Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rugged beauty

Got a couple more beautiful pics sent in from a Daisy.....This is some amazing landscape.....I love nature :)


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Shannon said...

Hmmmmm Robin I think that is one area where the two of us ALWAYS agree :)

Lisa said...

"I think the WWJD is a thing people like to toss out whenever an argument with a Christian comes up, although it doesn't always have a nickel to do with it."

I agree, that does happen often but that's not why I asked it. Trust me, I'd lie lie on my son's life. It's an honest question and to be fair, I answered it, too.

"How well received do you think a Christian church, any denomination, but just something Christian, would be at a site where Americans have slaughtered Muslims in a Muslim country?"

Not well at all (although there are some), but then again, they have Islamic governments...governments based on their religion, which is something we don't have. That makes the two situations very different indeed.

"Why couldn't someone be against the mosque purely from a personal or patriotic standpoint, nothing to do with religion?"

Well, I guess they could be. I mean, you can be against most anything for any reason. Why would you be, though, if not to do with religion? If you take religion out of this, they're doing nothing but beautifying an abandoned building and providing a nice set of community services.

Shannon said...

Totally OT but this is just weird

For brunch I made biscuits and used turkey from last night and the left over gravy. Now the gravy I added water to stirring it the whole time, the turkey I pulled apart by hand, the biscuits are from Costco.......My daughter had a kidney bean in her in the hell did that happen?

It has me a little tripped out right now because i have no clue how that happened.

Anonymous said...

RiM, I think this is perfect:
That's why I say this whole "we just want to unify" front is bullshit. "We want to infiltrate" or "We want to unify, but only on your ground" might be better from their marketing standpoint. At least it'd be more honest.

I see it as a way to get a foot in the door and they're going about it in a dishonest way. Putting up the front that it is all about community is a lie. Their religion teaches them to lie to infidels.

Anonymous said...

Are you *sure it was a bean? Could it have been a bug? I hate even typing that.

Lisa said...

"I get what you are saying...and as much as we wnat to be like Him, our human emotions take over. We can't forgive and forget so quickly."

Now, see, that makes sense and I agree. That's exactly what is happening. :-)

And Robin, they are not trying to infiltrate....sheeesh. Are you serious?

"I don't think we called names. You just would *not see the voice of reason and it made me cry. ::avoids eye contact::"

Oh, bullshit. And I only cried because you cried and I hated that. Not because I thought I was wrong or anything. :-P

Robin in Montana said...

I definitely didn't mean you weren't sincere in your question to Tammi, and I know there's some background there that adds to that question. It was just an observation that whenever anyone who professes to be Christian says or does or thinks something that someone else deems to be non-Christian, they toss that out there, you know? Not aimed at you. ::ponytail yank::

I don't mean take religion out of it. I mean I could be an atheist and still hate or distrust or dislike Muslims, especially in this instance, because of what did happen. I don't (generic) believe in God, believe in Jesus, believe in Buddha, believe in Xenu, but I don't *want a religious organization who has ties to an activity that hurt at a core level the country I live in and love. You know what I mean? I don't personally have to be religious to dislike/distrust/hate/not want a part of the Muslim religion in my neighborhood.

And I definitely understand your point about their Islamic governments being based on their religion. But living in a country that allegedly (:slight sarcastic cough here:) says they want to keep religion and government separate, I can see even more why they'd not want that train of thought creeping in.

Robin in Montana said...

And they *aren't just providing a nice building and some lovely amenities. It's a place of worship and the bells and whistles of the services to the community are just add-ons. By their own admission, it's a *mosque, a place of worship. So it is religion.

Lisa said...

I'm trying to be interested in the kidney bean and I *was but now I'm too distracted with what Christy just said.

"I see it as a way to get a foot in the door and they're going about it in a dishonest way. Putting up the front that it is all about community is a lie. Their religion teaches them to lie to infidels."

I, for once, have no words. Just none.
Well, okay, I do but I'm actually going to keep them to myself. And I'm going to go get a glass of wine.

Robin in Montana said...

Infiltration? Hell, yes, I'm serious. How did the (I'll not call them terrorists, in view of the previous conversation) "people" who got on those planes and conducted all the months and months and *months of planning get here and into this country and enroll in flying lessons, etc., go about it? They worked their asses off to "fit in." It isn't fair to paint every Muslim person with that paintbrush, to be sure, I will agree. It's also naive to just assume that every Muslim person here, given the political emotion and nature of our world today, is here just because America is That. Friggin. Great.

Kidney bean? I bet it was a kidney from the turkey carcass.

PJ said...

A kidney stone, perhaps?

Lisa said...

"It was just an observation that whenever anyone who professes to be Christian says or does or thinks something that someone else deems to be non-Christian, they toss that out there, you know? Not aimed at you. ::ponytail yank::"

Hey, stop that! Or not...come to think of it. ;-) And yes, you're right about people doing this.

"but I don't *want a religious organization who has ties to an activity that hurt at a core level the country I live in and love."

But shoot, Robin, the vast majority of Muslims do not agree with, support or approve of what happened here. Let's say a little tiny group of hard-core Christians, like the Hutaree, headed off and bombed the hell out of a massive resort in Dubai. Should all Christians share that blame?

Lisa said...

Shannon, look don't see the Virgin Mary in that bean or anything, do you? ;-)

Shannon said...

No it was totally a kidney bean....what makes it so odd is that 2 nights ago there was chili that had kidney beans but I really dont get how in the hell it got in her is just all weird to me.

Robin in Montana said...

I do understand your point, I swear I do. ::hands back your ponytail holder::

But we aren't talking a "tiny" group of Muslims who are involved in terrorism and we aren't talking one incident like Dubai. We aren't saying all Muslims should share the blame. You think people who were closely affected and associated with the killings in Dubai are ordering Bibles to read? No. Right or wrong, I bet the vast majority of those affected (effected? Fuck, I don't know) *do blame Christians, all of them, lock, stock and barrel. To go and force them to acknowledge and accept you as a Christian and your big church with the nice big white cross would be offensive, right or wrong, fair or not.

