Thursday, June 3, 2010

More white trash....

...although, again, I think these are debatable.  "Messy" and "poor fashion sense" would probably be more appropriate but it's still fun to guess who.  So, guess who!

Then, from the last post, Chris proposed a "game" too good to pass up:
"In this case....Chris votes for "the weirdest place I ever got fun-kay with a spouse/partner/significant other was ________."    I dare y'all to play.  :-D


Oopsie Daisy said...

Also transferred from the last post:
"He says the weirdest place he ever got biz-zay was on a luggage cart WHILE it was moving.

Me? I am less exciting. My hubs & I got all amorous in a waterslide landing of a rich buddy's opulent pool/slide setup."

Life full of bRATS said...

ok.. wow.. there's like options for this one..

Back of a truck at a rodeo?
Tack room floor?
Water trough? (which btw, water bugs, not fun when you're getting it on)
oh god. i sound like a slut.. or a ..a lady of .. of low sexual morals. Psychiatrist office bathroom floor.

That's my favorite. But then we had a fun time in vegas in 08 in a little hallway near the womens restroom in the circus circus after seeing zumanity.

I think I'm going to hell.

twirldawg said...


My guess is Bella on the pictures. I remember that we have the same car and the front seat in the top picture looks like mine only cleaner.

No comment on Chris' game ;)

Anonymous said...

Photo 1 - not white trash
Photo 2 - switch the athletic shorts to daisy dukes maybe
Question - at a Ronald McDonald House (which is more distasteful than funky).

Anonymous said...

I've got the scoop on the Gores. Apparently Al met a blond bombshell backstage at a concert in the frozen tundra. Later in the evening Tipper found a text from said bimbo to her husband that said "It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now". His response, "Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now". I've got a picture of the two on my blog.

Angie said...

Morning all!

Margaret, you're bad. Funny! But bad.

Mulie, congrats on peeing and passing gas. Ha!

Anonymous said... my mom would say "I'm laughing so hard, I'm dying of death!"

Girl, you are fun-neeeeee!!

Deb said...

Margaret - you are hilarious!

Good morning ladies!

I have 2 little girls with freshly polished teeth from the dentist this morning! They were very good. Now, I'm taking suggestions on how to stop a serial thumb sucker....

Kay, you may think you will be going to hell, but at least you had fun doing it!

Deb said...

SW - this article will make you giddy...,,20390747,00.html?hpt=T2

KaytieJ said...

Margaret - McD's? And your blog - Hilarious!

Kay - Woohoo girl!

SW - is that your new car :-D

twirldawg said...

Oh sad, I just read that Rue McClanahan has died.

KaytieJ said...

.....bye Blanche :-(

Lisa said...

Oh, no...I'm still laughing over Al's tryst and then read about Rue McClanahan. I sure hate hearing that and always liked her. All the Golden Girls are gone now but for Betty. :-(

Robin in Montana said...

Good morning.

Sorry about Rue McClanahan. :(

Have no guesses on the picture.

And no comment on the question. :)

Robin in Montana said...

That CK - she is a woman of veeerrrryyy loose morals, isn't she? :::nods self-righteously::

Deb said...

I loved that show, and Rue's character.

Lisa said...

I'm thinking CK caused global warming.

Robin in Montana said...

Probably the oil leak, too. Distracting the crew or something. She's deviuos, obviously.

Deb said...

For the love of Pete....

REHOBOTH BEACH, Del. (AP) ― Rehoboth

Beach is not a topless beach -- but a few transgender men have caused a stir by treating it like one.
Police say passers-by complained after the men removed their tops and revealed their surgically enhanced breasts over Memorial Day weekend. A lifeguard asked them to put their tops back on. The men initially refused, but covered up before police arrived.

Even if they hadn't, though, Police Chief Keith Banks notes that the men were doing nothing illegal. Since they have male genitalia, they can't be charged with indecent exposure for showing their breasts.

Banks says there's no need for a specific law to address the issue.

Rehoboth commissioner Kathy McGuiness isn't so sure. She says the matter will be discussed at a town hall meeting next week.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Frank Costanza ever got thrown off the beach for showing his man boobs?

Deb said...

Jill - Is Richard doing any better with his new big boy bed yet?

Deb said...

Margaret - one of the funniest episodes! The Bro.

Robin in Montana said...

Oh dear Lord, Deb.

Anonymous said...

The manzier.

Lisa said...

"Rehoboth commissioner Kathy McGuiness isn't so sure. She says the matter will be discussed at a town hall meeting next week."

