Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy National Jelly Bean Day!

Please, please, remember Chris and donate if you can.  Every little bit helps, I swear. If you can't donate, take 5 minutes out of your day and send his link to people you know.  Or Tweet his link.  Think of organizations you can send his info to.  5 minutes, we can all do that, right?


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Anonymous said...

"Joe Biden looks like a Cheeto on the View today."

I just spit water on my keyboard! Thanks Mulie :-D

Lindsay said...

Mulie - ::snort:: Elisabeth's dress is fantastic, though! I want a body like hers and to be able to dress like her.

cheryl said...

Hi, it's me again - just wanted to clarify a few things.

AP - because you want to tie up loose ends - I got an email regarding the discussion of me not having the balls to come back. I came to read to see what was exactly in the discussion. The person who emailed me, didn't post the "Cheryl you have mail" message. I said I guess she wants to stay anonymous. That's the story on that.

Maybe it's the same person who told you what I say on SIPS. I don't usually say too much about anyone. I mostly talk about me - right, it's all about me. I guess you all can have fun with that one. It doesn't really matter to me if anyone here likes me or not. Shannon, I really don't care whether you want to see me pop in or not. Believe it, I really on't care.

Christy, you made a wrong assumption. Jill did not e-mail me. She is innocently working at her job right now - this is how crap gets started. I think you owe her an apology.

So I'm out, I really in all my niceness just wanted to clear things up for AP.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay - What are you doing to me?! We don't have that brand here. Damn. ;-D

Lindsay said...

Corinne - can you ship soap internationally? I'd be more than happy to send you a bar or two :)

Lisa said...

"I have a question (which is linked to a conspiracy to take over OD and then, the world ;-D )"

There's going to be a coup? A mutiny? What?
Should I put a bra on?

Lindsay, I've got that in shower gel form and it does smell super-good. I can use it pretty often without it killing my skin, too. That's a bonus.

Lindsay said...

I totally want in on the plot to take over OD. Pick me! Pick me!

Lindsay said...

Oooh, I didn't know there was a shower gel. Hmmm. I figured I'd really like that it was a glycerin soap, so when I finally get around to showering today, I'll let you all know how it goes. I'm sure you'll be on pins and needles.

Mulie - did the paint come up out of the carpet?

Robin in Montana said...

I'd put a bra on. And put a metal colander on your head if you don't have a helmet.

Angie said...

Thought you guys would find this local news interesting. It's hard to get used to the embarrassment of being a southerner, sometimes.

University of Alabama's Kappa Alpha fraternity calls off Old South parade

By The Associated Press

April 22, 2010, 10:12AM

TUSCALOOSA -- The president of the University of Alabama's Kappa Alpha chapter says the fraternity has canceled its annual Old South parade.

The event has traditionally featured members dressed as Confederate soldiers and waving Confederate flags. Last year's parade stopped in front of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority's house as the historically black group was holding an event celebrating its 35th anniversary. The incident upset many of the group's alumnae.

Sorority members said they requested an apology from Kappa Alpha members while the trucks were in front of the house but did not receive one. National and local fraternity leaders later apologized.

Following the incident, Alpha Kappa Alpha alumnae sent a letter to UA President Robert Witt asking him cancel all Old South events.

Lindsay said...

I think you need some kind of cone-shaped bustier instead of a bra - it'll give you more of a viking look. With the colander. Just sayin'.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

So no one wants to hear about the garter snake I had as a kid, until my cat ate him?

Well, too bad. You just did.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay - That's okay, I have a kabajillion soaps to go through :D Thanks for suggesting, though :) (And do tell us if you liked it!)

AP- Put on a bra AND an armor!

Deb said...

Christy - I think that was harsh, jmo.

Lindsay said...

SW - I won't hold it against you, I promise.

All you snake loving people need to keep it quiet. I have my kids convinced that all moms hate snakes and no mom would allow their children to have one. Ever.

Shannon said...

So all this snake talk makes me want my damn Savannah monitor....unfortunately I cant have one because they like to eat mice and I just cant do that. It is difficult to want something when I already know for a fact I will have to hide every time it needs to eat :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I am having not such a hot day:

Mr. BD came home in a foul mood

A. threw a tantrum about taking her amoxicillin, to the point where I grabbed her and tried to restrain her (I was afraid she would hurt herself)

M. threw a fit every time I tried to strap her in, twisting and kicking, making an act that is supposed to take 30 seconds into a 5-10 minute ordeal.

