Sunday, October 31, 2010

To make Kaytie happy....and to see how dumb we are!!!

So I was going to do a Halloween post but then decided that Politics is more important right now. I found this video and it seriously frightens me.....Are people really this ignorant in this country?


Shannon said...

Seriously is it that hard to answer such simple questions? I mean name a country that begins with a U?

Lisa said...

I have to confess, I immediately thought "Uganda" and the US never dawned on me until they said it. But hey, I'd have still gotten it right. :-D

That was just sad...sad, sad, sad. But I truly wonder about a man old enough to have lived during WWII not knowing about Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Shannon said...

I know it was really very sad....I mean we are talking about things with our very own country that is history.

LOL very scary to think that our country is like they said...the one that rules the world and yet the people know so little about it.

PJ said...

Happy Reformation Day to all Lutherans out there.

Lisa said...

We don't rule the world. Shit, we don't even rule ourselves. We just act like we do.

And I'll echo CK in the happy wishes, although to be honest, I've never heard of Reformation Day so I'm off to Google and learn something.

PJ said...

Martin Luther kicked some papal ass 493 years ago.

Margo said...

Did someone say butt plug?

This is the first time since I've been able to vote that I don't think I'm going to. All we have are crooked ass bites running. I like Shannon's idea - we need to kick them all out and start over again. It's time for a revolution!

Shannon said...

Lisa said..... We don't rule the world. Shit, we don't even rule ourselves. We just act like we do.

AMEN sista!!!!

Lisa said...

Margo, the last time I voted to kick the establishment to the curb and start completely over, I voted for Obama and we see how that went. :-P So, Plan 2010 is to vote for fairly-new-to-politics fiscal conservatives, regardless of their party, and ones I can't find serious dirt on. That's how I'm coming to vote for a Tea Partier for Senate and Democrat for governor. I don't know what else to do. Maybe try that?

Lisa said...

I know about Martin Luther, learned about him in school actually, and that's not taught anymore. @@ Anyway, I just never knew about Reformation Day...interesting stuff.

By the way, Sister Wives is having a special in one hour, 10pm eastern, if anyone is interested. I know I am. Those people intrigue me. Meri is going to bust loose any moment now!

Margo said...

What's Meri up to?

Lisa said...

Meri has some big internal conflicts going on about Robyn being added to their family and all. She's just not a happy lady right now and I have a feeling she's a lot like Jinger's a matter of time...

That video was cute. Biased, but cute. :-D

Margo said...

Hmmm, I wonder if Meri is conflicted since she was the one that kind of suggested a relationship with Robyn. I just couldn't *share my husband like that. I was shocked when he asked her if she wanted to go the invitro route -they already have a lot, a lot of kids.

Lisa said...

Well, I'd like to know how they could afford *that since most insurances won't cover it and they say they already sort of live paycheck to paycheck.

Robin said...

How cute that "butt plug" still comes up from time to time.

I'm smiling.

Hope you all are doing well. My odd legacy here amuses me. No really, I am amused. LOL!

Happy voting tomorrow.


Lisa said...

Lol, hey there, Robin. It's good to be remembered for something interesting, isn't it? :-D

Okay, I'm off to Miss Arse's pre-op and then going to vote some bastards out. I hope everyone votes; it really is so important!

Shannon said...

I got dumb and waited with my ballot so I get to finish it today and get it dropped off.

suz said...

Hey Ladies!
dropping in to see what is up! Loved the video there really are some stupid people out there, but then some smart ones too. I venture to guess most here knew the answers but it was funny nonetheless. :)
I did absentee ballot, I have never gone to a polling place to vote always absentee.
Lisa, hope the pre-op for Miss Arse goes well. Happy voting out bastards day! lol :)

Shannon said...

Hey Suz.....we have all mail in ballots here, no polling places here anymore.

I kind of hate the politics here in Oregon right now. I hate that the incumbents are being attacked for doing so many thing wrong when in fact I dont blame the politicians here in my state for things....I blame the economy mostly.

We are one of the very last states to not have a sales tax. We need one dammit!!! The opposition right now says how can we have a sales tax with so many unemployed? Well how can we fund things with our state taxes when there is no money going in because so many are unemployed? Why are there so many? The areas that Oregon has always been big with for employment are in a rutt.....Timber anyone?

It may be pretty sad but I pretty nearly voted for the same guys who are already in office because I dont vilify them. They have stuck to their guns as best they could but they cant control everything. And I am certainly not voting for the assholes who say do away with public schools LOL

suz said...

Shannon, I agree, Oregon needs sales tax. I realize there is high unemployment but the money that would generate would help a lot. On the other hand, my city/county sales tax is one of the highest in the state and we are still broke, partly from the Governator raiding the city coffers to help pay the state's bills. I voted for the initiative to keep the state from stealing from the local coffers. Hopefully that one passes.
I also do NOT want "moonbeam" Jerry Brown back in office as Gov. Not a Whitman fan either but think she is the lesser of two evils..grr. long post. sorry.

