I had a request for a post about bullying and thought it was a damn skippy good idea, what with all the WOPping drama going on lately. Never have I seen so many bullies trying to bully other bullies and then more people come in to bully *those bullies. So, I figure we can talk about them, about bullying in general - do you think it's really possible to even stop it? - anything you like.
So, have it or I'll hurt you.
I've been lurking here some - not posted in a long long time. But I have been watching the craziness between the now 6 JM related blogs! Oh my gosh. I don't get all excited and riled up over any of this - it's pure entertainment for me. But as far as it ever stopping? No - it's the nature of the beast. Anon. admins/mods, comments, etc. Too easy to hide
yourself. But I will say this - I will follow Lisa to any blog she posts on because damn if she isn't always the level headed voice of reason in all the craziness everywhere she goes.
I'm not following the drama first hand. I am getting the Readers Digest version from a source though. I didn't know there were 6 blogs though, damn.
As for bullying- sadly I don't think it will ever completely stop. Assholes will always be assholes. That's not to say that parents and teachers should do their damnedest to stop it though.
Tara, hi!! How are you and yours? And thank you...that's really a nice thing to say it's much appreciated, believe me. :-) I'm finding all this blog bullying hilarious. I really did like the original MWOP blog and the mod there, how she handled things. This last version, though, is a train wreck and I find myself cheering Jennifer on for the fuckery she pulled with the kittens. It was a job well done, lol, even though I don't like her.
I agree, though, that, in general, bullying will never stop...it's just how some people are and we can't change it. Parents need to teach their kids to be tougher, to let shit roll off, and help them change anything they *can change that gets them teased...ie: weight, speech problems, general appearance, etc., obnoxious personality traits like tattling, etc. What can't be changed to help kids adapt is harder but that's where you have to just teach your kids to let it go. It's really true that most bullies lose interest if you don't care or just laugh at them. Now, bullying with physical violence is a different story and anyone who pulls that shit needs to be help criminally accountable, including kids *and their parents.
Well, *that was long.
I found my way here from one of the "bully" sites. It just amazes me that grown women act this way but whatever. To each its own I suppose. You have to admit that the sheep PORN was funny and it really couldn't have happened to a nicer person. ROFL
Fuckery? I've got to remember that one, ha!
I agree with you Lisa that the original MWOP blog was handled very well. Now it's just a bunch of loose cannons running around the field. The mods simply do not have control over there but then again not my blog or problem.
Have you read BWOP? Is that for real? Please don't tell me you know who that is cause she is a few crayons short if you know what I mean.
What are the 6 blogs? I'm just curious.
Well, the 6 blogs I was referring to (JM related)nare, of course, JM's, then MWOP blog, MWOPTALKS, MWOPTALK, BWOP and MWOPWOP. Too funny.
I love the MWOPWOP name. Sounds like a Hansen song. MMM Bop, rofl.
Don't forget the new Pamala or whoever's blog about bullies. Defenders of the internet. I feel safer already, not!
Hi, Penny, and welcome! In case you don't know, I'm also the gatekeeper of this pace, such as it is, and we're always glad to have a new face. Also, I stole "fuckery" from someone else so I can't lay claim to it. BWOP is real; it's run by Tina, who was a regular on OHIH. It's amazing what grown women will do, isn't it? Not that *I'd ever engage in such shenanigans.
*throws arms over JellO to hide him*
Tara, are MWOPTALKS and WMOPTALK the forum(s)? And we can't forget the ever-lovely FWOP and GMWOP, which are still up even though they aren't active. I always wonder if all the WOP talk offends any Italians...
Oh gosh Lisa I hate to even open up that can of worms if you don't know about the MWOPTALK/MWOPTALKS thing. They are the forums - you may already know about what happened there, but if not I can re-cap. I always hesitate to start a conversation on someone else's blog about what's going on somewhere else because I don't know who is here (as a member) and also there. Let me know.
Oh and I forget - what did FWOP stand for again?
Tara, I know what happened in the last few days there and that they gave the files to Leah to reopen it, but the last I heard, she couldn't figure out how. I went to the forum a few times, but honestly, I just don't have enough time in the say to keep up with it all. How do some of them do it?? And Fruitcakes Without Pity, lol.
