episodes per day=(

Lisa said...

"Is it wrong that I like this guy more because he's gay? That was a rhetorical question."

I still have to vote no, eve though that was rhetorical. It makes him more one of ours, part of a bunch of misfits, doesn't it? Elisabeth, you're in by default!

KaytieJ said...

Blogger ate my post :-(

Muliebrity said...

This POS blogger is jacking me around and not updating comments. I know they are there because I can see them adding up on the counter, but I can't see them. Annoying.

Muliebrity said...

Last thing I can see if from KaytieJ at 12:47. Pissing. Me. Off.

Muliebrity said...

Well, since I can't read a GD thing, I am going to bed. Keep up the good work Chris and Elisabeth! You are in my prayers fo shizzle!

TxMissie said...

coming out from under a rock somewhere to wave again.It is finally in the 50's here and I abandoned my house.Alas I am back inside today to prep for my babys 2 year bday aprty

TxMissie said...

Elisabeth these ladies are great and I am Missie another Texan but I am transplanted across the ocean in denmark

kristin said...

I kinda had a feeling he was gay but didn't mention it! Shit! :)

Morning ladies!

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

AP- "I have trouble saying r's when they are placed closely together in a word."

Have you ever tried pronouncing my last name? That'd give you a run for your money ;-)

Mulie - I love both names but I have a soft spot for Aurora :) A really good friend of mine is named Aurore and it fits her perfectly.

I'm still catching up...

Anonymous said...

Morning daisies. You all covered a lot of ground last night!

kristin said...

Morning Corinne!

Morning Margaret!

Anonymous said...

Morning Margaret, Kristin and Corrine!

kristin said...

Morning Sandy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin & Margaret!

Elisabeth - your brother sounds like a swell guy and I hope things will get better for him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy!

Anonymous said...

Missie - enter my giveaway, I ship international for cyber friends :)

T@iy@ said...

Morning all!

kristin said...

Oh, I meant to say hello to Missie too!


Anonymous said...

Morning Missie!

I have come to the realization that we sound like the Walton's in the morning! LOL

Anonymous said...

So, I just realized that we are April, 12th which means that today, it's been four years since a friend of mine was killed. I remember going back to school after his death, how everything seemed different.

His murderer was supposed to serve 20 years in jail in Poland - he is a Polish Gypsy- but he is still in a five-star prison in Belgium. Pisses me off.

I guess I'm not as angry as I used to be but Joe's parents and his brother deserve better.

Sorry for this 'woe is me' moment. It's just hard to remember that. :(

kristin said...

Oh Corinne - I am sorry {{{HUGS}}}

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Corrine.

T@iy@ said...

I'm sorry, Corinne. Hugs!

TxMissie said...

so sorry Corrine :(

Lisa said...

Morning, all!

Corinne, what a sad anniversary for you. I'm sorry. And my eyes cross just looking at your last name.

Hi, Missie, it's good to see you again and happy early birthday to your little one!

Kaytie, I've never forbidden you calling me anything. You lie!

I need to go shower and make a run up town to get some fun thing like clamps and screening to complete my utility room cleaning job. Be still my heart.

SW, are you here yet?

TxMissie said...

Margaret I ddi the other day :P

kristin said...

Oh AP - My sister is mean - she knows my grandma (Japanese) cannot say "L" - and the name she picked out starts with an L. LM can't say L's either. :)

Enjoy your running around.

Anonymous said...

Kristin & Sandy - Thanks

Since I certainly don't want to bring everyone down:

What do you think of Heidi Montag's new bikini body (I can't stand her, btw)?,,20359973,00.html

Is it just me or she looks awful with her huge fake boobs and super tiny waist?

Anonymous said...

Dkmissie, AP & Taiya - Thanks

kristin said...

That is awful - and no, I can't stand her or her hubby either. They have that sense of entitlement attitude.

Anonymous said...

Ewww. She's going to start looking like the "cat woman" soon.

Anonymous said...

Kristin - They are both douche canoes ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL, Sandy! :-D

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Corinne - hugs.

I don't have anything bad to say about Heidi - she's a ditz, her husband on the other hand is EVIL!

Sandy - have you seen the Geico commercial where the Waltons are saying goodnight and then some drunk comes on and says "goodnight everybody". So funny!

