Sunday, March 11, 2012

God led me to share this...

...however, God also said to warn everyone it's not safe for work, kids, pets or anyone easily offended.  Happy Sunday.  :-)


Lisa said...

By the way, if that post really offends anyone, I'm sorry. I'm in the throes of a long round of insomnia and thing that seems funny to me in the early morning hours may not strike others as such. Ah, well. ;-) From the last post:

Glad to hear the thumb and male rash are both doing better!

"She seems to be completely oblivious to how her words can and will be used against her in the future. Or she doesn't care."

I think she's one of those women who feel invincible when it's her word against a man's. You know, the type who slap the shit out of their husbands often but my God, let him slap back and the cops gets called because she's a woman. I think she feels she can do or say anything and because she's a single mom of five, it's okay. And she's been wronged, after all. She's also an idiot, as anyone who has been through a contentious divorce or knows someone who has can tell her.

"I may bring some hate on myself here, but I believe charity should begin at home, help those around you first, worry about the rest later."

I could not agree more. First with under your own roof, then your family, immediate first, then extended. From there, neighbors and friends and let it spread as you are able from that point. I do love Kiva because, to also answer Mama P's question, it's a loan. It's not a gift or a loan money and those who you chose to help are required to repay it over a specified period of time. Kiva funds independence, not dependence. That reminds me, no one else put a name in but me, but D mentioned helping a single mom so I win by default, lol, but I'll pick a single mom for Daisy to help and link to her later. :-)

"and I'm thinking of making a HUGE decision but I keep going back and forth on it, it's stressing me out! I won't bore anyone with details unless you guys want to give me some advice or thoughts."

I'm game and God knows, I'll give my thoughts on anything to anyone! ;-)

Lisa said...

As for Shellie B, bless her heart, she seems like such a sweet thing and those who are kind to her are proof there *are nice, caring people on MWOP.

Back to JM for a sec, what is *with her fans? What part of "bankruptcy" do they not get. It means (or should mean, by *law) that you're flat broke or in the negative. Not one person has asked her, in reference to what Maisie should wear in the pictures, what she already has that would match the boys. That boggles my mind.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to watch the video :), I'll have to later when the children aren't afoot.

So, here is my long winded story. The hubs and I are both in college. I started at he University of Phoenix in mid 2007,graduated with my associates, and went back for my bachelor's. Same with hubs excepted he started a few years after me. We got to talking a few weeks ago and came to a realization, neither of us plans for me to go back to work full time, anytime in the next 10-15 years. Then we got to talking about the cost of online school, and the credibility of the degree. As of right now, we are $95,000 in debt, and not done with school.

I started feeling selfish because if I don't plan to use my degree, I don't want to put us even further in debt getting it. The hubs has already made his decision, he's dropping out, he has another $40,000 before he would be done wit his bachelors. So, to get to my advice I was going to ask what others thought about stopping school or just continuing but I've since figured it out for myself.

Looking at my schedule last night, I only have 5 classes left before I graduate with my bachelor's degree. In reality I'll be done with school in less than a year. Granted it'll add to student loans, but I'm already so close to finishing. The credibility of the school still worries me, but again I am so damn close and there is always the what ifs. What if I HAVE to go back to work full time, what if the hubs gets hurt at work, or what if something happens between us and I end up a single mom with a big brood of babies? gahhh (I've been thinking about this for weeks now)

The good thing is, we do have a plan for paying down the loans. In about 18 months I am going to go back to work part time, hopefully late second or early third shift, and work just enough hours to get a paycheck big enough to make our student loan payments. The goal is to pay around $15,000 a year to pay them off and with any luck have all of our student loan debt paid down within 6-8 years. Me finishing the degree will only add on another year or so of payments.

So, to turn it more into a discussion I guess, what do you guys think of online schools?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the people on MWOP are at least nice to Shellie B, especially if she has a sensory disorder (well either way but) I have a son with a sensory disorders, so I have a soft spot for her now if she really does have one. She seems innocent and nice, I've never see her be mean or anything.

I do think that mwop should delete all the references to IM's "Friend" on mwop. Or at least star out her name, she does have family, and I just don't think her name should be dragged into the whole JM/Mwop mess.

and good lord on JM, when you are claiming to not have the money to pay your bills you shouldn't be online touting all the stuff you've bought or want to buy!

