Sunday, May 29, 2011

For a certain Not_fucktard, because I can.

Okay, so I don't typically use this blog for my own private annoyances but hey, the fact is, I *can and I'm gonna.  :-D  Someone on MWOP has crossed my annoyance line...guess Not_who?  Oh, and by the way, if anyone wants to ban me from MWOP for posting this, go for it.  Do it with wild abandon, even!  Want to know why I'm annoyed?  Go here: and scroll maybe a third of the way down to find me, posting as "Lisa,  aka AP" know, because I hide who I am so much. Alternately, do the cntrl+F thing and type in "Lisa, aka AP" and hit the down button. It should be the first one that pops that whole exchange. Dumb. Fucking. Ass.  Anyone know who Not_shelmo is or want to lay claim to being her (please, God, don't let it be someone I like, please, please, please...)?

With no further ado, I give you...humor!


Shannon said...

Good lord that was a lot of poop in that back and forth.

It is as not_someone says that it is always the person/people who dont fit in those groups that are the ones that are the most offended to not using PC terms.

As I read it my gay friends walked into the room.....I asked them if homo, or fag, or gay, was offensive. As they put it those terms are not offensive to them so long as it is not used in a manner to be intentionally offensive.

One of my other friends is mixed black/white and so is her brother....they are more offended to be referred to as African Americans as they have NEVER been to Africa.

Funny how those groups who should be offended are not.

Lisa said...

Exactly the point I was trying to's all in the delivery and intent. Although I'm still dying to walk up to some strange East Indian person and say, "Hi there, Dot!"

Shannon said...

HAHAHA I could see you do that.

It is just dumb to me how people will seriously go over the top about this PC stuff.

Shannon said...

On the non-pc way of things. My husband, kids, and I finally let our friend drag us off to his work place for breakfast today. Let me say as a person who loves meat, like a lot a lot of love, it was a little odd sitting in a vegan/vegetarian restaurant trying to find something on the menu that didnt make me cringe.

Margo said...

Holy cow, I guess we are not talking about Casey Anthony anymore!

Lisa said...

I swear, people get so up in arms over the silliest things. Like the whole deal of naming balls teams Indian (feather,not sot, lol) stuff. And yeah, you get a handful of big mouth Indians in on it but they sure don't speak for most. I mean, seriously, it's *complimentary to have teams named Braves, Chiefs, even the freaking Red Skins because dammit, teams are usually named after strong, courageous, powerful people or things. It's a good thing. That's why we don't have teams named the Kittens, Fag Boys, Bankers, Frenchmen or Gimps. :-D

And what did you wind up eating? I love vegetarian places!

Lisa said...

We can absolutely talk about Casey! I know I'm looking forward to getting back on jury duty tomorrow!

Lisa said...

"Indian (feather,not sot, lol)"

Oh, dear...rofl! That was more than a typo, that was a Freudian slip.

Margo said...

I hope George had his chakras cleared this weekend because it looks like he almost blew a gasket last week. I would not be surprised if there isn't an outburst from him before it's over. And, I don't blame him.

I think we've gotten overly PC, but, I also think it's wrong to call people racial slurs or other names.

Shannon said...

Margo it is in my opinion absolutely unacceptable to call people racial slurs. The funny thing is however that depending upon context and intent almost anything can be turned into a slur. I think it is more about the person saying it then what is being said most of the time.

Lisa I got french toast. Though it does have egg obviously the bread it made vegetarian style and is fresh made every day....very delish in my opinion. Josh got a vegetarian omelet chock full of all kinds of non meaty goodness. My friend Greg got the vegan omelet....they actually use shredded and cooked up potato kind of like hashbrowns for the egg part.

And in a way I hope George blows up. In a way I think that man needs to get it all out before he does blow a gasket.

Margo said...

I would have been held in contempt of court today for jumping over the rail and giving Cindy Anthony a hug. Good lord that woman was in agony!

Lisa said...

Margo, I'm with you...I wanted nothing more than to run up there and just hug the stuffin' out of her. I cried, too. :-/ That was one of the saddest things I've seen in a very long time.

Lisa said...

FTR, I'm going to give us a new, fresh post here in a but where we can talk about the trial and will keep it to the top, if I can figure out how, even with new posts that may follow.

Shannon said...

So I have to put this out there.....on MWoP with this whole malware/pop up post outing JM's new ad company I see that there is an amendment at the beginning of the post to correct that in fact JM is using a program that cycles through different ad providers however the post is still all about slamming Pulse360? Is that odd to anyone but me or am I just seriously needing to wash my hands of the idiocy that MWoP has become?

Muliebrity said...

Today is my little first Muliette's birthday! I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the support from you all when I went through that crazy three day induction last year and the time spent recovering from the c-section.

Shannon said...

OH happy birthday Muliette....How has a year gone by already???

Margo said...

Happy Birthday, mini-Mulie. I was cleaning out my pics the other day and came across little Mulie coming down the birth canal - weeeeeeeeeee!

Muliebrity said...

I forgot about that picture! If only she gave out that way. My c/s scar still hurts.

twirldawg said...

Another Facebook game? Geez ;)

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