Tuesday, April 20, 2010


And don't forget about Chris!


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Nilia said...

I think Blogger ate my goodnight post, or maybe it'll post it twice later.

Anyway, goodnight!

Karen said...

Robin, I do accept your apology and thank you for doing it opening in SIP where the disagreements all took place. I am more than willing to put the past behind and start fresh. We can agree to disagree on certain things, and even if we discuss them, it seems as if we eventually come to a conclusion that we disagree and move on, and I think we should do that again. I didn't ever say that you insist or expect everyone to embrace or share your opinions at all.. and you shouldn't have to apologize for them either, none of us should.

I appreciate your apology, I accept your apology, and if I said anything that was offensive or taken wrong by you for any reason in the latest discussion, I also apologize.

Like I said, I believe you are a very intelligent, caring, *headstrong in a good way* person and have enjoyed many conversations with you in the past, and would welcome you to chat here and have the same types of conversations and sharing. Will you always agree with everyone? of course not. Will you butt heads once in a while, of course. But thats real life... I think this type of a forum to chat in real time with so many other people of various walks of life is what makes it so entertaining and interesting!

Lisa said...

Ginger, thank you for the Tweeting thing!

Karen said...

SW Goodnight and Mama Sox is gonna win the whole damn thing, I love her!

Robin said...

SW--I have no problem seeing the parts that fit. I have already "woned" those. There are many that don't.

Robin said...

And Karen, in all fairness, I never told you to "move on."

In saying that, you perpetuate an untruth about me. And you do it intentionally.

Go back and read whatever I have said. I never "told you to move on."



KaytieJ said...

AP - I don't Twitter. E-mail me please or better yet text since I am on iPhone right now.
FT! FT! FT! I have missed you so much!
Melissa - Thank goodness you are not dead! :-)
Ginger - Welcome!
HD - So good to hear from you! I bragged on you (or rather your work) at work about the line covers!

Lisa said...

It ate my post, thanking Ginger and all.

R2, does this mean you think that anyone who wanted to discuss anything about Daisy should have done so here, only? If so, thanks for that. I agree.

Lisa said...

Okay. Blogger sucks. We aren't even changing pages right now.

Lisa said...

Nevermind, I think we are already changing pages. It's saying 186 and I know there are more than that. Ugh. What can we do?

Lisa said...

Okay, this is bad. Just a couple of hours after a new post and we're stuck in nothingness. I know Mulie suggested Blogfrog and I kind of figured we'd not need it, but what do y'all think about the idea now? Would it help? No? What should we do?

Lisa said...

Okay, this is bad. Just a couple of hours after a new post and we're stuck in nothingness. I know Mulie suggested Blogfrog and I kind of figured we'd not need it, but what do y'all think about the idea now? Would it help? No? What should we do?

Lisa said...

It's 2:30AM and it's still not working.

I'm going to bed. Goodnight, all.

KaytieJ said...

R2 - You're free to be on Daisy. Just be prepared that we value free speech and free thinking with no moderation. We have a wonderful group of ladies here from all walks of life. They are gentle, magnificent in their difference, tough as nails in calling out BS or stating their passions and "Worship" :-)

T@iy@ said...

Morning Daisies. Ugh. No sleep last night. Sorry I missed out.

R2- Don't know you, but pull up your big girl panties and hang out. AP apologized for the butt plug incident, others don't like some aspects of your personality. Get over it, relax, and jump in some other conversation besides the one that you keep bringing up about yourself. i have no real idea of SIP and i don't care for one. People not liking you or whatever means nothing to me because I can form my own opinion, and so far... well... your 'woe is me' posting is getting old. Sorry. Not trying to be mean, here. You say things like "finding out that I'm your favorite butt plug" or something along those lines is just silly for bringing up something that you got a private, and public apology for. I have seen your name mentioned once in the months that I have been hanging out at Daisy, and that was in the butt plug comment. No one gets continually harped on here besides maybe Kate Gosselin...

Seriously, though, I am not trying to be mean. I don't have any reason to dislike you. Just get over whatever it is that you are upset about and join in all of the yogurt tampon/sea salt rubbing/white trash conversation and hang out. That's all I'm going to say about that. :) Hope you decide to spend some time here.

Btw- anyone really *is accepted here. I read JM and don't have a problem with her and no one has even sent a snarky comment my way! (Maybe they did it to each other in e-mail, but I don't really care. haha)

T@iy@ said...

And darn if that wasn't fragmented as all get out. Well, I am going to go lay back down until DD gets up in 15 minutes.

AP- maybe BF wouldn't be such a bad idea? I don't know. Mr. Blogger just has a stick up his arse all of the time. Not sure how the alternatives would work.

kristin said...

Morning ladies - damn you guys were a chatty bunch last night.

{{HUGS}} EL and CK! Yes, Cancer sucks :(

HD - you area good person.

AP - not sure how to word this, but glad you had some *good news.

LOVED the yeast convo - I had never had a yeast infection, until I got PG with little guy. It was awful.

Welcome Ginger!

Hi and bye FT - glad you stopped in.

Obviously I missed the chance to weigh in but I had *issues last night. Tummy is still gurgly.

Anyone have any ideas on what to get my grandma for her b-day? She has everything.

kristin said...

and morning Taiya! Sorry about no sleep.

Oh, and was it Ginger who said she has a daughter who is PG. My sis is also PG and due soon. :)

kristin said...

Congrats on your brother getting engaged, glad you like her :)

PJ said...

Kristin - morning!

Give your grandma some of your time (of which we all know you have lots to spare - ha!).

Or make her something special -

Is she well enough to take her out to lunch? Or bring something special in for her?

I should not be here but should be drying my hair - so I'm going to go do as I should...

PJ said...

Catch you later! Hope you feel better, Kristin.