Well, you got it then. So MWOPTALKS (the forum) is now MWOPTALK (the forum) and it looks like Leah has got it up & running. And it appears that MWOPTALKS is closed. I'm with you- there just isn't enough time each day to check all these sites. One post on one of them can have 800 comments on a busy day. You know, one where JM has played them once again! (and no, I still can't stand her)
Pish, I don't like JM either, but I can't blame her a bit for messing with people who constantly pick at every move she makes. I still say she's just the conservative, white version of ghetto-fabulous. And honestly, I spend way too much time online, but I have no spouse or young child and I don't work, so I can...and I can't sit here long enough to keep up with it all. How in the world do those with spouses and young children do it? They can't possibly be spousing and parenting well, I don't think.
"I still say she's just the conservative, white version of ghetto-fabulous" You got a stinkin' "Love It" button around here.
I don't know how some of those ladies do it. Twitter, Facebook...every nook and cranny of the internet. I don't think they are "spousing or parenting".
I know one thing, once the Casey Anthony trial starts up, I'm going to be scare in these here parts. I'm hung up enough on jury selection but the *trial? I can't wait, I'm so damn excited. Anyone else?
And staying on the bullying topic, what's everyone think about bullying in schools and with kids online? Think it can be stopped? At what point do you think it should be illegal, if at all?
Scarce, not scare...sheesh.
So, speaking of bullies, lol, let's speak of Grammymommie for a bit. I was talking to someone tonight and actually, weirdly, found myself defending GM just a tiny bit and here's why: Back when OHIH imploded, we all thought GM stole money we sent for Krista. Now that we all know Krista was a scam, let's all think back...how did/do we know GM stole money? I remember the speculations, but truly don't remember any *facts that backed up that she stole it. I know she refused to give a tax accounting or something, but that's not proof. Have I forgotten something? And don't get me wrong, I know GM has done some ugly things to people, but aside from that and speaking solely of the Krista situation, did we ever have *proof she stole money and wasn't a victim of circumstance like the rest of us?
If everything was donated online which I am assuming it was, how would there be any proof? I mean I guess there could have been some sort of accounting somewhere of the funds in and out.
The Casey Anthony trial intrigues me. I haven't watched the jury selection stuff. But can't wait for the actual trial. I think she doped up the girl, went and partied and forgot she was in the trunk of her car. That whole family is a few short IMO too.
I wish someone would put together a cheat sheet timeline, because for the life of me I can't remember the order of things.
Lyrics to a song blog, and FWOP *were in existance before GMWOP.
I do understand how being falsly accussed would be upsetting, especially if the money made it to where it was suppossed to go.
I *don't understand the whole "list" of names, posting where people worked, posting information on marital trouble, pictures of peoples houses, and *especially calling someones place of employment.
All of that WAS done before things came up on GMWOP, and is what I consider bullying.
I think the real issue is the fact that NO ONE who donates money to anything really EVER knows if it is all being used as intended.
Even with big named, well established charity organizations.
No one wants to look like an idiot, but if you donate money to someone you met on the internet, no matter how good your intentions, or how sad ther plight, you run that risk.
And that sucks . (Said by someone who has made some unwise donations thinking I was doiing the right thing!)
No matter *what was done with the money that was kollected for Krista, (or Chris, for that matter) the truth is the money was *WILLINGLY donated.
Weighing in, for what it's worth - bullying in general will never stop. People will always tease each other. I think it's easier on the internet because people can hide behind an alias or have many names and "faces".
As for what happened last year, I agree with Erin, "I *don't understand the whole "list" of names, posting where people worked, posting information on marital trouble, pictures of peoples houses, and *especially calling someones place of employment". The only thing I'd add to that list is that they posted one of our mother's obituaries. That went way beyond bullying and was an extremely hateful thing to do.
Well, I agree that GM engaged in a *lot of hatefulness and bullying, very ugly stuff. I guess what I've been wondering is *why? I mean, it's easy to assume it was because she's just a big ol' bitch, and maybe that's what it really is...but maybe she was just beyond angry at trying to do a good thing and then having a whole lot of people she actually cared about and trusted turn on her and accuse her of being a thief and more. Now, I'd never take the route of hurting people back if they turned on me, but some people would and do. They just get *that butt-hurt and lash out. So, it's just something I've been wondering about, wondering if there's even a remote possibility that we turned on someone fairly innocent, you know?
Erin, you're right, though, We all took a chance when we donated and that's why I was never too upset about it all...more like slightly pissy and slightly amused, mixed.
