Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New (Election) Year!!

I hope 2012 started out well for anyone who happens to read this, and I hope it continues on the same until we all die on December 21, lol. <--See, I laugh, but don't kid yourselves...I'm not convinced it's not going to happen. Those Mayans, they figured shit out we haven't even started to understand.  I laugh, but I'm going to live right and find Jesus or something, too.  I like to hedge my bets.

So, anyone want to talk politics?  Tomorrow is the Iowa caucus and I'm rooting for Ron Paul to at least pull a second place win.  Second will send a message, a starting message, and even the biggest revolutions started small. Since this is an election year, if anyone wants to have a video or picture and statement posted about a candidate they like and why, send it to anemeonepie@yahoo(dot)com and I'll post it in it's entirey, as long as it appears to be somewhat serious.

Otherwise, I hope everyone's doing well out there.  Happy New Year!


Sandy said...

Sarah Palin got a new hairdo. She looks like the coal miner's daughter now.

Happy 2012!

Lisa said...

Holy heck, it's bad. Coal miner's daughter...Michelle Duggar...same thing, I guess.

And this was last night, too. Lmao, look at the back of her head. She's a pretty woman, so why can't she do better than these? And how the heck did she do both in one night?

Same to you, Sandy!

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Wigs? or Whigs? I dunno.

And Michele Bachmann bowed out after saying last night that she expected a miracle. Maybe she misheard and it was just a sign from God. Apparently the sign was readable.
It seems likely that she thought the Christian crowd was going to step up and pull her through.

Lisa said...

String, lol @ Wigs or Whigs...that was good. I almost feel sorry for Bachmann. I think she really thought she had a chance and while she scared me some, I kind of liked how she didn't back down on things and spoke her mind, such as it is. What she failed to grasp is that many, if not most, conservative Christians aren't going to vote for a woman to hold a public office because that's just not her place to be in.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

That makes sense, the conservative Christian thing.
She scares me because she shoots her mouth off when she doesn't know what she's talking about. No way she's ready for higher office. She probably couldn't cut it as a congressperson in a lot of districts.
I'd like to have someone smarter than me as President.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Oopsie daisy, almost forgot --
Why do you suppose Tina/Lauren/JustMe deletes my comments :)

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin has classic helmet hair - too much hairspray and I think she's also sporting a bump-it.

Question - can we talk about the 8 million pound gorilla in the room - and by that I mean goats in diapers?

Lisa said...

"I'd like to have someone smarter than me as President."

Me, too! Well, smarter than me, I mean, lol, not smarter than you. Only maybe smarter than you, too. ;-) And String, no clue on why she'd delete you. Want me to ask her over there?

Margo, absolutely. They're cute as hell, aren't they? It's odd, but I can kind of see why she's doing it, truth be told. If most anyone else did it, I'd just gush over the cuteness and let it go, but somehow, coming from her, it's got a real creep factor in it for me, even if it makes sense. You?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Oh, please, please vote for someone smarter than me. Meaning smarter than M.B. or S.P.

And all I said at Lauren's was that I was wondering what made her have a change of heart when she was such a regular at MWoP and the forum.
It must have hit some kind of nerve.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Haha, just realized I got here right after you posted. Scaaaaary. I must have ESP or something.

Lisa said...

String, we're running on the same alternate plane tonight, I suspect. ;-) I'm going to just ask her outright why she won't let Tempi comment, unless you tell me not to. I'd like to know, as well, since I've said far worse than that and I'm still there.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Not Tempi though. Just Anon this or that. Usually I remember the time zone and name the minute my computer will post at :-D 'cause I'm special like that.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

She deleted the same comment twice the other night. First time I thought I had hit preview instead of post. Or something. See, I'm smart like Sarah. Smarter than Michele though.

Anonymous said...

I think the brown goat is darling but I would not want it living in my house - lol.

Lisa said...

String, that's's not like she's deleting all Anon posts and if yo uaren't using the name Tempi, then she's just about got to be going by IP, unless you're posting something that annoys the snot out of her.

