Saturday, September 29, 2012

Heartbeat, it's a lovebeat...

I hope this works, as I've never tried imbedding a .gif before.  Anyway, if you watch and concentrate on the one in the middle that moves a lot, you'll begin to feel and sort of hear the rhythm of it in your chest.  It's really cool and will work for most people so good luck.  If it doesn't work for you,  sorry...there's just something wrong with you.  


Lisa said...

Anon 12:31, I can't figure out if it's Tina (Lauren, as she calls herself on BWOP) or not. I suspect not but some of the speech patterns make me wonder. Doesn't matter, she's welcome if it is. And apparently people feel like playing in costume tonight. No clue why, but it's not the first time it's happened around here, lol. Feel free to don one (or not) and join in. :-)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I'm not ready for Halloween yet :-(

KaytieJ said...

My Masquerade Ball Masks arrived today and so the Friday Night Celeb Specials are a hoot. Full Moon is on the Rise.

KaytieJ said...

The heartbeat .gif worked. Very cool!

"Kaytie, please stop talking like this"

Oops, did I screw up again by saying that?

Time for me to institute Rule #5 up there?

Anonymous said...

LWST has to be Tina/Lauren, without a doubt.

She has grandchildren she spends lots of time with, because she has no other responsibilities, unlike other grandparents, who might actually, you know, work or keep their house clean or have friends.

She has lots of time to criticize people she professes to know nothing about, and protects herself with "these are my opinions!"

Lauren/Tina uses the word "cunt" and "twat" like it's going out of style. That's part of her classiness.

Try not to piss off her split personalities, especially if you are taking a flight somewhere. She might call the airline to complain about your flight path.

Anonymous said...

Eh, Anon 852: I'm not sure I agree. TIna tends to ramble through punctuation and grammatical hell and never really make a point. LWST is almost coherent.

Anonymous said...

"LWST is almost coherent."


I'm not Tina. Hope that helps.

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Lisa said...

I believe Lauren, because she's not mentioned bullying a single time. :-D

Speaking of bullying, and really, who doesn't these days *grins*, I just read an interesting article.

I've always said that trying to stop bullying is fruitless. You cannot stop it and many times, actively trying to stop it will only make it worse. Instead, parents need to do whatever it takes to instill a sense of true value and self-esteem in their kids from the get-go and adults need to learn to blow it off when it happens to them. *That is what tends to stop bullying in its tracks. Now, I don't really consider what happened to this woman to be bullying but apparently a lot do, and she sets a good example of how to really get it to stop. Being all anti-bullying only feeds the fire, imo. And that was my speech o' the day. :-D

Lisa said...

"She has grandchildren she spends lots of time with, because she has no other responsibilities, unlike other grandparents, who might actually, you know, work or keep their house clean or have friends."

By the way, if Tina does this and is *able to do this, good for her because nothing is more important than family. Why in the world should she not devote time to her granddaughters because other grandmothers have to work? That's ridiculous reasoning. And why would you think she has no friends and keeps a dirty house? Look, I'm not any kind of Tina fan but lord have mercy, at least use some sense here. :-/

Kaytie, what does your mask look like?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and it's nunyabeeeezzzwax where I get my information about Rhys, Anon. You're welcome.

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Lisa said...

Okie-dokey, Lauren, I'm not sure if you're real or not, if you're someone using a fake name and playing around or if you're really a Lauren and this is your serious self, but because I suspect it's the former, I feel rather compelled to ask if you'd leave Rhys out of your tomfoolery. Fun and games are fine, snark is fine, bullshittery is fine but their situation is serious and isn't something to play games about, you know?

Lisa said...

To clarify, that's not a demand and I won't stop you from doing it, I won't delete you...I'm just asking, person to person.

Anonymous said...

One has to wonder what the big cover up with Rhys is. Lisa, you've never been one to ask people NOT to discuss something, which leads me to believe there is something worth hiding here.

Anonymous said...

Yes to anon at 7:50!

I take the request more like a challenge. Why oh why not discuss Rhys? Because her kid got taken away after some long drawn mysterious illness that had the internets sending her money and gifts for YEARS and then once removed got miraculously better? Is that why?

Frankly, I think it's deplorable that all the internet is not abuzz about this. If Mckmama had Munchausen, it's looking like Rhys authored the how to manual!


Lisa said...

7:50, if you're implying I know what's going on, I do not. Anything I know can be found online and using only information given here on Daisy. And since I don't know what caused all of this, you could be right...there very well could be something being hidden. Or, alternately, this could be a terrible mistake because they do happen. The only thing we know for sure is that there is a family with two little kids that is in a mess right now and that's so sad on so many levels. Also, speaking only for myself, I feel I know for sure that Rhys loves her kids fiercely and would never intentionally hurt either of them. I've not stopped anyone fro talking about the situation, nor will I...but it seems tacky as hell for someone who might not even be real to be making a joke out of this, you know?

Anonymous said...

Yes to anon at 7:50!

I take the request more like a challenge. Why oh why not discuss Rhys? Because her kid got taken away after some long drawn mysterious illness that had the internets sending her money and gifts for YEARS and then once removed got miraculously better? Is that why?

Frankly, I think it's deplorable that all the internet is not abuzz about this. If Mckmama had Munchausen, it's looking like Rhys authored the how to manual!


Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to imply anything - I was basing my assumption that there was something to hide on the fact that Rhys herself came and said she was keeping you abreast of the situation in a previous post. Of course, I suppose she could have stopped updating you, although I find that unlikely given she probably enjoys the support she's been given online. On the other hand, I know the old saying of what happens when you assume ;)

In either case, it's great news Lia's doing so well. So many of us became so emotionally attached to her - even though it was only through Caring Bridge.

Anon 7:50

Anonymous said...

"I feel rather compelled to ask if you'd leave Rhys out of your tomfoolery."

I haven't included Rhys in any of my "tomfoolery". Someone asked what was going on and I said what I knew, which is, as you mentioned above, information that's freely available online.

String - how's your Halloween costume coming?

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Anonymous said...

what I find fascinating in the whole Mckmama drama is the people watching the train wreck waiting to happen. Like is her failure going to affect any of them in a direct way? I get that she/he lied to discharge their debts, but it seems that so many want to pick and pick and pick again at whatever she does.

Shannon said...

Did you all see that gal that won the lottery in Michigan and was still collecting foodstamps and medicare was found dead? They are thinking it was a drug overdose.