Lisa said...

Kristin, as long as your grandma can put an "r" in there, she'll be good. :-D

Corinne, I think she looks terrible. Not ugly but very, very fake. She was a pretty girl before so it's very sad she felt the need to do this.

kristin said...

Since we are talking about waists - this is my random fact of the day:

"European males subconsciously seek out women whose waist circumference is about 70%t of their hips. Beauty icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Venus de Milo, and even Twiggy had a waist ratio of exactly 70%."

Anonymous said...

I guess I won't be meeting any European men anytime soon. ::avoiding eye contact::

Anonymous said...

Oh my - Heidi's boobs are too big for her body! I hope she stops with the face work. She's a pretty young girl...

It's a good thing I don't live in europe - men would be looking at me and subonsciously puking.

T@iy@ said...

I don't know who she is, but she looks like she is about to topple over from being so top heavy.

Anonymous said...

Margaret- I just saw that commercial with the Walton's. That's what made me think of it.

Morning Taiya!

Anonymous said...

Margaret - Thanks

Re: Heidi

I read somewhere that she thought her breasts were still too small for her liking - even post surgery.
Is she serious?

Kristin - I love your random facts of the day ;-)

AP- Plastic surgery is one of these things I just don't understand.
I remember when I was a pre-med, my anatomy prof would explain how breast enlargements, rhinoplastia, etc. would work. Honestly, I really don't know why ANYONE would want to go through that. It is pure torture.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing, if she thinks those are too small she needs help. I think it must be very hard to be known for your looks - luckily, I've always been able to depend on my brain - ba ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I would like breast reduction surgery - I've had D cups since the day I was born.

T@iy@ said...

Me, too, Margaret, but I don't even know what letters are attributed to mine, anymore. It's above a D. When I am done having kids I will probably have to have one because of back problems. I will never do an *elective surgery. Blah.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 32D and I've been through my share of back ache. I really don't understand why someone as thin as Heidi would want such a huge bosom. She must be in serious physical pain.

T@iy@ said...

I guess I'm odd. I don't 'get' the Post Secret thing.

Anonymous said...

I think Post Secret is 'fun' (for lack of a better word) but many of the 'secrets' are made up. I, personally, would never partake in that. But I enjoy reading.

T@iy@ said...

I am sure that a lot of them are made up... but the ones that aren't... I don't get that. I guess I don't understand sending in anon. confessions. I am not even sure why it seems odd to me, it just does.

Anonymous said...

Taiya- I don't really understand why someone would want to share a secret with a complete stranger either but I guess it can be cathartic for some people.

Anonymous said...

What do they do if they get a post secret about criminal activity? I've been eating my daughter's easter candy - that's about all I need to confess.

T@iy@ said...

I guess that must be it. Maybe if I had some deep confession to make it would change my view on it.

T@iy@ said...

Ha @ Easter candy.

Matt asked me if I sent anything into SIFs post secret thing on her community. I didn't and won't, but then we were sitting there talking about what if I *had to. What would I confess? I came to the conclusion that I am just pretty lame. haha

Lindsay said...

Good Morning John Boy!

Hey ladies (and perhaps gents should Chris be reading here, ha!)

Corinne - I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Morning Lindsay!

T@iy@ said...

Morning Lindsay!

Anonymous said...

Margaret - LOL @ Easter candy :D

Hi Lindsay and, thanks.

kristin said...

Okay - Taiya said hi Lindsay! and I don't see Lindsay in my e-mail...stupid blogger!

hi lindsay! How are you doing?

T@iy@ said...

I am having a serious and deep-seated craving for cinnamon rolls. I am feeling far too lazy to make them and wait all that time before I get to eat them, though. It's a problem. :D

T@iy@ said...

I am trying to come up with something to do with chicken for dinner tonight... something fairly simple. Any ideas?

KaytieJ said...

Morning All -
Elisabeth - Blogger ate my posts and I could not read the new posts late last night. Finally here for a bit this morning. By posturing at times, I believe you are talking about spasticity of the muscles or an intense tightening up, with cramping pain? Baclofen is one of the drugs used. I am not a rehab nurse. However, Rehab is imperative to keep working and flexing his muscles. From what you have said he has recovered so much better than what you were first given hope for and so I hope that with ongoing Physical Therapy Chris will continue to improve and the spasticity lessens. You are a great sis to be there for him!

