Sunday, January 15, 2012

*passes out the half-slips and sprays us all with Windsong perfume*

I found us a new pastor and he pisses standing up because he's a man and apparently, German men are just male.  *nods*

The best part?  I watched 3 videos of him, sort of snortling to myself, and then realized something that made him all the more amusing.  Know what it is?


I accidentally found Zsuszanna's husband and now I smell a series coming on.  :-D


Oopsie Daisy said...

Also, I have a quick question...what do y'all think about opening up this place to anonymous comments? We will have to deal with idiots but sometimes they can be amusing. The same rules about not posting personal addresses or phone numbers would apply and I'll give the log-in info to at least one other person, probably Shannon (if she is agreeable), so crap like that can be deleted asap. I'll still reserve the right to delete anything else that could potentially be a danger to someone, as well. It's obvious by the number of proxy hits here that a lot of people check in but apparently they don't want me to see their IP and they can't comment through a proxy server, I don't think. I have mixed feelings, so I'm going to leave it up to y'all. Whatcha think?

Trudy said...

all this time i was wondering what was wrong with america and come to find out it all has to do with how our leaders piss. wow

twirldawg said...

I don't mind anon comments, I just could do without spam. You can't do one without the other though.

Who is Zsuszanna?

Shannon said...

OMG he really has a positional pissing issue doesnt he. I now think I may understand Zu a little bit more.....they are batshit crazy together. And exactly what is the difference between a man and a male?

And I think that so long as people arent posting personal info then fine but they also have to know if they do they will be deleted and if they whine and bitch it wont matter :)

Shannon said...

My goodness...looking at his other videos he is quite the rabble rouser down there in Arizona.

Lisa said...

"And exactly what is the difference between a man and a male?"

Apparently a man is big and strong and can piss on a wall and make a big mess if he wants to, but male caves to outside pressure to be neat, and lets someone else tell him how to piss. I think.

So. I know not everyone has had time to cast a vote on the anonymous thing, but I think we're going to give it a shot. I was just over at Tina's BWOP and I won't be going back. I posted to that effect, but it's awaiting moderation. @@ Her "moderation" is too much for me, it's aggravating and I don't care to be around anyone who won't allow any comments about herself even they are even barely negative. Woman up and own your shit if you did it, you know? So, anyway, let's see how it goes!

*waves at Trudy*
It's always good to see you here!

Shannon said...

Yeah I am pretty sure I am very done with BWOP. I mean seriously she is all about calling out everyone like it makes her look so above it all. I also told her as much and I know that my comment will not make it through moderation.

Trudy said...

Thanks Lisa =)

Oopsie Daisy said...

Okay, a little housekeeping (now *there's a memory) has been done in the sidebar and we're open to the world now. We shall see how this goes.

Anonymous said...

I've never commented here, but thought I'd say hi. I follow, but don't comment at the bullies site, and post regularly on MWOP ( well, not that regularly anymore, but I used to)
I'll comment as anonymous, because I don't feel like making a profile!
Shannon, Lisa: I agree with the BWOP. Tina/Lauren appears to have lost her shit again with the moderation. Wonder what her husband would think? Lol.
Also, she all but admitted using a fake name, considering she reveals herself as Tina here, and on MWOP, but uses Lauren on BWOP. How is that honest? I thought that's what she is all about?
-an old friend.

Anonymous said...

Edited to say: I didn't know this site existed until Tina just started boo hooing about mean comments allowed about her.
-an old friend.

Shannon said...

LOL welcome anon :)

Hi Trudy :)

"Edited to say: I didn't know this site existed until Tina just started boo hooing about mean comments allowed about her."

Yeah that was such BS. I will admit it hit a nerve and it hit it hard!!! She talks like she is good because she cant be held responsible for what was said over a year ago....the shit said on Daisy was by far well before that....and once again...I have a freaking post about me and my family right there on BWOP that certainly isnt more then a year old. I guess it is one of those things where it is OK for her but not for others and when she does it she is justified in it.

Anonymous said...

I also enjoy her proclamations that she is "never" on her site...she's always sick, traveling, etc. I call bullshit.
You know she is all over that site, and MWOP ALL THE FREAKING TIME! I envision her sitting in a dark room with a bottle of liquor and a pack of smokes, furiously reading all the comments on all of her "favorite" sites.
Just because you don't comment, doesn't mean a thing dumb dumb.
I have been reading Bullies since it started, because it's a really interesting brand of crazy: and have never commented. Doesn't mean I don't read it regularly!

Shannon said...


AOF I agree she cant claim that she "never" when she knows everything that every poster is saying on MWOP. You are so right that just because you dont comment doesnt mean you arent reading :)

I read Zsu's blog on occasion but I wont bring myself to comment...I cant compete to that brand of self righteous crazy :)

And I found Bullies to become a place where there could be several opinions but it is now getting to that spot where you are wrong in your opinion if it is different. I am not that way at all.

Hell that is one of the reasons I like Lisa so much. We have many the same opinions but often the are different enough that we can have quite a good discussion about our thoughts on the subject. It is boring to have a convo where everyone feels the same way about everything all the time LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't know this Zsusanna lady. I probably shouldn't start reading...I've got enough crazy in my blogroll lately!

Shannon said...

LOL only if you want extreme religious views, child rearing views, eating views, views on why it is ok to be extremely bigoted, why America is a horrible place, why her home country of Germany is a horrible place, LOL she has opinions of the crazy type like her husband :)

Anonymous said...

Hi all! I post on BWOP as EnuffzEnuff, but I am totally turned off by Lauren's attitude lately. She has such a great idea with that blog, but I didn't appreciate being told that I (or any other woman)should be worried what our husbands think about us and our time on the net. So thanks for pointing me here Lauren! Plus to be honest, while I can't stand MWOP, that blog has basically turned into a MWOP with out pity place. Too much crazy for me. lol

Lisa said...

Oh, yay! New people...well, maybe old people, but still. :-)

Zsuzsanna is a funny duck. I actually like her blog, even though she was mean to me, lol. Her blog is called "All They All Yours?" or something like that.

Shannon, yep, that's why I like you, too. You can hear things and think on them without taking it all so personally and I seriously hope you know how much I appreciate that you know I don't *mean it personally. And you aren't afraid to speak freely back, which I love!

AOF, I doubt Tina's as bad as you envision her, but I do agree with y'all that I'm betting she reads everything regularly. Y'all are right, she knows too much about what's going on everywhere not to be doing that. I don't get it...why not admit it. I'm online a *lot because I can be, I'm not neglecting anyone and it's fun. No big deal.