Hi and bye Taiya!

Robin said...

Thank you, Karen.

Yes, AP.

Robin said...

BTW, who's R2? **looks at her name**

T@iy@ said...

Back. She slept until 8! It's a flat miracle! Then she drug me into my room by the hand and wanted to lay in my bed and cuddle for 30 minutes. Bless you, DD, bless you.

Kristin- how are you feeling? Leg feeling better? As for Grandma, I have no idea. My grandma is the same way. We usually end up with framed scrapbook collages of DD or our trips there. If there is a new book out by an author we all like either my mom or I will buy her that.

FT- I forgot- It was good to see you were around for a bit! :)

Hi CK!

T@iy@ said...

btw- something crazy is going on in this town this morning. 2 sirens went by at breakneck speed this morning (we have a speed limit of 35 in front of our house and are really close to a stop sign, so even when they are in a hurry they are going pretty slow) and otherwise there have been sirens all over for the last hour. Can't imagine what it is, unless it's a meth house bust or something.

kristin said...

Ok Robin - weighing in on what you had to say and adding my .02 since I was other wise occupied last night.

As far as the butt plug comment - sorry, it was f'in funny! Call me immature but when people make innaporopriate comments - i find it funny. I also have a little boy, so these things are humourous...and by golly, I wish I had one last night :)

As far as jumping on the band wagon - ummm...you can believe what you want to believe but that is the farthest from the truth. I supported Christy and Shannon and whoever else spoke their mind b/c a lot of times I find these woman to be brutally honest in a way that sometimes I cannot and I applaud their honesty and bravery.

Now as for you and I, I'm sorry - I wanted to find a connection - I thought the whole Texas connection might and I tried on the level of your sons but I found something lacking.

One of the biggest things being, not sure how to explain this. There were a lot of times when people had things going on and you seemed to gloss over it but when you made a comment and no one commented back you pouted. You wanted the attention and that bothered me. Sort of like last night - and I am sure since you were in defense mode, it was the furthest from your mind - but I mentioned being ill - no "i'm sorry you aren't well", etc. Even to those that I may not like or have differences with, I will still comment. and that has always bothered me.

I enjoyed your stories and I found your wit and humor enjoyable and I was genuinely worried when you went MIA during the ice storm - I tend to think the worst so when I contacted Wendy and she said that I shouldn't try to contact you, I was like okay. Only later to find out (and yes, I found out) that people were making fun of me for that. I'm sorry that I have a big heart and yes, a lot of things hurt that were said about me and the fact I couldn't defend myself - at least in your case - you can read what is being said about you and you can come in here as you please, read - re-read the comments and defend yourself (I never had that option, nor did I ever get the courtesy of why I was dismissed). So I guess I can sort of understand where you are coming from - in a way but you come onto Daisy...after how long? and are all up in arms - so don't be upset that we also were defensive.

I had what I wanted to say all organized in my head but typing it out, not so much.

I hope that makes sense.

kristin said...

and good lord, I cannot spell today. Sorry CK :)


have not had my cup 'o coffee and I was up at 5:00.


Margo said...

Good morning daisies.

R2 - I don't know you but I do know each time you've come in there has been major drama. I'm new in here and didn't really know anything about you other to read what YOU had to say. For instance, last night you asked people why they felt about you the way they do and then you basically told them they were wrong. You are the one reminding everyone of the butt plug comment - AP apologized, let it go already.

T@iy@ said...

Morning Margaret!

kristin said...

and I will second what someone else said - sorry - brain not working - I don't think your name has reallyl ever been brought up over here unless you pop in. So many have formed their own opinions of you based on you alone.

Taiya - I'm good (for now) but it is still gurgling.

Leg is sore but I will survive.

Morning margaret - how is your daughter doing? and I never said, but I love that bowl! Beautiful.

and I swear I think I am having sympathy pregnancy brain - I have done so many lame brain things these last few days - I feel like an idiot.

T@iy@ said...

Just blame it on mulie and I, Kristin- it'll make you feel better, and it could be true. :D

Glad that you are feeling a little better!

Margo said...

Hannah is good - isn't that bowl something else :)

Haiya Taiya!

Robin said...

Thanks, Kristin.

And yes, I failed to comment on you not feeling well last night. I am sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

Margaret, I said I owned some of what was said about me. I( said other things I didn't agree with. And though we've never chatted, I suppose you know me as much as anyone else here.

I was self-indulgent yesterday/last night. I wanted people to respond. That came from a position of hurt. If you (meaning a general you, no one in particular) don't understand that, all I can say is I'm sorry if my asking was irritating to you. Not much else I can do about that.

But I do appreciate those who answered, really.

And maybe that's enough of this now? It wouldn't bother me a bit if it was. But that's not my decision; it's up to anyone else who wishes to address me about any of this.

And I'm just Robin. No 2. Thanks.

kristin said...

With that Robin - welcome!

kristin said...

although dropping the 2 might be difficult - AP tried to go to Lisa and that failed miserably!

Robin said...

Kristin--I wasn't here a few days ago, and hadn't been here or even read here in a couple of months--when my name was a topic of great humor. I didn't make that up or imagine it.

Robin said...

Thanks, Kristin.

I appreciate the welcome. Truly.

T@iy@ said...

Robin- I will be confused if you drop the 2. I call RiM Robin. Don't confuse the preggo brain! :)

T@iy@ said...

Can I just tell everyone how happy I am at DWTSs latest send off? I don't even watch the show. I just read it in the news.

Robin said...

Taiya, I ended up Robin2 in the first place because there were multiple Robins. Sorta like springtime! :P

That's why RiM became Robin in Montana--to distinguish between the Robins.

I'll answer to R2. I just don't need the 2 anymore, so I've dropped it.

T@iy@ said...