T@iy@ said...

Morning Kaytie!

KaytieJ said...

Taiya - I feel the same as you re: Post Secrets. I guess I could look at it, as the modern day confessional. I mean the Priests HAD to know some of those confessors.

T@iy@ said...

True. Confessionals are foreign to me to, probably because I didn't grow up with them. I would want to see who I was confessing to, really.

KaytieJ said...

Morning Taiya, Kristin, Lindsay, Sandy, Margaret, Corinne...

T@iy@ said...

, too. Not "to,"

KaytieJ said...

Fishing Update - We caught two Spring Salmon yesterday :-D They are being Garlic Pepper smoked.
Well Daisys, got to work tonight and so need to get some stuff done. TTYL!

Muliebrity said...

Blogger was being so annoying last night!

T@iy@ said...

Morning Mulie! When isn't blogger annoying?

Muliebrity said...

It's been behaving for me, but not last night. I guess it was past blogger's bed time and it was letting me know.

Muliebrity said...

Corinne, I like Aurora more myself, but hubby really likes Oriana and after reading name meanings I really like it as well. It is Celtic and was the nickname of a Queen, so it doesn't sound so super-Italian to me anymore, which was my problem to begin with.

T@iy@ said...

Alright. I am going to go try to find a cinnamon roll recipe and some energy in my kitchen. Hope everyone has a great day!

Mulie- love the name options!

Muliebrity said...

Taiya, Pillsbury!

T@iy@ said...

I am not taking my monster child out of the house today. She had *way too long of a weekend and just threw a tantrum the likes of which I have never seen. I already fully considered that option! I might end up sending Matt to the store on his way home from work, though. :P

T@iy@ said...

Found a 90 minute cinnamon roll recipe. We'll see how it goes.

T@iy@ said...

I just have to tell you that my mother is going to save my sanity this afternoon and come play with DD so I can work on Eeq's room and stuff! :)

Angie said...

Hi all! I’m back from spending the weekend with my folks in the southern part of the state. It was a very nice relaxing weekend. Mom spoiled me with some good Southern cooking, and we sat on the back porch a lot “visiting,” which is Southern for chatting.

I’ve had a busy morning back at work and thought I had a horrible lunch meeting I was dreading. But it was cancelled (Yay!) and now I get to spend lunch catching up here. I read Friday and Saturday’s comments via my handheld this weekend, and it was agony not getting to comment. (Can’t comment on my blackberry.) BD’s latest cowgirl ride made me guffaw. Especially coming right after I’d tortured poor Taiya with my love for Bill. I felt kinda sorry for you, Taiya.

Then Bella ate something yummy that started with an “e” that I’d never heard of. Now I need to go back and find it and google it.

Apparently I missed JM getting all famousy and on the news again. Joy.

I’m off to catch up but wanted to say Hi and I missed you. Loved this from AP: “I'm not taking it down, I'm just acknowledging I may be a liar.” That’s our girl! :-D

kristin said...

Hi SW - I missed ya!

and isn't it "visitin"?

Shannon said...

Hey ladies....had quite the weekend let me tell ya.

I made the biggest purchase for myself that I think I ever had and it wasnt even that much. For the first time EVER in my life that I remember I have a NEW bed. Not a new to me bed. A bed that no other person has ever slept on. A bed that came to me straight from the showroom floor wrapped in plastic.

I was going to wait until this summer to do this but the guy that had the BEST prices in town compared to everyone has decided he wants to retire and is going out of business. I got an almost $700 set for just under $300.

It still seems a bit extravagant somehow and I am still fighting that little voice in my head that says take it back it isnt something you need. But dammit the bed before this one is a bed that I got from roommate's sister...she had had it for almost 10 years and I had it for almost 4. The bed before that I got from Catholic Community Services for free 14 years ago and it had been a hotel bed....I had that one for 10 years before replacing it.

So yeah I am keeping this bed and will enjoy the fact that it is pillow topped and I cant feel any springs anywhere in my body. My hips arent aching. My back isnt killing me. It is a queen instead of a full so there is actually room for two adults and a dog LOL

T@iy@ said...

