Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's Sunday, so we can go visit Pastor Steve again!

Yes, we can!

I can't drive the kids' bus, though.  I'm a recruiter.  *nods*


Can someone loan me a pair of suntan pantyhose?  Thanks!


Shannon said...

Holy COW!!!! Is it really that bad that if I ever met this dude in person I would probably punch his face in?

I mean REALLY NOW ya wanna talk about the things that get you killed in the eyes of best not be doing a WHOLE lotta things!!!!

Lisa said...

Shannon, doesn't it make you wonder what all may have happened to Pastor Steve as a kid to fill him with so much fear, anger and bitterness? I find myself almost feeling sorry for him with this video. And I have to give Zsuzsanna credit...she's a strong woman, because it can't be easy being married to him.

kate said...

Will I have to actually watch this?

Lisa said...

Kate, you need to watch at least a few minutes of might get sucked in, though. He's pretty fascinating in that bloody car accident kind of way.

kate said...

I fell for the first one and couldn't make it all the way through...

Is he seriously a minister? As in giving spiritual guidance?

Imagine sending your husband there for marriage counseling & he is instructed to pee against the wall full throttle. I'd rather risk sending my little boy to catholic choir practice.

kate said...

Ok, I made it to 2:40.

You can have my pantyhose now because I think I need to stay inside for a long time after this.

Lisa said...

Poor Kate, she's traumatized. ;-) Have you ever heard people in the blog world talking about this woman? She's his wife, and yes, he's a real minister here:

If you remember on BWOP, there was some stink about me talking about a boy in some Dr. Phil videos here, that a bunch of us knew his mom, Wendy, at one point. Zsuzsanna was the one who found the videos and posted them on her blog and they were calling him a monster. I posted on her blog, a very, very nice message complimenting her and yet defending him...after a load of hits to my personal blog, my comments were deleted. Apparent;y gay people can't defile her blog with comments. I think that this all makes hers and Daisy sister blogs or something now and,as such, Pastor Steve up there is kind of like our BIL. :-D

Trudy said...

just think of the kids listening to that f-in shit. why to piss me off lisa.

Trudy said...

*way* see you have me all worked up.

Shannon said...


I mean really how many ways are there to die by the smiting of God in the bible? And what are you supposed to believe...Old or New Testament since some say it all is valid, some say only New is valid, some say only the Old is valid.....hell I say none of it is :)

I guess what gets me with people is when their hate and bigotry, that they feel the bible tells them to have, makes them too blind to see that the bible says a whole lot about love and forgiveness too.

Me thinks Pastor Steve is nothing more then a hateful bigot who has managed to find an audience, and wife, full of hateful bigots that are willing to listen blindly to everything he has to say. "And after church today folks we are gonna curb stomp some FAGGOTS!!!" *cheers from the crowd and foot stomps to warm up the muscles needed*

kate said...


Yep, I remember all that. I remember checking out her blog even earlier when BWoP had the topic 'blogs you love to hate' or sumwhat. And you mentioned her.
I guess I pictured him as the Israel to zszzsuszszanna'z Jennifer. There, but just barely, know what I mean?

Apparent;y gay people can't defile her blog with comments.
You got that wrong there. HE is gay. His wife may be queer. Everybody else is a fagot. Or a violoncello. I had to watch a violent movie to calm me down and now I forgot.

I bet he loves being related to the Banger brothers, Sassy Jiggler et al. Nice of you to wave at them once a week.

twirldawg said...

In the two years of this website I think I've watched maybe 5 of the videos that were posted.
Honestly I'm too lazy to turn on the volume on the computer- it's always muted.

Shannon said...

I have a confession to make.

I have been excited for all of Friday and all of Saturday to see what video Lisa would post this week because she already said it would be another Pastor Steve sermon :)

Shannon said...

And I will give them this...they have conviction in their beliefs but I really just dont understand how a person can live with so much hate in the for so many things.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I'm still trying to figure out how to get these damn pantyhose on.

Shannon said...

String it is slide them on your head DUH!!!

I mean that's right isnt it??? It has to be right there is no other way I can see to get those damn things on comfortably. Use them as a hat/scarf combo.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I feel sorry for his wife and everyone who attends his church. He doesn't know God. He is so full of hate it's really sad.

Sandy said...

StringOfRandomLetters said...
I'm still trying to figure out how to get these damn pantyhose on.

Shannon said...
String it is slide them on your head DUH!!!

I mean that's right isnt it??? It has to be right there is no other way I can see to get those damn things on comfortably. Use them as a hat/scarf combo.

Shannon, you have just made my whole entire week!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD. Listening to this now. :(

Anonymous said...

Got almost all the way through it, me and the hubster were listening to it, I can't believe this man, and I don't understand people in his congregation that listen to that CRAP. Complete and total CRAP. OY OY OY

Lisa said...

Jill, shame on you! You miss some good videos. :-P I'm glad y'all are finding the Pastor Steve sermons as interesting as I do. Well, except for trudy, who may never be the same again, lol. I honestly cannot imagine living with that much hate and bitterness in me, but I've got to give the devil his sue *grins*...they seem happy. Well, Szuszanna and the kids do, anyway. Pastor just seems like his asshole has a continual and annoying itch. And maybe it does. :-D

Lisa said...

So, I'm in a quandary. Wait, is that the proper usage of this word, or is it "I'm having a quandary"? Ugh, stuff like that makes me feel so illiterate, especially since spell check had to correct my spelling of "quandary", too. In any event, there is a quandary in my life. Last night I had a few emails telling me to go read BWOP, that Tina was accusing me of some stuff, as are others. I did and yes, she/they is/are, lol. Most of it, I just don't care about but a few things I do, such as the accusations I've deleted bad comments about myself either here or on my personal blog and all. Now, I'm not going to get in a bicker-fest with her on her blog...that's why I left, to avoid doing that. But, I feel funny knowing that stuff has been said and I'm not addressing it. I feel like if I *don't address it, it makes me look guilty of things she's accused me of. At the same time, it seems wrong for me to take comments from there, bring them here and address them. Frankly, I'm not sure what to do and it's bugging me. Not a lot, not nearly as much as, say, Newt Gingrich bugs me but at least this is something I might be able to fix. So, what should I do? I guess my best solution is to say that if anyone has any questions about anything I've ever done on this blog, I'll answer them freely and honestly. I always do unless it could potentially cause real trouble for another. *shrugs* Heh, I guess I just solved my own quadary (do you solve quandaries?) with that invitation, didn't I?