And for the Muslims who *aren't agreeing with, supporting or approving, why be so *adamant to force this on peope who are so emotional about it? If they truly want unification, if they truly disapprove of those actions, if they truly *feel that sadness on behalf of others, why not be respectful of that, whether at their core they feel it's logical or not? We've all done things for someone we love or someone we respect because we know it's what they need, even if we see differently. That's why I see this as wrong -- forcing yourself on someone, regardless your intent, or regardless the "good" you feel you are doing, is just wrong. Period. IMO. And yes, I include the US and things we have done in the name of what's "good" for other countries, but we're just talking this one particular deal her.

Shannon said...

I have to say that I hate the word terrorist...exactly what is that....and in all honest the majority of attacks perpetrated in this country by people labeled as terrorists are people like your neighbors...Hell look at Oklahoma, the Unibomber, the Anthrax scare,Columbine, people who hold coworkers hostage, the list goes on and on and on....99.99% of all "terrorism" in the US is at the hands of Caucasian, christian, American born citizens.

To me profiling Muslims as bad evil bastards that want to kill us all is wrong.

Robin in Montana said...

Who was profiling *all Muslims as bad evil bastards?

And comparing Columbine, Anthrax, the Unabomber, and their volume of victims is nowhere even remotely comparable.

Dawn said...

Shannon, not to imply you aren't capable of cleaning, but if you have a dishwasher and it's like mine, it could have been a kidney bean stuck the plate/bowl from the chili.

I've put dishes away, not paying attention and have ended up with some dried kernels of rice stuck to a plate. Especially if Taylor decides to unload the dishwasher. :)

Also, totally OT as well, I just came in from the nuclear winter that my deck has become. When people bring in their computers for repair, the first task is to use the air compressor to blow them out.

Just a word of advice, do your computer (& computer repair guy/girl) a favor. Open up your computer occasionally and blow it out with a can of air. Or you can vaccuum if you are really careful.

This message brought to you by your friendly, asthmatic computer repair grunt. The Bossman is the brains in the outfit, I'm just the brawn. ;)

Shannon said...

it is a generic profiling :) there are many many in this country that see them all as evil...should have specified that.

And I do actually think that they do compare simply because if you look at the number of people who have been impacted and lost their lives in comparison the numbers are astronomically greater then 9/11

Shannon said...

LOL Dawn it is amazing how many people dont even think to clean theirs our old house I did it probably once a month because of all the dust and yuck that was in the house.

Robin in Montana said...

Hmmm. Yeah, but if you look at statistically the number of people killed in car accidents, it's much greater, too. It's not the same. One nut job is not the same as a religious/political entity harboring hate towards a country and planning on incredibly detailed levels attacks.

And at some point, yes, I guess it is generic profiling. What would you have us (generic) do? Just assume until proven wrong or right that everyone is good? Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. You do have to protect yourself, there is constant policital/religious/terroristic wrangling and finagling going on. The US sat on their asses feeling smug and above retaliation prior to 9/11 and look what happened. I do think you have to be proactive.

Robin in Montana said...

generic? genetic.

Robin in Montana said...


Shannon said...

Honestly I think that the US govt fucked the pooch big time in regards to 9/11

but really how does a generic you protect yourself or loved ones from the whackadoos out there that will kill you because they dont like you or they have their own agenda and statement to make?

I am more afraid of my redneck neighbor then I am any supposed terrorist group but that doesnt mean that I am going to go out and live my life like he is out to get me.

Shannon said...

LMAO too funny Robin.....what about geriatric?

Robin in Montana said...

No, definitely not. But you take certain measures to be safe in your everyday life. YOu don't put yourself in certain situations, you don't associate or hang out with people you feel are dangerous or might cause you harm, you teach your kids right from wrong. You don't invite known pedopholes, murderers, drug addicts into your home for dinner and a movie. Same thing. You can be proactive by not being naive, by paying attention.

PJ said...

generic profiling - an oxymoron at it's finest?

Lisa said...

Shannon makes a good point in that we had roughly 3.000 Americans (and some non-Americans but we'll just say all Americans for this comparison since they were here) killed in 9/11. It's horrible, no question. We invaded Iraq, a country who did *nothing* to us to deserve invasion and to date, have caused over 100,000 known civilian casualties. The unknown number is estimated to be as high as a million. So, what's terrorism and what isn't? Who is a terrorist and who isn't?

And Robin, I'm not ignoring you. I needed food and a brain rest. ;-)

Lisa said...

Hi, CK. Pull up a chair or a prayer rug or something. Want some freshly slaughtered goat on goat meat? Liquor?

Robin in Montana said...

I know you weren't. :-D

As to casualties in Iraq, yes. How many American casualties? Not saying one's better than the other, just that we're talking one incident, and the reaction to something that is being proposed near the site of that incident, not the overall numbers of lives lost in various atrocities, be it Jeffrey Dahmer, the unabomber, Thalidomide, bad steering mechanisms on Cadillacs, Iraq, Dubai, whatever. We are talking gut-level reaction to 9/11, *who perpetrated that incident, and why people may not want any association with those perpetrators or their religion nearby as a reminder.

This mosque is not the great leveler of all things done wrong to mankind across the board, nor is it's allowance or dis-allowance in all reality going to change anything in the big scheme of us all Just Getting Along.

PJ said...

Hi LisAP - just reading along. Working at the same time too.

*Trying to add a bit of levity.

No easy answers to these tough questions (cop out, isn't it?)

Robin in Montana said...

Yes, CK, it is a cop-out. We were going to fix this whole problem, once and for all today, if we just had enough input. :-D

PJ said...

You ladies are the right ones to solve it. Thoughtful, smart, articulate.

<---wipes nose off.

Lisa said...

"As to casualties in Iraq, yes. How many American casualties?"

Right around American 5,000 service men and women have been killed in Iraq. Seeing as how they were sent on what we'd define a terrorist mission if anyone did it to us, do they count or not? We don't count those who bombed the Towers, the Pentagon or who died in the field in the final death toll of casualties, do we? If we do, I'm good with that since these American men and women should have never been sent there to begin with. They were nothing but terrorists, using our own definitions for others. That said, I disagree with that idea. I say that they, too, are victims of our country's actions, our own country's terrorism, as surely as all those Iraqi civilian are.