Lisa said...

Oooh, I see Enuff over here, too. And you're right, she had a good idea with that place but honestly, that comment she deleted was the final straw for was valid and not really bad. Add to that her post calling *my* comment out and then turning comments off? Bull. Shit.

Anonymous said...

Hi All, I was missing you guys! I checked in at BWOP and saw no comments, I was all like uh oh, but then I read the post! Lame, people should just own what they say/do even if it is in the past (it still happened)

And I'm just going to use my regular old profile, I'm too lazy to type out my ANON name, and I *think* everyone knows me by this (my anon was Tempi)

newgirl said...

Lisa, are you the Lisa over on BWOP that I saw today say you were done there? If so, do you mind if I hang out here and get to know you all? Because that site has seriously jumped the shark. I am an avid MWOP reader (And very very rare poster) and you all look pretty cool here. ;) (non-snarky smile)

Lisa said...

Hi there, Mama P! How's that new baby girl coming along?

Anonymous said...

Tina-Lauren is bat shit crazy.

I would like to comment further but my husband will not allow me to do so.

Shannon said...

Well anon you do have to make sure that he knows what you are doing at all times apparently.

GAH I know if I told my husband what I did all day no matter what it was he would roll his face at me LOL

Anonymous said...

How-dee, y'all! I've never posted over at BWOP but I've read there off and on. Lisa, you know me from FB and a recent phone call. :-)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Just catching up on Lauren/Tina/JustMe's blog. I got behind - death and taxes, the usual distractions :-(

Her writing and her reasoning hurts my eyes. " is only fair that if you are going to slander someone you at least have the information correct"

Dictionary NOW!

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Uck. "Guilt by association" flung out like it's a reasonable thing. Too Joe McCarthy for me.

I suppose I should resist making all my comments re: BWoP here, huh?

Lisa said...

String, you can say whatever you like here...if you feel the need, go for it. ;-) Am I to assume there's drama afoot over there now?

"How-dee, y'all! I've never posted over at BWOP but I've read there off and on. Lisa, you know me from FB and a recent phone call. :-)"

Ha! I shall just call you How-Dee now.

And since I don't have a husband, is there anyone I need to account to or am I free?

Shannon said...

I think you need to be telling your son....he needs to know.

Lisa said...

Good God, I just checked my mail and do I ever have the Google alerts today. If anyone is that interested in finding out stuff about me, just *ask. It's so much easier.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she has totally flipped her shit, can we swear here? Anyways, she has all types of stalking laws up today. And the mwop crew is online to much! I am done there, Lisa and Shannon were the last ones who made much sense there left there. I wish people like anonwalker would find there way here.
Also I did not know Tina/Lauren was also justme. Very interesting. I go back a long time, how that slipped past me I don't know.
Thank s for opening your blog up to all of us!

Lisa said...

Oh, hell, he knows what I do on here, Shannon. He's a nosy bitch and I have no idea where he gets that from, either.

Anonymous said...

Forgive my spelling, I am on my phone

Lisa said...

Enuff, you're welcome...I'm glad to still be able to hang out with y'all (hope some of the old ones find their way here, too!) and swear away, no one cares and if they do, they can leave. I hope BWOP can be what Tina wants it to's just not the place for me to be anymore.

Shannon said...

LOL type o's are not generally a death sentence but you may get poked at for it :)

I sure hope swearing is ok here because sometimes I am that sailor LOL

BWOP used to make sense but it has gotten to a point where I am not even sure what the point is anymore.

Anonymous said...

Is it my imagination or is Tina-Lauren now posting comments to herself?

Anonymous said...

Lisa, she's doing good now! I've been doing the doctor thing for me and one of my kiddo's for a few months now, mostly why I didn't comment on BWOP much.

Anonymous said...

GAH I know if I told my husband what I did all day no matter what it was he would roll his face at me LOL <~~ So would mine!

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Back on the forum (have no idea if THAT still exists?) I backed her up when she had some issues. I sure don't view her the same way any more. Some kind of unresolved internal conflict there. I was never rude on her blog so I don't understand why she deletes my comments/questions.

My husband approved this message. (Well, he's dead and gone but hopefully he would have approved it.)

I think ANY male would do. Yes, just get the approval of any male. I'll ask my grandson when he gets up from nap.

D Miller31108 said...

Well, I am done with Bwop as well! Tina being a moderator/poster is like watching a tennis match. Back and forth, back and forth...She is a total weirdo!

Anonymous said...

She sure is a total weirdo. Does she really believe that reading a blogs or FB is the same thing as stalking? Is anyone really that dumb?

I will admit to enjoying the show. Don't tell my male authority figure, please.

D Miller31108 said...

LOL Anon 5:33, you're exactly right! Tina shouldn't have a blog referring anything to due with ladies blogging/bullying if she is so afraid of stalking issues. Perhaps she is trying to cover her ass now.

My male authority figure thinks this is all very funny! He understands online stuff because he works with computers.

twirldawg said...

Tina's sane train departed years ago. Remember her rabid posts on OHIH? I remember her getting blocked from commenting on Jennifer's blog and telling everyone how to reset their routers to change their IP's so they could comment again.

Shannon said...

JILL!!! Shame on you that was well over TWO years ago and has no bearing on who she is today!!!!


Yes I do remember her being all about how you can change your IP address and what not and if you turn off your router or modem or what have you it will automatically change IP's.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

MAF. I like it. A new acronym. There, now something good came out of her blog.

Lisa said...

Hey, D!

Okay, I'm not feeling my sharpest tonight, but MAF? What did I miss? What's it mean? Help a dumbass out here, String.

Things will probably settle down at BWOP soon and Tina can get back to protecting the world, on internet bully at a time.

So, the next debate is on tonight at 9pm easterm, Fox News, if anyone wants to catch it!

Anonymous said...

I think Tina/Lauren is commenting about lisa & Shannon as anon on her blog......... She's flipped her lid lately, that's for sure.

BTW "hi" I followed a couple of you ladies here from BWOP, I never knew about this place! Nice place, I'll go "look around" now.....


twirldawg said...

MAF- Male Authority Figure.
I suppose that when my husband is at work that role falls to my tyrannical 4 year old?

Shannon said...