First- Hi daisies!! Long time...
Second, I'm with you Erin. I am so confused! I mostly stopped posting at MWOP last year and only read once a week or so now if I am trying to keep myself awake during feedings.
I had no clue what was really going on when all of them(the three MWOP sites) imploded and now that there are bullying about bullying sites I am a little over my head.
Other than being so busy with my freaking too adorable for words boys I finally realized that nothing said on any of the blogs is going to do anything.
The all mighty J to the M will never change, that has been proven. The 'naysayers' are only getting madder and IMHO taking things a little too far.
But I am grateful for the reading material.
Thought I would drop in and say hi :) AP, do you remember SueinTokyo? If I recall correctly, she gave Krista a lot of money. Hundreds. Supposedly it did not get to Krista, and the funnel was GM, since she was collecting. This is all third party she-said, she-said stuff, though. So, no solid proof.
Good to "see" all of you. My life outside of the laptop has been very busy, and I don't have a lot of time to chat and post. I read along a lot, though.
Good to "see" some of the faces here :) *Waving to Tara!
Well hot damn. There's a party going on at Daisy! ::pulling out and dusting off the lawn chair::
Schlitz anyone!
It's good to *see you Bella! We've missed you.
Geez, maybe I could squeeze in a few more exclamation points for the hell of it.
Oooh, it's early, but I'll take a Schlitz, please, Sandy and thank you! Hi, Brie, Bella and all...*so nice seeing old faces pop back in. :-)
Brie, I agree about it making good reading material and it's only going to get more entertaining with this next RV trip, isn't it?
Bella, I do remember Sue In Tokyo - have wondered about her and her family with all that is going on over there, actually. I hope they're okay. And yes, I remember she gave a very large amount of money. You know, I *know I'm sounding like I'm trying to make excuses for LuLu's behavior and I'm not...it was ugly. I'm just trying to understand *why someone who appears to be fairly normal, with a nice family, would resort to some of the things she did and the only answer I have is that something made her *incredibly, over-the-top angry. Then, as you said, I started thinking about the whole money thing and realizing it really *was all (at least that I knew of) a bunch of she said, she said stuff. I really do think it's possible that GM was wrongly accused about taking that money. :-/
::tossing Lisa a Schilitz::
It's never to early, lol
Bullying will never stop. We can only teach our kids not to do it and what to do if they fall victim.
It's really sad to see grown women act like mean kids on the playground.
I agree with you about bullying, Sandy. And I agree about seeing grown women act like playground kids. Not sure if anyone else caught it, but the other day on MWOP, one of the regular posters actually hoped out loud that a "certain someone" would die. I believe she used the phrase "hope her number is up soon" and referenced God or the devil calling up her number. No one said a word and honestly, as thick-skinned as I can be, that just disgusted me. I finally spoke up and the comment was voluntarily taken down (although she basically just said she shouldn't have posted it, not that it was an awful thing to say or hope for) but damn...to hope someone *dies? From a grown-ass woman? That's not for me.
I saw that Lisa. It's not funny. IMO that is just one of the worst things to say to or about anyone. That's not for me either.
It's comments like that that make the site lose credibility.
I agree...not only that it was said, but the cavalier manner in which it was handled by the mods made MWOP lose a ton of credibility in my eyes. People have been banned for less from there, in fact. I'll still read and even comment, but to take it seriously, nah. Tina's right in that it's just another bully site now, unlike what it used to be when the first mod had it.
Exactly. The reins are way too loose over there. At MWOP#1, she/he ran a tight ship without all of this banishment nonsense.
They are getting too nit picky. Makes for a good read though lately.
Oh, heck yes...it's like reading The Enquirer now!
Maybe she didn't take the money, or maybe she did. I don't think we will ever know for sure.
The one reason why I would love to see the detailed timeline, is I am wondering were the accusations started on OHIH? Were they on Daisy or Fellowship too?
If she *didn't take the money and there were just discussions speculating she *did, why not just ignore it? Unless there were other things happening no one knew about. (Threats to her, calling places of business, etc.) Obviously there are people out there who, when pissed, resort to all sorts of things. The posting on the Lyrics blog, and FWOP seemed to lash out at some people who seemed to have done nothing wrong.
The tone of the above is questioning, not accussing. There still are so many unanswered questions.
