Friday, February 5, 2010

Let's put our grown-up drawers on now.

Welcome to anyone reading this!

I'm not sure where to start so forgive me if I ramble a bit but I've got quite a lot of information to relay in this post. I promise I'll try to keep it as brief as possible. In the last few days, many of us have experienced a very unhappy set of events on a forum we frequented. As a result, some of us left. Some didn't. Speaking only for myself, I miss the community spirit of posting on some type of forum and have made no secret of the fact I will miss talking to many I've come to know and care about. I've received many sweet messages from people and in those, I came to realize a small handful would like a new place where we can meet and talk together freely as a group and without the encumbrances of email or visiting personal blogs back and forth. As a result, this blog was born. Feel free to stay and participate, lurk, or never come back at's all about what makes you comfortable. We're adults here and can make those decisions for ourselves, I think. The rules? Are few and are listed over to the right.

Please know that outside of the rules to the right, there will be no moderation here. In fact, this will be my first and last post as "moderator." I'll toss out any interesting topics I find or are suggested in comments but will not express my own views in the post itself. I will do so in the comments only, same as you. I will bring nothing personal into any posts...that's what my personal blog is for. Comments, though, are free game to be as personal (or not) in, as we each see fit. We're each on our own and responsible for ourselves. Is it possible that offensive or aggravating things will be said? Of course. I hope so, since they can make people think. And I hope that those who have an opposite opinion will express that freely, with no fear of "official" reprimand from me. I can assure you that it will never happen. We are not private, we are not censored, we are not exclusive. My goal as been to make this place open, free, fun, maddening, amusing, thoughtful and thought-provoking. We'll see if it works, I suppose. It may may fizzle after a week and if so, that's fine. We tried. :-)

Lastly, I want to address a topic I'd rather not, yet know I need to. I know some people may want to call this an anti-W blog and I won't mention any specific names because I want to set the tone from the outset that this is not what it's about. I can't stress enough that it's perfectly fine to participate in both places and (hopefully) appreciate each for what they are and what they offer. It's also fine to not be comfortable here, for *any hard feelings. It won't be for everyone. That all said, because of the freedom offered here, it may happen that someone will choose to bash W or make "anti" comments. I will not censor or delete them because to do so would invalidate the point of this place from the outset and defeat the entire purpose. I will say, however, that I will *not* participate in that, if it happens. For me, the past is the past and this blog is about moving on and having some fun times with intelligent, independent-thinking people I already know and some new ones yet to come, without fear of handslaps and babysitters...nothing more. Also, for the record, W is more than welcome to join in and will be no different than me, you or a dog named Boo around this place. If you now have that song stuck in your head for the rest of the day, you're most welcome. *grins*

What else? Oh, yes...if you get some sort of thrill from squealing "first", knock yourself out but I've never understood it and won't be giving out any speeeeecial little presents for it. Maybe someone else will give you something. Also, I'm sure some tweaking will need to be done around here if people actually like it and visit. Speak up in the comments and we'll see what everyone thinks about your idea. If it's popular, it'll be done. I will tell you that I will draw lines at sick/dead/maimed/ugly children or adult buttons, personal business websites, general ads for money and perhaps a few other things. You will see a Kiva link on here and as I get around to it, you'll see one for Banfield Charitable Trust, Doctors Without Borders and maybe a few others. I'm not trying to be ugly or bossy but rather, to be fair to everyone who might come here. We all have our crap and there's not enough room here to buttonize it all. Things that get added permanently are going to stay helpful but non-specific to anyone in particular. Lastly, I do have a site meter on here. I've always had one on blogs and check it maybe once a month. No stalking, you have my word. Mostly I like to see how many people have come and who might link to the blog but that's about it. Considering some other situations though, if it makes you uncomfortable, speak on up. If enough are bothered, I will remove it. I wish I could make the stats public, frankly. Is it possible?

Now, I think that's about got it all covered. If you have something you need to tell me and you think it really ought to be emailed after reading this far, then please do so: oopsydaisyisaidthat at yahoo dot com. The disclaimer? I will not guarantee it remain private if it comes to this email address since private emails to "moderators" - and God *damn how I hate that label - only cause hard feelings in the end. I won't pass it around but I might post it here. Does it sound fair enough? I can't stress enough that we are each responsible for our own selves and our own words and actions on this blog.