Anonymous said...

"Their religion teaches them to lie to infidels" - this is simply not true and the reason why so many people hate muslims. It's like saying that all southern baptists belong to The Klan.

Dawn said...

lol @ RiM. Yep, let's put this all off on CK. If she'd only been here to help, we would have figured it out by now.

Hey CK!

Shannon said...

Lisa that is exactly why I hate the word who's definition is a terrorist called a terrorist?

Robin in Montana said...

I have to run. I'll try to get back to yank ponytails later!

Dawn said...

And RiM, just so you didn't think I abandoned you, since I agree with you, it's just hard for me to keep up with the intense discussion right now because of those annoying people who pay our bills...Customers. ;)

Anonymous said...

Margaret, have you read the Quran?

PJ said...

Hi Dawn! It's been fun to hear about Taylor's birthday and all. I can't watch videos here at work, but I will at home tonight.

Lisa said...

What I mean is (I'm getting worn out, they weren't victims of the Iraqis who simply tried to fight the occupation. We cannot count them as such, considering they went *there and attacked. If someone during 9/11 had managed to kill a hijacker before the crashes, would we call the hijacker a victim or casualty of an American? Nope. If we're to count them as victims at all, we have to logically count them as our own victims, I think.

Anonymous said...

Christy, I'm sure there are passages that can be taken out of the Quran and the Bible for that matter to make it seem to the other side that Christians want to kill Muslims and Muslims want to kill Christians. If you take Judaism, Christianity and Islam they are not all that different - it's man that's made them ugly and hateful.

JustPeachy2 said...

Whoa.. things got pretty heavy in here! catching up now!

Shannon said...

That is the truth all the way preach it girl!!!!

Not one of them is a religion of ugliness yet because of how man has decided to interpret and how it has placed emphasis they are all ugly and evil.

Deb said...

Just saw this article pop up on local news, timely to this discussion I guess:

Regarding Muslims that pray everyday at the Pentagon:

Tara said...

Well I am going to have to cop-out with CK - I just can't come up with an answer because I am not sure how I feel. I am like Robin - I don't feel really strongly about it either way. But, I am leaning toward this opinion for myself: every single religion has a *right to build anywhere because that's what living in the US is about - freedom to practice any religion. But, thinking about what Lisa asked (wwjd?) *I think Jesus would say yes, it is your right, but don't do things that you know would be offensive to others (similar to verses in Corinthians where Jesus? or an apostle? said you are free to eat meat, but if offends your brother, don't do it.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's true Margaret. But you didn't answer the question :)

Deb said...

I honestly have no feeling toward it one way or another.

I could certainly see, if I had a relative, friend, etc that died in the 9/11 attacks how my feeling would rail against the mosque being built. Or even the Pentagon.

So, yeah, I'm in the cop out group because, either way? It's going to hurt a lot of people. I just think a little sensitivity and commonsense could have avoided this entire debacle.

*So glad RiM is going to fix this though!

Lisa said...

Christy, not Margaret, but I have read it...many years ago and translated to English...but I've read it. I own a copy, in fact. It's actually remarkably similar to the Bible, did you know that? Including the talk of what to do with infidels. When the Quran speaks of infidels, it typically means Jews or Atheists. The (KJV)Bible typically means anyone not Christian. Both are good reading. :-)

EandK said...

Hi all,

Turns out I was low lots of blood. Spent the night in the hospital "True Blood"ing it with 3 units. I look more human, feel more human, and have a script to stop my period.

I haven't had time to read all of the opinions on the Muslim Cultural Center in NYC. My school had a number of people killed in the WTC that day. And.. we have many Muslim families attending our program. One of our Board Members is a Board Member of the Cultural Center. Their goal is not to build a mosque especially because they want to include all people to feel welcome. The woman I know is horrified by the actions of Al Queda. I do see them as terrorists and so does the Board of the Cultural Center. I have been down to Ground Zero and the site is not so close and in vision shot. I don't do the hallowed ground thing either but can sympathize with those who lost loved ones and never recovered anything-- body parts or personal effects so I understand the thoughts of not wanting their loved ones being so near those who killed them. But, The Cultural Center is distinctly not extremists and do not have any tolerance of extremist Muslim practice. My friend is incredibly liberal in her practice as is her husband and many of their friends. It has been a great learning experience for me to see the range.

I would less favorable at the Cultural Center if it was intended for religious purposes because the shift in practice is greater.

Since they have not raised the money to even build yet, I think lots of the discussion is moot. Given that they need over 500 million or some number like that and have not raised the money it is unlikely that any major donors would want to have that kind of scrutiny or be questioned for their "terrorist leanings."

I will say that the Al Queda terrorists are Muslim in name and not action as many I know describe the religion. Just like the people who have killed doctors who performed abortions were terrorists are Christian in name and not in action. All religious groups have had times in their histories where their actions did not reflect their religion. I don't know of any religion that has not engaged in power related practices towards those who believe differently. Sad but true. However, I believe that each religious group is doomed to repeat their atrocious behavior if they don't learn from their mistakes. The people of our country do need to have venues to learn about the other aspects of Islam in order to understand the variations and the humanity of most who practice.

PJ said...

Wonders if Islam and Christianity share the same God - just have different ways of knowing him/her, perhaps based on historical cultural differences?

Anonymous said...

I have read parts of the Quran, Bible and Talmud. I am not a scholar in any of them and if asked to quote verses I could not do it. I am a follower of Jesus Christ but I've worshipped with Christians, Jews and Muslims - and I know that they are not hateful religions. Men are evil and have made them so.

Anonymous said...

CK - I've often wondered that myself.

PJ said...

That question would apply to Buddhism, Judaism, too.

Elaine said...

Hello Ladies,
Off topic but I wanted to stop by and say hello. I've been reading for months but decided to delurk today. You all are an awesome group and I admire the respect you have for one another. I found the site through MWOP

Interesting conversation today for sure!

Waving to Brie and AP. Congrats Brie!

Lisa said...

EandK, that's interesting and good to know...more knowledge. Thank you!

And where's your blood go that you needed more?

"Wonders if Islam and Christianity share the same God - just have different ways of knowing him/her, perhaps based on historical cultural differences?"

