Sunday, February 19, 2012

Too tired for church today?

We can just have small group here later, if that works for everyone?

(post was heavily edited 02/23 at around 4:10pm...if you're looking for pictures/info on MckMama's new house, it's on the new post now.)


Lisa said...

Sorry for the lack of creativity on our Sunday post but I've had company and am worn out. I don't get why people can't figure out I'm too anti-social for company. :-P

"I was/am bummed about your advice on JM's facebook regarding the nailpolish. Maybe I've read it wrong, but it sounded to me as if you're asking her to reconsider sending the kid to school like that. But maybe you're only reminding her to be prepared in case the kid runs into some cruelty from his peers.
Anyway, I've read up on the book you recommended and I will definitely keep my eye out for it."

Kate, I don't care on a personal level if her kid wears nail polish to school...he's not my kid. That said, I think it is horrendously piss-poor parenting to send a scared, insecure little boy into a brand new situation filled with people who already know one another so he's the odd man out from the get-go, minus his mama or daddy for the first time, all day long, with *anything* that might cause him to get picked on. It's just stupid. Thoughtless, uncaring and stupid. If the kid wants to wear nail polish, be the adult and insist he only be allowed to after he's had a chance to let the other kids get to know him, until he's had a chance to size up the situation there, etc., and gain confidence and security.

Do watch for Cheryl's book. We're online friends and she's a sweetheart, she and her husband, both. It's truly a good book, for parents and kids alike.

Chuck Banger said...

"I think it is horrendously piss-poor parenting to send a scared, insecure little boy into a brand new situation filled with people who already know one another so he's the odd man out from the get-go, minus his mama or daddy for the first time, all day long, with *anything* that might cause him to get picked on. It's just stupid. Thoughtless, uncaring and stupid."

This bears repeating. So I did.

kate said...


Thanks for your explanation.
I understand now where you're coming from.

Lisa said...

Well, hi there, Chuck and thanks. :-) And you're welcome, Kate...after you asked, I could see how it may have come across differently than I really feel.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Have I missed any drama anywhere?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Uh huh. Spelling lessons over on bwop.

kate said...

And math. Don't forget math.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Kind of interesting that they think they are anti-bully.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. There is more anger and hate on that site than any thing I have ever seen.
Lauren/Tina who ever she is is full of shit.

kate said...

Really? Care to elaborate, String or Julia?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Nope. Chompin' on my gum. Pretty sure everyone here can read.

Shannon said...

String and Julia I agree with you completely. And sometimes chompin on the gun is the best answer :)

kate said...

Alright. Thanks.

Lisa said...

"And sometimes chompin on the gun is the best answer :)"

Was this a typo or some kind of hint? :-D

So, because I know everyone lives for my observations (only not), I've been trying to get to the root, in my own head, of why I'm so bothered by her new home. It dawned on me how to explain it...I'm not bothered by someone having a home nicer than mine (or that of many honest, hardworking people) at *all. Not everyone gets the same; that's just how life is and, under certain circumstances, I'd not be bothered by JM having a nicer home. what *does bother me, I finally figured out, is that she's sucking money from others and doesn't even have the common, moral decency to say, "Boy, we are *so lucky to have this nice home! A dear friend rented it to me for a fraction of what rent should be, just to help us out. Thank God for good friends who love us!" or whatever. She *does owe people an explanation since she has those same people picking up her debts and an explanation was due to make those people she ought to be damn grateful for feel okay about this new house. Instead, she rubs everyone's noses in it, as if to say "See, once more, God loves me best!"

Shannon said...

LOL after this weekend Lisa I think it may have been my subconscious taking over :)

And yes I think that is what is so annoying and bothersome about JM and *another very nice home. It isnt so much that she has the opportunity but that it is just the kind of thing where she feels like it is deserved. No thanks needed because I mean she is MckMama would she settle for any less?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Yum, good gun. Errr, gum.
(now I'm scairt of Shannon)

And yeah, isn't JM an ungrateful pig? Oops, name-calling ;)

Lisa said...

