Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Buddha.

"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. 
Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. 
Only the moment you reject all help are you freed."


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Angie said...

I read that as "sing the D," CK. Which goes well with the already-established "worship." It's all very hymnlike and spiritual.

Lord have mercy, why can't I shut up and finish this damn project????

Angie said...


Margo said...
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Angie said...

testing 1 2 3

Margo said...
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Margo said...

Shannon we should be able to trust our politicians and hold them accountable. I'm not just talking about the blow jobs - it's politicians not paying their taxes, hiring illegal maids, etc. Where does "well that doesn't really effect their decisions" end.

Robin in Montana said...

I promise not to say anything about s-ing d-s again. ::nod:: Today, anyway.

KaytieJ said...

CEO's (Female or Male) of public (not pubic) held companies banging the secretaries and interns at work? It would be up to the Board of Directors and the Share Holders as to their decision on that. Chiefs of Police wanking the rookies and cadets while on duty? I doubt the public would put up with it. The CEO of my hospital running the gammet with the nursing staff? He would be fried. So why should politicians not be held accountable as well? It is exploitation and abuse of power.

KaytieJ said...

Robin - Your roast sounds delicous!!! I love onions that are cooked that way. Did you use sweet onions? I can't wait for the Walla Walla's to arrive!

Now I am off to catch up on everyones picture links!

kristin said...

I just want to say hey - just hanging out with little man - who seems to be fine - but his fever is up and down.

Been watching TV, trying to get him to eat, reading books and playing outside - b/c it is gorgeous.

I had planned on going to g'mas after work to check on her but with LM having a fever, not sure that would have been a good idea.

Angie said...

For me, Margaret, it ends with what affects the country. W may never had hired any illegal maids or received any blowjobs in the white house, but he lied us into an unnecessary war and over a hundred thousand people have died as a result. As regards public officials, I'm not as concerned with personal integrity as I am with public results.

KaytieJ said...

Lord have mercy, why can't I shut up and finish this damn project????

'Cause it's good to hear you talk and us low life/no life Daisys love it!

Angie said...

Hey Kristin!

Angie said...

Kaytie, thanks, but I'm sure some of the Daisies want to throttle me though! I need to STFU!

Angie said...

Survivor's on, and I'm still at work. Ugh. Going to try and leave now and finish. Bye. (hopefully)

KaytieJ said...

Taiya - Trig and Tilly are BEAUTIFUL! I'll have to sign up for photobucket or better yet make my blog and post pics of my arab. He is so old now, 24, but back in his day he was gorgeous, even if a bit bow backed.

Shannon said...

SW I never want to throttle you :) And I do agree with you also.

KaytieJ said...

Hey Kristin - sorry LM has a fever but it sounds like you are having a nice low key mom & son evening with him.
I just dropped mine off for Speech and Debate and Knowledge Bowl pics. One is a suit and tie gig, the other goofy sunglasses and hawaiian shirts :-D

kristin said...

kaytie - fun!

I just wrangled him up from outside where he was feeding the dog cheerios and threw him in the shower. He is playing now.

He seems to be feeling fine!

He keeps having to pee and he keeps saying "i have to go potty again!" and "why do i potty so much?" but I have been giving him pedialyte :)

We had ramen noodles awhile ago and he ate some cheerios with it (and then fed the rest to the dog).

kristin said...

Shannon - how was hubs first day?

Margo said...

W is an excellent example of an individual without integrity. He had a sketchy private/professional life before becoming President. He should have not been trusted.

Shannon said...

LOL He lays next to us and snores currently.....poor man isnt used to getting up so early. I made us get up at 6 but after wasting time at home as well as being 15 minutes early I decided we could get up later LOL.

Margo said...

Ramen noodles and cereal - sounds like college :) I'm glad he's feeling a little better.

Margo said...

Re-entry is hard Shannon but he'll be happy when he gets his first check :)

Lisa said...