Lisa said...

"Did you all see that gal that won the lottery in Michigan and was still collecting foodstamps and medicare was found dead? They are thinking it was a drug overdose."

No great loss there for a few reasons, then.

"what I find fascinating in the whole Mckmama drama is the people watching the train wreck waiting to happen."

Agreed...she has become dull compared to all that. It makes for good reading. :-)

"I haven't included Rhys in any of my "tomfoolery".

Oh I dunno...the flippant little "nunyabeeeezzzwax" comment up there qualified as tomfoolery, imo. But hey, do as you wish.

"I was basing my assumption that there was something to hide on the fact that Rhys herself came and said she was keeping you abreast of the situation in a previous post."

I don't recall it being phrased that way, but I'll assume you're right since my recollection sucks. We're FB friends so I see the updates she puts out there and we've messaged in the past, but only in general terms. I'm definitely not in her close circle of friends or whatever, though, and haven't been. My apologies if somehow, between she and I, we made it appear differently.

KaytieJ said...

"I feel I know for sure that Rhys loves her kids fiercely"


Anonymous said...

But mental illness such as Munchausen doesn't necessarily preclude one from loving their kids. The two aren't mutually exclusive. It's a strange coincidence with the sudden healing and the attempt to remove all traces of Lia from the interwebs. Even the staunchest Rhys supporter has to admit that. And it just feels a little like that emotional scam people felt with April Rose. So, I think it's human nature for some to want to discuss in a mature way - not necessarily mean spirited, especially because mental illness might be involved and Rhys may need help.

And now I'll drop it and go back to lurkdom.

Anon 7:50

Anonymous said...

I'll agree with much of that. It doesn't feel like a scam like a scam for money alone, but it feels like a scam in that they're asking for money to support a court case that they won't say what it's about. That's what I don't like. Children aren't taken from parents easily or lightly and I'd be all for helping out if I knew what I was helping out with and agreed with it. That's what seems like a scam to me.

Look! No tomfoolery!

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Lisa said...

Good job, Lauren! @@

7:50, first off, no need to are most welcome to stick around and to speak your mind. Personally, I'm not a fan of making light of a situation that revolves around a sick child and a broken family, as Lauren was doing, but that's just my opinion and, like I said, I'm not going to stop her.

I agree with you that Munchausen's doesn't preclude one from loving their kids and that's why I added I don't believe she would ever intentionally hurt either of her kids. I just can't see her being capable of that. That said, I completely agree with you that it's an odd coincidence and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me a little uncomfortable. It does and I do wish we knew more so we could form more accurate thoughts about it all. I also understand and think Rhys would, too, why those of us from this whole little "mommy-blogging" corner of the internet are wary and concerned...we've been scammed before and are on guard against anything odd now. Add to that, this is a little girl many grew to be emotionally invested in and more details are owed, in a manner of speaking. Mature conversation would probably be an excellent thing right now and I wish Rhys or some of the people helping her would come tell us more, assuage some fears so this doesn't snowball into something really ugly, you know?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you have your undies in a bunch with me, Lisa. I haven't ever made light of the Rhys and Lia situation. When asked I said what I knew, and when asked how I knew, I said it wasn't their business. I don't think it's even remotely funny and I feel like Rhys, or someone who can represent her, ought to give an explanation. Especially since they're asking for a boatload of money.

Look! More no tomfoolery!

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Lisa said...

"I don't know why you have your undies in a bunch with me, Lisa."

Well, I'm feeling protective of people who may be completely innocent of any wrong doing and not liking little "I know something you don't know" games to be played with their situation. Now you know, Lauren. :-)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Apparently Rhys is receiving legal advice. Wouldn't it seem logical that an attorney would advise she *not* represent herself in any way on the internet until this is resolved? Including reducing her past presence there - it's not as if that stuff isn't available if needed.

Anonymous said...

You could be completely correct there, String. By the grace of God and decent parenting, I've never been in any legal battles over custody of my kids. The thing is, she didn't do a very good job erasing her total presence, and she's obviously still using the Internet to ask for funds, and I hear there is a private Facebook group where she is updating people, so she's not doing a real good job following her attorney's instructions, if those instructions were given

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was me, Anon 7:50. I promise I'm not trying to be argumentative :) And I may go back to lurking, but thanks for the welcome, Lisa.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Is it possible to erase your total presence? I'm not sure. The only fund solicitation I saw was from a friend of hers, but I only "know" her from here, so my knowledge is limited.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be against legal advice to say what she's charged with, anyway. Especially if you're asking for money. I'm sure as hell not going to blindly give money to something, are you, String?
And she is representing herself in the online world still in a vague, mysterious way, that IMO, and I'm not alone I know for a fact, that stirs speculation and gives it a perception of being something less than upfront.

Lisa, I know lots of things you don't know, so don't fret about it, okay?

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Anonymous said...

There are funds being solicited and not just through the private Facebook group they have going.

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Lisa said...

"By the grace of God and decent parenting, I've never been in any legal battles over custody of my kids."

First, I want to make it clear that a person *can be a decent parent and still find themselves in the middle of an ugly, ugly custody battle and can even be faced with the possibility of losing their child. I know because I was there and it's a horribly helpless feeling because when you haven't done anything wrong, you are faced with trying to prove a negative in order to keep your kid. And having been there, perhaps that's why I'm not okay pointing my own fingers at Rhys on anything.

Also, just throwing something out here to think about but it she's scamming, what good does a *private FB page do her? Seems to me that would be pretty useless. Scammers aren't typically so intensely private and secretive, the very things that also bother people about the situation. I don't see how it can be both.

"Lisa, I know lots of things you don't know, so don't fret about it, okay?"

I'll do my best, Lauren.

Anonymous said...

Anyone here on the private page? Or what it's called? I wonder how many people are there, how much money they could potentially raise, and if there really is any more information being given out there.

Anonymous said...

*know what it's called.

Anonymous said...

Well, you keep pulling me back in. You neglected the part where I said, "By the grace of God". :) Bad things do happen to good people through no fault of their own.

By virtue of the fact that so many people *do know about this "private" Facebook group, it isn't so private, is it? Ha! I think for me, the bottom line is, it's not necessarily a scam to make money, although she has received gifts and money for a new car. What it *is, though, is a sick woman who needed attention. And likely still does need the attention. And that doesn't go away just because your lawyer told you to delete *all your blogs and caring bridge page.

Anonymous said...

