Sunday, June 13, 2010

Got your pantyhose on?

It's Sunday morning and we're going to church since we've skipped the last few Sundays and God doesn't like it when we skip.  I don't want to hear any arguing - we're going!

There's just music to this "video" so you can do something else while it pray for forgiveness or something.


Muliebrity said...

I haven't tried God, just death.

Lisa said...


Mulie, I love this family (and the name of their blog!). I've read about them for a very long time now and love what they've set out to do in life. It looks like they've got a new adventure coming up soon, too.

PJ said...

happy janssens are in Minnesota now! "Up nord, at duh lake".

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

CK - I'm sorry you're so hungry because of the diet. I've never been on WW but one thing my biochem prof. said that stuck with me is that artificial sweeteners (including diet products such as diet coke, diet sodas, etc.)are the worst things you could possibly eat because they trick your body into thinking you've had sugar when you really haven't, it messes with your metabolism and it triggers a sort of "hunger signal" in you. What I'm saying is that cutting out all artificial sweeteners might help reduce that hunger sensation you have. Also, drinking lots of water helps with hunger (8-10 glasses a day).

I don't know, I'm just trying to come up with ideas to help, I guess.
FWIW, I haven't drank a diet coke/soda (or a regular coke/soda for that matter) since January and it was rather easy to quit :)

Anonymous said...

The happy Janssens bug me. But then again, anyone who tries to live an alternative lifestyle bugs me. I'm weird.

Lisa said...

I guess I can't discuss my goal of living on a residential ship with Corinne now. ;-)

So, I drink a lot of diet coke...I mean a *lot. I know it's awful for me but there it is. You really think if I laid off it, it would help me lose weight? I mean, I've heard that before but never quiet believed it, I guess.

And good morning, all!

Sandy said...

Afternoon all. Anyone have a good mosquitio repellent. They ate me up something awful. The bites have welted, are sore and itch like a mo fo. This is going to curtail my patio parties this summer :0(

Muliebrity said...

AP, My mom also drinks a *lot, a lot of Diet Coke. Like a lot. Needless to say, you would never guess by her weight that her beverage of choice is DIET. She really needs to cut back/stop drinking it.

twirldawg said...

Diet coke is my drink of choice too. I have about two cans a day.

sandy I think lavendar is a bug repellant. Tea tree oil will help with the welts.

Margo said...

It is hot, hot, hot here today. We put up our big blue bag of water yesterday so Hannah is happily swimming. It's too cold for me so I'm sitting out here sweating my butt off!

Deb said...

Hi - for natural repellant, I think geranium oil works. I'll find my bottle to see what brand it is (I got it at a natural store)

It is insanely hot! Mark just got back from Arlington VA with the girls. Our friend organizes a pro circuit bike race and they have a kids race in the beginning. They both got medals!

Okay, off to clean up, our school 4th of July float committee is meeting here at 4 to brainstorm for this year's parade. We won best school float last year, can't give it up!

Anonymous said...

Sandy - Ugh. I hate mosquitos. Lemongrass oil is a good mosquito repellent. Smell is a little strong, though.

AP - You can discuss living on a residential ship with me ;) What I really don't like is these people who seem to reject society and the system as it is. *That annoys me.

Laying off diet coke would really help you lose weight, yes because diet coke throws your metabolism off track. But, if you decide to eliminate it from your diet, do it progressively so that you don't get headaches (or too many of them). It would similar to the process of laying off coffee because of the caffeine in diet coke.

Margo said...

Deb - I grew up in Arlington :)

Lisa said...

"AP - You can discuss living on a residential ship with me ;) What I really don't like is these people who seem to reject society and the system as it is. *That annoys me."

I don't even mind that as long as they don't use society and the system when they want to. Either do it or don't, but don't pick and choose when it benefits you.

As for mosquito repellent, some people swear by rubbing Avon's Skin So Soft bath oil on themselves. Personally, I like Deep Woods Off For Sportsmen. In some cases, I'm all for a healthy dose of chemicals and this would be one of them. ;-)

Lisa said...

Well, I may try to lay off the diet stuff and see...I'll own my addiction, I'll drink up to 6 cans a day, usually diet Dr. Pepper or diet Mountain Dew alternating with Coke Zero. It's really bad.

Anonymous said...

AP - 6 cans a day? That *is a lot. If you cut down to 1 can a day you'd already see a huge difference I'm sure. Plus, coke and sodas are really harsh on your stomach. I'm surprised you don't have ulcers (says the girl who drinks about 5 cups of coffee a day). Ha! :-D

Lisa said...

I know, it's way too much. I also have coffee in the morning and a cup of tea in the afternoon. Believe it or not, I also manage to fit 3 or 4 bottles of water into the mix, too. I think I'll try cutting way back and seeing what happens.

Anonymous said...

Um, so you're the exact opposite of a camel? ;-D
How much is that 4-5 liters a day?
Are you really this thirsty or is it just a habit?