On a totally unrelated note, what's everyone thinking about Paterno dying and the hoopla? I just saw PSU is flying its flags at half-mast, which sickens me. I guess that sums up how I feel about him and his death. :-P

Chuck Banger said...

"But, I feel funny knowing that stuff has been said and I'm not addressing it. I feel like if I *don't address it, it makes me look guilty of things she's accused me of."

It doesn't make you look guilty, it makes you look sane. Tina-Lauren has some glaringly obvious, deep seated mental issues that cause her to see deception and complication in the most innocent of situations. Don't allow her to place that burden on your shoulders. You may be a lot, a lot of things but a liar is clearly not one of them.

Chuck is always here for you, Baby.

Shannon said...

Chuck said it well Lisa. She likes to be the victim and she will do and say what she feels is necessary to keep that going.

Pamala said...

Lisa the only way BWOP gets any damn traffic is if Lauren is being an idiot and stirring up drama. Frankly up until Kate really started posting stuff, there was nothing on that site. Lauren will convince herself she's right and the world is wrong, and there is nothing you can do about it. Ignore her and her crap because she's clearly not totally there.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Walkin' around in my suntan pantyhose hat/scarf combo; I am soo kewwwlll.
Seriously I think my mom has a scarf/hat combo but it isn't pantyhose.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Lisa my advice re your quandary is to wear suntan pantyhose at all times. They come in handy.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Steve is truly scary. So are pantyhose scarfs - isn't that the way the kung foo dude died?

I don't think anybody really thinks you delete comments. That's just a way to cause drama. But, I know where you are coming from. When someone was trashing you and Shannon on bwop it was attributed to me, it wasn't me, and it didn't feel very good. It is hard to sit by when someone is saying something about you that is not true.

Finally, I would not be surprised if IM is single again soon so maybe you should consider switching teams and living happily ever after :)

Lisa said...

"Lisa my advice re your quandary is to wear suntan pantyhose at all times. They come in handy."

Seems like a plan. And thanks, y'all for what you said up there. I guess if anyone out there doubts me, they can address it or not, knowing it's welcome. And Margo, I have deleted comments here, but only with the knowledge and approval of quite a few. Once someone used this place to vent about her work and a few family members, then nearly lost her job over it. I gave her the sign in info here and together we worked on deleting all references to her job and comments complaining about her family. Another person had complained about her husband and then worried it would be found. I gave her the sign in info to come delete her comments, and with my blessing. When Shannon had Daisy, I know she made a lot of posts private so Elizabeth couldn't come and delete proof of her scamming. I can't recall if I made those public again or not, but I know in the process of these three things, some complete posts were accidentally deleted. That's it, though, and I'd not do anything differently. And, yes, it's hard to be accused of something you didn't do, especially when you believed the accusers to be good friends. It hurts.

Lisa said...

And I don't want Israel now...he's got too much baggage.

kate said...

Eew. Does that mean you wanted him before?

More and more it seems like a good thing to have missed the old days...

Lisa said...

I always had sort of a little crush on him, yeah. I still think he's cute when he doesn't have the facial hair and I'm not ashamed to admit it. But let's be real here...when a boy catches my eye, he's typically not the manliest man of the man pool.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Just listened to that hate-filled fella, think he needs some pantyhose of his very own.

kate said...

And Lisa,

I'm not sure if I need to apologize for the BWoP drama to you.
Please believe me that I didn't want to put you in a spot where pantyhose at all times were the only way out.

After all the drama I still didn't expect this to take on such cheap dimensions.

What I'm trying to say is that I feel very sorry about kicking loose an avalanche of accusations against you. But I know I would have felt even worse if I'd just quietly let them trash you to begin with.

kate said...

when a boy catches my eye, he's typically not the manliest man of the man pool.

Oh, this is fun. Anybody else? Brad Pitt? Hugh Jackman? Scary Steve? (He doesn't look manly at all, his peeing habits aside.)

Lisa said...

"I'm not sure if I need to apologize for the BWoP drama to you."

I'm do not need to. Just the opposite; I appreciate things you said. You did nothing wrong, Kate. No one did there. People have every right to express their opinions, even if it is against me, but I also have a right to address it. I just don't want to take a bunch of drama to someone else's blog, you know? So, I was sort of stuck on how to handle it. Nothing said there bothered me, I skin is a hell of a lot thicker than that. I just like being a know-it-all and correcting things that are wrong. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Poor, IM, he does have quite a bit of baggage likely infested with bed bugs and goat hair.
Take care ladies. This place was once a lot of fun, I hope the new daisies enjoy the flower bed.

Lisa said...

"Oh, this is fun. Anybody else? Brad Pitt? Hugh Jackman? Scary Steve? (He doesn't look manly at all, his peeing habits aside.)"

If no one minds, I'll just stick with Queen Latifa, who may well be the most gorgeous human being God ever created.

Lisa said...

Stop by anytime,'re always welcome, seriously, even after leaving us with the image of Israel with bed bugs in his goatee or whatever you meant there. Ack.

Shannon said...

Ya know I thought there were apologies made on BWOP for past behavior? I mean like it really mattered because apparently the only person allowed to have their past left in the past was/is Tina.

And ya know I have seen in several different places people who were supposed to be "friends" say horrific things and then act like the victim. I dont think of myself as a victim I see what has happened over there as a big load of hypocrisy.

(and why did auto correct try to change hypocrisy to prosciutto?)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Reading over at bwop tonight and someone has apparently taken my name and posted with it.
I am not happy.

