Sunday, February 28, 2010


Y'all can thank Kristin for this gem.


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Shannon said...

Guys I am sorry I cant help myself but seriously this was a post just put on the "Banned" discussion on BF......I mean WOW nice to have anon to hide behind seriously....

Muliebrity is NOT the devil here. I think she like a lot of people have just not seen the vile things Shannon has been writing on other sites. I also found Shannon's views interesting...until I read her comments and thoughts on other sites. This is a bona fide bitch. She HAS been playing both sides of the fence. Shannon's a regular Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde depending on which site she posts on. The Mr Hyde on other sites is an unrestricted, no holding back bitch on steroids, a white trash ,hate-spewing , undescribable piece of garbage.

Goobye Shannon and good riddance. Yuck. You and your poisonous tongue can stay on other sites, no one needs you here.

Jeanette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeanette said...

Gee, wonder who that could have been Shannon?

Anonymous said...

Shannon, and of course that gem will stay up on BF, while you are banned. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

LOL Jeanette...the true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide herself, I'm guessing.

Lisa said...

"The Mr Hyde on other sites is an unrestricted, no holding back bitch on steroids, a white trash ,hate-spewing , undescribable piece of garbage."

Well, I just hate it when people are so shy about how they really feel...don't you?

Shannon said...

Good for you Jeanette with the school....I agree that receiving assistance does not make you some kind of horrible lazy person so long as you are doing what you need to to get off of it. Life happens and sometimes you get a shitty hand and have to make hard choices but so long as you get up and try a different way who can say anything about it.

Lisa said...

Jeanette, no worries. If your kids' doctor visits and all were a big deal to me, I'd have a pretty damn sad life. ;-)

Shannon said...

LOL I just love how sure they will spew this crap when I cant say anything.....those/probably same person likes to hid anon.....but remember I must own what I say :)

Come out and play seriously cause you just went above and beyond anything I ever said LOL

Jeanette said...

Thanks Shannon! I'm kinda scared, it's been 8 years since I cracked a book to study. I took some placement tests last week though and scored 99th percentile on 3 out of 5 and 92 and 95 on the others though. That gave me a confidence boost!

Jeanette said...

I deleted a comment so that I don't end up seeing it somewhere else in a few hours.

Angie said...

Hey Everybody! I'm late to the party today, having slept the morning today. I can't tell you how cool it was to see the new folks popping in last night. Someone from Iceland? Really? Too cool!

Shannon, I really can't believe someone would post that about you on BF and not get banned. That is such hypocrisy.

I haven't said anything about it, because it's new and I don't want to jinx it, but I think I might be over Mckmama too. I haven't read her at all in almost a week, and have no desire to. I think somehow the SIP/Daisy minidrama cured me of JM. Fingers crossed that it sticks!

AP, I'm so freaking glad your company is gone and you are back with us. I still like AP & Co., though. You are the picture of modesty, but you're our glue. (And, hopefully, the only named defendant in the lawsuit Maria is planning. :-))

Shannon said...

Dont blame ya Jeanette......Yeah I had gone a long time ago and then when the economy crashed I decided to go back and work at it from a different angle.

It isnt that scary but it is KWIM? But you will love it none the less :)

Angie said...

Oh, and I really like sea horses too. Sea horses almost make me believe in a higher power. They are just so magical.

Shannon said...

Hey SW.....I dont think she can ban the anons but then again why would she want to LOL

I am actually kinda over JM too....I hate GM more :)

Lisa said...

Shannon, I agree it doesn't make anyone a bad's a just tiny part of what makes people who they are. My point is that I, as a single mom taking care of my own business, do resent programs that take even a penny from my own family, my own child, to give to others. It's unfair. Plus, since it's money I worked for, I feel I should be able to say where it goes. It's also unfair for me to be forced to subsidize lifestyles I may not agree with with on moral or religious principles. People tend to forget that this isn't just "free" money. It comes from others who have families, bills and responsibilities, too. And I'm certainly not saying this is the case with anyone here...I'm just speaking in general terms as to why I feel about it all the way I do. In the McKinney's case, if I can take care of my own business as a single parent with no child support for many years, then a *couple most certainly ought to be able to do so.