I like the brown goat,'s a calico. ;-)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Do you think she feels "outed" ? I addressed it to her in all the names I've known of, just as I wrote it here (Lauren/Tina/JustMe). It was brief and just asked the question I asked here - basically what influenced her change of heart re: MWoP/McKMama.

KaytieJ said...

Glad to see Biden did something useful after Obama's shameful NDAA signing.

Goats in diapers? The new GOP mascot?

StringOfRandomLetters said...

I saw your post on Lauren/Tina/JustMe's site. Thanks. No clue why she thinks I'm Tempi. I only ever posted as Anon + current time. My idea of funny -- because that's how a lot of people got addressed when they posted anonymously, I thought I'd make it easy :-D

I don't remember why she's up-in-arms about Tempi either. Frankly a lot of the stuff over there seems like old references and I don't understand them. Also I stay out of the big arguments. So what was up with Tempi?

I only hang out there on occasion because some people are funny. And I was actually fairly friendly with JustMe. mustabeenadifferentperson

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Lisa, I'm too lazy to convert the times to figure this out -- did you think I was Tempi too, or did you get that from Lauren/Tina/JustMe?

Lisa said...

I'm so confused...I thought you were Tempi, as well. Would have sworn you told us so here, in fact.

Lisa said...

Well, mystery solved! Tempi posted as Mama P and somehow, I confused you two. Just shoot me now.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Nah, I'm kind of anti-gun. Not totally because that would be stupid and simplistic.
But definitely no guns on blogs.

Anonymous said...

New GOP mascot - lol!

Lisa said...

glad I won't be shot, even though I did offer. And I wonder if the new GOP mascot will wear a Paul shirt like JM? The irony of *that just about killed me, I tell you.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the list of debts that Anja posted? I think I'd need a diaper if I had accumulated that kind of debt when things were *good. I also think it's truly scary that many of her followers think it's nobody's business. I don't agree with a lot that goes on on mwop but I think it's perfectly reasonable for people to be upset when people behave like they have.

Sandy said...

Lisa, why Ron Paul? I'm asking because I'm jumping ship, politically speaking, and am as confused as all get out as to who I think could do the job.

KaytieJ said...

I thought last election's GOP candidates were awful. Good grief, this year's selection is pathetic. I am so disappointed in Obama, though, that I truly do not know who I am going to vote for.

Sandy said...

Kaytie, that's why I'm jumping ship. In all honesty and I've said it before, whoever gets the job still has a huge mess to deal with.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

It's only a blog.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Oopsie, said that wrong. It's JUST a blog.

twirldawg said...

Uggggg, you bitches (said lovingly) made me go look at the Mck blogs.
How did she accrue so much medical debt this year?

Also, the goats in diapers? Seriously? And in cloth diapers no less.

Lisa said...

Margo, I was really rather awe-struck with that list of debts. When you do realize these are things they bought and did over and above the huge amount of money she made on the blog, it's staggering. I mean, it's seriously hard to wrap my mind around. Where in the hell did it all *go?

Jill, she made a medical tour of the US with kidney issues while on their summer RV trip. A lot of those medical bills stemmed from that, I believe.

"Lisa, why Ron Paul?"

Sandy, I've always been an old-school Libertarian and overall, Paul is, too. The things that appeal to me about him? His stance on the wars is huge...get out. He's an isolationist, which I firmly believe is best...bring everyone home, batten down our shores and mind our own damn business. Stop giving anything to other countries until our own country is fixed, stop policing the world, just batten down and take care of home. Our military has stopped being defense and is now offensive, which it was never intended to be. He is a strong Constitutionalist, which I also agree with. Our Constitution is not outdated. If we go back to it, follow it, I agree with him that this mess can be straightened out. Not soon, no, but slowly and consistently. I also agree with him about 9/11 not being an act of terrorism so much as an act of revenge and we bear part of the blame in it happening. Add to that his questioning of Israel and why we support it, his stance that Israel is a troublemaker. I'm not so thrilled with some of his stances on "moral" issues but I'm not going to agree with any candidate 100%; these are minor issues right now. Here...see how much you agree with. For the record, I also like Jon Huntsman and can't figure out why he's not more popular.

