Tuesday, April 20, 2010


And don't forget about Chris!


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Shannon said...

Well shit that only took me 2 1/2 hours to catch up where I left off last night.

As for the stuff with R2 and such I will just sit and not say anything much about it all....personally I think that everything has pretty much been said and put out there and hopefully now things can move on and being civil will be the game of the day :)

So I went and did my blood work. Let me tell you this fasting for 12 hours for a girl who's blood sugar drops for not eating which then triggers a migraine that is not fabulous. But I stopped at Dutch Bros and got a muffin top and a large coffee so hopefully that combo will counteract the fasting nonsense.

But now it is done and hopefully we shall know what is going on in Shannon's blood soon.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I'm assuming Blogger tanked out.

Shannon said...

and shit it must be time to get a new page started......Now I still want to know how you chatty bitches managed well over 1000 posts in one day??? LOL

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Hey Shannon! Glad your fast is over.

I am hopeful, too, that we can all move on.

Jennifer-Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin in Montana said...

Hi Tara, Deb!

Shannon said...

You know what is cool about when Blogger does this? The last post I see is when Tara said hello to Deb at 12.14. When I posted my first comment this morning it said there were 382 comments....well it isnt showing anymore comments but the number has now gone to 389.

Karen said...

OMG you peopele are chatty!! I came back last night after I posted the last time and it was stuck on Robin's last comment... and I knew there had to be talking going on... but I couldn't read a thing, so I quit and went to bed!

Kristin - did you just eat something bad, or are you lactose intollerant? I ask because I am, and if I dont' have my lactaid pills and have dairy - I suffer for at least 2 days of cramps and "going and going" and its horrible! I have those pills stashed everywhere! I hope you are feeling better!!

Rhys - can I just tell you how glad I am that you are here? I am!!

Patti is back at the Walgreens first care clinic or whatever it was called, she is not better, has no voice, her ears still hurt and I seriously told her to tell the Dr. that she is coughing 1,000 times a day.... she can't sleep... its not good. So back to the Dr. she goes.. I might be catching it, my throat is sore, my head is stuffing, and I just feel blah...

So many more things to comment on - and I have no specifics in my brain any more... OH, BD I'm so glad to hear that the preemie is doing so well and is coming home soon, thats awesome!

Robin in Montana said...

I posted, but blogger must be eating posts again todyay.

Karen said...

I posted, where did it go??? It said it posted? We're on comment #392 according to what I see, wonder if its cause we are changing pages? Argggh!

Robin said...


And I'm sorry if I didn't acknowledge your comments on my flowers. I honestly though I had. I am sorry.

I know feelings have been somewhat shredded in all of this crap. I hate that--I've always hated that.

I thought we talked on SIP--but honestly, most often you were on during the day, when I have been at work and not really commenting. Sometimes you would be on still just for a bit when I was riding home on the bus, and I always spoke to you when I joined in the conversation. I didn't realize you thought I didn't speak to you--more than anything else, we weren't on at the same times.

I hope we can move on. All of us. This has been so tiring, and emotionally consuming.

I can be a bitch, but I'm not usually. Maybe I have some things to learn about how I interact with people online. I'm open to learning. I never meant to minimalize you intentionally, though.

Anyway, thanks for your comments.

Shannon said...

Ok seriously this is getting really old...it is still stuck on the same post by Tara forever ago....I think that this time it is true...............................................

Tara broke it :)

Shannon said...

I guess the good news is is that we only have like 4 more posts before it goes to the next page LOL

Shannon said...

Well I am going to try to take a nap to see if I can get rid of this headache...hopefully things will be working again.

Anonymous said...

Just checking to see if Blogger is broken again.

Anonymous said...

And it is. I guess I'll have to get some work done around here. ::stomping off to dust::

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Robin/R2 (to differentiate from RiM):

I think possibly you hit the nail on the head. I have no problen with you; never had, and I'm hopeful I never will. I'm a lover, not a fighter.

But I think that some things/meanings DO get lost online, because we can't read body language or hear tone of voice.

I'm not trying to minimize the feelings of anyone here. As I said before, I don't know what transpired, and I have never felt targeted/ignored by you, but apparently other people have. If you hurt them with what you said. you hurt them. I don't think feelings are wrong--they just ARE. But I can understand how you might have said something you meant in jest and another person may have misread. Not saying that happened all the time...