Hi SW! I am lurking as I bake. :)

Yeah, definitely had to fight the gagging at all of the Bill-love comments. Blah. There are just some people who instill my gag-reflex and he is one of them.

T@iy@ said...

Hey Shannon! A new-new bed cannot be discounted. Ever. Enjoy it and try not to worry about it. It's yours now and too late to worry about.

Shannon said...

Chris and Elisabeth I am glad to see you here. I was lurking and reading about you on MWOP this weekend.....yes I lurked even if I didnt post anywhere :) It really upset me that you went to JM to get help and were essentially ignored. It just goes to show you that you cant always just take things/people at face value people can surprise you in good and bad ways.

Anonymous said...

SW is back from LA - woo hoo!

T@iy@ said...

Anyone catch the Tina Fey "Women's News" Weekend Update vid from this past weekend?

Anonymous said...

SW- Yay! You're back! :-)

Shannon - New beds are awesome and it's not at all extravagant since you're also investing in your well-being. So, that's great for you :-)

Shannon said...

Oh I cannot even think of anything that has any kind of connection in any way to young, gay, and apparently self loathing friend Greg informed me that he actually likes Palin. He is so for what the Tea Party has to say about govt size and such that he is blinded by all of the other things that will come with that. Personally you can give me a massive super sized govt so long as you arent using sneaky little means to take away my of my biggest issues with GW was how his administration took so much away from the people of this nation through fear mongering.

Shannon said...

LOL Corinne and Taiya if you knew how hard I pinch my pennies you would probably both laugh very very hard at me. However I will spend money on everyone else like it is pouring in with no end in sight sometimes but for me? NEVER. I am very happy with this bed so far. I also figure with how much time I spend in my bed with homework and all as well I really do need a very good bed for so much time.

Angie said...

Thanks for the welcome! Shannon, congrats on the new bed!

Catching up on comments:

BD, did I read correctly that you are hosting –at your house – back to back baby showers on consecutive days? ‘Cause that’s madness!

Mulie said: “Can I say that I am disgusted that this man would be allowed to go without therapy and medication. What kind of country do we live in?! Unacceptable.” Mulie, we live in AP’s country, where the government doesn’t take care of its citizens. This wouldn’t happen in Corinne’s country. ::ducking::

Mulie, LOVE the names! LOVE Rory as a nickname. Awesome!

AP: “Little Dutch boy”? That’s just wrong. ::shaking head::

AP, what does one do at a Farmville lodge? I am a Farmville ignoramus. I picture you FV folks clicking on plants to water them. I assume it’s a solo endeavor. But do you guys get to hang out together at your lodge? Cause that could be fun. And if any of you ladies are hanging out with AP in her new lodge without me, I’m gonna be pissed. Fair warning.

Mulie said: “Is it wrong that I like this guy more because he's gay? That was a rhetorical question.” Seriously, I was only mildly interested in him as anything other than Kristin’s new husband before. Now I want to adopt him as the gay brother I always wanted.

Corinne, I’m sorry for your sad anniversary re your friend’s death. Tragedies like that haunt you for life. A good friend of mine from college was killed in a small plane crash almost 10 years ago, leaving behind a young wife (also a friend from college) and three small kids. It was a stupid tragedy in which the pilot of the plane was flying in a thunderstorm that he had no business being in. I think about my friend a lot, and wish he was here.

Corinne, re Heidi Montag, I know she’s a reality show joke, and I hate what she did to herself a lot. But I also feel sorry for her. I watched The Hills from the beginning (haven’t in the last couple of years) and she seemed like a genuinely sweet and caring person. And she was way prettier before she started “fixing” her body. Fame and her awful husband have turned her into a huge mess.

Anonymous said...

Shannon - congrats on your new bed

I'm obsessed with my neighbor's threat so I called the clerk of the court today. They didn't find anything under her name or our names. Hopefully she's hop on her broom and fly off to bother someone else.

T@iy@ said...

Does anyone know who Justin Bieber is?

Shannon said...

SW I am glad you are back and that you had such a good visit.

With Heidi and the Pratt....let us just remember that his last name is a bad word in some countries. She used to be a really pretty she is nothing. She is nothing because there is so little of the original package left.

kristin said...

I've heard of him and he was on SNL this weekend.

shannon - I'm jealous - I have never had a new bed :( Enjoy!

Angie said...

