Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Does a judge have a right?

So we have had so many instances in the past where the people have voted on something in their state and then either a judge in that state overturns it or the Federal Courts overturn it.

The most recent being in California. The people voted to not allow same sex marriage but just today a judge overturned that ruling.  Here is the story.

In Oregon many years ago the people voted to allow doctor assisted suicide. It was a fight for a long time because the feds said that was not ok and any doctor who did assist was running the risk of losing their medical license.

So my question is, regardless of the side of an issue you stand on, is it OK for a judge or the federal courts to step in and change the ruling based upon their beliefs or personal opinions? Essentially is it right for someone else to make it very clear that your vote and your voice makes no difference?


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Lisa said...

Hey, Jeanette. :-)

Gusgirl, maybe you really hit it with this: "I guess I feel bad because now I know what our relationship could have been had the truth been known back then. He was great friend in spite of everything else." In the end, he deprived you of everything. It sounds like you'd have been fine just being friends, had you only known and he even took that from you. Do you think it would help to tell him how you're feeling now?

And I know that verse, yes. :-) If you look at the history and background right there in the Bible leading up to that comment, it's pretty clear God isn't referring to homosexuals at all. He's referring to Jews practicing pagan rituals. I wish people wouldn't just take bits and pieces of the Bible and use them for their own purposes without reading them in context (not saying you did that, by the way).

Jeanette said...

Hey Lisa... you got a letter drafted to Lil Wayne yet?

Margo said...

Gusgirl - wow, it's great that he told you it's just a shame that he couldn't come to terms with that a long time ago for both your sakes. However, you need to stop referring to yourself as a lurker, you are a Daisy - just a quiet one :)

Lisa said...

Jeanette, I have not. I should do that this weekend...

Jeanette said...

You totally should. I'll help you if ya want! I think it would make great blog fodder!

Although seriously, you rock the household product posts. Really, you blogged about a mop and kept me interested. I'm no expert but I would say that takes talent. It's nice to see you posting again:)

I've been posting more myself in the last week or so. I was gifted with a free makeover and it gave me back the bloggy enthusiasm I had lost. I've posted almost every day for a week and I hope to keep it up! I'm going to try to do more posts with a purpose though, instead of just journaling like I did before. I'm researching a couple things here and there in hopes of doing "informative" posts, and I posted earlier this week about how I decided to handle explaining to my kids why I don't have a mommy. Oh, and I'm having a giveaway on Monday so everyone should come check it out!

And Lisa? I'm serious about the letter writing, I'll be glad to help, yo!

KaytieJ said...

Evening Daisies! Good convo going on - like the different perspectives. I wish I could quote Bible verses - I just get mixed up with what version to read - LOL!

Medical I can sort of contribute.

In reality what happens in many cases, is that families want EVERYTHING done for their loved ones even if it is futile. And it goes on and on...

How do you all feel about people with no insurance, coming in for emergency services and the families insist EVERYTHING be done, even if it is futile? And it goes on and on...

The only tatoo I am contemplating is one on my chest. DNR (Do Not Resuscitate).

Off for coffee (wish it were Sweet Tea Vodka) and work.

Keep on talking Daisies and have a fun and safe evening!

Lisa said...

Jeanette, I like your blog makeover - very cute! And thanks for the compliment about my mop post. I thought later that I must come across as the lamest person in the world to do an entire blog post about a mop, but dammit, I was enthused!

I may write Lil Wayne yet...if I need help, I'll send you an email. I'm going to be disappointed if I do it and he doesn't write me back. :-D

Jeanette said...

Not lame at all! It was a great product review!

You could make the Lil Wayne letters a recurring thing on your blog. Do you know who MamaKat is? She is so funny and she writes letters to Ellen and then posts them to her blog. She has her heart set on being on the Ellen Show and has like 14 letters now! You should do it, would be a lot of fun!

Lisa said... Maybe I could go on tour with Lil Wayne when he gets sprung.

Jeanette said...

I would definitely buy a ticket to see that!!

I'm off to bath the kids and get them ready for bed. We've been dealing with pink eye here so it's crusty eye galore :(

If anyone is still around after I get them down for the night I'll come back to chat some more!

Gusgirl said...

Lisa - That's exactly right. I would have been very happy with his friendship if I had had no expectations of it going any further. I think that is what is bothering me the most. And you and Jeanette are right I'm glad that I know now and can truly put it behind me forever.