Now I'm off to my MIL's. Someone have a drink for me, because heaven knows I'm going to need one. :P

Chuck Banger said...

Morning, lovely ladies. Last night I was lurking on YBM and saw this:

What do you think, could it be her? The poster never denied the accusation. Is JM truly this clueless?

Lisa said...

Holy shit, Chuck! I've got to say, I don't think that's JM, but man, those women are angry things, aren't they? Damn. they just circled in and latched on like vultures, lol.

Mama P, I think you're doing the right thing by finishing school, too, being so close. Otherwise, it was all a waste. Can U of P's credits be transferred to another college, tough? I mean a local one. Is the degree recognized by others, also? I know a lot of b&m schools are offering online degrees now and I think that's fine, but I do know many employers won't look at a degree from the solely online schools in the same manner they do others. I'm not sure why not, though. My son graduated high school from an online school, an excellent school ( and far better than our public schools, yet people view that as being less than a public or private school diploma, we've noticed. Perhaps your husband could look into finishing online, but through a b&m university?

Chuck Banger said...

That was nothing Lisa, this was from last night too. I missed it until I did a search today. The format is very fast and confusing for old people, heh. Tons of hits for 'mckmama' on that forum.

This is why I lurk. they skeeer me! Who calls a baby 'ugly?"

Lisa said...

Oh, Chuck, thank you for the good reading material! Funny reading, there. I admit, I'm no fan of calling kids names but it doesn't really bother me, either, except that I feel sorry for them if they ever read about it. That's why I say things like that privately...because let's face it, some babies and kids are just homely as hell. :-) Did she really leave dirty diapers on the floor and sniff them? How did I ever miss that gem?

Anonymous said...

First I just read the youbemom stuff and OMG those people are downright mean lol. Mwop seems rather tame compared to them....

@Lisa, the credits do not transfer to a brick and mortar school, in fact they really don't transfer anywhere.

The hubs actually plans on going to a local tech college. He doesn't want a degree that requires him working in an office. He wants to work hands out kinda thing, so he is thinking of heating and air school if the whole cable man thing doesn't work out

Pamala said...

I think with five classes to go it's a good idea to finish. I can't say whether UofP is going to be looked upon as "good" or not when it comes to employers, but what can you do?

I actually made the decision last week to drop out of school. I had three more semesters to go and it made no sense building up debt when I wouldn't see any rewards from getting a degree.

Basically Dave Ramsey said go to school when you can pay for it or your degree will get you a promotion or raise. Mine will do neither. So I'm putting it off until I can pay for it without loans.

Anyhoot, JM is a moron if she thinks he won't get her kids. I actually think IM is more likely to get custody of the kids. Why? Because he was their primary caregiver for a long time while she worked. Plus he has nothing on the Internet that would really be used against him. Sure he has a DV conviction but there is also proof online (via JM herself) that she was just as bad in that case, she just got away with it.

Also moving 5 hours away, and not in with your parents, won't look all that great in my opinion. She's cut her children off from seeing their dad.

Anyhow she's in for a huge rude awakening if he decides to fight her at all.I think she'd be surprised at how much she'd owe him in spousal support.

Lisa said...

Pamala, yes...I really think she feels invincible since she's their mom and it's just not so. Granted, court are less likely to take the kids away from a mom than a dad when all things are equal, but you pointed out exactly why things could swing in his favor in court. Had it not been for my ex-husband having pending criminal charges, I'd have lost Jake to him simply because the judge didn't like me. If she thinks she can't lose hers to Israel, *especially if he moves in or close to his mom, she's beyond stupid.

Pamala said...

The only reason that I have full custody of my kids is because my ex just let me have it. I imagine in a fight he would have at least gotten 50/50 since that's sort of law in this state. Luckily my ex isn't a complete idiot and knew he would be better letting me have them fully and he just visit. But it could have easily not worked out that way.

Lisa said...

See, that's it, too...if he files in a 50-50 state, there's no way I can see that he won't get it. And since she moved away from him, a court can absolutely order her to move back close, even if it means changing schools for the kids. Now, if he's really a good dad *and is able to do so, he'd do his best to move close to her and the kids so they can stay in the same school. Sometimes, though, that can't be done. And boy, it won't take anything at all for him to get a judge to order her to keep the kids off her blog.

Pamala said...

I just realized that Anja plays the bait game too. So does Roobii but I think that's just because she likes being someone who can pretend to be in the know.