I think so. :-) But to the best of my knowledge, both Muslims and Christians (well, their teachings) are sort of all over the place about it.

Lisa said...

Hi, picked a fun time to jump in!

Lisa said...

CK, Buddhists don't worship any God, so no. Jews all kind of all over the place about it, too, to the best of my knowledge.

Anonymous said...

E and K - yikes, I hope you are on the mend.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Overall, I am staying out of this conversation, but as a native NYer and someone who was directly affected by 9/11, I wanted to say that I am on Lisa's side of the fence, here.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Also, it's not that I can't defend my thoughts; I can. It's just that this is a constant topic of conversation for me among friends and family, and I kind of need a break from it. But I didn't want to ignore it, as I have discussed my feelings about 9/11 with some people that are here.

Lisa said...

And now that I realize I've made Buddhists sound like Atheists, let me fix that. I need to give this up before I wind up with my foot in my mouth and coming out my ass. They don't worship a monotheistic, main God as other religions do. I *think there are different branches, though, that do believe in certain dieties but they have nothing like Jews, Muslims and Christians do.

Shannon said...

Hello Elaine and welcome.

E and K that is no good to have blood sugar that low. I get the low blood sugar thing but have been able to not need medical intervention for any of it so far.

From what I have learned the God of the Bible and the God of the Quran are the same. Abraham is essentially the grandfather of both. Abraham's older son, Ishmael, became the father of Islam and Abraham's second son, Isaac became the father of Judaism and Christianity.

PJ said...

So, God is just manifested among multiple dieties - could that just be another way of understanding a divine power or powers?

Shannon said...

I tell you what I cant wait until I am finally able to get into the Eastern Religion class in school......I mean hell I know a lot about Christianity and such but I really want to know more about Hindu and Buddhist and really does fascinate me (religion)

PJ said...

I just wonder if it's not something beyond what's been studied/agreed upon, as to which religions share God and which don't.

You know, something bigger than the human mind can imagine.

Life force, energy, an abiding presence....

Lisa said...

"From what I have learned the God of the Bible and the God of the Quran are the same. Abraham is essentially the grandfather of both."

Grandfather of both the Bible and Quran? Sort of. But that doesn't mean both "sides" think their God is the same. Lord, this is getting confusing now.

BD, hi! And yes, you must get very, very tired of this topic.

PJ said...

Transcendent, supernatural, creator, divine simplicity....

Shannon said...

Honestly I think that when man decided that religion was an amazing tool to control the masses they messed things up. As soon as eternal reward/punishment came into the mix the whole thing went up in smoke.

I mean if you look clear back to the dawn of man there has always been this 'knowledge' of something bigger but also unexplainable. I think that when it began to become a preached organization it became tainted with personal belief and preference.

Shannon said...

Lisa....But they are derived from the same concept of the same God. I mean really a lot of people think that Allah is about war and that so different from the God of the Old Testament?

And I agree it is all confusing LOL

PJ said...

Here, here, Shannon. *Men certainly have a way of messing a good thing up. Especially when it means they can have power over others.

Lisa said...

"So, God is just manifested among multiple dieties - could that just be another way of understanding a divine power or powers?"

Oh, absolutely...or possibly no divine power at all, just pure science.

PJ said...

But that science didn't come from no where? It's an incredibly amazing and complex system. Who designed that?

Tammi said...

Leave for a few mins and bam! LOL

I have nothing more to add..I think it's all been said! haha

Tammi said... nailed it on the head!

And I sound like my mother...

Robin in Montana said...

You have nothiung more to add because your brain is in a sugar-induced coma from all those brownies, Tammi. :)

Tammi said...

Robin,...I just tried one...I am not a huge peanut butter fan, but dang they are awesome! I guarantee that whole pan will be gone by tonight.

Ok, off to shower....being clean is so overrated. I can't just keep layering on deodorant?

Jeanette said...

Busy day here today!

I'm ashamed to admit that I don't really keep up with current events the way I should, so when I first started reading I had no idea what you all were talking about.

That said, I don't really know how I feel about it but wow, you all made some really good points. Usually I'm able to pick a side on an issue, but with this I'm torn. I guess that means folks on both sides of the issue in here are really good debaters! I can't decide who to agree with!

PJ said...

Perhaps something beyond our understanding, beyond our ability to put into words created that amazing system. Men put names to whoever/whatever that is (and yes, it probably was men).

So he/she/it is called by different names, and explained in different ways by different religions, but ultimately is the same incomprehensible force.

Lisa said...

"But that science didn't come from no where? It's an incredibly amazing and complex system. Who designed that?"

Maybe no one. Maybe it just always has been and always will be. To assume someone or something started it means a beginning and then you have that, you must have an end. Finite reality. But what it's really infinite, this universe, with no beginning and no end? If that's the case, it could have just always been and always will be, well, science, for lack of a better term, infinitely at work.

That's it, I'm lighting incense.

Lisa said...

"So he/she/it is called by different names, and explained in different ways by different religions, but ultimately is the same incomprehensible force."

That's what I believe, yep. :-)

PJ said...


PJ said...

Really well said there, AP, about the finiteness or infiniteness....

Lisa said...

*tucks daisies in CK's hair*

Alrighty, all, I'm out for awhile. Got things to do, places to go, people to see. Be back later!

Jeanette said...

Lisa, you just took me back like 20 years. I think I've shared before that my grandmother was a Jehovah's Witness, and that I sometimes had to go to her meetings with her. I asked her once who Jehovah's mom was...since he had to come from somewhere right? She answered that he was like a circle, he had no beginning and had no end. That is one thing that has always stuck with me out of what she taught me, because it is something that applies to Christianity too.

Robin in Montana said...

Jeanette - JW's are a Christian religion, too. I wasn't sure if you were saying they wren't, but just clarifying. :-) It's always been hard for me to understand, too, and adding inthe fact that you can't argue with science on a lot of things that *don't coincide with the Bible. Confusing, at best.

PJ said...

All of this said, I choose to be involved in a liberal Christian community where I can explore a spiritual relationship with whatever we might call this thing bigger than us. It's where I ended up for now, given my cultural background.