I forgot A's lunch at home so I now ve to bring it to her and unload/unload M. AGAIN.

I ran a stop sign because I didn't see it, and a copy was RIGHT THERE. I was tickted.

Oh, and I have no coffee in the house.

It's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. And it's only 10 a.m. here.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Tickted: ticketed. coffee.

Angie said...

Hi BD! Sorry your cat killed your snake. :-(

AP said: "There's going to be a coup? A mutiny? What? Should I put a bra on?" Ha! I say swing away, AP. Swing away!

twirldawg said...

Christy what did you mean by this? "Jill are you still here? Make sure you alert Cheryl to this, too. "

I don't know who e-mailed Cheryl.

Why is my name being brought up in all of this?

Anonymous said...

Corinne, email sent!

Robin in Montana said...

BD -- I won't tell about when we were moving from OR to MT and my nutjob cat had this plastic snake from a vending machine that she loved to play with. It was so gross from her playing with it that I tossed it. About six times. She kept finding it, dragging it back out and playing with it. So we're moving, it's down to nothing in the house but those loose odds and ends and the doors are open as we go back and forth, in and out. I threw the damn plastic snake away, once and for all, in the trash trailer. Turn around, not a minute later, and there is that damn snake on the living room floor and she's playing with it, flipping it around. So I am pissed, go marching over there, reach down to grab it, and .... yeah. It's a real snake, a little garter snake. I freaked, screamed (that's a little embarrassing over a six-inch snake) and jumped a foot in the air. lol.

Shannon said...

BD you have found the perfect way NOT to start a morning :)

But hey maybe it can only get better from here on out.

Trudy said...

thanks for that bit of info b.d. AP get that bra on now.

Angie said...

Wow, BD, that is a bad morning! Please drive through McD's for some coffee when you take A her lunch, K?

Lindsay said...

BD - but do you have wine in the house????

Okay, going to shower with my new fancy shmancy soap. See you guys later.

Lisa said...

I don't have a metal colander...I do have a galvanized can I keep shoes in. Would that work?

Cheryl, okie-doke. Thanks!

BD, did you cry?

Y'all have me scared. I'm going to get those reflective sun shields out of my car to use as something. I can shove one up my shirt like a bullet-proof vest.

Shannon said...

Robin that is too damned funny....kind of freaky but funny.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Jill, no clue. But I'm happy to see you this morning.

Of course, Jimmy Fallon is on Sesame Street playing Wild Nature Survivor Guy. He's talking about fruits and vegetables and water, and M is transfixed. Me too, because I have a hardcore crush on Jimmy Fallon.

Deb said...

BD - That just sounds awful, sorry and get some coffee...STAT!

Lisa said...

"The event has traditionally featured members dressed as Confederate soldiers and waving Confederate flags. Last year's parade stopped in front of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority's house as the historically black group was holding an event celebrating its 35th anniversary. The incident upset many of the group's alumnae."

That was just tacky as hell and they deserved to get it canceled for that. They ruined a perfectly fine thing by having to make it all ugly...their own faults.

Muliebrity said...

I am now eating Cheetos. And the carpet looks great! Just looks a little lighter in that area.

Robin in Montana said...

Ah, BD, sorry about the very bad day. :(

Anonymous said...

SW - That's interesting! Wow. On the one hand I think it was kind of offensive but canceling all 'Old South' events for that? That's excessive, no?

Deb said...

RiM - that is hysterical - cat showed you not to throw her favorite toy away!!!

Jennifer-Lynn said...

What bit of info, Christy?

Muliebrity said...

I am now eating Cheetos. The carpet looks great! Just a little lighter in that area.

Robin in Montana said...

I don't know, either, Jill.

Deb said...

AP said: "I'm going to get those reflective sun shields out of my car to use as something. I can shove one up my shirt like a bullet-proof vest"

This I want to see!

Anonymous said...

Christy - Thanks! Off to read.

Bd - I'm sorry you're having such a day :(

Robin in Montana said...

Deb - ha! I never forgave that cat. I left her with Travis when I left. lol. I call her the Black Ball of Hatred.

Angie said...

Well Corinne, this particular fraternity has a history of insulting blacks with their antics. Their events aren't like the guys who like to dress up and re-enact confederate war battles for fun, which to me seems harmless.