I'm sort of just thinking out loud here. I don't even know if I'm making any sense.

Anonymous said...

Stupid blogger.

AP, I hate disqus, too. It's hard to keep up with replies to comments all over the place.

SW...funny dream. I bet you hated having to shoot people even if it was only caulk.

Kristin...hope you're feeling better today.

Hi everyone else.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Hey Karen! How the hell are you?
Sorry to hear Patti is sick and that you are on the path to getting sick. Here's wishing you (and she) a speedy recovery.

Kristin, how are you feeling?

Robin in Montana said...

R2 - It's all good. I still want to talk about your flowers.

And *crap, there goes *that drama. Now what? :)

kristin said...

BD - so far, so good! Thanks for asking!

I love reading comments through e-mail and watching how many times you guys post.

I have gmail so I get 61 comments per e-mail and I like it.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Kristin, I've also started reading through my Gmail. It's easier than getting shut down, which is what kept happening when I was on the actual site.

Lisa said...

"AP- crappy like sick, or crappy like sore? Either way sucks though."

Erin, I have RA and while it's not a major deal, every so often I get a day that just sucks hard. That? Would be today. I'll ignore it and nap a lot, it'll ease off in a day or so. SW and her salt rub will help most. I just hope she doesn't distract me with the rub and take me out with caulk. ;-)

kristin said...

went to lunch and got a bunch of stuff accomplished.

Stuff for Friday - ordered
Stuff for Monday - ordered
Remainder of decorations - bought

Still need to get milk (b/c I am an idiot) and dog food.

I also need to figure out something for g'ma and sis for their b-days! uggggggghhhhhhh!

Robin in Montana said...

BD - this is all screwed up, but I just read you fed your kids pasta for breakfast. I think that's great. I hate breakfast food and had leftovers (bean burrito) for mine here today. I figure whatever they want to eat, as long as it's "real food" and has halfway decent nutritional content, is fine.

kristin said...

and I so meant to comment earlier AP -sorry you aren't feeling well :(

Jennifer-Lynn said...

You might be stressing, but man, you get a lot done, Kristin.

twirldawg said...

AP sorry you are having a bad health day.

I love getting comments by e-mail. It makes it easy to lurk and catch up :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

My throat is starting to feel sore.

Asstastic. Craptacular. Let's hope BD doesn't come down with strep, since A. slept in the bed with me last night.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

RiM: That's how I feel about it too. I'm not a big breakfast eater. I also think it's a good idea to eat most of your carbs earlier in the day, so that you burn them off while you are running around. I frequently have dinner for breakfast, but the kids usually have breakfast for breakfast. However, they finally wore me down. :)

kristin said...

and my sister and I are cracking up laughing...so immature...dirty minds!

The operator at a vendor we use for our water products sounds like a girl that would work for a phone sex company - she answers the phone very airy "Thank you for calling ______, how my I help you?" and each time we hear it we say "how may I service you today?" - cracking.up!

Then I read in a contract "subcontractor's failure to perform" - yup, I have no life!

Robin in Montana said...

Ooohh,sorry about your throat, BD. Start pounding down Emergen-C. (Don't know if that really helps, but it feels pro-active.)

I have the ol' lip leprosy going again. Cannot get rid of that bastard.

Robin said...

RiM--I still suggest Dahlias. Easy to grow, and so pretty! :)

Robin said...

And I've been trapped in blogger hell and could only see the posts from around 11:00 for the last 1 1/2 hours.

I'm not ignoring anyone. Honest. I'm just now back to reading.

Lisa said...

Cold sores, shits, bruises, strep, arthritis, yeast infections, blood issues, bronchitis, ear infections...did I forget anyone? We're a healthy lot, aren't we?

Robin said...

I'm off to the dermatologist today for defining a treatment plan after a dx of melanoma from a biopsy two weeks ago.

Just thought I'd add my ailment to the list.

Karen said...


whew - I never ever got to say that before - that was a blast!!!!!!!!!!

Deb said...

RiM - you've got to get some Denavir for that leprosy, trust me on this!

Lisa said...