Anja has something in regards to the creditors meeting. She knows it went 3 hours, and knows the details as given to her by supposedly four sources. But refuses to release any information because it might hurt the bankruptcy case? Bullshit. What could possibly hurt the bankruptcy case?

I guess it annoys me to see Anja playing the same games as JM and baiting people that she'll put together pages or that she has big info but can't tell anyone. Then maybe, just maybe you shouldn't have said a damn thing at all.

D Miller31108 said...

Just dropping in...Lisa sorry I didn't send you anyone. My son turned 4 on the 11th and I've been running around doing stuff for it!

Anonymous said...


I totally get what you're saying, but I think in this instance it might be because then it would reveal her source? Then perhaps she wouldn't be able to get further info?
I know it is completely annoying, but this time I'm going to give Anja the benefit of doubt. Once she reveals whatever is up, it better be good seeing as I have been checking in there a little more consistently as of late because of it ;)
Lately to save time, and because ALL the comments on MWOP are speculative and all nit-picking, I just skim to find Anja and Roobii's comments. Those are the ones with the real "dirt"


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Pamala.
There was no reason at all that Anja had to mention that, especially if she could not give out anymore information. If she's trying to protect her so called sources, then she should not have said a word.

Roobii already hinted that Jennifer told her "friends" that she got grilled by the trustee. Roobii also said that Jennifer knows who she is, so I don't see what the problem is.

I guess I don't understand, if she can't really say anymore, then why bring it up in the first place? So people can ask questions and for her and Roobii to basically say, "I know something you don't know"?


Shannon said...

I really have to I naive? Blind? Stupid? what the hell is it that there are women on MWOP who can see so many sick disgusting subliminal things in JM's pics of her kids that I just can not? I just really dont get it because they see NOTHING just being an innocent moment caught on film it is all about her trying to use her kids for perverts.

Lisa said...

D, it's okay, I've been super lazy about getting the Kiva thing in order. I'll do it tonight or tomorrow (famous last words) and will pick a single mom for you, unless you want to pick one before I get my ass in gear and do it. I guess whoever picks first between us is the "winner" :-) And happy late birthday to your boy!

I really think Anja is stuck between trying to let readers know there *is more, to not give up hope this ridiculous free ride of Jennifer's may possibly end soon and trying to protect her sources, both privacy-wise and legally. Roobii, though, is the one I don't get...I've wondered if she's actually a relative of Jennifer's or Israel's.

Shannon, which pictures are you nopt seeing things in? The one of Kieran sick did bother me...that was a pedophiles wet dream stuff outside of actual child porn. Maisie's butt crack picture? I failed to see why it was *such a major deal to people, other than the fact it could well embarrass her someday that so many people saw it. Still, not a big deal in my book. Shit, the old Coppertone ad was worse than that. Were it not for pictures like the one of Kieran or the sumo wrestling picture, maybe people wouldn't be so quick to assume the worst about her.

Anonymous said...

The fact that they are blowing pictures of Maisie up to check butt crack photoshopping is disgusting. Wtf is wrong with people? Way way way over the line.

Lisa said...

I tell you what just pisses me off, and I know it's been discussed to death, but how in the hell is someone filing bankruptcy and claiming their bills run into the damn *negative affording to paying anything toward diet pills, an outfit just for a photo shoot, a second pair of Vibrams and taking the family out for restaurant food and movies? Seriously? I mean, I'm far from rich but also not poor and by the time I pay living expenses, utilities, phone, car, home and health insurances, home maintenance, taxes, etc., it's a huge deal for us to get the $5 Subway sub special once or twice a month. I'm not a bit jealous, but I fiercely resent what she's doing here, you know?

Lisa said...

Enuff, I agree...I found that over the top, too. There's nothing sexual or even intentionally implied to be sexual in that picture, imo.

Shannon said...

This is the second time that they have taken it upon themselves to zoom into a photo to see butt cracks or to see if the little boy running around might have his junk hanging out. I mean seriously?? The picture of Kieran what the hell is it that is being seen in that???

I guess I am just once again the bad neglectful mother who sees that as a nice peaceful moment in time. I would have taken that kind of photo. I have taken pics of my kids with their butt cracks hanging out because I really dont care. Maybe the perverts that JM should be concerned about are the ones calling her out because they are completely examining every single aspect of each photo looking for something naughty or "gross" and that is seriously disturbing.