Shannon said...

LOL Suz......we currently have a former governor running and a former NBA star who was a Washington resident up until this year.

Dudley, the NBA guy, wants all kinds of changes but has no plans at all as to how they will be paid for. His campaign is all about slamming Kitzhaber for ruining Oregon's economy.....ummm yeah he was out of office the same year Bush was elected so I dont think we can go back to what happened 10 years ago and blame it for now. We actually got a lot of the 'hippie' generation who ran a lot of companies out of the state with their bully tactics.

And I have to say I totally HATE when it comes to voting for the lesser of two evils.

Margo said...


suz said...

Hiya Margo!! How is life in your neck of the woods? did your daughter have a fun halloween?

You know it would be a refreshing change to see candidates stick to their platform and not call anyone names or smear them. Moonbeam Brown called Meggie a whore and it was taped..LOL. had to backpedal on that one. :)

Margo said...

Suz - Hannah was a kangaroo and had a blast - filled up 2 pumpkins this year. My dad with us and was the SF Giants super fan with his league championship t-shirt and league jacket. Hannah thinks she was a good luck charm to the team :) Your *boys are so cute in their costumes!

suz said...

A kangaroo! What a great idea for a costume! As a HUGE Giants fan, thank Hannah for me..Maybe she was a good luck charm lol :)
I was not going to do the halloween bandannas this year on the dogs, but knowing this is likely Petey's last one..I had to. He is doing ok so I will take it a day at a time with him.

Lisa said...

Hey, all!

Welllp, my Tea Partier-for-Senate won by a landslide and my Democrat-for-Governor may not, which makes me very sad since I actually like her very much. I hope a miracle happens or we're getting a crook for Governor. Not good. Rand Paul is winning in Kentucky, so that's a good thing. Our Democrat-for-Senate candidate got tromped badly and it bothers me...he's a perfectly good candidate if one is a Democrat or subscribes to Democrat ideals. No big drama, just a decent guy. I actually agreed with him more in ideals than the one I voted for, but for fiscal issues. He didn't deserve to come in last; he's a victim of this administration's mess and and it appears many Floridians decided to just vote against anyone who is a Democrat.

I am a huge fan of sales tax as a means to raise money. It's a fairly painless way to do it, in fact. We have 6% on everything but food and most medicines and it's really not a big deal at all.

Lisa said...

Okay, we had an amendment that would allow deployed military personnel to claim an additional homestead exemption on their property taxes that no one else gets. I voted no. Yes votes are winning. That pisses me off.

KaytieJ said...

Thank you Shannon :-D

Lisa - that amendment does not make sense. Is the additional homestead the base they are deployed to?

KaytieJ said...

Watching Election results is fascinating. For our State the results are running neck to neck for both sides. Very interesting.

:::Election Day nerd:::

However, I do not miss having to go somewhere, wade through red tape, run into acquaintances that I really don't want to talk to in the first place, worry that I have to dodge my ranting and raving politically extreme right neighbor.

I'm lovin' the Mail In Ballot. Avoid all that hooplah and get down to what really matters.

MY vote :-D

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - I am really sad that Oregon (not called yet) is showing Kitzhaber trailing behind Dudley. I am in full agreement with you on this subject.

I am THRILLED that it looks like Wyden won the Senate seat again. He is a good man and has worked so hard for the people of Oregon. And with his efforts, vision, and seniority, I hope he can continue to help not only Oregonians, but Americans all over.

On my side of the river, I am very pleased that Patty Murray is leading.

Lisa said...

"Lisa - that amendment does not make sense. Is the additional homestead the base they are deployed to?"

Well, homes they own around the base, yes. It just ticks me off. I get that they put their lives on the line but also require people put their lives on the line for us. I don't see *them all getting this additional exemption.

I'm an election nerd, too...I love it all and am always so excited going to the polling place and filling in all the circles, getting my sticker, etc. I'm sorry it's over for another 2 years, although I will not miss all the signs.

Shannon said...

Mornin ladies.....

Well it looks like we have a margin of less then 20,000 votes separating Kitzhaber and Dudley at this point....hope is not lost just yet as two of the biggest counties arent even close to being done yet :)

Kaytie I am also glad that Wyden won as did DeFazio. I have more respect for the two of them then I have ever had for any politicians. I dont see either of the being in office for fame and gain, they are there for the people who elected them.

Lisa I am glad that your tea baggers are winning and making you happy even if that kind of scares the hell outta me :)

And how weird is it that we had almost the same ballot measure for home ownership and vetrans? Ours is also passing by a landslide.

Marijuana failed. And once again Mandatory Minimums passed......big freaking surprise.

Shannon said...

Ok and I am a total freak and I can admit it.....

I just noticed the time Lisa posted....10:11
And I posted at......11:12
Yes I am

Lisa said...

I should wait until 12:13 to post, huh?