Margo said...

An adult warning - weeeee, it's party time!


Are you ladies being naughty again?

Margo said...

Am I a husband hater if I say that sitting here watching the olympics with my husband snoring in his chair is annoying - hello, we have beds!

Angie said...

MLWB, hi! How've you been?


Hey Hey SW! We are good! You??

Shannon said...

Hi Margaret and MLWB!!!


Are you causing trouble again? *LMAO*

Angie said...

I've been good. Busy. Enjoying a quiet weekend. Just got to work but haven't started working yet. I'm sitting here hoping to be inspired.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning or afternoon...So glad to see you back here AP.

Hi to the person from Flower Mound...we're almost neighbors.


Do you usually work weekends? Yuck if you do.
We've been busy here also. The boys are involved in several things that are taking up a lot of time! They love it, so it is fine.


Hello Christy!

Angie said...

Flower Mound. That's a pretty name for a town. Whoever's from Flower Mound needs to delurk. You are destined to be a Daisy!

Jeanette said...

I know that other families are paying for it, I know this because I paid taxes before I had my children. I also have a problem with those that are content living on the system. I'm not one of them. There are things that I am eligible for that I don't pursue because I know I can live without it. Sure, it would make life easier, but it would also make me too comfortable. Wanting more for your kids is the best motivation there is, and that is why I'm going back to school.

Shannon said...

AP I do agree with you. I really think that Clinton was on the right track when it came to welfare reform...ya know putting a limit on how long you can stay on public assistance and such because I have known people that will milk the system for all it is worth.

I am a firm believer that public assistance should be a hand up not a hand out and they way they have it set right now you are punished in a lot of ways for trying to improve your situation. They need to work on having programs set into place to help get people into school and gain skills needed to make them no longer need to rely on public assistance. It is very hard to try to go to school while having kids at home and can be very daunting trying to figure out how to pay for everything while there.

Hell my aunt was on public assistance when she was in a situation much like Jeanette's. But she was also going to school and once she was out of school she had the skills and training to never have to go back on it again. They should make that the goal not the punishment. Right now it is a trap in so many ways because when you try to improve yourself they slap you back down.

Angie said...

MLWB, I usually come in on Sundays a pretend to work. I really need to clean some things off my desk today. My secretary is a nervous wreck over the large number of files on my desk.

Shannon said...

Yep MLWB apparently without even doing anything :)

Jeanette said...

I agree with everything you just said Shannon.

Lisa said...

"(And, hopefully, the only named defendant in the lawsuit Maria is planning. :-))"

Well, I wish her luck!

Actually, I would like to address something to Maria, because it's something I feel certain she doesn't know and it bothers me. And I'm not going to name names here...we'll all know who I mean. Maria, I do not blame you in the *slightest for being pissed about all of your personal info being posted publicly back a few months ago. What you never knew was that that was definitely NOT a unanimous decision and, in fact, a few of us spoke out against it as it was being discussed and others felt it was wrong but weren't vocal about it. In the end, obviously, one person had total control over that decision and exercised it. Now, I don't give a rat's ass what you do or don't do, here elsewhere. Have at it. That's not why I'm telling you this; I'm telling you because it's the right thing to do, clarifying that situation publicly. What happened there was very wrong, in my opinion and in your place, I'd have been pissed as hell, too.

That's all.


I see! She keeps you in line.
I have been filling in the blanks reading some of the comments. I think you get the prize for lasting the longest on BF before being banned! Gold medal for you!

Lisa said...

Hiya, MLWB!

Lordy, I need to go clean up. I left dirty dishes in the sink last night and I never do that. It's so gross and now I don't want to touch them today. Blech.