Sooo, what are our options other than blogger? I know disqus (blah, but I'll go along with the crowd) and Blogfrog have been mentioned. I'm no fan of tghe religious background of BF, but again, I'll go along with what most everyone wants. At least it's easy to use. Can we cuss there? Any other forum formats out there we could check out? I love the blog format but I don't love how frustrated we're getting.

kristin said...

RiM - have you tried valtrex? I used to get cold sores all the time, especially right around finals when I was stressed out! Anywho, I was going to a doctor for IBS (way back) and got a prescription for it - and it worked wonders.

Now I just let it run its course b/c the RX is no longer valid.

Karen - hi ya! I don't think it is lactose intolerance - I think it was something bad that I ate - either Taco Cabana or the lunch meat I ate around 4:00.

So far no explosions!

Lisa said...

Cold sores, shits, bruises, strep, arthritis, yeast infections, blood issues, bronchitis, ear infections, melanoma, stroke...gotcha covered, R2 and added Chris in.

Feel free to add to the ailment list, anyone.

Lisa said...

Karen, I'll head that way now and R2, I forgot to mention that I really do hope this all goes easy for you.

Robin said...

Thanks, AP. I do, too.

Really Frugal said...

AP, My best IRL friend has RA. I am so sorry you have to deal with that. Is humidity hard on you? I know my friend suffers when it is humid.

Really Frugal said...

And I can add 103 degree temp to the list.

Karen said...

I will be thinking good thoughts for your appointment today too Robin!

Anonymous said...

Blogger sucks and, like Christy & AP, I think disqus is an even bigger PITA.

I think I should listen to Kristin and Jill and start subscribing to comments.

BD - I hope you don't have strep throat!

OT That article : http://www.newsweek.com/id/235565

makes me want to buy an ipad.

I don't need an iPad.
I have to fight the urge to buy one, just like I fought the urge to buy an iPhone ;-D
(Plus, I'm already addicted to my laptop and blackberry, I just cannot add another technology-related addiction to the list! Ha!)

In all seriousness though, this article is rather insightful.
SW, I think it was you who mentioned wanting an iPad? Right? Anyways, thought you might like the article.

Karen said...

Taco Cabana sounds like a case of the Sh**s just waiting to happen!! Hope you are over it!

Shannon sorry you had so many problems with your blood drawn, hope your head stops hurting today soon!

I need to put a roast in the crock pot, be back in a few - I hope... If blogger lets me. I have no suggestions for other places to go?

tumbleweedgirl said...


i just have to say how impressed i am that you organize so many parties!

i'd be a flop


pasta forbreakfast sounds lovely. i skipped it. napped while zaya played and lia napped. i was/am that tired. lame, i know

i'm considering the cop-out paella skillet for lunch and dinner. unless zaya wants dinosaur sandwiches.

-- i read by email, all the time. that's why i like diqus too. the emails point you to the right reply

i'm wondering if people's cookies are conflicting with blogger. that makes sense to me.

hi karen!
hi whoever else i forgot

etc etc

tumbleweedgirl said...


i'd recommend lots of fresh honey, or my mom's fabulous spice tea drink. it helps a lot. hope you don't get sick

Robin in Montana said...

R2 - will they grow here? Dahlias? I have daffodils and tulips (not of my planting - they were here) and I am all happy about that.

Deb and Kristin - I wrote both of those down. I don't know what the hell is up with this cold sore but it kind of goes away and then comes bck with a vengeance.

Robin said...

Thanks again, Karen. I really do appreciate your thoughts.

tumbleweedgirl said...


other chat formats that retain this feel while not being in a browser - simple email list.

discussion boards tend to fragment and it's hard to keep pace. emails that show up in the inbox, though, easy to hit reply. there is still the risk of people feeling forgotten, but an email server rarely forgets you. there is no endless reload, there is even no need for filters. people at work can usually access some sort of email and that makes it easier for them to read along, etc.

i will even teach everyone how to filter into a folder.

i think this board is so busy, that cookies, database handles, and the like are colliding.

Robin said...

RiM--go to www.dahlias.com

It should tell you there if they will grow where you are. I think they will. You will just have to dig the tubers in the Fall and store them, or they will die over the winter. I don't have to do that here, but I'm in the deep south. Completely different.

Anonymous said...

Robin - I hope your appt goes well.