And they aren't my "tea baggers", lol. A lot of them skeer me, to be honest, and I'm not even remotely conservative on a lot of social issues. I do like seeing some type of movement happening, though, to stir things up some and get people thinking outside the standard Republican and Democrat boxes; I like seeing people taking some power back, even if I don't agree with them on a lot of moral issues.

My mom asked me this morning how Californians could elect Jerry Brown again and yet not pass the marijuana bill. She makes a good point...

Shannon said...

LOL ok I wont make you own the tea baggers :) I just read what I assume was an interview post winning the election from Rand Paul....let me just say it was nice for him to openly admit that things in the House will be tied up nicely in gridlock for as long as possible....

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Senator-elect Rand Paul of Kentucky says government gridlock isn't necessarily a bad thing, signaling that cooperation with Democrats isn't high on his agenda.

The Tea Party favorite said debate is healthy and that a divided government is more likely to spend less money.

The Republican told NBC's Today show that while people "complain a lot about gridlock," the most fiscally conservative government "is always divided government."

In Tuesday's elections, Republicans won a majority in the House and narrowed the Democrats' majority in the Senate."

Sorry but that tells me that we are pretty guaranteed that NOTHING will be done for the American people or the country as a whole but they will be sitting there as long as they want in gridlock collecting their massive salaries.

And I am sorry but California is an enigma completely and totally.

suz said...

Good Morning!! Yes, California is F&*^ked up! lol
I am surprised the marijuana bill did not pass. There seemed to be a great deal of support for it. Not super happy about Jerry Brown but we shall see. Older and wiser? I hope so.

Shannon said...

Mornin suz

It will be interesting to see what happens after this election is said and done. I dont think we are going to see changes, hasnt it already been proven over and over again that things wont change?

Lisa said...

Hey, Suz!

Shannon, I actually like Rand Paul just because he tells it like he sees it. I like his dad for the same reason. He's absolutely right about it being a gridlock because if you're going to run on a strong, hard-ass conservative (or liberal, it works both ways) platform, then start making concessions to those beliefs once elected, you've become just another one like all the others. At some point, people are going to have to start going in and saying, "No, I'm not going to compromise on my ideals and ethics." For a few years, as we're about to see, it's going to be gridlocked. But in that time, Americans are going to be forced to really (re)assess their own ideologies and more will take part in the process during the next election out of pure frustration, if nothing else. At least, hopefully, maybe, things won't get a whole lot worse in the next two years, as I think they would've had yesterday not happened.

Lisa said...

Christmas is coming up...can anyone use this for your little (or big, I guess) ones?

"Disney Store Sale + Free Personalization + Free Shipping: Jessica Rabbit Pin $7, Cinderella Statue $8, Infant Blanket $8, Santa Mickey Stocking $11, Pooh Plush $13, & more
The Disney Store offers Free Personalization and Shipping on your entire order (must include a personalized item) when you enter code FREENAME at checkout."

Here's a link to the actual post. Within it are links to all the items able to be personalized. Hope this helps someone!

Margo said...

I, like Linus, am keeping my thoughts regarding politics, religion and the great pumpkin to myself :)

Lisa said...

I pretty much hate that, Margo, since I tend to agree with a lot of your views, if memory serves. It's even a little mean of you, I think. :-P

Shannon said...

Lisa believe me when I do not address the blame of gridlock on one party or another....they are all asshats who are guilty of it. I thought it was however priceless that he said outright what was going to happen now.

I say fine and good but you all need to take a serious pay cut while you sit around playing toddlers on the playground.

KaytieJ said...

Margo - Don't make us ask for it :-D

Shannon - Niiiiiice. WTG Dudly to make an acceptance speech before the votes are counted.

Shannon said...

LOL Kaytie I laughed my ass off.....I mean he is guaranteed to lose now because he jinxed himself. Not that I will be sad if he isnt the winner but it just shows the inexperience.

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - to me it shows the bonehead arrogance of a has been jock getting into politics. It is just a game to him and his team. If he does win, I hope he has the brains to learn from the Senators.

Shannon said...

I agree Kaytie. And maybe he could be more cockey if he had actually played for a team that could actually do what they needed to do LOL

I lost all faith in the Blazers after the second time I watched them kick ass during the season and when it came to the finals they literally crapped out.

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...


Lil Wayne was set free today!

Lisa said...

Hi, Taiya! While I'm, um, busy for dinner tonight, I'm glad to hear the girls had fun and your kitten sounds just precious! We definitely need pictures. :-) Are y'all feeling better now?

Margo said...

Congrats AP - are you headed to CVS to get some rubbers and a bottle of wine?

Lisa said...

"Congrats AP - are you headed to CVS to get some rubbers and a bottle of wine?"

Well, now, I just might. You don't know. :-P

If anyone is bored, go to Google/Maps/Get Directions. Type in Japan as your starting point and China as your ending point. Scroll down to #43 to see how incredibly helpful Google is. :-D

Margo said...

That's funny!

KaytieJ said...

I bit...and googled...and now I am laughing out loud.

Our Jet Skis are fueled up and ready to go. We even have small, medium (oops, skip that, the medium is mine) and large wet suits for the trip. Anybody game?