I, too, have a problem with people using scripture for their own liking with no context involved.

Kaytie - If I'm gonna quote it I always use the King James Version (although that's not my favorite version) because in my experience most of the people who are going to use scripture *against you believe that is the one and only true and correct version.

Margaret - Thanks! I've certainly felt welcomed here.

Lisa said...

Hi, hi!

Kaytie, I have no idea how I missed your post last night but this is an interesting question: "How do you all feel about people with no insurance, coming in for emergency services and the families insist EVERYTHING be done, even if it is futile? And it goes on and on..."

Well, I don't agree with it, insurance or not, once several medical professional deem it futile. I mean, if you're going to trust them to save your life, you ought to trust them when they say they can't. But, with the insurance thing, since those costs get passed on to other patients and taxpayers, I think there's a obligation to be cost-effective here. Money isn't unlimited and ought not be wasted on someone who won't live when it could be put to someone who can.

Can we take up a PayPal collection for me to get a whole new house, please? My new-to-me a/c has now caused a flood in my living room, ruined a perfectly nice rug, is still flooding out and on top of it all, I can't run the stupid thing so it's hot. I just want a whole new house. Can we do that for me? Huh? Can we?

Lisa said...

D'ya think if I called someone a buttplug again it might make people talk around here?

Shannon said...

Hey popping in real quick.....rather enjoying the weekend with the hubby :)

It seems that everyone else is off doing things this weekend as well.

What you up to Lisa?

Shannon said...

I dont see anything inherently wrong with butt plug calling LOL

Lisa said...

I'm dealing with water issues and heat, Shannon. I'm thinking I might even prefer time with your husband over that. In fact, I'm pretty damn sure I would if it didn't involve sex. ;-)

So, who should I call a buttplug? Maybe Elisabeth? *twitches an eyebrow*

Shannon said...

HAHA I can tell you that you would have more fun hanging out with his salty butt today then dealing with water issues AGAIN!!!! I feel for you girl I really do because for some reason the water problems LOVE you :)

And I think that calling her that would be appropriate.....gimme money gimme money....not job no house no meds no money for bills.....oh but I have an IPhone.....NICE!!!

Muliebrity said...

Ugg. Still recovering from Hunter's fall and head injury on Friday. He fell from the counter top on the basement kitchen/bar when he was messing around in the cabinets (I thought he was in my room watching TV). He normally cries for about 30 seconds, so after a minute of crying I hunted him down and he was wondering around kind of dazed. He was just hanging and hanging on me and was rubbing his head, but had no visible bump or bruise. I couldn't get a good look at his pupils, so I decided to get the kids ready and run him to the doctor to have him checked out. While I was getting Muliette into the car seat and encouraging Logan to get his shoes on, Hunter started falling asleep and he turned deathly white down to his lips and started falling asleep and wouldn't stay away, so I ended up calling 911. We live in a small town, so when it looked like something serious, I didn't want to waste time driving him to the local hosp, if he needed to be transfered.

He was laying limp in my arms and I could not keep him awake, so I was standing at the door waiting for the EMTs and as soon as we could hear the sirens, he popped up and said, "Fiwer Truck?" I figured he was probably fine after that, but they came in and assessed him. Pupils fixed, vitals good, so I decided, under the EMTs advise, I would just watch him before deciding to take him to the doc or ER.

His "bump" was soft and mushy and I could tell that it really hurt. After the EMTs left, we were sitting down going through a box of gifts from a swap we did at SIFs and he had no interest in opening presents and could not keep his eyes open. I called the pediatrician to see if I could let him sleep because it was getting to his nap time and they said just to bring him in so that they could note his record.

Matt was on his way home by that time, so when he got home I took Hunter and the baby up to the docs office. Hunter just could not stay away and I had him propped up in the stroller and they took one look at him (still pale, but way more color then he did when I called 911), felt his injury and were about to call 911 again, except I could get him to the hosp faster. They had me go there for a CT scan and said just to park on the ramp when I get there. He was so sleepy he was just a limp rag doll.

When I got him there and they started with the blood pressure and the pulse ox, he started perking up and by time we got to a room he was talking and recognizing things, but still really clingy.

The doctor said she doesn't like to do CT scans on little guys, but since this was my 3rd stop (EMTs, Peds Office and now ER) she wanted to go ahead and do the CT.