I'd love to sit in on this meeting. Chief Banks is right, can go bare-chested. How funny and bizarre this all must have looked, though. Can I just add that I hope my computer is never confiscated since I just googled for images of "REHOBOTH BEACH transgendered topless men".

Angie said...

Deb, that story did make me giddy! Thank you! The story of those women and their release makes me tear up every time I hear it. How they thought they were going to a hard labor camp, and were taken into a room and Bill Clinton was there to save them. Gives me chills!

Not my car, Kaytie! But will be soon enough, I'm sure!

Robin in Montana said...

I worry constantly after the birth of Daisy of what the repercussions would be were my computer ever to be seized and searched. LOL

Deb said...

RiM - LOL!

AP - seriously, that will probably the only well-attended and interesting town meeting in Rehoboth! Now, Dewey Beach, which is not far from Rehoboth is widely known in these parts as a same-sex town.

Anonymous said...

Deb - as soon as I read that I thought that is more like Dewey. Breasts and a hot pink banana hammock would be hard to explain to kids.

Robin in Montana said...

Banana hammock. ::chokes::

Deb said...

OMG, banana hammock :P

Robin in Montana said...

I feel a little bit scarred.

Deb said...

Margaret - yeah, Rehoboth is geared more to be the family oriented beach.

Lisa said...

And now banana hammock will show up in some google searches. Not mine, since I, oddly enough, know what they are. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

Ideas for Christmas gifts ...

Lisa said...

Hey, I'll get Chris one!

Robin in Montana said...

I was thinking Kelly might like a New Orleans Saints one. I wonder how Drew Brees would feel about autographing one for Tee to send to me? ::cackles::

Deb said...

RiM - LOL!

I just remember seeing Sacha Baron Cohen and John Mayer wearing them. It's just not an attractive look for, well, anyone IMO.

Robin in Montana said...

I agree there is just no way anyone could make that look attractive.

But we've talked of my general ick factor with regard to John Mayer, with or without a banana hammock.

Deb said...

I agree about him RiM - he just oozes creep factor to me.

Let's see, hmmmmm. Nope, can't think of anyone really that I'd like to see in one of those!

Robin in Montana said...

Deb-- I can't, either. What *is it with that? lol. It's like a woman in a tube top -- that just ain't right. (said in a redneck accent)

Deb said...

So, bonus me! I found a $50 (yes $50!!) gift card for Eddie Bauer cleaning out a drawer the other day. So, I just went online and ordered 3 tops and it was still good - score!

Deb said...

RiM - I cannot wear a tube top, it would make me look flatter than I already am. Talk about squish factor.

I think it's because the hair factor on men chalks up the gross factor a notch, or 10.

KaytieJ said...

Chris could sport a bright yellow daisy print one.

And because we are vile and like both sides of an issue, we can find a matching bra for Elisabeth :-D

Robin in Montana said...

Well, some man-grooming should *definitely be mandatory if a man is going to sport a banana hammock!

KaytieJ said...

Deb must have shook her wallet at the full moon!

Deb said...

Kaytie - no I didn't, and I was kicking myself the other night after I saw you all did, and I missed it!

Lisa said...

"Chris could sport a bright yellow daisy print one.

And because we are vile and like both sides of an issue, we can find a matching bra for Elisabeth :-D"

There's something wrong with the idea of an adult brother and sister having a matching banana hammock and bra.

Anonymous said...

Agreed RiM - no banana hammocks worn by men with fur diapers.

Robin in Montana said...

Margaret - you are responsible for some damage to my lungs today.

KaytieJ said...

Well, good score then!

Deb said...

be back later ladies!

Robin in Montana said...

I am just saying - they don't like a hairy on their women, why should it be any different?

::desparately tries to think of something else to talk about::

KaytieJ said...

Oops...sorry C & E. Daisy gift presents for the SWAP wedding attendees then?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Kaytie - SW only wears navy bathing suits with blue piping.

KaytieJ said...

Robin - we could talk about what we ate as our first meal after giving birth (now that we can talk about food again).

Ribs and a chocolate milkshake :-D

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie - Hmm, that's a good conversation, but I can't remember at all. Must not have been very good.

KaytieJ said...

Holy Moly...AP batten down the hatches - looks like a big storm headed right for you! And any other Daisies caught in storms, too!

Lisa said...

Lol, I've swamped poor Kaytie and Robin with text pictures of my flooded yard. I'm good, though. I love it!