Robin- Well, I am sure I will adjust. :D If i start answering you when i am talking to RiM, though, please bear with me. I am a newman when i am not pregnant, and pregnancy just makes it that. much. worst!

Robin said...

Kristin--back in the days when we were all together, and posting was so active, if I came in and said hello or whatever and no one said anything, I would make a comment about feeling invisible. It was said pretty much in jest. I'm sorry if somehow you took it all seriously. Not much I can do about that.

Muliebrity said...

If by hot Israeli guy, you mean a short, greasy, stale Marlboro smelling potty mouth, quick, run to your local mall. I'm sure they are lined up with their rubbing salts.

Margo said...

I hate those kiosks in the mall!

Erin said...

Kristin- what about a digital photo frame? You can update them too. Or even one of the books you can make on snapfish/shutterfly? You couls have LM tell you want he wants to say about grandma and make it like a story book.
Glad your tummy has stopped the full revolt.

T@iy@ said...

Me, too! They are always run by the most irritating, sleazy people.

kristin said...

EL - not sure if it has stopped the full revolt - as it is rumbling right now - shouldn't have had coffee but dammit I'm tired.

She has a digital pic frame already and I don't think I could get a book made by this weekend.


Deb said...

Good morning ladies - I hope everyone's day is off to a good start!

FTR, I cannot stand the aggressive nature of the sellers at the kiosks in the mall.

kristin said...

I think I go to the mall maybe twice a year, another reason I don't like to shop :)

Deb said...

Hey Kristin - looks like the Ravens play the Texans December 13 on Monday Night Football!

kristin said...

Very cool! Here or there?

Angie said...

Morning all!

AP said: “I know Mulie suggested Blogfrog and I kind of figured we'd not need it, but what do y'all think about the idea now?” No no no! I am change-adverse, and already have a very negative (if not completely fair) opinion of Blogfrog (aka BibleFlog) from JM. I vote no!

Taiya said: “No one gets continually harped on here besides maybe Kate Gosselin...” Spoiler ahead . . . Thank God she was voted out last night. I’ve been boycotting DWTS until she’s out.

R2 said: “BTW, who's R2? **looks at her name**” You’ll always be R2 to me, R2! Good to see you this morning!

Kristin, sorry about the stomach issues. Hopefully today it’s all betta!

Mulie, LOL re hot Israeli guys. Please go back to the mall today! We had a lot of fun from your trip yesterday.

Muliebrity said...

I feel like I've stepped into Old Mexico every time I go to the mall with all those damn kiosks! The difference being that I can get way cooler junk for a much better price at a Mexican market.

Deb said...

Kristin - @ Houston

SW - Wait....Kate finally got the boot? I don't watch DWTS, and I'm not a fan of KG, but thank God she's done! Oh my, I guess she'll have to schlep her 8 kids back to PA and figure out how to make more money....

Margo said...

On dead creek bed guy - can't say I'd be upset either. My parents had a good friend who would visit us in the summers at the beach. She would always offer to babysit us kids so my parent's could have a date night. I loved her - she let me play in her make-up and taught us how to string beads. However, when my parents left she turned into a demon and would beat the crap out of my brother, sister and myself. I only recently told my dad about it. I know if I told my mom she would feel guilty even though it's been 35 years and "aunt" Norma is now dead.

Margo said...

Deb - check out my brother's sports art blog - he's really into the Ravens and O's. bardsleysportsart.blogspot.com

twirldawg said...

Damn, I just spend all of my planning period catching up.

My hips/back are still aching but I go to the chiropractor today.

Hope everyone else is doing better today too.

tumbleweedgirl said...


why not try disqus?

Deb said...

Jill - I was just thinking about you! I hope you are better today.

Erin said...

Margaret- your brother must be an eternal optimist if he is a *huge fan of the O's!! Especially this year. Kidding, (for the most part).

Deb said...

Margaret - I love the 1958 Colts drawing, classic. He is very talented! Oh, and the Washington Bullets? Wish they had never changed their name!

tumbleweedgirl said...


feeling better?

i hate eating something that does that to me. it's just wrong. food should never cause the body to rebel. i was there last wkd. i finally had to abandon all bread for a while, and that's hard when it's freshly made and sitting innocently on the counter next to the honey.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Do you all know how long it took me to catch up? F-O-R-E-V-E-R! Lol.

Kristin - I hope you feel better!

Jill- How are you today? And your 'Hannah Montana' comment was hilarious!

EL- That is scary re: your daughter's eyes! I'm gald it's very treatable!

Mulie - Sorry about the yeast infection :(

Taiya- The ring is gorgeous!

There were other things I wanted to say but my brain is fried from catching up! ;-D

Deb said...

Mmmmmm, honey with fresh bread....

Anonymous said...

Blogger annoys me. Just FYI.

Erin said...

Margaret- he is very talented. And lucky to have met so many players. Although I do see Terrell Suggs in Target all the time!

Anonymous said...

Morning Ladies!

Overslept this morning and now I'm feeling out of sorts.

AP- please no BF. I'd rather curse at Blogger.

Erin said...

Corinne-we have an appointment Monday so hopefully she will be able to begin therapy then. Also hoping they will prescribe bifocals so she does not have to worry about putting the readers on and off. I spent all day long yesterday trying to come up with a *really annoying song. I have no life ;)

Muliebrity said...

I was so happy to get some sleep last night! The medication is working! I don't think I realized how uncomfortable it really was.

Angie said...

Deb, I understand Kate has two reality shows in development, so she should be able to make her next few mortgage payments. Who her audience is now I can't imagine.

Angie said...

Jill, sorry that your back is still bad. I hope the chiropractor visit helps.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i never said hi!

and you're going to be in the west? it's awesome out here. too bad you are not coming a little farther north (:

when are you going to be traveling in the US?

Muliebrity said...