Pamala said...

I must be horrible, my oldest has no hips or butt so her pants are routinely hanging down to her ankles. LOL! Anyhow I don't photoshop plumbers crack photos. And I would have more reason to photoshop it out than JM does because a side effect of Kaylee's meds is excessive hair growth and she looks like a werewolf under her clothes (we remove the hair on her face, arms and legs). But I don't photoshop it. I looked at the photo and thought what the hell is wrong with the people that they blew that photo up to see if there was a butt crack. I thought when I saw they were talking about it that it was a close up photo.

As to the spending, I don't know. The problem with bankruptcy at least in JM's case, is should it be granted she will loose all the debt but that won't stop her from spending because she has no control. She will just run herself into a shit ton more debt after this.

Lisa said...

Shannon, the problem I have with Keiran's photo is that it has a very, for lack of a better term, sensual look to it. He's a very gender-bending child to look at to begin with, and lord knows I have no issues with fact, it's part of why he's my favorite...but a responsible parent would stop and realize the sexual appeal that look has to pedophiles and not enhance it for photos. If Kieran, in that picture with the same soft focus and lighting, was a grown woman, would it not have a sensual/sexual feel to it to you? The illusion of nakedness, the knee drawn up, the dreamy look on the face? It would to me. Now, picture the same woman in jeans and a sweater, the photo brightly lit, shot from way above and said woman down on the floor, ass crack showing, peering under the couch for something. My first thought would be that it's a cute shot of a mom hunting for something her kids lost. There's just nothing sexual or sensual about it, imo. If you replace her kids with a grown woman in each photo and rethink it, does it make a difference in how you view that shot of Kieran?

Anonymous said...

JJ's can be expensive. We typically grab it to go just for the hubs and I, and swing through Wendy's for the kids. Just for the 2 of us, it can cost well over $25. And that's if we're not starving.

Keiran's photo was not okay to me, personally I would never put it up BUT the fact that every picture JM puts up gets "sexualized" by MWOP is a bit disturbing as well. Seriously, it's almost like every photo she puts up the try to pick apart.

Anonymous said...

I also was uncomfortable with kieran's picture. I am plain disgusted by the blowing up of pictures, any pictures. They have totally crossed the line with that, and Anja better reign them in a little. I know she is not responsible for what they do or post, but I would be insulted if I paid for a blog hosting and this is what they choose to discuss.

Anonymous said...

How is Anja supposed reign anyone in? I never understand what people mean by that. She doesn't even know who the posters are! I doubt she's all that insulted by what's posted, considering it's a slam blog, meant to pick apart someone.
I agree blowing up pictures is a bit out there...but my understanding is you didn't need to blow them up originally to know that crack kills, but it was later blurred out, which was appropriate on Jen's part.
Pamala: I agree. The spending will never stop. I have a friend just like that. She's filed chapter 7, and has run up at least another 100K in debt already. Dumb.

Lisa said...

Julia, it's not's thievery. Plain and simple theft from innocent people. It is immoral, unethical and ought to be grounds to put someone in jail. Sorry, but my patience is so thin on this shit these days.

Shannon said...

Lisa if you are thin on the patience then you should LOVE the story they had on the news the other night. It was all about unemployment. One man who is serving a rather lengthy sentence was collecting $1600 per month in unemployment. He had his friends on the outside cashing the checks. Thankfully someone realized what was up and not those friends are also in prison, hopefully not collecting unemployment.

But yeah apparently just on 4 states they mentioned there are BILLIONS going out in unemployment that really shouldnt be.

kate said...

Yep, I'm with Lisa. Don't see the dumb, just evil, greedy thievery.

And in this case I'd make total sense to me to take your friend to task. You know, rather than harrassing a complete stranger all over the internet. Seems like the charity starts at home thing to me. Taking a stand against crooks would also start in my neighborhood for me.

Anonymous said...

I have taken my friend to task about it, and frankly, we barely speak anymore because of her antics.
Also, I don't harass any complete strangers on the internet. I've never had any contact with JM if that's what you are implying, other than when I offered to give her my cell phone while Stellan was ill and she was complaining that her phone was broken. Oh, and once I emailed her in response to her anti-gay rants, to tell her I found it to be really offensive.
I agree. It is thievery. Her parents are the same way. There is so much to her drama, but I don't even have the time to tell you, but it's really frustrating. She's also 32 years old and has been married 3 times now. She goes through husbands just like money.

kate said...