Shannon said...

LOL ya know MLWB the whole thing this last couple of days just cracks me up because someone comes out guns a blazing and how, honestly, are they better than me or anyone else they are talking about. They are hiding like a chicken shit every where they are going to blast other people...they are very good people apparently.


Hi Ap,
Just throw them away....


I have always thought you were brave to own what you say. There is a lot to be said for that. I'm sure you have gotten a lot of backlash for it too. Which isn't fair.


Corrine, are you here? I think of you when I watch Nip Tuck! Not in a sick sort of way, but I think you and I are the only ones that watch it!

Nilia said...

Well hello.... Bella.

Ready to rumble?

::said in a low, menacing voice::

Anonymous said...

Hi MLWB...good solution on the dishes. If my kids didn't already do the dishes for this lazy mom, I'd throw them away.

Shannon said...

Oh yeah lots of backlash at different times and such....Ya know though I am not afraid to own what I say...If I can say the words I can attach myself to them without fear because I am bigger than that....I see people like those who are backlashing on all the people of BF and that is sad because they only talk that way because they are hidden and feel protected. Just like how GM says all the shit she says on her Lyrics blog..she is hidden and safe.

Lisa said...

Shannon, Jeanette, I really go understand what you're saying here. It's just hard for me to be okay with when I see so many people unable to go to school because they're working their asses off at a couple of jobs in order to take care of their own stuff, you know? I admit, it makes me far less sympathetic to even hear that it's just while someone goes to school to better themselves while it's being done at the expense of so many would would love that same option and can't do it but are paying towards enabling others to. Ugh, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I promise...just trying to present the other side, too.

Angie said...

MLWB, really, she bugs the shit out of me. She's incredibly annoying. And she acts all confused and not knowing what to do and has perfected using an idiotic puzzled look on her face in response to everything I ask her to do, no matter how simple. I'm just trying to spare myself from further interaction with her by getting the files off my desk. I really want to fire her, but I share her with another attorney and I haven't been able to talk the other attorney into pulling the trigger. Yet.


Sw, that can't be fun! Must make for a long day of work:(

Lisa said...

MLWB, I'm not throwing them away! They're my good blue willow dishes and were my grandmother's. I'll have to brave the congealed gunk and just go do it.

Angie said...

"I'm not trying to be argumentative, I promise"

You're not *trying, AP. It just comes natural to ya!

Shannon said...

AP I know you arent trying to be argumentative. Seriously I think they should figure out a better way to help anyone improve themselves. I think the ones that get stuck in the system are usually generationers (yeah that isnt a word) that dont know differently as a way of life and often start having kids so they can get their free money...give them skills they can get a job and get off the system.

Lisa said...

SW, is the other attorney male or female? Can you bribe him.her by promising him to hire a hot secretary?

Anonymous said...

MLwB - I'm here. I think of you (in a non-weird way) when I watch Nip/Tuck too!

FT- Seems that for once we're on at the same time!

Anonymous said...

SW- Going to the office on a Sunday?! No, no, no! Go back home! =D

Nilia said...

Salut, Corinne!

Lisa said...

"You're not *trying, AP. It just comes natural to ya!"

*cries* I've worked so hard to stop it, too.
And Shannon, I absolutely agree with you about that.


That is funny. I was watching it a few weeks ago when they had the lesbian sex scene. My hubby doesn't watch it; he was in the kitchen and turned his head faster that you can say sex. It was so funny. He said "What are you watching?"

Angie said...

Well, MLWB, I do dread every interaction with her. And I hate that I've let her bug me so much that she has so much "power" over me. Objectively speaking, she's really sweet, if not the brightest bulb. But she annoys me to no end.

I'm the queen of dirty dishes in the sink, AP! I tell people that I think it's bad luck to clean up the kitchen the night of a dinner party. But really I'm just lazy and want to go to bed.