I jacked my paypal account up trying to change bank accounts, so my contribution to Chris is on hold. I have some stuff I need to eBay and would like to donate the proceeds from a few items for Chris. I am lazy/busy/ADD, so I really need to get on the ball.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i read about your daughter. that was freaking scary. i ended up skipping to the end of your post to make sure everything was ok! wish we could do that in real time.

T@iy@ said...

Glad you got some sleep, Mulie! It is horribly uncomfortable! I had yeast infections constantly with DD. Somehow I have avoided them with Eeq. ::knocks on wood::

I am taking a sleeping pill at 8 and going to bed with DD, tonight. Eeq didn't allow for much sleep last night.

T@iy@ said...

SW- wish someone would stop giving that woman air time. I don't understand the draw.

kristin said...

is it sad that I am looking on Amazon at ant farms, etc and want to get something....for me...I mean for LM.

They have earthworm farms, beetle barns, aquasaur habitat and ladybug land.

Very cool!

Muliebrity said...

My husband is just happy I've stopped saying "va-jay-jay" 20xs a day.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i've looked at butterfly stuff before. they have butterfly gardens.

i was about to suggest making an ant farm. it occurred to me that you probably have more fire ants than anything. not something you want in your house..

tumbleweedgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tumbleweedgirl said...

i need soap for my mouth.


T@iy@ said...

TWG- glad to see you around this morning! I was hoping you'd come back!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhys!

I'm going to be in the US from July 2nd until July 23. :)

EL -"I spent all day long yesterday trying to come up with a *really annoying song. I have no life ;)"

That's okay. I have no life either, after all I'm here with you all ;-D Oh and you're going to like the new video I linked to on FB :-D

I hope all goes well for your daughter!

Jill - I'm sorry your back still hurts :(

Angie said...

What did you say, Rhys? (asked the nosy girl)

tumbleweedgirl said...

heya taiya

i'm just tired and somewhat crabby about everything that's been going on. it's starting to get to me.

can't run from it, though. so i am practicing ignoring it! super mature, i know. but hey, it's raining in the desert. maybe it will bloom in a week or two. that would be awesome.

tumbleweedgirl said...



i deleted a post that was posted on the wrong board.

yes, i know. lame. i decided choosing sides wasn't super helpful, since i can see both sides, and since i don't want to hurt people i care about.

Deb said...

Kristin - Insectlore.com - they have lots of neat things to raise. That's where I get our butterfly and ladybug larvae.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i swear i have not forgotten our conversations. i've just been... waylaid, smacked by life.

T@iy@ said...

TWG- ignoring it is good. Whatever works. No point in worrying about it, really. Just enjoy your life and let it roll off your back. :)

Corinne- I missed the part about where you said you were going to be. Someone said out west? Are you just traveling all over?

Anonymous said...

Deb - Larvae - of any kind - grosses me out so much! Even typing the word grosses me out ;-D

Taiya - Hi! - I'm going to visit L.A., Zion, Lake Powell, Las Vegas, Monument Valley, the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Yosemite Park and San Francisco :)

Robin in Montana said...

Good morning, all.

First off, R2, I will say that if you decide to stay I am more than happy to let bygones be bygones. I am sorry your feelings were hurt, I am sure I played a part in that, and I do apologize sincerely for that. My feelings weren't ... hurt so much as just annoyed that for the last few months on SIP you completely ignored *anything I had to say, when I commented about your flowers, any of it. The only time you acknowledged me was when you felt the need to smack me down for something. And gosh, for some odd reason, that just didn't sit all that well with me. Call me touchy. :) I did not answer what you deemed a legitimate question yesterday, because it has been answered ad nauseum, both here and at SIP. Anyway. I get pissed easily, but I get over it easily as well, and I am over it. So. Your call.

Lots of other things to say. Will do another post.

Really Frugal said...

Looking at both sides too, and sad to see people get their feelings hurt.

I will not be around because I have a yucky cold - I know that's nothing compared to the MAJOR stuff being faced by others, here and elsewhere.

AP, I only tweet about promo codes, and I don't think my 13 followers would be very helpful. I am not tech savvy, but I had another thought. It seems to me that U-tube highlights frequently viewed videos. If *everyone were to go to U-tube and view Chris's video a few times a day, would that have any impact? Might be a lame idea, but just brainstorming.

T@iy@ said...

Sounds like fun, Corinne! I have been to some of those places... lots of fun!

How is the airspace there? My husband has been following the volcano obsessively so updates me every day about what is going on according to the news. Thought I'd ask you, though.

Robin in Montana said...

Rhys -- are you cussing this morning?

Mulie - I am worried about you and the Israelis and your burning crotch! My ex-MIL bought all that Dead Sea stuff, and it was kind of nice, I guess.

AP - You need to watch the Jerk. Good to know about Dead Creek Guy, and I agree with the sentiments that it was apparently not a Hallmark moment death for him.

Taiya -- that ring is *beautiful! I might have read, but when is he going to ask her? Does he have some big plan for doing it?

kristin said...

RF - sorry to hear about your cold. Hope you get over it soon!

Margo said...

Kristin - we've had stink bugs all year, want me to send you a kit :)

Erin - yea, it's the Washington Bullets - what the heck is a wizard?

Robin in Montana said...

BD -- That Arbonne eye cream? Worth selling your firstborn for. I've thought about being a consultant, too. In light of the whole hormone/progesterone/estrogren conversation the other day, I'll plug their 'balancing cream' too. It's some very, very good stuff for hormonal women.

Bella - I've never broken a beer bottle on a wall, either, but I would like to. Putting it on my bucket list. lol

EL -- Read about your daughter! I can only imagine how scared you were, but I'm glad it's not worst case scenario!

