Monday, April 19, 2010

Prepare yourselves, Daisies...

....because here is our Chris and I dare anyone to not love this man. He's kinda got sexy legs, too, and you'll notice he shows them off.  He knows it.  *nods*  That walker, though, that's just not cutting it.  RF or Jay needs to knit a cover for that damn thing.

Listen to his message, realize how easily this could be you or someone you love.  Seriously.  And please, if you can donate, do.
CaringBridge / care4chris / Welcome


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tumbleweedgirl said...

o, and everything i'm reading says that most products have had the harshest fake kind of estrogen. this would obviously cause problems...

Muliebrity said...

Did blogger miss my last post?

Muliebrity said...

It's time for blogger to change pages, isn't it?

Erin said...

Corinne- I just got that book!
I am also making Deb's coconut poundcake. I have one of Rhy's photos hanging up. Crazy we have never met!

Muliebrity said...

I know you'll see this eventually, Shannon, but if you are over 35 AND a smoker, it's time to stop birth control and get your tubes tied or have your hubby get the big "V". Or quit smoking. You are seriously putting your health at risk, esp for stroke.

Erin said...

Crinne- I just got the book.
Back from target to feed my kitties. Whom I have never threatened to kick, btw ::giving RiM the stink eye:::
I am not even looking at Corinne's fb. I have been singing the greatest american hero song for *days.

bookjunkie said...

Hey y'all!

LOL about the wandering NuvaRing getting kicked under the freezer.

I ditto what y'all said about unannounced visitors. The LDS people around here finally got tired of knowing I was here but wasn't going to come to the front door. The last time, they walked around back, up on my deck, and knocked on the sliding glass door! Scary stuff.

Margaret- so sad about Ben. =( I follow several cancer kids' caringbridge pages. Just not right.

Sorry Shannon. That stinks. My first thought was hypothyroidism, too. I had the same symptoms when diagnosed with that. Would like to read Dr. Lee's book.

Elisabeth- hope you get some good rest.

Trying to motivate myself to do something about this nasty house today. Would love to open the windows and doors but the pollen's kicking my butt today as it is. Oh, how I wish it would rain.

Check in with y'all later.

bookjunkie said...

Damn you, blogger.

RiM- I read up on that HcG thing once b/c I was thinking about trying it. It's expensive here, too. It's been a while- it was a messageboard somewhere and not even sure where I found it. There were several on there who ordered all the stuff online and did it on their own, injections and everything. Not sure if I'd do that though- kind of scary. The diet they did with it was pretty strict but they all lost tons of weight.

Robin in Montana said...

BJ- I don't think I could do injections. My dad's wife is, as i said, doing the drops under the tongue, and she paid something like $40 for two bottles, which should last 45 days or something.

bookjunkie said...

Dang- one more thing. Taiya, I LOVE those letters! I'd like to do some of those but would probably screw them up. I like to think convince myself I'm crafty sometimes but usually it ends up in disaster, LOL.

Cinnamon rolls look really good, too. The yeast thing always scares me in a recipe just b/c I've never used it or made bread or anything but want to try these.

bookjunkie said...

Yep, I could do the drops a lot better than injections. The price on that's not too bad at all either. Wonder if the place here offers drops, too.

Robin in Montana said...

BJ- I scribbled down the name and website of that place, but it's in my car. I'll get it and post it in a bit. Remind me if I don't.

Robin in Montana said...

Jill -- I *just saw your Ice, Ice lyrics post. LLOL!

twirldawg said...

Final bell of the day. Woo hoo!
Now I can finally take care of that booger that has been bothering me.

Robin in Montana said...

Jill - you are on a roll,lol. The spring air must be getting to you!

Angie said...

Jill, double thanks: one for the Ice lyric and another for the booger info. Sigh.

Angie said...

And by the way, it's so great to have Jill being chatty again and to have Rhys here and EL and to have Deb here today. Loving the reunion!!

twirldawg said...

Hey, I'm feeling fun-ky today.

twirldawg said...

Bows, you are welcome everyone.

twirldawg said...

Note: " idk omg wtf lol lmao lmfao idc " Is not an acceptable answer to any of my test questions.

Robin in Montana said...