When I was in undergrad, back in the late 80's the same fraternity at my school (Auburn University) had a GIANT confederate battle flag that covered the whole front of their frat house. A lot of black people find that flag offensive. Lord knows I do. And it was h-u-g-e. Probably is still there.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Ah, it will get better.

I have nothing crafty to add; I will resign myself to simply bidding. :)

Lisa said...

"It's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. And it's only 10 a.m. here."

Oh, that's all very bad. I'm sorry. :-(
*hands you a sun shield*

"I say swing away, AP. Swing away!"

Heh...I guess desperate times may call for desperate measures.

I'm happy to see Jill, too. And I don't care if people email others stuff from here. Not saying Jill did, agggh, just as a separate comment. Hell, I'm emailed people to tel them something that was said here so they didn't miss it.

Angie said...

OMG Robin! That's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

BD...I think you meant Trudy.

Angie said...

BTW, there are no black people in any of the "white" fraternities and sororities at the University of Alabama. I've heard that there is one Asian girl, but she was adopted by caucasians, and apparently that made the difference.

Lisa said...

"had a GIANT confederate battle flag that covered the whole front of their frat house. A lot of black people find that flag offensive. Lord knows I do. And it was h-u-g-e. Probably is still there."

I love the Confederate flag. I'm not proud of what other people twisted it to mean as years passed, but I'm very proud of what it stood for at the time. When we marry, I promise I will not fly one off your porch, though.

twirldawg said...

bd that is a crappy morning.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Oh, sorry, Christy.

What bit of info, Trudy?

tumbleweedgirl said...


certain southern christian (loosely termed) institutions allow dating like of like

so... certain sisters were unable to date while there. yea. i love the south.

tumbleweedgirl said...


): that's a crappyday.

i'm sorry

Angie said...

AP, what are you proud of that it stood for at the time? (she asked carefully, trying to mask her combativeness)

twirldawg said...

SW that fraternity has the same rep at UGA. Very Old South.

I have nothing against the Confederate flag, but it has been taken up as a symbol of bigotry by an ignorant group of people.

Muliebrity said...

So now I am the worse person in the world! The door bell rings and it's some guy with nubs for hands. He puts his hand out for me to shake it and I had Cheeto fingers, so I didn't want to shake it and said sorry I have stuff on my hands. He insisted that it was ok because his hands were greasy.

Robin in Montana said...

Mulie -- LOL! Why did Nub Guy want to shake hands?

Yes to what Jill said about the Confederate flag.

Shannon said...

Mulie does it make you feel any better to know I would have been a little freaked out to shake his nub?

Trudy said...

BD cat eating the snake. yuck

Anonymous said...

Christy - I started typing but then managed to delete that email! Ugh, I'm stupid. I'm going to eat dinner and then I'll respond :)

Deb said...

I agree with AP and Jill on the flag controversy - the flag's symbolism has been misconstrued.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer-Lynn said...

Oh, yeah. It was a puzzling time.

Angie said...

<<--is uncomfortable with the word "nub"

Lisa said...

"AP, what are you proud of that it stood for at the time? (she asked carefully, trying to mask her combativeness)"

100% and I'm not a bit shy about it, either. It stood for the rights of states to decide for themselves how they should be governed and the rights of the citizen's of those states to make those decisions. Nothing more or less. All other connotations came about later.

"I have nothing against the Confederate flag, but it has been taken up as a symbol of bigotry by an ignorant group of people."

Exactly. And that? Pisses me off that they've managed to corrupt it.

Angie said...

I still want to know what the symbolism of the Confederate battle flag is that is being misconstrued. AP is pointedly ignoring my question.

Because we're talking about the Confederate battle flag, which is different from the flag of the Confederacy.

Robin in Montana said...

:::jams metal colander firmly on head::::

Jennifer-Lynn said...

SW: I think she was answering you at the same time you posted.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Good for you, RiM...I am wrapping myself in bubble tape.

Angie said...

Okay, I posted before I saw AP's reply. Which is complete crap, by the way. :-) Formulating a response.

Deb said...

::handing RiM battle tongs::

Really Frugal said...

SW "Because we're talking about the Confederate battle flag, which is different from the flag of the Confederacy."

This is something I didn't know. Please expound. I'm a damn yankee.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

I will admit that, when I see the Confederate flag, I assume the person flying it is a racist. I know that was not the original context, but it's still a visceral, if illogical, reaction. I think it's because I am from the North (NY Yankee here). I can't remember specifically, but it was probably taught to us that way, consciously or unconsciously.