Taiya, apparently he's a very famous kid who sings and the tweenagers love him and tweet about him a lot. That's the extent of my knowledge.

Still catching up on old comments:

I loved Last of the Mohicans too! The music was awesome. That’s one of the movies I always stop and watch til the end whenever I see it on TV.

CK, LOL on your Root Vegetables . . . er . . . trademark infringement. Bella, CK, need a lawyer? I’ll represent the highest bidder!

T@iy@ said...

Oh. He seems to plastered everywhere and I had never heard of him.

Cinnamon rolls turned out awesome, btw. I'm eating one right now!

Anonymous said...

SW- Thank you. I'm sorry about your friend, too. Leaving a wife and young children behind makes it even worse, I guess. (((hugs)))

It does haunt me. Not as much as it did before but still. He was the sweetest guy and I'm not saying that because he was killed, he really was an amazing person - and very funny. He was stabbed 5 times by a boy who wanted to steal his mp3 player. I just cannot believe anyone would kill for that.

Here is an article in English I found about it :

Anonymous said...

Taiya- My sister watches MTV and he is on ALL.THE.TIME. He is a teenage Canadian R&B singer.

I hate his music ;-)

Angie said...

Wow, Corinne, that is an especially horrific tragedy. Stabbing someone for an mp3 player. Wow.

T@iy@ said...

Wow, Corinne. That is very sick and sad.

Thanks for the Justin Bieber info. I will not be looking up his music, I just wasn't sure if he was from Idol or something that i don't keep track of.

Lisa said...

SW,you're back - I've missed you! How are my future in-laws? And the lodge is just for can't do a damn thing with it. I know, I know.

Anonymous said...

Taiya- Because I like to share things I hate (LOL), here is a music vid for one Justin Bieber's songs

kristin said...

Lisa said...

Lol, Kristin is reading 2 blogs at once again, I see. Thanks, Kristin!

Angie said...

Whew, AP. I was mad with jealousy think you were all at the lodge without me.

Your future in-laws are great! They enjoyed having their favorite child home and spoiled me rotten. If we're getting married at their house -- which is my preference -- April is definitely the month to do it. The dogwood trees and azaleas are just spectacular.

Lisa said...

Ooooh, I have some old dogwood jewelry I can wear, too. This April or next? Better be next, I need to diet.

Angie said...

Okay, Corrine, I could only stomach 40 seconds of the Justin Bieber video, and the girl he was apparently wooing looks like she could be his momma. He's just too young for love songs, IMHO.

Angie said...

It'll have to be next, AP. The dogwoods are past their peak already. Plus it gives the daisies time to get cheap plane tix.

kristin said...

I really wish my3adorablekids would stop commenting on the fox news thing - she CAN'T spell and she looks stupid commenting on everything!

kristin said...

and yes AP, I had it up b/c I made a comment on it :)

Multi-tasking is what I do best - but I get confused easily.

Hope RiM is doing okay!

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Ladies. I was just informed by the lovely school that I will not have one IEP but TWO meetings. Please pray I don't hurt anyone, that things go smoothly and that I can hold the tears in until I get home! I hate this shit.

kristin said...

{{{HUGS}}} Sandy!

Maybe tears will help?

Deep breaths! I am so sorry.

Robin in Montana said...

Hey all! Haven't been able to, and probably wno't be able to for a couple days, read along lately, but wanted to say hi and I'm thinking of you all. CAn someone give me a Cliff's notes?

PJ said...

Kristin - quick comment before I leave work - I agree with you about on Kathryn at myFoxnews- she's making us all look bad with her manic, misspelled spew.

kristin said...

hmmmm....AP and SW will be getting married at SW's parents house next April.

AP wanted to set me up with Chris (the stroke guy) who lives in Texas - but he is gay :(

Taiya has pregnancy brain and wants cinammon rolls - well maybe not anymore - she made some.

I know there was more....but ....I just can't remember.

kristin said...

lol CK - i had to say something on MWoP - she is driving me insane!

each.and.every.time ugggghhhhhh

How are you CK?

PJ said...

Good - off to my second job. I'll be on there (but don't tell my boss).

PJ said...

How are your Kristin?

Anonymous said...