If you like what you've read or simply stayed awake to the end, speak up - say hello or suggest a good topic for discussion and remember that nothing is off limits! Politics, religion, current events, people, places, general's all good and welcome. I hope it's a fun ride for everyone. :-)


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Anonymous said...

I promise I won't say poop either. Aw crap, I just blew it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy! Good to see you!

AP, the mental image of Jake, dressed as a schoolgirl, with a giant furry following him around is too much!

I am out for the evening, I have to meet up with family. Have a great night :)

Rebecca said...

Hi Sandy! Nice to "see" you here!

Hello to everyone else that I am familiar with, and to those I am not also!

Tee said...

SW- Ha, thanks for making me laugh! No, I would have no problem whatsoever leaving New Orleans, especially if it means moving closer to the girls. I never wanted to be here in the first place! We do have most of our extended family here, so that's a consideration. I don't know, my heart doesn't lay here. I'm a Mississippi girl. I like the culture that you have down here but not enough to want to stick around. Outside of leaving my doctor, my only other "concern" would be that I would be leaving my godparents. I'm sure I would survive!

It's so sweet of you to be willing to make a chocolate run just for me! Those cookies sound incredible. Would you share the recipe?

Tee said...

Oh goodness, I can't believe the ice chest got buried in snow! And after all that, the power didn't go out? I'm so sorry!

Lisa said...

Hi, Sandy and "I promise I won't say poop either. Aw crap, I just blew it"...pardon your pun. :-P

Bah, I just tried to get out of my own neighborhood and can't with the Shuttle crowds. This'll be the last nighttime launch ever and I guess everyone is gathering, figuring it may blow up. Should be pretty either way, but I could do without the foot traffic and parked cars. I'm always amazed at the idiots who inch out *stroller first* from between parked cars on a major highway (US1) to see if the way is clear to cross. Hey, it's just a baby. *eyeroll*

kristin said...

Hey Ladies! Back from Sesame Street Live! It was fun.

I think I am going to make the meatballs too, which means I need a list.

SW - A nap sounds glorious! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

AP Just couldn't help myself.

Lisa said...

It was good, Sandy. ;-)

Kristin, glad you guys had fun and seeing you reminds me - does anyone here know how to put the links over on the side of a blog, like the recipes and BD's book club links are on SIP? Is the rich text gadget be used for that?

Joanne said...

Just watch the ARCA Race from Daytona. Awesome race. Budshoot out coming up next. Race fans should tune in. SPEED TV.

Hi to all the people I use to read over at OHIH. Time to make a quick dinner and then back to race watching.

Of course they are interviewing Danica and her first comments are excuses.

Jeanette said...

Just wanted to pop in and say Hi to everyone!

And did anyone else figure out that if you just press really hard on either the up or down directional arrow, the daisies have a really trippy effect? I might hang out here just for the buzz.

Rebecca said...

Hey Jeanette - of course I had to try that - what does that say 'bout me? Ha!

Shana said...

Hey everybody!

AP, *sniff*sniff* you cheated on me =/ Unless SW is into that sort a thing? Hubba Hubba!

I am loving the daisies! Can we talk about poop flinging monkey's? Cause ya know...nothing is funnier than a monkey flinging poop, ha!

Angie said...

"AP, *sniff*sniff* you cheated on me"

Um, AP, is there something we need to talk about? (Hi Shana! It's good to see you again. AP is all mine now. Sorry!)

Speaking of infidelity, did anyone see the Barbara Walters' interview of the cheating idiot Mark Sanford's wife last night? It was interesting.

Angie said...

AP, re the shuttle launch, did you see the new home video of the Challenger disaster that was released the other day? It was taken by a retiree in a neighborhood that made me think of yours. I'll find the link if you haven't seen it. It was moving. The old guy was taping the launch, i.e., taping the sky over his neighbor's house until the shuttle came into view. Then after it exploded you hear his comments to his wife about it.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh Shana said p**p twice and now it includes monkeys. LOL

Shana said...