Jill -- Did you *get that answer? Holy crap! lol.


Well, Hello everyone!!

Robin in Montana said...

Jill -- that's got to be a proud moment for that kid's parent.

MLWB - hi!


Looks like this is where the party is?

Angie said...

MLWB! Hi! Speaking of reunion day at Daisy! How are you and the boys?

Erin said...

hey MLWB.
Oh Joy. My daughter brought her flute home to practice for the first time in *months. 'hot cross buns. hot cross buns. one, a penny. two a penny, hot cross buns' has now replaced uptown girl in my head.

T@iy@ said...

Bookjunkie- it is seriously super easy. All you do is trace the letters onto paper, cut them out. Rub craft clue on the top of the letter with your finger and put cut out paper on top. Press down. Then take a towel and set it on top and run an iron over it. Voila! The iron is because the paper bubbles a little and it just irons it down flat. For DD's name (Not Eeq who is the one I just put on my blog) I just glued the paper on then cut around with an exacto knife but it depends on how sharp your knife is if it's going to work or not. :) I tried with this one but had to start over because the knife was *dull.


SW, We are good. Boys started baseball; so we'll be running around. The weather is nice and everyone has been healthy! How have you been?

Oh Erin, Time for your ipod!

Robin in Montana said...

MLWB - It is, indeed! :-D

Robin in Montana said...

EL - I feel your pain. We have had first year clarinet here. Which is bad enough. Katie wants to play the trombone. If that happens, I am going to hope they have good internet service at the looney bin.

Robin in Montana said...

You know your an attorney is an idiot (no offense to attorneys in general) when she misses an appointment with you because she got pulled over for expired tags on her car, which made her late for a court appearance and a future appointment. That is all.

Angie said...

MLWB, I'm doing good. Today is being a particularly long Monday though. I'm so ready to go home. On the days that you work, do you get off in time to cart the boys to baseball games/practice?

Angie said...

Ah, the flute! Brings back good memories of my high school band geek days. My cat used to h-a-t-e when I practiced. She would sprawl all over my music, paw at my flute, nothing worked! I spent hours and hours trying to perfect the very difficult theme from "Vegas," remember the TV show with Dan Tanna?

kristin said...

okay - I'm gonna ask the question a few of us may be pondering but won't ask - and I understand if you don't want to say anything - but seeing all these faces - is SIP no longer?

tumbleweedgirl said...


glad to see you (:

Robin in Montana said...

All right, it's time to ask again -- what's for dinner? What will anyone's kids eat? I am feeling so burned out on cooking the last few days.

Angie said...

I'm having leftover twice baked potatoes and fresh green beans. I don't know how you Moms do it, cooking every day, or at least providing meals for your kids every day. I couldn't deal with the pressure.


Hi Rhys!
I can't get time off unless it is planned way in advance. If there was something urgent, I could. We got lucky this year. The boys are on the same team and all of their games are on days I have off. Not sure how that happened! Lucky I guess.
Sorry Mondays drag so much. We are all off here today, so it has gone fast!!

tumbleweedgirl said...


we're eating some chettinad curry. wise lia, she prefers curry to plain foods.


Robin in Montana said...

Kelly's oldest is coming over tonight. None of any of our kids are picky in general, but it's just ... hard figuring something new. I was thinking of trying that Murphy's Hot Hamburger recipe, which my girls would love, but that is one of the very few things Hannah doesn't like is gravy. And because she is so, so, *so good about eating anything I try to indulge her in that when she's over.


Ummm my boys just had hot pockets.....birthday cake....and milk. The older boys are leaving for baseball in a few. I'm hanging home with son3.
SW, See, no pressure! You could do it!!

Lisa said...

Hiya, MLWB! It's great to see you. :-)

Dinner here will be spaghetti and meatballs, nothing fancy except that I do make my own meatballs. That's fancy, right?

Kristin, I admit, I was wondering the same (and amazingly didn't blurt right out with it) so thanks for asking.

Angie said...

MLWB, I'm glad that worked out for your boys' schedule. I know from my best friend's experience (she has four kids) that working moms have a dickens of a time getting kids carted around to their various after-school activities.

Angie said...

And by "working moms" I mean working outside the house, of course. All moms are working moms, for sure.

kristin said...