Bummed though, that Google Maps tanked on directions from Great Britain to Russia. I was expecting a 007 movie tune :-D

Up late after an overtime Blazer Game and consoling a family member that submitted a picture of her daughter for a beauty contest and was not selected. ::rolling eyes:: I sound like a hard ass, but the only reason the picture was submitted was for money and for the mom's self aggrandizement.

And so, I am more than ready to juice up the Jet Skis and head on out!

Margo said...

KJ - I don't think you sound like a hard ass at all. I think a lot of times those *show moms are living out their dreams or looking to get paid and it's the kids that end up suffering. Are you really going jet skiing?

Lisa said...

Hi, all! Kaytie, I tried different country combinations, as well...was disappointed I couldn't find more!

And I didn't know you were related to Wendy. :-D

Shannon said...

HAHAHAHA Lisa I didnt know they were related is sad that it took me reading what you said and having to reread what Kaytie said to get it.....I guess that is what happens to your brain when it is technically Friday but is your Monday LOL

Lisa said...

Well, I know Kaytie was referring to something different but I'm not one to miss an opportunity. ;-) How are things going with you, Shannon?

Shannon said...

Things are pretty good Lisa.....busy as of late but on the path to getting better in a hurry :)

It is looking like we will be set by the end of January to move...for that I am thrilled LOL

How is your mom doing?

Lisa said...

That's so exciting, Shannon! What a great way to start the new year...have you been looking at places?

Miss Arse is doing good, everything considered. She has her first surgery on the second eye this coming week and if it all goes well, it might also be her last one. :-) Thanks for asking!

Deb said...

Anyone home? I know I've been AWOL, but I hope to be back!

Shannon said...

OH I hope that it all goes as planned. I have been thinking of her a lot as of late knowing that the time was drawing near. I am so excited to hear that she is able to read books again, that will be such a happy thing for her.

I have been looking at places. There are a couple that would be perfect for the 4 of us and the dogs...I am just hoping that they are still available when the time comes. This first payment I get for the daycare will be for getting some other bills out of the way and then Nov, Dec, and Jan will be saved for the moving costs. I am so stinking excited and so beyond ready as you know :)

T@iy@ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T@iy@ said...

Hi Shannon and Deb! :D I am actually on at the Same Time as other people! Woohoo!

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - That is exciting news, of you getting your own place!

Hey - waving at Taiya and Deb! Good to see you!

Lisa - Crossing everything that Ms. Arse's surgery goes well and it is the last one.

Shannon said...

Taiya I love zombies LOL....I am so excited about this new show and watched the first one and plan to watch it every single week :)

Very glad to hear that Eeq is feeling better...I had seen on FB that you all have been fighting the sickness....YUCK!!!

Hi Deb....I love your vacation pics even though some of them make me feel queezy :)

Kaytie after last night I am soooo ready to move now LOL...Got home at almost 9pm and for the first time in a month that I have been working the others in the house actually cooked...well at least enough for them, there was no dinner for me, surprise. I did the dishes before leaving for work at 830 yesterday morning and the kitchen is now full of dirty dishes. I unloaded the dishwasher this morning before leaving as a hint but I am sure it will go unseen.

Lisa said...

Awww, it's so nice to see people here. :-)

Taiya, I'm so sorry about poor little Eeq. I hope her ears feel better soon and you? A scaredy cat? That surprises me, somehow.

Shannon, you're running a daycare now? Stop keeping secrets! And congratulations, both on that and getting out soon!

And lastly, Wendy, let me clarify, and speaking only for myself, I most certainly didn't stop by your blog in support of your post. I stopped by to laugh at your newest bloom of crazy. Actually, I read it in Reader since you blocked me and now send me to some clock site, lol. For real, that photo of Olivia is so horridly inappropriate to have out there for public viewing that it leaves me without appropriate words. I don't care what people are really seeing, what they *do initially see is that it appears her mom forgot to put panties on her and her private parts went public. If you think that's not what people initially "see", *all people, they you're more delusional than we ever knew. Never, *ever, not in a million years would I post a photo of my dead kid where it appeared his penis was hanging out his pants leg, even if said penis was actually a piece of medical apparatus. You know why? I would want him and his memory to remain dignified. I don't for a moment you don't see what others do in that picture. But you know what else? I think you know *exactly what that looked like, that it looked like poor Olivia was giving the world a peep show, and it's just another victim-opportunity for you so you used her dignity to get all offended and play Poor Wendy again. Of course, that part is just my own opinion on the subject. Anyway, are we clear now? Yes? Good. :-)

So, what's for dinner around this place? I think steak and salad here...simple and easy.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I hope everyone is having a good weekend...well almost everyone.

Poor Wendy. Nothing better to do than stalk IP's. I haven't been to your blog to see the picture or post that everyone is talking about, though after Lisa's description above, I am a bit curious. Sorry to burst your wasn't me.

Shannon said...