Jeanette said...

I hear you AP. The way I see it though, I have 2 choices. I can accept the help I am getting, go to school and bust my ass to get through it quickly, and go on to provide a better life for my kids... Or I can work 2 jobs, never see my kids, still come up short financially, and never be able to take the steps necessary to get a better job. I choose the first option, whether it's considered lowlife or not.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour FT! Comment vas-tu?

Anonymous said...

LOL, MLwB! Did he end up watching the episode with you?

Nilia said...

I'm working on report cards today when all I want to do is rush out to be with Shortround Steve. His blood sugar is low today so they're keeping them, AGAIN. I don't want to be here, even if the men's hockey game is coming up (eh, Bella?).


I think if you can get help to further your self you should. There is no shame in that. I don't know how mothers go to college, work and take care of kids. I salute you! Really. I can't imagine having to study and care for my family.

Angie said...

AP, the other attorney is female. She's a bleeding heart sap/pretend conservative like you, and can't stand the thought of firing the secretary. AND, our secretary gets her coffee every day, which the attorney loves.


Corinne, Just the hot sex scene.....

Nilia said...

Je suis fatiguee!! (sorry, don't know how to work accents on comment section)

Angie said...

Corinne, don't feel sorry for me. I've been here an hour and a half and have only been playing on Daisy so far.

Lisa said...

Jeanette, ack! I hope that lowlife thing was aimed at me because I just don't think that about you for a moment! I really hope I didn't come across that way and if I did, I'm really sorry.

SW, I'm a little bit of a clean freak, despite what I showed on my blog that time. Dirty dishes kill me. Garbage in a can overnight? Same thing.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette- I think that going back to school is the best thing you can do for your daughters and yourself! I hope it will all go well!

Angie said...

AP, you empty the garbage every night before bed? Cool! Can't wait for you to start cleaning for me!


Ap, I can't leave my kitchen dirty at night either. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing it would be all hard and crusty in the morning. My husband on the other hand, different story. Grosses me out.

Nilia said...

Et je veux tellement gagner le match d'hockey cet apres-midi. Ou est Bella?

Jeanette said...

No AP, it wasn't aimed at you at all! You have never said anything at all to me that I took as an insult. It was directed to the general stereotype that everyone who receives assistance is trash, that's all.

Thanks Corinne!


You mentioned you had a cleaning lady a while back. Just curious how much you 'clean' before she comes.

Anonymous said...

FT- Le meilleur moyen de lutter contre la fatigue, c'est le sommeil ;)
I'm sorry your SIL and the baby have to stay at the hospital again! I hope they'll be able to come home soon!

MLwB- I should've guessed...Men are so predictable! ;)

Lisa said...

"AP, you empty the garbage every night before bed? Cool! Can't wait for you to start cleaning for me!"

I do. I'm afraid of bugs and hate the smell. I hope you aren't marrying me just for my cleaning skills, though. :-P

MLWB, I can handle the hard, crusty stuff better than I can handle cold dishwater with globs of stuff floating in it. That makes me literally gag.

Anonymous said...

::Double-fisting American craft beer, wearing a U.S. flag as a superhero cape::

90 minutes until your country goes down in flames on the ice, FT! Raaawwrrr!

Anonymous said...

FT- Je ne crois pas qu'appeller Bella en Français va la faire venir ;)
La finale de hockey c'est Canada vs. Etats-Unis, c'est ça?

I think we're gonna make everyone go away! Lol ;)

Lisa said...

Corinne, it just makes me think of Fersher. :-D

Anonymous said...

FT - Je devrais raffraichir la page avant de poster une message!

Anonymous said...


Nilia said...

Corinne: :0)

Oui, le Canada vs. les Etats-Unis, je crois que le match va commencer a 13:15.

I *wish I could sleep, but these darned report cards...

Bella: easy there, tiger. I've got Corinne's voodoo all over this match.