Batman said...

Queen Latifa is gorgeous! And BWOP gets very, very boring without Lisa and Shannon around.

Renae said...

No doubt Tina would love for Lisa and Shannon to come back to her blog to defend themselves. She knows she wouldn't have to say a word, the anons would do all the bashing for her and she could keep up the innocent act.

My favorite so far is her bringing up anon comments being allowed here now, given that when they were turned off at her blog, it died a quick and embarrassing death.

Tina is one of those people who thinks saying "sorry" should wipe the memories of all those she wronged. It doesn't work that way for you or me, just her. She's special that way.

I just read this to myself and now I want to title it "Random Things Randomly Thought". Yeah.

Pamala said...

MWOP has been interesting today. There are stories of MckMama sending emails to bosses or impersonating people to get them in trouble. Actually can't say I blame her. But it is interesting to read.

Now it makes me wonder if it was one of her followers that got all jackassish on me a few years back or if it was actually her. At the time I didn't think to even check the IP or anything.

Lisa said...

"(and why did auto correct try to change hypocrisy to prosciutto?)"

Because prosciutto is easier to swallow? ;-)

String, did you correct things and make it clear it's not you commenting? Or is it best to just let it go?

Renae, I don't get why it is any kind of big deal that I turned anonymous comments on here. It isn't as if I sneaked and did it, then tried to swear it's always been this way. That confused me when I read it...who cares? I just had looked at the sitemeter and realized a whole lot of people visit here and never comment, but maybe they'd like to if given more privacy.

Pamala, I'd never thought about JM doing things like that, but it sort of makes sense that she might. That said, I've still not seen actual *proof she did it, have you?

And ahhh, Batman shares my Queen Latifa admiration. Well, lust. Not sure Batman shares *that, though. ;-)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Lisa, no comment :) Yeah, literally. I didn't comment. I haven't EVER used this name there, and did not make that comment. Someone has a motive.

Lisa said...

That's so weird, String. Did you piss someone off somewhere, then?

Changing the subject, but it's slightly political in nature and now that I'm over being first scared and then mad, I'll share. Yesterday, I was served a summons that Citibank was suing me over an unpaid credit card bill and I have a court date in February. I was so stunned that I sort of stuck my hand out and took the papers since I saw they had my name and address on them and hell, I'm not going to refuse a summons and potentially wind up in jail. As soon as the door closed, I remembered (talk about slow) I don't have a Citibank card and never have. My next thought that was my ex-husband and his now-wife may have taken one out in my name, something I used to really worry about and watch my credit report for. I flip through the papers and my name and address is all over them, fro the court papers to the correspondence from Citibank's attorneys to the court. Gah, I'm freaking out by now because it says I owe over $1800. I get to the last page in a stack of maybe 15 papers and there is a copy of the original credit card application. thing is, it wasn't my name, the address is one I never lived at, the birthdate was wrong, the phone number was never mine, etc. Not only was this debt not mine, no one stole my identity, either. I called Citibank's attorney listed on the paper and had to endure being talked to like I was the scum of the earth through a couple of people until someone finally listened to me and ran *my SS#, whereupon attitudes changed and they were groveling with apologies. They now admit they made a (big!) mistake and said they thought after searching public records, I was that person but with a name change. And on *that basis, they sue me. The hell? They confirmed twice they're going to dismiss the lawsuit and file the appropriate motion to have this removed from public records, but I have no trust in that so I guess I'll be showing up for the hearing with all my documentation in hand. What a pain in the ass. But here's what irks me, too...the legal billable hours and filing costs have to total at least $1000 now, cost that will undoubtedly be passed on to people who have already bailed Citibank's ass out. Their attorneys made an assumption there is only one person with my name in this county, which is ignorant as hell since my name, Lisa Osborne, isn't exactly odd or unusual. There are 3 of us in this county, in fact. They picked me since I had a matching middle initial to their culprit, and bingo, I've got a lawsuit filed against me. Truly, it's no wonder our financial institutions are a mess, if this is the best they can do.

If you made it through that novel, thanks, and I'm sorry you were that bored. ;-)

Pamala said...

Why would they sue over 1800 bucks though? Seriously doesn't it cost them more to bill that lawyer and do all the work and go to court than it would to just write the freaking 1800 off?

That's just insane.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Only if it's here. Made the name for here and only use it here.

Lisa said...

Pamala, I wondered that, too. She took the card out in '03, so 9 years ago and the actual amount charged had to be far, far less than $1800 when you account for interest tacked on. Maybe they're going after small debtors now or something, I don't know. I just don't appreciate being dragged into it and am getting pissy all over again.

String, that's interesting...and weird. Maybe someone thinks they know who you really are. Who knows?

Shannon said...

Lisa that could be. I know that I have been contacted for a bill that Josh had well over 10 years ago. Another one of those fun bills that you know you paid off and then they still decide to come after you my old Verizon account.

But I thought it cost several hundred dollars to file a small claims case and like you said probably well over 1000 in billable hours to find *the wrong person.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Not me. (monday)

KaytieJ said...

Lisa - look up your credit report. See if this collection is on there. When (notice I did not say IF) you get this tossed out of court, make sure they do the filings for you to get it off your credit report.

The other day I went to wireless company to set up another service. I have been with this company for 20 plus years. On their screen was a bill for 200 dollars from ages ago. It was on a number I never had. I have received no notices. It is jot on my credit report. They called the billing department and they could jot even figure out why it was on my screen. I was livid. This is nothing like what you are going through. I was just pointing out that it is very scary what is out there on our names and we do not know about.

Shannon - I am still laughing my arse off at your instructions for putting on pantyhose! I have not laughed so hard in a long time.

Lisa - I have to be straight, maybe a better term is frank?... oh crap, whatever. I was very skeptical of turning on the anons. Thought it would turn out to be just another blog to bash other blogs. Instead, it has been very interesting.