Deb - I wanted to thank you for the link to this website : http://earthquake.usgs.gov/

It's my new obsession. It's kind of scary to look at the map of the world!

tumbleweedgirl said...


grow wildflowers. that is what i want to grow. dahlias are soo pretty, though.

o, lilies are supposed to be friendly to the north.

Robin in Montana said...

RHys - the only problem with email 'loops' in my experience is it's easy if someone gets pissy at someone else to just take their name off and voila, they're left out. Also, for people like me, who have AOL, once your inbox fills up you don't get anything else, and I'm not able to typically read on weekends and such and I'd lose a bunch of stuff that way. I don't know ... I like the blog format, and I also like that the blog format allows for it to be 'public' and to meet new people. We'd have missed out on a bunch of new people if we weren't here like this, you know?

Robin in Montana said...

I will check out the dahlias site. I have wildflowers going right now outside -- shooting stars, some little yellow things my mom always called 'johnny-jump-ups' and some other yellow ones she called "yellow bells." (Like all my scientific, real names for things? lol.)

KaytieJ said...

Morning Daisies -
RiM - That is so funny y'all talking about hay - I was helping unload and stack 40 big bales of Eastern Oregon Grass that was delivered here this morning. I am going to be a sore unit tomorrow! Great price on the horses and tack...are you going to check them out?

RF - that was a cute joke LOL!

Kristin - take some lomotil if the grumbles get productive again.

BD - I have been known to do that for breakfast. Pasta, pizza, homemade berry pie. (Not all at once LOL) My son loves those mornings :-D

Happy news about baby O!

Taiya - Beautiful ring and such a relief to your family that y'all like this one!

Mulie - LOL! Good to have your hubby back home!

Deb said...

Corinne - It's crazy, isn't it? I check it all of the time just to see "what's shakin'" When you zoom in on certain areas, it's amazing how many quakes are going on.

Blogger seems to act up when comments get high, maybe if new posts are made more frequently, or is it maybe the videos attached?

I don't know.

Robin in Montana said...

Kaytie- we will probably check them out, yes. I know me, though,and I'll want to keep *all of them, which just can't happen.

Angie said...

Karen said: “AP YOU HAVE MAIL!!!!

whew - I never ever got to say that before - that was a blast!!!!!!!!!!”

Kristin, I hate you a little. Just an FYI.

tumbleweedgirl said...


it's not a mass email

it's an email *list*

this is something everyone subscribes to, and then the emails are sent to that address.

like daisies@list.com

everyone subscribes
then i email daisies@list.com

everyone sees

someone likes what i said or not,

they hit reply
it goes to daisies@list.com

someone else starts a new thread, they email daisies@list.com with a new subj in the title

presto. seriously. it's easy

kristin said...

ummm...SW...why do you hate me (even if just a little)?

Anonymous said...

Deb - It IS crazy! I zoomed in on Europe and things are very quiet here but when I zoomed in on California? OMG. I knew it was an area of high seismic activity but I never expected it to be that much! Wow.

Lisa said...

AP, My best IRL friend has RA. I am so sorry you have to deal with that. Is humidity hard on you? I know my friend suffers when it is humid.

Yesssssss, another reason I hate Florida so badly. It's awful. And 103? You watch that closely, okay?

Cold sores, shits, bruises, strep, arthritis, yeast infections, blood issues, bronchitis, ear infections, melanoma, stroke, high fever...

Rhys, thanks for the info and I htink you could be right about everything colliding. I think, if everyone is okay with this idea to start, I'm going to try Deb's idea first. I'll make the videos rare to start. We've got a new post coming up at 3pm with nothing on it...let's see how we do with that. From there, I'll try 3 posts a day at a scheduled time and see if that helps. If not, we'll start looking outside of Blogger. Is that okay with everyone?

Robin in Montana said...

Rhys-- Ah, I see. So you (generic) couldn't just randomly take someone's name off of that list? And what if my mailbox is full? Sorry, I are dumb with this kind of stuff.

Angie said...

Um, because you started the whole "You've got mail" craze? :-) It's like Kate Gosselin; it just won't go away.

Robin in Montana said...