And don't you think that if the grace of God skipped you over that one time and caused bad things to happen to you and you weren't up to anything questionable, you'd be insisting on your innocence to anyone who would listen?

Anonymous said...

Yes to much of this.

Rhys was and is no different than others that have been slammed on here and other places. Well, actually she is. There were similar conversations about Mckmama and Won. Neither one of them got their kid removed from their care. People were quick to jump on that bandwagon. Some seem quick to want to defend someone else when they don't even know her. Weird if you ask me.

The fact that Rhys did means there was a hell of a lot of investigation that led them to think it was in the child's best interest. They just don't take a kid on a whim. The fact that the daughter got miraculously better after doing so looks really bad! This kid was supposedly on hospice. That is kind of similar to Mckmama's story of 'saying goodbye' or however she wordsmithed it. Like it or not, the difference is that Mckmama's kid got better as *a result of medical care*. Rhys' kid got better as *a result of her not being involved any more*. That is very telling.

Lisa, was your custody battle with your child's father or with the government? If it's the former it doesn't compare.

And Rhys has had her hand out for years! I shudder to think of how much she has accumulated and likely scammed from people by talking about how down trodden they were when her husband had a full time job and they have family around too. They were given so much. So, so much. And did I read correctly that they were given a car? We know she's said she needs TWO lawyers. TWO. Who in dire financial straits hires TWO lawyers while having people do your internet begging for you?

Entitlement and hand outstretched. It's what she knows.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Anonymous said...

LSWT is a total, complete BuMMer (ahem).

(For you, LSWT: REPARTEE: Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments.)

I hadn't been in contact with Rhys for some time, so I did some online checking for myself. LSWT didn't tell you anything new that couldn't be found simply. She probably read some back comments, saw the topic, and did her own 'sleuthing'. You'd think if she was trying to fit it, she wouldn't go on the offensive.

You're awfully nice to let pretty much anyone hang out here, Lisa.

Back to lurking. Maybe.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Elle, you are so cute. What in the world gave you the impression I was trying to, or had any desire whatsoever, to "fit in" with this bunch? ~dies laughing~ I'm glad you enjoyed my repartee, though. I'm not sure what your point about Rhys was or is - I didn't claim to have any secret knowledge. Y'all sure are a paranoid lot, though. They make meds for that, too, you know.

~ Lauren Who Speaks Truth ~

Anonymous said...

I've got nothing to add to the general conversation BUT that was cool! (the .gif)

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** I just let some spam fly free if anyone wants to read up some. Thanks to the person who sent the email giving me the heads up to check. ***

Lisa said...

Alright, I freed the spam and went to bed last night, so catching up here...

"Is it possible to erase your total presence?"

String, it is not. There are always caches and people who screen shot, for example. In tie, over many years, if you lay very low you can sort of fade off into oblivion but there's nothing you can do, yourself, to erase your footprint.

"Why oh why not discuss Rhys?"

Who here has said not to discuss her? I certainly haven't and would far rather it be discussed here, with a variety of opinions to help present a balanced view, than privately where a snarkfest may begin to run rampant and with possibly incorrect information and grow into something unnecessarily ugly. I just asked Lauren, on a woman to woman, mother to possibly mother basis, to not be so flippant about it because I didn't think it was right. But if she wants to continue, I made it clear she can do so. *shrugs* Also, Lia didn't just get better after being taken away; she was also given a new combination of drugs and vitamins, basically treating her for mitochondrial disease, in the same time frame. If you read about mitochondrial disease, it certainly seems to encompass most all of Lia's symptoms. Perhaps the treatment did the trick...we don't know. And I am not on the private page, to who(m?)ever asked and have no details other than what I've found online using info people have posted here.

"You neglected the part where I said, "By the grace of God". :)"

No, I didn't...I was trying to figure out how to reply to that. I did feel like God had abandoned me and did a lot of questioning during that time. While I wasn't a perfect person or mother, I did wonder what I'd done that was so bad as to necessitate punishing me in this way and why my kid would have to pay for it, too. Basically, I wondered why God didn't grace me with not having to do this. I get it now, though. :-)

Lisa said...

"And don't you think that if the grace of God skipped you over that one time and caused bad things to happen to you and you weren't up to anything questionable, you'd be insisting on your innocence to anyone who would listen?"

Absolutely, and I did. I told anyone who would listen to the point a lot of people, including strangers, lol, probably wanted to slap the shit out of me. I was offended as hell, angry, and terrified but thanks to having a good, reassuring attorney, mostly I was offended and pissed off and I was pretty much willing to tell the entire world how unjust these people were, from my soon to be ex to CPS. And the fact my attorney was perfectly fine with me doing so as long as I didn't divulge how we planned on fighting it is one of the things that does make me uncomfortable about this situation with Lia, I admit.

Elle, not nice...just wanting us all to have a place to speak freely. And welcome in. :-)

Lisa said...

"Lisa, was your custody battle with your child's father or with the government? If it's the former it doesn't compare."

It was with him, CPS at one point because he got them involved and then we had a judge who was quite open about the fact he wanted to take custody from me if he was able to. So, different, yes, but losing custody of your kid feels the same, I'd think, regardless of how it happens.

To clarify, too, about the car and such, members of Rhys' family held a fundraiser, where items were sold, auctioned or raffled off. That's where the money came from for the car and it was not a new car. I have no trouble with this at all and am unsure why anyone else would, either. Outside of that, I have never heard of anyone giving her money up until the appeals for donations for legal fees recently. That all said, you have a good point that others *have been jumped all over for less.

Anonymous said...

Longtime reader, new poster. Hope it's okay to jump in.

First of all, in all my years on the internet this is one of about 2 places I've seen where smart people have conversations without descending into internet psychosis. It's very soothing. :D

Re the Rhys issue: in a way it's a no-win situation for the authorities. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. I guess I don't have a a real problem when their erring on the side of caution (and Lia's long-term well-being), but I hope the case is resolved quickly. If they're wrong, the family needs to get back together and get over all this; if they're right, it needs to be addressed pronto.

If I'm getting this right, all we really know is that Lia got better pretty quickly. A new treatment was tried at or about the same time as her mother was apart from her for awhile. Beyond that, whatever reasons the authorities had for making this move aren't known outside the family. Everything else is speculation. I was really happy to see the picture of Lia walking along like nothing ever happened, a normal, healthy kid. I doubt we'll hear much more about the case until it's over, if then, but I keep hoping for an update on her condition. Hope she's still doing well.