I have softball at 6:00 - I am picking up the little guy and heading to McD's and then off to the ball fields.

Angie said...

Kristin, who looks after LM while you play ball? Does SO go and watch out for him?


It helps to carpool. We do a lot of that. Some parents can't go to anything and need a ride for their kids. It all works out nicely. My in laws are very helpful also. If they are babysitting while we work, they will take them.
I can't imagine working full time though. I don't know how mothers that work 5 days a week do it.


Kristin, I hope you have someone to watch him. My kids would be in the next town by the time the game ended:(

Angie said...

I tell my best friend all the time that she needs to get her kids carpooling to events. But she thinks that she has to BE at every event, be it a practice or a game. I think that's kinda nuts, especially with four kids and a full time job.


I use to feel like that. The younger they are, the more you feel like you can't miss something. Now that they are getting older, I have learned that I can't be at everything. As long as one of us parents or grandparents go, I feel better. I always have someone that is "with" them, even if it is another parent. It is hard, but you just can't do it all!

Erin said...

Geez Kristin, Can't we just come visit here?!? Kidding.
Dinner is something my husband is cooking. I do not even care what it is. i am trying to get all my plant material in the ground, so he has to cook tonight.

kristin said...

SO usually plays but he is working tonight :)

Last week I had a sitter b/c they were late games.

This week we have early games so I am taking him with and the girl that sits normally is the daughter of one of the ladies, so she will be out there to watch him :)


LOL Erin!

Robin in Montana said...

Well, tacos are for tonight. Easy and cheap.

But trying to figure out what to make for Kelly for his birthday, just the two of us. Going to try Alton Brown's method of cooking rib-eyes, some roasted garlic/bleu cheese mashed potatoes and ... I don't know, asparagus? Artichokes? Something.

twirldawg said...

SIP is still there. . .we just wanted to come over and see what was going on at this party :)

twirldawg said...

White trash moment of the day: I pick up R at daycare and his pants are soaked. He was playing in the mud outside. So I strip him from the waist down. He ran from my car to the house in his diaper and t-shirt (and his red ball cap). No pants.

But at least I don't leave my underwears lying around like my mil does when I have people over.

Lisa said...

Jill, I *am glad SIP is still around and thanks for answering that and I'm glad a bunch of y'all came in to visit. :-) Did you get a picture of R, a la JM?

Robin, I say asparagus but I'd asparagus every day.

Lisa said...

I'd *eat it. Asparagus is not a verb.

Erin said...

RiM- I'd say rib roast, pea soup, and rice pudding. With some country mood music. UmmmHmm.

Erin said...

I'd asparagus every day too!! Cooked or not.

Shannon said...

HI MLWB!!! I will say it again I am happy to see all of you ladies I really have missed you :)

And can I just say that I am really glad I have that appt tomorrow....I just freaking fell asleep for I dont even know how long...just figure 10 minutes after I last posted until now...that is so not like me LOL So much for working on my math test today.

kristin said...

I too would eat asparagus every day.

I NEED A drink! STAT! of those days!

Alright, I'm out - take care.

Shannon said...

And asparagus........verb or noun I love it :)


Hi Shannon, How have you been?

twirldawg said...

I was beginning to think my white trash ways drove y'all away.

No pictures of Richard with no pants on. Sorry.

I love asparagus too, but it doesn't love me.

Angie said...

Robin, I tried a roasted parmesan asparagus recipe recently that was super easy. Here it is:

Parmesan Roasted Asparagus

2002, Barefoot Contessa Family Style, All rights reserved

Prep Time: 15 min Inactive Prep Time: -- Cook Time: 20 min
Level: Easy
Serves: 6 servings

2 1/2 pounds fresh asparagus (about 30 large)
2 tablespoons good olive oil
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan
2 lemons cut in wedges, for serving


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

If the stalks of the asparagus are thick, peel the bottom 1/2 of each. Lay them in a single layer on a sheet pan and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 15 to 20 minutes, until tender. Sprinkle with the Parmesan and return to the oven for another minute. Serve with lemon wedges.

Margo said...

Red beans and rice for dinner.

Margo said...

Who is going to tune into JM's webcast on finances?

KaytieJ said...