Yes Jill you are correct. You are after all only a woman and must have the approval of anything with a penis.....I guess that could authority could also be filled in with male pets as well :)

I am happy to see some of my fav ladies following over :)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Thanks, Jill :-)) yep, M(ale) A(uthority) F(igure) and anyone/anything male qualifies. Bwahhaahaaaa.

Shannon said...

HAHAHA String I know in most areas my husband wishes that that line of thinking worked....I am not a good submissive wife.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I think they all do, Shannon. It's possible that I am not an optimist :-)

Lisa said...

Hi, Darcy, and welcome to Daisy. :-)

Thanks for drawing me the pictures re: MAF, y'all. I feel suitably stupid. And seriously, people are talking about me and Shannon/ It must be a slow day over there on BWOP or something, 'cause we're not that interesting. No offense, Shannon.

Anyone see the debate? Anyone see Paul get *booed for saying we should follow the Golden Rule? What the hell?

Shannon said...

well considering as how the Golden Rule takes on a slightly different meaning in some Republican unto others before they do unto you...and if they get you first FUCK THEM UP!!!!


Lisa said...

I think it's more like "Do unto others before they can even consider doing unto you and by God, then they *can't get to you first." Key word being "God".

KaytieJ said...

Just a Daisy here. Hi to all the Anons.

Any opinions on Wiki, Reddit, maybe Google shutting down the 18th in protest against SOPA?

Get out of town! said...

What the F* is wrong with Lauren/Tina whatever name she want to be today? Does she think we are dumbs? She write a post @4:35am... and imagine there two Anon. comments around that time.She has gone cuckoo in the head. Her hate to MWOP is bigger than her brain.

Get out of town! said...

Forgot to say my DH is working so I did ask my male dog for authorization to be in the computer.He move his tail really fast so I took that as a yes.

Pamala said...

Hi!! I knew of this place, didn't know the URL, thanks Google. I missed all the drama over on BWOP but if I don't have to post there then I'm happy!

Honestly, not to imply this is a bad thing, but the only reason people posted at that crap place was because of Lisa and Shannon. Like anyone is going to post there now. Plus she's a huge hypocrite. HUGE.

Anyhow I look forward to the discussion here.

Anonymous said...

I don't know politics at all, but I wanted to ask everyone what they thought of Mitt Romney giving a woman all the money he had on him, and then paying her electric bill? Total crap show or was he genuine?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my MAF said I was allowed to be online for 15 minutes! So I'm using my time wisely :)

and my ob who is not a MAF, more like a WAF told me I gained to much weight! First it's not enough, and now it's to much. So this pregnant lady is on a diet. (because that's going to work)

Pamala said...

It's hard to say whether he was genuine or not. I'd ask is he typically that way or was this an out of the blue thing he did?

Anonymous said...

I would like to think he was genuine, but I have strong feelings on politicians. My gut feeling is that it was all a show.
My husband is at work, so I asked my 4 year old son if I could be on here, just in case you all have any worries that I don't have permission ;)

Lisa said...

Hi, everyone! Good to see new and old faces. :-)) I ran out of males to ask permission of, since the lazy son and lazy boy cat are asleep, still. I asked the mailman and he said it was fine, so I'm good.

Mama P, seeing as how I detest Romney, I think it was show but in fairness, maybe he does do it often. Who knows? Personally, I think things like that are usually done with a degree of privacy when the intent is genuine, though.

"Honestly, not to imply this is a bad thing, but the only reason people posted at that crap place was because of Lisa and Shannon."

Lol, I'd say thanks, but I'm not sure it's a compliment. Like us or not, Shannon and I are pretty good at actually having actual discussions about things, I think. That said, I hope her blog stays active and is what she wants it to be, you know? No hard feelings on my just wasn't a place I liked being anymore.

Shannon said...

I dont want to see her blog become something she doesnt want it to be but like Lisa said it just want a place I wanted to be anymore either. It was getting a way that was getting very confusing.

I still love though that Lisa and I are "fake" because we are honest :) Lemme tell ya not one person has ever said anything about me that i have not put out there somewhere on my very own. No super sleuthing required LOL

Shannon said...

And since my husband is at work I asked my son for permission......he laughed at me and I got a 'dude mom'

Lisa said...

"I still love though that Lisa and I are "fake" because we are honest :)"

How does that work, anyway? Although there are some people who feel I'm less than honest, don't forget. I think you're okay, though. ;-)

Shannon said...

LOL you are too lady

Pamala said...

My problem with her site is that it's been very confusing. It really isn't about bullying, it's about being able to call people out on the behavior she sees as wrong. And if she wants to do that more power to her, but damn she should just admit it's not about protecting people or bringing light to cyber bullying. And then the fact that she doesn't see what she posts as bullying in itself. It's amazing to me. :)

Pamala said...

By the way, I don't have a husband or a dad. Who do I have to approve my time online with?

D Miller31108 said...

Hi Lisa :) My 4 year old son gave me permission to be online...I am glad there is another place for us all to come and have adult conversations. Bwop started off pretty ok, but turned really strange. Guess Tina can just continue talking to herself ;)

Anonymous said...

@Pamala, I asked my 3 yr old son permission for you and he said OKAY

Anonymous said...

That was my thought, I want to say it was a genuine thing, but I've never heard of him doing something like that before (not that I really have paid much attention to him), I think he did it to reach the saps like me, who really like people who do those kind of things. Except, it's better when you don't brag about it lol

Pamala said...

I read a mom site and some columnist for some major newspaper (see how much I pay attention) was talking about Mommy Politics and how the candidates are using it. I have no idea what Mommy politics are but I'm thinking based on just that article it has to do with emotional stuff, you know appeal to a mother's heart basically. The questions about a woman's role in the home, child upbrining and so forth, really aren't insanely important in the larger picture but in Mommy politics it is.

So I bet he was appealing to the "saps" of this nation. Will it work? I don't know.

Lisa said...

Pamala, I think you're right about mommy politics, based on a quick Google search while I still could. My first thought was that he was appealing to people who feel he has no idea of what the average person is facing in this economy and he was trying to show he does, but you may well be right about who he was really aiming that at. And the very words "mommy politics" aggravated me, lol. I've learned most everything that starts with "mommy" aggravates me, though.

So, I went to BWOP and read. Good heavens! Well, I'm glad I'm not subjecting some people to my comments over there anymore. ;-)

Just a reminder to everyone, the internet blackout is already starting but should be in full effect by 5am. I suspect Blogger will be down for a day. If so, see y'all on the flipside Thursday morning! Also, go sign this, please:

KaytieJ said...