Nilia said...


Bella: Um, not that we need it, okay?

Nilia said...

Corinne: but it did bring her out, LOL!

Anonymous said...

AP- Whydoes it make you think of Fersher?

Nilia said...

Corinne: I'm teaching futur simple to my grade 7s next term (after March break). I want to cry already.

Angie said...

Jeanette, I don't know what help you are getting, but I'm glad (a) that it's available and (b) that you are accepting the help. It's not necessarily a popular viewpoint these days, but I'm a liberal and think the government can and should help people. And I'm happy for my tax dollars to go to help people get education and other assistance they need.

I congratulate people like AP who've been able to take care of themselves without needing a helping hand, but everybody didn't start from the same place or have the same opportunities. And especially in these times, many many of us are only separated from financial disaster by only a couple of bad choices or bad luck.

Anonymous said...

FT- True, true. It did bring Bella out.
Maybe I'll be able to watch the game if it starts at 1.15 pm because it would only be 10.15 pm here. YAY!

Angie said...

Wait? Corinne? Are you applying your voodoo against the Americans? ::hurt::

Muliebrity said...

Jeanette, I am right there with my stance on Mck. I really have no desire to publicly bash her. I actually go our of my way to defend her, just not in the she's my idol-in-Jesus way (everyone knows AP in my idol-in-Jesus). Like the people ragging on her about leaving her kids, who cares? She is going out of town for "work" and is being compensated as part of her job as a blogger.

Lisa said...

Corinne, remember on the last days of OHIH, Fersher posted various things in foreign languages?

Anonymous said...

FT- I feel your pain re:futur simple teaching.
Think about it this way: it could be worse. You could be teaching subjonctif plus-que-parfait! :P

Angie said...

"subjonctif plus-que-parfait"

Is this an ice cream flavor? ;-)

Muliebrity said...

Shannon, I'm glad you don't seem to be overly concerned about being banned, because I am royally pissed about it! I am not usually one to get emotional about BF stuff, but this weekend's got be feeling so butt-hurt!

Anonymous said...

AP- Ah yes. I remember! :-D

SW- Don't be hurt. I won't be using voodoo today, so no one gets hurt, k? ;-)

Angie said...

AP was my idol-in-Jesus, until she let those Jews take advantage of her.

(Kidding! I love the Jews!)

Angie said...

"I won't be using voodoo today"

Whew! Then we have a chance!

::busy sewing Canadian hockey jersey on my voodoo doll::

Shannon said...

Mulie....I am pissed that I got banned because of someone else who is still over there spouting more venom in every direction then I did anywhere. But seriously if I can get banned because of someone else so be it...I know that JM uses GM as a tool, well because she is :), so I know that it is because of the things she is saying that got me banned...It is also why non the current discussion over there is still open even though the word bitch has been used a few times.

Anonymous said...

SW- I wish.

Subjonctif plus-que-parfait is a tense in French conjugation. No one uses it anymore; it's very pompous! If you use the verb "être" (= to be) with that tense, it would go: que j'eusse été, que tu eusses été, qu'il/elle eusse été, que nous eussions été, que vous eussiez été, qu'ils eussent été.


It has been nice chatting with you ladies. Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

See ya, MLwB!

Angie said...

Bye MLWB! It was good to see you!

Ah, Corinne, I'm having flashbacks to my two years of high school French, taught with a heavy Southern accent. All I have left from those years is the ability to sing the French national anthem (badly) and ask Jean Claude to lunch.

Jeanette said...

Thank you SW! I too admire AP and anyone else that is able to do it all without help.

Jeanette said...

Mulie, that is exactly how I think. It's not me, not my kids, not my business.

Nilia said...

Corinne: holy crap I just had a flashback to highschool and not like in a good way either. Ugh.