Waving hello to everyone!
Dinner is going to be SW's asparagus and Taiya's Cinnamon Rolls. Y'all are making me hungry!

KaytieJ said...

Margaret - JM webcast on finances? You're joking. right? Please tell me you are.

Angie said...

::waving at Kaytie::

Margaret, I won't be tuning in.

I read on MWOP that apparently RV has a post saying he supports legalizing drugs and taxing them. I'm not going to read it, but if that's what he's saying, there's FINALLY something I agree with the McKinneys on!

PJ said...

Evening all! Nice to see so many of you!

I will be recording Home Foreclosure 101 (and 102) taught by Jennifer McKinney and having AP post it on a future post.


KaytieJ said...

"I will be recording Home Foreclosure 101 (and 102) taught by Jennifer McKinney and having AP post it on a future post."

I almost commented on this like Jill's student

So glad I say your NOT at the end :-D

Waving at SW!!! I am still not over your labia ice sculpture comment. Still bleaching my eye!

Shannon said...


I have been pretty good. My husband is finally back to working after being out of work post jail for over a year. The place he worked at before is finally getting business again so they put him back to work WOOOHOOOO

Shannon said...

And I do not believe that I will be tuning in to hear about how JM manages money.

KaytieJ said...

Hey Shannon - Your concerns are valid and I am glad you are going to get it checked out.

Shannon said...

Thanks Kay.....Do you by chance know anything about the tests they will do, or anyone really? And how long will it take to find anything out?

PJ said...

Re: your symptoms - I too am on synthroid for thyroid issues.

I used to be able to eat about anything I wanted, and as much. Don't kill me - it didn't last.

When I turned 44, 45 all that changed. Now it seems like no matter how much I eat or don't eat, I gain. Hoping it's pre-menopause related.

Shannon said...

SW I am with ya on legalizing.....just do it already and the govt can make some money off of people instead of spending BILLIONS to honestly do nothing.


Glad to hear he is back to work. That must be a load off of your mind.

Shannon said...

It makes me so freaking happy MLWB. I have been seriously stressed and was ready to call the boss guy and ask him flat out if he really was going to hire him back. Josh is so much happier's amazing how an honest day's work can make a man so much easier to deal with :)

KaytieJ said...

Shannon - I live in the world of STAT labs and tests and so I might be a bit off on timing for clinics. However, we do blood tests for various thyroid hormones. When my mom had hers tested through Kaiser it took about a week.


It has been nice chatting with you ladies this afternoon. I'll stop back in again!!

Shannon said...

I am just hoping it is something that we can find out and fix. I mean I know that I am not a good eater and I am a non exerciser but to gain that much weight so fast makes me worry.

Shannon said...

I hope so MLWB it is good to *see you again.

Margo said...

KaytieJ made it back from RRT even with a taped bra :)

T@iy@ said...

Robin- we had chicken, potatoes, and broccoli on the grill. Matt made chicken with cumin and honey and it was fantastic! :) I am so glad that he likes to grill because it saves me eating PB and J for dinner on days like today when I don't feel like cooking.

KaytieJ said...

Margaret - YAY for pink duct tape! If only I had used it for my scrub pants, too. OY! I was running to an RRT call in MRI (which is in another building) and my scrub pants started falling off. Just about dumped my RRT cart over trying to grab my pants!

KaytieJ said...

Taiya - That sounds delicious! And hi five to the hubs for grilling!

Margo said...

Shannon - I put on a ton of weight one year. They tested me for everything. The only thing they found is that I have sleep apnea - I was waking up 50+ times an hour.

KaytieJ said...

That is a good point Margaret. I have seen a big increase in people being treated for this. Do you have a home cpap? If so, has it helped? It sure helped my FIL.

KaytieJ said...

This is the singer I was talking about seeing Friday. My new fav! Listening to her CD right now :-D

Amy said... blogger working tonight?

I just want to say that I love Chris, and I wish I lived in TX because I would be his nonsexual girlfriend. Seriously. Those eyes...that humor. Chris and Elisabeth, will you adopt me as your sister? :)

So happy to see many names I recognize here today! is up with JM giving financial advice? And IM asking for drugs to be legalized? Awesome. He must want to score without another conviction...understandable. Toke on, non-PC!