Quick hello and Happy Anti SOPA Day.
Would love to be a fly on the wall to all the bloggers who piss and moan or berate others about being online too much when the internets go down today!

Renae said...

(I started to ask my husband if I could be on the internet and then I said to myself, "fuck that noise")

First, if you haven't yet then please do click the link Lisa provided above and sign the petition. The internets and those of us who reside there thank you.

Second, Tina's a loon. I wasn't around in the old days but it doesn't take long to get up to speed with a bit of scooby-dooing and yeah, she's a loon. Her site exists for the purpose of allowing her to criticize others under the guise of anti-bullying without receiving any criticism herself (because she doesn't allow it). I wonder if she can define hypocrite.

Lisa and Shannon were the only reasons I kept reading there. Without you guys, I predict it will descend into self-serving bullshit no one cares to read. There won't be anyone there to call her on her crap and she'll just keep singing the same song over and over - MWOP are bullies! Boring. Anyway, where's Kate?

Pamala said...

I signed the petition. I also went over to wikipedia and sent some letters to my state representatives.

Shannon said...

I have been all over my reps over this and NDAA. Hopefully they actually listen to us...I mean after all if they keep doing things that the voters dont like it wont be long before they find they arent elected again.

And good morning ladies

Lisa said...

Hi, Renae, good to see you again. And thanks. :-)
I hope Kate finds her way over here, too. I love a good conversation, one with different opinions and where people don't get their assholes all clinched up when someone doesn't agree with them. Kate didn't...she and I didn't agree on a lot, but I loved talking with her because she was rational about it. Same with Anonwalker and a few others. And is Batman around here?

Any good gossips going anywhere today? I've not checked around yet.

Anonymous said...

I signed! and I went to the Wikipedia as well!

On another note, did anyone see that MWOPERS think they figured out her her admin is?

Anonymous said...

And somewhat curious, The commentor Roobii seems to have completely disappeared from MWOP over the past few days!

Anonymous said...

I noticed that Mama, very interesting! I can't find what you are talking about as far as the MckAdmin, there is way way to much off topic crap there to sift through. Was Rooobbiii the admin? That would be a riot lol

Pamala said...

Yeah someone mentioned that they figured out who the admin was.

Roobii apparently works in the medical field and works long shifts (at least that's what I gathered from her last long post sometime last week) so I just think she's busy.

Anyhow todays big shocker, Dooce and her hubby separating. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

The thing about the admin is way way far down in the comments. They didn't name the person, only gave her first initial and compared her writing style to how she admins.

I don't think Rooobbiii was ever an admin, but I know that she said she "knew" JM personally, and was a friend of JM's Friends. She also claimed to have insider knowledge about JM, and at one point said that JM &IM were going to be splitting up, or that their marriage was over.

twirldawg said...

Curiosity got to me and I went and checked out MWOP for the fist time in ages. Is Jennifer becoming an animal hoarder? Is she trying to get on the show or something?

twirldawg said...

Oh, I stopped following Dooce a couple of months ago. That's sad about her and her husband separating, I don't much care for her but I don't wish an unhappy marriage on anyone.

Anonymous said...

I've never followed Dooce, but it is sad about her marriage. I think fame & money can really take a toll on a relationship! From what I've gathered Dooce started out like any other blogger and that became famous?

The odd thing about Rooobbiii though, the comments she made a few days ago are all marked as guest now, it looked like she deleted her disqus account or something. Who know's I don't actually hang around enough to notice. I just pop over there once in awhile to read!

Jill, Jm does have a lot of animals now, makes one wonder what happens when they move away from the farmhouse!

Pamala said...

Dooce would be the first mommy blogger to make it big. PW doesn't count because she was rich before hand. But Dooce really has built an empire on her blog. I don't read her, I like her photos that's about it, but it's just sad to hear about.

Pamala said...

I try not to read too much into things, but anyone else find it fishy that JM would lead her post with marriage troubles the same day after Dooce announced hers? Sometimes MWOP goes overboard but damn can they call it.

Lisa said...

Mama P, I read that about Rooobbbii being MIA and her profile being Guest now...very weird. I read that about the Admin. too, but didn't give it a lot of weight. The OP was just too vague, imo.

Read about Dooce over there and while I never could get into her, the ending of any marriage is sad to me, especially since kids are involved.

I just ran and read JM's new post and man, things are a hot mess at the farmhouse, aren't they? Sounds to me like there's a lot more crap than bugs behind this next move. That rent hearing is tomorrow, isn't it? It ought to make for some good reading and speculating, though. ;-) You know, marriage is just not supposed to be as much work and as much of a struggle as theirs's sad.

D Miller31108 said...

Yikes, just read also! Very sad for those kiddos. Her bug stories make me itch. Have you seen the show Infested?

Anonymous said...


I think the rent hearing got pushed back recently. To Feb16th I believe?? Something is fishy with JM and her "rental agreement", if there is one, I wonder if they did get evicted and she's trying to drag out the process.

While I agree that MWOP pushes the limit in their speculating they did call the Dooce split and how JM would ride that wave.

The Roobii situation seems suspect as well. It seems someone always pops up claiming to have inside intel, and "know" her in real life, then mysteriously disappears....... things that make you go hmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

Okay I'm back :)

Go to MWOP blog and read the latest post by ANJA! JM is a horrible woman. They did get evicted, they haven't paid rent or utilities and they will not evacuate the house. My jaw literally hit my keyboard. I knew she was shady but she is just down right using innocent people now! I'm so sad for her kids.........


Shannon said...


WTF are they going to do now? I mean seriously they have a kid recovering from pneumonia and like 6 freaking goats now.

Holy hannah batman what the hell are they thinking??? They really dont get it do they??? You have to pay your freaking dont get to live for free no matter how entitled you think you are.

Are they even going to be able to find a place to rent now??? I mean Izzy isnt making a whole lot of money, they now have a legal eviction from a rental, bankruptcy in process, what the hell are they figuring they are going to do now???

Anonymous said...


I have NO IDEA! I really, truly did not think she could be this stupid! I'm really shocked! They are fucked PERIOD. :p (I'm so glad we can swear here....right?)


Shannon said...

They are FUCKED!!! There is no way around that one. When I thought I couldnt shake my head at her anymore I now need to go to the hospital for whiplash and to have my jaw put back on my damn face.

Pamala said...