But it's probably not the only place I could do that. And I don't think this community has the only path.

Robin in Montana said...

All of *that said, for me, I don't know where the hell I belong. I have been trying to pray here and there, about this job, about things that are stressing, about just .. stuff. But I've discovered I don't really know *how to pray, after all. I don't know what I believe. It's ... uh ... hard.

PJ said...

Robin - I don't think anybody knows exactly what to do - just keep your heart open, and I believe some of it will become clearer - not clear, but clearer.

Jeanette said...

RiM, you are absolutely right and I should have instead said that it applies to *other* forms of Christianity. Thank you for pointing that out.

And I know how you feel Robin, about not knowing where you fit in or what you believe. I struggle with that a lot because of the many different versions of "the truth" I have been told. It's hard to put it all together and make sense out of it.

Anonymous said...

CK - the flowers in your hair are lovely but if you decide to rock a tube top you better not have hairy pits.

PJ said...

<---swishes patchwork maxi skirt.

Margaret - lol!

Rest assured, pits are clean shaven AND adequately deodorized.

PJ said...

The whole circle thing is very Native American too.

Robin in Montana said...

I think it's doubly hard (wah, wah, I know) for me becuase I am dealing not only with my own crisis of faith, but also with how to help my kids deal with the fact that I don't do what they do any more, and that I don't really have answers for questions they have for me about *why.

Jeanette said...

Robin, I wanted to ask you whether your children still went to meetings or not, but wasn't sure if that would be prying. Do you mind if I ask you for your opinion on something?

PJ said...

<---reaches through computer screen to wipe Robin's tears.

That would be hard, Robin.

PJ said...

Robin, I think God's just quietly hanging around you, and is patient while you're doing all this. Maybe not a crisis, but rather a journey.

Most everybody wrestles with this kind of stuff.

Adjusting flowers in hair.

Anonymous said...

Robin - I really feel for your situation because not only are you trying to figure it out your girls are being told that you're wrong. I'm not sure how you deal with that.

JustPeachy2 said...

Such a long thread, but here are a few of my thoughts.

I'm with Lisa all the way.

I think to truly forgive is to forget. I think this is a start to building unity, and if you disagree, what is your suggestion?

Robin- you said that a Christian church wouldn't be allowed to build near Muslim ruins, and you're absolutely right. But, by the same token, why would we want to be like that? Don't we want to have democracy and freedom of religion? Aren't we become what we protest by refusing to allow it?

And 2 NY blocks can certainly be 7 miles to comment on the Pearl Harbor argument.

I just think more than anything else, we shouldn't throw out the whole for the part. 9.11 was an act of evil, sick, misguided men- not an entire religion.

JustPeachy2 said...

And, kuddos ladies on a heartfelt, honest, intelligent discussion!

Robin in Montana said...

Jeannete -- I do not mind at all. Ask away! I am going to head out in a a few, for the evening, but if I don't get it until tomorrow, I will definitely not ignore you.

CK -- Thank you.

Margaret - thank you.

Peachy - you do make a good point. As a country, why compare ourselves to what they would allow us to do. I don't know. I'm thinking about all of it, just offering up my ever-so-requested (ha) opinion.

JustPeachy2 said...

Robin- haha, mine too! I know ya'll were just dying to hear my two cents ;)

Robin in Montana said...

Peach - I agree that it is a step to forgiveness and healing. But why if the intention is so, so good, could they not agree to do it, say, 4 blocks away, somewhere where the intention is still there, the results for the community are still good, but the hurt is not so much. Healing happens on both sides, you know?

Deb said...

Robin - I believe everyone has their own way of praying. There is no right or wrong way, in my opinion. I struggle with that too.

CK - the flowers are *lovely.

Deb said...

"Robin, I think God's just quietly hanging around you, and is patient while you're doing all this. Maybe not a crisis, but rather a journey."

CK - I really liked this.

JustPeachy2 said...

I can see your point. But, if it were really 4 blocks would it be OK then?

For some maybe, but I bet the argument is the same no matter where it is.

Tara said...

I'm asking this question while Lisa is away from the computer cause I don't want her going off on me for taking gubment money! My son is going to community college - first year. His financial aid (grants) came thru & covered his tuition and books. His fin.aid amount was about $1,000 more than this for this semester. It was sent to the college. What happens to the $1000 - is it sent back to ?fed program? Does the school keep it? First time at doing all this - trying to figure out how it all works!

Robin in Montana said...

Deb - I liked that sentiment from CK, too. She's going to force me to start kicking shins and pulling hair if she doesn't knock this off soon. :-)

Peach - I don't know. From what I understand, there *are other mosques in the vicinity, just not *that close. I don't know.

JustPeachy2 said...

Tara, he should get a refund for the remainder. He can spend it on food, housing, other expenses.

You basically get the full "accepted" amount even if it's over what the cost of tuition/fees and books is.

JustPeachy2 said...

Well, that makes two of us Robin. I don't know either :)

Jeanette said...

Thanks Robin. I actually think I'll email you if that's okay. There is some back story and I don't want to bore everyone else with it. I'll write you after I get dinner cleaned up. Thanks!

Margaret, I ditto what you said. My situation as a child was a lot different from what Robin is dealing with now, and it was still hard for my mom. I can't imagine being in Robin's position.

And CK, I like your theory on it all. It's comforting to think of it like that. You're a smart lady :) Hey I also wanted to tell you, I watched Dirty Dancing a few nights ago and couldn't help but think of you and Shirley Goodness!

Robin in Montana said...

Well, crap. We're not going to be able to fix this today after all, are we?

I have about four minutes left here. Jeanette, you better get to asking! Oh, and yes, my girls still go to meetings with their Dad. It's changed a lot since you were there, and it's one night meeting (the two 'night meetings' condensed into one) and Sunday.

Robin in Montana said...

Jeanette - email is totally good!

Jeanette said...

Yep, Peachy is right. He will get an overage check once the quarter(semester?) officially starts.

Deb said...

Have a good night Robin!

Tara said...

Thanks Jeanette and Peachy! That is good news.
He needs a laptop desperately and that would just about cover it. I'm going to hide now from Lisa. Don't tell her I was here.