Happy October!


Anonymous said...

their = they're. Apparently my brain has not joined us.


It's Robin Again said...

Hey there, Daisies. :-) I heard there was talk about Rhys over here - I am part of the private Facebook page, and there isn't a lot more information there than anywhere else. Rhys and her family have been told to keep pretty quiet over all of it. There are people who have formed a "team" of sorts and they are aware that the fact that there isn't much information out there makes people question, and they are in the process of figuring out avenues they can relay appropriate information. I will be sure to pass on here what I know as I hear more.

Lisa said...

Welcome to Daisy, Sonic! And thanks so much for picking that name because now I want a milkshake. :-P~

Robin, hi! I think one thing we'd all like to know is how Lia is doing, if she's still improving and what her prognosis is now. Can you find that out? Regardless of how one feels about the situation, there were an awful lot of us invested in that little girl would like to stay updated.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, and Sonic fries! *drools*

The truth is I was thinking about the hedgehog, a flashback to my son's halcyon days at the controls of the Nintendo. Good times.


Anonymous said...

If there isn't any information being given out on the private Facebook page, what the hell is the point of it? Doesn't seem like the whole thing is very above-board, does it?

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe they just went private to avoid naysayers. Conversations about controversial subjects, or even things that might be controversial, tend to get out of hand pretty fast.


Anonymous said...

Update from the blog:

keep growing October 2, 2012 3:40 PM

The situation is still pending in the courts. There are dates coming up this week and we are way behind in fund-raising. This is from an update I received last week. ---A new fundraising goal has been set: to raise $20,000 in the next two weeks, that is by October 8, 2012. The team supporting the family is now looking at getting some experts on board to be prepared to testify on the medical facts behind Lia's condition. The best experts cost money. Lia is worth it! This additional $20,000 will cover the cost of their retainers, and allow the lawyers to start working with them directly.

A lot of volunteer hours have been given in addition to the billable hours, so the bill is lower than it might otherwise be. There is a fund set up to help with the legal expense. All of the funds raised so far are going to the lawyers and nothing else.

Here is the link to that fund. This is a donation page run by Lia's Nana. ---

Thanks for following along. I hope to update more soon

Lisa said...

"The truth is I was thinking about the hedgehog, a flashback to my son's halcyon days at the controls of the Nintendo."

Ha! We played that when mine was younger but given half a chance, my mind always goes to food. ;-)

"If there isn't any information being given out on the private Facebook page, what the hell is the point of it? Doesn't seem like the whole thing is very above-board, does it?"

Or, alternately, it's very above board and they aren't trying to scam anyone; rather, they're just trying to raise money within their own extended friend and family base. I don't know either way, but this version makes as much sense as yours, no?

"The team supporting the family is now looking at getting some experts on board to be prepared to testify on the medical facts behind Lia's condition.:"

Now, see, here's where I do admit to confusion and I'm going to be honest about it since I know I can't possibly be the only one who is confused...why not just have her own doctors from two different hospitals testify? I find it hard to believe the doctors at Seattle Children's, where she received the treatment for the mitochondrial disease, wouldn't qualify as experts in any court. Really, who knows her better at this point than these doctors? I don't think it would cost, either...just subpoena them. And why, if your child has been taken from you and you've done nothing wrong, are your attorneys not smack out in front of the media at every chance, telling your story and building a base of public outrage over the situation? The media would snap a story like this up. I do not get it. I'm also in no way saying I think this makes Rhys guilty of actually makes me concerned about the quality of work her attorneys are doing for her and her family. :-/

Anonymous said...

Dueling experts... The problem is, given the weirdness and rarity of her illness, it may not be possible to prove definitively what caused her recovery. IIRC, a new treatment was started a few weeks before she "suddenly" got better; hard to prove that wasn't a logical outcome of the treatment. It's a mess. :(


Lisa said...

It is a mess, Sonic, and I agree it may not be possible to prove anything, which is why I don't get how anyone was able to just separate them. Seems far smarter to err on the side of positivity here and, once they see her getting so much better with the treatment in the hospital, send her home with her mom and see if she continues to get better. If so, there's the real answer. If not, if she backslides, re-hospitalize her and then if she improves again, there's the final answer, too. Separating them gives no real answer that I can see. :-(

And, as a total aside, can I just say that there's nothing like a presidential election to bring the fucktards out of the woodwork?

Anonymous said...

The link to the paypal account is not working for me - has it changed?

Lisa said...

I got in fine just now...try this, maybe you accidentally c&ped something extra?

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I get what you're saying. It makes me wonder what triggered this action; if they suspected what I think, they may have felt a certain urgency.

I'm not familiar enough with all the details of the last three years; I don't remember if they actually diagnosed something, or were trying this new treatment in the belief it might help a mitochondrial ailment. Whichever it is, it's too bad the two things -- Rhys' absence and the new treatment -- came so close together. Makes it hard, legally and otherwise, to untangle everything.


Anonymous said...

Oops, I put in the "---" before for the paypal link. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

People are saying "while Rhys was away". Where was she? Does this mean like she took a trip somewhere? Or does this mean Lia was removed from the home and THEN her health improved?
Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Good question anon 945. I was wondering that as well

Anonymous said...

I liked Rhys so much when she was here - I feel like I am talking behind her back when I ask questions (mine was anon. 9:45 above). That makes me feel bad. And I don't feel like one single explanation is due anyone on any site about her situation EXCEPT for the fact that there are several places asking for money. That kind of changes things IMO. I don't need private details (if I am going to contribute) but a general idea of what's going on is warranted I believe.

Anonymous said...

Here's a question that has to do with the larger situation, not just Rhys and her family. She's the latest example of a blogger/person who becomes well-known (or known outside her IRL circle) on the 'webz, draws people in with stories about family, hardship, good times, faith, whatever. People form online relationships with these stories, or at least attachments to them. In many (most?) cases, there's a hook of some kind: pray for my baby, help us pay for _____ that we desperately need, here's a cautionary tale about our tragedy that might help you, etc. By "hook" I don't mean anything sinister; just something that has an emotional charge that pulls at the heartstrings and draws the audience in even further.

And sometimes it turns out to be an outright fraud, or important information was hidden, or in some way not what it seemed. The elaborate emotional interconnections are deeply shaken; people are hurt and/or angry. Everything we thought was real about the situation we had such strong feelings about is suspect.