Yeah, I meant more along the lines of joining forums, websites, blogs, etc. specifically to express your anger about JM. No need to take offense.
And I can fully understand how such behavior would throw a wrench into a friendship. Like I said, I would have the same issues.

Lisa said...

Julia, I know several people like her, but one in specific *was a good friend and is no longer. She's filing her 2nd bankruptcy in 10 years and (at least this time) purposely ran her many credit cards up in preparation, buying things she thought she might need for the next few years like clothing, new tires, new appliances, a new computer, new phones, etc. Her house has been in foreclosure for 2.5 years, waiting its turn in line, and this is the second house in 10 years she's lost. She quit her job at a call center because it was too stressful, used all of her unemployment and then got herself on disability for depression and anxiety (I thought it was for MS since she does have it, but no) so now she doesn't have to work again. She's on food stamps, Medicaid (because, after all, she's disabled now)...and of course, got herself a new dog to keep her company since she's no longer working. I cannot politely deal with it actually in my own little world of people and have walked my ass away. Sometimes, it's all you can do.

Hi, Kate, welcome back...I was afraid we'd lost you completely.

Anonymous said...

@Lisa, people like ^^ that make me sick. My MIL has MS, she can barely walk. There is so much she can't do anymore. Know one thing she does, every day? Go to work. Her doctor and family have suggested she apply for disability,she politely has told them to go to hell.

On another note, maybe it's just our moral compass but my husband and I could never just rack up debt like that, hell we get antsy when we use our credit cards (which btw are completely paid off every month). Do these people think the rules don't apply to them? They surely must. GAH its nuts

Anonymous said...

I don't buy JM's spider story BUT to share my own parent fail...

I can't remember when it happened but last fall I got the kids in the van buckled belts and went on our merry way. About 10 minutes into the drive I had to slam on my brakes because the person in front of me stopped suddenly. My poor J-man went flying and hit my seat 0_0. I had strapped the kids into their carseats, except not him :(

I can laugh about it now, and he did at the time. He thought it was funny, and looking back I giggle, but when it happened I freaked the hell out!

Anonymous said...

and didn't blog about it 0_0

Lisa said...

Hell, we've all had bad parenting moments and anyone who claims they haven't is either a liar or a parent whose children will need therapy in later life. Why people feel the need to pick JM apart of stuff like this is just beyond me.

And yes, the person i know could absolutely do much office work, can drive long distances, can sit on a computer for hours, go fishing and most certainly could have gone back to school to learn a trade that could make allowances for her MS. She blames it all on Obama, seriously, and that's why she feels justified in doing least that's the reasoning I've heard.

twirldawg said...

Twice I've failed to fully latch the chest belt in R's carseat. Scared the crap out of me, but it happens and it's just a reminder to be more careful next time.

I don't get how someone could go through bankruptcy again. It's hell and the only good thing that came out of my experience (besides being more financially responsible) is that I think it made my marriage a little stronger.

kate said...

Unpossible. But thanks. I just didn't have anything to contribute. It happens.

I'm not sure if I know mostly finacially sound people or if folks just don't tell me when they're up to such shenanigans. (Because they know I'd be right in their face...) But I haven't had this problem yet.

My biggest issue was my MIL stealing a bathrobe during her hospital stay because I'd admired how much the color matched my bathroom. Ugh. Gave new meaning to 'that wasn't necessary'. But I admit that I didn't try to put it back. And to this day I haven't specifically told her that I'd rather she didn't steal stuff (for us).

kate said...

Hell, we've all had bad parenting moments and anyone who claims they haven't is either a liar or a parent whose children will need therapy in later life.

How about not lying about stuff you've done that might come up in the kid's therapy later? Almost strangling your offspring in the swingset probably counts as subconscious attempted murder.

Lisa said...

Ha! With what hospitals charge, they were paid well for that bathrobe. ;-) Honestly, most people I know are financially sound, as well. They may be fairly poorish after paying for all the necessary stuff, but they live within their means and are reasonably content. There are a couple, though, that just, for some reason, feel entitled. They'd deny that to the end, though.

Jill, that's good that your marriage is often, financial stuff tears a marriage apart.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you all read Cjane or Nie? Just wondering what everyone thinks. I used to really like them both, but I can hardly stomach the exercise in narcissism they both are now. Do you know anyone who likes to have their photo taken more than Cjane?