Lol, that bad, Shannon? And String, she's not scary. Her husband, on the other hand... :-D

I guess it just dawned on me all over again how apparently Jennifer's folks failed to teach her common, simple courtesy and manners. that, or they did and God said it wasn't necessary for her. I just keep thinking that, if, say, String gave me $100 because I couldn't pay my electric bill and then I showed up at her house with a new purse, *I* couldn't rest or feel right until she knew that it was a gift or whatever. I'd just feel dirty, like a cheat or something. Or maybe I'd feel like an ungrateful pig.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Let's go with the pig :)

What kind of purse though? If it was from Wally World I would be inclined to forgive ya.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Hahaa, watching tv and have seen this iphone commercial a few times. The voice is the same one used on those xtranormal youtubes. As JM. It gives me the creepies :))

Shannon said...


That makes me lose it Lisa.....My husband scary :) He may look tough and bad ass but I am pretty sure age has taken the tough and bad ass right outta him :)

This weekend wasnt horrible by most people's standards. I just wanted to have a weekend hiding in my room, in my jammies, having to go no where, having nobody come over...that did not happen.

In fact today I went to help a niece move and I am sooooo glad there were many many other people to help. I could NOT go into her parents house....could not make myself do it. They are hoarders. I think they currently have like 5 cats. They do not clean....this includes the litter boxes.

Now mind you I am not the world's best house keeper but honestly the most my house ever needs is a pick up, vacuum, sweep, and a load of dishes done. Their house needs a cleaning crew and someone to help them to let shit go. I made it to the linoleum at the front door but could not make it to the carpet.

Chuck Banger said...

It's official. Barb is even crazier than Lauren/Tina. I am enjoying her show very much.

Lisa said...

Well, I'd ask you what is going on, Chuck, but String says we can all go read things for ourselves. :-D

Lisa said...

Well, I read...that woman is weird as hell. People seriously need to watch out if they are the private types because the last time Tina got hooked up with a weird-ass (Grammiemommy), it resulted in many people's names, addresses, pictures of their homes, etc. being posted.

twirldawg said...

"Well, I read...that woman is weird as hell. People seriously need to watch out if they are the private types because the last time Tina got hooked up with a weird-ass (Grammiemommy), it resulted in many people's names, addresses, pictures of their homes, etc. being posted. "

Heck, some of us quieter types got "exposed" too.

Lisa said...

Very true, Jill...some, in fact, who never did a thing to either of them and got included simply by virtue of being friends with some of the mouthier ones.

Also, String? I don't do Walmart purses. ;-)

Shannon said...

"Heck, some of us quieter types got "exposed" too."

Hell there were some that didnt ever have anything to do with snarking on JM that got "exposed" too...even had their kid's pic plastered on their site. I believe it was labeled guilt by association. So apparently just because you participate somewhere online it means you are guilty even if you never participate in the activity.

But then again we have to remember that BWOP is NOT, I repeat BWOP is NOT a bully site. They do not bully there. BMM (*big massive movement) is also not a bully. But I do wonder how she justifies stealing JM's pics, more then MWOP ever has used for anything, to put in her notebooks? And the pics of others that she has taken from being FB profiles of those she accuses of being MWOPers.

This woman does scare the shit out of me because she is crazy enough to think that a bankruptcy judge gives a crap about "bullies".....she is over the top for reals and those are the types that should worry someone like JM. BMM makes even the most rabid of MWOPers look tame and safe.

Anonymous said...

You know, all this stuff with JM and BMM makes me incredibly paranoid to even put my kids pictures on my blog, hell I haven't even been on my own blog in almost a month and I'm not even sure if I will go back to it :(. People in this world can be SCARY

Lisa said...

I still get tickled over the dislike of Kate over there. She definitely makes some grumpy, doesn't she? I don't get it...Kate owns who she is and I still find her easy enough to get along with, good to have calm, rational conversations with. Of course, she also can't be cowed down easily. I suppose that's the exact problem some have with her, though.