The question (inspired by Anon 1:28, thanks): what if anything do these people owe us? and why?


Anonymous said...

PS: I want to stress that I'm not criticizing Rhys in the slightest. She's a beautiful writer, and as others have said it's clear she loves her kids very much. And we don't know yet what's really going on. I'm trying to address the larger, more general picture, as someone who's been on the periphery of a couple of very elaborate, successful Internet cons. I'm beginning to understand the psychology of the people who do these things; I'm curious about those of us who get caught up in it.


Lisa said...

"People are saying "while Rhys was away". Where was she?"

You know, I'm not sure if I've said that or not, I may have and would have meant once CPS separated them, as in Rhys being away from Lia. I am under the impression though, and not sure what I'm basing this on exactly, that Lia was getting better before they were separated.

And Anon, don't feel bad...this is *not behind her back, as she is able to read here and is free to respond if she feels the need. Alternately, so could those closer to her, helping her, respond. The fact is, it *is going to be discussed because: 1) People were and are emotionally invested in Lia. Rhys allowed that (no criticism intended in that statement, ftr), she asked for people's support and prayers for Lia and I do think that gives people the right to want to know what is happening with Lia now and 2) People are wary of odd stories and this one is odd. No judgement in that, either, it just is what it is and I think everyone would agree it's odd. Those points being the case, I actually think it's far better that it be discussed here, civilly and openly, than what has been happening among people privately. :-/

Anonymous said...

Lisa- I found the blog where the update from above is located. If you look at the post just before the updated one, you see pictures of Lia
healthy looking & walking around. So, who sent them to this blog-owner I wonder. If it was Rhys, then Lia was "healed" while still in her care apparently.

Lisa said...

"If it was Rhys, then Lia was "healed" while still in her care apparently."

This this would bode well for the family being reunited, I hope!

Ahhh, we're quiet again. Have a great weekend, everyone. :-)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

The entry I read said that Dave/David had "the children" and had to take time off from his work because of that.

Anonymous said...

Looking for what's really going on with Rhys? They aren't outright scamming since theire really is a legal case they are fighting, but there's a reason they've been so tight-lipped about what they really need the money for. Pretty goddamn shady. What an outright abuse of all the people they whose emotions they are playing to get money. One more piece of proof that people are assholes.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's shady about someone asking their friends and family for support. They are in a custody dispute and need money for legal representation. There have been lots of scams in the bloggy world but I just don't think this is one of them. And like any *cause it's up to an individual if they want to give or not.

Lisa said...

Well, I wondered how long it would take someone to find the MKnet stuff. I found it a couple or so weeks back, which is why I'd said all the info anyone needs to find out more is right here on Daisy. However, while I'd not looked in awhile, what I'd seen left me uncomfortable but still holding out hope and I hadn't seen this stuff until today. *This, Rhys' own words, and the words of a few others who appear to be in the know and who she didn't try to correct, say it all, don't they? I just don't even have any real words, at least not now, to express all the emotions I'm feeling after reading this. None of them are good, though.
God *damn. :-(

Lisa said...

And 4:30, are you trying to say everyone they've asked for support of any type knew the truth of the situation? What she's accused of? That she's planning on a plea bargain, in effect? You're right, it's up to people to decide if they want to give money or not but what about about emotional support? Prayers? What about the people who grew to truly care for Rhys and her family, through Lia? Does that not matter?

Anonymous said...

"I don't know what's shady about someone asking their friends and family for support. They are in a custody dispute and need money for legal representation. There have been lots of scams in the bloggy world but I just don't think this is one of them. And like any *cause it's up to an individual if they want to give or not."

I disagree. The severity of the charges that they are dealing with is a lot more then a custody battle. There are charges of Munchhausen's going on here. Felony charges that she was hurting her child and keeping her sick, nearly killing her. Those are things that I think are very important to talk about when asking for money. It isnt a case of 'poor woe is me they are picking on me because she has been miraculously healed'. This is a case of there is some kind of proof that the prosecution believes could convince a jury that she was causing harm to that child which lead to tests, surgeries, starvation, potential liver, brain, and other organ damage on a permanent level, more time in a hospital then at home for how many months???

This isnt just a case of a mistake made by overprotective medical providers.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 4:30: Did you read the link posted at all? Yes they are in a custody dispute and need money for legal representation but that's old news and not secret. The part they don't mention when asking there friends and family for support is what this legal case is about. Yes, it's up to each "individual" to give to a "cause" but I bet the average "individual" is probably not going to be as likely to donate to a legal case when the mother is facing felony charges and words like "abuse" and "Munchausen by proxy" are being thrown around.

Anonymous said...

That link posted didn't bring anything up.


Lisa said...

"but I bet the average "individual" is probably not going to be as likely to donate to a legal case when the mother is facing felony charges and words like "abuse" and "Munchausen by proxy" are being thrown around."

Some would, though, and that's fine. But people should have *all the information in something like this. I mean, how different is it to when we were trying to help Chris, who we *know had a stroke, only to find out he was a convicted sexual offender (or predator, I don't recall)? He, too, has a story of how he was just a victim in it all, and maybe he was, but we needed to know that about him, imo.

Anonymous said...

rhys frank <> wrote:

>i have yet to tell my bio-family
>we are going to come to agreement and sign papers with the state. to
>prevent a felony charge. to prevent criminal charges. to save dave's
>license. to preserve hope. to heal 2 small hearts.
>we are giving to authority. they are wording it so whatever happened was
>not intentional. we know the words to say.
>our peace extends in strange ways like light across the water. i almost
>feel like i could write again. privately, here.
>my onliest fear is the psych eval. i do not know what they are like. i
>do not know what to expect. they want to psych eval with our side and
>theirs sharing information about the case.
>what if i fail?
>irony is my mom is in counseling and has been since she visited us last.
>irony is my parents are paying for me to see a private counselor right
>now, an mk.
>and i'm trying to trust.
>but i still only trust few.

>> there's no better.
> Well, them dropping the charges would have been, but I suppose that's not an
> option at this point?

this is so charged, the people accusing are so strong, it's gone levels
above cps that are not controllable.

>> we've agreed to help.
> What does that look like? What's involved?

a psych eval and counseling. doing what they recommend.

whoever tells me how psych evals look and what happens will have my
undying admiration. i fear messing it up.

> So what is it being called?

no suitable parent

and cps leaves lia with dave. important to not losing our parental
rights. IMPORTANT to not losing both of our children.