They put him in the papoose and he was kicking and trying to bite the techs, so I figured he was probably ok, and he was, as are as a skull fracture or brain injury. They labeled him with a concussion, but said unless he has a head ache for the next 2 weeks, he just had a bad bump.

We are now trying to keep him from running, jumping, climbing, or playing on playground equipment. Since all these things basically define him, that is our biggest challenge.

Muliebrity said...

Sucks about your AC, Lisa. Is the unit too large for your house, maybe? I had fans directed at mine to keep it from melting all over the carpet in hubby's office.

Shannon said...

Yikes...well glad that he is OK but damn that sounds pretty scary. I know I would have been on 911 in a fast second I would be so freaked out.

Muliebrity said...

I started to worry when he became pale. I hearing crashing and crying around here every day and he is my tough guy. I learned early, that if I ran to check on him when he got hurt by time I got there, he was over it. He has a high pain tolerance and doesn't like to be babied, and I am a wait and see type of mom, so we are a bad combo is a case of emergency.

Muliebrity said...

And since I didn't see his fall, I didn't really know what happened and his injury wasn't that noticeable. On top of the fact that he's 2 and his communication represents that.

Shannon said...

In all honesty Mulie with my son I was a lot the same way I think that as soon as I saw him being dizzy and pale I would have been calling too. Chris was always one for crashing and burning, at 17 he still is.

Muliebrity said...

I have always said I don't how I will know if he is actually hurt because of his personality, but now I guess I know I can tell. Sort of.

Jeanette said...

Wow Mulie, that sounds so scary. FWIW, I think you handled it well. A lot of people would have freaked out.

Jeanette said...

Lisa, what are you going to do about the a/c? Can you call that guy that worked on it before?

KaytieJ said...

Yowza Mulie! It is so hard to tell with the little ones, especially the tough as nails go getters. I am glad the CT showed no fractures or obvious signs of bleed. And oh joy to keeping an active 2 year old calm and sedentary! You have your hands full there. ((()))

KaytieJ said...

Lisa - That sucks.
Is your insurance going to cover the water damage? Or the AC company - since it is so new? I hate thinking of the damage this has done (remembering our flood from water heater and having to gut an entire room). And UGH to having it go out during August! Can you head to your mom's during the day to get some heat relief?

Margo said...

Hi ladies.

Mulie - I'm glad your little one is ok - that must have been very scary.

I had a lovely weekend at the shore - I need to figure out a way I can stay there all summer :)

I don't know about butt plug but I'm still cheesed about that whole situation.

AP - sorry to hear about the a/c!

Lisa said...

Mulie, how scary! How is he feeling now? Poor baby, head bumps hurt so badly. :-(

Kaytie, there's not enough water to worry about needing to make a claim. it was all ovre but just a heavy sheeting. My area rug soaked most of it up and it's probably my only casualty. They a/c was used, only new to me, but the guy who put it in is coming out tomorrow after work and he'll make it right, whatever has to be done. I still expect a bill but he'd not going to lie to me or rip me off. He only replaced the outside part and this trouble is coming from the inside part. I may yet be buying a new one. :-/

Margo, is it cool at the shore? If so, go stand out front and I'll come pick you up. It sounds like where I'd like to be tonight!

Karen said...

Standing out front too - hoping for a ride to the shore!!!!

Lisa said...

Heck, yeah,'ll be easy to grab you on the way! Doesn't sitting out on a cool beach at midnight, sipping wine and hanging out, sound like heaven?

Margo said...

We need an OD jet for adventures!

Karen said...


Lisa said...

Hmmmm, I don't know anyone with a jet but I could steal a semi. Will that work?

Karen said...

I could see us all cruising around in a semi - I say go for it!! If we pick up more than fit in the front, we'll get some chairs and set up a bar in the back!!! OD on 18 wheels!!

Lisa said...

I can do that. I know people with unsecured storage lots and better yet, I can drive one of the suckers as long as a little lurching won't bother anyone. Well, maybe a lot of lurching. I suck with gears. I'll steal one with a refrigerated trailer so it's cool inside, at least. Huh...maybe I can find a Schlitz truck.

Muliebrity said...

I am pretty good with a stick and it's always been a dream of mine to drive a big rig (except I get nervous when I drive my mom's Astro van).

Hunter's head still hurts. The injury itself is still soft and mushy with no bruising. It is still possible to get a hematoma, but hopefully it'll be fine. Most of the time he says it's all better, but he's been getting up 3 times a night to come tell me he has a head owie, so it's probably still hurting.