AMEN Lisa!!!! 2 seconds to crop the photo a little bit would have saved a whole lot of controversy. Unfortunately Wendy I think the controversy is what you were ultimately working towards simply to once again be victimized. I am sure that there were no other pictures you could have know maybe from when she wasnt so very sick.....maybe one with both of your children happy with you in it. I get that it was her last Halloween and therefore very special but it is always the same do still have a child who is alive and well and I feel for him living in the shadow of so much grief.

Lisa I am not actually running a daycare just doing daycare for my friends in their home watching their 2 little ones.....let me tell you what I have been reminded of what the world was like 15 years ago when my kids where this same age LOL

Shannon said...

Hi Christy

Robin in Montana said...

Hello, chickies.

Her brain really IS fried if she thinks for one minute I regard her as anything even remotely resembling an "old friend." LOL.

Robin in Montana said...

Living in the shadow of so much grief is one thing, for sure, but living in the shadow of such utter lunacy and freakish behavior is even more difficult for me to imagine for that kid.

Shannon said...

I agree cant be easy for him.

Lisa said...

Hey, Christy and Robin...long time no see around here. :-) Christy, you really should take a look at the picture and I'd be curious to know if your initial reaction was different from others' when you see it. Now, I'm curious about something - to the mothers of non-infant daughters, if you were going to publicly post a picture of your daughter sitting in a dress, would you not ALWAYS check to make sure she's not showing her panties, let alone something that appears worse?

For the record, Wendy, I know you're reading here since you have no way of knowing I read your blog at all but for the comment I made yesterday in reference to Kaytie's pageant mom post, so please do jump on in. :-D Maybe we can suggest some new hobbies for you or something.

Shannon, do you like what you're doing? If so, maybe doing daycare could be a good job for you!

PJ said...

I would be sure her panties weren't showing. And my daughter has thunder thighs even without steroids.

And...hobbies... well a job could be a good idea.

Lisa said...

Lil Wayne update: Weezy can't drink for 3 years. When he goes back in for a parole violation, I'm going to write him and encourage him to be strong. *nods*

Lisa said...

CK, hi! and she had a job. It didn't pay properly. I wonder if that proved she doesn't need taxpayers to support her any longer, though? For the record, I have thunder thighs, too...inner ones, ugh. I make sure they stay hidden as much as I can. Shit, I won't even wear my jeans once they get faded and thin there, which they do. I'm not buying for a moment a mother, *any mother, not seeing the problem with that picture.

Shannon said...

It isnt too is something that when I start back up with school it will give me the flexibility to do that as well. Just watching these two I will be getting about $800 per month so that isnt terrible....I know I could be making more with a "real" job but it is kind of nice knowing that I am helping a friend out too. I dont want to do it in my house though because of the dogs though....I dont think that would be very responsible.

PJ said...

Hi Lisa and Shannon - good news on the job front, Shannon. And being able to get your own place very soon.

Well, hopefully Wendy can find another job. I think it would be good for her. Productive work is usually a positive thing.

Lisa said...

Shannon, no, it wouldn't and I meant to tell you, too, that you need to make sure landlords know what kind of dogs you have when you look for places. The reason I mention that is that most homeowners' insurance won't cover homes with pitbulls or mixes, at least not without a separate rider. And if you don't disclose the breed, your LL can evict you on very short notice as a result, once s/he finds out. That's just the last thing you'll need, you know? So, be sure to tell them upfront and ask if it's a problem with their insurance, then get it in writing from them that it isn't. That way you've got some protection.

It sure sounds like both you and your friend benefit well from this arrangement for babysitting!

Shannon said...

Lisa that is one thing I am looking for specifically because I know that some places state breed restrictions and others dont so when I find those that dont I call and ask (like if they are property managers and such) because I certainly dont want that to become an issue after the fact.

And I figure with the kids and the dogs, why even risk it? My dogs arent used to kids and these two are very active and it could just be a mix for disaster. Hell even if the dogs didnt do anything naughty I know it would stress them out and I dont want to do that to them. Better to be responsible and avoid all of it :)

Her last sitter flaked out on her without any kind of notice and left her hanging.....she has to work ya know...these babies need a roof over their heads.

PJ said...

Lisa, I'm going to send the Croc boots back, and exchange them for a bigger size. wants me to send them via FedEx. I know I can send them a lot cheaper other ways.

Have you ever done a return with them?

Lisa said...

Shannon, good for you on how you're handling the dog thing - too many aren't responsible about it.

CK< I've never done a return with them. The few things I've gotten that didn't fit, I've sold on eBay and wound up breaking even or making a bit of a profit. Maybe just call them and ask? I do know FedEx offers service that isn't overnight or next day so it might be comparable to PO prices.

Lisa said...

CK, I just found this on the Crocs site...

Use Another Shipping Method

If you prefer to ship your return by other means, please package your merchandise (make sure to include your RMA number), and send to:

Crocs Online, Inc.
Attn: Internet Returns
RMA# ________
4060 East Francis Street, Suite 200
Ontario, CA 91761

PJ said...