JustPeachy2 said...

LOL Tara!

I should add though that more than likely, he can go sign up for direct deposit into a checking account at the financial aid office. Keep it mind that it can take 4-6 weeks into the semester for them to fully process all refunds. This always happened to me in school, and I ended up waiting an eternity for that check!

PJ said...

If some of it was a loan, you could take the excess and pay it back right away too.

PJ said...

Ah yes, Shirley and Patrick dancing in heaven. A sweet image.

Bye all! Thanks for putting up with my ramblings.

PJ said...

Tara - she hasn't laid into me yet about my husband's unemployment, so maybe we're safe on those two forms of government aid.

Tara said...

CK- I'm not taking any chances. I'm hiding out.

Jeanette said...

It was very sweet CK, and I'm still glad you shared her with all of us.

Tara, if you go to the bursar's page on the school's website, you can probably sign up for direct deposit from there. And Peachy is right, it can sometimes take awhile, especially with this being your son's first quarter. I know at my school, you can request an early release form, and then the funds are released 24 hours after the first day. You would have to contact your Bursar's office to check on that.

JustPeachy2 said...

I think it depends on the school. The way ours did it was they gave you an "emergency loan" for the amount that was being processed. When the funds finally became available, they paid the loan back instead of paying you... if that makes sense.

It's a wonky way of getting your money earlier than normal..but not but much, unfortunately.

Tara said...

Yes, Peachy I think this is partially what happened here. He started school Mon - fin. aid
(all grants - no loans)had not come thru yet. They put him on a "do not purge" list because they knew it was coming. It came thru today. So,
I will now check with fin. aid office to see when I can expect the remaining money. God, I am so scared of Lisa right now after that comment!

Tammi said...

Religion is hard, and thiking of Robin, that is one huge reason why I have really talked to the boys about finding a wife who has the same beliefs. When the shit hits the fan, that is the one big thing that can really tear a family apart. And like Robin said, how do you explain it to the kids? I totally get that.

As far as this mosque goes, I don't care about the religion part...its the principal of the thing. Thousands died at the hand of a Muslim terrorist group, and now this mosque is being built by a supposed terrorist group, the HAMAS.

I'll say it again, it just seems like such a huge slap in the face, a sort of "haha neener neener" we bombed your building, now look at what we are doing. People talk about getting along, building that bridge, forgiving...well, I highly, highly doubt that is the motive for this building being built.

Tammi said...


JustPeachy2 said...

lol, I haven't been around enough to understand the fears, but I find them fascinating! I will say that financial aid got me through school. Wouldn't be here contributing to society, paying back my loans, and giving a large portion to taxes without 'em.....

Tammi said...

OH come on, there is a big diff between financial aid, and supporting the crack whore and her 5 babies. :)

We will be starting the process soon, and I am gonna apply for everything we can. Flame away.

Tara said...

Well, then, that settles it. I am hiding behind Tammi.

JustPeachy2 said...

Totally agree, Tammi.

Robin in Montana said...

You're going to become a crack whore with 5 babies??

Robin in Montana said...

She's kind of a skinny broad to hide behind. She *is tall, though, so that helps. Bigger shadow, and all. :nod:

Okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving.

JustPeachy2 said...

Only if I can get loads of money from the feds!!

JustPeachy2 said...

... and here I thought I had to go to school and work to do that. Well, dang!!

Tammi said...

How does one become a crack whore? I mean I have a *crack....

JustPeachy2 said...

The recipe 1 part crack 2 parts whore.. especially if you're going to have those 5 babies..

Where was the pamphlet on this at high school graduation??!

JustPeachy2 said...

the recipe is *

Tammi said...


If you become a crack whore you will get all that financial aid...hmmm LOL

Shannon said...

LMAO so once again we find that you dont need to do anything to make your life better...sell your ass, pop out multiple kids (different unknown daddies is the best route), and drugs, lots of drugs to ensure you are never in your right mind and therefore cannot be blamed.

Tammi said...

Shannon..if I had only learned that sooner! Damn!

Shannon said...

No kidding....I am kind of thinking that the brink of 40 may be too late to take up this lifestyle LOL

I mean maybe 20 years ago I could have made a living off my ass but now....I am lucky my husband loves it :)

Tammi said...

It's men...they don't ass,is an ass...of course I have no ass. LOL It's a back with a crack...whore....hahahaha

Shannon said... do have a good point there, men dont care so maybe it isnt too late for me yet

Lisa said...

I'm back. CK and Tara, relax. I'm just trying to behave around here...that's all. No one needs to hear my every waking thought on everything. You're stuck with enough as it is. ;-)

"Thousands died at the hand of a Muslim terrorist group, and now this mosque is being built by a supposed terrorist group, the HAMAS."

And that is the biggest bunch of utterly stupid bullshit I've known you to utter in all the years I've known you, Tammi, and God knows I've heard you come out with a lot over the years.

Jesus, I was in a good mood, too.

Anonymous said...

My head just hit the table.

Shannon said...

LOL Margaret hopefully not too hard

Lisa said...

Well, I'm sorry but *damn.

Shannon said...

Well Lisa sometimes it has to be said :) dont be sorry

Anonymous said...

Our neighbor at the shore was the pilot of the second plane that hit the towers. I hate that his family and all the families get pulled through the muck again when a debate like this comes up. For anyone to throw out there that HAMAS is funding the center is irresponsible, hurtful and hateful. That kind of thing is said for one reason only - to cause fear, panic and alarm and that in itself is a form of terrorism.

Shannon said...

I will admit that it was the media and the government's constant alert warnings that really pissed me off in the years following 9/11 simply because it felt like fear mongering more then anything.

Shannon said...

And I am a nerd....reading about the last Harry Potter movies and getting so excited :)

EandK said...


Thanks for the well wishes. It wasn't my blood sugar it was my blood count. I am perimenopausal so you know how that can go. I just went too far. They were surprised that I was still walking. My hemoglobin was 3 with a normal value being 12. Can't remember other numbers. Next time my period lasts for more than 18 days, I am going to the doctor before I wind up with a blood drip. Thanks to all of the blood donors out there.