Something else that tickles me? How we're being left the hell alone. We actually get a fair amount of traffic through here each day and yet it stays quiet. It's nice and also puzzling, isn't it?

Lisa said...

Mama P, pictures of kids are okay, imo, as long as locations and names are kept *very* private. Sure, someone could snag the pictures and do ill with them, but your kids themselves won't be endangered. Also, you could watermark your pictures. Granted, they aren't quite as attractive but it sure does add another element of safety to them.

Shannon said...

Kate you seriously do crack me up. I will be honest sometimes I feel like you try to make the point too hard but really I would do the same thing as well. Like Lisa said you dont back down and I like that :) And really when they continuously say that they arent bullies but keep on bullying you for asking questions and making points it makes me chuckle :)

Anonymous said...

I do watermark :), as soon as I learned how to do it lol, in the regard to privacy, I am generally pretty strict so to speak, I don't post pictures that are easily identified and in the case that they are it's a well known location, ie an amusement park, zoo or such. I also don't share my kids names or nicknames on my blog. I did share what we may or may not name this little one :P, but I didn't specify what her exact name would be lol.

Did I read Barb correctly? That her document is for *another* court case? Has me a bit intrigued!

It's a lazy Monday in my house, all the chores are done, laundry is almost done and I have nothing to do... now that is a rarity!

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Mama P, I think she's saying Anja *lied about it being for a different case.

Lisa, no Walmart purses? Then I'd have nab it to get my $100 back :P

As for bwop, wow. I do think they're over the top. And probably a few are commenting there for undisclosed reasons of their own.

And Shannon, big massive movement. :))

Anonymous said...

Oh okay, got it now @String.

kate said...

:: Blushes ::

Thanks, you guys.

Haven't been on BWoP today. Will be my next stop.

There is an Anon 1.07 there lately who makes the place almost fun again. She can read, think and express herself. Lauren aside, BWoP is the last place left where MWoP can be discussed (semi-)uncensored. And I'd say the bullying part that happens there comes from MWoPs who are bored and/or not allowed to be ugly enough on MWoP.

And while I'm not scared by BMM's manifesto, I agree with Shannon that sending her ark of MckCovenant to the bankruptcy judge places her too far in an alternate universe for me to want to communicate with her.

kate said...


I've been wondering about the being left alone part myself. My guess is that those that would like to wreak havoc over here (like they do/did on BWoP) are too afraid that you can track their IP addresses by their posting time.


You've hit one of my weak spots there! I DO try too hard a lot. It's an unpleasant combination of being unable to surrender ('having the last word'), and obviously being unable to articulate myself in a short & sweet way. So in order to make my point I go on and on. And add a metaphor before I go on some more. (See above.)

Sorry about that. I HAVE LEARNED to refrain a lot. The unreined me is even worse, trust.

Shannon said...

LOL you make me chuckle even more Kate. I can be sooo the same way so believe me it is almost a kindred spirit kind of thing, I see me in there :)

And believe me I hear ya about being to able to actually have a conversation. I dont think I can put the anon blame on MWOPers though because I think that they are just the other side of the coin....all disenfranchised with MWOP so now they hate on MWOP and anyone who makes any sense.

Chuck Banger said...

"BMM (*big massive movement)"


Anonymous said...

I don't think the nasty posters are MWOP regulars. I know for pretty sure that one is a former poster who has been banned multiple times. It's the one who's obsessed with me being a podiatrist, and my name. Even though I've said I'm a podiatrist, and I've said my name.
And Kate, for what it's worth, I think that sometimes your comments can be perceived as self righteous, which tends to rub people the wrong way. I'm not saying that you are self righteous, but you know that perception is reality for people. ( Courtesy of Dr Phil, my new obsession since being on maternity leave).

kate said...


Fair enough.
I probably AM self righteous. And have now a really hard time to reply to this WITHOUT proving your point tenfold and being a pompous ass.

Let's just say that I've been 'lucky' enough (so far) to hang on to most of my high and mighty standards, which does not always make me the most humble and lighthearted person to have around.