I know there HAS to be someone out there who is just dying to put together a timeline for us!! Why, why, why is no one taking my hint to do so?!? :)
And, totally OT, but SHANNON. Where *are you??
I have no idea why the "Idk." is at the end of that comment.
My computer is possessed.
Erin, I'd do the timeline, but it's sort of all muddled in my head, except that I do know the accusations of GM stealing started on OHIH. I agree that it would be a good idea, though, to have a timeline. Maybe someone else remembers more than I/we do, or maybe someone else could do one that would trigger our memories? I agree that the lashing out at people who appear to have done nothing "wrong" is odd and I can't explain that. Won't even try to.
I've stopped caring about MckMama years ago but it is interesting to rubberneck the drama; especially if you are emotionally removed from it.
I was really hurt and annoyed with GM when I found my name on the FWOP site I never had words with her and don't remember being unkind before she put up the site. When won fired back with the GMWOP site and got just downright dirty was when I was done with the whole thing.
Being catty and gossipy is fun at times, but there is a line and people cross it too easily on the Internet.
Hey Jill!
I think a lot of people were just guilty by association unfortunately. I agree that there is a line and people do cross it too easily. It's easy to hide behind the screen.
Ignore me for a moment.
*waves hi to a certain old friend, should she pop in to check us out*
I agree there was a lot of "guilt by association" outing done...that or there were a lot of things going on in other places some of us never knew about. Not saying you were involved in that, Jill, just speaking in general terms.
Lisa, did you see this? I wanted to spit fire after reading it and still do quite frankly.
Oh, Sandy, I saw it...it made me want to throw things. This is *inexcusable, both on the state's part *and this douche nozzle's part. Assholery all around, this is. :-(
On a funny note, some dumbfuck over on BWOP just told me *I have MWOP leaders and I'm disobeying them by posting on Tina's blog. Who knew? :-D
Hey, I'm curious about something pertaining to bullies...these cases where people, usually teens, kill themselves after being bullied - should the bullies face charges for their death? I say "oh, hell, no" but am curious what y'all think.
There you go again Lisa. Not following the rules. Who knew you had leaders too.
As per your question about if the bully should be charged, I'm thinking on this one.
Im here!! I have popped out of the woodwork now that I have internet back LOL
I think all the WOP crap is hilarious for the most part. I mean honestly I think that JM is pathetic and cant stand her personality she portrays on the internet but seriously I dont care that much about her. The MWOP stuff was funny but hell I had really gotten to a point where I was even finding myself defending her because every single little thing cant be wrong ya know?
Tina is a whack job and really needs to get some help. She was the biggest gun going after JM and played a big hand in getting her Blogger ads shut down yet she cant handle people nit picking her....wtf ever!!!
But that is that. And I am glad to be connected to the world again LOL
And since Sandy made me remember that question....I do not think that someone should be charged beyond perhaps fines and community service things if someone commits suicide. Personally I have a lot of issues with suicide because it is one of the most selfish acts a person can commit and if they are going to do it I really dont know that outside influences of temporary people is going to make a difference.
Shannon, nice to see you again and I agree with you.
*twirls Shannon around in an Irish jig, even though neither of us are Irish...or jiggy*
Yay, you! I've missed you!
"The MWOP stuff was funny but hell I had really gotten to a point where I was even finding myself defending her because every single little thing cant be wrong ya know?"
This is where I'm at. The new MWOP has actually made me take on a new perspective on JM, which isn't the effect I think they hoped to impart. I still don't like her but *damn, to pick every single damn thing she says/does/breathes apart? Is silly. Fun reading, yes, but silly.
As for the suicide thing, I can say, having been there at one point in my life, that people can reach a point that it isn't a selfish thing to do at all. People can feel like *such a burden to those they love that they genuinely believe that they're doing those they love a favor by removing themselves in a permanent manner. It can, by some people, be felt as the ultimate act of love for those they do love. But that said, it takes an ill mind to reach that point and no one, *no one*, is to blame if that happens. No one is to blame for illness in another. And, in the end, we all have control over our own lives...no one *ever* makes us kill ourselves. It's the only ultimate power we do have over ourselves. I'm not okay with any punishment for bullying that "contributes" to suicide...suicide is always on the person who does it, imo, regardless of their reasons or justification.
New post up but feel free to carry this conversation over to there!
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