CK - I am sorry about your friend. :(

Kaytie - if you're here, I found these (three) horses I want to buy, lol. Damn Craigslist. I don't want all three, but this old guy is selling all three of them, all tack, and two ton of hay for $2500. A 9, 11, and 19-year old (Arabian, Taiya) gelding, all well broke and been ridden extensively in the mountains. Want, want, want.

Corinne - I think your trip should include Glacier Park.

Hello to anyone else I missed!

Robin in Montana said...

Also, one more thing. Giveaway on my blog for one of Margaret's pendants, and at this point EL is the only contender... :)

kristin said...

Margaret - we have those here too. One guy walked in with one on his back. I had to get it off w/o totally freaking everyone out.

I also ...had something I wanted to say but obviously forgot :(

RiM :P lol!

tumbleweedgirl said...


spilled the meds for lia

had to guess, b/c i'd given her part and i have to give her all of it every day or i will make everything worse.

so, i cussed. then i was typing and the letters wouldn't work. and, well,

i need some soap

T@iy@ said...

RiM- sometime this summer is all I know. They are planning 2 trips, one to Colorado and one to Yellowstone (they live in Cali) and I think he wants to ask on one of those. We *really adore her, so I can't wait until it is official! The last girl he dated seriously was a doozy and none of us could stand her. Aside from the lack of tact, I was very happy that he broke up with her at my wedding. :)

My hubby and I are starting to save now, because it isn't going to be a cheap trip out there for his wedding. We will definitely be going, though.

Jennifer-Lynn said...


I love how, in Montana, you talk about picking up a horse or two the way that I talk about buying a new bra or something.

Someone asked me yesterday what is helping with the "hatchet scar" (the lines between the eyebrows. The Arbonne Instant Lift Gel. It tightens your skin a bit. My lines are barely visible, whereas a couple of weeks ago they were becoming extremely prominent. It was like Moses parting the Red Sea on my forehead. I have to admit that I am intensely impressed.

RiM: if you become a consultant, I will buy from you over anyone else.

Margo said...

If people don't like the pendants RiM has on her site you can have one from my etsy site (that way RiM can keep both) or I'll make you a custom (no vulvas).

tumbleweedgirl said...


i adore glacier park. i have some cool pics in b/w of the fuzzy soft air and the valleys and folds.


i'm curious about the arbonne stuff. once i tried some. it was awesome on my sad dry skin. the wrinkle thing sounds nice. my eyes have not weathered this year very well.

Anonymous said...

Taiya- Airspace was re-opened yesterday but it'll take up to two weeks for things to get back to normal.
The ash cloud is apparently headed for the Arctic circle so that's good news. Because, honestly, things were starting to get hard on the economy.
Now, they have to figure out who's going to help - financially - the airlines because they lost millions of euros. Will it be the insurance companies? the E.U.? The governments?

I said I had two friends stuck abroad, one in NYC (at JFK) and one in Qatar. Well, the one in NYC will be back next Monday and the one in Qatar has a flight on May 2nd. This is truly nightmarish for them. Especially with the end of the year being so close.

Deb said...

Margaret - those stinkbugs have been the bain of my 4 year old's existence. They are every where. They have no known predators

Erin - I just read about Julian's eyes - did it happen suddenly? I'm so glad it is treatable!

Corinne - sorry about the "larvae", but the kids were just *fascinated watching them turn into butterflies - you have to keep your eye on the long term goal is all :)

tumbleweedgirl said...

corinne (am i spelling this wrong still? i have 2 friends and they each spell it differently)

brice canyon is awesome. we hope to do canyonlands this memorial day. it will be lia's first camping trip.

tumbleweedgirl said...


be grateful you don't have earwigs. i am dreading that part of spring. they get everywhere. they pinch ya and hang on. it's creepy yucky

Anonymous said...

Rhys we have earwigs here too. They get into everything and are everywhere. Gross.

Jennifer-Lynn said...


If you contact me while you are in LA, I can come up and try to meet you. I might even have a Belladonnette or two with me.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Guess what! Baby O might come home this weekend, 5-6 weeks ahead of schedule! I'm so excited! I have to get my bassinette out, b/c I'm lending it to them until she's bigger. ;)

Deb said...

I love, love Arbonne! I've been using it religiously for over 4 years. I don't actively sell it, never will, but when my friend was hosting parties, she signed me up as a consultant just so I can get the 35% off. It's totally worth it.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i feel for ya. i feel like the house is filthy when we're surrounded by them. they congregate too! and how the blickety do they get on my counters?

tumbleweedgirl said...


i would be interested in that portion. arbonne is pricey.

Robin in Montana said...

HI Kristin! I even wrote you down on my little notes here -- hope you are feeling better soon! Are you still gimping on your leg?

Rhys - I would have cussed, too. :( And yes, Glacier Park is just one of those places you have to see to really get how beautiful it is. Oh, and earwigs? I am terrified of those suckers. I haven't seen one since I lived back up here. ::shudder::

BD -- Hmmm. I am thinking, I am thinking. I got a sample of that instant lift, but haven't tried it.

Re: the horses. We are looking for *one horse for Kelly, but a good, well-broke horse is hard to find, and even in these times, not cheap. So ... three well broke horses (if they are and there isn't some used-car-salesman trick to them, which there could be) would be a decent deal because we could sell the other two, as well as the tack since we don't need it. It's an old guy who bought the horses and everything associated with them for his grandkids, who apparently rode for a couple of years, but have lost interest.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

My girls are dancing around to "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga.

Yes, they are 4.5 years and 21 months. Mom of the Year, right here.

A. sings it as "Kelly's Prom, Kelly's Prom Has a Poker Face!" I think it's safe to assume she's not getting the meaning behind the song.

Anonymous said...

I remember two of the things I wanted to say while catching up:

Bd- I loved reading your wine comment because it reminded me of some of my parents' discussions (they are both wine amateurs).