Also: my friend with the financial issues: Just found out she's walking away from her condo in a big city, because her second divorce went through, and she didn't get her name removed from the mortgage. They tried to sell it for 2 mos, couldn't so just abandoned it. lovely. I have a condo in the same large city. Thanks for my property value taking another hit.

And Kate:
Although I appreciate your opinion, I think most of us here at one point participated in OHIH or MWOP, so it's difficult not to take offense to the accusation of harassing strangers on the internet. I'm also not exactly sure what my deadbeat friend has to do with JM being a lying liar who lies.


Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, am I am the only person who was never involved with mwop, (I never even knew abut OHIH)? I've read MWOP but never commented.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of hospitals, my grandma always loved taking things from hospitals. She literally got excited about being able to take this or that home. I can remember being around 8 or 9 and my great grandma was in the hospital, one night we went to visit, and while we were there grandma took home a towel and like a dozen washcloths!

Claire (UK) said...

Sorry to back track a little, but if JM didn't put questionable pictures up of her kids, then there would be nothing to take and 'blow up'?

Pervy old men could of done exactly the same.. not just the ladies of MWOP. JM did it on purpose knowing what reaction she would get.

And it worked.

Anonymous said...

"but if JM didn't put questionable pictures up of her kids, then there would be nothing to take and 'blow up'?"

True, if she didn't put up questionable pictures, there wouldn't be anything to blow up BUT

That doesn't make it any less sick that MWOPERS do it. Just because JM does something wrong, doesn't make it okay for others to do the same, ie; blowing up the pictures to look for sexual things.

kate said...


That made me giggle... grandma on a grand theft hospital spree...
And nope, I wasn't involved in any of the MWoPs either.


The thing is, when I 'investigated' where that ridiculous claim that JM says "God loves her more/best" comes from, I came across the blog entry of a woman who described JM's blissdom speech. And guess who was first to comment? That's right, you. And the forum. And on all MWoP incarnations there's you.

For somebody who was so invested in badmouthing JM, at a time when she 'only' had 2 foreclosures under her belt, I'd have thought dropping your friend would have been the first thing you'd do. Yet you describe her as a 'dumb friend'. There was no noticeable outrage in your statement, KWIM?
So it had me wondering why you're so persistent in keeping a mommy blogger on the straight and narrow when in your circle of friends much worse stuff takes place.

Anonymous said...

@Kate, yep it's still funny. She's 75 now, and lives in a nursing home. She still does it! Except it doesn't cause any harm now, the staff just goes in and takes the stuff back :P

Anonymous said...

Of course I comment at MWOP, and the forum. I've said that. And I did comment on Cecily's blog, because I read her blog daily, and comment often. I like her, and I like her writing. Unless during your investigations, you also read Heather Spohrs blog, because I also commented there when she was upset over Jen's blissdom speech.

I have no allegiance or history with Jennifer Mckinney. My issues with her weren't about her forclosures originally. My issues were with her over dramatizing her son's illness, using God and Christianity to make a buck. The same issues I have with TV evangelists. Jen's forclosures came to light long after MckMama was exposed for being an internet fraud.
My friend on the other hand, I do have some allegiance to. Just because her behavior is disgusting, doesn't mean I hate her. I never called her my dumb friend either, I said her behavior was dumb. What she is doing is wrong, which I already said. What is it that you are trying to get at? I haven't once tried to defend my friend, I'm the one that brought it up for god's sake. It's disgusting, and she knows I think so. I unfortunately don't have any control over her or what she does in terms of her finances. If she had a blog, and was boasting about it, I'm sure people would be calling her out.


Shannon said...

Kate the big difference between JM and people in our own lives would be that in general the people in our personal lives arent out advertising publicly what they are doing.

I mean hell I have been around since OHIH and I have to tell you it is crazy. This woman has doled out marital advice, financial advice, crunchy living advice and look at her. She was preaching marital advice while still having active an active DV case. She was giving financial advice while losing her home and multiple vehicles. She preaches crunchy eating while eating constantly at fast food joints and now taking drugs to lose weight. It ticks people off.

kate said...


I'm aware of all of that and I get it. I'm not questioning the reasons why anybody'd be ticked off by JM. Hell, I was ready to pay her a visit & take those 'running shoes' off her feet myself.