Robin in Montana said...

::sits on the damn yankee bench::: I didn't know that, either, I guess.

::hands Deb a soup pot lid to use as a shield, and pops one of BD's bubbles:::

Jennifer-Lynn said...

To add, I know logically that this is not necessarily true, it's just my gut reaction without thought.

Does that make sense?

Really Frugal said...

BD, I have the same gut reaction. Unfair? Maybe.

tumbleweedgirl said...


i lived in the south at various points.

i hate the confederate flag. it's flown by a lot of small minded people. i've experienced their hatred at my family. i've experienced their bigotry, their dislike of us moving into their town

i don't like it. i don't like what it represents. and i could do a long historical debate about its use, and reasoning behind the civil war, but recognize that some divides will never go away

Robin in Montana said...

BD - I tend to think that way, too. And the fact that the setting I see it in is typically something like it being flown from the bed of a 1970's model Ford truck, jacked up three feet, with trucker girl mudflaps, a raccoon tail on the radio antennae and beer cans flying, driven by white guy in a Budweiser cap with Charlie Daniels blaring doesn't exactly do anything to dispel that kind of thinking either, you know?

Muliebrity said...

But ladies, stop and pray, for JM has another sick baby gestating.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Hey, I know that guy! He has bumper stickers that say "Don't Like My Driving? Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

WHAT, Mulie, are you fucking serious?

Robin in Montana said...

BD - That's the guy. And he has the "balls" hanging from his trailer hitch as well.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Sorry...that "fucking" wasn't directed at you, Mulie.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

His other bumper sticker says "My Other Ride Is Your Mom."

Robin in Montana said...

Mulie -- for the love of pete. I just saw that. She will "blog more later," though, so stand by.

twirldawg said...

"That guy" is my 19 year old brother in law.

I'm pretty sure he fell off a turnip truck.

Shannon said...

AP I agree with you....symbols are twisted to mean other things by different groups. The Confederate flag that was supposed to stand as a symbol of state rights has been turned into a symbol of bigotry and hate.

The Nazi symbol was in fact a cross before the Nazi's used it and turned it into a symbol of bigotry and hate.

Like the pentagram that was a symbol of know the 5 is now a symbol of evil and the devil..though it never has meant that.

I still find it weird that the main focus on why the Civil War happened was slavery. Yes it was a part but it was bigger than that.

Robin in Montana said...

BD - and one for "Jerry's Saloon - Liquor in Front, Poker in Rear."

Shannon said...

And my Dr just called me with my test results....Thyroid is OK, cholesterol and triglycerides are high, and my Vitamin D levels are at about 1/3 of what the low end of normal should be.

Robin in Montana said...

Jill - Maybe he'll grow out of it. If not, and he needs a place to feel like home, he could move here. :-)

Deb said...

I think, for me anyway, is the context that the flag is being flown.

While we were in Nashville, we toured Belle Meade Plantation, they had a little civil war encampment guys that gave an artillery demonstration, i.e., fired a canon multiple times. They had a confederate flag flying off one of the tents. I feel that is okay. Just for the record they had slaves there, obviously and after they emancipation, one of the slaves stayed at the plantation to raise and train some of the best thoroughbred bloodlines that are still running to this day.

Now, my perspective changes when I am in, say, North Carolina on and I see a bunch of teenagers in a huge truck with big tires, radio blaring with a *big ass confederate flag flying off the back.

Is it right for me to assume that the people in either place are racist, or not?

That may not be PC, but that's how *I feel.

::ducking with my soup pot lid::

Margo said...

Hasn't JM had problems with all of her babies -I ask wondering why she didn't slow down with this one?

Robin in Montana said...

Shannon ... hmmm. So what do they think/say about the weight gain?

Angie said...

RF, the Confederat battle flag, the flag everybody knows about, never was the official flag of the Confederate States of America. It was created specifically for the war, per my understanding. Here's a link that will show you the difference.

The battle flag came into popularity when many southern states started flying it and incorporating it into their state flags during the 60's as a response to the "interference" from the north during desegregation. The negative connotation of the flag is not just a result of a few ignorant rednecks and klansmen.

In my opinion, the battle flag belongs in museums, and certainly not on any state flags, state capitals, or state universities. If you want to venerate the idea of a confederacy, for whatever reason, why not use the flag that flew over the confederacy?