> Hugs, dear friend.

i'm not trying to be mean.

i'm more broken than i've ever been. too afraid to walk into a house at
times. unable to handle talking with someone without having flashbacks.
i sleep without my family. i wake without them. i try to eat. i try to
work enough to pay part of our bills. bankruptcy is probably in our future.

i didn't know, i didn't know that you could be a 'good' family. that you
could go to college, and do the right things. have good jobs. then have
a child whose body was broken. then to see her healed. then to be broken
in every way and treated worse than an addict, worse than an abuser, to
be viewed with disdain.

i didn't know the system could fail so well, so quickly, and eat us


Hey Shadow,

I'm a little confused about some of this. So if you are agreeing that you
"unintentionally" did something, does that mean they're dropping the
Munschausen thing? Because that is someone doing something on purpose.

Also I don't get the psych evaluation. What are they going to tell them?
What your personality type is? Whether or not you are fit to be a mother? If
you're sane?

Probably the results will be that you have to pay to go and visit the
therapist twice a week. Then you'll have to pay people even more money. And
if you miss a session because you're sick, or you want to go on a trip, do
they say that's proof you're not cooperating? No, probably they don't say
that. Probably that's just my imagination running away. Probably the person
will be really nice and actually help you.


Anonymous said...

That is only part of the convo but figured it was the bare bones details of why some are so upset over this right now.

Deb said...

wow. just wow.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm still confused. Rhys is taking a plea deal, accepting responsibility for unintentionally harming Lia, but if I understand this correctly, it's something she is doing to make the charges all go away?


Shannon said...

This is all a really rough one for damn sure.

Margo said...

Hello pot heads. I don't know what has been said in the private group but maybe what she's being charged with is not getting certain medical care for Lia rather than traditional MBP where the parent/guardian is actually hurting the child? MBP is very hard to *cure so I can't imagine anyone suggesting Lia be given back if it was the case that she was actually doing something to make Lia sick.

It's Robin Again said...

Margo - I'm part of the private group on FB, and *nothing, but nothing is being said about anything, other than asking for money and prayers. It's a frustration I have voiced there - that they are asking for money, but won't say for *what. If that stuff above is true and not some kind of cruel joke, then as much as I hate to say it, it sure doesn't leave me with a good feeling. :(

Anonymous said...

I guess I don't understand why the above written quotes from Rhys would upset those that have stood by her side up to this point.

I don't know much about the case, except the whole thing sounds odd. I haven't commented much, if at all, be quite frank, my initial reaction is that the charges against Rhys are *probably* true. Just speaking on account of probability! It's rare that such charges are unfounded, when a child has been significantly ill, but then suddenly isn't.

Then again, it DOES happen, so I've mostly reserved judgement.

But...if the above quotes are true, I don't see how it incriminates Rhys any more than what we already know. To be honest, many people accept a plea agreement to avoid trial and the hassles associated with it. And if the circumstantial evidence against Rhys is strong, she may feel as though she can't win the case, and better to preserve what she can.

Am I missing something here, that is causing folks to be that upset? Does what she stated cause folks to feel as though Rhys is incriminating herself?


Anonymous said...

What people are and will be upset about is that Rhys hid the fact that those were the charges and that was the situation and if you read the first sentence cut and pasted up there even now she's not telling things to her "bio-family." She asked for money and played on emotions of people who have been following Lia and made it sound like this was all some big misunderstanding, never ever ever once said she was being accused of something so serious. She wasn't truthful to those people she is asking for money and still isn't being. She didn't tell them she was being accused with hurting Lia. That's what's upsetting is the lying by just not telling.

Shannon said...

I think for myself AWAGN what upsets me is that I feel lied to. I have a big part of me that feels like I invested my heart into Rhys and Lia. I know that sounds stupid and people will say that was my choice and yes it was and it pisses me off to no end that I did that and then it turns out that our prayers were good enough, our money (not that I gave any) were good enough, caring was good enough, but people hashed it out and came to the truth without being actually told what was going on. I feel deceived in that, for me, that is a big thing and I dont understand why more could be asked but a simple "as Lia is getting better there are allegations of abuse that now have to be fought".

It is frustrating to no end for me because I never wanted to think that was actually what was behind the legal stuff, now it comes out that it was? It really does feel shady, like anon stated above.

Anonymous said...

Hello Shannon: You invested your heart and time and other people invested their heart and time and MONEY into what now looks like a little girl who was being hurt by her own mother and that's what is will and should piss people off.

Margo said...

I can see where you're coming from, Robin especially if they are not sharing anything in private - I just assumed they were so people knew what was going on.

It's Robin Again said...

No, they aren't. Which has been raising my hackles. I was at one point taken out of the private group for being outspoken (heh, I know you'll find that hard to believe. :-)) but then Rhys put me back on. I have been outspoken and asked what is going on and get no answers. I said that I wouldn't repeat confidential information given there, and I wouldn't have, but there just simply isn't anything there.

Shannon said...

You are very right Anon 7:18. It makes my heart so sick right now. Of all things I would have ever thought the possibility of her hurting or doing anything that may have hindered her health.

Anonymous said...

Surely most people had assumed that the charges were related to Rhys intentionally harming Lia?

I assumed that from the growingMccory's blog post about the situation, where she stated some had called into question the source of the change. What else could possibly warrant custody charges and CPS involvement except for charges that Rhys had been intentionally hurting Lia?

I do understand the frustration of not being informed...Rhys asked for prayers for all of this time, and then kind of left everybody in the dark. But then again, anything she says (including what she types online) could be used against her in a court of course she wouldn't be saying much. we even know for sure if Rhys and Lia are "real?" Or is this some kind of elaborate hoax?

Is there any kind of media coverage on this case?


Anonymous said...

P.S. Just because there are charges, and just because Rhys is taking a plea deal doesn't mean she actually DID harm Lia.

Again, my assumption is that she *probably* has a bit of a skeleton she's hiding here, just based on the probability of a sick child suddenly getting better just like that, alongside the reality that CPS usually has to have some serious evidence before they can pull a kid and make charges like MBP.

But...just because the above has been stated, doesn't mean that Rhys is guilty. What evidence is there?


Shannon said...

AWAGN I think there was a lot of speculation as to what was really going on. Hell for all we knew someone called attention to her CB site. I mean if she were exaggerating things and someone saw this girl with hardly any of that going on it may have set off a red flag. She may have refused a treatment of some sort from the hospital and they deemed it to be harmful. It could have even been that a relative were trying to take Lia away feeling that Rhys wasnt doing the best for Lia?