CK - I'm sorry about your acquaintance that passed away from pancreatic cancer. CANCER SUCKS!

tumbleweedgirl said...


well broken horses are often sold down here. people still ride them on the desert tracts of irrigated land

did that even make sense? out here, the desert is BLM, but people lease it. then they irrigate it. and it gets lovely green. the rocky sides, though, make it hard to ride 4-wheelers, and moto-bikes. so... horses.

Deb said...

Rhys - sadly, I have earwigs too. They destroy my plants in the spring and *scatter, which wigs me out.

twirldawg said...

BD- Richard has been requesting "Sexy Back" in the car. We listen to it on repeat.

Erin said...

The stinkbugs this year have caused my 5 year old to have a nervous breakdown. They are *everywhere. The other day one was on the toilet seat. BTW, sorry I just killed SW with that comment. I shall miss her dearly.

No idea how long Julian's eyes have been like this. I think the school eye screenings only test for nearsightedness.

RiM- thanks, Just thanks. Now everyone is flocking to your site ruining my chances. ::pouts::

Robin in Montana said...

Rhys - it made sense. People lease BLM land here, too, for summer cattle pasture, but it's mountains. Maybe I should start watching Idaho Craigslist, it's not like I'm very far away.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I love horses, but know very little about them. This might surprise you, but people who owned horses were kind of rare when I was growing up in the Bronx. ;)

I can't contributed to the horse conversations, but I like to read them. I would really love for the girls to have a horse, but that's not feasible right now. They do have a lot of stables here, so I can probably swing riding lessons for them when they are older.

Robin in Montana said...

EL - I am sorry. I am a horrible friend.

Margaret -- thank you for that offer. I am not wanting to give either of them up! :)

Anonymous said...

Bd- I will definitely try to remember that!
And I'm glad your friend's baby is going home!

Rhys - You're spelling my name right :)

Deb - Even with the long term goal, I refuse to have larvae come close to me! Yuck ;-)

Erin said...

BD- that is Janey's favorite song. Ever.

Kristin- I just set up my son's ant farm on monday. He got it from Santa. It was one of the only things on his list. He is 18. And obviously a big dork! ;)

Jennifer-Lynn said...


I listen to "SexyBack" continuously too, but that's for me. ;)

Deb said...

Erin - they *are everywhere! At least they just sit there though, no scattering.

Robin in Montana said...

BD - No horses in the Bronx? Well, I'll be damned. :-D

Actually, one time I watched the coolest program about the NYC mounted police horses and the high-rise barn(s?) where they are housed, how they deal with the mess of live animals in the city, how they are trained, how they are put out into an adoption program at a very relatively young age and are fabulous horses because they are literally bomb proof.

tumbleweedgirl said...

i would love to have a horse for the kids too. we could do it.

it'd be really good for liajoy. however, not feasible financially. luckily, we know lots of folks with horses. i just have to figure out how and where and when

kristin said...

awesome EL!

I want an ant farm and maybe the sea monkeys...I mean to get for LM :)

The butterfly larvae interests me too but I think it might be too damn hot down here.

Okay, I need to work before I get my ass handed to me.

LM loves the song "giddy up" by Laura Bell Bundy! :)

Erin said...

yay for baby O!
RiM- it is ok. I am a skeered of earwigs too. To the point that I am irrational. We have dogs, cats, hamsters, hermit crabs, lizard, and a snake. No problem. Earwigs? *run*

tumbleweedgirl said...

who is baby o?

Erin said...

Kristin- 'Santa' got it at toys r us. It is made by Uncle Milton. It has get, and lights up so you can see the tunnels. It is sealed *very well.

Anonymous said...

Erin - school eye screenings are worth nothing, really. My left-eye is farsighted and my right one is near-sighted and I am also astigmatic. I've been wearing glasses since I was 5.
When we had eye screenings in school, they asked us to remove our glasses. Believe it or not, I'd always pass the test.
And, trust me, I see NOTHING without my glasses/lenses on.

Robin in Montana said...

EL - Of all your pets, the snake and lizard would not work for me. I'd spend my days perched on the paddle of the ceiling fan.

Oh, and I meant to say, BD, that's great news about Baby O. I'll let BD tell you the story, Rhys.

Just curious, Rhys, and maybe you don't know, how much does hay (good horse hay, grass/alfalfa) go for there? For a ton. I paid $185, which is through the roof high this year, but I only needed a ton.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i can find out. it's easy. let me do some asking. lots of folks sell the stuff, it's their second crop.

T@iy@ said...

Wow, you ladies are quick.

Corinne- that is just a mess. Hope they can get the finances sorted out. Sorry about your friends! I can't imagine!

RiM- I can't look at horses online anymore, because I really really really want to buy them and I live on one acre in the 'city' right now. My parents have a farm that I could keep them at, but it wouldn't work. So I can't look anymore. I just can't.

TWG- your earwigs pinch?! We have them here. They are horrible and they do congregate, but I have never had one pinch me and hang on. That is disgusting.

EL- your bug comments still aren't enough to get rid of this ocky horrible dream I had the other night. I had forgotten it and then I remembered it 2 days later and now I Can't. Forget. It. Ugh.

Margo said...

I can't keep up today but wanted to say we have sea monkeys now and they are fab.

I'm out for a while - bbl.

tumbleweedgirl said...


at least your earwigs are outside. right? right?

taiya, they do

it HURTS. and then you're all creeped out about sitting somewhere. i obsessively move things. they like to hide under stuff. not a good thing when you've got smalls.

Robin in Montana said...