String - I have heard that others have had their identity used elsewhere. NOT cool. I hope you can get it straightened out.

As for that preacher up there? Hitler is smiling ear to ear.

D Miller31108 said...

Lisa, maybe JM found your addy and sent you one of her debts ;)

Shannon said...

HAHAHA D that is awful :)

D Miller31108 said...

heeh, thanks!

Shannon said...

Sometimes I wish I had a credit card to rack up debt upon. I would get a kick out of it though if I got served like Lisa because I have NEVER had a credit card. I did however get a massive hit on my credit report for the repossession of a truck I bought brand new. Only problem...I didnt have a truck...and I have never been to Oklahoma which is where the truck was purchased :)

Lisa said...

Gahhhh! Shannon, did you get that taken off? Oh, I'd piss myself, I'd be so upset. And D, maybe that's true...should i just pay it and do JM a favor? ;-)

Kaytie, I will check my credit...thought about that when this first happened and then forgot, so thanks! Are you going to be able to get yours cleared up without a big ordeal?

"Lisa - I have to be straight, maybe a better term is frank?"

ROFL...I suspect your husband might prefer you stick with "straight". Me, however? Heh.

Good morning, peoples...hope everyone has a good day ahead of 'em!

Pamala said...

I'm waiting for when I'm going to be sued. A year ago my exhusbands car was repossed before I could get my name off of it like our divorce order said. I got his name off my car and of course haven't defaulted on it. But instead of doing the right thing and paying for his car he just stopped paying it and because the bills were going to him I didn't know, not that I could have paid for it either. But I would have tried to sell it and at least the hit wouldn't have been as large. Anyhow I've heard nothing since the repossesion. Other than they auctioned it off at half what it was worth, bastards.

Shannon said...

LOL Ohhhh yes I got that taken off in a fast hurry. The lady at the credit bureau laughed when I called and asked if they could at least tell me what color the truck was and did I enjoy it :)

I actually have to keep a tight eye on my credit reports because myself, my ex husband, and his sister all have nearly the same SSN and her stuff has been on my report before.

Lisa said...

"because myself, my ex husband, and his sister all have nearly the same SSN"

well, that's a weird coincidence! Is her name similar to what yours was when you were married to him?

Pamala, you may not get held responsible for that car. While my ex-husband and I were going through the court (nearly 4 years it took, tyvm) to get our divorce settled, the judge ordered him to maintain our main house payments (my son and I lived in it) while I had to pay the insurance, all household repairs and utilities. Long story short, he let the house go into foreclosure and I didn't know until I was served papers. The bank already knew about the divorce and that he was ordered to maintain the house payments so when I called them all frantic-like, they quickly agreed to keep it off my credit, as I had had no knowledge or control and could prove it legally. I suspect, though, they'd have kept it off my credit even if I hadn't cried, lol. You may well have this happen, too.

Shannon said...

"well, that's a weird coincidence! Is her name similar to what yours was when you were married to him?"

Our middle and last names were the same. Funny thing with some of her stuff was that we didnt even live in the same county when stuff happened.

And it is really funny with the SSN's I mean hers and mine have 1 digit that is different, me and the ex...we have 2 that are different. I was born in CA while they were both born here. And we were all born different years LOL

Pamala said...

It's actually already on my credit and it says the account is charged off. So not sure what's going to happen there. I talked to them about it, said the divorce order states clearly that he is to make the payments on the car. They said they didn't care, I'm the primary on the loan, he was the secondary. Whatever.

Pamala said...

I found out why someone was calling me names. Two years ago I called out some people on a message board on my blog. Apparently my name came up again on said message board. LOL!!

KaytieJ said...

YES! Doing the happy dance after being so ticked off at NDAA and the idiocy of the GOP primaries.

Lisa said...

Pamala, that sounds like you're stuck with that but you can (if you haven't already done so) have a letter of explanation and copies of your the court paperswith that order attached to your credit file. Sometimes, it can help when potential creditors inquire.

And wooo, sounds like you're popular in parts unknown to me. ;-)


For the love of God, pardon my pun, don't school districts, in this day and time, realize this cannot legally be done? As far as I'm concerned, the superintendent should be jailed on civil rights violations for this mess. I'm glad it's going to be stopped but that poor family is probably going to be in danger now.

Shannon said...

OMG!!!! No freaking way. If you dont want to participate you get to go to in school suspension?? Seriously. Ohhhhh I hope they get chewed up big time over that one. they are a public school not a religious school.

KaytieJ said...

It amazes me what still goes on in this day and age. The ACLU blog and site - no matter anyones politics is well worth reading.

I agree, Lisa. That poor family. The history of violence towards the people who initiate standing up for their Rights or for trying to rectify Rights for others is well known.

My son came home from school the other day telling me was writing a contention to the Principal that a Christian Athletic Group was allowed to do a recruitment speech and prayer during their school assembly. Inside I groaned because I know what he is going to go through if he follows through on it. I am also very proud that he recognized that this was wrong and it needs to be rectified.

Lisa said...

Kaytie, are they recruiting for athletics or religion? If it's athletics, I'm okay with big question is, is this group school sponsored/funded? If so, um, no to it all.

Jennifer sure is busy over on FB...I smell some dramatic news about to happen. :-D

Shannon said...

SHUSH!!! Dammit I have been reading her FB Lisa. I just feel like I have been sucked in because something is going to happen and soon I think. And I have to ask....what is the thing with posting so much about cute things SF says?? Sure I get it kids say cute things but there are 4 other kids that I am sure come up with cute little kidisms?

Lisa said...

I can't figure out her fixation with Maisie's stuff, either, unless she's just doing that to egg MWOP on. That's always possible.

Shannon said...

That is a distinct possibility. I think she actually enjoys many things MWOP...I mean they are fun to bait after all :)

Lisa said...

Hell, Shannon, most everyone is fun to bait. I mean, if we're going to be all honest and everything. ;-)

Shannon said...

hahaha true :P

I like watching people get all excited over stuff. That might be a character flaw but dammit I have to get entertainment where I can :)

Pamala said...