RiM cliff - Lady GaGa either has a penis or a pad in her pants; there's a new dude Chris we like (not just because he's gay); Shannon got a new bed; Mulie's baby has a name; KaytieJ was fishing; AP is organizing; SW spent the weekend with her folks; and last but not least Kristin just told Kathryn her comments on Fox news sound like yesterday's ghetto sermon.

kristin said...

oh, and we talked Justin Bieber and Heidi and Spencer.

Hmmm....what else...

AP is running errands.

you need to hug Corinne - sad anniversary for her.

hmmm....oh, and I'm irritated by misspellings..again...I think Taiya and I will get along just fine.

kristin said...

lmao Margaret!

She is driving me insane...really.

I get updates via e-mail and each one is from her...and each one has something...deperate I think was the last one.

and then she spews off that if anyone wants to ask her to put a button on her blog, she will kindly do it for FREE!


I'm okay CK, same shit, different day :)

PJ said...

your = you

::hides from Kristin for the spelling mistake::

I send Minnesota old lady hugs to Corrine on this difficult anniversary.

kristin said...

I am sure I have had some mistakes, as I have been typing fast and "publishing" then minimizing :)

Anonymous said...

::Waving Hi to CK:: How's The Dog? I'll keep a chair warm for you, a martini waiting and Cheetos for the dog.

Every time I go to the Fox site, it crashes my computer. Ugh.

PJ said...

We'll be right over. Sweet.

I'm so sorry you have to endure TWO IEP meetings. Double yuck.

Robin in Montana said...

Hugs to Corinne - I did read far enough back to see that. I am so sorry.

I did know about Chris, and I hope they get all the help they need, and I am sorry JM was such a douche canoe to them. Not surprised, but sorry.

Congrats on the new bed, Shannon!

What is Mulie's baby's name?

And is Taiya's baby's name still Aubre Leigh?

I would like to be the wedding coordinator for the SWAP wedding, if no one else has spoken for it.

Kaytie - I am jealous. It's the season for Kokanees on the reservior here (land-locked salmon) and I would love to have some. Alas, no time, and no capacity to either smoke or can them right now, anyway.

I have been reading a little bit of the brouhaha over at Fox News, but not all of it. I did see JM was called out, and good.

I don't give a rat's ass about Heidi, Spencer, Lady GaGa, or Justin, lol.

I got nothing here.

Robin in Montana said...

Oh! Just read about your IEP meetings, Sandy. I am sorry, and I can only imagine how frustrating and heart-wrenching and infuriating this whole situation is for you. I wish you luck and grace.

PJ said...

On the road again - BBL.....

kristin said...

on the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again...thanks CK - now i have willie on the brain....not like that!

Robin in Montana said...

I'm sure I have spelling errors, too. I've been typing since early, early this morning, and I typed half the day yesterday. I am seized up. And my keyboard is still suffering from the Katie and the Popsicle v. the Keyboard Incident of April, 2010.

kristin said...

oh no RiM! :(

How was your weekend?

Anonymous said...

RiM and CK...I think it will be better spread out over the two days. We have to go over thte academics, social/emotional, speech therapy, OT and a behavior plan. It's alot of stuff for just an hour and a half.

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin - it was good. Kelly bought all 4 girls, plus one friend who came over, kites, so we spent a bunch of time doing that on Saturday. Of course, five girls, a bunch of kite string was ... uh, slightly exhausting. lol. Then they got the bright idea that they wanted one person to drive and one person to sit and hold the kite on the 4-wheeler, so they did that. No heads were split open.

Then Saturday night Kelly and I went to a birthday dinner for a guy he works with. It seems like we don't make a lot of 'public appearances' thanks to his ex, so it was nice to get out and hang out with some friends, have some drinks and some laughs.

Totally cracking me up -- the birthday card from us had this cartoon picture of old people dressed up like the Village People, all saggy and hairy and what-not, and they were singing, "A-A-R-P, I wanna be in the A-A-R-P". lol

kristin said...

Oh MY - i need to find that card - that is awesome!

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - two days is probably a good thing. If nothing else, gives you a break and time to prepare mentally for the next one before it starts.

Anonymous said...

It is b/c there's a lot to cover.

Anyone have a recipe for spanish rice. I'm using canned diced tomatoes and need some sort of water to rice ratio when using the canned tomatoes.