Yeah Sandy, I'm good like that, ha!

{{Taking my 2ct diamond back from AP...ahh, Momma's missed her bling!}}

Hey SW =0)

kristin said...

Shana - Jeanette! Hey ya!

Just had leftover pizza with my #1 man! Its been a good day for us except for a few *not listening moments!

AP - when is lift off?

Lisa said...

Hey, Jeanette and Shana! It's good to see you both. :-)

Shana, you never followed through on the engagement so when SW came along with her collar and red hair, I was smitten and rebounded!

SW, I have not seen that video...if you have the link, I'd like to see it. It was some scary shit that day, I tell you. I was outside at the college when it one was even paying attention to it going up, really, and suddenly it blew. We all ran like hell. My mom managed a toll facility very close and downwind from KSC. She had all her employees working outside and a mess of tourists lined up out back, on the river. When it blew, pieces fell at them. She gathered as many people as she could inside and locked as many as possible inside her big bank vault. It scared the bejesus out of everyone because they'd send plutonium up in those things. :-/

Lisa said...

Sandy, stop tattling. ;-)

Kristin, liftoff is at around 4:30am. Early.

Tee said...

Shana, you know I love you but I have to support the AP and SW union. They have made me the maid of honor and promised that I can dye my prayer kapp the same color as my shoes and dress. I have grown very fond of them both and have to support that union. Sorry!

kristin said...

On a random other note - after swim lessons today they had the road shut off b/c 2 cows got out of their pasture and were wreaking havoc on the 2 lane road. They had a guy on a 4 wheeler trying to keep them off the road.

Shana said...

I'll forgive you! Who can resist a fire-crotch? I mean really...I don't blame you, ha! And the collar is damn sexy =0)

Shana said...

Hey Tee! I'm bowing out gracefully, you can still dye your kapp!

I can now make an honest woman out of Jeanette *grins*

Trudy said...

Shana, I'll take the ring if you ask nice.

Lisa said...

Fire-crotch...oh, my God...lolololol......

Tee said...

Shana! How are you feeling? Recovering okay?

Tee said...

I'm thinking the fire crotch discussion might be my cue to leave! This could get fun!

kristin said...

Fire Crotch - LMAO! OMG!

kristin said...

Hi Tee!

Angie said...

Here's the link, AP:

You'll love the old guy in the video.

Oh, and my hair? Dark brown. You may be thinking of one of your other fiances. Hmph.

Tee said...

Hey Kristin! It sounds like you've had a good day with little man! I'm so glad for that.

Hey Trudy, glad to see you! Although I'm a little annoyed. I wanted Shana's ring!

Anonymous said...

Tee--I'm blushing with you! lol

Tee said...

Sandy- Oh, good. Thank you! I hate it when I have to blush alone! How is your day going today? Good, I hope.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing just fine, Tee. How have you been?

Shana said...

Wow...I'm glad I didn't make the comment that I originally thought of. It had a little sumpin' sumpin' to do with AP's kitties & them just being to much for me. *Wink*Wink* AP ;0)

Tee said...

I'm doing fairly well, Sandy! I'm glad to hear that you're doing well.

Shana- Thank you for that. I wouldn't have followed that comment and it would have been embarrassing to have asked for an explanation this early into a new group blog.

Shana said...

Oh, Tee...I am feeling much better, thanks for asking. I'm almost back to normal. (No jokes please, I meant physically, not mentally, ha!)

Tee said...

Shana, I'm really glad to hear that!

Tee said...

Okay, I'm off for a little while! See ya'll later.

kristin said...

See ya Tee - take care!

Anonymous said...

Later Tee.

kristin said...

Hey Ladies - going to turn off the computer - LM kicked it earlier and its not "seeing" the power cord :( and I have 1/2 a battery right now.

Hopefully I will see you guys later!

Angie said...

Watching Toddlers and Tiaras for the first time today. Holy crap. Spray tanning 5 year olds? Nuts!

Anonymous said...

SW-it's sickening isn't it. I can't watch that.

Kathleen said...

A new post has arrived, ladies

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