I wonder what these great things are that are happening. I'm sure she'll let everyone know how they've miraculously found a new home, that's huge and they own, have a new car, and are going back to living normally.

Shannon said...

LOL Pamela I hear ya. I think heads are beginning to explode though it is going to be interesting to see what is happening.

Lisa said...

There's definitely a move in the works, what with her getting rid of goats. I'm guessing she's got the kids situated with her folks and sister so she can pack and move without them underfoot. If they do what Pamala said up there, do y'all really think the sheeple will find that acceptable after 3 foreclosures and a bankruptcy?

Lisa said...

Does anyone remember a young woman with a mess of kids, they all lived in like 2 rooms, who cooked in nasty crockpots and lacto-fermented everything? One of her kids became very, very ill and I think social services got involved. If memory serves, her husband's name was Dan. Anyone know what ever happened to her?

Shannon said...

Lisa I have come to the conclusion with the sheeple that 90% of them only like JM because of the Christian card. I think if she werent someone who used that avenue she would have lost all of her following a long time ago.

Wasnt that Emily? I do remember her. I dont know what happened with them. I know that she was one of those 'frugal' mommy bloggers.

Pamala said...

I know what blogger you are talking about but I don't think there has been any blogs since her kids were picked up by CPS.

If JM does manage to some how move into a really nice place and suddenly have life back to normal I'll be pissed. More so because I just don't understand how bad people get all the rewards while the good people suffer.

Shannon said...

You wont be alone in that boat Pamela. I mean really when people actually do what they need to do and follow the rules it is really sickening to see someone who does nothing keep being rewarded for it.

twirldawg said...

Oh that was Emily from the $1000 or less blog.

Shannon said...

That was her Jill :)

From what I have seen she closed her blog(s) down back in 2010.

Lisa said...

Yes! Emily! Thanks, that was bugging me. I know she started a new blog but it only lasted a very short time and with only 2 or 3 posts. I wonder what ever happened to them? I'll join y'all in being pissed as hell if she comes out of this smelling like a rose again. Some people manage it, though, and it really makes me wonder where the incentive is for others to try to do the right thing when lying, stealing and cheating or even just being a lazy bum pays off so much better. Oon top of that, if I hear one more person say "Maybe it was a gift", I'm going to slap the shit out of someone.

Shannon said...

I keep getting really frustrated with the people who keep saying "God is good and will provide". Maybe my atheist/agnostic views are all wrong and what I need to be doing is believing that I have to do nothing on my own because a great big invisible creature will give me anything I want.

Lisa said...

I've been trying to find Emily and wound up on Free Ginger...they've kept up with her through at least part of 2011. I just read the fuinniest thing, though...someone wrote this as Emily's husband, Dan. Good stuff! :-D

Dae of Dan by Dan

6:00am – waak up. Emiy tiping on computa.
6:30am – Emiy maks me brush teeth. Tooth fall out. Emiy says it okaay.
7:00am – et brekfist. I wante wafls. Emiy maaks turkee sasag. I git one pattee. Hungre.
7:30am – emiy heps me put on cloths. Tiyng shos iz hard.
8:00am – wrk. Cleen flors.
10:00am – Jo gvs me pice of gum. So hungree.
12:00pm – lnch. Emiy paked lnch. Too tortiias with pink salassa and tabespooon meat.Hungree.
3:00pm – go to skool. Leern abbot Jessus. I tink Jessus not as good as Spocck.
5:00pm – go home. Git lost. Whre is Emiy?
7:00pm – find home. Home smells bad.Hungree
7:30pm – eet dinner. I don’t lik piza from crokpot. I get one slise. Hungree.
8:00pm – wnt to wach Star Trek. Emiy says haff to read bible. Jessus boring.
8:30pm – have secs with Emiy. I don’t lik smel of lemin. Yuck. She kepes makng me eet mints.
9:00pm – Emiy makes me go to bed. She won’t let me wear Spock eers to sleep. Emiy meen.
12:00am – Chekk make shur Emiy asleep. Eet frozin apels, drink Tereese, finde tomatoe undur couch and eet it. Eet boul water and furmintd flower. Eet cheez from cockpit. Suc lemin in bathrum. Drink ketchup.
2:00am – Emiy gos to bathruum and catches me lickin crums from flor. Sed I can’t ware Spck eers four too weeks. I hate hur.

Shannon said...

rofl....that is awful just awful but tooooo funny

Anonymous said...

Hey all, I've missed all the Mckmama Drama the past few days. I see the Rent Escrow Document and WTF? Get a new damn paper, don't scribble through the entire thing.

Over the past few days, I've decided to quit blogging and shut down my blog.

Oh and here's a fun tid bit. We found BED BUGS in my sons bed. We pitched everything in the damn room, cleaned like crazy, from top to basement in this house, bought mattress covers, put stuff in bags, totes, put bug stuff down etc.

Went in his room today to find fresh bites on him and another DAMN BUG. I am beyond pissed right now because I know they came from my SIL. (her entire house is infested)

I just don't know what to do, short of burning down my house (which I'm ready to do.)

Shannon said...

Oh gawd!!!! Mama P that sucks so much!!! There has to be a way to get rid of them.

I think that the bed bugs must be the new head lice.....*shudders*

Lisa said...

Oh, dear God...bed bugs. I'm sooo sorry, you do not need this right now. Well, not ever but especially not being pregnant. I looked around some for you and think I'd call an exterminator who specializes in bedbugs but I did see that stuff like OFF can keep them off people, in the meantime. At least use that if you can be around it safely. And I'd be having some words with the SIL.

Why did you stop blogging?

Pamala said...

What perhaps angers me more about JM coming out smelling like roses is that being a Christian we're told that if you do the right thing by God then you'll be rewarded. But it makes you wonder what exactly that is because it almost seems that it doesn't mean doing the right thing overall, you know? I hate to be so cynical, especially about my own religion, but how can someone who abuses God's name be rewarded like she is?