Still, I would consider it along the same lines when somebody close to me had the guts to boast about their second bankruptcy. It doesn't have to be in front of a big internet audience, IMO.


Sorry, it seemed clear to me what I'm 'trying to get at'. Unfortunately that doesn't always work on the internet.
I was surprised that the only adjective you came up with to describe your friend's doings was 'dumb'. Yet I'd seen you all over the internet being persistently anti-JM.
Like I said, I'd have expected at least the same amount of outrage towards your friend as you've shown towards JM. The friend being much closer to home and all. No need to join forums, blogs, etc. in order to vent your displeasure.

But I understand how it's not as easy to sever a RL bond as to join forces against some internet persona.
(Hey, I'm the one who instructed my guy to not accept any stolen goods anymore, rather than insulting my MIL.)

Never said you defended her. And sorry for shortening your description to 'dumb friend' when clearly you meant she's a friend who does dumb things.


that is a really endearing picture... your grandmother collecting her secret stash and the staff quietly indulging her.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to comment once more, and that's it, because I'm tired of beating this horse with you. You are obviously trying to get my goat with this, and you aren't going to. Read my comment to you displeasure with Jen started way before she was filing bankruptcy. I think it's crappy that she's filing bankruptcy, but that's 2 years later with her. My issues with her are more along the lines of her lies, spin, and her constant need to be an expert in everything.
My "outrage" at my friend has nothing to do with Mckinney. It's two separate issues. And again, my irresponsible friend doesn't plaster her shit all over a public blog.
You can keep repeating yourself, and I can keep repeating myself, but clearly, it's going nowhere.

D Miller31108 said...

So....anyone have any cool plans or hot dates for the weekend?

Shannon said...

well due to all the advertising about Jimmy Johns I have discovered that there is one that just opened not far from that is where we are heading for dinner

Anonymous said...


Quick question. I see YOU on a few different blogs commenting as well. If you have never been involved with MWOP or OHIH then what brought you to this site or BWOP site?
I can say I have commented on MWOP (long ago) BWOP and this site, but I would have never known about them if not for Mckmama.
So what brings you to them?


Anonymous said...

Oh how I love Jimmy John's, the gargantuan is a hit in this house.

@D, tonight I'm doing laundry, the hubster brought home new work uniforms and requested I wash them tonight. So yay for that,or not lol.

Tomorrow I'm either going to go out shopping for the baby, or I'm taking the kids out to a park. Haven't decided yet :)

Sunday, I'm going to sit on my couch, or ball. All day.xD

Lisa said...

"So....anyone have any cool plans or hot dates for the weekend?"

I have a hot date, just like every weekend. I'm a player. *nods*

Does it really matter if people plaster their stuff all over a blog, as long as *we know about it, either online or personally? I"m going to say the same things about people doing this shit, whether it's in "real life" ot online. Or am I missing something?

Happy St. Patrick's Day, by the way.

Lisa said...

"Do any of you all read Cjane or Nie?"

I've read NieNie a few times and truly, she annoys and bores me to death, alternately. I've never read Cjane, though. Is it cjanerun dot com? Nevermind, it is...I see NieNie there in a picture. Um, so I read like 5 posts of Cjane's and have to ask - does it get more interesting?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Top o' the mornin' to you, O'Lisa :)
That's one thing about JM - she keeps it interesting, trainwreck that it is.

Lisa said...

Thank ye, String, and to you, as well. :-)

She does, indeed. From time to time, if I get a bit bored, I try to imagine what it is like to live her life and honestly? I'd probably have made myself sick with stress by now. Not to mention feeling like the biggest piece of shit in the world.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Same here. I don't know a single person like her irl. I hope her kids rebel and turn out to be decent adults.
No hot dates here. They are in the cupboard where it's cool :) We are having a premature summer though!

kate said...


Relax, I'm not 'trying to get your goat' at all.
Nor did my comment require any response from you.
It was merely an observation that I expressed. Period.


Not sure what you mean by 'a few different blogs'. It's exactly BWoP and here.
I found JM (I think via Patrice) around the time when Stellan was just cured and JM was extremely defensive about the DV, her financials, her marriage and other things. And potentially pregnant again.
So very early 2010. I remember there was another site that had brought on this defensiveness, so maybe I'd even seen OHIH.

All that high drama had me intrigued and I googled her again early last year. Which is when MWoP popped up. That gave me stuff to read for a few days, but mostly in disgust.
Then BWoP got 'involved' and I settled for that place as the only one that doesn't blindly cheer for JM yet clearly distances itself from MWoP.