Tammi, no disrespect intended but I have to say that they wanted to build a cultural center not a mosque. It is not Hamas funded because they have no funds. I don't like it when any group is broadbased blamed for the actions of a few. The cultural center is not going to happen based on climate and funding.

The purpose of the center was to build understanding and promote dialogue. Unfortunately the current dialogue is more diatribe and political rhetoric. Even Mike Boomberg is in support and he know the whole story from all sides and is a smart man. It would have been easy for him to support at the other side but he is a pretty facts and action based. That should say a lot. I don't argue religion except that I know that all religions have left and right wing aspects that bastardize the actions and destroy credibility of the more moderates.

Sandy said...

Did I miss something today?

Tammi said...

I'm not saying it's fact, but it has been reported in numerous news outlets. And if it is *true, that is disturbing.

Yeah, Lisa, both of our bullshit spewing sort of just cancels each other out. :)

Tammi said...

A leader of the Hamas terror group yesterday jumped into the emotional debate on the plan to construct a mosque near Ground Zero -- insisting Muslims "have to build" it there.

"We have to build everywhere," said Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas and the organization's chief on the Gaza Strip.

-Ny Post

So, what in the heck does that mean???

Shannon said...

My question I would pose back is how is that, as a religious stance, different from others? That is something else that they all have in common...the world must be converted to that particular religions version of what is the truth.

JustPeachy2 said...

"We have to build everywhere," said Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas and the organization's chief on the Gaza Strip."

And just because Hitler professed Christianity, doesn't mean all Christians are mass murderers..

Really, think before you type.

Muliebrity said...

Good debate, Daisies! I am not bothered by the mosque. These things will eventually happen, so why not now? I would think building a $55 million building project would improve the economy. I *get why people are insulted by the idea, but I think it should be a non-issue.

And hey to Dawn and the other "new" faces!

Muliebrity said...

"And just because Hitler professed Christianity, doesn't mean all Christians are mass murderers.."

And just because Barack Obama listened to Jeremiah Wright preach for 20 years doesn't mean Obama hates white folks. ;-)

EandK said...

John Wayne Gacy might have come out in support of clown training for pedophiles. Timothy McVeigh still supported well armed militias. Rev. Al makes ridiculous statements all the time. Just because some speaks and news outlets carry it, doesn't mean that they are the owners.

Tammi, you wrote, "Thousands died at the hand of a Muslim terrorist group, and now this mosque is being built by a supposed terrorist group, the HAMAS." It did not sound like you were saying that news outlets were reporting but you were implying this to be a vetted statement.

I am against killing of any and all.

Muliebrity said...

"I am against killing of any and all."

I am not opposed to killing zombies.

Question: If zombies are the living dead, is killing them considered killing?

Hi, E and K! Hope you are feeling better!

EandK said...

Yes, Muliebrity, I am on the mend.

I would be against killing the living dead unless they became the dead but then I would not have to kill them because they would be dead. But the undead would be another story if they weren't proved to be living but could kill me first.

With that, I will make a mojito.

Muliebrity said...

"I would be against killing the living dead unless they became the dead but then I would not have to kill them because they would be dead. But the undead would be another story if they weren't proved to be living but could kill me first."

So which is it? Living dead or Undead? I don't want to waste anytime trying to figure it out when one is craving brains. Ya know?

Shannon said...

Personally I say screw the living dead...they already got to live once and just because your bug infested ass comes back for a snack doesnt mean I have to let you eat my brains LOL

Lisa said...

Zombies are fair game. I assumed that went without saying. Otherwise, I'm with EandK.

"I'm not saying it's fact, but it has been reported in numerous news outlets. And if it is *true, that is disturbing."

You certainly stated it as fact.

"Yeah, Lisa, both of our bullshit spewing sort of just cancels each other out. :)"

Tammi, you show me one thing I've said that's bullshit and *prove it to be so. One. Thing. So far, you've not managed it in what...10 years?

Lisa said...

Oh, hey. It's after 6am and I'm still up. Fun times...only not.

So, total subject change but remember a couple of weeks back I told y'all about the notice in the mail I got about a court hearing for child support in TN this coming January? Well, Tom "responded". He responded by him (he?) and his wife, Michelle, picking up and moving to Iowa, near his family. They abandoning the house (shack) they own, quitting their jobs and just going. He told Jake he was going to start driving trucks again. That means he can hide his income. Jill, I'm assuming Comcheks are still a huge form of payment in the industry...are they? They can live in a family/farm-owned home there and even make payments on it, all under the table. Nice, huh?

For Tammi and Christy, since they seem to believe without questioning what they hear in the cable media, this might be some interesting reading for you...this is from the Cordoba Initiative, the ones behind rebuilding the abandoned Burlington Coat Factory into a community center and mosque.

It's from this site...the people actually trying to build this place. Not that I expect either of you to read it with an open mind but hey, you've been given the information now. Factual information. Use it or not, your choice.

Non-factual, purely my opinion? I like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. And I thought Yasser Arafet was a fine man, King Hussein of Jordan was one of the greatest leaders of a country in modern times and I have no huge issues with Hamas. I am pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel. Period. I make no bones about any of it; I am firmly, staunchly, proudly pro-Palestinian. But I am also definitely not Muslim and believe more in Christianity than Islam. So, there you go.

Good morning, y'all. :-D

Anonymous said...

AP - Sorry to hear about Tom - what a dirtball.

On the conversation - I think I'm going to step back from this for a while.

Have a good day ladies :)

Melissa said...

I'd like to retract my statement yesterday about how I feel about the "mosque". I had based my opinion on information that I hadn't taken the time to research and confirm it's validity. That being said, I think I'm straddling the fence on this particular topic.

I do have to agree with others that I'm happy that people have been able to discuss their beliefs/thoughts on this in such a civil manner.

JustPeachy2 said...

I'm Christian, but half of my family is Jewish. I'm not pro anything but peaceful co-existence. And I'm not anti anything but hate of any kind.

Muliebrity said...

Wow, Lisa. Tom is kind of douche canoe, huh? I had a friend in Maryland with a young baby with a deadbeat dad that working under the table or commission, I don't remember. Anyway, the county went and rounded up all these guys two days before Christmas and parked them in jail. Guess what? Her baby's daddy suddenly came up with $5k, so he could get out and spend Christmas with his new wife. I thought that was a pretty bold idea.