I jaw hit the floor. OMG! I had a feeling that the landlord had already started the eviction process and that they had hoped to somehow delay that process by doing the Escrow thing but if he started the process before they filed the rent escrow I think they are screwed.

You know you'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, think maybe they just got into some trouble and have no idea how to get out, but the more and more things come out in these legal hearings it's plain as freaking day, they are scam artists and just morally bankrupt people.

What's sad is that people buy into her crap.

What the hell are they going to do with all the animals? If they are able to find a place to live, good luck now, it probably won't allow animals, at least not more than two.

Renae said...

The thing about people like JM is that they always seem to land on their feet somehow. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to find a place to live with a history of eviction, bankruptcy and no credit but JM will probably have no trouble at all - and thank God for that since she has 5 kids who need a roof over their heads. The animals on the other hand, I don't know what the hell she's planning on doing with that mess. In any case, settle in and watch the wordsmithing...

Pamala said...

There's nothing anyone can do either to alert people to her lies, other than MWOP. And they aren't exactly looked at as good people. I broke down and did something I swore I wouldn't ever do again, wrote a blog post about it. LOL! It's the people encouraging her to continue to do what she does that really I think are the biggest issue. You can't get someone to mend their ways when people are always making excuses for your or shouting in your ear that it's okay.

Shannon said...

Renae I really really hope that they are able to land on their feet....I could care less about the "adults" but those poor kids deserve better.

Pamela I really do have to agree with you. The people that keep encouraging this kind of behavior are making it worse. They are so fond of saying that "God will provide" well he has...over and over and over and over again. How many chances do people get? If you dont change your pattern of behavior you will never improve your situation.

Lisa said...

"There's nothing anyone can do either to alert people to her lies, other than MWOP."

Thankfully, most people (I think)Google everyone these days and would think to Google prospective tenants. If so, MWOP ought to turn up. I admit, though, I'm stunned...that's such a small amount of rent, even with their so-called reduced income. Why not pay it? Even if you hate the house, even if you want want to move out quickly...heck, *especially then, so you can show a new landlord you may have only stayed there 6 months, but you were good tenants. And for the love of God, why lie on your bankruptcy papers and say you are paying your rent and heating fuel when you aren't? That's not good at *all. And why in the world would you keep buying animals while telling your landlord you're going to be moving soon?

I'm wondering all over again what they really did with a heck of a lot of money. I'm wondering if they actually bought a place, another old farmhouse, close by this farmhouse while back and put it in someone else's name. They could have planned on staying in this farmhouse while working on theirs (remember Israel working on a barn?) and then when they got kicked out, hoping theirs was in liveable shape by then. If Israel was working a real job and then going to another farmhouse to work there each day, that could absolutely put a ton of stress on a marriage that already wasn't good. I dunno, just thinking out loud...

Sandy said...

Popping in.

Shannon and Pamala, have you forgotten that God loves her best. ::eyeroll::

Shannon said...

Sandy you do have a point for sure. We are insignificant compared to her

Pamala said...

It is amazing to me how she seems to always land on her feet. But I do think there will come a point when the bottom will drop out.

And I can see why there may be stress within their marriage. Although I'm sure IM is not exactly the best of best people if JM is the one in control and running things into the ground constantly, that stuff gets old fast.

Anonymous said...

"Thankfully, most people (I think)Google everyone these days and would think to Google prospective tenants."

I would think to too but this landlord apparently didn't do that. Maybe the five angelic faces swayed him in their favor? Or maybe they have acquaintances in common who vouched for them? I really don't understand any of this but I hope the kids will be okay. I also do not believe for one minute that they have any bugs or that any furniture was ruined. I don't see Izzy as an innocent party he is up to his neck in this shit just as sure as MckGriftingMama.

I have learned something from this mess of a family. I will strive extra hard to always live a clean and upright life so I never have to explain why my sordid personal business is plastered on the internet. I would die of mortification if I were her and I know my MAF would spend 22 hours a day picking up cans along the highway before letting it to get to this point.

Does anyone really believe that drugs are involved? I can't imagine them doing anything more serious than marijuana and I know (for historical reasons that will remain unmentioned) that even the very best chronic smoked chronically is not enough of an expense to drive a family to this extreme financial position. It makes no sense.

Also please everybody refrain from sending emails cough cough to Tina-Lauren to alert her to what is discussed here. she would much rather visit and read it for herself and boy do they miss you ladies over there! The place is as dead as a doorknob.

I like this place tho. Thanks for letting me post. I'd think up a name but I have no imagination. Feel free to assign me one and I will use it.

Sandy said...

I don't think IM is around.

Lisa said...

Well, I was just thinking about all this in the shower (I know, I know). Let's say she wanted to leave him and start over, but wanted to do it in the style she feels she deserves. A pretty good way would be to sock money away and have one of her family members buy another place for "them" in the family member's name. In the meantime, she shops herself silly on home furnishings, kids clothes, etc., and runs up a pile of debt. He, being clueless about her actual plan, goes along with it all and agrees to filing bankruptcy. Now, the bankruptcy gets discharged, she has little to no debt hanging over her, and she plus the family member swear that house was bought by the family member. Israel is just insane to claim he and Jennifer bought it and did this to hide it from bankruptcy court (hello!) and now she's got a new place to live with no mortgage or rent, pretty new house things and cameras, enough income from her blog and welfare programs to support her and the kids without her working and Israel? Has a Geo, his clothing and possibly some goats. Oh, and a massive child support payment. Maybe I'm overly cynical, but it makes me wonder. It's a heck of a good plan if a person is mean, unethical, and a self-serving liar.

Shannon said...

I dont think drugs is the issue unless not being able to prioritize spending is considered a drug. I think they got used to a lifestyle and are having a very difficult time realizing that they cannot live that way anymore.

Really I dont want to think that IM would have up and left the kids. I also think he is a weak person and doesnt know how to put his foot down in a manner that it isnt taken as a joke. It is sad all over the place.

Lisa said...

"I would think to too but this landlord apparently didn't do that."

Good point, that's true.

"Feel free to assign me one and I will use it"

Here...pick your own. And welcome. ;-)

Sandy, you think they've already split up, then? She has been awfully quiet about him. I still think he's off working on the other, hidden house. *nods*

Lisa said...

Did anyone else find it surprising they claimed $45 a month on alcohol and tobacco in the bankruptcy papers? I wonder who smokes or drinks?

Shannon said...

I didnt catch that one Lisa. Kinda interesting because it isnt a lot of money but I didnt think that they smoked or drank.

twirldawg said...