Pamala said...

I just about fell out of my chair when I saw the definition of BWOP on Urban Dictionary. I will never look at that site the same again.

twirldawg said...

LMAO Pamala isn't that hilarious?!

I do believe God will provide for me in my life. I believe God will *provide* me with the guidance to do the right thing and do right by my little family. I do not believe that God will provide me material goods though. Sadly, when I hear people say "God will provide." I'm pretty sure that they do think God will provide them with material goods.

JM and people like her will, one day, get theirs. It may not be on this Earth or in this lifetime, but it will happen.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is, we had an exterminator out here who found nothing, he came out Sunday night after we spent all day cleaning. We took off outlet covers, took down ceiling fans, blinds, we practically gutted our house. Nothing was found other than what was on the bed :(, Called the exterminator's back today and they said it could just be a random bug from my a blanket or piece of clothing :sigh: I'm going to repeat all my cleaning and bag up everything in the house. Praying to God we don't get a full on infestation.

I'm livid with the SIL. I TOLD them not to bring their crap in my house and no one listened. They aren't allowed in here period anymore and we won't be going there. We've got some Diatomacious Earth down (non toxic, okay for kids, pregnant people) It supposedly kills all bugs. Plus we're spraying things with alcohol, and steam cleaning like mad. Just added stress we didn't need right now. :(

I feel like blogging has become too much work, and I don't want it to be work, I really want to write still and talk to other people, but I don't want to feel pressured to have some new post up every day. I can't decide if I want to just shut it down or what.

On another fun note, I got so pissed off last night, I was ready to delete twitter LOL. I was explaining my sons preschool situation (he's going to stay in preschool 1 more year) He is receiving OT for a fine motor delay. I was telling her that his classroom his half special needs/ half reg ed. (My 3 yr old is special needs and starts there next week, my 4 year old has been there about a month already) Anyhow, she took my explanation as me saying I think special needs kids are stupid and that I was teaching my son that special needs kids are stupid.

It made me angry because 1, none of my children know what a special needs child is, a kid is a kid they play/talk to all of them. And 2, I the mom of a child who has special needs and he is damn smart imo. So WTH? gahh, social media has not been my friend

Anonymous said...

I do have a JM related question, MWOP keeps saying she isn't claiming her Blog on the BK papers, or her photography stuff. My question is, she listed $1500 as her income since she is self employed, right? Could she be including the blog/photography under that?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I know who you are and I saw what you did with your suntan pantyhose. Bwahhaahaaaaa!

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Um, thought I should clarify ^ that.

No reason, no meaning behind it. Just read bblop's latest post (take out the bl and put in a w) written by "not Lauren". Yahup. Sick of idiots.

Pamala said...

They are getting a bit insane over at BWOP. Someone is spending far too much time looking into things.

On the BK papers apparently she doesn't list or whatever the hell her website is named, as income. Nor does she list the paypal account she has.

Shannon said...

Pamela I was sneaking in peeks over there at the BWOP and OMG seriously it sounds like MWOP.

Lisa said...

(I just deleted this same comment, posted under a different name...sorry!)

"I know who you are and I saw what you did with your suntan pantyhose. Bwahhaahaaaaa!"

Lmao...don't make me go look at BWOP. I just want to say something when I go there so I need to avoid it. :-P

If JM is considering her blog income part of that, that's going to be a huge mistake on her part since, thanks to MWOP, it will be clear she cut her income back herself for the bankruptcy. I can't imagine that won't be frowned upon greatly.

Mama P, that could have been a stray bug, I guess. Still, ughhh. And was it this same SIL who thought you were calling special needs kids stupid?

Shannon said...

LOL Lisa dont do it....If you just read MWOP you will be getting the same thing as if you were reading BWOP. It is just unreal it is full of pots and kettles for sure.

You are right too. If JM did not properly include her blog and photo classes as being where she gets her income she really could be in trouble.

Lisa said...

Well, I went to BWOP (and Urban Dictionary, heh!)...good lord, are they *still going on about who's who on MWOP? My favorite part was that Shell shouldn't entrust people with the fact she has RA. Well, why the hell not? It's not an STD or something. For the record, I have RA, as well, was diagnosed in '02. Y'all can do with that information as you will but I hope you all use it wisely. *nods*

I think I'm cranky, despite having sushi for dinner.

Pamala said...

You know I didn't read much over there, I don't read novels in comments. But being accused of being someone at MWOP. That's new for me. LOL! I've been banned since the early days of BWOP.

Lisa said...

I suppose it makes you special, Pamala. Or feared. I must say, you're doing well keeping your evil under control around here. ;-)

Pamala said...

LOL! I could probably be very evil if I wanted, but I'm too lazy to be evil. You know evil is a lot of fucking work.

twirldawg said...

Uh oh Lisa did you accidentally give away your secret identity? Busted!

Lisa said...

You found me out, Jill.
I'm Krista and I'm so, so ashamed.

twirldawg said...

Are you in an alleyway stealing Wi-Fi to post?

Lisa said...

I was until I passed out. The desk clerk and a stripper whose makeup I did earlier brought me in and now I'm using wondering where I'll sleep tomorrow. Has anyone seen my ex?

Anonymous said...

Those BWOP bitches are crazy! They are freaking obsessed with MWOP posters. I love how they accuse everyone else of "trolling" the internet, but are constantly googling MWOP posters. Those gals are a brand of crazy I just don't get. I hate to sound sheeple-ish, but it looks like pure jealousy to me.
Also, Lauren's admin? I'd guess it's about the same type of Admin JM has.
Also, what's the obsession with Shell?
-an old friend.

Shannon said...

Hello old friend

Apparently when you spend an excessive amount of time speculating and investigating MANY who post on a blog it is OK. However if you spend an excessive amount of time on ONE person who blogs then you are out of control and need to get a life :)

The thing with Shell??? Not really sure since I thought Tina's big issue was with Leah, but then Violet, but then Shell, but then Lisa and myself, but then the circle just keeps going round and round....and JM does no wrong because calling her out is bullying :)

Anonymous said...