Deb said...

Good morning!

I just want to say, I'm glad to have read everyone's view on the mosque and religion. And it was done pretty respectfully, IMO. Nice job.

Lisa - Tom sucks. What do you do now? Since there was a court date issued, wouldn't he be in contempt?

Tammi said...

Peach...I understand that...I still just thought it seemed odd.

And sorry if my other quote came out wrong.

Oh Lisa...I don't keep score, but I know over the years, many a time I have just rolled my eyes and sighed. You can spew it with the are just more eloquent about it and no one realizes...:)

And yeah, Tom is a douche. I feel sorry for Jake.

JustPeachy2 said...

It's gravy!

Happy Thursday everyone!

Shannon said...

Morning...checking in before I take a nap

Lisa can I say that I find it once again how similar our views are about things....I am of the same mindset with Israel/Palestin I also believe Arafet to be amazing...and so on and so forth....Personally when the word terrorist is tossed about the Israeli Government is next to the definition.

Shannon said...

Oh and Tom is an asswipe......nice that he can just up and move like that I guess it is cheaper and easier then paying for the child he helped create.

Muliebrity said...

How do you feel about a new post, Shannon?

Lisa said...

Hi, all...too late to say good morning, though.

Yep, douche canoe and dirtball pretty much sum up how I'm viewing him right now. As far as I know, this little move isn't going to excuse him from that TN court date but I'll have to doublecheck that. He'll probably just not show or call, though. I hate it for Jake too, Tammi, especially since he can remember when his dad was night and day a better father than this.

"I'm Christian, but half of my family is Jewish. I'm not pro anything but peaceful co-existence. And I'm not anti anything but hate of any kind."

Peach, all things being equal, I agree. But when one group of people has been shit upon like the Palestinians have been, particularly with our government's approval and assistance, I become far less neutral in all.

Melissa, straddling is fine...sometimes that's just where you wind up on an issue.

"You can spew it with the are just more eloquent about it and no one realizes...:)"

Well, thank you for the sort-of compliment but I think most people are smart enough to see past any so-called eloquence on my part to figure out the truth if the truth is really what they want. I'm sorry you don't believe they are, though.

PJ said...

My douchebag ex has not had a real *job for about 7 years. Don't know what he's living on, but it's nothing that comes with a W-2 attached.

So sorry LisAP about your own douchebag.

JustPeachy2 said...

Lisa, I get your point, but neutrality has to start somewhere. Shitting on the other side, no matter how warranted you feel it is, only continues the hostility.

JustPeachy2 said...

What's for lunch?

Lisa said...

"Lisa, I get your point, but neutrality has to start somewhere. Shitting on the other side, no matter how warranted you feel it is, only continues the hostility."

I can't argue that. At the same time, you (they) can't just sit and let them run roughshod (oooh, horse terminology!) all over you. And others can't just let it happen and let it roll off, you know?

Lunch is probably cold, leftover pizza. You got anything better over there?

CK, I still hold out hope for mine changing. On some things, I'm the eternal, yet stupid optimist.

JustPeachy2 said...

Totally, agree. For it to work, each party must act in good faith.

As far as lunch goes- probably a sandwich-- sighhhhhhh.

Lisa said...

Maybe we can do better for dinner, Peach. What's everyone having? I've had chicken thighs (hey, they were on sale so I stocked up) marinating in Mojo since yesterday afternoon. I'll bake those and then, I dunno...maybe black beans and rice and some watermelon. If anyone has a better idea, I'll steal it.

Jeanette said...

I'm having Bob Evans. Easy, yummy, and since my grandma is treating... it's also free!

Dawn said...

Afternoon ladies! Did you get the all of the world's problems solved while I was gone? Goodness knows this group could probably do it :)

How bad is it that Taylor & my 6 y/o grandson bowled higher scores than I did? *laughs*

Shannon said...

Morning Dawn........dont worry about the bowling scores....people like to have me go with them so that they know that they wont be last :)

Tammi said...

I had a yummy tomato, basil,and mozzarella salad from Panera. Now I might nap. lol I am a lazy ass today.

Shannon said...

That sounds delish. I get to take the ex to the dentist today since he is having two teeth pulled and will probably be unable to drive home.

Lisa said...

Jeanette, I'm not big on restaurant food but I like the lack of work involved in your dinner best, ;-)

Dawn, take me bowling with you next time. I've never bowled so you can beat me and look really good. Heck, I could make Shannon look good, too.

I'm sitting here waiting on Jake to get home for dinner and debating about making an apple crisp. I suspect debating is as far as I'll get.

And no, we didn't solve the world's problems, however my mom is firmly in Tammi's camp. She actually said to me "I don't care what you can PROVE. I KNOW better." *sighs* I love her to death but she's missing some filaments in that little light bulb of hers.

Tammi said...

It isn't a matter of proving anything. I just think it's plain tacky, rude, and disrespectful.
And honestly do they not think a whole lot of shit wouldn't hit the fan? I'm surprised they aren't being a lttle more sensitive to the situation and saying, "you know what we don't have to build right *here"

Oh for dinner we are having chimichangas. (sp?)I get the carnitas from Costco...that meat is so darn good! Super tender and flavorful.

Shannon said...


This is twice today you have given me food envy

Lisa said...

"I just think it's plain tacky, rude, and disrespectful."

And that's fine. That's an opinion and I'll certainly never say you're wrong about that. It's a matter of taste, so to speak, and there *are no rights or wrongs about that. It's also a far, far cry from your "'s being funded by HAMAS" of last night.

Dawn said...

Shannon - I'm with you on the food envy. I now want chimichangas & apple crisp...especially the apple crisp.

Sounds yummy Lisa even if you are only thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

"For Tammi and Christy, since they seem to believe without questioning what they hear in the cable media..."

Thanks Lisa!!!

Oopsie Daisy said...



EandK said...


Thanks for posting the site of Cordoba group. I wasn't sure if it was okay to post it.

So sorry that your ex is such a slime.

Mulie, undead. living dead. oh hell anything works as long as there is no killing.

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