Hope everyone is well!

Amy said...


Asparagus *is a verb if you make it're the doorkeeper around here, I think you can make your own lexicon if you like!

PJ said...

I Am, therefore I Asparagi. (plural?)

Amy said...

Love it, CK!

T@iy@ said...

Kristin- you have mail! I have a question I want answered!

T@iy@ said...

(It is kind of fun announcing that, btw)

Lindsay said...

Hi Ladies! I'm so bummed I missed seeing EL and Deb today :) I'm glad to see you all!

Shannon - I had my thyroid tested 2 months ago. I had the results in 3 days. Sadly it was functioning fine, so I have to figure out another reason why I can't lose weight and I want to sleep all. the. time. I really was hoping I could get on synthroid and call it a day. All of the women on my mom's side have thyroid disease, so I was hoping that was my answer. Sadly I might just be chubby and a mother of 4 :/

Okay off to make canned tomato soup for dinner - I know you all are jealous. Really wishing this stinking cold would go away so I could taste something. Grrr.

T@iy@ said...

Lindsay- sounds good, but I'd want a grilled cheese sandwich with it. What can I say? Comfort food. :)

Margo said...

KaytieJ - I have a home cpap but don't use it as much as I should. It's loud and keeps me up. It's been a long time since I've had it and I know there are new machines and more comfortable masks now. When I first got it and used it regularly I felt so much better. I also have postpartum cardiomyopathy so I have trouble with exhaustion.

KaytieJ said...

Chris and Elisabeth - Elisabeth and Chris:
I have tried 10 times to write a comment about your video since seeing it this morning after work.
Everything from light and gay and gushing on your baby blues, joy at hearing both your voices with that soft Texas accent, amazement at how well you CAN talk Chris, crying blurbs at all you have been through and your loss and pain, cheering at the INNER STRENGTH you had when your symptoms first began and that you STILL have despite all the hardships.
Thank you for making this video.
May I show it to my ICU team at work? We rarely get to see or hear from our people and families that we work so hard with. Your message is so important that I want them to see it, but will not do so unless I get the OK from you.
Luv to both of you.

KaytieJ said...

Lindsay - sorry you have a cold. :::Passing you a mug of tomato soup so that you don't have to go make it:::

Margaret - They would be hard to adjust to. And yes there are some new designs and quieter ones.
Hey! How did the ammo rally go? I was hoping they would take out your slum lord neighbor :::evil grin:::

Lindsay said...

Thanks Kaytie. It would have been nice, but at least I bought the kind you just pop the top on. I didn't even have to use the can opener. Ha!

Taiya - but that would mean I'd have to cut cheese, and I'm just *that lazy. But now you have me craving a grilled cheese with onions and tomatoes.

M - I think I've told you about Travis's cpap. He channels Darth Vader. It is obnoxious. He's taking his chances and not using it. I feel like he should totally use it, but by the same token, I would literally have to sleep in another room, so I'm not pushing the issue.

I'm so sorry about your friend's little boy. I can't even imagine that kind of heartbreak.

Lindsay said...

Oh, and Margaret, you have mail! I could totally get used to announcing it all annoying-like!

kristin said...

Hey ladies! I am so not going to be able to move tomorrow - already hurting!

...going to catch up.

kristin said...

Oh and I pulled a stupid. and banging my head for it. yesterday I vacuumed up the laundry room and left the vacuum out - LM was playing with the wand, which I told him was dirty and he wanted to "see" so I pulled out the canister -and it was FULL - so I went to dump it - then I noticed it started to rain - so I ran outside to cover the sandbox and get all the toys that couldn't get wet out of the yard and came back inside. Left the canister in the trashcan - ate dinner - b/c they had just come back from picking up food and just forgot about it - until tonight driving to softball. I was seriously hoping today was one of those days that SO forgot to take out the trash, no such luck :( Yup - trash out with canister - GONE!


Today was a Monday - just glad that wasn't me that got hit outside of the daycare center and flipped their car - prayers to them and hoping no one got hurt.

KaytieJ said...

I wanna announce you've got mail! Wah!
But Kirstin is at softball.
But AP will bop me one with that pink taffeta wand she has tucked in behind her monitor and underneath the Gauguin print. :::even Xenu "Dink" is eying it suspiciously:::

KaytieJ said...