It's funny when I assign written work, and I get amazing work, even in verb tenses I haven't taught yet, isn't that amazing??!! I have a lot of fun writing little notes like, "x, this verb has been conjugated using l'imparfait (passe simple, whatever). Unfortunately I have not taught this to you yet, as you will learn it in high school. Overuse of online translators." And then I have the parents sign. Good times.

Anonymous said...

I have a confession:

I know the French, Canadian and American anthems by heart.

All I know of the Belgian anthem is that part in Dutch: "O dierbaar België, o heilig land der vaad'ren,Onze ziel en ons hart zijn U gewijd,
Aanvaard ons kracht en het bloed van ons aad'ren,
Wees ons doel in arbeid en in strijd"

and that in French: 'Ô Belgique! Ô Mère chérie!
A toi nos coeurs, à toi nos bras
A toi notre sang, ô Patrie
Nous le jurons, tous, tu vivras
Tu vivras, toujours grande et belle
Et ton invincible unité
Aura pour devise immortelle
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté'

Do not even ask me about the German part.

::hides in a corner (out of shame)::

Angie said...

Let your geek flag fly, Corinne! You're so darn cute!

Muliebrity said...

I just read the rest of what was said about me. Ouch! I popped over here because I was so frustrated with Ms Flamer that I needed a break.

And before last night I wouldn't have even considered Shannon a "friend", sorry Shannon, but you scared me a little! lol I have always enjoyed AP and have been following her blog for months, as in months before this site popped up. Who is that Kim anyway? I don't really recall seeing her name much before now.

Shana said...

Hello Ladies =0)

Jeanette said...

Kim is Grammie Mommy

Muliebrity said...

Ahhh, It's not like I have a problem with GM, I was just wondering how OHIH was fractured. I guess I should thank GM for ruining my reputation. Thanks GM! My husband is deployed, I am pregnant, and taking care of 2 little boys with no close friends or family around and you made sure to lump me in with people you have issues with. I would like an apology. Or cash.

Angie said...

"Or cash." Ha! Almost spit my water on this one!

Anonymous said...

SW- Lol!!! :D

FT- I think my English teacher in HS had the same issue with students using grammar she had not even taught. I feel your pain!
My sister (who's studying to become an elementary school teacher) told me I would make the worst teacher EVER! I trust her on that. I have no patience and I would be so strict it would freak students out!

Jeanette said...

You would need to get in line behind Krista for the cash, Mulie. Be sure to bring a snack, you could be there for awhile.

Shannon, Mckmama just posted to the thread and said you weren't banned. You'll have to go read it to see her explanation.

Angie said...

Not banned after all? Mck herself coming out to defend Shannon? You're practically famous, Shannon! Long live Shannon! Queen of BF!

::waving to the BF lurkers::

Angie said...

Dang, I want to read what Mck said, but I don't want to break my no Mck streak. Be tough, SW, be tough.

Muliebrity said...

There has been some crazy weird stuff going on over there! With technology AND people!

Shannon, maybe someone hacked into your account like they hacked into Ms Flamer's?

Nilia said...

Corinne: how many languages do you speak, wow!

Nilia said...

Mulie: GMs rage is misdirected and she likes to rope along anybody she can snag for the ride. Been there, done that, bought the tshirt.

Muliebrity said...

And Jeanette, You are awesome! It is true that Shannon was just following Mck's rules and I don't see how posting whatever she wants to here has to do with the rules on Mck's site. I was just so annoyed about Shannon's "ban" when Ms Flamer was so disgusting with her words and attitude (her spelling was not the problem) and allowed to just keep on.

Jeanette said...

SW, I'll summarize. JM said that there has been no one recently banned and she checked the banned list and Shannon isn't on it. She said that if Shannon was posting while the thread was being locked, it could have caused a glitch that would prevent her from posting. She said if Shannon contacts her saying she really can't post, she will get in touch with Rusty and get it straightened out.

She also said that Shannon has always followed the rules there, even though she dislikes Mckmama.

Jeanette said...