I've never understood why some southerners are so adamant in support of the battle flag. Strike that. I know why some are. Because they are racists. What I don't understand is why the larger population (who hopefully aren't racist) keep supporting that flag. Because regardless of whether I might find it offensive or not, it's very clear that a large segment of the population sees it as a symbol of the worst sort of hatred. So to me, to continue to support it shows a lack of regard for the feelings of that segment of the population.

I'm sure I'm coming across as annoying at best. At worst, pious. I'm definitely not intending that. I've struggled with racist thoughts my whole life, because racism is so deeply ingrained in how "we" are raised down here.

Anyway, I hate that flag. The end. :-)

Margo said...

Shannon - hmmm, can you ask for a sleep study?

twirldawg said...

Margret that is the million dollar question.

RiM he lives on the GA/AL border. He fits in just fine.

Deb said...

RiM - those bull ball things, oh Gawd, they are hideous!

twirldawg said...

Shannon sorry you didn't get a clear answer as to the weight gain, but I'm glad it wasn't your thyroid.

Robin in Montana said...

SW - YOu aren't annoying. I do wish you'd have called AP a bitch, though. ::nods:::

Deb - I know. What the hell?

Erin said...

Shannon- That may be the problem. Definitly with the energy.

Deb said...

Shannon - sorry you didn't get some answers, will she look into it something else maybe?

Shannon said...

Ugh I refreshed my page instead of posting LOL

She wants me to do the prescription for Vitamin D and I already have an appointment for May 2nd to have a complete physical and we will see what if any changes have happened then.

Shannon said...

Ok I have a burst of energy going and my son to help so I am going to finish the moving of furniture in the room LOL I will be back shortly :)

Jennifer-Lynn said...

BBL myself.

Erin said...

Shannon- google vitamin D deficiency and weight gain. They seem to be linked.

Muliebrity said...

Glad it doesn't look like anything too serious, Shannon. I guess it's just time to lay off the Joe Biden colored crunchy snacks! ::as I wipe the Cheeto stains off my keyboard::

Margo said...

When I see a rebel flag I think rascism.

Really Frugal said...

SW, Thanks. I don't remember ever seeing the Confederate National Flag. That was very instructional, and I see your point.

Muliebrity said...

Gross! I just saw my 4 year old with a mile long string of snot hanging out his nose. When I yelled at him to come wipe it, he sucked it into mouth! Disgusting!

Margo said...

Mulie - how is your itchy bits?

Deb said...

....and puleeze, who didn't think JM would have a problem with this pregnancy, seriously.

Muliebrity said...

Margaret, It's much less itchy, but I am just not convinced 3 doses is going to solve the issue.

Muliebrity said...

I honestly thought her pregnancy would be uneventful.

Lindsay said...

Did you hear that?

It was me throwing something at the computer because I detest JM. I really thought I was over it. But her, "oh, there is something wrong. I promise I'll blog about it later, but it will be after you all click on my blog 70 trillion times so I can make my house payment this month" really pisses me off. Just blog about it all at once. Sheesh woman!

Let me be clear that I *don't want there to be anything wrong with the baby.

Oh, and the soap was great. It didn't dry my skin out at all. And smells just as delish when lathering. It was a good buy.

Robin in Montana said...

Uneventful pregnancies do not Cadillac Escalades buy!

Lindsay said...

There better be some financial benefit in this lifetime for us being honest and hardworking. Just sayin'.

Lisa said...

SW, sorry - I wasn't ignoring a single thing you asked. I had to leave for a bit and take a call, then get some things for my mom. You should know me well enough by now to know I don't do that shit. There were actually several flags from the Confederacy and I'll stand behind them all. Not a one symbolized slavery until people began associating it that way in their own minds. People who did not support state's rights and wanted to make their case appeal to the emotional masses. Sadly, it worked, to this day. For anyone to call me racist, or think I support anything that was *formed as a symbolism of racism, is ridiculous and frankly, insulting as hell considering my ethnic background. I understand completely that many people look at any of the Confederate flags today, especially the more common one,and associate them with something ugly. Based on what little history is actually taught now, I understand why they do. It's just not accurate, as far as what the flags were created to represent.

tumbleweedgirl said...


extremely low vitamin D can mess you up. incline you towards depression, trouble sleeping or too much sleeping, eating, etc

i'd take lots more vitamin D

you can safely take 10000 IUs a day.

Deb said...

I hear you Lindsay! I haven't read her blog (even in google reader) for a a couple of weeks, and I'm probably not the only one, hence the need for attention.