Let' be frank, Jennifer isn't skinny enough to be on Meth or coke.

Anonymous said...

haha @Jill, that was my first thought when someone mentioned drugs!

I just saw the new post up at MWOP and I can't believe it! I have bee trying to give JM the benefit of the doubt, but what the hell is that woman doing? She has 5 kids! She needs to be thinking about them, not herself! I have 3 almost 4 kids and I can't imagine being in the situation she is in right now.

I am wondering why her parents haven't stepped in to help? Or if they will now that they seriously have no place to go!

Sandy said...

I'd like to think that IM is around but there has been no mention of him except for the "we're struggling again" post. No Daddy is home for the weekend, nothing.

Maybe IM is rehabbing the RV to become the new McMansion?

Lisa said...

Lol, Jill, I'd agree except I've got an ex-husband who is a crackhead and is grossly obese. I never knew before him that could actually happen, but apparently it does. That said, I don't think drugs are a problem with the McKs, either.

Have a good afternoon, all!

Chuck Banger said...

"Here...pick your own. And welcome. ;-)"

Thanks! for some reason it gave me a MAF's name but that's okay, just call me Chuck Banger.

I don't believe Izzie can afford to walk away unless he disappears completely. And I bet she is spending the $45 on cooking sherry.

Pamala said...

Yesterday I apparently managed to piss someone off and they posted a comment to my blog calling me a see you next tuesday. I feel so very special.

Shannon said...

Ok I am lame. Pamala I just NOW got what that was gawd I am slow sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Well Shannon I am totally show, I have no idea what that means lol. I am shocked, though i don't know why, about the latest turn of events. I hope someone finally steps in and helps those kids, and I don't mean the goats! They need an adult figure in their lives who are willing to provide some security and stability. I don't want to see them taken away, but someone (like their grandparents!) need to step in and do something. This is ridiculous.

Pamala said...

See = C you = U next= N Tuesday = T

I figured it has to be an older woman, because no one I know my age even uses that term anymore.

That's okay I only learned of what that meant like 3 months ago. LOL!

Shannon said...

LOL I have even heard it used before but yeah my brain is a shambles the last few days :)

It is kind of a badge of honor though LOL means you have really gotten someone's attention hahaha I can say that when I used that word with someone we know a while back...she had my attention :)

twirldawg said...

I don't like the actual word, but the acronym is used from time to time.

I've got to say, reading about all of this is making me feel better about my life. At least I own my mistakes and learn from them.
Thank you MckMama for delaying my fall into the pits of despair.

Shannon said...

"I've got to say, reading about all of this is making me feel better about my life. At least I own my mistakes and learn from them."

Hell's yes to that one Jill. It is one thing to make is another to never own them and expect them to just become someone else's problem instead.

Anonymous said...

Oh duh! I hate that word, I only can think of a very few people I would even think about calling that word. Sorry for the duh moment, I promise I am not a complete moron.

Anonymous said...

Just go read the landlord's letter...

Seriously, sob....

Shannon said...

That letter is heartbreaking. That poor man. How dare they abuse his good intentions like that. This isnt even HIS property they could be messing up his place to live as well. Those bastards!!!

Lisa said...

Pamala, you know you're big-time when someone calls you that. ;-)

I just read the landlord letter and admit, I teared up. I did okay until I saw he signed it "Sincerely desperate" and that did it. What shitty, shitty people they are.

Something else, too, that's been bugging me. Did y'all read her description of how she found Maisie in the bathroom, dressing up as a super hero? Now, look, that farmhouse can't be all *that big, right? Have y'all ever tried to be quiet with wrapping paper? Ain't happening. Let a 4 year old (or however old) get ahold of a bunch and you're going to hear cruching all over the damn place. She had Christmas ornaments on her outfit. Don't y'all, as responsible parents, keep your ornaments where you'd hear if your kids tried to get into the box? I mean, it didn't appear Maisie was sneaking since she seemed very nonchalant when Jennifer found her. Kids are noisy if they aren't sneaky...especially with wrapping paper and getting into closets and boxes. How the *hell did she not hear her child up and doing all this stuff?

Shannon said...

Well Lisa that and I think that the one room in every house that seems to conduct the most noise to the rest of the house is the bathroom. I just dont think that there is any way that she was that sneaky. She had to have a lot of trips to get everything in there...after all she is only 4 and she can only pack so much at once.

Lisa said...

Exactly, Shannon. She's either lying through her teeth about this little scenario or she's definitely not watching out well enough for those kids. I'm just not sure which one this proves.

twirldawg said...

Not to defend her or anything, but we live in a small house (too small, but that's neither her nor there) and R can be in the master bathroom and I can be in the kitchen and I can not hear him at times (unless he's screaming for me to wipe his butt).
That said, Jenn is one to spin a yarn and stage pictures.

twirldawg said...

Oh, Lisa, I'm finally seeing on other news sites about the Anonymous cyber attacks.

Lisa said...

Jill, even after he's supposed to be in bed, the house and all isn't quiet enough that you could hear him crunching wrapping paper around or rummaging in a closet for your Christmas ornaments?

Shannon said...

See Jill I am basing what that house probably looks like to the houses I have lived in that were old farm houses. They all only had one bathroom and generally that bathroom is located only downstairs. So if that is how that house is that would mean that she had to make at least one trip down the stairs and into the bathroom as well. And a lot of those old farm houses dont have the typical idea of insulation that we know of today.

twirldawg said...

I'm getting my info from you guys and not her blog (haven't read it).
I would hear him if he got into the Christmas stuff; he's have to go outside for that. And our house was built in 2004 so the insulation is pretty good (even if the construction is shoddy).

Shannon said...

I dont know if they built the old homes the same out there as they did here but it is freaking CRAZY when you take off wall panels and shit. I kid you not when I say that there were these boards that your cell phone would put to shame with this funky looking shredded paper stuff used for insulation.

That is assuming that this old farmhouse she lives in is roughly 75-100 years old. It's no wonder that they would be cold...those places dont hold heat to save your life.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here question the validity of the letter? I mean, I KNOW JM lies about everything but something is not sitting right with me about this whole thing? It wasn't worded or spelled very well.......I don't know, a part of me hopes this is the "big AHA moment" for the sheeple and another part hopes they didn't really dupe this old man..... This is not going to end well. It's all just gross.


Shannon said...

Darcy I think it would be valid...or at least easy to tell as it is supposed to be a matter of public record now.