It's not my intention to grate on everybody's last nerve, but I also don't mind too much when I do rub people the wrong way. The person whose perception matters to me depends a lot on my perception of them. (I DID warn you, non?)

It's probably not going to help my case, but I assure you that there are occasions where I paint my nails to stop my fingers from putting in another question that would challenge an opinion again. Because I am annoyed by me. Having a morally different view. Again. Argh.

Plus, I feel silly & potentially condescending when I chime in with 'great comment' or 'I so agree'. That probably contributes to the picture that I'm only here to pick apart everybody else.

Please feel free to tell me to give it rest if need be. I promise I won't mind. Maybe I won't agree, of course...

kate said...


Thanks for being nice about this.

You guys might well be right regarding the non-MWoP BWoPs. I usually get hung up on the great MWoP and Shelmo defender, that's where my impression comes from.


I think I know who you're talking about. Is that one of the nasty regulars though?

My guess was/is there's one anon who can't read properly and is a (massive) bit of a simpleton. And at least another one who likes to agree with that whenever possible.
I actually read that anon as somebody from MWoP who fits into all the right categories.

Anonymous said...

She was a regular at MWOP, and then the forum, and now MWOP II and III. She gets her panties in a bunch about everything I say, and love to threaten to tell my husband, boss, etc. that I post on MWOP. It's getting really tired.
And my statement about how your comments can be perceived you can take with a grain of salt. I feel like I'm fairly strong in my convictions as well, but I guess I've learned that there are battles just not worth fighting, especially to anonymous commenters on an internet hate site. Otherwise, I'd probably argue more.

Anonymous said...

Meant to say, she has been banned under about 10 different user names, due to her vitriolic statements, not just about me.

kate said...


That sounds ... personal. Which makes it scary.

I've only witnessed 2 regulars (other than BMM) getting banned at MWoP, so we're probably thinking of the same person. And I remember it coming up on BWoP apropos of nothing as well. (And I admit googling you at the time, nodding my head that the info appeared correct and moving on. I promise I did not enter your name into my secret book of future stalking victims.)

Did you ever get somewhere with Lauren regarding the removal of your info?

I'm not good at taking perceptions with a grain of salt. Opinions maybe, but perceptions are IMO to be taken more seriously. I can't tell myself 'Julia is simply a bad observer. Her perception is useless'. It's not making me lose sleep, but I mull stuff like that over.

I simply can't promise everybody to be ashamed by that perception and hope to better myself. There's a good portion of arrogance in me as well that allows me to shrug a lot of (maybe deserved) criticism off.
Like I said, it depends a lot on who criticises. Being told HERE that my italics and bolds and epical comments are too much is very different as if yet another BWoP anon mocks the same.

Overall I'm actually grateful when people feel I'm rational enough that they CAN tell me things. Rather than snicker some thinly veiled insults into my 'face'.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's personal. The person doesn't know me. She just googled me, which isn't really all that hard to do.
I don't care, it just gets old. You know?
No, Lauren insists that my work information is not posted, however I have the specific date, and screen shot of it.
Like I said before, I don't care if "they" want to bitch at me, call me a bad mom ( which was ridiculous, considering I wasn't a mom at the time), chastise my profession, but people whom I work with should not be brought into any internet drama from Anonymous, posting at a hate site.

Lisa said...

"BWoP is the last place left where MWoP can be discussed (semi-)uncensored."

Well, shit, what are *we? Man, I'm butt-hurt now.

Okay, not really, but it sounded good. ;-) Julia, congratulations on your up-and-coming baby! I hope it has good feet. *nods*

Kate, most of us around here, at least those who speak up, aren't bothered by things like bolding and's content we're after. And yes, I could probably play IP reindeer games if people posted, but I don't and won't. That takes all the fun out of things, now doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Thanks Lisa, but she was actually already born, and her feet are normal, with cute little toes painted Cajun Shrimp. I would love to post a picture and tell you about how wonderful she is, and the origin of her beautiful name, but I want to keep her private. You know, because of the crazies!

twirldawg said...

