Monday, October 31, 2011

Where baby pumpkins come from...

Happy Halloween!


StringOfRandomLetters said...

OUCH !!! That is a big baby!

Shannon said...

LOL I am glad I wasnt the only one thinking that. Pretty sure if a baby that big tried to come out of me a smile would be the last thing on my face :)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Scrolling up ... scrolling down... Yeah. Ouch.
Remember when they said you would forget all about the pain? Ha!

Lisa said...

I love her little seed teardrop. :-)

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Is there still a MWoP forum or did that go by the wayside?

Lisa said...

String, I'm not sure. I just checked the only link I it's gone but there might be another one. MWOP has tanked fast, hasn't it?

Gusgirl said...

MWOP forum:

It's pretty boring over there, too. And they've got posting rules for access to certain parts and such.

StringOfRandomLetters said...

Thanks AP, and GG. Interesting, nothing has changed there huh?

Lisa said...

Boy, it's quiet here...R2, you didn't run off, did you?

tumbleweedgirl said...

i'm here sort of. packing!


Lisa said...

You're moving?? You sold the house? Yay! Did you find a good place to move to? This is exciting news. :-)

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