Kristin! (sorry I spelled name wrong. Bad me. I am such a low life/no life daisy) sorry the cannister is gone!

kristin said...

Oh, and I got pegged in the leg by a line drive ball - it hurts and will only hurt more tomorrow.

LM was great at the game. I was up to bat and he was yelling "mommy! mommy!" and I ran to first - then he said "keep you eye on da ball!" - yup that's my boy! Everyone started laughing.

where is everyone tonight?

PJ said...

Hi Kristin,
I'm working on a video for church - Adventures in Root Vegetables, Part III.

I need a recognizable popular song to play while it runs that is about somebody with a big head, or about a potato.

Erin said...

Hey Lindsay! I hope you feel better. Colds suck. How is your husband doing? I also have been gaining, and having trouble losing. Even though I eat well. Diagnosis? Same as yours Lindsay...chubby mom of 4!

kristin said...

humpty dumpty but it's not a song....

ummm....yeah, I really wish LM would get out of his sleeping on the floor stage - with a huge goose egg to the left of the knee - makes it really hard to get up and down - I hurt so bad I was laughing. Uggggggghhhhhhh!

Lindsay said...

Eriiiin :) Yay! Thanks - I'm working on getting better. I think a hot bubble bath with lots of steam should help before bed. Husband is a rock star. Seriously, I know he had help, but he has lost 65 lbs since Thanksgiving. I'm jealous as can be, but what are you gonna do? I am super proud of him, though, because he's really made a lifestyle change. And he's soooo much happier. So we all have our lives back.

Seriously, though, I have anxiety over thinking of visiting colleges. I don't know how you do it - ugh!

Kristin - I'm sorry. That's why I don't play softball. I'm afraid of what happens if the ball hits you!

And I'm all out of ideas for RV songs :(

kristin said...

Hey linds! Yeah, and it sucks b/c it is on the bad hip side so I am favoring it, which doesn't help and somehow I think I pulled my right ass muscle so I am just a big gimp!

Sorry you aren't feeling well :(

Alright, going to go ice the leg and go to bed. Hopefully I will remember to turn the alarm on tonight.

Muliebrity said...

I was just made aware of this and can't believe that it is true!

Erin said...

Good for him, Lindsay. My neighbor is going in sometime in June. College visits are not that bad! It is exciting to see how much is offered-in and out of the classroom. I never had the full experience. I am happy that they can.

Kristin-there is next to *nothing worse than pulling the ass muscles.

The (VERY) few times I tried to do that damn shred, I could barely sit down to pee b/c my ass muscles hurt soooo bad. I just peed in the tub.

Kidding. Really. Although I wish I *had thought of it at the time.

Tara. said...

Hi y'all. Was lurking earlier just to see how everyone was doing. Didn't want to be rude and now say hello, so Hello! :o)

Tara. said...


Shannon said...

mulie that story is awful and I hope the county pays through the ass for what they did!!!!!!

Shannon said...

Hi Tara

Anonymous said...

Well, could it be THE Tara?

Where have you been hiding!?

PJ said...

Bella - you are the author of recent use of the phrase "Root Vegetable". Do you have a song to go with that nickname?

Anonymous said...

In reading over at MWOP, there is a "Bella" commenting there that is not me. Just would like to throw that out there.

Tara. said...

Hi Bella! Yes, it's me. Been hiding OFF the internet. ;o)

Hi Shannon.

PJ said...

So it's Bella, but not THE Bella?

Lisa said...

Hey, all...back for a bit. My Uncle Harold died yesterday ('tis okay, he was 80 and had been sick for a very long time) and Miss Arse is taking it a little harder than I expected. He was her favorite brother. I've been waiting all day to see if we were going to be headed to IL for his funeral but she decided tonight that it's okay not to go after talking to her SIL and being reassured it's fine not to. Outside of one alcoholic death in the 60's and a couple of war deaths, this is the first of 12 siblings to die. I think they're all on a death watch now, listening to them today. I love old people very much.

Anyway, Mulie, I'm not a bit shocked with that article you linked to. Things like this are more common than most people very sad and wrong.