Oh man, now I'm curious about her name. I'm a bit of a name nerd and am a sucker for a good story. Privacy is too important though.

kate said...

:: Sigh ::
I was trying to keep my sentence short(er) and actually deleted the 'other than here' I'd typed because it didnt' fit with 'last place'. And then it would have turned too long winded and it started to sound brown-nosy to me. I got a killer migraine attack today and can hardly see straight and realized I don't care all that much about one sentence including ALL I wanted to say.
And now who's sorry?!

:: Sobs ::

And I used the bolding & shit because it was a simple example of something very typical that I do. And with which I cause potential eye-twitches & rolls at both places.
There'd have been no good way to compare Shannon's or Julia's words to "and now you'll tell me LOTS OF RL INFO" as was implied over there yesterday.
Insignificant anon or not, I'm not bothered by the perception of somebody who predicts I will do such an atypical, lame and meaningless thing.

Didn't mean to say I don't see this place as being about the content. Why do you think I'm here? Because of the pretty daisies in the background? (Well, maybe a little. It automatically puts me in a better mood than rusty orange.)

Now that you've let them know you won't try to identify IPs I'm sure they'll be right over. The ones that don't remember that you are a backstabbing, passive-aggresive meanie.

@ Julia,

Glad to hear that it's not personal then. Bet the bad mother remark hurt, right?

Anonymous said...

Nah. I don't let this shit bother me. This is all just entertainment for me.
I know what I know about my life, and I'm very comfortable with who I am now. Can't say I've always been that way. Well, I would like to lose those last 15 pregnancy pounds.

Lisa said...

Julia, I can't blame you a bit for wanting to keep her name and such's best, considering what a rabid badass you are. You'd probably just lie about it anyway. ;-D

Kate, I've heard tell if you scroll fast enough here, the background is vaguely reminiscent of an acid trip. There, that gives you another reason to stay!

People are just funny...and I'm seriously glad y'all have been around here long enough now to know firsthand how I delete comments and argue all the time. Passive-aggressive meanie, indeed; I'm a bigger badass than Julia. Really. *sticks chest out*

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Pssst...Lisa ... that's *not your @$$ !!!

Shannon said...

Kate I love the way you do the italics and seriously makes it sooo much easier to read and follow.

Julia I have to say that for both you and Mama I get why you dont share personal stuff. I mean it is pretty freaking sad when a group of people who post as anon will call people out on their real info and then blame them for using that info.....HOWEVER it is NOT OK to call a woman out on information that she shares very very openly on the internet.

D Miller31108 said...

Monday night check in......ooops wrong blog.


kate said...

That cracked me up.

(Although the woman seems a sweet lady, etc.)

Anonymous said...

@D that's awesome lol

Anonymous said...

I'm reading this site while at work. My husband doesn't know.
Who wants to rat me out???
Just feeling a little snarky today. How is everyone? Kate? Anything you need to get off your chest?


Anonymous said...

Um, apparently google ate my comment, oh well @D that made me LOL. I'm always amused that in the middle of all those comments BAM check in.

@Julia, my MAF thinkings I'm cleaning. Um, nope not today!

I'm off to take a nap. Had to take the 4 yr old for an endoscopy this morning, and we're all tired! I feel like I was the one put to sleep and not him, so we'r going to spend the rest of the afternoon watching movies and sleeping!

D Miller31108 said...

LOL, yea it always makes me laugh. And yes, she does seem sweet. I think though, she will be getting some negative feedback soon. I think some of the ladies are hinting for her to make her own blog so they won't have to read it or something. Not like half the crap they post isn't personal!

Anonymous said...

Where is everybody? My kid is in bed, and my husband is in Vegas. My house is spotless, my laundry is done, all my bills are paid, and I'm bored!! I guess I'll go eat some bacon.

StringOfRandomLetters said...


Anonymous said...