Oooh,I like that earthquake site, too. I didn't see that before. We've had a couple little ones lately, apparently.

tumbleweedgirl said...


that's ok. i forget people aren't geeks. i mean that in the bestest way possible. i'm a geek. (:

ok. there would be a mod or 2 or 3. a bounce would be generated from your mailbox if it overflowed (is there a reason you don't POP it off into something like thunderbird?).

that bounce message would tell mod that your box is full. they would then suspend your membership, to prevent multiple bounces and then a lockup of the server on which your mail resides.

when you got back online, you could clear it up, and then it'd be re-instated.

also, subscribing could be done without permission needed. like i want to sub, so i do. or you can have it set up that they have to be approved. no sweat either way.

make sense?

kristin said...

sorry SW ....okay, not really but maybe just a little bit!

Robin in Montana said...

::nods at Rhys::: Uh-huh. I'm *totally with you. ::avoids eye contact::

lol. I'll do whatever works, and I'll figure it out, I promise.

kristin said...

RiM - was that another "waaa, waa, waaa moment."?

kristin said...

and doing two things at once....typing and talking, leads to quotations in the wrong spot!


Deb said...

Corinne - my sister-in-law lives 5 hours North of San Fran, (where we are going in August) and they get shaken all of the time - Eureka, CA.

The Big One is coming, I'm convinced.

I have to run ladies, it's been great chatting, thanks!

Angie said...

AP, I like your plan, i.e., not making a drastic blog change yet. Changes like that are scary, and make me dream of worse things than caulk.

tumbleweedgirl said...

sorry to geekify the world

i like AP's idea for now. it should work

after that, revisiting options is fine. (:


i have to de-geek and feed smalls

kristin said...

reading an article about detergent and it says: "Americans are doing 1,100 loads of laundry every minute of every day."



Robin in Montana said...

Deb - one of my online friends (also a very beloved friend of AP's - ha!) is from Eureka, CA, her folks live there, and they just got hit with a pretty big one not too long ago, didn't they? Her folks also think something much bigger and more catastrophic is going to hit one day. I love Eureka, though, regardless if it's going to fall into the ocean.

Robin in Montana said...

Kristin - I am so technologically-stupid it's kind of embarassing. When Rhys wrote something about why don't I pop it to thunderbird my immediate thinking was because I don't know what either popping or thunderbird are! lol. I need to not be so damn dumb about that stuff.

kristin said...

looking around and avoiding eye contact with Rhys - no idea what thunderbird is either, except for the car :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Isn't Thunderbird malt liquor?

KaytieJ said...

I missed a whole page of comments...
AP - Sorry your RA is flaring up! That sucks.
I like "Sniffing the Daisies"
I would miss that.

SW - You're dream would be exhausting. I have to admit I chuckled at the caulk on forehead and your comment of "what's the point?" when he did not explode.

Shannon - Muffin tops and coffee are perfect antidotes for 12 hour fasts! Sorry you got poked, though.

RF - 103 degree fevers are nothing to take lightly. Hope you get it down quick.

Corinne - Your trip is going to be a beautiful one!

twirldawg said...

Thunderbird is an e-mail client. It's like Outlook or Outlook Express.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

So it's an e-mail server AND malt liquor! Good for versatile Thunderbird!

KaytieJ said...

"Americans are doing 1,100 loads of laundry every minute of every day."

Ugh! Back to reality. I was enjoying sitting on my arse after feeding all the animals and unloading/stacking the hay.

Muliebrity said...

I have no pants that fit.

Lisa said...

Hi, Kaytie!

Rhys, if we need to go into something more complicated around here, I'll definitely need your geeky help. :-)

"one of my online friends (also a very beloved friend of AP's - ha!)"

Damn dumbass thing, she is.

Lisa said...

Mulie, have you tried turning them backwards or are they already maternity pants?

KaytieJ said...

"e-mail server AND malt liquor"

We can then call ourselves the MD 20/20 Hootchies!

Not sure if I could survive that one, though. I woke up with a crushed beer can wedged between my boobs and tube top. And my body is bloated beyond recognition from all the Cheetos and Corn Nuts. I wish I had a camera shot of the hay delivery boy's face when I opened the door :-D

Angie said...

Robin said: "I am so technologically-stupid it's kind of embarassing." There's a funny story out today about the U.S. Supreme Court hearing arguments in a case that involves sexting and most of them don't understand the technology at all. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/21/ontario-quon-sexting-case_n_545764.html

Corinne, thanks for the IPad article. It makes me want one even more! I'm not getting one though; I don't need it. I just got my new laptop (one I ordered after I broke my last one) in the mail yesterday from Dell and returned my friend's that I had been borrowing.

kristin said...