Let's hope it was a stray random bug, Apparently when we cleaned that room, we failed to take down a curtain so it *could* have come from there. All I know is the husband & I are going to take everything in the basement and put it in plastic tubs, same thing up here. We're throwing away any cardboard boxes, and bagging up stuffed animals. I have stuff for donation but at this point I'd like to bag/tote it and make damn sure there is nothing in it prior to giving it away.

So, since we found bed bugs, does this mean we can put our rent in escrow and demand out landlord pay for it? (I kid I kid, he wouldn't pay anyhow, it's my grandfather HA)

BWOP has gonna a little off the deep end, It's a little strange actually.

I'm glad I'm not JM. I couldn't handle all that drama she has, nor could I deal with bankruptcy. She better hope she isn't lying about stuff :(,

@Lisa, it wasn't my SIL who thought I was calling special needs kids stupid, it was a girl on twitter that I've chatted with for a 8-9 months. In fact, when my son was first diagnosed as special needs and possibly autistic she is someone I talked to the most :(, which is why it's mind boggling she thinks that about me.

My SIL is a whole other story. She's where the bed bugs originated. :angry face: Coincidentally her and my BIL just threw away half their furniture because they found more bed bugs 0_0

twirldawg said...

Mama P the bedbug stuff makes me itchy just thinking about it. Hope it was just a rouge bug.
I got nosy and found the twitter conversation you were referencing. Um, it didn't make a damn bit of sense on the other chick's end. Is she on drugs or something? Her whole stream was pretty nonsensical.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Yes, Shannon, but she used to snark with the best of them!

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Lisa, for realz you posted under a different name here? That's funny! I wasn't saying anything about thinking *you were someone else at bblop. I was just irritated with her nonsense and had to post something somewhere. So lucky you ;)
I haven't looked at bblop tonight but there was a deafening silence on the "not Lauren" post earlier.
Ya know, ::crickets::crickets::crickets::
Don't snakes eat crickets or something? Or is it iguanas? Geckos?

Lisa said...

I think lots of things, including people, eat crickets. ;-)

"Lisa, for realz you posted under a different name here? That's funny!"

Yep, sure did! Not that it was anything exciting or juicy, trust me. It's a "test" blog I use to experiment with things like adding music players and such. My new obsession is teaching myself to design layouts and I was signed into that one trying to figure out sizing of a background. The name that showed was "I am...", and even I'm not sure what that's about or what I am, lol.

Welcome, old friend. I'm assuming we knew you at one point?

Mama P, I hope the bug deal is over now at your house. I hate, hate, hate bugs.

Anyone see the debate?

Anonymous said...

I'm shell...or am I? Mwah mwah mwahhhahahhaa.
just kidding: slap happy from lack of sleep
-an old friend.

Batman said...

I just checked in over at bwop, and WOW! I think Lisa and Shannon were what kept the order over there. Now it's like walking into an unsupervised kindergarten room. And everyone is posting ANON, it's a cluster f*ck.

My brother ate chocolate covered crickets and ants in Boy Scouts. Ack! >_<

Better than donkey semen though:


kate said...

:: Tiptoes out of thread ::

Lisa said...

I am not *even going to look at the donkey semen story. That hit one of my rare lines I ain't crossin'.

I used to love Andrew Zimmern's show, Bizarre Foods and always wanted to try all that stuff, too. Well, except for when he ate partly formed chicken embryos. The bugs, though, always looked kind of good, lol.

Tina's place *is a mess right now but Shannon and I didn't play a real part in it being otherwise, at least no more than a lot of others, like Kate, Batman, Mama P and a bunch more did. I think it's the fact that Tina ruined it for everyone who enjoys reasonable talk and even heated but respectful debate that's caused what's going on over there now.

Shannon said...

LOL I dont know that Lisa and I did much for crowd control over there :) Unless they were just desperately afraid of the horrors we would enact upon them for speaking out of turn hahaha

Please tell me that people havent been calling CPS on JM!! I mean are you kidding me? She may be a rather piss poor human being but I dont think she has ever done anything to warrant CPS being called.

I have a very weak stomach...there are many things I cannot even think of eating.

Batman said...

I was doing my makeup this morning listening to the radio and they were talking about the Fear Factor/donkey semen thing. I almost gagged.

I kinda backed of bwop after awhile, I liked you, Shannon, Kate, even CB, but it just started to get stupid. I think you're right, Tina ruiner (is that even a word?!) of good conversation!

From what I read on mwop, someone in Shell's super secret squirrel facebook club called CPS on JM. I hope it's just an ugly rumor.

Lisa said...

For real, they're actually calling CPS? Look, there may well be stuff going on there in real life that justifies it, but *nothing* she's ever said online, no matter of piss-poor of parenting it is, has ever justified a call to CPS. Do people not grasp that people parent differently and we won't always like or approve of how others do it, but that doesn't necessarily constitute neglect or abuse on their part? Now, if a neighbor or family member has seen something worse, that's different but it's up to them to report it, too. Jeeeez.

"Unless they were just desperately afraid of the horrors we would enact upon them for speaking out of turn hahaha"

Oooh, I like that theory!

Batman, can we not talk about the donkey semen anymore, please? I keep thinking about how it it's bothering me. :-P

Batman said...

I swear, no more "DS" speak!

Supposedly, some in the SuperSecretSquirrel group knows JM in real life, but I have no idea if it's the same person who supposedly called or what.

Lisa said...

Well, I hope they didn't call over goats in the house or something. Not that I hope the kids actually are being abused or neglected, either...can't win on this one.

Pamala said...

From what I understand it's someone who knows JM that contacted CPS, not the MWOP group itself. Apparently in the MWOP group on Facebook there are people who know JM personally.

My only hope is that if someone did call CPS it was a real life person who knows her, not someone online. Honestly it seems to be getting out of control.