Bacon sounds fraekin delicious right about now. I'm starving. Apparently I'm just going to have morning sickness the entire time I'm pregnant so of course nothing stays down :(

I just got done putting my 2 oldest to bed! Now I'm sitting on my couch being lazy lol. I recently got a Kindle Fire, and I have read more books in the past 2 weeks than I have in 2 years! It's exciting

@D, I've noticed some ladies have stated they were annoyed with the check ins, but a few others quickly jumped to her defense. I find it interesting that they complain about the people who pray for JM, or talk off topic in her comments, yet they have prayers requested and sent almost daily now.. seems hypocritical to me.

Anonymous said...

Mama P:
I still read at MWOP once in awhile, and totally agree with you. I basically stopped reading there because everyone is so fresh. Newish posters, with all the anger and resentment us old timers had so long ago, and the prayer requests are so strange. I guess people just don't feel restricted while posting anonymously so they feel they can say anything over there? The diet tips, the medical advice, etc, is all a bit much for me. I hardly ever post, but did get all worked up the other nite about a poster saying she doesn't pay her student hit a raw nerve with me.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I saw that, Julia. It's frightening to me that someone who went through four years of school didn't seem to understand how interest works :O
She seemed totally baffled that she could make a monthly payment and not pay on the principal.

I made that dang overly sweet peanut butter popcorn. And now I want bacon. Good thing I don't have any.

And mwop just seems a shadow of its former self. I *think it's mwop that changed. Maybe it's me though.
They are recently sheared though. And the praying is exhausting me :)

Lisa said...

Julia, I saw her, too, and was utterly disgusted. No one owes her shit just because her life didn't turn out like she expected it to. Other people have issues to deal with, as well, and it gives us *no right to foist our debts off onto others. She had me all kinds of pissy with that. And how *dare people say "Oh, I filed bankruptcy, too, but mine was different..." and then proceed to criticize the McKinneys? Really? Fucking hypocrites.

String, I feel the same about MWOP but I, too, wonder if it's just me being about over it all. I still go and read, but like tonight, I found I scrolled through a lot and finally just clicked off.

Pamala said...

That's why I really wasn't too hard on JM about the bankruptcy. I haven't ever filed, but if things don't improve I may, just depends on what happens. So who the hell am I do judge. Yes the amount of debt they racked up was amazing but that's about the only observation I could really make.

MWOP is interesting to read in that it shows how delusional some people truly can be. And I'm not talking about Sheeple. I'm talking about people who live similar if not exact lives to JM yet think they're nothing like her.

kate said...

Well, the student loan lady probably did see the outpour of good advice just a few days earlier that went another MWoP's way. Who is in a similar situation. Only she thought her recent bankruptcy wiped the student loan out as well.

While I'm not agreeing with any of that crap, I can totally see why someone might get confused about what to share over there.

The only question is, are more people online right now who are rule-bending savvy or more who don't scheme and trick their way through life.

Compared to some of the stories you read there, JM looks harmless. Yet they're almost treated as heroes by some, because they give such great insights into bankruptcy and how to keep your home w/o re-affirming the debt, etc.

Hardly any upstanding 'I pay my bills' MWoP ever takes a stand against regular schemers.

But have whatever_westside ask a few questions and it's aquarium over there. Some scurry away, some rush to the disturbance at the outside of the glass'house'.

And now they're giving it up for lent. That is so... disturbing.

Pamala said...

What bothers me too is they called whatever_westside a troll. I don't know I only read a bit but that person never was a troll. People need to learn the damn definition of trolls. Disagreeing with what you posted, not trolling.

It's true that you either agree or you get treated like crap if you don't.

For lent aren't you supposed to give up something of real value, something that in the end you would have a really hard time doing. I mean for someone to give up Twitter. Whatever, that's easy. A friend of mine is giving up Facebook, but not messages within Facebook, just reading the Facebook feed. Forgive me if I think that's just a bit too easy. This is about sacrafice in God's name. Shouldn't it be something more like a food you eat everyday and can't live without (coffee perhaps?), or giving up TV, or your car?

Pamala said...

I have to add, that Jesus suffered a lot for us, if you (general) are going to do lent, I think you should try to at least really suffer for God.

kate said...