PJ said...

Off to bed - car pool tomorrow so I must get up at 5:30.

I've been throwing things over Jennifer McKinney's own greatly lacking version of Logic on her BlogFrog. Get that woman an education. Somebody. Please.

Erin said...

Hey Tara! long time no see.

PJ said...

AP - so sad to hear about Miss Arse' brother. Give her a hug from your annoying liberal Daisy friend. (You don't have to tell her it's from me.) Night.

Lisa said...

Hi there, Tara!

Kaytie, it sounds like you've been your usual graceful self lately. :-D

Tara. said...

Hi AP!

Goodnight CK.

Hi EL! How are you?

Anonymous said...

Sorry about Uncle Harold, AP :(

CK, it is a rogue Bella. Not The Bella.

Lisa said...

Thanks, CK. I will tomorrow...she'll laugh. Goodnight.

I can't deal with JM and finances. Seriously. And I have ZERO respect for anyone who thinks she's worthy and able to speak on such, unless it's to serve as a poor example.

Lisa said...

Thanks, Bella...did you ever stop pooping apple cinnamon cookies?

Tara. said...

Pooping cookies?

Anonymous said...

AP, have you ever had an awful bout of diarrhea? Then you go to Constipationland? I'm finally almost back to normal.

Tara, I ate some "cookies", that really were Metamucil fiber wafers...a whole lot of them.

Erin said...

omg Bella. I am so sorry, but I am laughing so hard. I know it must have been bad. I am so tired my eyes are crossing, and I kept misreading 'pooping'. I thought it was supposed to say 'popping', as in you couldn't stop eating them. Ooops.

Tara. said...

Oh Bella... that sounds awful. I'm glad you're *almost* back to normal.

Anonymous said...

Apple Cinnamon Metamucil Fiber Wafers taste like cookies. Unlabeled, they can be dangerous to your colon. EL, I ate about 8 of them, and two is 30% of your daily fiber intake...oops!

Anonymous said...

I'm out. Goodnight!

Shannon said...

Bella just so you know I have told people about you doing is so fabulous....though I know it wasnt for you :)

Shannon said...

Tara how was your internet break?

Lisa said...

"AP, have you ever had an awful bout of diarrhea?"

God, I love our conversations around!

Yes, and I understand. I hope tomorrow brings you regularity.

Shannon said...

Oh and speaking of diarrhea....yeah earlier this month I bought hamburger to make tacos right? Well today my daughter tells me that the place I bought it from put out a recall for all ground beef purchased during that time for ecoli.

Can I just say that it suddenly makes sense why several of us that ate the meat that night had the worse diarrhea the next day.

Lisa said...

I really like ground beef, Shannon, but it scares me for this reason. I cook the hell out of it.

Shannon said...

Unfortunately my daughter cooked it that night and I dont think she got it quite hot enough. Thank GOD it was only a slight case nothing hospital worthy. I tell ya what though from now on I will make sure she cooks it till it is DEAD!!!

Lisa said...

I don't blame you. If you don't want it too brown and hard, just get it to the brownness you like, add a little water and cook it some more. The water keeps it soft.

I love a really rare burger but I've got my mom's old-fashioned table mounted meat grinder and I will buy a small roast, rinse it super good and then grind it myself. I have it on authority from Jake's dad, who used to slaughter cattle for Con-Agra - ugh, that while it's not a perfect method for safety, it's pretty good.

Lisa said...

Before I put a new post up for the night, I need to make an apology to R2. Yes, R2. She did not ask for this at all but I had an email from her and she made a very valid point. I can admit when I'm wrong, no problem. I apologized via email and since it concerned something I said here on Daisy, I told her I would apologize here as well. I will c&p the apology I sent her and I do mean it.

"I'll own the butt plug comment was ugly and will apologize sincerely for that. Not the sentiment behind it, please know, but the words themselves. I was feeling pretty defensive of Robin and said it while channeling my 12 year old, "my dad can beat up your dad" self. I *am sorry I said butt plug; it was juvenile, tasteless as hell and I don't typically stoop to that level and should not have done so then."

KaytieJ said...

Rest in Peace Uncle Harold. (((Miss Arse))

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** NPU, since we love acronyms around here ***

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