Shannon said...

See what I get for not checking up in here better LOL

Lisa what you said about Ron Paul is one reason why I really could vote for him. Though he is running as a Republican candidate he is still a Libertarian at heart and I love that about him. We have got to get back to basics in our country and if that means closing up the global feed bag of financing then GOOD!!!!

Lisa said...

Shannon, right now the US is the national equivalent of MckMama. We're broke, we owe billions and yet we keep giving what we don't really have to others so we can look like big shots. We need to buckle down,close our doors, stay home and tend to our own until we're in good shape again. Paul is the only candidate advocating that and, to me, it's a huge deal.

Sandy said...

I had a chance to check out the website and I like the idea of shutting down, so to speak, and take care of business here first. I actually agree with a lot of what he stands for and is saying he can do for this country.

I will never understand why the US always has to stick its nose in other countries problems.

Shannon said...

I like the MckMama analogy really is so very true.

It kind of sucks because I really really really dont want to vote Republican but I think too that with Paul I can accept it because the main reason he is doing it is so that he can actually have a chance. He has run so many times but never gets any attention. I love that this year he is getting noticed and is really standing a legitimacy chance this year.

KaytieJ said...

Will be interesting to see how Ron Paul does today with the NH vote. Saw an interview yesterday where he talked a bit about his foreign policy plan/idea of pulling back to defensive position and stopping the foreign carrot. Very interesting.

Rick Perry and Santorum remind me of Bauble Heads.

Lisa said...

"I will never understand why the US always has to stick its nose in other countries problems."

Arrogance. We're an arrogant lot, as a whole. We think we know better and have God to back us up on that. Not all of us, obviously, think that, but I think a majority of our citizens have been guilty of feeding into this line of propaganda for years.

Shannon, I really don't care about party names any more. I'm a registered Libertarian and tend to vote all over the place, including for Obama. And *that will remain as being one of my big life-disappointments, actually, being taken in by him. I figure it's like buying one sees your size tag, so buy the ones that fit you best and don't worry over what size it is. No one's going to know unless you tell. ;-)

Kaytie, I'm anxious for the vote results tonight. If Paul makes it into the top 3 again, it'll be a win, imo. I'm also hoping, probably uselessly, that Huntsman is up there, too. I like him nearly as much as I do Paul. Santorum is sort of scary, imo. Perry is just funny, likeable funny as long as he's not President, but Santorum is downright scary to me.

Shannon said...

"Shannon, I really don't care about party names any more. I'm a registered Libertarian and tend to vote all over the place, including for Obama."

I have become much the same way. I am not exactly sure where it happened but I had the epiphany that there really is no difference anymore in the "parties". They are the same. They may spout the words differently but they all say the same damn thing and do the same shit. I have gotten to the point that I want to see the proof behind the words, and unfortunately Obama has really done a good job of proving that I cant believe the words no matter how much I want to.

KaytieJ said...

NH primary not over, yet. However, Paul 2nd and Huntsman 3rd.

I listened to Paul and Huntsman speeches. Paul stated plans, Huntsman did not (just did a rah rah that Americans and America are great and able).

I am delighted and dancing a gig that Perry and Santorum and Gingrich did a face plant.

Lisa - Santorum is downright scary. I don't remember ever seeing a delegate like that.

Back to watching the speeches.

Lisa said...

I was disappointed in Huntsman's speech, too. But I read this "Santorum is downright scary. I don't remember ever seeing a delegate like that." as the word "delegate" being "degenerate" and just nodded!

What Romney supporters need to remember is that he may have won with 39%, but that also means nearly 2/3 of voters *didn't vote for him. This is not going to bode well later on.

Shannon said...

Exactly Lisa. They are excited for getting the win but they dont realize that when it comes to the votes that count there were a whole lot more for others.

I am doing some lame wikipedia reading on Santorum. Some areas he is good in, other areas...yikes.

Shannon said...