Lisa said...

::ducking with my soup pot lid::

*snatches that from Deb*

I need that, can I borrow it?

Brie said...

De-lurking again for a minute.
Shannon, it sounds like you are having come of the symptoms I had after baby #1. Went through testing for 1 1/2 years before I gave up and got pg again.
Have them do a salivary cortisol test and 24hr urine catch. It will help determine if you have an issue with your adrenal gland. I have wacky cortisol and it made me crazy tired and unable to loose baby weight.
Good Luck! I know it can be frustrating when you just want them to find something fixable.
going to go back to watching the train wreck that is Jennifer Mckinney. Then off to the OB. FUN!

Deb said...

Wow, I'm impressed with your cat-like reflexes AP!

Yes, but I'll need it back, it's RiM's, might be from her new dutch oven!

Anonymous said...

Why are we wearing kitchen utensils? ::putting colander on head and armed with spatula::

Anonymous said...

::breaking out the dutch oven::

Robin in Montana said...

It's not the dutch oven one. Nobody touches that thing but me!

Sandy, there was talk of civil unrest here at Daisy so we're suiting up.

Lindsay said...

I hope it's a real spatula Sandy, not just the bowl scraping kind. That won't do much unless it's one of those fancy heat resistant kinds.

Anonymous said...

RiM: Thanks. ::arming self with mop, foil and egg beater::

Lindsay said...

Okay, I'm out again. I hope in my time away my blood pressure comes back down over the JM fiasco and I can feel more centered. Damn cold, I really could have used yoga today.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay- stainless steel!

Margo said...

"Sheesh woman" is right!

Robin in Montana said...

Oh, the egg beater is a good idea. If nothing else, you could mess someone's hair up *real good with that thing!

Lisa said...

"i hate the confederate flag. it's flown by a lot of small minded people. i've experienced their hatred at my family. i've experienced their bigotry, their dislike of us moving into their town"

Rhys, why is it okay to fuss about this happening to you and then turn around and do exactly the same to others? Because in either instance, it's allowing the piss-poor actions of a few to color the entire view of a whole group. I don't understand that how either is okay - how your family was categorized into a mass group regardless of their personal actions (where did you live in the south, anyway...not doubting you, just nosy), or how you've just done the exact same thing in your statement above.

Erin said...

Since she is 20 weeks, I think that this defect can close more as her pregnancy progresses. Also: "During heart formation, when the heart begins life as a hollow tube, it begins to partition, forming a septa. If this does not occur properly it can lead to an opening being left within the ventricular septum. It is debatable whether all those defects are true heart defects, or if some of them are normal phenomena, since most of the trabecular VSDs close spontaneously.[4] Prospective studies give a prevalence of 2-5 per 100 births of trabecular VSDs that closes shortly after birth in 80-90% of the cases"

Angie said...

AP, are you denying that several Southern states started flying the Confederate battle flag in the 60's as a direct response to desegregation? Yes or no.

Erin said...

Lindsay- i beg to differ. The bowl scraping kind does an *awesom bitch slap. Let me show you ::grabs RiM::

Angie said...

Mulie, re snot kid. Come on! I don't have kids so I shouldn't have to know about that kind of stuff! No fair!

Lisa said...

Oh, fine can have it back. Sandy, we caught wind there's going to be a mutiny on Daisy and we're arming ourselves.

That eggbeater idea is fabulous. I'm going to get my drill and an extension cord.

Lindsay said...

I'm so glad I just refreshed. Erin, I love you. I've missed you so :)

Anonymous said...

::passing out extra eggbeater, now arming with electic mixer and using cookie sheet for armour also heating up Shark Steamer floor mop::

Anonymous said...

that should be electric mixer.

Shannon said...

So I did just check out Vitamin D deficiency and weight gain......HMMMMM this could help.I am hoping so

Robin in Montana said...

::goes after EL's hair with my egg beater and takes a swipe at her knees with my rolling pin:::

I want an eclectic mixer!

Lisa said...

"AP, are you denying that several Southern states started flying the Confederate battle flag in the 60's as a direct response to desegregation? Yes or no."

Nope, not denying that for a moment. I know at least SC did and it wouldn't shock me to know others did, as well. It's part of what has led to the unjust perception people have today of what it actually stood for. It was damn wrong of them to do so.

Deb said...

LOL at EL bitch-slapping RiM with a spatula!!

AP - It's fine, I do not intend on participating in a mutiny anyway.