Off to eat chicken curry and read, I think. That translates to having a nap with an empty plate and book in my lap, in case anyone wonders. ;-)

twirldawg said...

Took an afternoon off from the computer.

Deb he is doing well at night in the bed, naps are still a struggle.

First meal after I had Richard- cheese burger, cheese fries, and a chocolate milkshake from Steak and Shake. I had GD so I hadn't had a milkshake in months. I was awesome!

KaytieJ said...

Daisies - Just so ya know. June 1st (start of hurricane season) - AP scares the c*** out of me with Pending Storm Alert. I instantly visualize her and Jake and Ms. Arse flying off to Oz or Floating down the flooded streets.
Thank you for calming me down, again, AP :-D
The pics were actually beautiful.

KaytieJ said...

Jill - Glad your little one is doing well at night - sorry about the naps, though.

:::nodding::: I rarely have milkshakes, but that one? Glad to hear you enjoyed one, too!

Deb said...

Jill - Lauren stopped taking naps when she was 3 1/2 and never looked back. He may be phasing out.

twirldawg said...

Hush your mouth Deb! I won't have any of that no nap talk here.

Lisa said...

"Thank you for calming me down, again, AP :-D
The pics were actually beautiful."

Even my white trash greenhouse? :-D
It was a good storm, we really did need the rain and I think (hope) more is coming. The flooding is down, too...never made it in the house, thank goodness.

Lisa said...

"I was awesome!"

You still are, Jill!

twirldawg said...

That may have been the best typo ever made by me :)

Lisa said...

Quick question for all gardeners, and I know I could google but it's more fun to ask y'all, I just found some ginger that got lost in my garlic bowl. It's sprouted. If I plant it, will I really grow ginger?

Anonymous said...

Evening, ladeeeeez!!

Chris and I both agree that matching brother/sister bra/bananahammocks are definitely OUT. Altho he says it does give him a great idea for an invention that could "make a mint off all the old queens".......the "bra-nanahammock".

I told him I will probably with hold food for a few days as punishment for him authoring the visual image currently in my head.

We had a crappy day. We just could not get the whole rent together, so we took what we had to the office (the 3rd is the last day before late fees apply) and explained that we just did not *have it. We have kept them in the loop re. his SSDI money and they KNOW starting next month we won't be dragging our feet on the rent anymore. But the mgr was awful to us. She said in such a dismissive and condescending tone "look, I'm sorry he had a stroke but we're not here to do FAVORS for you guys". I was literally slackjawed with shock.

Maybe I am wrong and they have every right to come down on anyone who doesn't honor the rental agreement to the letter. But we have managed to get it paid every other month since the stroke AND Chris has been a good and loyal tenant for like 8 years plus sent tons of business their way.

Eh, sorry to be the voice of bitchy. Ah-gain. I know it's probably not "insanely unfair" for them to still charge late fees and threaten eviction. We're not doing what we are supposed to. But it FEELS like they deserve a my bitching and then some!!

Chris is bummed nobody wanted to play his game. He says he is going to think of a better one for tonight. Gird those loins =)

Josh and Rya said...

Hello? Anyone home?

Josh and Rya said...

Sorry, Chris and Elisabeth. Some people just don't have any compassion.

kristin said...

Hey ladies and gent!

I miss you guys!

E - I am so sorry about the apartment complex. Can you go higher than them and write a letter to the management company that manages the apartment? Let them know that your brother has been a tenant for 8 years...etc. uggghhhh...I'm sorry.

I'll a cooler at a gas station - I dated a guy who worked at the station at night.

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, I so wish they could have cut y'all a break on the rent, but they really may not have the legal capability to do so. Not that that helps you now, I know, but they really just might not have had a choice. So, let's go with worst-case scenario - they start eviction proceedings. That won't go to court immediately. It can't. Allowing for paperwork, filing and court dates to be scheduled, it should take at least a month in this economy to get Chris into court. By then, he'll be able to pay rent. Right? So while it's a shitty way to have to look at it, the odds of him actually losing his place are slim, wouldn't you think? Did they take what money you had? And if I may ask, how far are you short this month?

As for Chris' game, I'm a little like Kay...she seemed to have a variety to choose from and I would, too. Um. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

Hi ladies :)

Chris, your answers:

An alley (with a sig. other, not someone random. I have STANDARDS!)
A gas station bathroom.
A restaurant bathroom.
At a flea market.
As a kicker, the dude I was with was dressed as Jesus in two of these instances. Halloween brings out the worst in me, I guess.

That's all I got. As I age, I prefer the comforts of home!