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - here's a recipe that calls for canned tomato sauce, but it gives you the option (at the end of the recipe) for swapping out canned tomatoes for sauce.

Robin in Montana said...

Oh. Here. Let me just link that. lol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks RiM. We are having a taco bar tonight for dinner. I love spanish rice but rarely make it from scratch.

Robin in Montana said...

I show up, and you all quit talking ... Hmmph.

KaytieJ said...

Welcome back SW and RiM! Missed ya!

Kite flying, especially on ATVs, is AWESOME! Alsmost as good as runnin' the river :-D Koakane fishing is fun, too. We do that around Memorial Day camping if I am off.

SW - So glad you had a good time with your folks - that is what it is all about, taking the time and visiting...and being spoiled rotten :-D

Sandy - Two IEPs? Actually, thinking on it more, it is good they are taking so much time with it. Hopefully it shows they are taking it seriously. ((()))

AP - When you are done organizing there, head on out here. I put together an organizing closet thing in the mudporch and the darn doors won't hang right!

KaytieJ said...

Taiya - post the 90 second cinnamon roll recipe on the daisy recipe board! Glad you got your fix!

Lisa said...

I'm here, trying to get the hoses off my washing machine and failing.

Sandy, good luck and try to not be scared. I agree, though, that some tears won't necessarily be a bad thing.

Lisa said...

Kaytie, sorry. I couldn't get closet doors to hang straight so I put up curtains. Want a curtain for your organizer?

Shannon said...

I suck today because I havent done a bit of homework. I did do laundry and dishes and got dinner started but dammit I cant be a slacker!!!

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie - I love floating the river. That's maybe the ONE thing I miss about living in Oregon, was that we had a raft and floated the river a lot, many nights after work and almost always on the weekends. I've done the "wild and scenic" three day trip down the Rogue (that movie with Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon was filmed partially there) as well as the Umpqua by Roseburg.

kristin said...

Kites on a 4 wheeler sounds fun! I want to do it!

LM saw some kites the other day and he wants to do it now! Guess I will have to go get him one!

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - I got lost in the Daisies! I am so HAPPY for you getting a mattress for yourself. Better yet - if you are feeling better physically from it, more power to it! Enjoy!

Shannon said...

Robin floating down part of the Willamette in nothing but a tube is pretty fun too you just have to make sure that you dont go when it is too late or you freeze to death LOL

Robin in Montana said...

The kites were fun, and god knows we get the wind for it up on this flat.

Shannon said...

Thanks Kaytie.....I told my mom and she almost shit but that is because she is the one who taught me how to pinch pennies LOL

KaytieJ said...

I have floated those too - what fun to be able to do it so often! Great memories!

AP - Ooooh...did you do the closet door in your vintage sari material? Great idea!

KaytieJ said...

AP - For your SWAP wedding are you thinking Sari? RiM your wedding coordinator needs to know :-D
My specialty is invite graphics/layouts and videos - may I have that part?

Robin in Montana said...

We can float the Tobacco River here in tubes, but it's a little tricky, since you have to do it in the two days when it's warm enough to go, but still not so low that you risk giving yourself a colonoscopy on the rocks. lol. I guess the North Fork in Glacier has some really good rapids, though.

KaytieJ said...

not so low that you risk giving yourself a colonoscopy on the rocks"

:::chortling::: Well said!

kristin said...

duct tape ...anyone? Anyone?

I love floating the river. We have the guadalupe and the frio here. The last time I went was the summer before LM.

Shannon said...

Kristin let me just say I chuckle :)

Robin one of these days we want to do a float/camping trip down the river but I just dont know when because it does have to be during nice weather :)

kristin said...

thank you shannon!


kristin said...

ap - i sent you mail

kristin said...

and how I wish CK was here to enjoy and chuckle along.

KaytieJ said...

Kristin - Spill it...please :-D

PJ said...

I'm back - and yes, laughing right along with you.

::primal scream over insanely, defensive, reactive momma who can't spell::

PJ said...

AP is on her butt, so I'm watching, hoping she gets it chewed.

kristin said...

just a friendly debate b/c I told someone to kindly use spell check - well not really - i told her to read before posting - and maybe to take a break from continuously posting at fox news.

She took offense - someone forwarded the info from here to her and she took offense!