With that - I'm out ladies. Please make sure to wash all of your utensils before you put them back!

Have a great rest of the afternoon!

Lisa said...

And by the way, SW, that "Yes or no"? I'll answer the way I want to answer it, not the way you *emand that I answer it. FYI and all.

Robin in Montana said...

Can't believe I got bitch-slapped by a spatula. That's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me.

Lisa said...

*demand, even.

twirldawg said...

I'm coming to this battle armed with a wooden spoon and flaming batons. So what if batons aren't kitchen appliances, they are on fire!

Lisa said...

"Can't believe I got bitch-slapped by a spatula. That's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me."

I'll bet that's a lie. :-D

Robin in Montana said...

Fuck you, AP.


Jill, stay away from my hair with your flaming batons. It's freshly did, and I can't be having it burned.

Shannon said...

Well I have some frying pans in the sink so I will be pan smacking my way through this :)

Shannon said...

and I really do believe that more embarrassing things have happened to Robin :)

Lisa said...

Oooh, can lead the battle charge with those batons! I'm loving the Shark mop, too...that could hurt. I know, I've got a laser pointer that can be shined in their eyes. Anyone want it?

Erin said...

Yea AP, I am thinking that is a lie too. ::going to fix my hair::

Angie said...

AP said: "And by the way, SW, that "Yes or no"? I'll answer the way I want to answer it, not the way you *emand that I answer it. FYI and all."

Hey, nobody ever said you were the *only bitch on Daisy!

Erin said...

I want Jill on my team!

Robin in Montana said...

I hate all of you. ::scowls::

I wonder if Wendy will let me back in. I *never got bitch slapped by a spatula over there.

Margo said...

JM is such a BS artist that if a doctor said "well I think maybe" she'd turn it into a full blown medical drama - JM Von Munchausen.

Shannon said...

Oh and on the JM front....I will let you all keep me up to date on what is happening there. I have not been to her blog, her BF, or even MWOP for a few days now and I dont miss it at all :)

I think that means I am on the wagon!!!

Really Frugal said...

Damn. I hate if we're choosing teams. In school I was always the last one picked. Pout. And all I got for weapons is my knittin' sticks.

Shannon said...

Not by spatulas anyway Robin :)

Lisa said...

Shannon, can you wash the frying pans first? I'd hate to be collateral damage due to some flying chunks of fried bits.

Angie said...

AP said: "Because in either instance, it's allowing the piss-poor actions of a few to color the entire view of a whole group." AP, it wasn't a "few" people who used the Confederate battle flag to foster racism. It wasn't just a few rednecks. It was entire state governments, and arguably a majority of some state populations, at that time.

Angie said...

Robin said: "I wonder if Wendy will let me back in." My guess is no. Just a hunch.

Erin said...

Kristin is gonna be *soooo pissed she missed me kicking RiM's ass.
RF- Sandy can use your knittin' sticks. That way she won't have to sharpen the chopsticks she was looking for yesterday,

Robin in Montana said...

I think until you've personally been bitchslapped with a spatula, you just can't possibly understand the mental pain.

Lisa said...

Why are we choosing teams? I thought it was all of us against them, whoever "them" is. Then again, I guess that's the beauty of a mutiny...we're all them. :-D

"I wonder if Wendy will let me back in. I *never got bitch slapped by a spatula over there."

I wonder why that was, actually?

Muliebrity said...

I have 2 snot slinging toddlers and I'm not afraid to use them!

Shannon said...

LOL yes AP I will give them a good washing....unless if you want some egg bits to go along with it all?

Robin in Montana said...

EL -- This ain't over. I'm waiting for BElla and we're getting out our beer bottles. :::swaggers off:::

Mulie - I don't care about the snot, but please try not to get it in my hair. There should be some honor in battle.

Robin in Montana said...

AP -- Dunno. No spatulas?

Robin in Montana said...

SW-- Maybe if you plead my case to her?

Shannon said...

Robin I am loving this HAHAHAHAHA

Lisa said...

"I think until you've personally been bitchslapped with a spatula, you just can't possibly understand the mental pain."

*gets Robin's disability papers ready*

"AP said: "Because in either instance, it's allowing the piss-poor actions of a few to color the entire view of a whole group." AP, it wasn't a "few" people who used the Confederate battle flag to foster racism. It wasn't just a few rednecks. It was entire state governments, and arguably a majority of some state populations, at that time."