Sorry for being in and out today - re: politicians having affairs, the big issues I have aren't moral ones, really. That's not my call. What one of my main concerns is, unless you are a complete asshole, there's a great deal of emotional turmoil and distraction that occurs during an affair. Add in to that being a public figure and having to make doubly sure you aren't found out and I would bet pretty much every waking hour revolves around when (assuming our politician is a man in my example) he can see her again, did anyone see them last night, did the bellhop know who he was and my God, did make her happy with that ring so she doesn't run tell the Enquirer? I don't believe a politician in this country could possibly function well or have his constituents' best interests at heart while he's at work. He'd be too preoccupied. Now, as far as Clinton and Lewinsky, even the above aside, I have *major* issues with the fact some of their activity took place in the non-residential quarters of the White House. In the end, our president is our employee, a paid public servant and if we owned video store, we'd fire any employee having sex on company time and in the company office. Or we should, as reasonable employers. Had they kept it confined to hotels or the living quarters of the White House, it wouldn't have been as offensive.

My God, that was long-winded.

Lisa said...

Oh, look. I killed it good.

kristin said...

I'm here AP - just got LM out of the shower and got him some milk!

I agree with you - "on company time" - yes, many people would get fired/reprimanded, etc. Not sure if the "boss" would though - as they seem "above" the rules.

kristin said...

Did you guys see this - people are crazy:

Angie said...

You didn't kill it. I just wrote a few more paragraphs on the project I'm working on. Still at work, and Survivor is over. No spoilers 'til tomorrow! I will watch it when I get home.

I hate my job.

KaytieJ said...

AP - I think we are saying about the same thing for once :-D It is not about morals. It is about on the job screwing around. And I push it further by saying it is exploitation and abuse of power to troll the work pool. That Monica BJ cost big bucks to the tax payers. Since I am a tax payer, I say get the BJ on your own time.

And Edwards? IF he had won and it had swung Republican, what was their platform? Morals, Family, Church, Antiabortion, Anti-Gay. Can anyone imagine the fallout politically and dollars wasted to this Nation if that long time affair had come out AFTER he was elected?

And I do not give 2 rips to Tiger or Jesse about their compulsive lying and cheating. In reality, their actions hold absolutely nothing over me. Nor did it cost me anything monetarily. On that score it is purely emotional because my heart goes out to their children and wives and the fallout that these assholes leave behind.

KaytieJ said...

FT - Hurry up and translate...I want to know what SW sent :::looking all paranoid again::: :-D

kristin said...

I'm thinking of calling it a night (as soon as I can find my car keys). Its been a long day and little man is in bed.

I'm saying screw it with cleaning up - SO had to work at 1:00 (left at noon) and forgot (again) to take out the trash. I'm thinking that I'm just going to have to start putting it out before I go to bed or when I leave in the morning.

Why is it when you give a man a simple task - one - that they still can't do it?


kristin said...

alright ladies - goodnight - keys are found! :)

PJ said...

Kristin - put it in his car. Then he won't be able to forget. (ouch)

Muliebrity said...

this house is a wreck!

Lisa said...

"Not sure if the "boss" would though - as they seem "above" the rules."

See, this is where I just have to keep disagreeing. Yes, he's our president, but only because we hired him to work for us. He is not our boss, we are his. Or at least that's how it is supposed to be. Sadly, we've let them convince us otherwise. Anyway, goodnight and I hope LM is better tomorrow!

SW, I'm sorry you hate your job. Do you ever think of looking elsewhere?

Kaytie, I agree 100% with what you said. The morals of it all aren't my concern...the repercussions are.

Mulie, isn't your husband coming home this weekend?

Lisa said...

Ooh, just saw CK, too. Hi there!

For those who don't catch up from the last night, did y'all see that Rhys came by and visited? Hopefully she'll be back!

Nilia said...

Okay, SW, here we go:

Devices and scientific instruments, nautical, ..., electrical, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling (indication),control (inspection), help (rescue) and teaching; devices for registration, transmission, the reproduction of sound or images, magnetic (magnetic tape, think VCR) registration support, automatic distributors and mechanisms for prepayment devices, cash registers, calculating machines and equipment for (processing I think) of information, extinguishers, ... and centrifugal something for electrolytic something or other.

Sorry that’s all I got without delving further. Wow, sounds like a doozy of a patent!

Nilia said...

I did see Rhys last night when I was catching up but actually fell asleep for a bit and was in and out on Daisy and in a strange mood, not feeling chatty. Nothing the matter, just the weather messing with me I think...

Nilia said...

Rhys if you're here: HI!

Lisa said...

FT, I hope it's the weather and you aren't coming down with something.

Okay, off to make us a new post.

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post up ***

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