I know what you mean though with really not wanting to believe it. But as for the spelling and wording that doesnt make me doubt it really. I know that if I was in his situation it would probably be all I had in me to not start just going off...spelling wouldnt be my big concern.

If, and I really do use that word lightly because I dont want to think someone could do this, anyone can still look at them as if they are victims I have to doubt their mental capabilities.

Lisa said...

Darcy, I don't question the validity at all. He's not a good hand at spelling or writing, but his errors seems genuine as opposed to the ones people make when trying to look like someone else. Add to the the fact that, like her or not, Anja seems very careful about what she posts as it pertains to legalities. *She's quite certain it's from him or she'd have not posted it, imo.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Censorship rules. I love the effin webz.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Why is nobody here in the middle of the niiiiight???

Chuck Banger said...

Why did the landlord contact the health department? because of the bedbugs? Is that standard operating procedure? I know nothing about bedbugs except that i live in fear of an infestation because I have heard horror stories and also, the stories I have heard are nothing like jennifer's nonchalant attitude, people go nuts!

I wonder where this poor man is storing his furniture and things? Are they in the barn or outbuilding the Mckinneys broke into? Will they be sold at the garage sale? Are they using his things now? I also wonder if this landlord who doesn't own the house, will be in trouble with the true owner because of the damage done by the mckinneys. I 'm sure they won't be paying to restore anything to the original condition if they can't cough up a measly $550 bucks a month. Is the true owner aware of what is going on, I wonder?

And what internet scams is he referring to? what did I miss there?

I looked up SH on Spokeo. He is listed in both CA and MN and there is a MN phone number attached to the CA address.

So many question, so little sleep.

kate said...

Well, happy 2012, everybody.

Thanks for your flattering words earlier in this thread.

I'm finally mostly caught up with all the Mck- & BWoP-drama.

My .02? I didn't tear up over the letter. Rather I believe that this is a case of a cranky old crook scamming the McKs right back.

Look at the timeline.

- The Mcks moved in in early September
- Filed bankruptcy in early December
- Vanished Roobii indicated that there may have been contact from MWoP to the landlord
- JM posts about a potentially dealbreaking letter regarding the farm
- Bugs appear
- Rent escrow filed against landlord in mid-January

According to the landlord he's desperately trying to get back into his home as agreed all along, as he'd only vacated the space between Thanksgiving & Feb/March. That doesn't ring true at all. As others pointed out: where's his stuff? Why does he have phone listings for MN and CA? Why give them a month-to-month lease if there is a fixed time period? Why omit the fact that he has a living space in MN where he stayed in the 2.5 months before Thanksgiving (most likely with all his furniture)? Why aggressively contacting health authorities in regards to the Mcks?

Most likely is he has an agreement with the farmhouse owners to remodel the damn thing and passed that on (along with all maintenance costs) to the Mcks.
Then he got wind of the bankruptcy and tried to evict them (which a month-to-month would allow him to do). Enter the bedbugs, real or not.
Facing homelessness the Mcks filed the escrow in a desperate attempt to salvage their investments and avoid returning to Becker.

kate said...

One more thing, Lisa, regarding the piles of cash that the Mcks have stored away or used to buy property elsewhere:

My impression of the Mcks is that they're just too financially irresponsible.
Do I believe that they have more cash than the bankruptcy paper indicates? Yes, otherwise she shoe purchase couldn't have taken place.
Do I believe it's in the 10 or even 100k range? Nope.

Look at their liabilities & spending habits. The income they claimed for 2009/2010 is really not that high if you substract stupid exorbitant car and 'mortgage' payments. The Becker home alone would have cost them 80k. Throw in the Escalade, the Yukon, medical (bills & insurance until 06/2011), clothes and take-out and I see them having nothing left.

Pamala said...

I admit I was a bit worried the letter might be made up. It's obvious from the letter he either found MWOP or was contacted by someone there and told of her issues. I wrote off the "oddly" written letter to him being flustered. I imagine he called into the court house the moment he found out about the escrow and they said they needed a written document and to fax it in (as he states in the letter) and he was just so angry and freaked out that he wrote an extremely emotional and not very well thought out letter. Then he faxed it in because he wanted to get it in asap to get that hearing postponed.

That's my take on it.

Batman said...

Ah! So THIS is where everyone is.
Haha. :)

Anonymous said...

I saw Kate mention Coco on BWOP, I forgot about her! I wonder how she's doing? Perhaps she'll find her way here :) <- not snarky.


It's Robin Again said...

Well, hello, all you hags. I am glad to see Kate here. I never (well, that's not *entirely true, but never as a regular!) posted at BWOP, but did enjoy Kate's comments.

I've never been too involved in the whole JM bullshit, but this last round? Too much.

Lisa said...

Kate and Batman, both? Now that makes me very happy to see! And yep, I wish Coco and Anonwalker could find their ways over, too. :-)

By the way, every time I see "Chuck Banger", I snicker.

"My .02? I didn't tear up over the letter. Rather I believe that this is a case of a cranky old crook scamming the McKs right back."

I don't. Now, God knows I've been wrong before but I just don't think that's the case at all, Kate. He and his various family appear to be firmly entrenched in Parkers Prairie, for one thing, and appear to be decent, professional people. The odds of him wanting to sully his reputation in s small town by scammer a family with a litter of small kids is remote. Add to that, a scammer would have checked them out better first to determine if they were *worth scamming, then quickly would have determined they aren't good prey. I could go on but I'd just bore everyone...and I've missed you, Kate!

Lisa said...

Oh, and Kate, the McKs have piss poor spending habits, I agree, and I agree that typically they'd have a hard time coming up with that amount of money, but they've done it in the past to get themselves into newer, nicer homes. Let's look at the Target credit cards...let's say they took cash advances out on those and others and that's the reason for the high amounts owed. There you go, money. A lot of money. Maybe a little inheritance fromGrandma tossed in, too? There's plenty of land and plenty of run down farmhouses up that way dirt cheap...they quite easily could have come up with $50K cash in a short timeframe to purchase one. And let's go back to her announcement that they "bought the farm". I think she might have been telling the absolute truth about that...they just didn't buy the one they live in right now but that was a fun way of screwing with the MWOPers. But oh, yes, they could have easily had the money to buy an old place up that way and let Israel remodel it.

kate said...