Thanks Lisa. FedEx, even for not overnight, is usually more expensive than UPS or the USPS.

Lisa said...

I didn't know that (good to know!) but hopefully this'll help you get it all fixed. I'm sorry they didn't fit, though. How's CKanine these days?

PJ said...

CKanine is getting old, but still a sweetie. He has a bum left front shoulder or leg or joint or something. He's favoring it a bit. So he gets elevator rides from mom and dad up the stairs.

How are your kitties?

KaytieJ said...

Bonus Day! Robin and Christy and CK in the House! WooHoo!

Good grief - literally - I was all ticked off at a family member who wanted to spend 6K for studio pics, plane tickets, costumes, coaching, contest fees, yadda, yadda, yadda for their 6 year old in a beauty pageant. To me that is completely whacked!

And then to find out someone submits a picture of their daughter that can be viewed as vulgar, well, that is some serious disturbance going on there.

Shannon - thank you for being so responsible about your dogs being around young kids.

Our hairy Xolo now thinks it is a holiday when young kids arrive. He knows he gets to stay upstairs and sleep on the bed until they are gone :-D

Lisa said...

Ugh, I hate not being able to sleep.

CK, they just get sweeter as they get older and I know CKanine is no exception to that, the spoiled boy. :-) The kitties are all still alive and Ginger is shocking us all with that. It's hour to hour with her now and today was a bad day. Not that she seems to be suffering but yeah, a negative big jump on the weakness scale. We just stick close to her and love on her when she's awake a bit. She's so darn sweet and cuddly now. Gina, sadly, is not dead yet. :-P Tucker and Beatrice are good, full of themselves with the chilly weather.

Lisa said...

Kaytie, that extensive pageant-y stuff is ridiculous and really rather disturbing, imo. Does she dress her daughter up like they do in Toddlers And Tiaras, so suggestively?

KaytieJ said...

Amazing that Gina is still alive..that is one tough cat. Sorry Ginger is declining so fast, but glad she is not suffering. I know you love your kitties and they have been with you for some time. My heart hurts for you that they are passing.

Thankfully she does not dress her daughter up suggestively. My blood pressure would be in serious need of intervention, if she did! The whole thing with beauty pageants for little kids is ridiculous.

And Lisa - I'm thrilled you now have chilly weather :-D

Lisa said...

I'm thrilled about the weather, too! What's yours like? And thanks about the kitties. It'll all be okay - it's just the price we all pay for having them and it's well worth it.

I'm glad she doesn't have her daughter doing the suggestive stuff; I guess that's something, anyway.

Robin in Montana said...

Hello all. I got nothin'. No pageants, no inappropriate pictures of my kids on the 'net, just nothin'.

Margo said...

Lisa - sorry about your kitty :(

Lisa said...

'Morning! And Margo, thanks. She's still here, laying on my desk and just had her morning sip of coffee so I'm glad to wake up and have her a bit longer. :-) How are you and yours doing?

Robin, obviously about all I have is (are? ugh, which is it?) a couple of cats in various stages of dying so don't feel bad.

Robin in Montana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
twirldawg said...

Drive by post. I'm in the middle of nap time whack a mole.

A former student of mine that attends Tuskegee posted this on Facebook and I though it would be an interesting discussion for here:
".OK Class discussion today was: Do you agree with Congress in their opinion on shutting down HBCUs ? (What do you think facebook)..Be Honest."

So Daisy what do you think?

Lisa said...

Hi, Jill! So, I know nothing about Congress' opinion on shutting down HBCus...what is Congress wanting to do? I tried a fast Google search and didn't turn anything up so help us out here just a bit. Do you have any links or anything?

Margo said...

Education cuts are everywhere - not just at black colleges and universities.

Lisa said...

I'm still trying to find out about Congress wanting to shut any of the HBCUs down. I'm not doubting what Jill said, I just can't find info on it. I'd need to know why they want to do it *exactly, before I have any real opinion on it.

Margo said...

I don't think you'll find anything on it because it's not true. I'm not saying what Jill said is untrue, I think that kid was given bad information.

twirldawg said...

Well, I'm not finding any information either.
I'm pretty sure my former student was misinformed. Part of me wonders if the instructor didn't purposely misinform the students.

On a more personal note I'm dealing with a freaking broken toe. My second one of the year. I was walking through my living room on Halloween picking up and snagged my toe on the edge of the couch. That will teach me to clean my house. . .

Lisa said...

Oh, thank goodness...I thought I was losing my Google skills. Jill, you surely couldn't rule out the instructor misinforming the students, nope. People can be instigators, regardless of their position. Sorry about your toe. Is it your pinky one?

Lisa said...

This is disturbing. :-/

Margo said...

Jill - did people comment on his post?

KaytieJ said...

Lisa - I agree. The Mystery Missile Launch is very disturbing.

suz said...