Anonymous said...

AP......after doing a fair bit of research, I'm almost positive they can't "really" evict him in the timeframe between now and when he gets the SSI check. Like you said, the process would have to start, bla bla bla. I don't think it would be worth the expense to them. I was scared to death when they first mentioned "eviction" but after checking with a local tenant advisory group, we are nearly positive they won't/can't evict him in the space of 4 weeks.

But what they CAN charge late fees every 3 days that it's not paid in full. I asked if, since we had every intention of staying if at ALL possible, AND made a good faith payment today, if they could possibly go easy on those ridiculous late fees. And *that is when we got that line about how they aren't there "to do us favors".

I really feel like if the tables were turned, I would gladly waive the fees and give us until July. And I do not think that's me being naive. Chris had a truly sterling history with them until the stroke.

Lisa said...

Elisabeth, I know you'd help out if the tables were turned, I have no doubt and I really wish they could have. I'm just thinking that so many good, decent people are struggling right now that they may have a "no exceptions" policy because where in the world would you draw lines? Of course Chris should be an exception if they could but so should so many people in so many awful situations these days that they may just have a firm, no exception policy or they'd never know where to end it. As personal as I know it feels, try to remember that it most probably isn't all. I do think time is going to be on his side here...

Posts are low so I'm just going to let this post run on over. I'm lazy. :-)

KaytieJ said...

Elisabeth - maybe the laws are more stringent in Texas and your county then where I have had experience. It takes quite awhile to evict. Chris will be ok. If you put any money down towards the rent and they accepted it, eviction will take even longer. As for late fees, read the contract. I have not heard of every 3 days late fees, that sounds very excessive. Again, it may be the county/State and management rules.
You and Chris WILL get through this.

Chris, I would love to play the game, but I am shy on that stuff. I can say this, I did not get married until later in life :-D

AP - Plant the ginger - ya just never know! And check my blog (wink)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

SW's fretting over this weekend's supper club menu manifested itself in a horrible, horrible dream last night - check out my blog.

Elisabeth - I think AP is right. I forgot to pay our mortgage in May. Plain old forgot. Mid month we received a NASTY letter saying if we didn't pay by June 1 they were going to turn our information into the credit bureaus as a default. We've been with the same lender for 8 years, never late - blah, blah. When I called them they said that so many people are allowing their loans to go into forclosure they are being proactive in getting their payments. The woman in the rental office should not have spoken to you like she did but she reports to someone who is probably giving her pressure.

PJ said...

Margaret - I'm slow - who's the guy? Glenn?

Anonymous said...

CK - yep.

MCDonalds recalled the Shrek drinking glasses -we of course have them as Dan is a fan.

Angie said...

Margaret, you crack me up! Your photoshop skills are pretty awesome, too! I made the first grocery store trip for supper club last night. I intended to start prep work on the soup that I'm making tonight, but had to work until 8:00 (a real rarity for me, thankfully), and didn't get home from the store until after 9:00. So I'm feeling a bit behind. But I may be able to leave work early today to catch up.

Hope everyone has a great Friday!

T@iy@ said...

My husband texted me about that this morning, Margaret. I've got 2 of them. Waiting to find out where to turn them in at.

Shannon said...

Taiya from the sounds of it you just take them back to McD's

Only a few more hours and I will be in Portland having a blast, so long as we miss the traffic :)

The only bad is that I come home and have to worry about finals....oh well finals schminals :)

Lisa said...

Margaret, that might be your best one yet1! Very funny stuff!

Kaytie, I'm so sorry I worried you with that picture! I just thought it was pretty. :-) I need to figure out how to get pictures off my phone and onto my computer. Okay, actually, I just need to find the cord to do it with. And I'm jealous of your fireplace.

Taiya, they just now said on the news that you can return them to McDonald's starting next week for a full refund.

Good morning, all!

Lisa said...

Shannon, what did I miss? What's the big, fun thing going on in Portland?

Shannon said...

Oh we are going to a concert, just the two of us.

We are old people going to young people shows :) We will be seeing ICP, Kottonmouth Kings, Necro, Coolio, Kittie oh it is going to be fun :)

Lisa said...

"ICP, Kottonmouth Kings, Necro, Coolio, Kittie oh"

Oh, dear...well, have fun and be safe.

Shannon said...

Oh we will have a blast....I think we will be safe though we will be drenched with Faygo I am sure when all is said and done.

We have seen all of them before except for Coolio and Necro......hopefully there arent a bunch of gang bangers LOL

Anonymous said...