I mean really, I pretty much told her at MWoP what I said her - just not how annoyed I was - it is one of my pet peeves - kinda like fingernails on a chalkboard. :)

kristin said...

Oh and did anyone read the Libel comment on Fox News - smells like anyone?

PJ said...

Kristin - do you have mail? Perhaps from a mom of three adorable kids?

kristin said...



PJ said...

Not me - thinking perhaps K would take your discussion to e-mail.

Okay, you all MUST go back and see what she changed her comments to...ROFLMAO

Things like:





The best comedy writer couldn't write this stuff.

kristin said...

alright ladies - I'm out! It's been fun!

PJ said...

Kristin - when you get home BE SURE to check out K's "deleted" posts" on myfox.

kristin said...

will do CK!

have softball tonight so not sure when I'll be on!

Robin in Montana said...

I see Ben Roethlisberger is not being charged. I am not surprised, and agree.

Robin in Montana said...

And with that, I am out for the evening! I got what I needed to get done, done, on my job today, and now it's time to do the speed clean thing. Have a good one!

KaytieJ said...

Got it Kristin! Have fun at softball!

Headed into work here soon - did not get nap, ugh!

Lisa said...

Well, shit, she's over there saying I sent her things! Dumbass.

PJ said...

::Hoping Kathryn is Really Done over there - flashbacks of TC::

PJ said...

Kathryn sings "I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Shut Up"

PJ said...

::praying no one else will talk to her - don't want her to launch into verse 2::

kristin said...

OMG - I thought I was being kind and just stating my opinion.

I have been tempted to say more and have had stuff typed - only to hit the x in the corner. I stated MWoP wasn't the place and my e-mail was on my profile.

I went and looked at her profile and didn't see it but I didn't try really hard - which is why I said it on MWoP.

PJ said...

I thought you were kind, Kristen. Or is it Kirstin? Or Kristy?

kristin said...

Yeah, you think she would get it right after she was told 2 times.

Sorry - but getting someone's name right and spelling - MAJOR pet peeves - sorry if I'm rude but this is how I feel.

Anonymous said...

CK said mckwordsmith - oh the humanity!

PJ said...

She's quite reactive, Kristin. She exploded couple of days ago when somebody (me, maybe?) said I was confused about her disparate "info" from Compassion.

PJ said...

Margaret - ha!

It takes one to know one - when I was not so politely shown the door at SIP, Wendy pointed out that I choose my words carefully.

(There's a little JM in all of us, isn't there?)

PJ said...

Better than a little IM in all of us, I guess.

PJ said...


kristin said...


Shannon said...


OMG where exactly did ANYONE here "go to extremes" to hurt anyone? I swear to geebeus that she is off her rocker and yes I hope she reads this and knows I said it too. I am NOT saying it on MWOP because honestly I think enough time there has been sucked up by her.

She is a freaking fish!!! She flops back and forth constantly and I just dont get her being all offended by what some have said in regards to her being all up in Jen's corner on Twitter TWO days ago?

Lisa said...

Well, can someone please translate what she was trying to say about Daisy? Was it nothing more than that someone sent her a link to here? If so, what did that have to do with *anything being discussed?

PJ said...

I have NO idea what she was trying to say.

Lisa said...

Oh, CK.

C. K.

Lisa said...

Ah, well, hopefully she's realized that some people are cut out to be spokesmodels and others should just run the concession stands.

PJ said...

Huh, AP? No "ah ha" for me this time.

Shannon said...

I think that her basic thing she was saying is that someone sent her a link to this site so that she could say the abhorrent things that Kristin was saying for no other reason then to hurt her in her soul.

From the way she originally said it it sounded like she was saying that it came from the email of that one I almost blew snot all over my computer LOL

PJ said...

I was chuckling the other night - about 2 months before Shirley Goodness died, I bought her some new socks. She HATED shopping, just could not make up her mind about stuff, easily overwhelmed, and VERY picky.

So I did my best and brought home a few pairs of socks. She liked some and I was happy my hard work paid off.

When she died, since the socks were pretty much brand new, I took them to use myself and remember that she liked them.

Brand, you may ask? Calvin Klein. So I have three pairs of socks with CK on the ankle.

Lisa said...

Lol, CK that was in reference to to your having Israel in you comment. Tsk, tsk.

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