Thanks Mulie! I initially posted there to clear up Oopsie Daisy being a "hate site" and it escalated a bit from there, lol. I'm glad Mckmama stepped in though, now Shannon can hopefully get her posting access back!

Angie said...

Thanks Jeanette. You got me through my weak moment without clicking!

Nilia said...

Corinne: re: you not being patient enough to be a teacher. I get that a lot from people, but I thought that about myself too. Then when I became a teacher,I thought I could never tolerate intermediates (grades 7 and 8), you know, too mouthy etc. But I really liked teaching them and then thought the primaries were so needy. But then I accepted a JK assignment!

So what I am trying to say in a long-winded way, is that although I think there are some people who definitely are NOT suited to teaching, I surprised myself and I think you might too.

Having said that, my JK assignment is no longer a certainty even though I have it in writing. I am so freaking livid about this but thems the breaks, situation occurred nobody saw coming. I should know like by May.


Angie said...

Daisy a hate site? Gasp! We're all about the flowers, and love and shit! So not fair.

Nilia said...

You guys are going to make me go to BF, aren't you?

::sighs, having done so well on the 12-step::

Jeanette said...

Yeah, "Kim" aka Bri/Maria/GM/Songbird/Raggedy bitch posted over there and said that Shannon belonged to a "hate site" and posted a link to here. I posted that this isn't a hate site, that OHIH might be what brought us all together but now we post because we became friends.

Muliebrity said...

Jeanette, Did you use a different ID on OHIH? Because your name is not resonating with me ::blushing::

Jeanette said...

Nope, it's always been me. I stopped posting toward the end because my spidey sense told me shit was about to hit the fan, so maybe that's why. I was pretty active though up until a month before it shut down.

Shana said...

She uses ~Mouthy Momma~

I kid, I kid...

Lisa said...

FT, that really sucks about the assignment. I'm sorry, being in limbo is hard.

Jeanette, thanks for clearing up about us being a hate site and you were exactly right in your explanation! And SW, you forgot Jesus sandals. We all wear Jesus sandals.

My dishes are done. What's everyone doing for dinner? We're having crockpotted chicken legs here...tossed 'em in with some BBQ sauce and called it done. Figure I'll do a box of mac and cheese and some bagged salad to complete the lazy picture.

Angie said...

I wear Jesus sandals with socks.

For dinner, I plan to go healthy and wrap chicken strips in bacon, cover them in cheese, and bake them. :-D

Jeanette said...

My dishes are done. What's everyone doing for dinner? We're having crockpotted chicken legs here...tossed 'em in with some BBQ sauce and called it done. Figure I'll do a box of mac and cheese and some bagged salad to complete the lazy picture.

This sums up why you should come live with me. That sounds delish to me!

And Mouthy Momma is the nickname I received from our dear Songbird. I think she meant to be insulting but that bit her in the ass because it made my day. That is simply the best description anyone has ever came up with for me.

Nilia said...

AP: I still have not used my new crockpot. It's like I'm afraid of it or something.

BUT I have chicken legs and I have bbq sauce. So now what? Lead me through this,I know it can't be that hard but the stupid thing terrifies me.

Muliebrity said...

I was there a few weeks before the dance crew was organized (I was one of the first members), but I didn't post much toward the end, because the shit was hitting the fan in my personal life. I totally think I remember you now, though. I generally posted when Krista was around. There were some pretty strong personalities there and I was never quite as passionate.

Angie said...

FT, your crockpot fear is cute. You are so going to love it after you cook your first chuck roast in it. MMMMmmm.

Next time you have a chuck roast, potatoes, carrots and onions, let me know and I'll talk you through making the best pot roast ever!

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post ***

Muliebrity said...

I suddenly have a craving for deviled eggs. I am not so great at hard boiling eggs though.

kristin said...

Hey ladies - just got home and ate dinner. How is everyone? Going to catch up!

kristin said...
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