SO many things that could warrant a CPS investigation that dont also come with felony charges.

Anonymous said...

I see. I had asssumed from the get-go that she had been charged with some kind of MBP and/or medical neglect charge. I thought everybody else had assumed that also.


Anonymous said...

You know what doesn't add up though?

If CPS had a serious question about MBP and actual felony charges were filed, most likely, there was considerable evidence beyond just, "Lia got better."

Think about it...a court case in which a conviction hinges on the presence of reasonable doubt, in this type of situation, needs considerable evidence in order to receive a guilty verdict. You need some really potent evidence to prove that Lia got better BECAUSE her mother was the reason for her illness. Otherwise, it's a pretty easy defense, as there's a number of reasons why Lia may have gotten better, if her mother was not responsible for her illness.

That said...I can't see a DA willingly, and easily dropping charges and entertaining a plea agreement if there is such evidence. Why would they, if they believed that Rhys was harming Lia? I'm assuming Rhys will regain custody of Lia? If a DA believed that she was hurting her, wouldn't they do everything in their power to make sure Rhys did not regain custody?

IMO, something still smells rotten in Denmark.


Shannon said...

I dont disagree with your comment at all. I have been bouncing it around in my head believe me. I wonder what all is entailed with a plea you know? Does it mean just go on with life? Does it mean we are watching you and will pop back in in a heartbeat if anything even hints of being off?

I just really cant imagine that if they have irrefutable proof that they are just going to let them be.

Anonymous said...

Which is why I can't help but wonder if this isn't some kind of elaborate hoax. Do folks here know for sure that Rhys, Lia, et al exist?

Is there any kind of external evidence that this is real? Documents in PACER? Media coverage? Anything?


Anonymous said...

Is there a mention of the case in court records? Surely someone here knows how to find that out. I'm not a good Internet sleuth. By the time discussing a plea deal rolls around, the person would have to be charged, right? But then she states the plea deal is to avoid criminal charges. I'm not well versed in this kind of stuff. Can you plea out if you don't have criminal charges against you?

Is it at all possible that this is one giant scheme for money? She mentions bankruptcy is in the future.

I'm just generally a conspiracy theorist when it comes to people asking for money online.

Lindsay said...

I guess I posted at the same time as AWAGN. I will say I live in the general vicinity and I have seen nothing in the way of media coverage. I suppose I just blew my anonymous cover with that statement ;)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I know nothing except what I've read here and the sites that have been posted here. But from my impression of those postings the father would have custody of the girl and maybe the other child too, so that at least by the agreement, TWG wouldn't have unsupervised access.
I also got the impression that they planned to move far from their current home. Presumably together?

Anonymous said...

Interesting, String. I found this: while looking up stats for how frequently MBP is actually charged and successfully convicted.

*In some cases, the parent or caregiver may deny the charges and move to another location, only to continue the behavior.*

Now again, I am NOT saying that Rhys hurt Lia. I don't think there's really any way for any of us to know that for sure, without having access to whatever evidence is being used against her.

But it sure is damning.


StringOfRandomLetters said...

I know nothing except that I hope for the best for their family, whatever that is. And that it has been, and is still, a sad set of circumstances.

I can still read it all as false accusations, but I have no background or (internet) relationship with the family.

Anonymous said...

"irony is my parents are paying for me to see a private counselor right"
>now, an mk

What is MK?? Lisa mentioned it also.

Lisa said...

Hi to some old familiar faces.

Margo, can that actually *be MBP? just not getting proper medical care, I mean? I've been reading tonight and haven't seen that, but maybe just haven't found it.

I've read here and am so befuddled that I'm not retaining a lot, so sorry. Whoever asked about proof, I don't believe anyone online has anything hard, no. That's why I've been trying so, so hard to give this all the positive benefit of the doubt. For me, reading that link, seeing the words "abuse" and "Munchhausen" used and not seeing anyone refute that tells me those are true allegations. I get that hospitals and CPS can make bad, bad mistakes but typically, once an investigation is complete, they then have facts. That being the case, "hearing" firsthand they'd go ahead with a felony charge tells me they have hard proof of something bad. But, I agree...that doesn't make it fact.

" But then again, anything she says (including what she types online) could be used against her in a court case."

How could "They've accused me of having Munchhausen's and hurting Lia and I DID NOT DO ANY SUCH THING!" hurt anyone in court? How could "Lia is doing so amazingly well (or not, as the case may be) and has done x, y & z this week. We never thought we'd see the day she could do that and are so happy!" hurt anyone in court?

"Can you plea out if you don't have criminal charges against you?"

I think this is actually being called a plea bargain; I believe it's part of mediation to try to prevent charges.

Lisa said...

"What is MK?? Lisa mentioned it also."

I had to Google's Missionary Kids. Kids who grew up in missionary households. It seems a lot of them have a lot of mental issues, from what I'm reading. :-/

Lisa said...

"I think this is actually being called a plea bargain"

Is *not, I mean.

Anonymous said...

I read that as she's seeing a private counselor who happens to be a MK.

You're right, Lisa, she could have come right out and stated it the way you did.

It's just another piece that doesn't quite add up.

As to whether MPB can include medical neglect...hmmm, I'm not sure. The whole premise of MBP is that a parent (usually a mother) seeks attention by causing her child to be sick. I suppose they could do that by refusing medical care for a sick child, causing the child to become much more sick than he or she would have been, necessitating a hospital stay.

I would imagine that usually, a MBP parent would seek a quicker way to get that attention, though.


Lisa said...

"I read that as she's seeing a private counselor who happens to be a MK."

I read it the same way, AWAGN. I'm curious, thogh...totally nosy, but Rhys was never a missionary kid, was she? I know Dave was, I remember he was even born in Africa, but I don't recall she was. So, if I'm right, why is she involved in all this missionary kid stuff herself? Or am I remembering wrong? <-- completely possible

Anonymous said...

I don't really know, Lisa. I kind of jumped in here at the tail end of all of this happenstance.

I'm not sure why it would be worthwhile for her to even mention that her counselor is a mk.


StringOfRandomLetters said...

Would it be because that thread is on *MK*net?

Anonymous said...

Lisa - I'm thinking yes on her being a MK - I found some writings she did about her moving 18 times in 20 years or something like that.

Lisa said...