AP - whose pictures are those?

Life full of bRATS said...

Home tomorrow hopefully guys, but I'm comfortable enough. X-rays are showing some improvement but as usual it's slow... fungus's suck. They seriously do.

Shannon said...

Kay I am glad to hear that you are almost back home. And improvement is improvement. I wish we could just spray you down with lotrimin and feed it to ya and get you all better but I guess the side effect to that is poison so that isnt such a great idea either.

Lisa said...

Margaret, they're Nitsirk's. :-)

Kay, I'll have my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow. Home is always the best place to be.

Anonymous said...

F to the fungus - hope you get to go home soon Kay!

KaytieJ said...

Hello All!
Just back from an AWESOME event for businesses to hire nat guards and military on their return home!

Wanted to say hello and hope everyone has a good day. Off to bed to do charge tonight.

AP - NO apologies! I loved it that you remembered me and sent the pics :-D

Shannon - have a great time at the concerts with hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life full of bRATS said...

AP. Prepare for redneck/whit trash photos galore.. My sister found a ton.. I'm actually scared to SHARE all these.

Lisa said...

Well, send some on, Kay, and I'll pick the trashiest. In fact, if anyone has anything they want to send it, doesn't matter what it is or is about, we'll place "Guess whose...?" with them.

Boy, Daisy's just about dead isn't it? At least I get more done around the house this way. :-) I've been planting more seeds - lobelia and cilatro this time - and damn, it's hot and bright out there. Heat index is 105, it says, thanks to 78% humidity. Lovely.

Kaytie, rest well and I hope work goes easily tonight.

Deb said...

AP - I feel like I am living in Florida right along with you. It is hot and humid here too. I've only been able to do bits and pieces with the plants today before I have to come in. The shade is coming around in the back now, so I'll get out there again. I bought the most beautiful yellow hibiscus today, so I want to pot that. And watching a squirrel try to figure out how to get on my bird feeder for sunflower seeds after I foiled his other trick way.

Kay - I'm so glad it's getting a little better, I hope you get to get home soon!

Margaret - your photo of SW's dinner party is great! I'm sure she'll get it framed.

Shannon - Have a great time in Portland with the hubby - sound like a blast!

Angie said...

Afternoon all. I just got home from buying another round of groceries for supper club. Just finished unpacking and checking out my new mandoline for slicing potatoes. It's pretty neat and has its own carrying case. (Similar to the one for the Hitachi Magic Wand, Bella! ;-)) I'm dying to slice something to try it out, so I think I'll go googling for a recipe with cucumbers, since I have some of those. You know, one of those cucumbers and vinegar deals.

Tonight's tasks are to make the soup, the spinach gratin, and the caramelized onion dip. I'd better get busy!

Last of the Mohicans is on cable again. I can't think of an actor sexier than Daniel Day Lewis was in that role. White hot!

KaytieJ said...

SW said, "Last of the Mohicans is on cable again. I can't think of an actor sexier than Daniel Day Lewis was in that role"

Oh yes! I am SO jealous - one of my favorite movies. The waterfall scene still makes me swoon.

KAY! Keeping fingers and toes crossed you get to go home tomorrow!!!!!!

PJ said...

Hi there KaytieJ and SW and AP.

Lurking while trying to get some work done. Glad it's Friday. Four days more with students and one work day. HOME STRETCH!!!

PJ said...

Hi Deb and Kay too, if you're here???

KaytieJ said...

CK - Count down is on for you now! WooHoo!

KaytieJ said...

Nitsirk! Just saw that was you :-D

kristin said...

Yup, that is me in all my glory!

First thing I do when I get home, take of bra and pants and find comfy shorts :)

and you will notice in the car: bag of rum, watermelon, cherry limeade, wipes, :)

Anonymous said...

I love last of the Mohicans - especially the music by Clannad.

SW - have you seen Daniel Day Lewis in The Guildford Four? Another great movie.

I thought Chris had another game for us?

PJ said...

I'm watching the Scripps National Spelling Bee - tension... I can't stand it.

Deb said...

I'm kind of here now, watching hockey, listening to the girls have a tickle fight. Nothing good can come of the tickle fight.

Sandy said...

Evening ladies. Life sucks but then you move on, right?

Where is everyone?

Schlitz anyone?


Deb said...

Hi Sandy - I have a Red Stripe going right now. Girls in bed. Nice and quiet here!

Angie said...

Margaret, I have not seen the Guilford Four, and have never even heard of it. Will check it out.