Dammit Kaytie - I think I'm gonna have to dump Christy now!

You are awesome! :)

Freakin' hysterical!

Erin said...

AP- Sorry for the sore.
Kristin- what about something for your sis that you could do together like a mani/pedi, or a massage for after the baby?

twirldawg said...

I don't have any pants that fit either. . .but I'm not pregnant.

Muliebrity said...

They are already giant maternity pants. And if I just take them off, my thighs rub together. And my couch is leather.

Lisa said...

"MD 20/20"

I used to love that Mad Dog. Also, Thunderbird? Is a wine. Stronger than Boone's Farm, about the same level as Wild Irish Rose, which I've not seen in years.

Now I'm officially white trash.

Erin said...

Mulie- none of my pants fit either. My baby is 5. ::sigh::

Lisa said...

"They are already giant maternity pants. And if I just take them off, my thighs rub together. And my couch is leather."

Pin a sheet around yourself, call it a sarong and be happy. :-)

kristin said...

EL - (sorry SW) but you have mail :)

I don't have pants that fit me either.

and I got sis a massage from Massage Envy for one of her showers. uggghhh!

KaytieJ said...

Kristin - Thank you :-) but don't dump Christy - she's a sweetie!
Oh! Erin - that is a great idea for a gift for Kristin's sister!

R2/Robin - Did you get the results of that biopsy? I am hoping it is not melanoma!

BD - Hope you are not getting sick, too. Usually they recommend if one person in the family has strep throat, to give prophylactic antibiotics to the other members. Or used to anyway.

tumbleweedgirl said...


yes, thunderbird is an email *client*. servers are what hold the email and do 'handshakes' with other computers to transfer your email.

picture a line of trucks going back and forth from the shipping facility.

anyway. POP - a method of speaking to the server for your mail.

Robin in Montana said...

Mulie - I feel your pain. About a week before I had my first, we were going somewhere and I went to get in the truck, lifted my leg and split those bastards from crotch to knee. I was so, so MAD and so upset and I let loose with this mangled crying, screaming, cussing diatribe. Stupid ass maternity clothes.

Kaytie -- that was priceless!

SW - I have to read that article.

KaytieJ said...

Mulie - borrow one of AP's saris :-D I remember those days. I was a WHALE! ((()))

Oopsie Daisy said...

** new post **

KaytieJ said...

TWG/Rhys - I am loving the Geek talk! Thank you!

Jennifer-Lynn said...


They are really weird about antibiotics here...they won't prescribe them as a preventative measure.

A. has had three UTIs (from bubble baths) and no one would give the poor kid an antibiotic for days, until they got the test results back. I'd say this was just for kids, but I got no antibiotics after either of my surgeries. It was not until after my belly button started to ooze pus (TMI?) that I got an antibiotic ,and I actually had to go into the office for the doctor to squeeze the pus out himself before he'd prescribe ABs (can't remember what type I got...I want to say Keflex).

So no, we'll have to wait and see how we do. I'm more worried for M than myself, because she can't tell me if her throat hurts. In her case, I'm watching her closely for fever.

KaytieJ said...

Kristin - what about the flower pots. LM can help and they will be personal. I love those kinds of gifts and so did my mom.

Robin in Montana said...

SW-- That is so funny! I sent that on to my transcriber friends who will appreciat it.

Erin said...

Mulie- for the last 5 weeks with my last (again. emphasis on *last) I wore a nightgown. All.the.time. Served many purposes: it was comfy. I didn't have to change for bed. Its lovliness discouraged even the *thought of 'worship'.

Kristin- thanks! The girls are excited to get them. What about a cleaning service, or gift card for a meal? Haircut?

RiM- try the Valtrex. ::she says quickly as she moves away from the leper::

kristin said...

Hey ladies

*******NEW POST**************

KaytieJ said...

That is the trend now, to not order antibiotics. It is because of the resistant strains developing, which is not good. On the other hand, I am seeing more people coming into the ICU because of not getting antibiotics. It is a double edged sword. And for me not too much TMI on surgical puss. I get all squirmy on the nonsurgical oozing talk :-D

kristin said...

Kaytie -get your ass to the new post :)

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