Rhys - Second cutting is the best. First is the old growth fromlast year, and third (and fourth) is way too 'hot' for horses. I wouldn't normally have paid that much for hay, but I bought it through a guy at Kelly's work, and it's "certified" as weed free and whatever all the other hoops need jumped through to certify it as being safe for wilderness and back country packing and all.

tumbleweedgirl said...

check your email

80/ton for alfalfa

Angie said...

EL, stink bugs are a nuisance, but they aren't minions of Satan, like cockroaches. I'm back from the ER from my near heart attack from last night re cockroaches in the ears, BTW. Thanks again.

tumbleweedgirl said...

oo, and 70 too!

so yes, i think you need to haul down here and, you know, meet liajoy and zaya delight (he calls himself that), and admire our desert!

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya -- I hear you. I am lucky that it is working out for me the way it is. I have great summer pasture, they can stay there for the winter and the guy will even feed for me if I want, and he charges me no rent. I probably couldn't swing it if I had to pay for pasture or a place to board them.

tumbleweedgirl said...

its seconds and thirds

no one likes their first cuttings. when i say second crop, i mean that they first plant some spring stuff. then in the fall, they do a fast plant of alfalfa.

there's also fields that do 4-5 plants of alfalfa. i've rarely seen them sell firsts and lasts, those go to the cows

Jennifer-Lynn said...

RiM: The majority of police horses are in Manhattan. You'll occasionally see them in the outer boroughs, but yeah, the police horses are awesome.

Rhys: Baby O is my friend's baby. O's mom's water broke when she was 26 weeks, so she was put into the hospital on high risk status. She was there 3 weeks before they had to do an emergency C-section because the amniotic fluid was just too low. She was born at 29 weeks and was 2.5 lbs., 14 inches long.

ANYWAY, the short version (ha) is that she has been thriving so much that she is probably going to be coming home this weekend. She was supposed to be there until her due date (June 2) but is latching on, gaining weight and regulating her temperature. She actually ripped her feeding tube out of her nose! She's put on almost 2.5 lbs. in the last 3.5 weeks, and they are feeling good about discharging her, because she meets all the criteria.

Aren't you glad that I gave you the short version? :)

Angie said...

Kristin, did you see Laura Bell Bundy perform that song at the Country music awards show Sunday night? Man, she was hot.

tumbleweedgirl said...


wow. just wow. coming home early? doing so well? what a strong lil preemie! yay!

T@iy@ said...

BD- Wow! So glad to hear she is going to be heading home! I have a friend who had a baby at Halloween who was due at Christmas. Can't remember her weight, but she wasn't home until New Years, poor thing. They had a heck of a time. I am glad that Baby O is doing so great!

Robin in Montana said...

Rhys -- those are good prices! Probably lower right now because they're wanting to dump last year's hay before this season starts (which it's still good hay) but still. That $80/ton and I think the $70 is for one-ton bales, which I'm not set up for, but still.

T@iy@ said...

Did I bust it?

Robin in Montana said...

And I'd love to meet you all, Lia and Zaya Delight, at any rate!

T@iy@ said...

You buy hay by the ton? Are you buying bales? Square ones.

Deb said...

BD - wow, that is an amazing story about Baby O!

Rhys - unfortunately, they get into the house, usually find them hiding under shoes left by the back door. Gah.

Robin in Montana said...

I buy by the ton, yes. WHere my horse is at, he can still get to grass well into November, and really even all through the winter,so he doesn't need much, and a ton was plenty. When I lived more up in the mountains we figured two or three ton of hay per horse for the months they would need it, not as much pasture. And yes, small square bales, 70-ish pounds. We did have a feeder and would occasionally buy the one-ton bales and just let them have at it, but they tend to waste more -- pick out the good stuff first.

tumbleweedgirl said...




tumbleweedgirl said...

stupid fire.

Really Frugal said...

Michigan is going to ban the round bales.

They say the cows can't get a square meal.


Robin in Montana said...

RF -- ::groans:::

T@iy@ said...

How many bales do you get in a ton? Just out of curiosity. I always had to buy per bale, and i got a discount because I knew the guy who did the hay. I just had to go work the fields and pick up the hay myself(well, obviously I had help, but it was mainly my Dad and I doing the work). Miserable work in the summer, here, but worth paying only $2-3 a bale.

Deb said...

RF - ::has apparently gotten into the nyquil::

Lisa said...


Woke up feeling like crap.

Kristin, Mulie, Little Belladonna and anyone else feeling crappy lately, I hope you all feel better today.

Rhys, how would Disqus help? We'd still have to deal with Blogger itself acting up, no? ANd I hate Disqus commenting but if y'all wanted it, I'd do it.

T@iy@ said...

RF- you are from Michigan? Can I ask what general area?

Anonymous said...

Bd- That is one strong baby! Glad she'll probably be coming home early :)

Really Frugal said...

No, Deb, I get these from my husband who gets them from Uncle Wally who is a well-known successful farmer; in fact he's outstanding in his field.

Really Frugal said...

Taiya, I am not *from Michigan; I am *from WI, but have found myself 60 miles north of Grand Rapids for the past 20 some years.

Deb said...

Rf - you are on a roll!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

::Groans at RF's jokes::

A. is feeling well enough to demand pasta for breakfast and to argue with me about taking her medicine. Her throat is still very red with a white patch, and she's still contagious.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I cut myself off. I was going to say "thanks for asking, AP."

Thanks for asking, AP.

Erin said...

RF- you're killing me.
Sorry about the bug dream Taiya! So, SW if you were to find a *cockroach on the toilet seat that would be bad, but a stinkbug is okay? Want to make sure I have it right ;)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Corinne, she IS a strong baby. I'm so happy for all three of them. A (husband/dad),J (wife and mom) and O are already such an awesome family.

Robin in Montana said...

Taiya -- generally between 29-32 bales per ton, depending. $2 to $3 per bale is an *awesome deal, even if you are picking it up yourself.