I was always under the impression she moved a lot within the US, though. I know she spoke of being picked on a lot as a kid, here in the US, because she looked "different." 11:28, did it involve moving to other countries? It would be nice if someone would come give some real clarification on many things, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

Here's the link - she posted this on an MK board so I'm just assuming. They appear to be from sometime b/w 1997 and 2000.

Margo said...

"Margo, can that actually *be MBP? just not getting proper medical care, I mean?" - no, that would be considered neglect. MBP is when you are either making a victim sick or exaggerating an illness. I can't remember if she said she was a MK but I believe she mentioned that Dave was.

Deb said...

Well, all of this just makes me more ill. I read Lia's CaringBridge religiously, then poof, one day it's just gone. I would personally just love to know how Lia is *now.

Margo said...

I feel the same way and don't understand why someone can't share that information.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I don't know much, but I do know that if there is a cps case, there are restrictions that you must follow. The stakes are high.

Anonymous said...

My puzzlement comes from this - I have seen the pictures on the friend's blog and it appears Lia is strong and healthy (which is GREAT news).

In my mind, it can't just be an accusation of neglect because there were numerous pictures of her GETTING help at various doctors & hospitals.
All sorts of tubes and devices always attached to her. I think of neglect as a child needing to see a doctor and the parent not taking them. That surely to me does not seem like what this is about. I did just read one facebook fundraiser where it was termed "neglect" - it's the first time I actually saw it stated that way by anyone.

Margo said...

A charge of medical neglect can be brought about when you're not getting what physicians feel is the right treatment/what's in the best interest of the child. So you can still be getting your child medical help, just not what's recommended.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

That's the scenario I envision too, Margo - doc said the next step is this and they disagreed and refused. It's still all weird given that the child has improved.

Margo said...

Perhaps the treatment she received that started the change for the better was something that had been suggested for a while? There was something in that link yesterday about Rhys allowing people to sit down and write out a treatment plan for them to follow. Perhaps the fear is moving forward they'll go back to not accepting treatment for Lia? I feel bad for speculating because I'm still hopeful there is a perfectly logical reason for what's going on, kwim?

Shannon said...

Margo I really do hope that there is just a logical reason for it all as well. I want Lia to be healthy and live a long and prosperous life and I want to believe that there hasnt been any sort of intention to prevent that from happening.

Lisa said...

I want to believe the same. Right or wrong, though, I just don't any longer and I'm sorry for that on several levels. Margo is right that, reading between the lines, it appears perhaps they say it's because they didn't follow a prescribed treatment plan for Lia when she was home but while that can be called neglect or even endangerment, it certainly isn't MBP and probably not even abuse. MBP and abuse are the words being used, it seems. And why in the world would you take your daughter to multiple doctors, hospitals, specialists...all the things a good, caring parent is supposed to do...and then refuse to follow the treatment plan they give? How does that even make sense? In the end, I'm just so glad she's healing and hope that continues on for her. I also hope her family can all be back together again someday, as long as it's truly safe.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I did, though, read a definition of MBP that includes exaggerating or fabricating illness, not just causing it.

Anonymous said...

Any new news on the Mck bankruptcy?

Shannon said...

Anon it was denied.

So hopefully all of her creditors go through the courts and get legal judgments because those dont go away. I think we all know they still wont pay any of it but maybe if they have that kind of dollar amount all as judgments creditors will think twice about the next time they want a house.

Anonymous said...

So glad about that news Shannon. She needs to pay her debts. I feel sorry for those kids.

Anonymous said...

Shannon - Since the IRS has her (Jennifer) on their radar, I can see why she shut down her blog.

Another blog shut down recently, that many here are interested in or emotionally invested in. MBP or not MBP is being discussed. There are other terms for or associated with MBP,

Here is a link. In the second case, notice the mito diagnosis insistence, g tube, failure to thrive:

Anonymous said...

That's a very informative article anon 12:37.
Do you care to say what other blog shut down recently?

Lisa said...

I, too, would like to know what this other blog is that recently shut down and MBP is being discussed. I can't think of which it may be.

So far, I'm less than impressed with the McKinney bankruptcy not going through. It's not punishment enough for federal perjury, imo. We shall see what assets, if any, wind up being sold but I'm not holding out any real hope for it. I *am holding out hope for the IRS stepping up now, though.

Margo said...

You just want to see her go to jail so you can have RV all to yourself :) I am glad it didn't go through but I don't think it will change anything for her. She'll go on her la-di-da way not having learned anything from the experience. I don't think they are the kind of people to live a responsible life for themselves and their children.

Shannon said...

I have to say I am glad it wasnt granted big time but like I said I would like to see those creditors get a legal court order so that their debts never go away. I would also wonder if this means the end of it all or could there be charges based on the perjury?

D Miller31108 said...

Hey all-that article was so sad! I found an update to her case :

Lisa said...

"You just want to see her go to jail so you can have RV all to yourself :)"

Ha! I still think he's cute, although less so since he had a chance to wise up and get away and instead, came back. That just wasn't attractive.

Shannon, it costs a fair amount to get judgements, have them enforced and such. A lot of the smaller creditors will probably just call it a loss. Hopefully, if assets are sold, they'll be the first paid for this reason. The larger ones, like the CFD and medical bills? Ehhh. If the creditors are informed just how much money she's actually making, may well go after her. If they think she's broke, a lot of those probably won't, too.

What do y'all think about her Instagram being shut down? I see on MWOP they think it's because of the comments but I think Israel may have not known about it, called her out for breaking her end of the agreement and she went dark. Pure speculation on my part, but I like to speculate. :-P

D, hi, and God, the case in these articles is so very sad. I know it's a mental illness but it's so hard to cut a person any slack for it when kids get hurt.

"I did, though, read a definition of MBP that includes exaggerating or fabricating illness, not just causing it."

String, I was wondering about this yesterday, too. D'y'all suppose it's possible a person could maybe *not be harming their already-somewhat sick child to make them more sick but, maybe as part of a creative writing experiment, could write that the child was getting progressively worse and facing death and get in trouble for that? I'm not sure I made sense there with what I'm asking but hopefully it's understandable.

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** New post up and yay me, I checked for spam (there was none), too! ***

Anonymous said...

Are there any updates to Lia's story? I used to read the Caring Bridge page and have been trying to find out how she's doing, then I stumbled across this page, but even this news is 4 months old. Would appreciate any info since then, Thanks.

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