That's exactly what I find so disturbing!

There's no good way to explain this.

1. It's a real sacrifice for them to not read JM/MWoP

2. They're taking the easiest way out. While still 'giving something up'. And offer this to God. If He didn't personally tell them to do so.

kate said...

Regarding trolls: They kinda get a pass from me in most cases, as people (like westside) do ask questions that clearly WILL rile them up.

Bigger problem for me is that it's still rude per their TOU. They can't have it both ways, claiming to welcome rational discourse AND openly identifying rational questioners as trolls.

As soon as Anja adds a clause that 'on-topic comments have to contain notable JM contempt or you'll be disturbing this community' they'd be clear of hypocrisy.

Anja who stated more than once "I understand the reasoning and justification behind [...]the mean-spirited speculation".

Colleen said...

Actually "I realize I am a bit late to the comments and I apologize, but I am requesting that we please cut back on the mean-spirited speculation. I understand the reasoning and justification behind it, but it does us no favors."

kate said...


Colleen said...

Just clarifying, that's all. Not trying to rile.

kate said...

Neither am I. I just try to understand what you're clarifying.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

To your corners.

Pamala said...

:) I'm cornfused.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I'm hungry for corn :) on the cob.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

With real butter. And a side of beef jerky. Or some kind of jerk. Maybe jerk chicken. Go, Lisa ;)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

The jerk doesn't refer to anyone here. Just thought I needed to clarify :))

StringOfRandomLetters said...

And again, go, Lisa!

Lisa said...

Thanks, String...can I have some corn with butter, please?

For once, though, I'm genuinely not trying to stir shit...I really *am concerned people are going to take this stuff and fail drug tests and such. As long as they're informed it could happen, it's on them. But damn, they need to know.

Welcome, Colleen.
Should I clarify that? :-D

KaytieJ said...

Clarified Butter. Yumm.

Not only failed drug tests. Health effects, too. Fen Fen comes to mind. Good PSA, Lisa.

Lisa said...

Clarified butter on corn sounds positively gheeful!

You can all groan in unison now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lisa :)

Lisa said...

You're welcome, whoever you are!

*wonders what I did*

Colleen said...

Sorry; my name didn't come through!

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Absolutely, Lisa. To the ghee-corn and the PSA. You were very informative and polite :) And that's why I'm amazed that they're still there.

Lisa said...

Thank you, String, and I'm sort of shocked, too...

Hey, could someone please email me a link to the new house? I'm a dumbass and can't figure out how to find it. Thanks!

Lisa said...

Crap,'s anemonepie at yahoo. I guess that might help, hmmm?

kate said...

I sent it to @Internet. You should get it regardless.

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kate said...


1. I was trying another funny & typed I sent it to ALL@Internet. Only the brackets in email work as tags and that part got swallowed.

2. I wouldn't leave it up. Can't explain it w/o alerting others. It's just my advice.

I'm positive that Lauren will delete her side again as well and then we're all back to JM's pics were the only clue. Well, that and MWoP's info.

Lisa said...

Okay, Kate, I'm going to blindly trust you on this and take the link down BUT I'm going to post the pictures of the house on this post under the video, along with the cost. That seems fair, no?

kate said...

Totally, thank you!

Oopsie Daisy said...

There you go...all safe, but with the pertinent info still out there for people to see. And I understand now, I believe, what Kate's concern was. Thanks, Kate.

Pamala said...
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Pamala said...

She's very lucky though, I tell you what, if that's her home. And once again she's landed on her feet, no real consquences to her actions. Living it up.

And I think this is where I come to the point where I have to stop reading her. I'll never understand why there are people in the world who work hard and suffer the most and then people like her, who scam, lie, cheat and steal and prosper.

I work my ass off and can't make headway at all. Can't save a dime, can't pay hospital bills, but I work to do what I can. And who knew, all I had to do was be a horrible person and steal and lie and I could have had it all!

I deleted her off my facebook (not sure why she was still on it. Probably because I do like to keep up a bit).