Everyone of the people who voted Yes for NDAA need to be fired in my opinion. Honestly if they think that it is ok to pass a law that allows the MILITARY to detain US Citizens INDEFINITELY upon suspicion then they are not looking for our best interests at all. I am done with the fear mongering coming out of DC and allowing them to take away our freedom one step at a time all while saying it is for our safety.

Here is the list of US Senators:

And here is the list of Congressmen:

Lisa said...

It can't hurt to contact people and complain. I think it's going to take a whole lot more than complaining, though...people, as bad as it is now, don't feel like we've hit rock bottom yet and Americans are a complacent lot. We, as a whole, aren't going to fix things until we've hit rock bottom, imo.

Shannon said...

I am just so frustrated by the whole thing. One of the Congressmen from Oregon actually voted for it to close down a plant that houses nukes in Eastern Oregon, or something like that it was kind of difficult to follow his train of thought. It really just floored me because that is all fine and good but what does that have to do with the rest of it??

Lisa said...

Well, Shannon, that's sort of how I feel about this comment you just made up there. :-D

zookeeper said...

oh oh oh if you guys are going to talk politics, I might just have to delurk and join you

KaytieJ said...

Well, hang on to your hats, or panties, or...whatever.

Cobert is going to announce tomorrow night if he is going to run in the South Carolina Primary

Our rights our being violated all over the place.

NDAA - Obama has signed a law that completely ignores a US Citizen's right of due process.

Government has the right to monitor social networks and blogs. :::waving a big hello to Big Brother and happy reading:::

Texas passed that women who were seeking abortion would be subjected to hearing the heart tones and a picture of the fetus. That is now being put on other state's billets.

Zookeeper - it's a political discussion post, an election year, the South Carolina Primary is launching...delurk and jump in!

Lisa said...

Hiya, zookeeper! Just on in!

"Texas passed that women who were seeking abortion would be subjected to hearing the heart tones and a picture of the fetus. That is now being put on other state's billets."

So, here's the deal...I'm pro-choice and vehemently so. That announced, I don't have a huge problem with a woman being shown pictures of what the fetus looks like at the stage pregnancy she's at and listening to any heart tones. To me, that seems fine and even necessary in order to make a properly informed choice of what's best for her to do. My concern is that she would someday find this info on her own and think "Had I seen/heard *that, I'd have never had an abortion", and that's no good.

KaytieJ said...

I am opposed to it that it is undue and unnecessary medical expenses and procedures. Ultra sounds are not cheap. I think that the ultrasound should be made available if the woman requests that procedure or if the clinician feels the ultrasound is medically necessary.

Lisa said...

Oh, well, I'm stupid...I thought they could do that with a stethoscope and generic "this is your fetus at 8 weeks..." type pictures. I agree about the costs of an ultrasound, but I'd not object if they played a pre-made clip of how the fetus' heart sounds at certain stages and showed generic pictures. Would you?

KaytieJ said...

:::head desk:::

For once, I would like a clear and concise answer as to WHY any American, any political party, feels it has the RIGHT to impose THEIR religious prayers or dogma on PUBLIC schools. I just do not get it.

Indiana Republicans introduced a bill to allow schools to impose the saying of the Lord's Prayer at the beginning of the school day.

IMO, if these Senators are so worried about their kids getting a Lord's Prayer said at the beginning of the school day, then they should spend some time with their kids in the morning and lead the prayer over breakfast and leave the rest of Indiana to do with their children's prayers or no prayers as they see fit. This is one area that a public school teacher should never be forced into, or a child for that matter. If you want your child obligated to say the Lord's Prayer at school, then chose a private school or home school.

Lisa said...

"Indiana Republicans introduced a bill to allow schools to impose the saying of the Lord's Prayer at the beginning of the school day."

That's just un-Constitutional as hell. I don't get it either, Kaytie...I really don't.

Shannon said...

This is where so much of my frustration that I was talking about up there was about. We keep having these things passed into law regardless of the fact that they completely trample on the Constitution. Our Senators, Congressmen, State Law makers, President all seem to think that they can just go ahead and pass what ever "feels good" for them nevermind that little thing that they were sworn to uphold at all costs. If they cant do their job properly then they need to be fired!! LOL

Oopsie Daisy said...

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