"I"m going to say the same things about people doing this shit, whether it's in "real life" ot online. Or am I missing something?"
That's exactly my opinion as well.

Robin said...

Shannon...I had my first Jimmy John's sandwich just over a week ago...the Beach Club...Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, and mayo, and I had them add sliced onions, oil, vinegar and oregano. I had it on their 7 grain bread.

It was probably the BEST sandwich I have ever had in my LIFE!! It was just SO good. And HUGE. I think it weighed about 3 lbs!

Did you enjoy yours?

Shannon said...

Robin I LOVED it!! The bread is so awesome. My friend compared it to having a sandwich on a soft bagel...soft yet firm and chewy...amazing. I had the Italian Night Club....YUMMMM added the hot peppers....YUMMMM. Seriously my mouth really wanted a second one but there was no way my stomach could have handled it LOL

Anonymous said...

In regards to the great diet pill debate of 2012 on MWOP: Do people really think diet pills work? I know it's like a million dollar industry or something, but I'm just curious as to who is buying. If I thought they worked, I'd be all over it...but I don't even think for a second they would make a difference. I have to lose these last stubborn 10 pounds by diet. Puke.

Lisa said...

Julia, I think they *can, maybe, help speed up loss some, yes, but once off them, you'll gain it back *and feel like all the energy is sucked out of you. But I'll tell you why I think they really may work...people pay a lot for them and want to use them "right" so they don't waste their money. That means they are far more inclined to stick to an actual diet, get a little more exercise, whatever the plan recommends, so they don't waste that huge amount of money they've invested. I'd bet if those pills she's hawking cost $10 a bottle, the losses would be far less amazing because you don't feel so bad cheating. Many years ago, I was in management with Nutri/System, back when you actually had to go to clinics, buy your food at the clinic and meet with nurses and counselors. The food was expensive but the cost of the program on top of that was outrageous...yet it worked and people loved it. There was a high success rate because if you met your goal weight and maintained it for a year, you got half of your program fees back. But in teaching us to sell it, we learned that one big reason it worked was that people stuck to it in order to make that huge investment worthwhile and to get part of it back. I suspect this is why the more expensive diet pills work better than the cheap ones...same theory.

Shannon said...

Julia diet pills honestly scare the hell out of me. Like I said in the FB comment that got me blocked from commenting for nearly 30 years they thought that there was nothing dangerous with Fen-Phen. And then they discovered that the serotonin levels that were building up from the appetite suppression portions of the pills were damaging heart valves and causing heart failure in otherwise young and healthy women. Sorry but even if these pills claim to be 'all natural' and all that there are a lot of natural things that are deadly.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Puke is right ;) I think it might be only women who see stomach "flu" as a weight loss opportunity.
Not *while they're puking though.

I always thought weight loss pills worked like speed - high energy, low appetite. Not good for you.

Shannon said...

"I always thought weight loss pills worked like speed - high energy, low appetite. Not good for you."

Totally agree String. The one and only time I ever tried a diet pill was shortly after I stopped breast feeding my daughter...about 20 years ago. It was a dexatrim and OMG I felt like I was wired out of my mind. It was hours of bouncing off the walls.

Guess that would be why they scare the hell out of thank you!!

Lisa said...

"I think it might be only women who see stomach "flu" as a weight loss opportunity."

Nah, I always view this as the only positive aspect of stomach flu and food poisoning. I think most women do!

Lisa said...

And I have to say that I'm completely freaked out by the whole failing drug tests thing. What if a mom is distracted while driving and accidentally, horrifically, hits someone and kills them? It's not out of the realm of possibility. Common procedure would be to drug and alcohol test her and hey! she's positive for the same stuff in peyote. Lovely...just lovely. Can you *imagine the harm to come out of that? For her to be promoting these products without constantly cautioning everyone to read the warnings, talk to your doctor first, etc., to the point it's like a broken record, is inexcusable, imo.

Shannon said...

I totally agree O'Lisa. To tell women it is OK to use while breast feeding and pregnant?? I mean really???? And how is that going to impact the growing fetus or new baby??? Do you really want to potentially screw with them? And that people are even asking that makes me want to give them a proverbial (and maybe literal) smack upside the head.

People dont ever stop and think about the potentially negative results of things.

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