Hey Daisies!
Hope everyone is well. Lisa and Kaytie, don't worry about the mystery missile, The Pentagon, Army, Navy etc. said is was a plane, so you rest easy. (cough*cough*) And we KNOW they would NEVER lie. lol :)

KaytieJ said...

Suz - Thank you! I feel SO much better now after knowing that :-D

Lisa said...

Oh. A *plane. Why didn't I think of that?

Also, since I can't sleep, here's a good deal to share...monogrammed Ralph Lauren bath towels and I just ordered two as Christmas gifts, cream with gold monogramming, for under $17 shipped. They can do initials or names. Teacher or neighbor gift, maybe? I ordered these for Jake to give to his dad and stepmom for Christmas since he wanted to hold it under $20. I'll c&p the entire post so you can see what to do.

"Ralph Lauren mongrammed bath towels $7.99 (plus tax) SHIPPED
Using code "welcome" you get an additional 20% off making it 7.99 + tax SHIPPED! (Thanks, kevblah)

These make great Christmas presents - you can monogram initials or first names.
All colors available as of now.

Bath towels $9.99, Hand towels $6.99.

*Free shipping code is FALLFS

Available from Horchow, which is a subsidiary of Neiman Marcus. I have ordered towels and sheets from them several times, with perfect results.

"Greenwich" Towels
This technologically advanced towel, woven of specially engineered yarn for air creation, provides the feel of a zero-twist towel without the harshness that eventually comes from aging and numerous washings. This "air rich" cotton yarn gives these towels excellent water absorbency and a superior loft with an amazingly soft feel. Choose color below. Bath rugs cannot be monogrammed and are only available in Cream, Chiffon, White, Ocean Tide, Cranberry, Suede, and Aloe. Now available with free monogramming. For monogram, specify style and thread color or tone-on tone thread. Imported.

* Machine wash.
* Towel becomes even fluffier after each machine wash.
* Virtually lint-free.
* Bath towel, 30" x 56".
* Body sheet, 35" x 66".
* Hand towel, 16" x 30".
* Face cloth (not available personalized), 13"Sq.
* Tub mat, 22" x 36".
* From Lauren by Ralph Lauren.

You will be able to specify personalization details after adding item(s) to your shopping cart. Please order carefully. Orders for personalized items cannot be canceled, and personalized items cannot be returned."

Lisa said...

Ooooh, got another one. Got a Kindle? Want the Bible free for it?

Best comment? "great book to read if you're an atheist! great book to pretend to read if you're a christian!"

KaytieJ said...

"Best comment? "great book to read if you're an atheist! great book to pretend to read if you're a christian!"

Is it lame to admit I have two versions of the Bible on my Kindle :-D

Lisa said...

Not at all! If I had a Kindle, I'd have the Bible on it, too, both OT and KJV. Actually, maybe we're both lame. ;-)

Good morning, everyone!

suz said...

Lisa, Thanks for the deal info on the towels, that really is a good deal! I orders some for myself cause I needed some. :)

Lisa said...

You're most welcome, Suz...I love it when someone else can use these deals. :-) What color did you get?

suz said...

I got the chocolate color. I debated cranberry but chocolate works in both my master and spare bathrooms.
I was trying to think of anyone who in my family who might need/want these a Christmas gift. I drew a blank so bought em for myself! lol :P Merry Christmas me!!

Lisa said...

Good for you, Suz! I thought about getting myself some but this is the time of year I get weird about buying myself things and no one would see them but me, anyway. As tempted as I was, I passed.

suz said...

I needed new towels in a bad way. I did not get the monogram ones for myself. I am not big about putting my name on stuff. I know it is a big deal to some even plastering your kids name on every article of clothing they own. That I not me.
How is it going with your mom and her eyes? Any big Saturday plans?

Lisa said...

Suz, I'm with you...the whole monogram thing isn't me, although I admit I'd like some really nice towels. I've got plain white ones from the cheapest line Walmart sells because we have that damn pink bacterial "mold" thing and I have to bleach them heavily every so often. Couple that with Jake being hard on towels and I just can't justify that kind of money on something that will be abused. I admit, though, I considered ordering some hand towels that said "peace" on them for guests to use.

Miss Arse is DONE!! She had her final surgery this past Wednesday to remove the lone, remaining monster cataract and it was successful so no more surgeries for her! Today (well, yesterday, technically) was the day it all settled in and she called me *pissed: "Why didn't you tell me my whole backsplash was so damn filthy looking?" Lol, um, because I knew she couldn't see it and would be pissed and think I was exaggerating? Can't win for losing on that one and I'll take it since it means she is *seeing! The transplant eye still has some healing to go but right now, today, she sees better than I do without glasses, by far. With new glasses in a couple of months, she's going to be seeing near perfectly. I'm soooo happy for her! And thanks for asking. :-)

No big weekend plans here at all...what about with you?

suz said...

So glad for Miss Arse!! Yippie!! Haha on the backsplash story! Too funny :) what a relief for her and her eyesight.
Went to a high tea yesterday for the pregnancy care center here in town, it was kind of cool, fancy is not really my cup of tea( pun intended) but is was fun.
Today.. Relax:)
Hope all the daisies are having a good Sunday

KaytieJ said...