CK, I watched it too, or mostly listened to it while I cooked. I wanted the person who won to win! Those kids are all inspirational.

Deb, you are right about tickle fights. ::nods::

Okay, the spinach gratin and caramelized onion dip are done. The dip is fan-freaking-tastic. Just fantastic. It's a Barefoot Contessa recipe and Robin makes it.

The spinach looks like it will be good too. With half a stick of butter and a cup of cream, how could it not be? My soup is simmering now. So my cooking is almost done for the night.

Deb said...

Too quiet, I'm tired and falling asleep. Good night!

twirldawg said...


I've been trying to stay off the computer more. I've read three books since I started my new SAHM gig (trashy books aimed at teens) and I've been knitting. A photographer friend of mine from high school has asked for me to make her some knitted baby items for her business. I really like her work so I'm glad to help.

Oh and I've been dealing with a toddler that won't stay in bed and poop. I won't elaborate on the poop.

KaytieJ said...

SW - I'll have to try that dip - I have only made the lipton onion dip and having it homemade sounds so very good.

Sandy - I will toss you one, but no schlitz for me while on call - but I'll toast ya with my ice water. Here's to a better day tomorrow!

Jill - I think quite a few of us here have had the toddler stage and boy can we relate. Hang in there! Trashy Teen items are a prescription for mom's of Toddlers :::nodding:::

KaytieJ said...

items = books :::sniffing my ice water::: Yep, it's water. They typo is mine. I own it.

PJ said...

Hi Jill, SW, Sleeping Deb), Sandy,

We're just veging tonight -

Jill, I'm going to knit again (after cough35cough years). We're making dishcloths to raise money for Relay for Life.

PJ said...

Anybody here watch Flashpoint tonight? I liked it when it first came out, and now it's back with new episodes.

Another Canadian connection.....

twirldawg said...

Oh CK I got obsessed about washcloths a couple of summers ago. They are so easy.

PJ said...

Jill - easy is the idea here.

Sandy said...

I started crocheting dishcloths. I always used dispoable ones. I've never used one yet though.

Angie said...

Knitting is like magic to me. And you people who knit are wizards.

PJ said...

Hi Hopkins, Minnesota!

Sandy said...

I went to school with a girl whose last name was Hopkins. Her middle name was Penelope. Just some useless information.

PJ said...

Hopkins is a Twin Cities suburb. Someone was visiting here, from there, and I was offering a friendly welcome.

Sandy said...

Welcome Hopkins!

PJ said...

My husband's cousin and wife sold their house in 36 hours.

In this market, that's worth a call to Fox 9 News. Hey Trish????

Sandy said...

That is news worthy. Anyone ever been to Tuscola Illinois before?

Sandy said...

I'm starting a bucket list. I really want to visit Toyko someday.

PJ said...

My husband's been there - it would not be on my bucket list, however.

Italy, yes.

PJ said...

I lived in Colorado for a year. Beautiful.

I wanna take a trip to see FT in Canada.

PJ said...

Sandy, can we continue our travelogue later - I think I'm going to sleep.

Sandy said...

Night CK

Anonymous said...

Margaret.......Chris said he was hoping everyone would forget that he promised another game, because now he can't think of one!

I have a Daisy Challenge:
I need super cheap recipes that are *not God awful for you, nutritionally. The guilt of feeding Chris ramen & mac and cheese is going to kill me. Starting in July, he will be getting the "lone star card" which is like the Texas version of food I really only need about 3 wks of dinners. He eats oatmeal for his first meal of the day which is usually a mid morning brunch type thing, so I *only need to do dinners.

Chris says this isn't a game per say, but could be fun anyway. He says good old fashioned "most humiliating moment" fest.

He says his is puking on the dance floor of a gay bar. Mine is getting pitched out of a greyhound bus bathroom when the driver had to brake suddenly. I was literally flat on my stomach with my britches down around my ankles. And then I had to ride 7 hours with the people who saw it happen. Good times.

Lisa said...

Hey, all. No more white trash pictures unless I want to shame a baby Jake again. I suppose I'll spare him this time. I'll have a new post up within the half hour, though.

Big day here tomorrow, as a major tree cutting event is happening. I've got to get all the big stuff that overhangs my roof and power lines cut away so it'll be a dual effort between my lawn service and the power company's tree service, which I *hate. Several bad experiences with them including one that involved multiple cops. Ugh. I suspect only I could have that happen.

Hope everyone has good weekends!

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post up ***

Elisabeth, bring your questions on over there, okay?

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