I mean she's all about marketing, and yeah I totally understand now she has to maintain some sort of income on her blog but the things she's involved in, scams, diet pills, pryamid schemes. It's amazing.

Pamala said...

By the way, want to know what 1500 will get you here in my city? A one bedroom/one bath apartment. Fucking hate this state.

Lisa said...

Pamala, I don't blame you. Thinking of my own folks, how hard they worked in life, both of them, and they couldn't have even dreamed of having a house like this. I admit, it makes me so angry because it's such a massive "fuck you" to responsible people who are footing her bills as well as their own. And I'm offended as hell for good Christian people who actually try to live by the Bible because so-called Christians like her, Cafeteria Christians, make life so hard for those who actually walk the walk. :-(

$1500 here, right now, would get you a pretty nice house. Of course, we're also one of the most economically depressed areas in the country. Looking through the La Crosse craigslist ads last night, she could have found many other places to live with enough room for her family, and at a much cheaper price. Of course, they also weren't nearly that fancy.

Pamala said...

I really do wonder those if this was a friend/reader who just happened to have the house up for rent and saw an opprotunity to help out someone she likes.

Anonymous said...

MWOP thinks she got some kind of special deal, because one of her fans owns the place. That would make a little more sense. I agree with Pamala. She always lands on her feet, in a better position than she was before.

Lisa said...

I'm sure she probably did get a special deal from a friend but I suspect, at this point, a bankruptcy judge still isn't going to look at this too fondly. Some people do just always seems to land in better places than before but eventually, it does catch up with them and there's no pulling back up out of it when it does.

Oopsie Daisy said...

Anonymous who posted the link: I had to delete your post because the link had her address in it. I did save the link and will add pictures to a post so people can see more, though. Thanks for sharing, but when kids are in the picture, I just can't let home addresses show in good conscience. Sorry!

Lisa said...

Crap, to get those pictures, I'll have to take screen shots and edit. It'll take me awhile but I'll put them up later. It's more aggravating than initially thought, so y'all know.

twirldawg said...

Nice house. It's about half my rent. Another reason to never move, our cost of living is so low.
I don't think the judge is going to look at her current living situation too much.

twirldawg said...

I'm only half assedly following all this, did Jen move to another state?

Shannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon said...

And really I am getting frustrated at my computer because it is not wanting to listen to me anymore and makes me grumpy.

Let's try this again:

This stuff with JM is really frustrating to say the least. Must be nice to be unemployed literally bankrupt newly single mother and have such a nice place. No sorry for her at all.

I was catching up on BWOP though and this almost made me choke...apparently in response to someone posting either the address or the CL ad:

"We are privacy and bully victim advocates here. Posting that direct link to Craigs List is out of character for this site and they know it. The CL link post was late at night for a reason."

UMMMM only if it is stuff about JM....if it is about other people you all could careless about privacy or advocating for bully victims.

Pamala said...

Found the house, and yeah this is for sure the house. The stair case matches exactly. It's beautiful too. I do have to say if she meant to keep her location secret she should have done better.

Pamala said...

On a total side note I want to live in an area where homes look that beautiful and are that big and it's only 250K. LOL! Now all I need to do is win the lottery and move to bumfuck middle of no where. LOL!

Oopsie Daisy said...

Anonymous whatever time, I deleted your comment with her town...sorry, but them's the rules, since that's too close to being an address in my book. C'mon, y'all, I'm game to do what no one else has the balls for, such as posting pictures of the house and stuff but work with me here and don't give out her town or address, please. She's got a bunch of little kids who are innocent in all this and while I know even posting pictures of the outside of the house is a little iffy, posting towns or addresses crosses a line and makes it unsafe for those kids, you know? I don't have the time or inclination to really moderate this place so if it continues, I'll just make it so you can't comment anonymously again. Let's try and avoid that, 'k?

Grrrrrrr. <--mean noise to show I'm serious

Pamala said...

Don't worry I won't give out her address. But she really should have been more careful.

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post up and this one will be edited to remove the pictures since they're also on the new post. ***

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