WOOHOO for Ms. Arse and for you Lisa!!! Sorry about the back splash - I see another DIY project in the future for you!

KaytieJ said...

Anybody watch Palin's reality show? Thoughts?

Still an hour to go to watch it here.

KaytieJ said...

Alaska sure is beautiful :-D

suz said...

Kaytie, I did not watch the Palin show. I am sort of annoyed by her. NOW, If Tina Fey did a reality show as her, I would watch! Lol!
I had the pleasure of a trip to Alaska in May, it is as beautiful as you can imagine. I want to go back in a year or two. Put it on your bucket list, it is well worth it!
Happy Monday Daisies.

KaytieJ said...

Suz - I have only been as far as Sitka for some fishing. Beautiful, but much like here - only a lot more water. Definitely want to visit the mountain and glacier areas of Alaska! My husband was invited to go bear hunting in Alaska. For once, I put my foot down and told him, "No!" Ten years later, he finally agreed with my response - LOL!

I am glad you got to visit there and hope you get to do it again!

And I can't wait for the Tina Fey spoof :-D

Lisa said...

I don't know about y'all, but I think this guy needs some time in solitary. A lot of time...

KaytieJ said...

ummmm...yeah. He's whining about the torture of seeing movies over and over again and not having instant news and cable...riiiiggght.

Lisa said...

*waves at everyone who isn't here and at the few who are, too*

suz said...

Waves back at Lisa!! Wondering where everyone one is too. Hope everyone is good :).

Lisa said...

It's so quiet, isn't it, Suz? Until I get my own blag sorted out, I'll just use this place to post good deals, at least.

Here's one:
"I don't know of any codes that are working on clearance right now, but here are a couple for bigger orders, or non-sale items:

10% off orders of $75+ with code VISA2010
15% off regular priced items WELNOCWP"

I just got Jake this for $3.70 shipped...good stocking stuffer.

PJ said...

Wanted you to know I re-ordered the Croc boots in a size 9. They're a bit big, but better that way for boots - I can wear warm socks and put Dr. Schols liners in them.

I do like them.

Lisa said...

I'm glad t hear it, CK! Did the return/exchange go well?

PJ said...

They're going to issue a credit. The downside was it cost $10 to mail them back. Even parcel post. But I was able to reorder the replacements with similar discounts to the original order.

Trudy said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Have a great day!

Lisa said...

Trudy, I was coming to wish everyone the same! Happy Thanksgiving to anyone reading and Trudy, I hope yours is extra good. :-)

suz said...

Happy thanksgiving to all the daisies! Hope it is a great day for everyone:)
Hi Lisa!! Hi Trudy!!

KaytieJ said...

Happy Thanksgiving from me as well!

Anonymous said...

Well shit. Somehow, I just posted on a post from March. My brain is seriously fried. Anyway, just saying, "HEY" and I've missed you all so much! Hope to be able to participate more in a couple of weeks when I'm on VACATION! YAY! Hope you're all doing great! Must read back a bit and see what's up.

Lisa said...

Hi, Jae! It's pretty well dead here now, but I hope you have a great vacation. :-)

KaytieJ said...

Sigh...Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Cheery Kwanzaa, Restful Ramadan, or just plain old well felt Season Greetings to you all!

Sandy said...

::cough, cough:: It's a little dusty in here. ::wiping away the cobwebs::

HELLLOOOOO!!!!! ::echo::

Anybody home?????

I'm pulling out the lawn chairs. I have to run to the gas station. Anyone need any pampers or Marlboro Reds?

Lisa said...

Oh, hey, I'll take the Marlboro Reds, and in a box, please. Can you get me a Slim Jim, too? Thanks!

suz said...

Hey daisies!
everyone go underground with the cold weather? Lisa, I was thinking about you today when I heard it was super cold in Florida. Hope you and Miss Arse are doing well and surviving the cold. And Miss Arse's eyes are doing well too.
Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season,

Sandy said...

Lisa, I'm back with your Marlboro Reds and Slim Jim. I'll leave them on the cooler. There was a huge line with everyone buying Pampers. Then I forgot the pork rinds and Schiltz 40's.

Hey Suz!

Lisa said...

If anyone still reads here, Merry Christmas!

I hope it's a good one for you and yours. :-)

Trudy said...

Merry Christmas!

kristin said...

Merry Christmas Trudy and Lisa - and who ever else might be on!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas.

This Santa is done and going to bed.

suz said...

Merry Christmas Kristin, have fun with little man!
Merry Christmas tou you too Lisa and Trudy and the rest of the daisies :)

twirldawg said...

Merry Christmas!

suz said...

Hey daisies! Just stopping by to wish everyone a happy new year! Hope everyone is good.. Be safe tonight!!
Happy 2011

Lisa said...

Whooo, it's been forever since I've been here but if anyone is around, Happy New Year! Anything exciting happening to anyone?

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