Muliebrity said...

I kid you not when I say my mom drinks close to a gallon of diet coke a day. It's a whole lot!

Lisa said...

Mulie's mom and I would get along fine. ;-) Corinne, probably not quite that much. *pictures a 2 liter bottle in my head* It's habit more than anything because I know I drink a lot when I'm not even thirsty. It's not about the caffeine, either. I just like it.

What's everyone doing today? I just came from Publix and found ground sirloin tip for $2.79 a pound. I felt like I hit the lottery.

PJ said...

Corinne - thanks for the advice on the artificial sweeteners. I'm using steevia (natural) when I need fake sweet. Do you know if that does the same thing?

"Hungry again" will be my mantra. Hoping my body adjusts.

CKanine is totally crashed after his day at the park for church and a picnic, then a visit to my dad's house.

Anonymous said...

AP - I'm watching the results of the elections here. I want to cry. Not a good day for Belgium, at all.

CK - I suppose stevia does the same thing but I don't know much about it. All I know is that the European equivalent of the FDA has not yet approved it for the market here ( still researching possible health concerns) but Europe tends to be much stricter than the US on those things.

Anyways, my guess is that it does mess with your metabolism because it also tricks your body into thinking it's had sugar when it really hasn't.

PJ said...

Thanks Corinne - for the info - I'm going to use as little as possible (just in my coffee, and on cereal/oatmeal when I have it).

I'll be working on the water intake.

Anonymous said...

CK - You're welcome. I hope you find something that helps you keeping the hunger sensation at bay!

Alright I need to hit the hay, though I'll probably cry myself to sleep, thinking about what's to come for this country. The future isn't looking bright.

Margo said...

Sorry about the election Corinne - sounds complicated.

My computer won't shutdown - I have Windows 7. Any idea how to fix it?

twirldawg said...

Lordy, my mil and her boyfriend are over.
He is in short cut-off jean shorts. . .really short, and he shaves his legs.
Oh and he has a wallet chain.

Muliebrity said...

Oh my word, Jill! Pictures? How long have they been together?

PJ said...

Jill? What?

KaytieJ said...

AP - Is this similar to what you dream of living on? Looks very intriguing. I hope to one day return to living on a boat and this looks like it might be a fun way to do it, too.

KaytieJ said...

Jill - What? Ummm...are you sure it is her boyfriend?

CK - Bet Ckanine got lots of lovin' at the picnic!

Corinne - does this mean the politics went Left Wing? :-(

KaytieJ said...

Deb - Yay for your girls winning in the bicycle race!

KaytieJ said...

Sandy - caladryl may help with the itching and redness of the welts, too.

Muliebrity said...

You should try my postpartum diet, CK. I have lost 17 lbs in 3 days and will surely lose more when I get my lower GI moving again.

twirldawg said...

Ok, I'm back. I had to watch True Blood.
Then my husband cooled my jets with Ice Road Truckers.

Yes, my mil is taking a guy that was wearing shorty shorts and had shaved legs. I thought for a second that he was one of those rare people that just wasn't hairy, but nope, arms like an ape.

I'm considering WW myself. I just don't want to pay the fees.

I'm off to read and then dream about Eric the Vampire's butt.

Lisa said...

Corinne, I'm still trying to learn how all of this works in Belgium and you're helping a lot. I'm so very sorry things are going well in the elections and outcome...things like this can have huge impacts on peoples' lives. What do you think will be happening as a result? What's your biggest fear?

Jill, please tell me he's a swimmer.

Kaytie, yes! The World is exactly what I have in mind, what my dream is. It's weird, too, since I'm not a big fan of water so it's not about the cruising, per se, for me. It's about being able to see the world, all the different cultures, and still come home to all my stuff, my *home, at night. It's about being a traveling homebody - the best of all worlds. See, this is a lovely little place and I could be happy here, even though it's very small. I bet I could even have a cat or two.

Lisa said...

Okay, I picked up one of those LOSE 315 POUNDS BY THE 5TH OF JULY AND EAT ALL YOU WANT magazines at the checkout today. I ronically, it had several mentions of diet drinks causing weight gain. Lovely. So, starting tonight, I'm going to try to hold it to one a day. We shall see. The articles did seem to think Stevia was okay. Aspartame seemed to be the worst culprit. Anyway, they also had several mentions of cold sore preventatives and cures. I know Robin suffers from them and I think someone else here does too. So, they said to treat them with honey...keep honey dabbed on one and studies have shown better results than with medications. It didn't specify raw or processed but I'd think raw would be best. Also, in another article, it said that using a lip balm with a very high SPF religiously helps prevent them, as sun somehow can trigger them. I figured I'd pass it on for anyone to try...what can it hurt?

Oopsie Daisy said...

*** new post up ***

Lol, I probably won't need to change it until Thursday or so.

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