Really Frugal said...

Kristin, about grandma's gift - we got the digital frame for MIL and update it whenever we see her. She loves it. We might get her one of the tint ones for her purse.

But how about taking her to a play or concert, or for a manicure or other pampering? Or a special chef prepared meal? Time is the best gift.

Really Frugal said...


Angie said...

EL, that's correct. ::nods::

Anonymous said...

RF- You crack me up :D

Bd - Strep throat is no fun, but it's good to hear that A is feeling better.

T@iy@ said...

EL- it was actually about toe fungus, but even spider dreams aren't competing. Ugh.

RiM- definitely a good deal, and it made me a strapping young lass, so it was worth it. :D I've always been able to lift 100 pounds easy. Well, at least until I got pregnant and stopped a lot of heavy lifting. Being a farm girl and horse owner really helped with that.

RF- I live about 45 minutes south of GR.

Angie said...

AP, what hurts? Would a nice salt rub help?

Okay, I forgot to tell you about the dream I had last night. We had some rancorous firm drama yesterday and I think that in addition to the light Daisy bickering had me in a combative mood, because I dreamed that I was a soldier in some army and my job was to shoot at soldiers on the other side, who I could see about 100 yards away in this big room or arena we were doing battle in. It was very stressful shooting and getting shot at all day, and I felt the war weariness in the dream. You know, I think Lost had a little bit to do with it too, because there were some missiles fired on Lost last night and our bullets were kind of like missiles. Until I realized we were firing caulk guns at each other. And the caulk flew through the air, kind of like bigger silly string, and didn’t just dribble out of the caulk gun like it would do IRL.

I realized we were firing caulk when I nailed some Israeli guy on the forehead with a big string of caulk. And I figured it must be some acidic substance and he would start screaming and his forehead would smoke. But nothing happened. It was just plain old caulk. And I was kind of disappointed then, because it seemed kinda pointless.

The end.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Oh, I don't know if I mentioned this, but O's shower (or welcome home party) is on 5/22, and I'm hosting a "sprinkle" for my friend K. on 5/23. I told my best friend this and she said, "and no one told you that you are an asshole for doing two showers in one weekend?"

Uh, no. Nobody did. That's why I keep my best friend around.

I might throw one for my sister, too, since she got rid of EVERYTHING and I wasn't even at her first baby's shower, and I probably won't be there when the baby is born. Going back to NY in June, so it would be then, sometime. Thinking of making that one into a thing where everyone brings a gift under $10, like onesies or something.

I don't know about the last one; I have to think about it a little more.

Robin in Montana said...

BD - I wouldn't call you an asshole, but Imight question your mental health. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

And speaking of questioning mental health ... huh, SW. lol.
I think dreams are so very interesting, actually.

T@iy@ said...

Wow, BD, you are going to be busy!

That would be fun for your sis. You could always make it a themed under- $10 party, too. Those are fun!

Erin said...

AP- crappy like sick, or crappy like sore? Either way sucks though.

Angie said...

BD, two parties in two days is too many! I'm stressed about it, on your behalf.

tumbleweedgirl said...


you hear stories all the time about preemies. it's rare to hear of one that early going home early too.

under 10 showers are cool.

kristin said...

BD - sounds like what I am doing - the office is planning a baby shower on Friday - I have to go find a cake and food and decorate on Friday. Sales meeting was Tues/Wed - had to schedule the conference room and the lunch and rooms for the salesmen.

Then Saturday is sis and g'ma's b-day. Getting together on Sunday.

Monday is ho-workers 50th - have to get stuff for that. Fun times :)

T@iy@ said...

Kristin- are you at least doing an Over-The-Hill theme for ho-worker?

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Not sure about the shower for my sister. It's not that I'm uninterested, but probably all the same people that were at the first shower will be invited to the second shower, and that strikes me as kind of tacky. With the mini-shower here, on 5/23, it's her second baby, but they are military and were not stationed here with their first child. So it's all new people.

However, I know my sister struggles financially, so she could really "use" the shower. I'm thinking I will definitely do the shower for my sister if it's a boy, because A.) their older child is a girl, 7 months younger than my A., and B.) I have tons of girl stuff I can pass along to her. I am going to give her my stroller/infant carrier/carseat, so that's one big expense down, but...you know. Babies are expensive.

Am I making any sense? I've not had much coffee yet.

Deb said...

SW - caulk guns, huh? hmmm.

AP - sorry you are under the weather.

BD - I think an under $10 party is a great idea!

T@iy@ said...

BD-since you weren't present for the first one, I'd say go for it. Especially if it's been that long. I really think second showers are kind of tacky (sorry anyone who has them!) as a general rule, but I think in that case it would make sense.

kristin said...

Yes Taiya - we are doing all black :)

T@iy@ said...

Good, Kristin. :) You can get some satisfaction out of that at least. :D

T@iy@ said...

DD is scrubbing my cheeks with a wipe. Guess she is getting revenge for me doing it to her. :D

Well, I have to go shower and get ready for my exciting appt. at the OB. I am anxious to find out if anything is happening but don't look forward to the exam.

Tara. said...

Just skimmed quickly, but I'll go back soon and try to catch up....

Just wanted to say that I am SO glad to know I'm not the only Mom with those songs on her itunes shuffle list. BD, I'm laughing hysterically at the Kelly's Mom prom lyrics.

Must get coffee.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Hey there, Tara! How have you been? I've been, well, very busy and computer-less for stretches, but I'm happy you are coming around.

Tara. said...

Hi BD! I've been well, thanks for asking! You?

Deb said...

Hey Tara!

Tara. said...

Hi Deb! Good to see you. :o)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I just fed my kids pasta for breakfast. They wanted it, and I wanted to not hear screaming, so I gave them leftovers.

Again, Mom of the Year.

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