SW, with all due respect, you've just taken a comment I made about one situation (re: Rhys and her experience) and applied it to an entirely different one. As much as I love a good discussion, I don't play those games. Sorry. I'm bowing out now.

laura said...

If there is a fight to be had I'll hide behind my two snot and pee streaming tots with Mulie. Wearing my dutch over on my head unkile RIM.


Robin in Montana said...

Shannon -- me, too. I am 12.

Angie said...

Then I misunderstood the context, AP. Sorry about that. With all the pot lids flying, that's understandable.

Erin said...

Hey Laura! How are you? Gentleman sleeping?

Robin in Montana said...

Laura -- hi! How are the gentlemen?

And I want to ask about your other situation ...

Angie said...

Robin said "SW-- Maybe if you plead my case to her?" Hell, Robin, I can't even get AP to agree with me that the Confederate battle flag is a symbol of racism. My arguing skills are clearly not what they used to be.

Angie said...

Hi Laura! Welcome back!

laura said...

The gentlemen are sleeping and I hope Deb is off to get her girls, it's after 2:30.

RIM Ask away.

Anonymous said...

I have a handheld Shark Steamer if anyone is interested.

laura said...

Thanks SW! I have been lurking and just boring as can be. WE have had a death in the family and some family drama that doesn't involve me but it does involve the 70-80 year old set. Very sad.

Robin in Montana said...

Laura -- your cousin? :(

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy -- in all seriousness, do you like it? I had the big-ass Shark Steamer, and I liked it, but it was such a PITA to drag out and wait for it to get ready, etc.

Anonymous said...

I have the hand held and love it. It heats up fairly quickly. I the mop!

Shannon said...


Robin I am being 12 today too.....even in the avoiding homework area :)

Shannon said...

Rhys are you still here?

Lisa said...

Laura!! :-)

SW, seriously, that's just not true. I've *never* denied it's a symbol of racism *now*. I've only said that wasn't what it was intended to represent and people have warped it into that. I stand behind the original intent of every Confederate flag completely, particularly the battle flag. If more people learned the real background and history and did the same, we could possibly undo a lot of the ugliness associated with it now, and as a result, possibly a lot of the ugliness of racism in general as a side effect.

And with that, I *am done. I just needed to correct that.

Jennifer-Lynn said...

Laura, I was just thinking of you! Sorry about your loss.

Robin in Montana said...

I'd like that steam mop. Although my one bitch about this house is that the vinyl is ancient, ancient, ancient, and it basically needs a layer of mop-n-glo every time to make it look halfway presentable.

Robin in Montana said...

Sandy - when we built the new house, it had these HUGE windows in the front of the living room. It was January or so, so freezing ass cold outside, and I decided I would use the steam cleaner to clean them - take all the dust and paint overspray/gunk/whathave you off of them. Uh. I would *not recommend that. Those bitches bowed so far inside I was afraid that they were going to blow. They did eventually cool down and go back to normal, but I was scared for a bit. I think they were like three feet wide and six or seven feet tall, and replacing all of them would not have been cheap. Lesson learned. Don't clean your windows.

Anonymous said...

***New post ladies***

Lisa said...

** new post up **

twirldawg said...

I know a dutch oven is for cooking, but I can't help but think of farting under the covers when it is mentioned.

Jennifer-Lynn said...


I hope I didn't speak out of turn. Of course I know that not everyone who flies the flag is a racist. It still gets me, though.

I really do think it's about being from the North. I don't feel this way, but the majority of Northerners that I know think Southerners are backward-viewing, reactionary racist, and stupid to boot. I do NOT think that, at all. But I've heard it enough to know it's true.

laura said...

HE died last Wednesday 10 min after the respirator was removed at 32 years old after emergency quad bypass and a subsequent heart attack. He left behind a wife, 1 year old daughter, a baby due in Oct, and his father who is bed/wheelchair bound after a stroke 7 years ago. My uncle lived in the house with cousin.

Now the battle for power of attorney begins. In short the only reason cousin and wife had a life was b/c of uncle's support. The sisters of uncle want power so that his affairs are taken care of so that there are funds for his care and also so that wife has a home to live in. The wife wants power of attorney, b/c she is the caregiver of uncle now. Huge mess, and I hope that wife can see that the aunts are really trying to help her to have a house and no worries/ care responsibility to the uncle. The aunts have nothing to gain except that their brother will be cared for. Noithing is in wife's name only in uncle's and cousin's names.

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