Margo said...

Cruisin the highways and byways of this great country with a bunch of recipe sharin, tube top wearin, *ology speakin, butt plug callin, sometimes bitchin women - that's a little piece of Americana I don't want to miss. I call shotgun for the first 100 miles!

Hi Mulie. I bet it will hurt for a while. Dan was cutting the lawn a few weeks ago and hit his head on a branch of our apple tree. He had a big knot for a while and it's still hurting so it will probably take a while. It's so hard with the little ones because they really don't know what's going on.

Tammi said..., how scary!

Lisa...oh that sucks! I don't know what's worse, no a/c or the water.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I tried something new on Sat night...pomegranate tequila...oh dang good! We had martinis made out of them. But uh, not so good Sunday morning. LOL Hung out at the lake yesterday and didn't move.

Margo said...

Mulie - just read your post about your doctor's visit. I'm thinking, maybe Mark asks that all patients be covered when he comes in so she was just doing her job?

Muliebrity said...

You mean all patients, Margaret? I see him once every couple of months or less and it is just to update my history and get RX refills. He next to never does any sort of physical exam, so there is no reason to be covered other than the breastfeeding thing.

Muliebrity said...

just started Maude on acid reflux medication and the dose is .8 ml. Well, Walgreens gave me a 10 ml medication syringe, so it is almost impossible to get the proper dosing. I asked the nurse if she had a syringe that was just 1 ml that I could use for her medication. She brought it back in and it was then I was feeding the baby. She only noticed because I got up from the chair (while still feeding the baby) to look at the syringe and to then stick it in my bag. My shirt was covering up to the baby's mouth, so she may have caught a glimpse of my stomach, but I wasn't really trying to cover up, because, well, she's a nurse for Christ's sake!

Because I drive almost an hour to get there and the wait upwards of 45 mins to see the CNP, I have nursed the baby every time I have been in there. Mark is super supportive of breast feeding and we are constantly discussing it, because of the medications I take to control pain.

Muliebrity said...

And, Shannon, if you are here, I can't answer back on BF right now!

Muliebrity said...

Now I see where you said it's messed up for you too, Shannon.

Shannon said...

It is being weird Mulie......I am glad to know it isnt just me...Just so ya know I have even changed the wording of the search to try to find that pic and STILL cant find it. I dont think that person on FB was being very forthcoming with how they "happened" to come across it.

Muliebrity said...

I admit, I haven't searched for it the way they said, because I didn't have a change. I would have never gotten the thread posted, because I am having a baby feeding, diaper changin, apple sauce getting, laundry folding, bathroom cleaning kind of Monday morning.

Shannon said...

My thing is that not only do I not consider that porn....not a nipple or cooter to be found.....but also that from the post it sounds like all you have to do is type in 'model' and it is right there in your isnt. I have searched using 'model', nothing; 'girl on girl', nothing; 'girls in panties', nothing.....I mean it is not like Sears is abusing their online shoppers by inundating them with art that some consider porn. It is kind of like defamation to say such things when you dont know the truth behind it. Whoever found that picture REALLY had to be looking for it.

Erin said...

Steak: Sear both sides in a hot (oven safe) pan (I use my cast iron skillet) with a bit of oil, salt and pepper. Put in 400 degree oven for 10 minutes. It is the only way we cook steaks now.

Erin said...

LOL- random post in the middle of porn discussion. Morning! Happy freaking Monday!

Shannon said...

LMAO its all about meat Erin :)

How are you this morning?

Margo said...

Oh, I thought that maybe you had to wear a gown or something at the doctors. Did you say anything to him about her covering you?

Margo said...

nipples, cooters, and seared steak, oh my!

Muliebrity said...

I didn't say anything, because I was trying to judge his behavior. And what if he did tell her to do that? I may have a big mouth, but I am not good with confrontation. I really just think she acted on her own. It was just very odd to me.

Muliebrity said...

I think I need to borrow JM's wooden spoon today.

Gusgirl said...

I'm seriouly considering the wooden spoon myself on the almost 4 year old who backtalks like a teenager.

Muliebrity said...

You have one of those too, Gusgirl? I have the 4 year old and the 2 year old that mimics everything the 4 year old does, plus has a few of his own tricks up his sleeve.

Oopsie Daisy said...

*****NEW POST*****

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