Do the PW haters do this? I don't follow any of Pioneer Woman's hate sites but all they seem to do when I was reading them was trash talk.

Renae said...


The only PW site I ever read was PW Sux and it didn't take long for me to stop reading it. The owner called PW a "drunken slut" in a front page post and I felt it was going too far. She also doesn't allow anyone to disagree with anything (or didn't at the time) and if there's one thing I can't stand its an echo chamber. I never saw anything like the stuff that's done to JM though. No calling CPS or getting involved with PW's business associates, etc. Of course, I haven't been there in a long time so I don't know now. In any case, I agree with hoping if someone called CPS on JM it was someone who actually knows her.

kate said...


Are you sure that she didn't call HERSELF a drunken slut?

I've only ben there a few times as well, but the blogger seems to be self deprecating that way.

kate said...

Sorry, Renae, didn't mean to butcher your name. Today seems to be my typo-day...

Funnily enough, the only time I thought CPS might be interested was when one MWoP/SuperFacebookGroupie shared the story about almost poisoning her kid with Tylenol or Aspirin.

Mom batched kiddo in the kitchen sink (as you do), talked on the phone for just a minute, returned to find the toddler having opened the pill bottle that was kept above the sink and swallowed the content.

Ok, I didn't really think of CPS then either, but I had to take a long break from MWoP after that.
Seriously, everything in this story violates my personal sense of child rearing, hygiene, order, etc. Down to the fact that this is not something I would share with those harpies. Or anybody. Ever.

kate said...

Yeah, that's supposed to be 'bathed' the kid.

Renae said...


She does (or did) call herself that but she also said it about PW with the disclaimer that she doesn't have any proof other than PW is drunk a lot and acts like a slut all the time. Something like that. But yeah, it was a bit much for me.

To me, the JM stuff seems like revenge and the desire to make her be held responsible. The PW stuff seems like hateful mean girl jealousy. Granted, I don't care for PW but I don't see where she deserves to be called a drunken slut. That's just me. Shrug.

Pamala said...

Yeah it seems more like general jealousy over for PW. There are some concerns in regards to the horses but other than that, it's just them not liking her.

JM seems to have a group of people hell bent on seeing her either go to jail or be homeless.

Shannon said...

"JM seems to have a group of people hell bent on seeing her either go to jail or be homeless."

This is what bugs me most I think. I want to see her absolutely be held responsible for the decisions she and her husband have made. I dont by any means want to see her in jail, homeless, divorced, or without her kids. I want to see the two of them succeed HONESTLY and HONORABLY. Own up to your mistakes, stop making the same ones, and fix them. I have to do it, all of you have to do it, her readers have to do it, why shouldnt she???

I dont know much about PW or any of those others really. I have read some of NieNie but she just irritates me even more then JM.

kate said...

I dont by any means want to see her in jail, homeless, divorced, or without her kids. I want to see the two of them succeed HONESTLY and HONORABLY.


Own up to your mistakes, stop making the same ones, and fix them.
JM seems unable to do that.
Even I roll my eyes whenever she reiterates AGAIN how her marriage is in a slump. Because she needs to be a better wife.

Does she ever actually change anything? It looks to me as if her owning up consists of 'confessing' whatever is seriously wrong. The fix is the owning it and then it's back to the exact same behavior as before.

The shoes were really the final straw for me. They made clear that JM simply has no concept of living within their means. Let alone what debt is.

@ Renae,

Totally agree. That kind of name calling is ridiculous and off-putting.

I find PW boring and never read anything but her cooking section. But when I checked out the PW sux site it was definitely not out of jealousy.
PW is not nearly as polarizing as JM, IMO.

@ Shannon,

I had no idea that anybody but Lauren could be that irritated by NieNie. Did you ever share that before?

Shannon said...

Im sure I have before. I have seen for a while now how she posts things with her kids that just make me cringe. And seriously I am one of those mom's who is not all about putting kids in a bubble. Hell I laugh at how things are anymore with the over protection of kids because I remember being a kid and managed to survive without seatbelts, helmets, padding, TV as a babysitter, etc etc...but somethings she does just makes me worry about the safety. Sometimes I worry about the what ifs ya know? I mean what if that kid fell out the car window while hanging out of it while you are driving and taking pics? What if one of those kids falls off the boat on accident with no life vest? And she just acts like it is all OK.

Shannon said...

And kate you know why people on places like BWOP know about my past and my mistakes? Because I have told the world about them and I have fixed the situations that I was in.

Did I drive without a license for 12 years? that fixed and taken care of like 2 years ago now. Did my husband spend time in prison? Yep...did his time finished his probation and that time is over now. Why was he in prison? Because he beat the ever living shit out of a grown man for repeatedly hitting a 3 year old.

I mean they talk about these things like they are shameful. Well maybe they are but they were all mistakes from years before that as idiots we tried to can ignore it all you want but it doesnt go away. We got everything fixed and taken care of and are not repeating those mistakes now.

kate said...

I hear you on helmets, padding, TV as a babysitter, etc.

Sometimes I worry about the what ifs ya know?
I see it whenever somebody points it out. And then I agree. But I never go there on my own. She is so boring that even her potential danger seems boring.
Maybe NieNie is to you what the 4 little men mom is to me. Argh. I stay away from her because she really irritates the bedbugs out of me.
So I take it you stay away from NieNie as well?

Shannon said...

I do. I tried to read her back when she was on Oprah because her story intrigued me but then I just realized I needed to stay away.

With JM it is more like I came in and have been waiting to see what is going to happen next because there is always something going on LOL I try to walk away and I can do good for a while and then all the sudden POOF there is something else happening.

Anonymous said...

@Jill, I just saw that you replied back to me earlier on here. Yeah she never really made much sense but she was always friendly, easy to chat with. The whole conversation was awkward, she took everything I said and twisted it into something it wasn't.

I guess in the end it's better b/c I don't need people like her in my life!

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post up, just for tomorrow! ***

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