Thanks for the warm welcome!


maybe scammer wasn't the right expression. But definitely he IS mudding the facts in his fax. He makes it sound as if he had a fixed term agreement with the Mcks for the time period end November to end February. Which we know is not correct, as they moved there in early September.

He further admits trying to evict them in December. They reacted with the rent escrow. Probably January is the first month they didn't pay rent.
He admits to a month-to-month agreement, not to a fixed term one. Plus, he alerted the county health authorities. That's no helpless senior. His interest of $10 per overdue day also indicates that.

I still believe that he heard about the bankruptcy, etc. and tried to get rid of them. Chances are that MWoP contacted him with all sorts of semi fabricated horror stories.

As to their money situation? You might well be right there, they're definitely not sweating it currently. Which they probably would if they'd lose 2k every month with no savings whatsoever.

But the credit cardS are a bad example. It really looks as if there was only one card balance of 6k, last active in 2007. Target sold that debt to their in-house collection agency in 2009 but didn't void the original claim. Hence the Mcks are disputing it as a dublicate claim. Makes sense to me and is actually in line with JM's statement that their debt is from years ago. All the other liabilies are quite recent when they obviously couldn't even afford health insurance anymore.

Just my impression of the whole mess. No matter what'll be revealed next, it's way more exciting to watch than the various animal pregnancies.

Lisa said...

Oh, heck, yes, it'll be interesting and you're right about the credit cards being a bad example, but we all know there are other ways they could and would have money. And you're right that he's no hapless senior; I've never felt he was. I think he's just a country landlord, and a loose version of a landlord at that, with a rudimentary knowledge of landlord law who has never been taken for a ride before. He *is required to have reported the bedbugs, I believe, but it's possible he didn't know this until recently.

Now, and I'm asking since I don't know, it would be possible he let them move in in September on their word alone, no lease and just a gentleman's agreement they'd be out by the end of February, but then started smelling a rat early on and decided to get a lease. Wouldn't it?

kate said...

Oh, and I wasted about 30 min on that name generator. My grandmother's taxi driver name will be my next moniker, should I ever need to go underground: Notgoñnaworkhére McGraw. Thanks for that!

Lisa said...

Oh my God, the tilde and the special e (unsure of proper name) in your new name kills me, lolol...

Lisa said...

Kate, I just read over at BWOP and really, maybe you should rethink supporting me (thank you!)...I'm only going to make you cry or something in the end. Well, not your *end...I guess you'd do it with your face. Anyway, be cautious of me.

Of course, they say you're bad, too. Hmmm. ;-)

Okay, I'm off to nap a bit and then fix dinner. Which reminds me, I forgot to wave at Robin up there. *waves* See y'all later, "real life" calls for awhile!

D Miller31108 said...

Hi Ladies,

Just ran my name through and it comes out to be:
Sandy Nekkid, D.D.S.

Without my middle name it's:
Kara Slickbooty

I think there is a theme going on, hehe!

twirldawg said...

Lol, just did the name generator thing. I got "Sassy Jiggler" on the first try.

Shannon said...

I did the name thingy. I am thinking a trip to the court house for a legal name change may be in order :)

Kitty Fuzzynuts

D Miller31108 said...

LOL, I love both of yours, but Shannon that's great cause I do cat rescue!

Shannon said...


What makes it even better......I am soooo NOT a cat person LOL

Chuck Banger said...

Chuck B is digging all these passive aggressive bitches with the fine ass names.

Shannon said...

Oh you all be careful of Lisa people. From what I have heard she goes off without warning :)

Lisa said...

Yeah, that's me...fierce and unpredictable. Just ask my brother, Chuck, up there.

Private Banger

Pamala said...

Madam Kielbasa! LOL!

D Miller31108 said...

LOL, love the names!!

Shannon said...

So I got a rather random question but how much is service for an iPhone with as much as JM uses hers???

I dont have an iPhone and hope to never have one as I really hate Apple LOL

And dont you have to have some kind of service thingy to have an iPad too???

KaytieJ said...

Did y'all see that SOPA was shelved today?

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - RE: iPad. The data plan is monthly and the highest is 2G on AT&T.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if anyone knows if the forum is still around? I can't find it. Does anyone know what happened to it?


Shannon said...

Thank you Kay. I was just wondering because people are all about having these things and I am thinking that they are rather expensive to have.

Shannon said...

and YAY to SOPA/PIPA being shelved!!!

Chuck Banger said...

Now TIna Turner is singing "Private Banger...." in my head! Help!

Shannon said...

Awesome :)

Lisa said...

"Now TIna Turner is singing "Private Banger...."

Terrific. That'll be stuck in my head all day.

I saw the news about SOPA but the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 is on its way out now and they're playing dirty with that title. People are going to look at what it's called and immediately think it's a good thing but it's *not. We need to stand up against this one, too, because it's worse.

Also, JM and her damn iPhone just irks the snot out of me.

Shannon said...

"Also, JM and her damn iPhone just irks the snot out of me."

YES!!! Is it because it is one of the most expensive phones that it is so amazing??? I mean seriously I have a flashlight on my phone too :)

Lisa said...

I don't have a flashlight on mine but I sure as hell just lit the screen up once to get my ass out of a planetarium when claustrophobia set in. ;-) The iPhone thing irks me because I want to get them for us and while I *could, I just can't justify the expensive and having to readjust my budget for fancier phones. To see someone who is filing bankruptcy and in a shitload of financial debt that's being dumped on others running around acting like it's the most normal thing in the world to have one just aggravates me.

Shannon said...

Exactly Lisa. I mean really how does one justify it? Last year when I got my phone it was because my old one was no longer working...would not charge at all....I got one that was free. It isnt a bad phone, does everything I want, still works with my package which is Sprints package that covers everything for like 80 bucks a month. I know that most plans dont cover everything and they are spendy pups. And when everything is all about "I did this with my iphone" "I would be lost without my iphone"...personally I would prefer to have a roof over my head then fancy gadgets.

KaytieJ said...

Lisa - the article from CNET that you posted has an interesting time line to it. Thank you for posting the link.

Chuck Banger said...

I have a Jitterbug phone and I am not ashamed to admit it. It's red, and very cute and I can hear my kid when she calls me to ask for money. When I put it down I can find it again. I can dial it without looking for my reading glasses. I'm not a senior (though I hope to be one someday) I just like simplicity.

Best of all, I can pay my bill without having to steal from other people.

Oopsie Daisy said...

Thanks, Chuck, now I'm going to be singing WHAM! songs.

New post is up!

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